[Official] TNA TV Shows Aftermath, Review & Ratings Thread

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TNA Impact Wrestling - December 8, 2011

Opening Segment - I felt kinda underwhelmed here quite honestly. I'm assuming the point of bringing Dixie Carter out and having Roode "spit" on her was designed to generate heat on Bobby Roode. However, it didn't really translate all that well. Roode came off tonight as your typically, cowardly heel and his work on the mic really wasn't up to par. Roode is capable of and has produced much better than what he delivered tonight. All in all, just a ho-hum promo segment that didn't really deliver the goods in my opinion. Thumbs Down

1. Abyss vs. Samoa Joe - The match featured some decent action. It was incredibly slow at times and, for me, it's just hard to become overly excited about Samoa Joe. He's obviously nothing remotely resembling a priority in TNA, so this match didn't generate a lot of interest. Joe hit some of his usual moves and Abyss did his thing before Scott Steiner & Bully Ray come to ringside. Steiner distracts the ref and Ray uses his chain to deliver a clothesline to Joe. Abyss then hits the chokeslam and gets the win at the 7 minute mark. Ray & Steiner celebrate with Abyss and it looks, for a moment, that Abyss might be back with Immortal before he hits Steiner with the Black Hole Slam while Ray cowers in the corner. Not really buying into Ray's overselling of Abyss' toughness. He's gone on about how Abyss just "got up" from being put through a table as if Abyss took a nuclear missle to the face and didn't get his eyebrows singed. *1/4

Matt Morgan & Crimson and Pope & Devon - The segment started out ok I thought as Pope & Devon were pretty decent on the mic. Devon's stuff was more of the same "you know that I have nothing but respect for you" kind of stuff you hear whenever TNA has a couple of faces squaring off and Pope's response, which was basically the exact opposite, did balance it out. I lost interest when Devon's brats jumped the railing and came into the ring to beat on Matt Morgan a bit. They might have them play a role in the tag title match at the ppv this Sunday. Thumbs In The Middle

2. Mickie James vs. Madison Rayne - Pretty standard stuff for a Knockout match. To me, it looks as though Madison has some ring rust. She hasn't really wrestled all that much in a while and she looked kinda sloppy in there at times. Mickie James ultimately gets the win with her jumping DDT, which was botched all to hell and back. *

3. Garret Bischoff vs. Gunner - Pretty lousy match from any perspective really. Gunner spent most of it punching, kicking or smacking Bischoff around. Bischoff got in some offense, not much, but enough to demonstrate that he's extremely green. The ending to this match was awful as Bischoff hits the sloppiest, lamest, flukiest looking roll up ever executed to win the match about the 1.5 minute mark. Gunner beats down Bischoff for a bit before Eric Bischoff comes out and pull the mat away from the floor. Gunner delivers a piledriver to the concrete. Backstage, as Garret is being wheeled out in an ambulance, Bischoff & Flair taunt him, even asking if his legs work. The family drama with the Bischoffs has been poorly written and executed just as bad. It's not believable, it's not interesting and it's giving a green kid major television time that's not ready for it. 1/4*

Cowboy James Storm & Kurt Angle - Very nice work here on the mic from James Storm. Storm revealed some stuff about his past, I'm guess it's all true, and was able to make a personal connection with the audience. Angle didn't say much here and TNA gave Storm a chance to carry the segment and he ran with it. Storm turning his back on Angle and daring him to hit him from behind was a little cliche` but it did help put an emphasis on Storm coming to Final Resolution to fight. Thumbs Up

4. Gail Kim vs. Traci Brooks - Overall, the match was pretty weak but I do think it did a good job of reinforcing the storyline of the tension between Traci Brooks and Karen Jarrett & her favorites. The match was supposed to be just Traci lying down for Gail, but she kickes out and spends the next few minutes working Kim over. Karen Jarrett comes down the ramp looking like she's about to trip over those heels she's wearing any second and gets up on the apron. Here comes the ref incompotence. He's trying to separate Traci from Karen as Madison Rayne comes up from behind and hits Traci in the back with one of the Knockout tag titles. Kim then rolls up Traci and gets the win. Yeah, the match was pretty overbooked and, for the most part, I thought it made Gail Kim look weak more than anything else. 1/2*

5. AJ Styles & Jeff Hardy vs. Boddy Roode & Jeff Jarrett - Solid match to close the show out with. It wasn't a fantastic match, but it was definitely the highlight of wrestling action as seen on the show this week. Pretty standard formula with the heels working over the "injured" knee of Styles, keeping him isolated and making a lot of quick tags. Things eventually break down with Hardy & Jarrett brawling, again, and heading towards the back. Styles is able to get the roll up on Roode and get the clean pin about the 14 minute mark. Roode then worked on Styles "injured" knee some more to close the show out with, so I'm guessing they're going with an injury angle to protect Styles at Final Resolution. Solid match with some fun spots. **1/2

Final Thoughts - Overall, I thought tonight's go home show was a dud. A lot of things were just underwhelming or downright mediocre. For me, the highlight of the show was James Storm on the mic. He delivered the goods and his match with Kurt Angle is one I'm interested to see. The tag team main event delivered solid action and gave Styles some momentum going into the ppv. I'm sure they'll deliver a high quality match, but Roode & Styles still feels like a filler feud. I don't believe there's a chance of Styles walking out of the ppv with the title. As for the rest of the show, nothing worth checking out.

Grade: D+
Last night's episode of Impact overall was nothing exciting and we've had much better in the last few weeks but there were a few things in particular that I enjoyed.

I enjoyed Mickie's match with Madison, even though it looked a little shakey at times overall it was an enjoyable match with Mickie picking up the win to build some momentum for the upcoming PPV.
I enjoyed the main event as well, Bobby & Jeff vs AJ & Jeff wasn't the greatest wrestling match we've seen but it was entertaining and I thought it delivered well. Definitely has me excited Roode vs AJ and Jeff vs Jeff at Final Resolution, hopefully AJ's knee problem doesn't make the match shitty.
Most importantly though the promo between James Storm and Kurt Angle was absolute gold in my opinion, not just because they're two of my favorite wrestlers of all time but they have such great chemistry against each other. I mean they're great on their own and against others but I feel like they have the makings of one of the best rivalries we've seen in TNA and I am more than excited to see what happens next between them, tonight's segment with the two of them is what sold Final Resolution for me and I wouldnt be surprised if it did that for others as well.
There were definitely some dry moments on this episode of Impact but in my opinion the good parts were so good that they definitely outweighed the bad, can't wait for Final Resolution!
TNA Impact Wrestling - December 15, 2011[/B]

1. Bobby Roode vs. AJ Styles for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship - Definite mixed feelings about this match. On one hand, it’s nice to see the standard opening formula ditched sometimes. Roode & Styles also did a nice job with the time they were given. They work well together and put forth a pretty decent outing. On the other, it was a 5.5 minute match with a sudden death, overtime theme. I think it’s really something that they should’ve just done at the ppv instead of using the ppv match as a hype machine for IW. The first 5 minutes was pretty decent, but it didn’t feel important. There wasn’t a sense of urgency here in my view and Roode’s title reign was never in any real jeopardy. The 5 minute time limit initially runs out after Styles completely misses the springboard 450 splash on Roode. Sting comes out, gives another 5 minutes and things restart. Roode clips Styles from behind and hooks in a half Boston Crab, forcing styles to tap about few seconds later. Good effort from the two wrestlers, but an anti-climactic scene all around. **1/4

2. Abyss & Scott Steiner vs. Robbie T & Hernandez - This is the first match in a wild card tag team tournament in which all the teams are basically just “thrown together” teams. The match in and of itself was ok, nothing really to write home about, but all four guys did ok with the time they were given. For the most part, Robbie T & Hernandez both looked like chumps. The first half of the match, Steiner pretty much dominated both of them before they get the upper hand briefly. Abyss comes in, dominates them, hits Rob Terry with the Black Home Slam, tags in Steiner and allows Steiner to get the win a little past the 4 minute mark. Steiner sells confusion and reluctance to associate with Abyss given their recent history. I guess it’s TNA’s attempt to introduce some duality into things. *

Kurt Angle & Sting - This was a pretty brief segment, relatively quick & painless. Angle comes out and basically demands a rematch against James Storm and Sting refuses. I thought Angle’s tough guy speech was pretty weak to be honest. His threat to go to James Storm’s town and beat up everyone until he gets what he wants was really just kind of stupid. Not really a good segment or a bad one, it was just kind of there and was used to let people know that Angle & Storm is gonna go on a bit longer, just not in a very interesting or exciting way. Thumbs Down

3. Anthony Neese vs. Zema Ion - Pretty fun match for the 4 minutes it lasted. Not a lot of big, flashy spots here and Neese looked pretty good in there. This is the first in a best of three series with the winner joining yet another four way X Division Title match at the Genesis ppv. This best of three series, however, definitely doesn’t have any sort of epic feel about it. Ion really only got in a little bit of offense in about the closing minute or so of the match. He had Neese pinned twice before pulling him up and ultimately hit the 450 splash to get the clean pin. The fact that he got in so little offense and was able to just do so much damage to Neese with that offense makes it hard to take Neese seriously as a real threat. Neese will probably win the next match to even it up, but I don’t see him ultimately winning this. **

