[Official] TNA TV Shows Aftermath, Review & Ratings Thread

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I don't understand how TNA can use Joe in the number 1 contenders match for the world title. he was buried in the BFG series and lost to Crimson at BFG. you would think you should climb the ladder as you WIN.
I'm not against Joe. I do think he works being used in the main event scene. BUT TNA should have had Joe beat Crimson at BFG. that would have helped Joe because he would have been the one to end Crimson's streak. IMO it would have helped Crimson because the streak can be forgotten about and he could continue to get more experience in the mid card level. he's not ready yet, and IMO this streak could hurt him.
I also don't like Joe's look. his beach ball like trunks are just ridiculous. I think he would look so much better with one solid dark colour.

Roode beat Joe, which you KNEW would happen. this sets up a great match for next week between the TWO wrestlers that TNA has been building up over the last few months. Bobby Roode vs James Storm. this is going to be great.

Gail Kim. smh. hadn't even wrestled in a match back with TNA and she is announced into the title match at Turning Point. no.
I'm not even against Kim getting a title shot already. she just came over from the WWE, so it's not surprising to see TNA use her trying to pull over viewers from WWE. but TNA should at least have her wrestle some so it looks like she's earning the title shot, even if people expect it's going to happen.

maybe I'm in the minority, but I love the way Eric Young is used. I think he is funny, and I think that's something that can be used in wrestling. I haven't watched WWE for awhile now, but I remember a time when WWE had many many different "characters" as wrestlers who were certainly not there as legit wrestlers. EY is the only thing TNA has for comedy. Eric Young was the only TNA name that was trending tonight on twitter.

Garett is certainly green and inexperienced. but you know this is leading to something. I'm willing to wait and see how it plays out before I say if it's good or bad.

I like to see Sting as the TNA authority figure/GM type and not wearing the face paint that he would wear as a wrestler.

I like to see Jeff Hardy not wearing the face paint that he used to wear when we last saw him wrestle.

I do like who is being pushed. Storm, Roode, Joe. make a difference with Prichard head writer?

I wish more people could grade/rate TNA Impact Wrestling(here and everywhere) for it's entertainment rather than just for it's wrestling, because in the end that is what matters for a TV show.

people should have known last weeks episode of Impact Wrestling right after BFG would be filled with a lot of talking. now this episode was back to having wrestling.
TNA Impact Wrestling - November 3, 2011

Opening Segment - Strong promo segment from James Storm & Bobby Roode to start the show off with. Storm came out and did his thing first and definitely played to the Georgia crowd with lots of talk about southern pride and all this and that. Roode came out eventually and did his own thing and held his own well. Me personally, I think Storm is a little better when he has someone else to work with in the ring cuz he seemed to ramble quite a bit out there by himself. Not that it was bad or anything, just seemed a little out of focus. At any rate, both of them did a good job on the mic and in setting up their match for the end of the show. Thumbs Up

1. Tara & Brooke Tessmacher vs. Gail Kim & Madison Rayne for the TNA Knockouts Tag Team Championship - An ok Knockouts match with some decent action, but I can't really pretend to care. Let's face it, the Knockout tag titles mean nothing and there's no reason for them to exist other than simply so a couple of Knockouts can walk around with belts. I thought Gail Kim looked weaker this week than she did last week. It's a little hard for me to see Tara as someone that's a threat to her now when she was squashed last week in a 7 minute match where she got virtually no offense in. Eventually, Tara hits the Widow's Peak on Madison before Kim interferes and hits Eat Da Feet on Tara and placed Madison on top of her. Madison Rayne & Gail Kim win the match at the 5 minute mark to become the new Knockouts tag champs. *1/2

Eric & Garrett Bischoff - This segment was extremely boring and predictable. I wouldn't have minded predictability if I gave a damn about this father & son family drama going on. Garrett "apologizes" to his father for a bit before he starts beating him down. Ric Flair & Gunner run out and Garrett takes a powder. There's just so much going against this program really. I'm worried that Flair is going to wind up back in the ring, Eric Bischoff is overexposed, Garrett Bischoff has zero charisma & conveys little to no emotion and it just seems that he's only in this spot simply because of who his father is. Thumbs Down

Christopher Daniels & Rob Van Dam - This segment starts backstage with Daniels walking while bragging about his "victories" as of late and how his career has been on the upswing since he started thinking of himself. Daniels does a good job here of putting himself over and he's more interesting now than he's ever been. He runs down RVD for a bit with RVD standing behind him. They start to fight and it goes downhill from there. The brawl they had was very lame with both guys delivering some extremely fake and weak looking shots to each other. RVD is stopped by Daniels pulling some stacked chairs from the wall as he runs off. Just a weak brawl that took a lot away from Daniels' solid heel promo work. Thumbs In The Middle

2. Austin Aries vs. Jesse Sorensen - Decent match while it lasted but I was really distracted by Kid Kash on commentary. Him yelling into his headset was annoying but not nearly as annoying as listening to him refer to himself as a legend. He's not a legend, he's a nobody. He's been a nobody his entire career and using his status as a "legend" as a reason to go after Sorensen just simply doesn't work. The match itself was good while it lasted, both guys looked solid in the ring and hit some nice offense. Aries continues to come across like a star while Sorensen, overall, just seems like your typical generic wrestler with a good build, a tan and a tattoo. The ending comes with Aries going for the Brainbuster but Sorensen rolls him up in a small package for the 3 count. The ending doesn't do much for me because Sorensen just seems so one dimensional. But as long as he's not the guy to take the strap from Aries, it's all good. **

Eric Young & Ronnie and Robbie T & Rob Terry - Lousy segment, that's really all you can say. Just a lot of sillyness going on mostly from Eric Young & Robbie E that just did nothing for me whatsoever. They talked some smack, did this and that all before Terry & Robbie left the faces laying. There's gonna be a tag match next week featuring all these guys. Yeah...yeah, can't wait for that. I guess if I were a follower of Jersey Shore, I'd have been more into this but I couldn't care less. Thumbs Down

3. Jeff Hardy & Mr. Anderson vs. Jeff Jarrett & Bully Ray - Pretty standard formula tag match with Jeff Hardy having control early on in the match before the heels take over due to some interference from Karen Jarrett on the outside. Anderson eventually gets the hot tag and unloads on Bully Ray for a bit until both Ray & Jarrett are on their backs. Hardy & Anderson are both going to the top for their finishers but Scott Steiner interferes, giving Hardy & Anderson the win via DQ at the 4.5 minute mark before the Immortal members beat down Hardy & Anderson. *1/4

Matt Morgan & Crimson - This segment just didn't really click with me. I don't know, it just seemed as though they were both trying too hard to come across as intense tough guys. The idea of Morgan & Crimson having a "dream match" was just kind of laughable really because these two guys just simply aren't that good nor do they have that kind of star power. Thumbs Down

4. Cowboy James Storm vs. Bobby Roode for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship - On one hand, this was the best match I've seen on IW in 2011. It was a great, competitive, back & forth match with both guys giving it their all. Just great action throughout with several believable, great near falls. I wasn't that wild about the ending of this match, however, because it felt so much like a cliche` TNA ending to a main event. After just going at it tooth & nail for about 15 minutes, we see the ref bump. If it's a main event match on IW, especially for a title, there's going to be at least a ref bump. Roode rolls to the outside after taking a Codebreaker type move from Storm. As Storm pulls Roode into the ring, Roode hits Storm with the beer bottle that's always out there. Roode throws the ref in and makes the cover. Roode gets the win and is new TNA World Heavyweight Champion. Helluva match with a weak ending. ***1/2

