Official Raw/Smackdown Aftermath, Ratings and Review Thread

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TheOneBigWill’s ‘take’ on Monday Night Raw; February 16th, 2009:

Opening Segment:

The show opens with the Smackdown General Manager, introducing the new World Heavyweight Champion, Edge!

Edge opens his promo with explaining the different possible meanings behind the “R” in Rated R. Remarkable and Really, really smart to name a couple. He then goes on to explain how failure is not an option, and instead of quitting and crying like any one else would’ve done, he didn’t. He proved to the world, that they were WRONG. He then goes into the process of pin pointing how wrong each individual, including a child, was wrong.

Edge then makes the ultimate statement, in which he compared himself to literally, Jesus, in saying while he turned water into wine. Edge turned the W.W.E. title, into the World Heavyweight Championship.

Vickie goes on to explain that when Stephanie left the building, Vickie became the highest official in charge. Thus meaning, with Kofi became “unable to compete”, Vickie had to find a replacement with someone who could fill the spot. (ie. Edge) This later turns into a make-out session that gets sadly interrupted by John Cena.

Cena opens by saying congrats to Edge, then goes into mocking Orton by saying someone may want to throw the Chamber out and sue the company, without having a Mania. Cena says the only reason he’s out there, is merely to say congrats and accept Edge, the new World Heavyweight Champion.. .. .. Then of course he went into his true reason for being out there. By reconfirming what Edge’s “R” should stand for. “Really, really lucky”, “Right place, right time”, and his personal favorite.. “Rematch”.

Edge turns John idea down, then explains he competed in not one, but two Chamber matches. He said he wouldn’t defend tonight, and may not defend for up to a month. He then said if he wanted to see him and his lovely wife, they’d be on Smackdown.

In the end, Cena states he still has a rematch clause, and Edge reminds Cena of their past by some of their previous moments. Cena then tells Edge if he tries to hide, Cena will find him. If he tries to run, Cena will catch him, but in the end, they will fight, and Cena claims he’ll hurt him. Segment ends.

The Matches:

1. Cryme Tyme & C.M. Punk v. Ted DiBiase, Cody Rhodes & William Regal:

Punk and Rhodes open the match, as it almost ends on a quick note. Punk controlled the opening portion, including nailing Rhodes with the G.T.S., however DiBiase and Regal quickly break up any type of attempt to get the victory. The match hit’s a commercial, then comes back with Punk and DiBiase, as the heels take control of the match.

Priceless and Regal all get their punishment in on Punk, as they control the most part of the match, until toward the end, Punk gets the hot tag to J.T.G., as he explodes into the ring on DiBiase and the rest of the heel team.

Everything breaks loose, as in the end it was DiBiase hitting his “Dream Street” (sounds like, Wall-Street, get it) on J.T.G. to pick up the victory. Winners: Priceless & William Regal

2. Jamie Noble v. Kane:

Noble opens back from commercial, talking about the night after No Way Out being the kick-start to leading to Mania. He says he’s never been given his shot at Money in the Bank, but when his moment comes, he’ll make it worthy. He mentioned how Chavo only lasted 9 seconds, and Noble says he’ll make sure his memory is longer than that.. Enter Kane. 16 seconds later, Kane wins the match, squashing Noble from start to finish. Winner: Kane

3. Rey Mysterio v. Mike Knox:

Knox starts the match off with power, as Mysterio attempts to use his speed to gain an advantage, but no good. Knox and Mysterio fight back and forth, until Knox takes control right before a commercial break.

Upon the return, Knox is still in firm control with his power. Most of the match goes with Knox using his power to keep Mysterio under his control, until Mysterio begins rebounding and hit’s a couple speed moves, including a 619, but misses the seated senton. Knox catches Mysterio, then hangs him upside down and pummels him in the corner, until Rey counters out and rolls Knox up for the victory. Winner: Rey Mysterio

4. Women’s Championship: Melina © v. Beth Phoenix w/ Santino & Rosa:

As Phoenix enters, she seems upset that Rosa and Santino aren’t as focused as she is. Beth starts the match off with power and quickly attempts ending the match, but to no avail. Beth continues with controlling the match, hitting several high impact moves.

Melina gets dropped to the outside, as Rosa and Santino take their shots, only for the other divas to come down and even the odds. As the match quickly ended back in the ring, Melina rolled Beth up for the victory. Winner: Melina


Shane McMahon: McMahon orders Orton to meet him in the ring, in a basic return rematch, no rules, no Legacy, no officials. It only ends when someone can’t continue moving. Either way, Shane deems this will end, tonight.

Stephanie & Shane McMahon: Stephanie is trying to talk Shane out of his fight with Orton, but Shane is being just like a McMahon in refusing to listen to reason or any logic. Stephanie pleads with him to wait at least a week, but Shane has none of it and leaves, as Stephanie seems distraught.

Legendary Stand:

Chris Jericho is once again trying to kick-start his Mania feud with Mickey Rourke, imploring that no one vote for “The Wrestler” at the Academy awards. Jericho goes on to say voting for him, is like giving Hall of Famer’s the thought of one more run being worth it, more or less. As Jericho continues, he gets rudely interrupted by the legend, Rowdy Roddy Piper.

Piper basically tells Jericho that he respected Chris Jericho, because Jericho spoke his mind, then he had the guts to back it up. However, Piper says it’s not the same now, because he’s running his mouth, calling all the Legends out. He goes on to explain how he feels Jericho is judging and trying to tell them what they should and shouldn’t do. Piper ends it, by taking one of Jericho’s quotes in saying “Please, shut the hell up”.

Piper continues to explain how Rourke is Piper’s friend, and he cried when he watched the movie, The Wrestler. He says he feels the movie is about honor and respect for the business. About the pain that the business takes out on those who’re in it. And most of all, for the thrill of performing.

Piper walks down memory lane, in explaining how people remember him. He says while Jericho wants to bury them, he feels they should still be celebrated. He then goes on about thow Piper says even returning for one time at the Rumble last year, it still felt like the first WrestleMania to him.

Piper says that while he only has one hip, and hurts all the time.. As long as the people still want him, he’ll crawl on his hands because Old School’s cool. This sparks Jericho to attack Piper, leaving him broken in the ring.

Randy Orton: Orton agrees with facing Shane McMahon tonight. He goes on to explain that he has a problem with how it seems everything thinks he needs Priceless to fight for him. He goes into explaining about how it wasn’t Priceless who defeated Shane at No Way Out, and it won’t be them stopping Shane from moving tonight. Orton says if it’s a fight until no one is moving that Shane wants, Orton has no problem with that.

The Road to the Undertaker:

J.B.L. explains that after No Way Out, Shawn Michaels is no longer his employee. He signed him a check that will benefit him for a very long time. He explains the whole purpose of trying to employ Shawn Michaels, is because he wanted to go back to Texas as the hero, the conquering hometown hero who would return home as Champion. He then goes on to say he came to realize that goal was infact too small. He said he’s going to go to Mania, and do something that no one has been about to do, and that’s defeat the Undertaker.