4. Jesse Neal vs. Gunner - Pretty much a nothing match that was used as a means of writing Neal off television and an attempt on TNA’s part to try and get some heat put back on Gunner. Nothing of any real merit happened in the match and it’s still just incredibly hard for me to take Gunner seriously when he’s portrayed as a low level thug for most of his career and has spent much of the past month or so consistently bested by Garrett Bischoff, who hasn’t been in wrestling long enough to have a bowel movement. N/A

Jeff Hardy & Bully Ray - Mixed on this segment as it was pretty much what I expected. Jeff Hardy cannot cut a promo, he just can’t. The man can’t talk on the mic to save his life and I was just about to turn the channel when Bully Ray’s music hits. Ray comes out and manages to save the segment from being a total bore. Ray does a good job out there on the mic. It’s more of a straightforward promo, there’s not a lot of Ray yelling and going on about what a major tough guy he is, even though he mentions his toughness a few times, it’s nothing over the top and he sets up the main event of himself against Hardy. Thumbs In The Middle

5. Samoa Joe & Magnus vs. Robbie E & Douglas Williams - Pretty decent match and it was nice to see Williams & Magnus get some television time. Unfortunately, I sometimes forget that these two are still part of the TNA roster. This is another match in the Wild Card Tag Team Tournament. The match is ok overall and picked up nicely in the closing bit with a quick flurry of moves. As usual, Robbie E came off looking, for the most part, like a complete idiot that’s little to no threat to anyone, which is sad as he’s carrying what’s supposed to be a coveted championship. Joe & Magnus ultimately get the win at the 3.5 minute mark with Joe hitting the Muscle Buster on Williams to score the win. *3/4

Eric Young & ODB - I was sort of starting to warm up to the idea of this Wild Card Tag Team Tournament just a little until this segment. Backstage, Eric Young is doing his brain damaged/mildly retarted/child wrestling prodigy thing when ODB comes along and informs EY that Sting has assigned ODB to be her partner. They’re going to have a match next week, I’m sure, and it’s probably going to be a horrendous comedy match that’ll ultimately do nobody involved any real favors. Thumbs Down

Devon, The Pope & Devon’s Kids - So TNA fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinally pulled the trigger on this situation. Devon comes out and played the part of a concerned father pretty well before Pope steps in and basically does the part where he’s the cool guy, the guy that lets Devon’s kids do what they want, etc. I started zoning out when Pope went juvenile and started talking about the mother of Devon’s kids and how Devon’s kids should’ve been his anyhow and all that. Pope gets knocked down, Pope kicks Devon in the nuts and the boys turn on their old man and leave with Pope. I’m just long since over this whole thing. It’s been dragging on for 6 months and this is just going to keep it going even longer. Thumbs Down

6. Traci Brooks vs. Madison Rayne - This match was pretty painful to watch. Both these girls are rusty inside the ring, but especially Traci Brooks. The match itself was 3.5 minutes of slow, clunky action. Madison is easily the better of the two, but Traci was so clumsy that I just kept praying for the match to be over. Madison eventually lands a boot to the skull of Traci and gets the win. 1/4*

The Jarretts & Sting - At various points during the show, they’ve shown Sting speaking separately with Karen & Jeff Jarrett as one of them is supposed to be fired. He started with Karen and she shamelessly flirted with Sting, sucking up to him and basically flung Jeff under the bus and Jeff did the same with his turn. Sting gets both of them together and shows them the videos of their conversations and it breaks down. Karen & Jeff get into a loud shouting match, almost Jerry Springer like with the exception that every other word wasn’t bleeped out. Sting then ultimately declares that both of them are fired. Nice little twist as I thought it’d be Jeff only for sure. Thumbs Up

7. Jeff Hardy vs. Bully Ray - Decent main event between Hardy & Ray with both of them doing a good job with the time they had. Bobby Roode was out there doing guest commentary, which means he’s going to be involved at some point. Roode’s commentary did take a little away from the match, which is expected as you’re trying to listen to what he’s saying while paying attention to the match. Nice back and forth with Hardy eventually getting the win over Ray with the Twist of Fate at the 4.5 minute mark. Afterward, Roode stands up and shouts at Hardy as Ray jumps him from behind. They beat on Hardy for a bit before Ray power bombs him through a table. Sting rushes out and is eventually beat down as well. **

Final Thoughts - Overall, I thought the show was pretty good. Not great by any means and nothing particularly exciting, but certainly an all around decent show. The opening match with Roode & Styles was good while it lasted, but it just felt like something that should’ve happened at the ppv instead. There was also some good progression of Roode’s heel character tonight as he’s getting under the skin of some of the fans. I’m not all that thrilled with the Wild Card Tag Team Tournament. It just seems a generally easier and ultimately more fulfilling concept to use existing tag teams in this mix instead of every team as a random pairing. It just seems more of an excuse to see whacky pairings put together rather than reestablishing the prominence of the tag team picture. The inclusion of Eric Young & ODB as a tag team pretty much seals that for me. The Devon/Pope saga continues, unfortunately, and there seems to be no end in sight. Both Jarretts getting fired was a nice touch as I think we all just figured it’d be Jeff Jarrett, so they’ll probably be off for a while. The X Division match was decent while it lasted, though this particular “Best of” series doesn’t feel all that special. Neese looked good in the match until Ion actually got in a tiny bit of offense, then he just seemed like a scrub that was out of his league. The main event was decent and did it’s job of setting things up with Roode & Hardy going forward. There weren’t any great matches on the show, but there was a lot of wrestling and most of it turned out to be solid stuff.

Grade: C+
TNA Impact Wrestling - December 29, 2011

Opening Segment - Short promo segment primarily featuring the Knockouts to start the show off with. Usually, the Knockouts don't start things off so they're switching it up a little bit. Madison Rayne calls Tara & Tessmacher to the ring and eventually fires them after screeching at them for a bit. Sting's music hits and Madison starts kissing his ass almost immediately. Sting says that the reason Karen had power as the Knockouts VP was because she had a guaranteed contract, but Madison doesn't. Sting mocks her for a few minutes with Madison continuing the prolonged screeching. It'd been nice if Sting came out last week to end Madison's Rayne (hehe see what I did there :p) of terror last week so we wouldn't have had to endure a very painful and unnecessarily long Knockout segment & match. Sting makes a match between Gail Kim & Mickie James for the Knockouts title as the main event. I can't say I'm all that excited about this match or that it's the main event. Still, a short segment that was pretty decent. Thumbs Up

1. AJ Styles & Kazarian vs. Abyss & Scott Steiner - This match bored me to be quite honest. Watching Abyss & Steiner lumber clumsily & slowly around the ring, throwing one extremely weak & fake looking punch after another was kind of painful. Styles & Kazarian did their best to carry them through this match but I just found myself staring at the clock hoping the match would end soon. Styles & Kazarian both hit some fun offense but it wasn't enough to save this match. The booking of this match was meant to give the impression that Abyss & Steiner were in the same league inside the ring as the babyfaces but it just fell totally flat with me. The end comes at the 7 minute mark when Abyss chokeslams Kazarian and has the win. He tags in Steiner as he did a few weeks back and then puts him in the Black Hole Slam, allowing Kazarian to get the win for the team. I guess TNA was hoping that if they skipped a week that viewers would somehow forget the tension between Abyss & Immortal members and that he wouldn't turn on Steiner. *1/4

Abyss & Bully Ray - Coming back from break, Bully Ray is in the ring and spends the first half dressing down Abyss before Abyss gets back in his face. I forgot how much I hate listening to Abyss talk on the mic. He screams at the top of his lungs and he just breathes so long & so loud into the mic that it sounds like he's on the verge of a massive orgasm. It just annoys the snot out of me. Abyss tells Ray that he wants him in a match and, suddenly, Ray seems to forget the intense fear he's had of Abyss for the past few months and gets in his face. Abyss says that if Ray beats him, he'll go back to Immortal but the match will be a Monster's Ball match at Genesis. I've little interest in this match but, to TNA's credit, they were smart enough to realize that a hardcore setting is the only way these two could put on a passable match together. At the same time, there's just no interest here for me. I don't care if Abyss joins Immortal again and I just think it's a waste of Ray. Thumbs Down

Ric Flair & Gunner - They did a brief backstage promo segment with Ric Flair & Gunner. Flair hypes Gunner "a real bad man" before Gunner pointed to an ambulance behind them and called himself a "killer". Gunner is ridiculous in my view. I just do not take this guy even remotely serious as a badass. I know that TNA is trying to build him up now as a guy that hurts people and I guess carting them out each week is supposed to make is forget all the times he's come off looking like a no talent hack and a low level stooge that can't beat a kid, namely Garett Bischoff, that hasn't been in wrestling long enough to take a dump. I like the idea of using Flair as a mentor to some young guy, Gunner is just not that guy. There are lots of young heels backstage with far more ability than Gunner that TNA could go with to make better use of Flair's time. Thumbs Down

2. Anthony Nese vs. Zema Ion in a Contract on a Pole match - Easily the weakest of the 3 matches we've seen out of these two in as many weeks. The "on a pole" gimmick match is a weak one and tends to result in lackluster matches. This one was no exception and it wasn't helped by the fact that TNA went back to the staple of putting these kinds of matches on television lasting 5 minutes or less. I think the match also revealed weaknesses in both Nese & Ion. They showed little to no storytelling ability or in-ring psychology. Without their high spots, these two don't bring anything to the table and I think it showed in this match. The ending comes when Ion took a nasty looking modified belly to back suplex off the top rope, popped up a few seconds later as if nothing had happened, then pushed Nese off the top rope & climbed the pole himself to get the contract at the 4.5 minute mark. 3/4*