Overall Show - I was bored by much of the show tonight. There was just some uninteresting stuff going on that just didn't particularly interest me. The Knockouts tag title match was ok but I'm long since over caring about women's wrestling in WWE or TNA. The Bischoff storyline does nothing for me whatsoever, I just don't care and would rather see the time devoted to something else. Eric Young and the latest Jersey Shore cast member being in there with Robbie E and Rob Terry was also yawn inspiring and I've zero interest in watching their tag match next week. Matt Morgan & Crimson had an ok promo segment but I just wasn't feeling it. Morgan is someone that comes along strong for a while, then gets lost in the shuffle, then they start over with him. Crimson, to me, still comes across as just pretty overrated. As for the good of the show, the opening promo segment with Storm & Roode was a strong one. Both guys have great chemistry as a team and you could just sense that they have great chemistry as opponents and playd well off each other. Aries vs. Sorensen was a decent match with some good action, even though Kid Kash was more distracting on commentary than anything else. I'm not too crazy about Sorensen getting the win, but at least it wasn't for the title. The main event of the show was great, probably the best match I've seen on IW in well over a year, maybe closer to 2 years. It was just a great back and forth match with both of them leaving it out there in the ring. The ending of the match left a little to be desired with the ref bump. Roode turning heel and cheating to win the title..well I'm of mixed minds on it. On one hand, we learned a few days ago that James Storm did suffer a concussion at the IW tapings in Georgia. So it does seem fortuitous that Roode gets the title as Storm will be out for at least 1.5 to 2 months. On the other hand, the title change was going to happen and Storm's injury at the tapings just happened to be a lucky coincidence, though not so lucky for Storm of course but you get my meaning. So Storm gets a first title reign of actually 8 days, which makes his win over Angle look more like a cheap fluke than anything else. So it looks like a Beer Money feud is going to be in full swing after all. It's too bad because I think if TNA had built this up over a period of time that it could've been a big money feud. Overall, pretty underwhelming show tonight with the exception of the main event.

Grade: C-
TNA Impact Wrestling - November 3, 2011

Overall Show - I was bored by much of the show tonight. There was just some uninteresting stuff going on that just didn't particularly interest me. The Knockouts tag title match was ok but I'm long since over caring about women's wrestling in WWE or TNA. The Bischoff storyline does nothing for me whatsoever, I just don't care and would rather see the time devoted to something else. Eric Young and the latest Jersey Shore cast member being in there with Robbie E and Rob Terry was also yawn inspiring and I've zero interest in watching their tag match next week. Matt Morgan & Crimson had an ok promo segment but I just wasn't feeling it. Morgan is someone that comes along strong for a while, then gets lost in the shuffle, then they start over with him. Crimson, to me, still comes across as just pretty overrated. As for the good of the show, the opening promo segment with Storm & Roode was a strong one. Both guys have great chemistry as a team and you could just sense that they have great chemistry as opponents and playd well off each other. Aries vs. Sorensen was a decent match with some good action, even though Kid Kash was more distracting on commentary than anything else. I'm not too crazy about Sorensen getting the win, but at least it wasn't for the title. The main event of the show was great, probably the best match I've seen on IW in well over a year, maybe closer to 2 years. It was just a great back and forth match with both of them leaving it out there in the ring. The ending of the match left a little to be desired with the ref bump. Roode turning heel and cheating to win the title..well I'm of mixed minds on it. On one hand, we learned a few days ago that James Storm did suffer a concussion at the IW tapings in Georgia. So it does seem fortuitous that Roode gets the title as Storm will be out for at least 1.5 to 2 months. On the other hand, the title change was going to happen and Storm's injury at the tapings just happened to be a lucky coincidence, though not so lucky for Storm of course but you get my meaning. So Storm gets a first title reign of actually 8 days, which makes his win over Angle look more like a cheap fluke than anything else. So it looks like a Beer Money feud is going to be in full swing after all. It's too bad because I think if TNA had built this up over a period of time that it could've been a big money feud. Overall, pretty underwhelming show tonight with the exception of the main event.

Grade: C-

I agree with your review of the show, although I'm pretty sure that Storm's concussion actually happened at THIS show, likely from that beer bottle shot, so him losing the title to Roode was already planned exactly as it happened. He didn't lose the title because he was injured, it was this match that he got the injury, which probably puts a damper on any plans from here on. Although, really, that's probably a good thing because it'll allow Roode to hold the title and have some feuds before Storm comes back for revenge. It'll make sure TNA doesn't hot shot this whole feud within weeks like they've been doing with everything the past month.

Aside from the main event picture, though, this show was horrible. The product is horrible right now, really, aside from the main event scene and some fresh faces being given a run.

The whole Bischoff angle is outrageously bad and it reminds me of WCW when Ric Flair had his son getting a huge undeserved push. David Flair didn't deserve it back then, either, and it was all because of his father and the same goes now for Bischoff. It's awful and really must be lifting up morality in the back when guys like Alex Shelley haven't been seen for ages, and other talent don't get any television time or chances, but Bischoff's son has a huge push and a big angle. Great job TNA!

And what exactly is the purpose of Immortal still being around? The angle should've ended at Bound for Glory. But yet, even without Hogan the stable is still dragging along with no direction at all. It's pointless now. It should be done and the wrestlers should just be focusing on their feuds with no mention of Immortal anymore. They really have no clue how to end angles and bring an end to stables, every single one they ever do this happens.
this show was OK. the Roode/Storm match made the show.

I don't think one should rate any specific Impact on just that show. you have to remember it's a soap opera and one thing often leads to another thing. some of what happens on what should could be given an incomplete.
tonight for example with Ronnie. if this was Ronnie's only segment with TNA I would say it was a fail, but this segment is what leads to the tag team match next week.
I'm not a fan of this entire Jersey Shore gimmick. I think it's unfortunate that Robbie E is stuck in this gimmick.
I do think it fits that Eric Young the "TV" champion is with Ronnie from the TV show, but hope after this tag team match that EY can wrestle against actual mid card wrestlers.

the Eric/Garrett Bischoff feud I think is something else that is leading to something. I'm willing to see where it leads before I say whether I ultimately like it or not. so far, I'm not feeling it.

did I hear right from the show? when Sting was talking to Garrett, asking him about a match. if Garrett agreed to wrestle in a match against a wrestler of Eric's choice, then Sting gets to re-write Eric's contract? so now that Garrett is wrestling (whoever) next week, Sting can re-write Eric's contract. interesting.

I found it interesting after the Aries/Sorensen match that Kash and Aries seemed all buddy buddy best friends. there aren't that many wrestlers in the X division, these 2 should be against each other, not buddies.

I found the Morgan/Crimson segment kind of funny. "dream match"? as if they are major stars in TNA. both of them right now are in the mid card. I think it's a good feud, but that it doesn't need to be hyped as some ultimate dream match.
I'm not really a fan of the Crimson streak. I think he has a bright future and eventually will get there, but right now he should spend a good amount of time around the mid card. I think this "streak" could hurt him and hype him too much too soon. he's no Goldberg.
TNA Impact Wrestling - November 10, 2011

Opening Segment - I thought the opening of the show was ok, but not particularly great. Bobby Roode did a good job of carrying himself out there, his body language, a bit of a swagger when he walked and he seemed confident on the mic. He's probably a little more comfortable in this role than as a blue collar babyface. However, I felt like there was some stuff left out. I'd have loved for Roode to have gone into some detail as to when he decided to turn on Storm. Was it a split second decision as a result of seeing the beer bottle in the corner? Was it something he's been planning for months? Was it immediately after Storm won the title that he thought should have been his? Roode's delivery was solid but he just seems to have gone to a cliche` heel already within the span of a single week. Last week, he was the blue collar babyface that would never dream of running from a fight. This week, he's the cocky, chicken shit heel. It just feels really, really rushed to me. Storm came out to a great response and not having Roode capitalize on the enthusiasm of the moment just helped to make his first promo segment as the new TNA World Heavyweight Champion kind of underwhelming. But, as I said, Roode was solid on the mic and had solid delivery. Thumbs In The Middle

