Old School RAW LD welcomes you to the New Generation of Rock N' Wrestling on 11/15

LMAO!! Now THAT was a great moment for the damn.

And lol at Cody: "Don't breath me on me"

Goldy: "Help a brother out"
Apparently WWE extended an invite to tonight's event to Owen Hart. He said he's try to drop in.

I feel awful about that.

Just like they offered a Radicalz Reunion, and Moppy said, and I quote "Such a shame only I could be here, the rest of the fellas, Benoit said he had 'family issues' going on as to why he couldn't make it. Saturn seemed to have dropped off the face of the earth, and Guerrero didn't want to be anywhere near that hideous cougar, and Terri was seen down the street hookin for a $1." And Malenko is working the back making sure the kids behave backstage.."
I stand by my theory that Dusty's kids are the biggest rib in wrestling history.

Well Cody's current gimmick wasn't really planned. He was originally going to be called "Uncommon" Cody Rhodes (because he's the uncommon son of a common man), which is slightly less ribbish than Cody being dashing in my humble opinion.
Just like they offered a Radicalz Reunion, and Moppy said, and I quote "Such a shame only I could be here, the rest of the fellas, Benoit said he had 'family issues' going on as to why he couldn't make it. Saturn seemed to have dropped off the face of the earth, and Guerrero didn't want to be anywhere near that hideous cougar, and Terri was seen down the street hookin for a $1." And Malenko is working the back making sure the kids behave backstage.."

Benoit was scheduled to make it, but he got hung up.

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