3. Douglas Williams vs. Gunner - The match lasted 90 seconds, wasn't much while it was going on, & Gunner gets DQ'd after tossing the ref down. He has Williams outside and DDTs him on the concrete. Basically, the same thing Gunner's done in recent weeks with the same result: he still comes off like a scrub instead of the badass tough guy TNA wants us to see. N/A

Bobby Roode Promo - I'm kinda mixed on this one. On one hand, I thought Roode did a nice job on the mic. Surprisingly, his friend "Tracy" did a decent job as well. At the same time, I knew what this was going to be the second I heard Roode say that he'd flown his childhood friend down from Canada. They're trying to use Roode's family to generate an emotional dislike for Roode with fans. Roode is doing his best but I don't think it's really clicking. Prior to winning the TNA WHC, TNA spent weeks showing us video packages of Roode's family, how much they support him, Roode interacting with them, hanging out with his sons, etc. and this hostility towards them, him labeling them as people only wanting money from him just doesn't feel the least bit authentic. I think the fans can really sense that too. TNA built Roode up so strong as a babyface, then gave him a very quick & unexpected heel turn and have now tried to involve his family in the storyline to build heat on him that doesn't feel at all genuine. Roode stomped his friend for a bit before Hardy runs out and Roode flees. Thumbs In The Middle

4. Eric Young & ODB vs. Samoa Joe & Magnus - For the most part, a comedy match that I don't think did any real favors for anyone. Young was being his typically goofy self while ODB spent her involvement in the match sexually harassing Magnus or smacking him around the ring. Magnus ultimately winds up pushing ODB hard into the corner as Eric Young is climbing the turnbuckle, allowing Samoa Joe to hit the Muscle Buster for the win at the 5 minute mark. Joe & Magnus move on, so at least TNA didn't drop the ball there. *1/4

5. Kurt Angle vs. Rob Van Dam - Disappointing outing from these two. I was honestly expecting a good 12-15 minute match from these two but we get the standard 5 minute treatment. The match started off ok with the two sort of feeling each other out and then they wind up spending the next 3 minutes or so trading signature moves on each other before Angle locks in the ankle lock. James Storm enters the ring from behind, Angle turns and catches the Last Call, ending the match in a DQ. *1/4

6. Gail Kim vs. Mickie James for the TNA Knockouts Championship - Overall, I have to say that Gail & Mickie put on an entertaining match, probably as good a female wrestling match as you're probably going to see on television. Good back & forth action and the match was easily the highlight of the night as far as the wrestling action goes. They gave the two Knockouts a good amount of time, the match ended about the 14 minute mark and here comes the hinky finish that we've seen soooooo many times in IW main events. After Mickie tosses Gail back into the ring, Earl Hebner is checking on her when Mickie is attacked by some masked female. Mickie is hit with the Peruvian neckbreaker, which I think is Madison Rayne's finisher, and the masked chick ducks under the ring. Gail makes the cover and gets the three to retain the title. The finish did hurt the match in my eyes because it's so often that IW features this sort of ending in main event matches. We'd already had 2 DQ finishes in other matches. At the same time, the women did a good job and put on an entertaining match. **1/2

Final Thoughts - I thought the show was pretty lackluster this week. There was some decent stuff here and there, but most of the show just felt like it dragged on forever, especially the first hour. As far as promo segments went, nothing tonight really stood out. The opening with the Knockouts was different, plus it was short. Bobby Roode did a solid job on the mic but the angle of using his family to put heat on him just isn't clicking with me. Beating up his friend "Tracy" was a little too cliche` and there's practically zero heat in his feud with Jeff Hardy. All the heat has been mostly between Roode & Sting. There was more heat tonight with Roode & "Tracy" than there has been with Roode & Hardy. A lot of that is Hardy's fault because the man just cannot talk to save his life on the mic. Most of the wrestling action was pretty meh. Styles & Kazarian vs. Abyss & Steiner was boring and I've no interest in Abyss vs. Ray. I just think Abyss is damaged goods at this point. The Nese vs. Ion match was weak, easily the worst of the 3 matches they've had. Magnus & Joe won their tag match and Angle vs. RVD was a disappointment. Mickie James & Gail Kim put on a good, solid main event match that was hurt some by the traditional way to end a main event on Impact Wrestling: outside interference. It wasn't a God awful show, but they certainly didn't end 2011 with a bang by any stretch. I do like that TNA has slowed down and no longer look as though they're trying to cram a month worth of angles into a single episode. I'm just not heavily interested in a lot of the programs they've got running right now.

Grade: C-
TNA Impact Wrestling - December 29, 2011

Opening Segment - Short promo segment primarily featuring the Knockouts to start the show off with. Usually, the Knockouts don't start things off so they're switching it up a little bit. Madison Rayne calls Tara & Tessmacher to the ring and eventually fires them after screeching at them for a bit. Sting's music hits and Madison starts kissing his ass almost immediately. Sting says that the reason Karen had power as the Knockouts VP was because she had a guaranteed contract, but Madison doesn't. Sting mocks her for a few minutes with Madison continuing the prolonged screeching. It'd been nice if Sting came out last week to end Madison's Rayne (hehe see what I did there :p) of terror last week so we wouldn't have had to endure a very painful and unnecessarily long Knockout segment & match. Sting makes a match between Gail Kim & Mickie James for the Knockouts title as the main event. I can't say I'm all that excited about this match or that it's the main event. Still, a short segment that was pretty decent. Thumbs Up

1. AJ Styles & Kazarian vs. Abyss & Scott Steiner - This match bored me to be quite honest. Watching Abyss & Steiner lumber clumsily & slowly around the ring, throwing one extremely weak & fake looking punch after another was kind of painful. Styles & Kazarian did their best to carry them through this match but I just found myself staring at the clock hoping the match would end soon. Styles & Kazarian both hit some fun offense but it wasn't enough to save this match. The booking of this match was meant to give the impression that Abyss & Steiner were in the same league inside the ring as the babyfaces but it just fell totally flat with me. The end comes at the 7 minute mark when Abyss chokeslams Kazarian and has the win. He tags in Steiner as he did a few weeks back and then puts him in the Black Hole Slam, allowing Kazarian to get the win for the team. I guess TNA was hoping that if they skipped a week that viewers would somehow forget the tension between Abyss & Immortal members and that he wouldn't turn on Steiner. *1/4

Abyss & Bully Ray - Coming back from break, Bully Ray is in the ring and spends the first half dressing down Abyss before Abyss gets back in his face. I forgot how much I hate listening to Abyss talk on the mic. He screams at the top of his lungs and he just breathes so long & so loud into the mic that it sounds like he's on the verge of a massive orgasm. It just annoys the snot out of me. Abyss tells Ray that he wants him in a match and, suddenly, Ray seems to forget the intense fear he's had of Abyss for the past few months and gets in his face. Abyss says that if Ray beats him, he'll go back to Immortal but the match will be a Monster's Ball match at Genesis. I've little interest in this match but, to TNA's credit, they were smart enough to realize that a hardcore setting is the only way these two could put on a passable match together. At the same time, there's just no interest here for me. I don't care if Abyss joins Immortal again and I just think it's a waste of Ray. Thumbs Down

Ric Flair & Gunner - They did a brief backstage promo segment with Ric Flair & Gunner. Flair hypes Gunner "a real bad man" before Gunner pointed to an ambulance behind them and called himself a "killer". Gunner is ridiculous in my view. I just do not take this guy even remotely serious as a badass. I know that TNA is trying to build him up now as a guy that hurts people and I guess carting them out each week is supposed to make is forget all the times he's come off looking like a no talent hack and a low level stooge that can't beat a kid, namely Garett Bischoff, that hasn't been in wrestling long enough to take a dump. I like the idea of using Flair as a mentor to some young guy, Gunner is just not that guy. There are lots of young heels backstage with far more ability than Gunner that TNA could go with to make better use of Flair's time. Thumbs Down

2. Anthony Nese vs. Zema Ion in a Contract on a Pole match - Easily the weakest of the 3 matches we've seen out of these two in as many weeks. The "on a pole" gimmick match is a weak one and tends to result in lackluster matches. This one was no exception and it wasn't helped by the fact that TNA went back to the staple of putting these kinds of matches on television lasting 5 minutes or less. I think the match also revealed weaknesses in both Nese & Ion. They showed little to no storytelling ability or in-ring psychology. Without their high spots, these two don't bring anything to the table and I think it showed in this match. The ending comes when Ion took a nasty looking modified belly to back suplex off the top rope, popped up a few seconds later as if nothing had happened, then pushed Nese off the top rope & climbed the pole himself to get the contract at the 4.5 minute mark. 3/4*

3. Douglas Williams vs. Gunner - The match lasted 90 seconds, wasn't much while it was going on, & Gunner gets DQ'd after tossing the ref down. He has Williams outside and DDTs him on the concrete. Basically, the same thing Gunner's done in recent weeks with the same result: he still comes off like a scrub instead of the badass tough guy TNA wants us to see. N/A

Bobby Roode Promo - I'm kinda mixed on this one. On one hand, I thought Roode did a nice job on the mic. Surprisingly, his friend "Tracy" did a decent job as well. At the same time, I knew what this was going to be the second I heard Roode say that he'd flown his childhood friend down from Canada. They're trying to use Roode's family to generate an emotional dislike for Roode with fans. Roode is doing his best but I don't think it's really clicking. Prior to winning the TNA WHC, TNA spent weeks showing us video packages of Roode's family, how much they support him, Roode interacting with them, hanging out with his sons, etc. and this hostility towards them, him labeling them as people only wanting money from him just doesn't feel the least bit authentic. I think the fans can really sense that too. TNA built Roode up so strong as a babyface, then gave him a very quick & unexpected heel turn and have now tried to involve his family in the storyline to build heat on him that doesn't feel at all genuine. Roode stomped his friend for a bit before Hardy runs out and Roode flees. Thumbs In The Middle