1. Crimson vs. The Pope D'Angelo Dinero - Kind of a dull, overall uninteresting match here. Everything about it had filler written all over it. The match was only about 2.5 minutes and we all knew Crimson was going to win. Nothing wrong with that. I would've preferred a squash match personally what with all the talk of Crimson's streak and all. He should've come out look like this unstoppable freight train running through his opponent like wet tissue paper. However, Pope actually controlled most of the match but nothing that took place was all that good. The only big move Crimson hit was his finisher, Red Sky, for the win. 1/2*

2. Garrett Bischoff vs. Gunner - Lousy excuse for a wrestling match really. It lasted all of about 1 minute and consisted of a couple of arm drags and a back drop from Bischoff to Gunner. Gunner rolled out of the ring and Flair came in and caused a DQ. Bischoff then gets in the ring looking mad and jumping up and down like a pissed off, old Oompa-Loompa. I just rolled my eyes at Taz & Tenay massively overselling their surprise at Garrett Bischoff. He demonstrates two of wrestling's most basic moves but they try to make it seem as though this kid is some sort of wrestling genius. Gunner looks more like a complete low level and generic stooge now than ever. Here was a guy that, a few months back, looked as though he actually might be heading towards a title match and now he's needing help to whip a guy that's been in wrestling just long enough for Kelly Kelly to be willing to go down on him. N/A

3. Jesse Sorensen vs. Zema Ion - Far too short to really mean much of anything. There were a couple of nice looking high spots during the match but, other than that, nothing really to speak of. Ion's spinning high cross body was the highlight of this 90 second match. Ion misses hitting the 450 splash and then Sorensen hits his modified version of Cross Rhodes for the win. 3/4*

Kid Kash & Jesse Sorensen - Kid Kash comes down with a contract in his hand and starts running down Sorensen like he's been doing. Kash is actually pretty decent on the mic, but he completely loses me when he starts talking about himself like he's a legend and a guy that's "done it all" or that he's earned everything he's gained. It just doesn't work coming from someone that probably 98% of the wrestling fans in this country didn't even know existed until a few months ago. Sorensen is, still, solid inside the ring but this guy just seems 100% generic overall. Just kind of standing there like a doof while Kash runs him into the ground. He signs the contract after Kash informs him that at Turning Point, it's him vs. Sorensen vs. Aries in a 3 way dance for the X Division title. Kash insults Sorensen's mom, Sorensen beats on him for a bit, Aries comes down and both beat him down. Kash then hit his finisher, a very dangerous looking piledriver, and the heels leave him laying. Thumbs Down

4. Gail Kim & Madison Rayne vs. Velvet Sky & Mickie James for the TNA Knockouts Tag Team Championship - Pretty standard operating procedure for a Knockouts match: some decent wrestling coupled with and overshadowed by tons of interference and general referee incompotence. Some decent action and with the heels ultimately retaining the titles. Velvet Sky has Kim pinned at one point but Madison interferes. Then all the interference & ref screw ups come into place with Kim eventually hitting Eat Da Feet on Velvet at the 3.5 minute mark. *

5. Eric Young & Ronnie vs. Robbie E and Rob Terry - Pretty much what I expected. The heels dominated most of the match with the heels working over Eric Young and Eric doing some of his usual antics. Ronnie eventually gets tagged in and hits a couple of basic moves on Robbie E, like a body slam, before hitting what, I'm guessing, was supposed to be a standing splash. Young & Ronnie get the win at the 4 minute mark. *

6. AJ Styles vs. Christopher Daniels - Pretty solid match between Styles & Daniels, though not nearly up to their usual standards. There was some good energy and action that went on during the match with both wrestlers hitting some of their signature moves. One thing that I think took a lot away from the match was Bjorn Rebney doing guest commentary for this match. They sometimes cut away from the match to show Rebney, sometimes doing a split screen with Rebney up in the corner of the screen and Taz & Tenay spent about 95% of this match talking with Rebney and hyping Bellatore. For me, this wasn't the match to do that with. Styles & Daniels are two of THE TNA originals and two of the best in-ring workers on the TNA roster. The ending was also lame as Daniels, yet again, pulled out the friggin' screwdriver. RVD comes down and takes it from him and Styles hits the Styles Clash for the win a little before the 6.5 minute mark. Some solid action but the match wasn't as good as I was expecting. **1/2

7. Jeff hardy, Mr. Anderson & Abyss vs. Jeff Jarrett, Scott Steiner & Bully Ray - Surprisingly decent match here. It didn't turn into the heavily overbooked cluster that I was expecting it to be. Solid action throughout for the most part but Bully Ray's selling in some places was just really, really weak. More than once he also scooted himself closer to the turnbuckle when Hardy was going for a move from the top. Ray's great on the mic and, overall, just a little above average in the ring. The match ultimately winds down into a series of finishers with everyone involved one way or another. Some don't like it but it doesn't bother me. It can really liven a crowd up in the last few minutes of a match. Abyss winds up hitting the Black Hole Slam on Steiner for the win at the 8 minute mark. **1/4

8. Robert Roode vs. Cowboy James Storm for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship - As with everything about the TNA WHC situation as of late, I'm mixed on this. On one hand, Roode was quite good here in his role as a heel. He came off looking like a bit of a scumbag here and that's never a bad thing for heels. Storm comes out and they do go at it briefly before Storm slumps to the mat. Roode "drops" his persona for a bit and shows concern for Storm. Roode ultimately asks the ref if the match was over but the ref said he never rang the bell. Roode then "goes heel" again and rolls Storm up and the ref reluctantly counts to 3. The bad about this is that Roode's first defense as TNA World Heavyweight Champion is in a match that lasted 90 seconds. That in and of itself is a peeve of mine. At the same time though, this could turn into something later on down the line. This could help set up a damn fine payoff whenever it comes about, or it could fizzle out and ultimately mean nothing. The match couldn't be rated as it..well there was virtually no action to it. Styles, Kazarian & Sting then head to the ring and Styles demands a title match and Sting grants it. N/A

Overall Show - If I could pick two words to describe tonight's episode of Impact Wrestling they would be rushed & crammed. They tried to pack in soooooo much into this one single episode that most of it ultimately came across feeling meaningless. Roode's opening promo was ok. It wasn't great but Roode did a solid job but it just seems that a lot of things were left unsaid or left out. Looking over how much that they tried to jam into the show tonight, maybe the promo segment was designed that way just to save air time. Wrestling action on the show tonight was meh for the most part. There were 8 matches on the card tonight but only two of them were really worth watching. Crimson vs. Pope was kinda dull for me and Crimson should've come out of his match looking like a beast but didn't. There's just zero heat for his match with Matt Morgan at Turning Point. Bischoff vs. Gunner was a waste of air time and listening to Taz & Tenay try to put over and hype Garrett Bischoff's skills for some of the most basic wrestling maneuvers made me gag. The X Division match ultimately felt meaningless and rushed. Kid Kash has some decent mic skills, but not when he tries to put himself over as this legendary veteran that's "done it all". They just made the X Division title match at the ppv tonight and, again, it looks as though the X Division is starting to become little more than an afterthought. The Knockouts title match was your standard fare for a Knockout match in TNA. Mexican America & Ink Inc. also had some sort of brawl backstage and a match for the tag titles is made for the ppv. Again, another title situation that comes across at the last minute like an afterthought. The tag match between EY, Ronnie, Robbie E & Rob Terry was...well it was there. Wasn't really horrible, but it wasn't good either. It was just kind of there. Styles and Daniels put on a pretty good match, though it wasn't anywhere close to the standards expected from a match between them. The six man tag match was also a solid tv match that was better than I was expecting. The main event was...well I'm disappointed yet intrigued at the same time. On one hand, it sucks having a 90 second main event for a World Championship. On the other, this could be just a stepping stone that leads to a great payoff later on down the line. I'm also not at all crazy with the TNA WHC match for Turning Point is announced in the closing seconds of the show. Again, like so much of tonight's show, it just seemed so rushed and crammed together. I'm sure Styles & Roode will put on a good match, but it just has that feeling of being thrown together at the last minute. At the same time though, considering that Roode legitimately suffered a concussion, maybe it was thrown together at the last minute. Maybe the plan was for Storm & Roode to have another match at Turning Point. Storm's condition backstage could have been evaluated by doctors and trainers backstage, so TNA may have had to just throw this together. If so, I can most definitely cut them some slack. Still, it felt like a crammed, underwhelming go home show.