Shawn Michaels interrupts and explains that just like J.B.L., last night he has a new plan as well. He goes on to explain that no longer is he the Employee of the Month, he’s free at last. He continues to explain that about a month ago, someone by the name of the Undertaker stated that sometimes to get to Heaven, you need to go through hell. Shawn says he finally feels like he’s in Heaven, and as such has a new found resurgence. He pretty much goes on to explain that no one deserves to face the Undertaker, except Shawn Michaels.

Both men believe it’s going to be their destiny to defeat the Undertaker, so Shawn comes up with a plan. J.B.L. against Shawn Michaels, next week, with the winner earning the right to face the Undertaker at Mania. J.B.L. accepts. Shawn gets a bit cocky, saying that this time it’s going to be different, then goes on to push J.B.L. and explain that he’ll push back, unlike the last time. He ends on the statement of “Don’t ya hate it when people do that” as he continues to push J.B.L., then exit’s the ring.

Hall of Fame Inductee: Terry & Dory Funk: It seems not just Terry is going to get the admiration of the Texas crowd, but the Funk Family in general, as both Terry & Dory will be inducted into the Hall of Fame.

Main Event: Unsanctioned Fight: Shane McMahon v. Randy Orton:

Shane rushes Orton in the aisle, as both men throw hard fists at one another. The fight goes into the crowd, as Shane once again is taking control of the match early on. He’s lands some more hard punches, then sends Orton hard into a wall.

Orton regains control, as both men fight their way back to the ring. Orton works his way with Shane to the announce table, then banging Shane’s head off the steel steps. As Shane can barely defend himself, Orton continues lashing out with stiff kicks.

The match returns to the ring, as Orton hits his signature stomps. As the match continues, the action once again returns outside the ring, as Orton rams Shane into the ring apron, repeatedly. Shane finds a second wind, as he rushes Orton up and over the announcer’s table, then unleashes a flurry of fists. Shane uses an announcer’s chair to bang against Orton, before going for the ring bell and clocking Orton upside the head.

Shane sets Orton up for the Coast to Coast, clocking Orton with the ring bell once again, but before Shane can hit his signature move, he’s stopped by Legacy coming to the aid of Orton. Legacy continues the beat down on Shane, as Orton punts Shane in the head. Stephanie comes to her brother’s aid, after the damage is done, as Orton begins eyeing Stephanie up for a similar fate.

Stephanie tries to plead with Orton over what he’s done, only to receive a HUGE R.K.O., as Orton stares blankly at what he’s done, the too little, too late entrance of Triple H. shocks the arena. The show ends with Triple H. roiding up as he glares pissed off at Randy Orton, and the WrestleMania line-up seems one more step complete as the show ends.

Overall Thoughts:
So the overall show was good as far as promos go, but horrible as far as matches went. I’d arguably say the best match of the night was either the 6-man tag, or the domination of Knox on Mysterio until a seeming fluke roll-up cost him the match.

My idea about making the Intercontinental Championship a strictly televised defended title isn’t looking half bad with how they’re not really using Punk with anything other than random 6-man’s, and the apparent continued feud with Regal.. Now likely moving on to Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes.

What exactly would be the purpose of a squash on Noble, from Kane? To get Kane television time? To attempt making it seem like Noble will have a spot on this year’s 25th anniversary Mania card? Hardly. I guess it only took about a minute in total as is, but I think the point is there really wasn’t one, other than to bring up a bad memory on the E.C.W. title that’s currently trying to become something worth anything, again.

Mike Knox barely lasted 5 minutes inside the Elimination Chamber, and barely made a splash, yet tonight on Raw they actually made him look like something other than a jobber. Tonight, I was impressed with Mike Knox, and ironically felt the fluke fashion roll-up victory only hurt both Mysterio and Knox.

Mysterio, last night, had the performance of a lifetime. Knox, tonight, had quite possibly his best showing yet, and so they decided to take both of those things.. And ruin them with one roll-up pin. It kills Mysterio’s ability to look strong against big men, as he did in the Chamber. And it kills Knox from looking like a total bad ass monster, as he did throughout this entire match.

So they mentioned Santino’s mystery person being revealed. I think it was Goldust, as they’re clearly not bringing up anything about Rosa, and anything less than Goldust would be completely stupid. Either way, they dropped the ball on that angle.. For now.

Meanwhile, what purpose did the Women’s title match tonight serve? Is it setting up a 6-person Tag for Mania? Beth Phoenix, Rosa Mendez & Santino against Candice Michelle, Mickie James & Melina? WHY?! Time’s like this make me WANT a playmate to get a Women’s title match, at least then the title would be seen as remotely relevant.

I’m begging Chris Jericho to face Mickey Rourke at WrestleMania. At this rate, I wouldn’t be surprised if Jericho somehow faced a gauntlet of Legend’s, ranging from Piper, Flair, Funk and ending with a stunner from Austin. Rourke needs to save Jericho, otherwise he’ll go through the single worst Mania moment, ever. Including that of what Chavo went through a year ago.

Flair MIGHT be remotely worthy of having a decent match, but a year has passed since his last match in general, and that doesn’t mean he’s gotten better. Meanwhile, Piper said himself he’s only got one hip, so a match against an out of shape Piper is definitely and I hope likely not possible. Mickey Rourke for WrestleMania’s savior. That’s all I have to say about that.

Next week we’ll find out who faces the Undertaker, between J.B.L. and Shawn Michaels. Why do I believe that’s not gonna be the end of it? Why do I feel even more so, that J.B.L. is gonna somehow find a way to win the match.. Yet by the time Mania rolls around, it’ll end up being H.B.K. against Taker, or adding J.B.L. for a Triple Threat match?

And on that note, a Triple Threat match is NOT the better solution. J.B.L. staying off the card, and out of the picture of this historical match-up, IS. I’m hoping W.W.E. doesn’t T.N.A. this angle. NOT this one, anyways.

Everyone seems to be on the kick of John Cena jumping to Smackdown, chasing Edge and the World Heavyweight title.. While Triple H. jumps in turn to Raw, avenging his Wife and Family-in-Law’s. I just don’t see it, or rather don’t want to see it.

Edge on Raw is what I want. Triple H. hasn’t even stayed on Smackdown for a full year, and already he’s wanting to jump back? Why? While I agree that Edge is the “Rock” to Cena’s “Austin”, I don’t think that program needs to be on Smackdown. Of course, sadly it makes sense with Vickie still being able to control what happens. (ie. Saving Edge, forcing Cena into matches)

The show ended on a great note though, I will admit that. The R.K.O. to Stephanie is single-handedly going to carry any type of feud Orton & Triple H. will have, firmly into the 6-7 week stretch that is WrestleMania. In the end, I give the show a solid 7 out of 10. Only missing a couple marks because they need to work on better matches. The Main Event isn’t the only important thing, especially not leading into your biggest Pay per view of them all.
I thought Raw was good. The Edge and Cena promo bored the hell out of me, but after that the show was good. The Michaels and JBL promo was pretty good, and that black eye on JBL owned. The woman's title match was pretty worthless, but most are. I was impressed with Punk and Cryme Tyme along with Regal and Pricele$$. I enjoyed the Jericho and Piper promo, even in Pipers old age he can still cut a promo and show off a lot of emotion while doing it ( I guess staying away from botox will do that). I thought the ending was the best part of the show, Stephanie's selling of RKO was pretty good, and HHH's facial expression was also top notch, either he was constipated and forgot to get enough fiber in his daily diet, or he was popping a vein.