4. Eric Young & ODB vs. Samoa Joe & Magnus - For the most part, a comedy match that I don't think did any real favors for anyone. Young was being his typically goofy self while ODB spent her involvement in the match sexually harassing Magnus or smacking him around the ring. Magnus ultimately winds up pushing ODB hard into the corner as Eric Young is climbing the turnbuckle, allowing Samoa Joe to hit the Muscle Buster for the win at the 5 minute mark. Joe & Magnus move on, so at least TNA didn't drop the ball there. *1/4

5. Kurt Angle vs. Rob Van Dam - Disappointing outing from these two. I was honestly expecting a good 12-15 minute match from these two but we get the standard 5 minute treatment. The match started off ok with the two sort of feeling each other out and then they wind up spending the next 3 minutes or so trading signature moves on each other before Angle locks in the ankle lock. James Storm enters the ring from behind, Angle turns and catches the Last Call, ending the match in a DQ. *1/4

6. Gail Kim vs. Mickie James for the TNA Knockouts Championship - Overall, I have to say that Gail & Mickie put on an entertaining match, probably as good a female wrestling match as you're probably going to see on television. Good back & forth action and the match was easily the highlight of the night as far as the wrestling action goes. They gave the two Knockouts a good amount of time, the match ended about the 14 minute mark and here comes the hinky finish that we've seen soooooo many times in IW main events. After Mickie tosses Gail back into the ring, Earl Hebner is checking on her when Mickie is attacked by some masked female. Mickie is hit with the Peruvian neckbreaker, which I think is Madison Rayne's finisher, and the masked chick ducks under the ring. Gail makes the cover and gets the three to retain the title. The finish did hurt the match in my eyes because it's so often that IW features this sort of ending in main event matches. We'd already had 2 DQ finishes in other matches. At the same time, the women did a good job and put on an entertaining match. **1/2

Final Thoughts - I thought the show was pretty lackluster this week. There was some decent stuff here and there, but most of the show just felt like it dragged on forever, especially the first hour. As far as promo segments went, nothing tonight really stood out. The opening with the Knockouts was different, plus it was short. Bobby Roode did a solid job on the mic but the angle of using his family to put heat on him just isn't clicking with me. Beating up his friend "Tracy" was a little too cliche` and there's practically zero heat in his feud with Jeff Hardy. All the heat has been mostly between Roode & Sting. There was more heat tonight with Roode & "Tracy" than there has been with Roode & Hardy. A lot of that is Hardy's fault because the man just cannot talk to save his life on the mic. Most of the wrestling action was pretty meh. Styles & Kazarian vs. Abyss & Steiner was boring and I've no interest in Abyss vs. Ray. I just think Abyss is damaged goods at this point. The Nese vs. Ion match was weak, easily the worst of the 3 matches they've had. Magnus & Joe won their tag match and Angle vs. RVD was a disappointment. Mickie James & Gail Kim put on a good, solid main event match that was hurt some by the traditional way to end a main event on Impact Wrestling: outside interference. It wasn't a God awful show, but they certainly didn't end 2011 with a bang by any stretch. I do like that TNA has slowed down and no longer look as though they're trying to cram a month worth of angles into a single episode. I'm just not heavily interested in a lot of the programs they've got running right now.

Grade: C-

I actually enjoyed Sting's interaction with the Knockouts at the beginning. It was quite entertaining.

Abyss shouldn't be in a singles PPV match right now. He should be destroying and tormenting Immortal members one at a time. They should build him back up as a monster. This, or hopefully something, could lead to the end of Immortal. It's pointless right now.

And when they showed the "mystery attacker" at the end of the show peeking out from under the ring you could easily tell it was Madison Rayne. Those eyes are easy to spot :blink:

You're right though. Their matches, especially main events even on PPV's, are rife with interferences and DQ's. It's predictable and annoying. Remember that one PPV that had 3 matches end on something getting sprayed in someones face? Unreal :disappointed:
Impact Wrestling Hits and Misses for 1/12/2012

Before I get to the hits and misses, I first want to say that this was a fantastic show. In fact, this may have been my favorite Impact episode since 2010. We were treated with two PPV quality matches, including a match that should undoubtably be among the best matches of 2012 between Jeff Hardy and Robert Roode. Angle and Storm was also a fantastic match, and the right man went over. This brings us one step closer to the inevitable showdown between Storm and Roode, which has feud of the year written all over it. This episode was the perfect balance between wrestling, good promo work, and storyline development. Let's get to this.

Impact Hits:

Jeff Hardy vs Robert Roode: Ive heard it said that Jeff Hardy is nothing more then a product of the WWE machine. If it hadn't been debunked before, it was tonight. This wasn't a crowd that had piped in cheers for Hardy, this was a crowd that was as emotionally invested in a match that ive seen in any promotion in a long time. And for once, the Impact Zone crowd enhanced this match with how they rallied behind Hardy. Kudos to them.

But let's talk about the match itself. As I stated above, this has contender for match of the year written all over it. Roode wrestled a clean match, and this was as even of a match as Ive seen in some time. Hardy played the babyface in peril to perfection, and Roode absolutely shined as the cocky heel who could still put on a show and match Hardy move for move. The last five minutes were especially fun, as there were at least five or six believable near falls. The only detraction of this match is the cheap ending, but that did little to take away from this outstanding match. ***3/4

James Storm vs Kurt Angle: First off, let me state that James Storm is the best babyface in all of wrestling right now. To no surprise, his promo to set up the match with Angle was outstanding. He embarrased Kurt in their exchange, which is an impressive feat. While I question why this match wasn't saved for PPV, that's a small gripe. It sets up the Roode/Storm faceoff, which has feud of the year written all over it.

As for the match itself, this was better then their two PPV encounters. A nice, long match that was full of drama from start to finish. I didn't expect Hardy to win the title tonight, so I expected Storm to go over. It was only fitting that their rubber match was for the No. 1 Contendership, and the right man won. I really liked both men using each other's finishing moves, but without success. This further validates the wrestler who uses those moves as their signature moves/finishers, especially with Storm hitting the Superkick to end the match after Angle couldn't seal the deal using the exact same move. Not as good as Roode and Hardy, but this was still a PPV worthy match. ***1/4

Styles/Kazarian/Daniels: This is how you do storyline development, folks. AJ calls Kaz out, only for Kaz to duck the issue. This continues the intrigue of why Kaz turned on AJ, which keeps viewers intrigued into when the explanation will be coming. I understand the frustration where people want instant gratification in these situations(See Jericho, Chris), but I prefer the longer build, so the payoff seems more special. Daniels was masterful when he came out, as he's playing the puppet master/over the top heel to perfection. I loved this segment.

Samoa Joe and Magnus; I'm not even going to include the tag team match that preceded this, as it's not truly hit or miss worthy. What is hit worthy is that the team of Magnus and Joe seems to be a permanent pairing, at least for the time being. I was down on the Wild Card tournament from the start, but I'll eat crow and say that what JGKY was right: I needed to wait this thing out to see how it played out. And what we have is another tag team, one that looks like threats to the champs after their beatdown. This is a nice step in what hopefully is the rejuvanation of the tag team division.

Opening Segment: I know some will complain about Roode coming across as a weak champion, but this is heel booking 101. Roode was entertaining in his over the top antics of claiming he dominated Hardy, then claimed he wanted to show Sportsmanship for the effort Hardy put up. i'm glad Sting came out and pointed out the obvious, bringing the segment back to reality. And Roode's response to Sting making Hardy vs Roode for the title with the stipulation of Roode losing the title by DQ was just priceless. I really enjoyed this.

Cage Match Announcement: Let's see here. Much like Tara cost Mickie the title twice last year, Madison has done the same this year. This is the perfect opportunity for Mickie to gain revenge against Madison should she win. Another example of good storyline development, especially with promoting the match in advance a week ahead. It's such a simple tactic to give viewers incentive to tune in, but the lack of frequency with which it's done baffles me. Kudos to TNA for doing this.