Grade: D+
I liked what Roode had to say. I think he needed to come out that way to continue the heel turn. he called the fans morons. he acted selfish. at one point he said this is the new, generation. for a second I thought he was going to say new world order. although he couldn't have said that anyway. however I didn't feel the emotion from him.

1. Crimson vs. The Pope D'Angelo Dinero - Kind of a dull, overall uninteresting match here. Everything about it had filler written all over it. The match was only about 2.5 minutes and we all knew Crimson was going to win. Nothing wrong with that. I would've preferred a squash match personally what with all the talk of Crimson's streak and all. He should've come out look like this unstoppable freight train running through his opponent like wet tissue paper. However, Pope actually controlled most of the match but nothing that took place was all that good. The only big move Crimson hit was his finisher, Red Sky, for the win. 1/2*
I agree with this.
before tonight I can't remember the last time I've seen Pope on TV. there was no need to give much if any offense to Pope. your trying to push Crimson, he should dominate the match. I've felt this way in other matches with Crimson as well. the one match specifically with Joe. Joe seemed in control most of the match, only to have Crimson get the win with the roll up. not the way to make Crimson look like a beast IMO.

TNA has killed Gunner. it wasn't that long ago he was getting a big push. now? he can't beat a referee? he ran away scared from Abyss? Geez! I don't understand, who did he piss off in management? he has an intense look, seems capable on the mic. push this guy.

what I expected from Ronnie. name for fans/viewers to watch. took his shirt off, acted tough, got the victory.

how many times now has TNA booked with the screwdriver? this is a joke. even if you want to book in some dangerous object, get something better than a stupid little screwdriver. have a feeling wont be the last time we see the screwdriver either. what a shame.

I'm undecided I think on Roode. felt for awhile now that Roode had potential to be main event world champion. tonight he looked weak. I figure TNA is trying to make sure Roode gets over as the heel, having him not really care that Storm is hurt and bleeding but making sure he gets the win. it was a real cheap way for Roode to get the victory. he's had cheap victories twice now, first the broken beer bottle and not a roll up on a basically passed out Storm. Roode can't win clean at all? Roode is better than that.
I imagine people had to have seen the referee put his arms up with the X? I've read that that is the sign a referee gives when a wrestler is legit hurt/injured. but in this case i think it was work. would that make sense? if Storm was legit hurt, i think there would have been more done to help him, and surely TNA wouldn't have it that Roode STILL roll him up for the victory. there would have been more people come from the back to help Storm. it was also said what 2 weeks ago now that Storm suffered a concussion. also work I think.

I was entertained, but I thought TNA could/should have done better. I don't like that there were TWO matches just announced tonight for the PPV THIS Sunday. you should have all the PPV matches announced more than 3 days before the PPV. the Impact before the PPV is where you build more for the PPV. although I think it just shows more just how much TNA really cares about their PPV, and that more attention is given to the TV show Impact Wrestling.
Thoughts from last night's show:


- Enjoyed Roode's work throughout the night. He's definitely better as a heel. The backstage segment with Sting was a little weak with the stupid "I'll sue you" threat, but otherwise solid work continuing his new (or renewed) direction.

- Another Television Title match? Is this still Impact Wrestling? While I hated the Pope/Devon crap, at least they actually had the title defended on the show the way it should be.

- Nice X-Division tag match with Sorensen/Kendrick vs. Aries/Kash. They're setting up a good Triple Threat or even a 4-Way match for Turning Point.

- Storm's search for his attacker was decent filler and was well used to give guys like Anderson, Joe, and Bubba a little camera time on a crowded show. I was actually guessing it would be Kazarian and he'd turn heel to join Roode. I'm not sure how I didn't guess it would be Angle, so props for surprising me at the end.


- I understand why they threw Morgan and Crimson together. The tag division needed something. But now where does it go? You just nerfed Mexican America by having them lost the belts to a makeshift team in their debut match. Who are the new champs going to feud with now? Seems like you just moved the belts to a new team without solving any problems.

- Garrett Bischoff... the Immortal Killer? If they go through with this angle of Garrett beating the Immortal members one-by-one, it's going to be awful. Hopefully that was just hype from Sting and not the true plan.

- Fortune's break-up scene didn't work for me. As I said before, I was thinking Kazarian would be the guy and was ready for him to attack Storm when he showed up in the ring. But once he and AJ just left, it didn't make sense anymore. Why draw lines between your top faces? Storm's sudden attitude toward AJ just didn't seem natural. You didn't even need the "break-up" to end Fortune. Everyone assumed they were done, so just let them fade away quietly.

- Hardy/Karen went WAAAY too long. That feud made sense up until the last PPV and now it's just a waste of time.
Thoughts from last night's show:


- Enjoyed Roode's work throughout the night. He's definitely better as a heel. The backstage segment with Sting was a little weak with the stupid "I'll sue you" threat, but otherwise solid work continuing his new (or renewed) direction.

- Another Television Title match? Is this still Impact Wrestling? While I hated the Pope/Devon crap, at least they actually had the title defended on the show the way it should be.

- Nice X-Division tag match with Sorensen/Kendrick vs. Aries/Kash. They're setting up a good Triple Threat or even a 4-Way match for Turning Point.

- Storm's search for his attacker was decent filler and was well used to give guys like Anderson, Joe, and Bubba a little camera time on a crowded show. I was actually guessing it would be Kazarian and he'd turn heel to join Roode. I'm not sure how I didn't guess it would be Angle, so props for surprising me at the end.


- I understand why they threw Morgan and Crimson together. The tag division needed something. But now where does it go? You just nerfed Mexican America by having them lost the belts to a makeshift team in their debut match. Who are the new champs going to feud with now? Seems like you just moved the belts to a new team without solving any problems.

- Garrett Bischoff... the Immortal Killer? If they go through with this angle of Garrett beating the Immortal members one-by-one, it's going to be awful. Hopefully that was just hype from Sting and not the true plan.

- Fortune's break-up scene didn't work for me. As I said before, I was thinking Kazarian would be the guy and was ready for him to attack Storm when he showed up in the ring. But once he and AJ just left, it didn't make sense anymore. Why draw lines between your top faces? Storm's sudden attitude toward AJ just didn't seem natural. You didn't even need the "break-up" to end Fortune. Everyone assumed they were done, so just let them fade away quietly.

- Hardy/Karen went WAAAY too long. That feud made sense up until the last PPV and now it's just a waste of time.

Roode is definitely going to be great as a heel, and I hope he doesn't play the role of "interim" champion until creative feels like enough time has passed to put the strap back on Hardy.