So, I give this show a 7. It could have been higher seeing as how unpredictable NWO was. But still, it furthered storylines, and hey, there's still like 6 more weeks till Mania.
I have to agree that last night's Raw was pretty good. The opening promo with Edge & Cena was very good, and it's setting up Edge/Cena at Wrestlemania. I'd prefer Trips/Edge, but hey, what can you do?

The 6-man was a fun little match, and I figured JTG would be the one getting pinned due to the reports on him lately on his lack of progress.

Jericho/Piper segment was very good, and Jericho showed how good he is as a heel. I think this is going to set up Jericho/Austin at Wrestlemania.

HBK's promo was seriously awesome, I loved his promo. We're getting HBK/Taker at Wrestlemania, which is a match I can't wait for.

Rey/Knox wasn't that bad either. I think he's going to be getting another push towards the main event.

Shane/Orton, I have one problem with this. Shane was about to finish Orton off, and then Legacy ran down. If Orton can't be Shane, how are we supposed to believe that he can beat Triple H. It's killing that push he has had for a while now. I will admit that Stephanie sold it really well, and Triple H's facial reaction was very good.

Overall pretty good show, and it's got me looking forward to what will happen next.
Jericho/Piper segment was very good, and Jericho showed how good he is as a heel. I think this is going to set up Jericho/Austin at Wrestlemania.

I don't think so.
Jericho was supposed to wrestle Rourke at WM, but that went by the wayside,
still, I noticed that the references to Rourke's movie are continuing so
I would think they are planning to have Piper face Jericho, and having
Rourke at ringside, this would be a way to involve him without actually have
him in a match, but if they do manage to talk Rourke into the match, then
you might as well see Austin...and Flair, and Piper and whoever else Jericho
manages to insult on the way to Wrestlemania 25 interfere to put Rourke over.
TheOneBigWill’s thoughts on Monday Night Raw; February 23rd, 2009:

I’m slightly strapped for time, because I want to get around to other threads, and I didn’t catch Raw until this morning. So I’m just recapping the important bits.

Vickie Guerrero/Cena/Edge:
Who called this? I called this, that’s who. Of course Vickie Guerrero is going to take over control of both Raw, and Smackdown. With Stephanie McMahon taking one of the best R.K.O.’s a week ago, and with the ever growing need for a reason to have your top stars on both Smackdown AND Raw, it was bound to happen.

Enter Cena on Smackdown, and Raw. And bring Edge to Raw, as well as remaining on Smackdown. Not to mention, as seen on Raw, the influx of Big Show and Chavo Guerrero from time to time. THIS feels like old times, before Brands limited wrestlers.

The only issue is, I don’t wanna see Cena wrestle Chavo, Curt Hawkins and Zach Ryder for the next 5 weeks, before we get Cena v. Big Show, and finally the announcement of Cena/Edge at Mania. I only hope Edge will be put in a Raw match, because I’ve missed seeing him.

Money In The Bank:
So C.M. Punk has qualified, and John Morrison & The Miz both seem to have lost their chance at entering. Barring allowing them re-enter into other qualifying matches, which defeats the purpose of the original one, doesn’t it?

Not to mention, so much for assuming C.M. Punk was going to be anything worthy of an Intercontinental Champion. This isn’t just ANY WrestleMania, this is the 25th anniversary. It’s a show in which every top title needs to be on the line, including the Intercontinental Championship.

I assume Kofi Kingston will enter, and possibly Chris Jericho if they can’t sign Mickey Rourke to a contract, or fall back on Flair. (Jericho would serve a better purpose in MITB than he would against Flair, which would prove Jericho right about the Legend’s being tools and selling out, anyways)

Jamie Noble:
I get that this is likely just for shits and giggles, but are we actually building to Noble somehow working his way onto the card? Because I don’t think I can deal with a random backstage agent being given even so much as a glorified squash match against someone like Umaga, at Mania. The Pay per view and Legacy of Mania within itself is to highlight those who deserve it, not jokes and comedy acts who’s greatest joy is to embarrass themselves.

Who else thinks this Tag Team could possibly work? While Cryme Tyme was actually quite impressive, especially Shad, I personally think Marella and Ziggler could be gold together. Ziggler is a great athlete without a worthy gimmick, and Santino is a great gimmick without any athletic ability. It’s bound to be worth a shot.

Battle to Battle the Undertaker:
So Shawn Michaels won, and now has to climb another mountain to face the Undertaker. That being the undefeated Vladimir Kozlov. So, either H.B.K. wins by pinfall, countout or Disqualification.. OR, you have millions of pissed off fans.

I think it should’ve been a Triple threat, with J.B.L., Kozlov & Michaels. At least then, J.B.L. could’ve taken the loss. Not Kozlov.

Of course, if Kozlov gets this nod, then Shawn could always enter Money in the Bank and that’d be worth seeing, but not on the 25th anniversary show of WrestleMania. Not to mention, the Undertaker pinned Kozlov inside the Chamber, so technically he’s no longer “undefeated” yet they’re still running with that.

Triple H./McMahon Family/Orton:
You know, this is a classic case of great storyline, with no fall back after it’s over. Triple H. revealing what the world already knew (for the most part) works well with this. But they said more or less Triple H. was a “McMahon”, and that’s technically not true. He’s married to one, that doesn’t make him one.

And the fallback on this is, where does it take him after he deals with Orton? Back to any other random storyline? So am I to just slowly forget Triple H.’s marriage? Or am I to believe that now that it’s kayfabe known that any push he gets, really would be because he’s married into the Family?

Originally, I felt the revealing of this would add another level to his character. A human level. And it does. But the growth of this revealed issue after this storyline is complete is about as pointless is Shawn Michaels’ career ending eye injury.

Final Thoughts:
I thought Raw was very well put together, but Chavo Guerrero being in the Main Event with John Cena should’ve been replaced by the showdown with H.B.K. & J.B.L., ending with Kozlov. Especially since that sets up next week’s show.

Jericho disrespecting another Legend was amazing, but it’s going to get old. He’s becoming a Legend “killer” in his own right, Orton’s gonna get pissed off. He made a great point though, one I’m questionable if McMahon liked. That being “This company refuses to even accept the N.W.A. as a legit. Company” :lmao: Had me rolling.

Steamboat’s sellout of “Winning the Intercontinental Championship was the greatest moment in my career” was such a crock of shit too. I lost ALL respect for him, on that note. He was a fucking World Heavyweight Champion, and with how the Intercontinental title is viewed today as nothing more than worthless, he basically just said his entire career, was worthless. Way to go, dumbass.

I give the show an 8 outta 10, just because they’re on the right track with mixing talent from all the shows. But they still need to put on better matches. Punk/Morrison/Miz was the best match of the night, with HBK/JBL 2nding that.
TheOneBigWill’s ‘take’ on Monday Night Raw; March 2nd, 2009:

Opening Segment:
Jerry Lawler starts the show off by announcing that tonight, there will be a World Heavyweight Championship match. Edge will take on John Cena. The segment then cuts to a layout of Piper’s Pit, only for Chris Jericho to come out.

