Old School RAW LD welcomes you to the New Generation of Rock N' Wrestling on 11/15

With everyone being so amped it's sure to disappoint.

[blindmark]Disapoint? This is WWE. THAT NEVER HAPPENS![/blindmark]

Yes, it probably will dissapoint everybody and wil result in being a throwaway Raw which largely consists of a ********** of clapped out, over the hill hasbeens who need a show like this like Haiti needs more contaminated drinking water.
[blindmark]Disapoint? This is WWE. THAT NEVER HAPPENS![/blindmark]

Yes, it probably will dissapoint everybody and wil result in being a throwaway Raw which largely consists of a ********** of clapped out, over the hill hasbeens who need a show like this like Haiti needs more contaminated drinking water.

At least it'll be an entertaining one.
Especially if my dream guy Wade puts that Iron Sheik in a Wasteland with all the smacktalk Sheik was talking on Nexus. Sheik pisses his pants in public...he's the one who's cuckoo for cocoa puffs anymore these days.
At least it'll be an entertaining one.

I'd almost prefer it to be a good but not great show where the old school guys put over the new breed (except Nexus) in promos to a great **********ing show.

Atleast the former accomplishes something.
I'd almost prefer it to be a good but not great show where the old school guys put over the new breed (except Nexus) in promos to a great **********ing show.

Atleast the former accomplishes something.

I don't know about you Remix, but with the fact that supposedly Punk will be on commentary tonight, and anything involving Nexus...that is an automatic guaran-DAMN-teed entertainment to me. I give it two thumbs up, and 5 popcorn buckets. LOL :p
So is hoping for a Bret Hart vs Owen Hart steel cage rematch with interference from The Rock and the re-debut of masked Kane a recipe for disappointment?

:wtf: That has about as much chance of happening as a re-union of The Radicalz (Saturn, Benoit, Guerrero, Malenko, and Terri) probably the one that got the best outta all them was Moppy
I don't know about you Remix, but with the fact that supposedly Punk will be on commentary tonight, and anything involving Nexus...that is an automatic guaran-DAMN-teed entertainment to me. I give it two thumbs up, and 5 popcorn buckets. LOL :p

But what would the show do? Put over guys who don't need to be put over? Ignore guys who actually could do with a rub? Sure it could be a great show but it would ultimately be a pointless one.

I'd like there to be at least some segments like this


as opposed to Legend 1 comes out does the shit that worked in the 80s to a small pop, Legend 2 comes out, they put eachother over and cut to a commercial or maybe a match featuring at least one wrestler who lost "it" so long ago, "it" has graduated college and is living with it's girlfriend in a studio flat.

So is hoping for a Bret Hart vs Owen Hart steel cage rematch with interference from The Rock and the re-debut of masked Kane a recipe for disappointment?

Exactly. I've read speculation regarding the Ultimate Warrior being there, Lex Luger, and even Rando "Macho Man" Savage. If people are expecting such things, it will be a disappointment. But if they want to see more realistic veterans appearing for old times sake, it could be entertaining. As long as they don't put them into a faction and have them appear on weekly television for weeks on end, have them appear on PPV's, and have their leader cry and constantly thank the fans for all of their support.
:wtf: That has about as much chance of happening as a re-union of The Radicalz (Saturn, Benoit, Guerrero, Malenko, and Terri) probably the one that got the best outta all them was Moppy

Rumor has it that Moppy is in the building tonight. She's scheduled to win the Diva's championship.
But what would the show do? Put over guys who don't need to be put over? Ignore guys who actually could do with a rub? Sure it could be a great show but it would ultimately be a pointless one.

I'd like there to be at least some segments like this


as opposed to Legend 1 comes out does the shit that worked in the 80s to a small pop, Legend 2 comes out, they put eachother over and cut to a commercial or maybe a match featuring at least one wrestler who lost "it" so long ago, "it" has graduated college and is living with it's girlfriend in a studio flat.

but then again, you know me, and my sick twisted desire for the gold and black...I ain't right in the head. LOL any excuse just to see the leader of that group. :p
apparently the photographers are wearing the old school jumpsuits too.

And blue ring aprons/mats, old metal guardrails, blue ref shirts with bowties!!!!!!

Over/under Vintages from Michael Cole? I'd say about 250.5.
but then again, you know me, and my sick twisted desire for the gold and black...I ain't right in the head. LOL any excuse just to see the leader of that group. :p

If it goes down how I expect it to, they'll be the only young tallent getting any sort of a rub. I mean hey, if Nexus ain't on the show protesting about the old guys getting airtime over them something's very wrong.

I'm in the WWE Universe chat. The WWEUniverse guy said that Lawler's there, in his old school ring attire.

Good to see that he's OK.
Tatanka canceled his indy bookings because he's apparently going to be on the show.

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