Sorensen's aggression and ability in the X-division match was great to see. I thought this kid was a candidate for OVW, but after last night, I am not sure. Kid Kash is, IMO just taking up space...and Kendrick makes me think creative has NO idea what to do with this guy. Aries, was great, as Aries usually is, but what was up with his cape?

As far as Crimson/Morgan...great idea for a tag team. Could see Pope/Devon as a team, moving into the tag division, and Eric Young could tag with ? not sure, but I think he is a prime tag wrestler. I agree that you took all teeth from the team of Mex America though with having them drop the belts like that. Although, this shows how dominant Morgan/Crimson can be

Loved the TV title match, although, I cannot stand Robbie E...at all. His gimmick needs to be trashed/repackaged. Perhaps he and Terry are candidates for the Tag division, and give the TV belt to Samoa Joe

Angle/Storm is going to be great as a feud. There are so many ways this can go, that it makes me excited for TNA.

All in all, if you look around, you will see, that slowly, the Russo stink seems to be dissipating from TNA, and it seems like they are moving into a more story driven Wrestling show, which most of us always hoped for.
You know I have a been a TNA fan since they hit SPIKE TV. There's alot of ups and down's with the show, but I have to say that last night's show was rock solid for me from beginning to end. Hardly any lost time in meaningless segments, alot of good wrestling action, and storyline build's. A solid showing from IMPACT this week. I know there are haters and that just won't agree with me, but it kept me involved the whole 2 hours.I truly hope they can stay on this course with the right amount of good writing and storylines.

Anyone else think that last night's IMPACT show was better than usual?
Overall the show was good, not great. My only gripe was the segment with Karen Jarrett and Jeff Hardy. I know they wanted to add to the Hardy/Jarrett feud, but it seemed to remind me of how Stephanie McMahon was back in 2000. Wasn't really feeling it. The segments with James Storm was cool, although they probably rushed revealing who attacked him last week. It will be interesting to see where this new plot with Angle goes. All in all, I'll give this week's Impact a B+.
I Hated how they rushed who attacked storm. They could let that dragged out for a while. That's the only thing i seen wrong with last nights impact. The show was solid and was really a B+ show. but you know who is going to give it a c+/- :banghead:..
I don't think they rushed the "who took out Storm" to fast. That's the usual thing to do, so the intrigue draws out to the next week keeping people watching, but in this case I am looking forward more to Storm getting revenge next week or FORTUNE coming together to beat down Kurt Angle next week. i think that it played out good. LONGER is not always BETTER when it comes to WHO DUN IT
You would think that the lack of a main event wouldnt make for a very solid episode of Impact, but I was surprisingly happy with it last night. I thought that the show flowed very well and there was never a point where I was bored or felt unhappy with the show. I really enjoyed following Storm around trying to find his attacker, I thought that Roode verbally brawling with Styles was good, I liked Crimson and Morgan's tag match and I actually thought that the Knockouts Gauntlet match was very good, so all in all I thought Impact was very solid.
i was thinking the same thing, only thing is i think they could have done better with the who took storm out. but over all i think it was a good show. lately tna have been making it to were i cant wait till next week. i have not had thins feeling from wrestling in some time.
most of the time I like Impact. I'm almost always entertained.
but last nights show IMO was really weak, and there was too much that I didn't like. not just the show, but how TNA lead things into this show.

I figured after Robbie E won the TV title at the PPV that he would defend it on Impact against someone who he would beat. enter Devon. this should have been a match that had Robbie E control the match and win. that didn't happen. Devon was in control most of the match. Robbie E only got the win after Devon was distracted by his kids helping Pope outside. which is something else I didn't like. I'm so tired of Devon's kids. I've heard people say in the future they will be in wrestling, but that time isn't anywhere close. they should not be taking up TV time right now.

TNA spends time before the PPV building up Morgan vs Crimson. they wrestle to a double DQ. very next Impact TNA throws them in as a tag team and that night they win the tag team championship. Morgan and Crimson can be a good team, but no build up. now maybe TNA was forced to mix in another tag team after deciding to release Jesse Neal, which if is the case I'm wiling to give that a pass.

TNA has Velvet win the title at the previous PPV. enter the returning Gail Kim. she gets a title shot at the next before she even wrestles a match back with TNA. WTF?! not only did Kim get the shot, but she won the title. now she has both the singles and tag team title. someone in management has a hard on for Gail Kim. now on Impact Velvet is scheduled to begin the gauntlet, and she loses relatively early, which sees Mickie James win. way to bury Velvet.

why is Karen Jarrett coming out to talk to Jeff Hardy? Karen says she has the biggest set of balls. maybe it's actually a tranny, wouldn't surprise me. Karen is so annoying, she shouldn't be in TNA period. she shouldn't be running the Knockouts and she sure as hell shouldn't be the one to come out to Jeff Hardy just because her man just had a feud with Hardy. which is more BS that we have to see the Hardy/Jarrett feud continue. Hardy should be past Jarrett now, and moving on the bigger and better things.

your last match of the night. Gunner vs Garrett Bischoff. I'm not really against Garrett getting time if this is going to lead to more, but this match sure as hell shouldn't be the last match of the night.

the way it unfolded with who attacked Storm was good in spots, but I have to say I'm a disappointed how it ended. Storm called out AJ. they went back and forth before Kazarian broke that up. Kazarian and AJ leave the ring. Storm at that point left the ring too. kind of a let down. THEN Angle crawls out from under the ring. it felt like everything was over before Angle crawled out.
also, what was the deal with the "Cowboy" James Storm, in a baseball cap? I can only guess this was to hide the injury marks on his head?

there really wasn't a big main event type match the entire show.
Robbie E beat Devon.
Sorensen/Kendrick beat Kash/Aries in a tag match.
Knockouts gauntlet which saw Mickie James win.
Crimson/Morgan beat Mexican America.
Garrett Bischoff beat Gunner.

I guess the positive is where this Impact s leading.
announced main event at Final Resolution. Roode vs Styles in a 30 minute iron man match.
Gail vs Mickie.
likely to see..
Storm vs Angle.
Aries vs Kash.
Hardy vs Jarrett?
maybe Bully vs Abyss?
maybe Garrett vs Eric?
I pretty much agree with everyone else on this. Impact was a solid show.

The only thing that really bothered me was the Jarrett/Hardy segment. I also may have preferred them to keep a little more suspense in the "who jumped storm" mystery, but the way it played out didn't bother me too much.
SpecialFNK, I agree with you about the thing with Velvet. She get's great pop from the crowd and finally gets the strap, and immediately pull it off of her, and hand it to someone with no buildup? If you wanted to really give the KO's title more heat, you could have developed the feud between Gail and Velvet, over at least two or three ppv's, with Gail winning after a couple of PPV losses. This way Velvet gets built up as well.
I thought this weeks iMPACT was pretty uneventful and a little lacklustre TBH. It wasn't bad or anything, just not as exciting as I've come to expect, although the last month has lacked in excitement IMO. There were a few decent things but not much really seemed to happen. It was all just a bit plain and straight forward. Also what happened to all the stars TNA used to have? Matt Morgan and Crimson as a tag team is fucking awesome though and was easily the best thing to come out of the show.

Storm's quest to find out who attacked him was pretty interesting and well done. Loved the interaction with Mr Anderson, and Kurt Angle revealing himself as the attacker makes for a top feud heading forward. I'm still trying to buy into Robert Roode as the World Champion but I can't help but think James Storm is soo much better and outshines him all the time.

The opening match was OK but I'm still waiting for Robbie E to get some offense in on someone. I'm really liking the pairing of Robbie E and Robbie T and hope to see them as a tag team some day. But for now I'm looking forward to seeing how long Big Rob can help Robbie E hold onto the TV Title.