Jericho said he went to great lengths to bring the show back, including the original set. He goes on to show a clip of Piper attacking Snuka, stating that it was one of the biggest moments of the show. Jericho then gets to the point, and that is to introduce his guest, Superfly Jimmy Snuka.

Jericho shows some more clips and highlights of Piper v. Snuka. Snuka doesn’t seem to be buying anything, as he just sits and glares at Jericho. Chris goes on to say that Snuka is actually the poster boy to the movie “The Wrestler”. He said Snuka is in his mid-60’s yet he’s still embarrassing himself, by wrestling in high school gyms and indy shows all across the world.

He goes on to bad mouth him and Piper for entering the Rumble, and goes on to say he, along with Piper, kept actual talent from competing and possibly getting a chance to go to Mania, merely because of their egos and wanting to hear the roar of the crowd.

Jericho tells everyone that if the superstars in the back aren’t careful, they’ll end up like Snuka, a pathetic disgrace. He then tells Snuka that no one cares about him anymore. No one wants to see him anymore. Snuka says he doesn’t understand, so Jericho pulls up a bag, with a lot of the same gimmicks that Piper had back in the 80’s, including a coca nut.

Snuka catches the coca-nut, only for Jericho to act like he’s backing down, only to then push the set down on top of Snuka. Jericho beats Snuka with his belt, then rubs a banana in Snuka’s face, leaving him a broken mess.

The Matches:

1. Triple Threat Money in the Bank Qualifying Match: Rey Mysterio v. Mike Knox v. Kane:
The match starts off with both bigger men taking out Rey Mysterio, as he’s sent to the floor. Knox is then caught off guard by Kane, only for both big men to knock each other out as we hit a commercial break.

Upon returning from break, Knox is controlling Mysterio inside the ring. Meanwhile, Kane is nowhere to be found. (outside the ring) Mysterio tries using speed, and starts to turn things around, only for Kane to grab Mysterio and send him back outside the ring. Knox and Kane go at each other inside the ring, with Knox controlling Kane for the most part.

Mysterio comes back in the ring, and starts hitting high flying moves on both Knox and Kane, before Knox once again stops him with a powerful back-breaker. Knox gets drilled hard with a stiff DDT, only for Kane to stop the count.

In the end, it’s Mysterio hitting a 619 on Kane, only for Knox to break up the count and drill Mysterio with his spinning neck breaker. Kane then choke slams Knox, and wins the match. After the match, Kane plants Mysterio w/ a choke slam for good measure. Winner: Kane

2. Mickie James & Kelly Kelly v. Beth Phoenix & Jillian Hall:
Phoenix & Kelly start things off, as Maryse and Melina are at the announcer’s table. Beth and Kelly go back and forth, until Beth drops Kelly in a power bomb against the turnbuckles.

Meanwhile, Melina & Maryse are jabbering at ringside. Maryse claims she can beat Phoenix in 5 minutes, while Melina heard 5 minutes after meeting a guy, she’s usually on her back.

James almost has the match won against Jillian, until Phoenix makes the save. Kelly gets tagged in, and pins Jillian. Meanwhile, Rosa attacks Kelly, and Melina goes to make the save until Maryse drops her with a DDT. Winners: Mickie James & Kelly Kelly

3. Shawn Michaels v. Vladimir Kozlov:
Kozlov starts out stalking Michaels, as both men start off slow, with Kozlov using his power to try and wear Michaels down early. Shawn tries to fight back with speed, as he locks in the figure four, but Kozlov quickly reverses. H.B.K. gets out of the ring, as Kozlov stands tall, and we go to break.

We come back from break, as Kozlov rams Shawn into a corner. H.B.K. tries to stay in the match, but Kozlov continues to overpower Shawn, keeping the match stale and boring. Kozlov puts Michaels in the rack, but can’t cause a tap-out. Michaels fights free, as the crowd begins getting into the match.

Kozlov stops the comeback attempt, and keeps the crowd out of it as well. Kozlov locks in another wear-down submission hold, as the crowd tries to fire H.B.K. back into the match. Shawn fights back, as he breaks the hold. Shawn goes for his flying forearm, but is caught by Kozlov’s head-butt. The match continues, after Kozlov was unable to get a 3-count.

Shawn finally hit’s his elbow drop from the top, then lands Sweet Chin Music for a shocking victory. After the match, the Undertaker walks out on the stage and stares toward the ring. Winner: Shawn Michaels


Shawn Michaels: Shawn is interviewed about his match against Kozlov. He said that 11 yrs ago, in the very building they’re in, he headlined Mania, broken back and all. Shawn goes on to say, ever since he’s come back, he’s been the show-stopper, and the headliner of Mania. He said tonight, he ends Kozlov’s streak, then at Mania, he’ll end Taker’s.

Randy Orton: Orton starts off by addressing that he’s entitled to a Championship match at Mania, since he’s won the Royal Rumble. He goes on to challenge the winner of tonight’s Edge/John Cena, World title match.

He said the reason he isn’t challenging Triple H. at Mania, is because H.H.H. is going to jail, not Mania. He claims Triple H. committed assault with a deadly weapon, and Orton is pressing charges. Orton goes on to exclaim his life was in danger, and yadda, yadda, yadda. He calls Triple H. out, to hear what he has to say.

Triple H. starts off by claiming Orton has a disease, called I.E.D., he tells Orton he’s in complete control of his. He starts to walk to the ring, only for Orton’s Police escort to block the ring. Triple H. raises his sledgehammer, and then drops it.

Triple H. makes his way up onto the apron, then proceeds to tell Orton what he feels he needs to hear. Orton claims it’s about attacking an elderly man and a Woman, but gets cut off and is told it’s about how Orton wants and needs this story to end. Triple H. said he took out the entire McMahon family, and Triple H. feels Orton NEEDS to go to Mania and beat him for the Championship.

He said it’s the moment that defines Orton’s life, Evolution. Triple H. goes on to exclaim that when Orton became a Heavyweight Champion, H.H.H. turned on him, and then took the title from him. Triple H. said he doesn’t hide or run from his past. Triple H. then boils everything down to Orton being afraid to face him. Triple H. pushes Orton, by claiming he’s that same kid who carried his bags. That he’s gutless.

Orton’s lawyer says that his client has nothing further to say, unless Triple H. willingly removes him from the ring. Triple H. is about to be taken off, until Orton stops them. Orton talks to his attorney and then tells everyone to get back. Orton “changed” his mind, and addresses that at WrestleMania, he’ll face Triple H.

Orton says that they’ll face each other under one condition. Neither man can touch the other, until Mania. Triple H. agrees, and leaves the ring. Orton stops Triple H., and then tries to tease him by exclaiming that it felt great when he kicked Vince and Shane in the skull, but the best feeling was when he RKO’ed Stephanie.

Triple H. gets in Orton’s face, then explains the last time they fought, H.H.H. broke Orton’s collarbone. He said that was just business, but this will be personal. He then says he’s going to break his neck, and leaves again.