Overall show: What's not to like here? While paying customers for Genesis may complain about two rematches from Genesis, with both being better then their PPV matches, the quality and the importance of the matches far outweighs any negatives. Couple this with a phenomenal promo from James Storm, good storyline developments with both the Kaz/AJ storyline and the KO division, and the building of the tag team divison, and this was a great show. A

Impact Misses:​

ODB vs Winter: If you enjoy the antics of Eric Young, then you probably liked this. This is simply a matter of personal preference, as I don't find Young entertaining. His antics overshadowed what was a pretty decent KO's match, and he and ODB's antics following the match simply made me roll my eyes. 3/4*

X-Division goes missing: Austin Aries is one of the most entertaining characters on television, and it's almost as if he's above the X-Divsion at this point. So why is he missing on the show? If they want to grow character development within the X-Division, then it needs to be featured weekly with character growth by the week. Aries is a fully developed character, and deserves a more prominent role on Impact. Zema Ion and Jesse Sorenson, who seem to be in line for pushes, need help in the character development area. So by leaving them off TV, it hinders their chances to connect with the audience. I was disappointed with this.
TNA Impact Wrestling - January 19, 2012

Opening Segment - An overall solid segment to start things off with with some good and some bad. The good: Storm did another good job on the mic, even though it felt a bit rushed. Bobby Roode & Jeff Hardy's presence put all the players in the title picture out there and it helped set the match up. The bad: Jeff Hardy showed once again why he shouldn't open his mouth on a mic. His bit about Roode doing so much screwing that he needed to pay child support was brutally awful. Sting set up a match between the two for the #1 contender spot, that's not bad don't get me wrong, but it seems that there's more heat between Sting & Roode than there is between Roode and either of his challengers at this point. Thumbs In The Middle

1. AJ Styles vs. Gunner - A pretty decent 5 minute match that did feature some good action. It was a decent mix of styles with Gunner's power & brawling against Styles' athleticism. At the same time, however, as I was watching the match, I couldn't help but think that Gunner still looked out of his league. One reason for that is that TNA hasn't really built Gunner up as a legit threat. He managed to score the win here against Styles via the DDT only after Daniels & Kazarian interfered. We're still left with the bad taste of Garett Bischoff getting the best of Gunner in their matches and a few cheap wins without a decisive one isn't washing it out of my mouth. **

Bully Ray & Sting - Short backstage promo segment but a good one. Ray continues to shine when he opens his mouth and he seems to be another guy with good chemistry against Sting. Ray asks for a title shot and isn't given one, so this all but guarantees that Ray will interfere in the Storm vs. Hardy match tonight. Thumbs Up

2. Crimson vs. Magnus - Too short to really rate and there wasn't much to the match. Magnus hit about half a dozen moves or so before Crimson hits him with Red Sky for the win. This was an opportunity to make Magnus look good and TNA squandered it. Crimson hit him with one move, his finisher, during the entire match and got the win. It makes Magnus look like a scrub and more difficult to see him as a legit threat to the tag titles. We all expected Crimson to win, especially when Christy Hemme announces him as "the Undefeated Crimson", but this match didn't do anyone any favors. Samoa Joe comes out and attacks Crimson from behind and they both beat him down for a bit. Morgan shows up before the same thing eventually happens to him. It was an attempt to get some heat back but that's not gonna happen here when you get pinned in literally 1 minute after taking 1 move. N/A

Eric Young & ODB - I know some people are fans of EY but I'm just burned out on the guy's schtick. It's just not all that funny and, to me, was never all that much fun to begin with. He & ODB have sort of an odd couple thing goin' on and that's ok, but I've no interest in seeing an inter-gender match between Young & Angelina Love. It's a shame because, frankly, I think Young does deserve better than this. Thumbs Down

Garett Bischoff Training Video - This started off with a recap of what happened between Garett & his old man Eric last week on IW before going into a video presentation of him training in the gym. There really wasn't anything bad here, but it's just another example of this kid sort of being pushed and forced onto fans whether they like it or not. Just because he's Bischoff's son and just because, probably, Hogan will be revealed as the one "training" him doesn't mean that they can force fans to accept the guy when he hasn't done anything to show that fans should accept him. Thumbs Down

3. Mickie James vs. Madison Rayne - This was a steel cage match between the two and, personally, I thought it was a waste of the cage stipulation. There was virtually no use of the cage as an offensive weapon, no real attempts to use the cage to escape. It was just there mostly as a decoration it seemed. If the idea was to prevent Gail Kim from interfering and giving Mickie a fair shot at Madison, just ban Gail from ringside and threaten to take her title if she breaks the stipulation. It's easy, it's simple and it doesn't waste the cage. The match itself was pretty solid all the same. Nothing really stood out as being great or buzzworthy, just an overall solid 12 minute match with Mickie getting the win via the DDT. **

Austin Aries & Alex Shelley - Very good promo segment from these two. It's very nice to see TNA FINALLY do something with Shelley, whose been off television for months now and hasn't done anything of relevance since Sabin's injury. Aries did a good job initially on the mic and Shelley held his own. A few minor lame attempts a humor of Shelley's part, but overall good work from him. Shelley get in Aries face and challenges him for the title and I like how Aries handled things. He didn't back off, he didn't try to talk his way out of it but presented a logical point of view: Shelley has been gone forever, so why should he just be given a shot? The idea of making Shelley face an opponent for the #1 contendership gives it a little more meaning even if the outcome of the match, whomever it's going to be against, is already determined. It was also nice to see them given some real mic time and a feud against someone like Shelley is exactly what the X Division needs. Aries is the only one that's been carrying the whole thing for months now and it's tiring watching him beat Sorensen, Kash & Ion over and over. Thumbs Up

4. Eric Young vs. Angelina Love - Dunno what happened here and, frankly, I don't care. I went for a piss break & a Pepsi, so at least it was over by the time I got back. N/A

5. Cowbody James Storm vs. Jeff Hardy - Good match from these two to close the show with. I wasn't really blown away by anything here. There was some good action, some nice back & forth stuff here and there, and it was just an overall solid match. I guess one reason why I wasn't quite into this match as much as I might normally have been is I just kept waiting for the interference and it came about 13 minutes into the match after Storm his a superplex on Hardy. Ray comes in and breaks things up by knocking the ref to the ground. Ray would lay out two more refs before it was all said and done. Ray used his chain to whip Hardy & Storm before Sting runs out with the baseball bat. Personally, I'm kind of getting tired of seeing Sting get this involved in the main event picture. It's just kind of old for me seeing him be the guy in charge one minute and then beating up talent the next. Ray takes a powder and Bobby Roode comes out on stage and declares himself the most dominant champion in TNA history. **1/2

Final Thoughts - Overall, a pretty solid show from top to bottom. The opening promo segment was pretty solid all around, except for when Jeff Hardy tried to talk, but it did it's job of setting up the main event. There were a few solid matches on the card as well. Styles vs. Gunner was good while it lasted, though the constant cheap wins for Gunner isn't doing anything to make him look more like a threat. He still comes off as the guy that Bischoff's kid beat. If they want to get rid of that image, Gunner needs something more. Mickie James vs. Madison Rayne was an ok match but was a complete waste of the steel cage gimmick. Storm vs. Hardy was the match of the night, it wasn't a great match, but it was a solid effort that I knew was going to end in a no contest. A no contest ending is useful sometimes, but I hope this is the last one TNA does for a while because they've been using it a whole lot as of late. For me, the highlight of the show was the promo segment featuring Austin Airies & Alex Shelley. The X Division guys got some good mic time, both delivered solid promos and set up what looks to be easily the most interesting program Aries has worked since becoming X Division Champion. The stuff with ODB & Eric Young didn't do anything for me at all and the match with Crimson vs. Magnus seems pointless as all it accomplished was Magnus looking like a complete scrub.

Grade: B-
TNA Impact Wrestling - January 19, 2012

2. Crimson vs. Magnus - Too short to really rate and there wasn't much to the match. Magnus hit about half a dozen moves or so before Crimson hits him with Red Sky for the win. This was an opportunity to make Magnus look good and TNA squandered it. Crimson hit him with one move, his finisher, during the entire match and got the win. It makes Magnus look like a scrub and more difficult to see him as a legit threat to the tag titles. We all expected Crimson to win, especially when Christy Hemme announces him as "the Undefeated Crimson", but this match didn't do anyone any favors. Samoa Joe comes out and attacks Crimson from behind and they both beat him down for a bit. Morgan shows up before the same thing eventually happens to him. It was an attempt to get some heat back but that's not gonna happen here when you get pinned in literally 1 minute after taking 1 move. N/A

The stuff with ODB & Eric Young didn't do anything for me at all and the match with Crimson vs. Magnus seems pointless as all it accomplished was Magnus looking like a complete scrub.

I totally see where you're going with this evaluation of the match, and it's no doubt understandable, but I'm gonna disagree with you.

If we really go back and look at Crimson's push, his in-ring M.O. has mostly been that of a "homerun hitter". Crimson's streak has not been like Goldberg's or even Joe's was, other than an occasional squash here and there against low-card talent, Crimson has been made to look more "sudden" than dominant.

Most all of Crimson's matches against high level competition, atleast the ones that have been competed on Impact where the time restraints limit the "back and forth" to some degree, have played out in this manner. When Crimson wrestles a much more experienced talent who is proven he tends to be controlled for the majority of the action before hitting his finisher out of nowhere and continuing his streak.

We all knew Crimson was gonna win the match, but IMO allowing Magnus to control the action is TNA's way of trying to demonstrate to us that he's legit. If they wanted to give the impression that Magnus was an inferior competitor then they simply would've sent them out there to execute a squash.