Jesse Sorensen was impressive again in the X-Division match and continues his rise. This kid really has made an impact (no pun intended) in a short amount of time. I've really enjoyed the whole Aries/Kash/Sorensen fued and it seems like it's not over yet. Hopefully we get some singles matches between Aries/Kash and Aries/Sorensen somewhere down the line.

The Knockouts Gauntlet was alright and I wasn't surprised to see Mickie James get the win. Gail Kim vs Mickie James has the potential to be a very good Knockouts match. With Angelina Love eliminating Velvet Sky hopefully that leads to something between the two, although I want to see Velvet vs. Ms Tessmacher first.

I think Karen Jarrett is awesome on the mic but the segment with Jeff Hardy seemed to drag on for a bit. I'm pleased to see that it looks as though Hardy/Jarrett is going to continue. TNA are doing a great job of builidng Hardy back up and I think he should be kept away from the World Title for a while, to build the anticipation and excitement further.

Really enjoyed Morgan and Crimson winning the Tag Team Titles and that moment was the only real excitement in the whole show for me. I can't wait to see what happens going forward now and I'm really intrigued by the Morgan/Crimson dynamic. These two have the potential to do whatever the hell they want and destroy anyone in their path.

The Bischoff's angle is one of the better and more interesting things happening in TNA right now and I'm enjoying it. Garett Bischoff and Gunner put on a pretty decent match and I'm looking forward to seeing what sort of progress Garett can make. I thought Garett's selling was top notch and he done really well for someone who (by all accounts) doesn't have much in-ring experience.

Overall the show wasn't boring or anything but it just wasn't that excting either.
Watched the thanksgiving episode. I think I'll make a good effort to watch again next week. Maybe this Bruce Prichard Russo combo ain't too bad? James Storm is pretty kick ass now wish he would have had back on the green and black hat instead of the red one though. If TNA starts doing shows diff places all the time I really think Storms gonna be huge. Jeff Jarrett didn't let me down either he is defiantly my favorite wrestler today.. Hard to believe years ago I didn't really like him much with his big baby face run wearing the pink and green shirts and white pants and didn't even care much for his whole king of the mountain stuff. I've dug him in chosen one/slap nuts, TNA founder role, and his more recent stuff Ive watched he is just one of the best when he's got something good to work with. He came out in the Jeff hardy mask and ya it did seem like something was up especially when he kept holding up the hood but when it turned out to be Jarrett it just made it the funniest thing I've seen in awhile after him doing those lame hardy finger poses on the way to the ring. The jersey shore dude Robbie watever can't take the time to think rest of his name heh wait is it V? Ya that guys really fun to watch too he's playing his role great and big Terry I really like him as his body guard too I didn't really like the whole British invasion didn't watch too much of it tho. Liked the whole letting him through to the ring during his entrance too. Don't know how explain it what's the words for that? If you watch the shows you know what I'm talking about. Eric youngs alright too was glad to see Rudy Charles he's always been my fav ref was he gone for awhile? Warming up to Roode a little bit but defiantly see Storm as the guy to go with. Hmm Karren JArrett was pretty good her storyline least makes the women's wrestling little worth watching but this episode did have way too much of them. Pretty bored with Samoa Joe , Kurt Angle, RVD , Anderson , Aj, Hardy. They never really seem to catch my attention enough they just come off too phony when they talk. The show was lacking in The Stinger I was looking forward to seeing more of his boss role I liked what I saw last time. Also no Bischoff, Garrett, Steiner who could have added some good moments to the show. Bully Rays alright too Here Is who I would go with for the most focus each episode right now main event James Storm Robert Roode (I'll give him a chance) Jeff JArrett Bully Ray Scott Steiner Eric Young Eric BIschoff Sting Robbie Big Terry Christopher Daniels Kid Kash (forgot about him too he was fire last two times I watched where was he this show! Def. like him more then ever before now too) Seems like alot of guys are stepping up lately just hate how the roster seems to alternate between shows.

Is that the actual reason Hogans gone or are you just assuming? Don't care much for Hogan he's been lame in TNA and he has stood next to CONAN for a picture.. cant respect someone like that. Then again I did hear he does do alot of charity for the down syndrome kids.. still hogan sucks. I forgot about Flair too he wasn't on the thanksgiving show but ya he is still pretty funny and fun to watch.

2012 I would have the world title alternate between James Storm, Flair, Jarrett, Bulley Ray, Steiner, Kid Kash, and a fluke win with Garrett Bischoff. No particular order.

Also just remembered about Abyss what is he up to? He's another guy I've never really got into and wouldn't mind him just disappearing from the roster. Fire Abyss, Samoa Joe and AJ they been around too long. think they have had plenty of pushes and chances to stand out and they have just failed. Only time I cared much for Aj was the early days SEX, DLo Brown feud and that's probably more because of having one of the best ever mouthpiece Russo to handle the mic for him.

I liked Matt Morgan on the thanksgiving show too. Him and Crimson were pretty intense in their match. Then they did the high time as their finisher which was pretty kick ass. I always did dig Kronik and that's all they were a intense power move team like Crimson and Morgan must be where they got the idea from since none of those guys have ever been that great on the mic yet.

The mexicans I need to see more of before I can get a opinion on them. I liked the idea of the two Mexican chicks coming out with them but didn't like the way they came out. What's the new mexicans name? Is he pretty good on the mic?
TNA Impact Wrestling - December 1, 2011

Opening Segment - The promo segment that opened the show was ok. Roode continued to shine on the mic but I thought the participation of everyone else ultimately dragged the segment down. I'm just not feeling Sting in his role as the guy in charge of TNA. Maybe it's all the various stuff that goes on, like with how the Knockouts are treated in the angle with Karen Jarrett, that really blows through the smokescreen. If Sting is gonna be an authority figure then, I dunno, I think he needs to have the appearance of running things with a little more authority. Jeff Hardy & AJ Styles really contributed nothing here and Hardy only further displayed how weak he is and has always been on the stick. But the segment did an ok job of setting up the main event. It was passable only because Roode was really good out there. Thumbs In The Middle

Jeff Jarrett & Jeff Hardy - Basically, more of the same from these two that we've seen for weeks and weeks now. Only, they happened to be in the backstage area instead of out in the ring. Jarrett ridicules Hardy, Hardy lamely defends himself by telling Jarrett to get over it and the two brawl for a bit. If the idea of this is to really turn Hardy into a sympathetic babyface, it's just not working for me. A lot of the stuff Jarrett says during this angle does carry a heavy weight of truth in my opinion. Thumbs Down

Eric Bischoff & Bully Ray - Bischoff & Ray meet backstage and talk about Abyss. This brief backstage segment seems to suggest that an Abyss vs. Bully Ray feud is on the way. Can't say I'm all that excited about such a prospect to be perfectly honest. Ray does his best to hype Abyss as a monster as he continued to harp on Abyss just getting up after being put through a table like he took a bazooka shell to the face. Ray tries but it's just not getting over with me. Abyss has been virtually MIA since splitting with Immortal, he wasn't a particularly good henchman while he was with Immortal, and Ray trying to hype his toughness from no selling a table spot can't make me forget all the crap that we've seen with Abyss the past few years. Thumbs Down