Hall of Fame Inductee: Bill Watts is announced, and will be inducted by Jim Ross.

Edge: Edge is accused of putting the title on the line, only 3 days after Cena was knocked out by the Big Show. Edge said he wanted to face Cena, in his hometown. He wanted Cena’s friends, family, etc, get his chances to win the title.. Squashed. Edge guarantees that after the night is over, he’ll tell Cena that the World Heavyweight Championship.. Is his.

Main Event: World Heavyweight Championship: Edge © v. John Cena:
The crowd is hot for Cena to start the match, as both men share small controls of the match, early on. Cena sends Edge to the outside of the ring, as we take a break.

Upon returning, Edge is in control of the match with a chinlock, only for Cena to try and escape just to receive a boot to the face. Edge stays in control with a clothesline out of the corner, until Cena turns it up with a 5 knuckle shuffle. Edge quickly regained control of the match, with a roll-up, then countered out of the Attitude Adjuster.

During the later portions of the match, Cena’s head bounces off the ring post, and he seems to be out cold. He barely makes it back into the ring, only to later get put in the sharpshooter. Cena gets out, and locks in the STF(U), only for Edge to make it to the ropes.

Edge connects with the spear, but only gets a 2. Edge gets upset that he couldn’t win off the spear, only to go outside the ring and grab his title. Edge brings it back in, yet gets put in the Attitude Adjuster. Edge still manages to hit Cena with the title, causing a Disqualification. Winner by DQ: John Cena

Overall Thoughts:
Overall, I felt the show was fairly put together, but with only 4 matches, one of which being meaningless (Diva’s) I think the show needed more.

Kane entering MITB is the second straight failure on the W.W.E.’s part as far as I’m concerned. First, Punk enters over the better option in John Morrison. And now Kane, over Mysterio. At least Knox didn’t make it, but apparently it’ll be 8 men in total.. So there’s a chance one or more of those who don’t make it on the first try, will get another chance.

Maryse coming to Raw, only to attack Melina is setting up either a single’s match between the two at Mania, (doubtful) or a Tag team contest with Phoenix & Maryse taking on Melina and whomever is the top face from Smackdown in the Diva’s division.

Jericho is becoming the true Legend Killer of the W.W.E., as he’s taking out a Legend each week. And not just spitting in their face like Orton did.. He’s actually attacking them, laying them out, and taking them out. This is setting up one hell of a Mania Legend’s clusterfuck. My guess is a Legend’s Lumberjack match, possibly with Jericho against Flair. But I still hope not.

Triple H. and Orton can’t touch each other for the next 4 weeks. Which roughly translates to H.H.H. owning DiBiase, then Rhodes, then both in a handicap match, then finally laying Orton out on the final show before Mania to make it seem like he won’t get the match. *yawn*

Shawn defeating Kozlov, almost by a simple elbow drop and a Superkick, then cleanly winning, seems almost deflating entirely for Kozlov. Taker and H.B.K. seems definitely locked now, but somehow with 4 weeks left I still thought the match would end in a no contest. I guess not.

Finally, Edge and Cena ending in a DQ seemed almost fitting, but Big Show being announced as the #1 contender is definitely a :wtf: moment. My assumption tells me Cena will find his way into his 2nd straight Triple Threat, in as many Mania’s.

Like I said, with only 4 matches in total, I can’t say I was impressed with tonight’s Raw, but at least we’re beginning to format Mania. HBK v. Taker, HHH v. Orton, Edge v. Big Show (v. Cena), Kane & Punk in MITB. Sadly, Mania 25 has went from looking firm.. To looking like shit. I give Raw a 4 outta 10, because in the end.. Only two things were interesting. And one is likely going to end in Triple H. winning like he always does. :rolleyes:
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HBK -vs- Kozlov was an okay match and it was good to see Shawn pick up the victory and cement his spot at WrestleMania to face The Undertaker, I also enjoyed the main event title bout, but I hate how there is hardly ever a main event winner these days. I am upset at the announcment that Big Show is taking on Edge at WM25 for the World's Championship, that is not good business as most people want Cena -vs- Edge with the gold on the line in a one on on contest. I hope they don't mess this up and make it a 3-way match, WM should be reserved for the key 1 on 1 matches between the biggest stars. Also, Kane winning the qualifyer to go to WM and compete in the MITB match? I didn't see that coming.

On a side note, I find that Rey and Knox work well in the ring together and have decent chemestry, there is something about the flow when they wrestle against eachother that I enjoy.
Well I just finished checking out RAW on YouTube and I think it was a fairly decent RAW and I really liked the HHH/Orton segment and Triple H playing with Orton's head and calling him out and forcing Orton to pick Triple H at WrestleMania 25 and although we've seen Triple H and Orton feud before I already like this feud a lot better because it's very, very personal and I'm very interested to see what happens at WrestleMania.

Jericho hosting Piper's pit was funny and Chris Jericho proves once again he's the best heel on offer at the moment because he can tell the truth and still get booed. Loved it when he threw the bananas at Snuka although it was really obvious Jericho was going to run back and push the set onto Snuka.

Also Shawn Michaels was able to knock off Kozlov and will be facing The Undertaker at WrestleMania 25 which will be epic and the match I look forward to the most along with Chris Jericho's match. I think the non title feature attraction matches are going to be more exciting than the World Championship matches and could possibly overshadow them.

Over all, a fairly decent RAW.
Overall I think raw is ok.

What happen to the wrestling GOD? JBL should go on smackdown or maybe even ecw.
Seriosuly what is the point with JBL? he was dominating on smackdown and now all he jsut does is stay on the side..

Raw has too many heels....

Chris jericho: does nothing now plays with HOF wrestlers
Randy Orton and legacy: TOP HEEL against HHH GOOD!
JBL: nothing
Mike knox: how long does he need to hate rey?
Kane: does nothing lower compared to his bro on smackdown? WHY? we want mask kane back!

John Cena obviously is gonna need to be drafted to smackdown or people need to change raw roster up if he stays.

I feel sorry for KANE, once a big monster now a big loser people dont get excited over him anymore

JBL should go to ecw and become a wrestling GOD once again

Chris Jericho needs new feuds serisouly

Randy orton needs to face lets see EDGE, BATISTA, or someone new for a change seriosuly....

KICK TO on Mr mchmahon was the best thing on raw ever...

Idk why but legacy is going no where
they havent won any titles I dont really see this group suceedding..

forming groups mean win titles not help randy orton win....

CHRISTIAN IS THE MAN....just close your eyes
We are currently being treated to an Intercontinental Championship match between (c) CM Punk and JBL live on Raw! So far CM Punk, look's to be in control of this title bout as JBL is having a tough time keeping up with the lighter and more agile champion. Punk goes into a risky dive throught the ropes hitting the challenger down toward the entrance ramp.

Commercial break......

Okay, we are back and JBL has taken control of the contest after a huge boot to the champions face. Smartly, the challenger is using his power over the smaller CM Punk and putting the contest well into his favor, huge clothesline and a pin attempt but Punk kicks out.