But I could see how a casual viewer may have seen it the way you described, since they may not know or remember the way Crimson's matches routinely operate due to his not seeing much singles work in the recent months.
This was the most enjoyable Impact episode in while. Other than Garett Bischoff continuing to bore me, I don't know if I can complain about anything else on the show. It's great to see Shelley back, and I'm sure he and the awesome A Double will give us some quality TV if given time. EY and ODB are developing great chemistry together and keep me laughing when they're on screen. I look forward to seeing where Kaz and Daniels' story is headed and how exactly AJ fits into it. Bully Ray is still my favorite heel to watch in all of wrestling (with Daniel Bryan a close second), and Sting has found a perfect role as an authority figure who occasionally gets in the ring. Mickie and Madison put on a very good cage match, and Madison still plays the best female heel wrestler I can even think of. Magnus and Joe work surprisingly well together, and I'd like to see them stick around in the tag division for a while and see how much they can do together. And, more than anything, I love how ambiguous the title picture is right now. I expect a four-way with Roode, Storm, Hardy, and Ray to be the end result, but getting all these guys mixed up with each other is making it more interesting than what I expected. I really think TNA has improved a lot lately, and I look forward to seeing where all of this stuff goes.
TNA Impact Wrestling - February 2, 2012

Opening Segment - I wasn't all that wild about the opening promo for the show. For starters, I just found myself more annoyed by Ray & Roode than anything else. It kind of bugs me that TNA regularly has promos where the heels are practically going down on each other via one compliment after. I know that heels who are aligned should show solidarity, but TNA sometimes takes it a little too far. Storm didn't even get an opportunity to talk and I'm really starting to get tired of Sting always just popping up and putting himself right squarely in the middle of things. I have little doubt that Sting will physically involve himself at some point during the show, which also annoys the crap out of me as most of the heat Bobby Roode has accumulated since becoming TNA WHC has been with Sting rather than the challengers for his title. Sting made an announcement for the main event for the next ppv being a four way match between Roode, Ray, Hardy & Storm before announcing that Storm would face Roode & Ray separately. They did the whole thing where Roode & Ray overreact to Sting's ruling and scream threats at him. The segment did set up what could be two good matches but, overall, it just didn't do much for me. Thumbs Down

1. Crimson & Matt Morgan vs. Samoa Joe & Magnus - While this match featured some decent action at times, the stipulation they came up with is incredibly lame. Joe & Magnus won a coin toss in which they were allowed to both be in the ring simultaneously while Morgan & Crimson had to abide by traditional tag team rules. The idea of the match might not seem quite as stupid if tag matches in TNA didn't often have tag matches in which the "traditional rules" are routinely tossed out the window. You know, like when order breaks down with all four men getting into it while the referee stands around with his thumb up his ass and not even trying to restore order to the match. Even in a 2 on 1 situation, Joe & Magnus were basically booked to barely be able to hold their own against Crimson or Joe. The action does eventually break down a bit but the ending comes when Joe tosses Morgan to the mat in the snap mare while Magnus leaps off the rope for the elbow drop. Joe & Magnus get the win at the 4 minute mark, but this win didn't do a thing for them. Crimson & Morgan still looked out of their league and Joe & Magnus came across as a team that needed a match with a kooky stipulation in order to get a win. *

Eric & Garret Bischoff - I continue to care absolutely nothing for the extreme efforts Bischoff has taken to try and get his son over. Garret eventually gets around to telling Bischoff that his "trainer" will be here and that he wants to see Bischoff later. Garret's trainer will turn out to be Hulk Hogan, I've no doubt about that. During the ad for tonight's show, right before the show came on, it was said that Hogan would be returning to IW tonight, so it's not going to be a surprise. Garret Bischoff doesn't have the ability to back up the big push that he's getting and we'll have to deal with another segment later on devoted to attempting to put Mrs. Bischoff's baby boy over. Thumbs Down

2. Austin Aires vs. Mark Haskins - Pretty decent match overall. It had a good pace to it and had some decent action. Nothing really stood out aside from the massive close call from Haskins' attempt at a Shooting Star Press. Aries was crisp, as usual, inside the ring and it felt more like a tune up match for Aries. Aries gets the win after Haskins misses the SSP by hitting the Brainbuster then transitioned it into an inverted STF for the win at the 4.5 minute mark. **

3. Bobby Roode vs. Cowboy James Storm - Good match from Roode & Storm. This is a match that I think could have benefitted from a week or so of hype before coming about, but both men delivered a very good back and forth effort. Storm looked resilient as he took just about all of Roode's best shots, including the crossface submission and Roode's Fisherman's Suplex. Roode eventually ducks out to grab his title and comes back into the ring and tries to hit Storm with it. Storm counters by catching Roode in Closing Time, AKA the Codebreaker. As the ref's back is turned, Bully Ray pops up and grabs Storm's leg as he's setting up for the Last Call superkick. Roode then hits Storm with a spear for the win at the 14 minute mark. Ray & Roode then started beating on Storm when, surprise surprise, Sting runs down and runs them off with the bat. ***

4. Gail Kim vs. Tara - Most of this match was pretty decent. Gail & Tara have good chemistry with each other and delivered an overall solid match. However, as usual, there was the usual referee incompotence that came about. The refs almost always seem to look like complete morons during these Knockout matches. Madison Rayne interferes and is about to hit Tara from behind, who sidesteps and causes Madison to nail Gail Kim, all while Hebner stands around looking like a doof. Tara then puts Gail in the Widow's Peak for the win a little below the 5 minute mark. *1/4

Eric Bischoff, Gunner, Garret Bischoff & Hulk Hogan - Garret starts things off inside the ring trying to cut a promo, poor thing, before his old man comes out with Gunner in tow. After a little trash talk from the old man, Hulk Hogan's music hits and he comes down and does his thing with the crowd. After he gets into the ring, he & Garret take turns punching Gunner while the old man slithers out of the ring. As they come back from commercial break, Garret & Hogan do an interview backstage where Hogan does his thing, Hulkamania and all this and that. Again, nothing at all here that makes me care about this. I have a feeling that this is going to be another long build up to an eventual Hulk Hogan match, which I think will be a tag match with Hogan & Garret taking on Gunner & Eric. As I said earlier, Garret does not have the talent to back up this big push he's getting and they're insistent upon shoving him down everyone's throats. Hogan's comments about TNA being "this close" to being the "greatest company of all time" seemed almost like a backhanded comment. It just makes sense for Hogan to already proclaim TNA as the greatest. Chris Jericho said a while back that a wrestler should put the company he works for over as the best. Whether it actually is or not is all personal perspective in the eyes of viewers, but Hogan didn't do that here. TNA has been doing a lot of good stuff as of late and it just seemed like Hogan skipped over that. Thumbs Down

5. Cowboy James Storm vs. Bully Ray - Another good, solid match here that told a good story. There wasn't anything particularly out of this world about the match, but Storm & Ray put on an entertaining match that delivered some good action. I also dug the fact that we didn't see a heavily overbooked ending, as is still fairly common in TNA main events. With the ref knocked down, Roode tried to slither into the ring but Sting runs him off with a cricket bat. Storm wins the match after hitting Last Call on Ray at the 14.5 minute mark. **3/4

Final Thoughts - The London crowd was white hot for everything that was put in front of them tonight and it's always good to see TNA get out of the Impact Zone as often as possible. That being said, I simply didn't enjoy most of tonight's show. There wasn't anything horrible really, just a lot going on that just simply didn't interest me at all. The opening promo felt very repetetive and Sting's constant presence out there as the man in charge that regularly beats up the talent or generally just stepping into the middle of things is getting old for me. I'm still not the least bit interested in the Garret Bischoff storyline. He's getting a big push and doesn't have the talent to go along with it, so let's not try to pretend that he does at this point in time. The tag match between Crimson & Morgan vs. Joe & Magnus had some decent action but a damn stupid stipulation that didn't really serve to make Joe & Magnus seem any closer to being legit contenders than they were before. The Aries vs. Haskins match was ok, nothing really to write home about. The saving grace of the show were the Storm vs. Roode and Storm vs. Ray matches. Both featured good action along with good storytelling, which kept the show from feeling like a total dud in my eyes.

Grade: C+
The way they handled the Bischoff/Hogan storyline was an absolute disaster. Anyone with half a brain knew that Hogan was going to be his trainer as soon as they announced Hogan was making a comeback. If they would have not even mentioned him being there and he came out it would have been a much better surprise. I'm sure most people could tell who it would be anyways but when you mention him it just kills all elements of surprise and the surprise factor is a huge part of a storyline like that. It's like if they announced Taker making a comeback this past Monday on Raw I wouldn't have been near as excited for him when he did come out.
the crowd was incredible. if they could have that type of crowd all the time the show would be so much better.
while the crowd was good, I did not like the way things were set up. the gray barricades and how the entrance was too small. but I read somewhere else they had already sold too many tickets and couldn't have their usual type set up. but I think it would have been better with a wider type entrance and for the colours to be dark/black. would have made the show better.

the Hogan/Bischoffs part I thought was very weak. the first part with Garrett/Eric I thought was useless. many boring chants during this part. they could have done this part backstage, they didn't need to have these 2 out in front of the crowd 2 different times.
most people on the internet should have known it was Hogan, even without reading spoilers. for weeks before the taping TNA had announced Hogan for the tour over in England. then multiple times during the first part of Impact last night saying Hogan was coming out later. completely ruining any surprise angle with who Garrett's trainer would be.
but I do understand why TNA did it. a big name they want viewers to stick around and wait for.
maybe like many I think this whole angle is just stupid. but you have to imagine this will lead to a Hogan match. that I'm not looking forward to either. at least before when Hogan/Sting were going to wrestle/fight there was speculation it would lead to a Hogan face turn. that was worth watching and when that happened it was exciting to watch. why would anyone want to see Hogan now?
the best thing that TNA could do is forget about Garrett and have him leave, then use Eric in another role where he could be better used.

I was expecting a better show. the stipulation or whatever in the tag match IMO was stupid.

I understand using Mark Haskins in the match with Aries because he was a local boy, but IMO that was also stupid. before that match I wouldn't even have recognized who Mark Haskins was. he's completely useless. Aries should feel upset that TNA threw him in the ring with him. and what does Haskins do? he messes up a move off the top rope and gives himself a concussion. hope he enjoyed his match on TV, he wont/shouldn't been seen again for a while. it would have better better if Aries wrestled someone like Zema.
Watched Impact from London last night, and I've got to say - if this isn't proof that TNA need to get the hell out of Orlando ASAP, or at least tape in the UK more often, I don't know what is. What a crowd. It lifted what was pretty much standard Impact fare up to something much, much better.