Knockouts Segments - Again, if TNA is trying to show that they have a real women's wrestling divsion, this is just an extremely strange way to go about it. Pulling out antics that the WWE would've used back in 1999 with the women on the roster just doesn't make me view them as "real women wrestlers". They did a few of these segments throughout the night and it was ultimately about the Knockouts washing the cars of some of the talent while wearing bikinis. You could hear some of the usual complaints about this, like how it's disrespectful and all that. Yet, again, TNA sends some mixed messages. Throughout the show, they aired commercials for ShopTNA.com with the Knockouts all being scantily clad and somewhat sexually provocative with some of the merchendise they were hawking. They act and dress ****ty in matches, they act & dress ****ty in commercials but it's demeaning for them to show skin in lingerie matches and wash cars in bikinis? The last segment erupted into a fully blown teenage wet dream with the Knockouts throwing suds on each other and buckets of water at one another. Some of the male wrestlers, like Kid Kash & The Pope and some others, came out and sort of cheered them on. As I said, if TNA wants to send a message that the Knockouts are more than just pretty girls with great bodies, this kind of stuff isn't the way to go about it. Thumbs Down

1. Ink Inc. vs. Devon & The Pope D'Angelo Dinero vs. Mexican America in a #1 contender's match for the TNA World Tag Team Championship - An ok match for what it was. There was some decent action but it's hard to care about any of these teams. Most of the action was carried by Devon & Pope and Mexican America. Ink Inc. had very little involvement and just looked like a couple of scrubs. Devon ultimately winds up hitting a modified spinebuster on Jesse Neal at the 5 minute mark. Devon & Pope are the new #1 contenders. Hard to get excited about that when these two guys have been literally nothing for months on end. *1/2

Austin Aries & Kid Kash - Very nice promo segment from Aries. He carries himself like a star, he's comfortable on the mic and delivers a very solid, quality heel speech. Kash came out and I thought he did an ok job but, for me, I think he needs to cut down on his "I've done it all" stuff because, in all honesty, the guy's a nobody. His greatest accomplishments in wrestling include a 14 day run as ECW World Television Champion in Aug. 2000, a 77 day run as TNA X Division Champion beginning in Feb. 2003, a 42 day run as WWE Cruiserweight Champion in Dec. 2005. The segment worked as it set up their match but it's not speaking highly of the X Division when they're already resorting to having the only two heels in the X Division beginning to feud. Thumbs Up

Gunner - I thought this segment was pretty ridiculous. Gunner goes to this gym looking for Garett Bischoff and basically beats the snot out of guys that are in there training and workingout. I guess the main reason I thought it was ridiculous is that Gunner just no longer seems tough. He's coming up on the short end of the stick against Garett Bischoff, who hasn't been in wrestling long enough to take a piss, but we're supposed to believe he's this badass tough guy because he smacked a couple of gym rats around? Sorry TNA, not buying it. Thumbs Down

2. Mickie James vs. ODB - All in all, a good effort from these two gals. The match did have the feel of a generic Attitude Era WWF Hardcore Championship match, but Mickie & ODB worked hard and delivered a surprisingly good match. There was a lot of your standard punch+kick+toss into something street fight formula, but they managed to tell a good story. Mickie ultimately gets the win at the 7 minute mark after delivering an extremely weak looking back kick to ODB, knocking a steel chair back in her face. **

Kurt Angle & James Storm - Solid segment here. Storm being interviewed from his home by Tenay & Taz, for me, was falling very flat until Angle came out there. Storm & Angle have good chemistry and were able to bounce off of each other well. Storm tells Angle he'll be at the show next week, so that should be interesting. Storm says he isn't medically cleared to wrestle yet, but I'm betting that he is and that they'll wind up making an official match between them next week. Thumbs Up

Bobby Roode's Family Videos - I thought the videos of Roode's family worked well in terms of helping put some heat on Roode. It's something we don't see very much of in wrestling. I'm thrilled to see that they didn't try to involve Roode's children in this aspect of the storyline. I was disgusted when TNA did that with the Angle & Jarrett kids during their feud, so I'm glad TNA decided not to sink back to that level. They did show Roode's sons briefly in a video sitting on the couch with him, it was an older one that they showed during Roode's BFG build up. After they were all finished, Roode called them all "users" and said how they didn't complain with the money rolling in and all. They didn't try to go over the top here, they didn't try to have any of Roode's family take things to an uncomfortable place. Thumbs Up

3. Robbie E vs. Rob Van Dam for the TNA Television Championship - For the most part, this match consisted of almost nothing by RVD spots and run ins. Robbie E continues to look awful in his matches and looked so outclassed by RVD that I would've felt sorry for the guy if he wasn't so damned awful. At one point, Rob Terry has RVD on the floor and here comes Eric Young carrying a fire extinguisher and holds Terry off. RVD gets back in the ring, knocks Robbie down and hits the Five Star Frog Splash. In runs Daniels, hits Angel's Wings, puts Robbie E on top of RVD and Robbie gets the win. 1/2*

4. Bobby Roode vs. AJ Styles vs. Jeff Hardy - Very nice triple threat effort to close the show with. Good action and good storytelling from all three involved. Roode made good use of the triple threat stipulation by, eventually, getting Styles & Hardy going after each other instead of him. Nice work from Roode and Styles especially I thought, they work quite well together. The ending comes after Hardy breaks up Roode's attempt at a win after he'd hit the Fisherman's Suplex on Styles. Hardy hits the Twist of Fate on Roode and goes up top for the Swanton Bomb. Jarrett comes out and knocks his feet out from under him, allowing Roode to get the cover and the win about the 14 minute mark. ***

Sting's Announcement - After the match, Sting comes out on stage and makes a match at Final Resolution between Jeff Jarrett & Jeff Hardy. If Hardy wins, he's #1 contender for the TNA World Heavyeight Championship. If Jarrett wins, Hardy is gone from TNA. Gee, I wonder who'll come out on top in that match:banghead: Can't say I'm at all excited about the match because, of course, Hardy won't lose and I'm not particularly excited about see him in the TNA WHC picture again. He was a lousy champ the first two times around and it just seems waaaaaaay too soon for him to be anywhere near the strap in my view. Thumbs Down

Overall Show - Definitely a mixed bag of a show. The good on the show was good and the bad was pretty shit awful. The opening promo was ok and was passable, to me, only because of Roode's good mic work out there. The Hardy/Jarrett feud isn't doing anything for me because I'm just not that sympathetic towards Hardy right now. Gunner continues to come across like an absolute joke and I'm not buying into TNA's attempt at having him look like a tough guy because he beat up some gym rats. The Knockouts Division takes several massive steps back. It's hard to take any TNA criticism of the WWE Divas seriously after this stuff and last week's lingerie match. Devon & The Pope are the new #1 contenders for the tag titles. They've gone from months of irrelevancy to #1 contenders literally overnight. Maybe they'll last longer than the 2 minutes Mexican America lasted in their rematch with Morgan & Crimson. Nice work from Austin Aries & Kid Kash and the Knockout street fight between Mickie James & ODB was much better than I was expecting. The videos of Roode's family worked out well and I'm so glad TNA didn't try to do something tacky and low class here, which they could've done. Robbie E vs. RVD was a waste of time. Nice segment featuring Angle & Storm and the main event was a very good match to close the show out with.

Grade: C+
For all the shit you take from us TNA fans for alot of your reviews on here Jack-Hammer, sometimes you're really dead-on. I agree completely with all of your match reviews and ratings from this week.

I did, however, feel the show was a little better overall then you gave it credit for being.

I really liked the opening promo segment. All of the Roode family pieces were a nice touch to contrast the BFG build. I thought the Angle/Storm "interview" worked quite well. And overall I'm enjoying Sting's work on the mic in his new role.

All the other non-wrestling segments were filler for the most part that slightly progressed some meaningless storylines, and none of them worked very well.

That is except for the X-division square off. I was glad to see this happen and thought both guys came across as relevant. I'm really glad that we may see a one-on-one match between Kash and Aries. Of the small handful of guys that are being used in this "revamped" X-division :disappointed:, it is clear that Aries and Kash are the standouts- they obviously posess the most experience, ring-savvy, and actual character and mic-presence in the division. They have the chance to go out and have a great contest worthy of the title.

