[Official] X Marks the Spot: Xfearbefore Xclusive Thread

Ah I wish I could man but I can't, I'm filling in for another writer over at 411mania and doing the live report/review for the site for the show so unfortunately I wouldn't even be able to watch it with you guys and have a good time while writing it up.

Sometime soon dude, seriously.

Pffft, we didn't want you there anyway. The last thing we need is one more person that can have an intelligent discussion about wrestling.
HUGE Raw November 14th in Boston, X. I'm thinking about going but not sure if I can spare the cash. Go to Raw and see the Rock and Mick Foley or buy Christmas presents for my niece and nephews? Tough decisions.
I'm going to bump this thread with a question about FCW. Who are your fave 5(Sucka!) and how do you see them debuting?
I'm going to bump this thread with a question about FCW. Who are your fave 5(Sucka!) and how do you see them debuting?

At the moment mine are:

1) Leo Kruger: working with Gabriel in some way, has to be done considering their history. He's ready now and the best guy in FCW by a clear margin
2) Damien Sandow: either on NXT or after a series of viginettes. He's also ready for a callup, but it should be done after Kruger.
3) Richie Steamboat: NXT or after a series of vinginettes highlighting that he's a second gen guy. He's someone that would need to continue to work in FCW post-callup though. Needs a charisma infusion, though Badass!Richie is amazing.
4) The Ascension: Just call them up as are and let their sheer insanity get them over. Play their video packages too. Just because they're that awesome. Like Richie they'd need to keep working in FCW though, just because none of them are especially good.
5) Mr Antonio Cesaro: If Hero comes, as a tag team in a few months. If not, viginettes and killing jobbers on Smackdown or Raw in about a year's time. I don't think he'd thrive in an NXT environment really. It's just not the right platform for him to show off his skills.

Kruger is the number one guy that should be called up though. He's the best guy in FCW by a good margin.
Buffy is pimpin is pimpin is pimpin is pimpin. +1

I speak in riddles now by the way. Oh and welcome to the Bar Room old thread of mine!
I was wondering where this thing went to. I spent 10 minutes looking for it in the GSD before I remembered I could check my posts to find it
basically, Reks decided that Ryder's route was inspirational and he's trying to become a name with Hawkins and TJ Wilson. McIntyre's voice is done by one of the three, I think Reks and/or Hawkins
How's it been X?

Various shades of "awful" and "fantastic", highs and lows man, you know, life basically. How about you?

Sad face. Though understandable.

Sorry bro, I've just been super busy the last few months, I barely have free time to even watch wrestling anymore and I get paid to do that, lol. I'm fairly certain I listened to one of your podcasts before though, atleast once. I think you guys were talking about CM Punk after the whole Summer of Punk thing this year and like going to see MITB or something?

Tyler Reks attempting to be relevant along with other "midcarders" (read as: jobbers).

basically, Reks decided that Ryder's route was inspirational and he's trying to become a name with Hawkins and TJ Wilson. McIntyre's voice is done by one of the three, I think Reks and/or Hawkins

Lulz, I hope it fails miserably just because I vehemently dislike Tyler Reks. Unless your name is some variation of "Kenta" and/or "Kobashi", you shouldn't be performing a Burning Hammer. Even a half-assed 2nd rate one like Reks does. You ain't CM Punk *****, you can't be jackin' the finishers of famous Japanese wrestlers, especially not Kobashi. It's one thing to borrow the GTS from KENTA, but borrowing the Burning Hammer from Kobashi would be like if somebody just decided to start using the Stone Cold Stunner as their finisher, it's almost insulting.

TJ Wilson...that's Tyson Kidd's real name, right? Kidd needs a push.

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