I enjoyed the 'Buckingham Brawl', but thought the gimmick was a hugely transparent ploy to protect Morgan and Crimson. Roode/Storm was good. And I particularly enjoyed the Lesnar-esque shooting star botch in the X-Division match. The Bischoff story (and I say this as someone who likes Eric Bischoff), is an absolute abortion.

More of the same this week. Hooray!
I haven't watched TNA in a while but I must say that the last two weeks have been refreshing to see TNA in front of a real passionate wrestling audience. The London crowd was red hot for both shows. I don't think I have ever heard a reaction like that for AJ Styles before. The fatal 4 way main event for AAO is the most intriguing fatal 4 way match up I have had the chance to see build up. The Styles, Daniels, and Kazarian saga continues to unfold, and we will have a great match up with Aries and Alex Shelley for the X division title.

I even hope that Joe and Magnus become tag team champions so we can see and hear more from them. I'm not excited about the whole Garrett Bischoff saga against his father and Gunner. I thought Crimson and Gunner were the "future" of the business, and now I guess Garrett Bischoff is the flavor of the month. I hope they put this angle on the back burner later. TNA has too much main event talent that there is no room for someone like Garrett. Especially at this stage of his career.

Good show. I wasn't crazy about seeing Sting make the TNA World Heavyweight champion Booby Roode submit, but it was a special occasion overseas. How many times with London fans get to see Sting wrestle or even put someone in the Scorpion death lock? This has probably been the best set of Impact shows taped outside of the Impact Zone. It's too bad TNA isn't going to go on the road for Impact anytime soon. It will be back to canned heat and fake crowd noise as usual next Thursday.
2 shows with great hot crowds. this is what TNA should have more often. but there had to be some type of problem because the ratings sucked. can't remember what they were last week, but last night's show had 1.05 rating. TNA has to be disappointed in that.

TNA should get off of Spike.
It's too bad TNA isn't going to go on the road for Impact anytime soon. It will be back to canned heat and fake crowd noise as usual next Thursday.

Although I agree that I'd like to see TNA get back to atleast semi-regularly taping Impact outside of Orlando, that is an unfair shot. For a small crowd, the Impact Zone crowd has done a much better job of illustrating a more organic crowd reaction lately. It has been a couple of months since they have had to use any type of canned crowd response on the Impact Zone tapings.

As for this set of tapings that occurred at Wembley, I think alot of props need to be sent out to James Storm- who was obviously the MVP of these tapings. To think he put on three seperate matches that totaled nearly 45 minutes of match time over the course of this one night of action, and came up with a great performance throughout the entire duration of the night is very impressive by Storm. It would be a travesty to see Ray or Hardy be the man to take the belt off of Roode this Sunday. When it comes time for Bobby to drop the title(and that time IS NOT yet) the only man who deserves to be the next champ is Storm. Great showing by him these last couple broadcasts.
TNA Impact Wrestling - February 16, 2012

Opening Segment - Standard opening made up almost entirely of the same formula TNA's been using for a little while. Bobby Roode did a nice job on the mic and came off as arrogant and somewhat obnoxious. Sting comes down and quickly gets into his mold and places Roode in a match for the TNA WHC next against Jeff Hardy in a no time limit, no DQ match. Cue Roode going ballistic and overreacting. Nothing at all special here, but it was short and it set up an interesting hook for the title match. Thumbs In The Middle

1. Bobby Roode vs. Jeff Hardy for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship - I hate to say it but I was extremely disappointed with this match. Most of the match felt like an unnecessarily dragged out squash match with a shitty finish. The match went about 16.5 minutes, around that area, and Jeff Hardy was literally in control for about 95% of the time. We saw very little offense from Roode, most of which amounted to a few punches here & there and occassionally shoving/throwing Hardy into something. The rest was pretty much Hardy. Most of the action took place outside the ring and the ending comes with Kurt Angle popping up and jumping Hardy from behind. He delivers a few shots before ramming Hardy into the ring steps, then pushing him back inside. Roode runs out of the corner and delivers a spear to Hardy for the win. Hardy hits Roode with chairshots, rams him into steps & barricades, repeatedly slams him all over the Impact Zone to the floor and basically beats the snot out of him for about 15 minute of the match with Roode getting in virtually no offense, but he loses after being rammed into steps and then taking a spear? Neither guy really came out looking like much here with Roode being dominated the entire time and Hardy looking weak. Given how the match was booked, they should've knocked it down to run about half as long as it did. *1/2

Roode & Sting II - After the match, Roode gets back on the mic & puts himself over while continuing to goad Sting. Sting comes out and comments on Roode's continuous attempts to cheat the system before announcing that there'll be a #1 contender match later in the night. I understand that TNA wants Sting & Rooded to have an antagonistic situation on screen, nothing wrong with that at all, but I think they've gone too far with it. All the heat is between those two, the spotlight is on those two entirely rather than whoever Roode's opponents have been. Thumbs In The Middle

Various Segments - They had a segment with Eric Young backstage doing his thing, except with a guitar. Sting also talked to Bully Ray & James Storm with both of them agreeing to compete in the match and TNA did a presentation on Jesse Sorensen with Mike Tenay doing some somber commentary while they showed the footage of what happened to Sorensen at Against All Odds. N/A

2. Austin Aries & Zema Ion vs. Alex Shelley & Shannon Moore - Pretty standard 4 minute X Division tag team match. There was some pretty good action while it lasted and I came away from the match feeling that yet another 3 way or 4 way dance for the X Division strap is looming on the horizon. Ion didn't come across as particularly interesting to me. Just a generic heel obsessed with hairspray. Not as generic as Sorensen's face character, but I'm not seeing anything from Ion so far. The match ends with Ion making a blind tag on Aries while Aries is going for the Brainbuster on Shelley. Shelley floats over behind Aries but Ion quickly rolls him up for the win. The story here is Ion sort of stealing Aries' thunder while trying to establish himself as a challenger. I'd be far more interested in seeing a continuation of Aries & Shelley. They put on a great match at AAO and Ion is still just another one of the guys that Aries has been beating week after week since becoming X Division Champion. *3/4

3. Knockouts Battle Royal - This was to determine a new #1 contender for the Knockouts Championship. To me, the highlight of the match was Velvet Sky's entrance. Women's battle royals just don't interest me I'm afraid, but at least it was longer than the usual 3 minutes we'd get in a Diva battle royal. Madison Rayne winds up winning after sneaking back into the ring and eliminating Velvet Sky while Velvet is celebrating after thinking she'd won the match. 1/2*

Eric Bischoff, Ric Flair & Gunner - Standard heel promo that we've seen a thousand times before. Basically, the three heels come out looking all cocky and come close to performing ******io on one another while continuously putting each other over while ragging on Garett Bischoff. Nothing worth seeing or hearing. Thumbs Down

4. Cowboy James Storm vs. Bully Ray in a #1 contender match - I wasn't all that wild about this match as the booking was very similar to what we saw in the TNA WHC match earlier in the show. The match went for about 11.5 minutes or so with Bully Ray controlling practically the entire match. The match started off with Storm getting in a flurry of offense before Ray targeted his left leg, then it was almost all Ray all the time. The match ends with Ray suddenly hitting Closing Time out of nowhere followed by the Last Call superkick for the win. Ray takes two major moves in the entire match and that's all it takes to pin him. As with Roode & Hardy, neither Ray or Storm came out of this match looking like much. Roode & Storm's wins almost came off looking like flukes. The stuff between Bully Ray & Brandon Jacobs afterward will almost certainly get TNA mainstream media attention but it didn't do much for me. We'll probably see some sort of follow up on that next week but I Ray will probably wind up playing chump to the celeb. *1/2

Roode & Sting III - Basically, Roode attacks Sting and beats on him for a while, leaving Sting bloody. Again, all the heat in the TNA WHC situation is currently on Sting & Roode. Why don't they just book these two in a match and get it over with? Unfortunately, I have a feeling that's exactly what's going to happen before long and I honestly couldn't care less. Thumbs Down

Final Thoughts - All in all, last night's show was the weakest that TNA has done in a while in my eyes. Nothing particularly interesting came about during the promo segments, they felt extremely repetitive to me. There were a couple of long matches on the show but both matches were dull, drawn out and suffered from some weak booking in my eyes. In Roode vs. Hardy, Hardy dominates the match with Roode getting in virtually no offense. Hardy takes a spear after being rammed into the steps by Kurt Angle and loses. Both guys look weak. In Storm vs. Ray, almost the same thing happens with Storm getting in no offense, landing a big move, and getting the win. I should be happy to finally see Roode vs. Storm over the strap but I can't say that I am at this point and that's unfortunate. All the heat is between Roode & Sting and that's how it's been for a long time. James Storm is feeling like an afterthought right now and that's a shame. Nothing special about the X Division tag match or the Knockouts battle royal. Just a weak show overall for me.

Grade: D+
I Really enjoyed this show! This show had a very old school feel to it , And I loved it . The promos were great and the matches were all good and interesting, And I loved how the wrestlers played to the crowd, it was ECW Like, Fun stuff ! Old school fans should catch this show! They even had the Impact world tour promo with the voice over along with an old school backstage interview with that MMA live host. Again I loved it ! This show took me back to my youth , just ass kicking ,great promos and blood! A Old school wrestling fans dream.