And it needs to be said how good of a match the main event really was tonight. To be fair, it was a formulaic face/face/heel style triple-threat match with a screwjob ending- but, all three guys did pretty much work their asses off for fifteen minutes, and they displayed good chemistry and told a full story. Hardy and AJ had the crowd eating out of the palms of their hands as usual, and Roode's heel work is spectacular and garners alot of heat. This week all three men further displayed why they're true main-event talent.

As the Final Destination card comes together it is starting to look like a very good show on paper. I thought tonight's Impact did a good job of building that PPV. Overall... Despite a few misses, I rather enjoyed alot about this episode of Impact.
why do the Knockouts have to be serious at wrestling? they are what they are. hot women on TV doing wrestling. the Knockouts usually get the highest rated part of the TV show. maybe that's why they have been getting so many different spots on one show. how many times were they on last night? 3 or 4 times just backstage by the cars not counting the actual match between Mickie and ODB.

I do agree on the Gunner part. that was useless. I might take Gunner more seriously as a bad ass if he wasn't losing to Garrett.

the Robbie E/RVD match bothered me. figured RVD wouldn't lose clean, so why waste the time of putting RVD in that match period. I like the idea of putting Robbie E against someone more notable LIKE RVD, but if RVD wont lose clean he was a bad choice. Robbie E should be wrestling a higher level of competition, and doing so while looking good in a match.
I wonder if this will lead to another match between RVD and Daniels at the PPV.

I might be in the minority on the Roode family videos. I didn't like them. made it feel like the family wants an intervention with Roode to try and get him to stop being bad/cheating. I also don't even like the way TNA is using Roode. I think they are trying too hard to make him heel with the cheating to have to win. where's the quality wrestling? while he has looked heel, I think he also looks a lot weaker than he was built up to be prior to BFG.

I didn't care for the interference by Jarrett in the main event, but I do think overall with everything that happened it works for the story line. Jarrett and Hardy at Final Resolution. if Jarrett win then Hardy is gone from TNA which is what Jarrett wants. but if Hardy wins he is the number 1 contender. you know who's going to win. this will allow this feud to end and for Hardy to move on into the title picture.
Impact Hits and Misses: 12/1/11

Impact Hits:​

Opening Segment: I'm really digging Sting in his new authority figure role. He seems comfortable in it, and has been making good decisions thus far. One could look at his "consequences" and say he's favoring the faces and screwing the heels, but I would vehemently disagree. His consequences are simply evening the odds to keep the heels from gaining an unfair advantage. Further, Hardy, Styles, and Roode were all good here in their rules, especially Roode in his attitude of being above Sting's rule due to being champion. Good stuff all around here as it established Sting's authority, further developed Roode's heel character, and set up the main event.

ODB vs Mickie James: Im not a fan of everything else that went down with the Knockouts last night(more on that later), but I truly enjoyed this match. It was a hardcore brawl from the start, with ODB jumping Mickie on the stage. Further, I liked the stipulation placed by Karen Jarrett, giving ODB a chance at the title if she hurt Mickie. Both women were aggressive and took full advantage of the stipulation, and brought their A game. ODB toned down her trashiness and took this seriously, and James was as motivated as Ive seen her. I loved the ending with Mickie ducking the arguably most harmful weapon in the chair, reversing it to a spin kick into ODB's face. An enjoyable Knockout's match between two solid workers, and Mickie continues to look strong headed into her match with Gail.**1/4\

Jeff Jarrett and Jeff Hardy: for the life of me, I can't figure out why this feud is continuing, as one would think it came to a definitive end at Turning Point with Hardy defeating Jarrett three times. A nice touch with Sting referencing that Jarrett has had some dirty laundry himself, and was given a second chance. I like Jarrett testing Sting's authority to see how far he can push him, but again, Sting made the right call in evening the odds. Im not a fan of the stipulations for the cage match, as it gives away the outcome of the match, places Hardy into the title picture far too soon, and ensures Roode will retain as well. But the backstage segments and in-ring performances by both men were good, including Jarrett's interference at the end. A great job by TNA furthering this feud.

Robert Roode's family: As a rule, I'm not a fan of interjecting a wrestler's personal life or family into a wrestling storyline, but this one works for me. They overdid it to some point with three separate segments, but it was good to see them focus on how Roode's changes have affected not only other wrestler's, but his family as well. If they limit this to sporadic vignettes, this could be very effective.

James Storm and Kurt Angle: Good intensity from both men. Again, Im not a fan of Angle bringing Storm's daughter into things, especially since he was so against it in his feud with Jarrett. In that sense, it lacks continuity. But both men showed good intensity, and Storm continues to develop into the most sympathetic babyface in the company, and I'm highly anticipating their match when it happens. Angle's reasoning for attacking Storm was great heel logic as well.

Jeff Hardy vs AJ Styles vs Robert Roode: Generally, Im not a fan of babyfaces teaming up against the heel in a numbers game, but the logic was solid based upon Roode's attack on both last week. This was a terrific TV main event that deviated from the formulaic triple threat of one man selling on the floor while the other two fought. Roode shined as a heel in this match, and this match was well-worked, given proper time, and each man was able to spotlight his signatures moves within the match. Roode was also the right man to go over, even if the finish was cheap. ***

Impact Misses:​

The Knockouts: Sexism at it's worst. My mouth dropped when Karen Jarrett told the Knockouts they weren't dressing skimpy enough, especially since she made a point to emphasize week in and week out that she wanted to get the KO's title off "that skank" Velvet Sky. Making them wash cars in skimpy bikinis makes them look inferior and simply sex objects, instead of equals. This was wrestling television at its absolute worst.

Ink Inc. vs The Pope and Devon vs Mexican America: The tag team division has fallen a LONG way since we had Beer Money vs The MCMG's in their epic best of 5 series. None of these teams interest me, and I couldn't care less about Pope and Devon vs Crimson and Morgan. The match wasn't very good either. 3/4*

Austin Aries and Kid Kash: The segment was good in terms of talking, and Aries comes across as a star each time he takes the mic. The miss is for the actual feud, as rhere is an entire roster of face X division wrestlers for Aries to feud with. The dissension is simply too soon, and the feud is fairly pointless. The match should be fine, but I can't get excited about a feud between two heels.

Gunner and Garrett Bischoff: Another feud I simply can't invest in. Immortal couldn't mean less right now, and Gunner going through a random gym to find Garrett while beating up random men working out. Between this Storyline and the Abyss/Immortal feud, Immortal can't come to an end soon enough. The continuity and the rationale of these storylines are as poor as it gets.

Rob Van Dam vs Robbie E: Simply a case of RVD dominating this match and hitting all his signature spots, and insane overbooking, which is the case most of the time with the TV title. If you're going to use it as a comedy prop, at least make it entertaining rather then groan enducing. I've said it before, and Ill say it again, Young is capable of much more then being the insane comedic face, but that's obviously all of how TNA values him. Other then slightly advancing the RVD/Daniels feud(another feud I thought was over, this match served no purpose, and Robbie E continues to be the worst character in TNA not named Eric Young.

Final Thoughts: Overall, i enjoyed this show. There was too much talking and not enough wrestling, but the talking segments did a good job of furthering feuds. Sting's authority and how he'll handle things going forward was established, the Jarrett/Hardy and Storm/Angle were furthered well. Sadly, we had the horrendously sexist Knockouts segment, and the tag team division is in shambles. And of the main event feuds, the one with the weakest build right now is Styles/Roode, but at least TNA is doing a darn good job at getting over the Roode heel character. Couple that with two really good matches, including a really nice main event, and this show gets a thumbs up from me. B-
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