Nice comeback by Punk after a tilt-a-whirl DDT from the second turnbuckle. Punk is getting riled up now with some kicks and a flying clothesline and has things well under control after landing a sick knee strike followed by a bulldog.

JBL rakes the eyes of CM Punk and lands the clothesline from hell and wins the Intercontinental Heavyweight Championship!

Perhaps it will now be defended at WrestleMania and that will be JBL's suprise?
TheOneBigWill’s ‘take’ on Monday Night Raw; March 9th, 2009:

Shawn Michaels/The Undertaker: Without question, and minus two small missteps by Shawn and the Undertaker, this was a great promo. Shawn not jumping, or acting scared with the Undertaker’s music, or sudden appearance behind him after the video package was great. It makes me truly believe H.B.K. could be a serious threat to Taker’s streak.

I like that they’re allowing (thus far) both Michaels and Taker to enter into Mania as faces. But I’d assume Shawn will end up doing something that turns him tweener, or even heel. I think that’d be a mistake, as this is a match that deserves for both men to be faces.

Money in the Bank: Kofi Kingston joins the rest of the group, which looks like; M.V.P., Shelton Benjamin, Kane, Mark Henry, C.M. Punk & as of E.C.W., also Christian. So, holding out the #8 spot.. It looks like either Christian, M.V.P. or C.M. Punk will end up winning, as I can’t possibly see any of the others win it.

Chris Jericho/Ric Flair: As a result of Kingston qualifying for the MITB match, it was due to Flair distracting Jericho. Thus, Jericho challenged Flair to a match next week, but somehow I see Flair coming out next week and instead making it a match at Mania. So much for Mickey Rourke being involved as anything other than a random “fan” at ringside.

Diva’s Battle Royal announcement: Maryse picked up a victory over Melina on Raw, and afterwards all diva hell broke loose. It was then announced by Vickie Guerrero, that a 25 diva battle royal will take place with diva’s from Raw, Smackdown, E.C.W. and diva’s from the past.

As the World Heavyweight Title Turns: As I assumed, John Cena found his way into the World Heavyweight title match, making it the 2nd Triple Threat match in as many years, with Cena involved none the less.

The bigger story is that Vickie Guerrero has been cheating on Edge, with the Big Show. (My assumption will show that Big Show did it, much like Edge, to earn his way into a Championship spot) This, if anything, is exactly what Edge needed to win at Mania, and cut himself away from Vickie Guerrero.

Cena is if nothing else, just the “face” involved in the match, so people will find it interesting because a fan favorite is involved. I wouldn’t look for Cena to do anything of importance within the actual match, such as winning, however.

Intercontinental Championship: So, the storyline broke about roughly a week or so back, that had J.B.L. losing this week, but going into Mania as Champion. So the W.W.E.’s way of “sticking it” to the fans, is to go ahead and give J.B.L. the title now. :lmao: WOW, I never seen that coming.

The only thing I found funnier than J.B.L. winning the mid-card Championship, is the fact that for the third straight time in winning a Championship, C.M. Punk is nothing but a fluke as Champion!! Seriously, how many times are they gonna give him a title, just to have it wasted?!

He was a horrible Heavyweight Champion cause he lost to everyone, but J.B.L.. He (and Kingston) barely held the Tag titles long enough to be remembered as Champions. Finally, he defeats Regal (who hasn’t these days) and then loses to the only guy, as a Heavyweight, he could ever beat in J.B.L. So how many more chances is this failure gonna get?!

Home Alone 4: Did anyone else laugh their ass off when after Triple H. broke in, a random individual went running across the screen, from one room to another? :lmao: It’s almost like the person could’ve yelled out “cameo” as they did it.

While this was a nicely put together segment, I think it was a bit much that every single room Triple H. went to, had a difference screaming or scared shitless W.W.E. employee. Meanwhile, Orton’s Wife was sitting unaffected behind the kitchen counter texting her BFF about how LOL the entire thing was. It would’ve been better, had Triple H. blasted her in the face with the sledgehammer. I mean, it’s not as if she’s gonna be used on a weekly basis, so she could’ve been “killed off” more or less.

So, in the end, Orton gets tossed through a window and Triple H. gets arrested. The plus side to all of this, is DiBiase & Rhodes picked up a victory over Triple H. for no-showing the Main Event. So score.

Overall Thoughts: In the end, Raw was good. The segments are only going to begin happening more and more, cutting the actual matches down less and less, which brings out the “entertainment” side of WrestleMania’s build-up.

Originally, I didn’t mind the idea of Flair against Jericho, but only because I didn’t think anything else would’ve been possible. I’d much rather Mickey Rourke get a match against him, and because he didn’t win anything for “The Wrestler” I figure he’d get way more spotlight for doing an actual match, more so than a cameo appearance.

Next week we’ll get to see JBL & Kozlov against Taker & HBK. Obviously some type of miscommunication will happen, and my guess is it’ll be a Superkick that comes into play. Either before, or after the match. I DO NOT want to see a heel Shawn Michaels attempting to defeat the Undertaker at Mania. I want to see the face version, especially since it’s in Texas.

Does anyone else believe this will be the worst year for MITB, ever? Kane and Mark Henry almost shouldn’t even be thought of as contender’s in a ladder match. Benjamin, Kingston & from what I read, the 8th spot guy, shouldn’t even be considered worthy of a Heavyweight title opportunity. Punk is a failure as a Heavyweight, and nothing has changed in a year’s time. M.V.P. is a dark horse, but likely not to the point of winning. So that leaves Christian, whom I believe was likely told upon resigning that this was the real reason. A Heavyweight spot on a main brand.

Did anyone truly not see Vickie fucking Big Show as a storyline? Really? I’ll be honest, I laughed my ass off when it looked like we could go a week or two with Cena playing off being in “love” with Guerrero, that would’ve just been hilarious.

Finally, we still have roughly 3 more weeks to go until Raw, and Triple H. breaking into Orton’s home should’ve been done a bit later on, not this soon. I’m interested to see exactly what’s next in this storyline, as I hope next week we don’t get a prolonged “Triple H. is in jail” storyline.

In the end, Raw for the segments, is worth a 7 outta 10, but for the matches wouldn’t even register as anything more than a 3 outta 10. I guess if you combined those, it’d be 10 outta 10.. But in my book, the matches hurt the segments, so it’s more like a 5 outta 10.
Not a bad bout between Edge and Kingston last night, I was glad to see Edge win but Kofi put up a little fight and was able to show some promise for the future. Also, I was glad to see Undertaker get the win over Kozlov, he proved that Kozlov's win was a fluke and if UT pinned him like that on Smackdown it shows me that UT would have definatly got the win at WrestleMania had Kozlov gotten through HBK on Raw.
I’m not gonna do a ‘traditional’ review, as I don’t have the normal amount of time I did before. So here goes.

It was good, not great though. Whoever thought it’d be great to put Vickie in TWO make-out scenes, followed by a pair of the tightest pants known to man.. THEN to have her get on top of Edge, showing how her ass has black-holed those pants, was out of their fucking mind!