I loved this show ! Grade A
Hardy dominated Roode, but Hardy looked weak?
I don't agree with the way TNA has been booking Roode for while now. he's looking more like he's trying not to lose rather than trying to win. he doesn't care if he wins matches, he just doesn't want to lose. that's not what I would expect from someone that is the world champion. to me that makes Roode look weak. I felt like in this match TNA wanted to make Hardy look good on the TV but still have him end up losing again by getting screwed, this time by Angle. I think this sets up Angle/Hardy.

I was hoping the Bully/Storm match would be better back and forth without one really have a big advantage. I think it could benefit the both of them way, with Storm ending up winning.

Storm will now face Roode for the title at Lockdown, which I think is the best set up. but I think it would have been better if Storm didn't look so weak in his match.

that leaves Roode open for a spot at Victory Road. the way things are going with Sting, I would say enter Sting against Roode.

the Knockouts battle royal looked simply a way to get Madison to win and become the number 1 contender to her partner Gail Kim. lets also remember together they are Knockouts tag team champions. I don't think Sarita should have been in the ring as long as she was, she should have been one of the early ones out.

I usually find Eric Young really funny. some of what he said last night was funny, but i didn't buy him with the guitar and singing to ODB. I thought it could have been better if he was more romantic type, except doing something that ODB would like. instead of flowers and candy he could have got her beer and beef jerky, or something like that.

the X Division tag team match could have been set up better. Shelley and Shannon Moore are both former tag team wrestlers, I felt like they could have done a backstage promo before the match talking about that. then it could have been better to see Aries/Ion having differences and then Shelley picking up the pin. TNA should be using these 3 going forward triple threat style.
I thought it was interesting to see Shannon Moore in there. I wonder if TNA had this tag team match planned before the PPV and instead of Moore had planned to use Jesse Sorensen, but had to replace him with someone else because of what happened.

I don't think TNA really needed to have Eric Bischoff/Gunner/Flair out to the ring just to talk about what happened to Garrett. Flair was there, but why wasn't he also at the PPV with Gunner?
I do have to say I was so happy to see Chelsea. IMO she is the hottest out of all the women in TNA! I hope she can stick around.
I don't think I would have minded these guys celebrating, if it was interrupted by either Hogan or Garrett. at this point with the "celebration" where does this all go now? is it done? or are we going to see more? an interruption by Hogan could have either helped continue it, or end finish it by saying Garrett was injured and going to be out for awhile.

I thought the Brandon Jacobs part was great! after Bully spit the bear Jacobs looked like a beast all pissed off. then he talked about next week. I'm hoping more sports shows can pick this up and mention Jacobs will be back for next weeks show. that should help next weeks ratings.
If they are setting up for Roode vs Sting at Victory Road as it would now seem, I'm sure we'll soon be hearing lots of moaning about Sting taking the spotlight off the young guys, how he's too old to go blah blah blah.

Allow me say, if this is indeed the angle they're going for, it actually makes a lot of sense. Besides Hardy and Storm (I'm not counting Bully as young, plus Roode and Bully are far far too awesome as heels for either to consider turning to make a 1 on 1 work) there aren't really any other young guys worthy of challenging for the title at the moment, without turning Roode's reign into an absolute clusterfuck. Obviously Roode and Storm need to be kept apart until Lockdown. Couple this with the fact that Hardy has had more than his fair share of failed title shots for the moment, and seems to be setting up for a feud with Kurt Angle, Sting vs Roode is pretty much the only logical choice for Victory Road.

And why not? Sting is still doing pretty well for his age, and because of how BFG played out, Roode never got the rub from a legend. He won the title off another 1st time champion after a 1 week reign (correct me if I'm wrong, it may have been 2?) Bring on Sting vs Roode (hopefully with Roode going over at least slightly cleanly, as he needs to start looking strong for the Storm match to come off.
Hate to double post, but guess nobody's all that interested in discussing this week's Impact. Well, I am. Another fantastic show, with only a few poor elements.

1 - Roode/Sting to start was good. Roode is actually extracting some decent heat from those stiffs in the Impact Zone. Major respect. The man oozes heel.

2 - Roode vs Hardy - Really kicked the show off with a bang this. I'm not a big fan of Hardy, but two things I can't deny - he is sooooo over it's unreal, and secondly, this match was very good, particularly for a free TV match. The Kurt Angle ending was odd. As I've said previously, considering Angle's immediate future is a question mark (Olympics), seems odd to have him come in and seemingly start a feud.

3 - The Eric Young / ODB stuff was funny, but the payoff of the song itself didn't quite justify the build. I was expecting something hilarious, which only induced minor mirth.

4. X-Division tag - Fun match. I liked the friction between Zema and Aries, and it was good booking to have Ion steal the pin.

5. Knockouts Battle Royal - Dull and overly long, but it did what it needed to do in terms of story. I'm sure Madison will turn face, but her actions last night weren't very face-esque. Very devious.

6. Bischoff, Flair, Gunner - Barely paid attention. So dull! They need to utilize Ric Flair better. He's the 2nd or 3rd most famous wrestler of all time, reduced to nothing more than a simpering goon for Bischoff. Crowds want to cheer Flair for god's sake! They must be paying him so much money, and they're giving him nothing. I'd love to eventually see him in a face GM role, like he was in WWF in 2001/2002.

7. Storm vs Ray - Still loving Ray's heel work. Match wasn't up to much, but did what it needed to do. I like that they seem to be setting up an angle with Bully and... that football bloke? I'm Scottish. I don't have the faintest idea who he is, but he seems to be a big deal. I liked his interaction with Bully. Let's hope he's more Laurence Taylor or Karl Malone, than a Rodman or a Maywether.

8. Sting/Roode. In my above post, I explained why I think a quick Roode/Sting PPV angle makes sense, but this was a mixed bag. Roode came across as an ice cold killa' here, which is good, but Sting is a little too blatantly biased against Roode, in a manner more befitting of a heel GM. It makes it slightly hard to sympathise with him. Hell, if I was Roode, I'd blow my top too.

Anyway, very good show overall.
recent'y Impact Wrestling has not been getting very good ratings.
this most recent show..
According to PWTorch, TNA Impact Wrestling on Thursday, February 16 scored a 1.06 rating, exactly the same as last week's year-low rating, despite following a PPV and featuring a mainstream appearance by N.Y. Giants star Brandon Jacobs.

Impact Wrestling averaged 1.52 million viewers, which was slightly up compared to an average of 1.50 million viewers last week.

Impact Wrestling declined in key demographic ratings of males & adults 18-34 and males & adults 18-49. Only the teen male demographics were up compared to last week.

Impact Wrestling's m18-34 rating was tied for the lowest of the year, the m18-49 rating was the lowest since December 22, and the a18-49 rating was also the lowest since December.

On cable TV Thursday night, Impact Wrestling ranked #31 in overall viewers, #19 among males 18-34, and #14 among males 18-49, knocking Impact Wrestling out of their usual rank within or close to the Top 10.

Q1: The show after a PPV, Impact opened with a year-low 0.99 rating, which followed last week's year-low 1.03 rating in Q1. The segment featured Bobby Roode's seemingly-weekly show-opening confrontation with Sting, set up for a World Title match, and one full commercial break. (down 15.9% vs. 2011-Q1 average)

Q2: Impact increased slightly to a 1.03 rating for the Roode vs. Jeff Hardy TNA World Title match and one commercial break. (down 10.9% vs. 2011-Q2 average)

Q3: Impact dropped slightly to a 1.00 rating for post-match activity and two commercial breaks following the title match. (down 14.3% vs. 2011-Q3 average)

Q4: Impact increased slightly to a first-hour-high 1.04 rating for the X Division tag match, plus one commercial break. (down 7.5% vs. 2011-Q4 average)

Second Hour Break Down

Q5: Impact jumped to a 1.23 rating for the Knockouts battle royal and pre and post-match activity. There was also one commercial break. (even vs. 2011-Q5 average of a 1.23 rating)

Q6: After increasing 18 percent in Q5, Impact declined 18 percent in Q6 to a 1.00 rating, which is where TNA hovered for most of the first hour. The segment featured Eric Bischoff's celebratory promo, various non-wrestling and backstage segments, and one commercial break. (down 13.8% vs. 2011-Q6 average)

Q7: Impact steadily rebounded in the final half-hour, starting with a 1.04 rating in Q7. The segment featured the Bully Ray vs. James Storm #1 contender match and one commercial break. (down 8.8% vs. 2011-Q7 average)

Q8: Impact increased to a 1.11 rating (even with the previous two weeks) for the post-match angle involving Ray, Storm, and NFL star Brandon Jacobs, followed by one commercial break, Sting setting up Roode vs. Storm at Lockdown, and Roode's show-ending attack on Sting. (down 5.7% vs. 2011-Q8 average)

hopefully with more people knowing/expecting Brandon Jacobs back again this coming week that this coming weeks episode can get better ratings.
Not for nothing, but... Brandon Jacobs' chokeslam on Ray through the table was executed FAR better than the one that Kane delivered to Cena through the announcer's table at EC. Just sayin'.

Aside from that I wasn't overly impressed with this week's Impact. It wasn't nearly as good as the show has typically been recently. I would hope that they can rebound next week(a good start would be really delivering on the AJ gauntlet match against Kaz and Daniels that they teased for next Thursday).
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