I was mainly disappointed the most with this storyline, as it seems the main focus heading into WrestleMania for the World Heavyweight title, is going to be all about who’s truly in love with Vickie, and who’s just using her. Oh, and of course the new tiny bit of how Cena can’t even accidentally touch her, or he loses his spot. Which roughly means he’ll be beaten up for the next two weeks, before finally giving her an “Attitude Adjuster” only for Stephanie to come out and say he’s still in the match, when Vickie tries to take him out.

In the end, I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I seriously hope whoever wins the Money in the Bank, (including Punk - but I hope not) just goes ahead and cashes in on whoever wins the title in this Triple Threat. Because in my opinion, Edge deserves to win, to show he can. But ONLY if he pulls away from Vickie, not clings on tighter, even after it’s revealed that she’s fucking around on him. Seriously.. The fat chic is fucking around on the heel.. What kinda storyline is this?!

Moving on..

I have just two words to say, to Mickey Rourke. FUCK YOU. This is all your fault, you pathetic, whiny ass little pussy. You didn’t, for whatever purpose, want to gain even more exposure and even now that ‘The Wrestler’ didn’t win a fricken award, you still aren’t willing to put your money where your mouth went, and ‘Wrestle’ Chris Jericho. SO, because all the IWC morons bitched and complained about not wanting to see one retired, utterly useless and beyond his prime “Legend” wrestle Chris Jericho.. It looks like we’re going to see three, utterly useless and beyond their prime “Legends” wrestle Chris Jericho. All while Flair and Rourke find themselves at ringside, to fuck him over in the end. Seriously? REALLY?!

To ANYONE who thought having Ric Flair v. Chris Jericho would be so horrible. FUCK YOU, TOO, because this is the result of your stupidity. EVEN MORE STUPIDITY! I don’t want to see Jimmy “Not-so-Superfly” Snuka. I don’t want to see Ricky No more Steamboat. And I definitely do NOT wish to see, Tubby, Chubby Piper. I’d have rather dealt with seeing Flair one more time, because at least to my knowledge he could’ve still “went” more than that trio combined.

Again, FUCK YOU, Mickey Rourke, you did this to me. Go drink yourself into a stupor and fall back into the hole you climbed out of. PS, I still loved your movie. FUCK YOU, though.


19 Divas have been announced according to the graphic shown on Raw, which leaves roughly 6 spots for “Past” Divas. I have a feeling those past Divas will be; Lita, Trish, Molly, Victoria, Ms. Jackie, & Sunny. There is the off-chance we could get Chyna, but I greatly doubt it. Medusa is a long shot, but better to bank on than Chyna, also. It was also reported that Mae Young won’t be in the actual battle royal, due to her age, but she will play some part in something regarding the issue. My assumption, a backstage segment.

I’m also holding out for an Ashley Massaro (sp) return. But not a good type of holdout, because she fucking sucked.

All in all, I think this battle royal is still leaps and bounds better than another Playmate of the year Tag team contest. So good for you, W.W.E., your PG crap is paying off for something. Sadly, it’s the one thing you’d of made more profit off of, by going R and showing tits and ass. Tough luck.

In other news..

It was announced by Michael Cole that Rey Mysterio has challenged J.B.L. to an Intercontinental title match at Mania. It was also announced that Mysterio said personally, injuries have prohibited him from competing at Mania in a long while. Finally, over the weekend, it was announced that Mysterio received an injury at a house show, that may put him on the shelf. What’d Mysterio do to fuck Karma this badly?

If this match happens, then Mysterio is going to become the Intercontinental Champion, and we might just get a small decent run by someone meaning.. Oh, wait, wait.. never mind.. More rumors were reported that Mysterio was getting drafted back to Smackdown. So unless the Intercontinental title jumps with him, which means Benjamin (or whoever is next to win the United States title) would have to jump alternately to Raw, to make up for the mid-card title switch-a-roo.

Just a little bit more..

I’m not gonna go off on the slightly interesting direction of the Undertaker/Shawn Michaels match-up just yet, but I’m not holding my breath, either. If this little “incident” were to have happened anywhere OTHER than San Antonio, Shawn Michaels would’ve been booed out of the building. Thus, slight heel turn. I called this fucking shit, before it happened, and it’s pissing me off even in the slightest to think it’s slowly coming.

I imagine this Friday, the Undertaker will do something to get even with Shawn, possibly chokeslamming him on the ramp, or Tombstoning him in the ring. If this happens, then they’ll both still remain face and it’ll become a “who can one up the other” type of game. Which is slightly dull, but better than a heel turn which is what I’m begging NOT to happen. (unless its by Taker, even then, still not really)

And finally..

Cody Rhodes got fucked the shit up, inside a Steel Cage, because of a returning Stephanie McMahon and a vengeful Triple H. Meanwhile, Orton and DiBiase looked on and couldn’t do a thing. I imagine Cody is on the “shelf” until after Mania, and next week it’ll be DiBiase’s turn. Can’t say I couldn’t of called this, but in the end it’s not like it would’ve mattered either way.

I think this storyline is losing a bit of its heat. Steph shouldn’t of returned just yet. Even if she hasn’t actually spoken, she was still seen. We have 2 more Raw’s before Mania, which means DiBiase gets deleted next week and in the final week, some type of Tag match with Orton/Edge against Cena/Triple H. is my guess.

I think my attention for this “Family feud” between the McMahon’s and Orton.. Has lost it’s luster.

In the end, I’d rate Raw a decent 6 out of 10, if not 7 just because it borderlined. But really.. 2 make-out scenes, and a very un-PG rated ass shot of Vickie Guerrero. You’re lucky I didn’t rate you a negative 10.
Last night's episode (3-23) was absolutely dreadful.

Does the draft only count until they need to have everyone on both shows right before Wrestlemania?

I hate when logic is thrown out the door, just to try to make their one live show seem bigger and more important.

The Flair/Jericho segment was so much of the same, which I fault mostly Flair for. We get it, Flair. Jericho is a punk who doesn't respect the legends. Do we really need ANOTHER promo? Jericho is the #1 heel in the entire WWE. He deserves more than a bad Wrestlemania match.

Jeff Hardy against Dolph Ziggler in an Extreme Rules match? This is another problem. There is no one for someone like Jeff to beat in a match like this that would actually make him, and his opponent look good. It was a glorifed squash for a cheap pop, and Ziggler took the Twist of Fate as a swinging neckbreaker not once, but TWICE.

An absolute cluster**** of an 8-Man tag match. To me, there is only one person who is deserving, and capable of winning the Money in the Bank, and his name is Christian. I would say MVP, but he just got the U.S. title back. If it goes any other direction than those two, it's a bad move.

That Taker/HBK segment? Laughable. It's straight out of 1993.

Edge/Big Show match? Awful. Cena's promos? Abysmal. He just tries too hard.

Main Event. The handcuff gag? Yikes. I think that whole thing would have been more effective had DiBiase and Rhodes held HHH to watch what Orton would do. At least it makes them look a little bit tougher. DiBiase looks like a big bowl of bland soup these days (which is too bad, because he has the look and the pedigree), and Rhodes looks like he should be playing JV Soccer.

Overall, worst Raw I have seen in ages. And I'm not kidding.
Did anyone else see Flair blatantly tell Jericho to throw him in the stairs? Good work, camera guy.
Last nights Raw was MUCH better than last week. Last week had nothing good about it at all.

This week had brilliant stuff, and some decent stuff.

First of all, Flair Jericho was a very good segment, topped off by Jericho stomping on the Rolex. Sets the match up nicely, even though it is not what everyone wanted.

The Hardy match could easily have been on Smackdown, but if you're putting in a squash, may as well have a crowd favourite and some weapons.

Cene segment. Cheesy? Yes. But still hilarious? Yes. If you didn't like it... well I couldn't care less what anyone else thought, it entertained me and that's why I tuned into RAW. Cena's promo skills are immense and it got good reactions from the crowd.

Eight man tag match. Would have preferred some dialogue and some inner feuds start up, but apparantly this happens on ECW tonight. The ending was good, and I liked the fact no one celebrated the win, just a Punk Christian stare down before FInlay brilliantly cleaned house.

Orton Promo. His usual good promo that has you itching to see what he is going to do. Good stuff.

Edge vs big Show. Another great Cena promo that lit the fire for the match, but SHow looks so forced in his acting "I did it for you Vickie" I just can't buy into it. He is not main event, he is a monster that the main event beat to look good. And the DQ finish? Since when was there a DQ for stepping into the ring?

Rey Rey vs Regal. Pretty good. Rey got a warm up against someone similar to JBL, and we had a show down and an attack from Rey on JBL. The think I liked most about this is Lawler siding with the heel. He's much better when he does that.

Taker promo/HBK video. Awesome. Absolutely awesome. HBK has Taker riled. THis feud is so hot and has had the best build, when it is not in need of it.

Santino segment leading into Marella vs Mickie James - Brilliant comedy. I loved it. And Santino had a solid match with a woman with no arms, WHAT A GUY!!! Shame he didn't win, would have loved to see him in the Battle Royale.

Orton and Dibiase vs HHH - I loved this so much. HHH steamrollers the two of them, goes for his sledgehammer...but out pops Cody!!! They tie him up to the ropes and assault him. Orton gets the hammer, and demands Steph to make the save. she does. And gets DDT'd. Brilliant. Could have gone off the air then and it would have been good, but Orton made it so much better. Taunting HHH just outside his reach, kisses Stephanie to wound him mentally, then ***** him in the head with the Hammer.

The segment was done so well and a hell of a lot better than last weeks was. Orton will get the upper hand again next week, then get his come-uppance at Mania.

Raw does a 7/10 for me. Three great segments, backed up by some solid, but unspectacular matches.
Im sorry but Raw was so bad last night I switch to NCSI Orton and Y2J are two of the worse Heel I have ever seen and I been wacthing WWE for a LONG time
Alright, a lot of people (myself included) have been saying that Raw just seems to be missing something going into Wrestlemania 25. The stories are good ones, but the matches, vignettes, etc. that are being used to further the stories have been off somehow.

That all changed this past Monday. I was completley pumped after Raw went off the air Monday night. For the first time in a great while, I enjoyed the entire show. The HBK/Taker promo with HBK taking a page out of Taker's playbook, the opening with Jericho pummeling Flair, the ending with Legacy, HHH, & Stephanie - it was all very entertaining. Having Orton kiss Stephanie in front of HHH after he had dropped her with that ddt was absolute brilliance. Even the all too predictable match between Mickie & Santino was fun to watch. I laughed out loud when I heard Santino yell at Mickie to "be still" while trying to steam roll her and before the match when he said he would be "man enough to become Miss Wrestlemania." Cena's short video was even decent which pains me to say because I don't like Cena much at all.

*Quick note so that Cena's fans don't come running at me to do this: :smashfreakB:* [I respect him as an overall wrestler getting over with the fans, selling merchandise, and all that, but I don't care for his in ring work. That's all beside the point, but I just wanted to explain my reasoning.]

Back to the point, it was just great stuff that left you wondering what would happen next, at least more so than the past few episodes have. I can't think of one match or promo that I didn't enjoy watching on Raw this week.

If WWE can continue to produce segments and matches like that not only up WM 25, but after as well, there is no reason that WWE can't pull in big time ratings again. I have been saying that if WWE would mix the PG rating up a bit with some occasional envelope pushing (see Flair being bloodied and Steph being planted with a hanging DDT), that the shows would be better. Neither of those things are extreme in any sense of the word, but it is pushing the PG rating a bit. Which is great!

Was anyone else impressed by Raw this week, or did I just go into with low expectations and have those met? I wanna hear what everyone else thought about the show - what did you like, what didn't you like, what needed to be done differently and so on.
I also thought RAW was decent this week better than the past few but I had one problem with it... Jerry Lawler is supposedly going to confront Jericho on this upcoming edition bc of his antics and bloodying of Flair so why did he not do anything as Jericho beat the crap out of Flair right in front of him... The whole time that was happening I was saying get involved Lawler get involved... then when Jericho grabbed the camera I figured it would happen but it did not... so if he cared so much why did he just let it happen? Other than that the other main segments were awesome and much improved.
I really liked it....they are really stepping up....and i agree omg i bout pissed myself when santino tried climbing the turnbuckle.....this guy should have his own show....and cena was even funny too.....then jericho storyline is interesting again....and orton stole the show again
Santino = Money... He is probably one of the top two or three I look forward to every week... along with Jericho and Morrison
I have to admit that this weeks RAW was great. It had a hint of the old Attitude era in it. I enjoyed the whole show. I usually flip back and forth and only watch what interests me, but I watched the entire show. Man, it had an awesome ending. I can't wait for Monday! If they keep producing shows like this they will get there ratings up without a doubt!
I gotta admit, I'M PUMPED to see Orton-HHH..I think its obvious whose gonna win the title but damn the buildup is amazing. I'm happy that after 5 years WWE realized what they missed...but Im pretty sure this fight will end in HIAC, like other triple H rivalries for one reason or another lol

And JERICHO has finally become a heel! Although I hate the story line and the match, damn he did a good job beating up Ric people have a reason to hate this guys guts!

I think I can safely say, the heels are in full force..the heels are back!

As for HBK/Taker: Interesting piece but meh, these two know each other too well..If Orton did something like this, I'd call it a masterpiece..but still interesting what they did none the less...
I have to admit that this weeks RAW was great. It had a hint of the old Attitude era in it. I enjoyed the whole show. I usually flip back and forth and only watch what interests me, but I watched the entire show. Man, it had an awesome ending. I can't wait for Monday! If they keep producing shows like this they will get there ratings up without a doubt!

why is it when the wwe starts showing some violence, someone always has to bring up the attitude era? this was not even close to it! this is hopefully the beginning of something new. sure it's fun to compare, but reality is....this does NOT resemble the attitude era, we dont have mae giving birth to a hand, we dont have katie vick and we dont have DX taking no prisoners as they try to take down WCW. what we have here is a nice dose of PG violence, little blood, a little beat down....that's it.
Look here junior, read my post. I did not say it was the attitude era. You probabaly aren't even old enough to actually know what it is. I said it had a hint of it. Big difference, so next time how about reading before you jump in grown folks conversations.

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