Official Raw/Smackdown Aftermath, Ratings and Review Thread

Grade tonight's RAW.

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  • B

  • C

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Since they are on two different days, I don't see one affecting the other. But with this basically being Wrestlemania season for TNA, you hope for them to have great episodes leading into their PPV. If they have any ratings increase, I would think that would be the reason
Since they are on two different days, I don't see one affecting the other. But with this basically being Wrestlemania season for TNA, you hope for them to have great episodes leading into their PPV. If they have any ratings increase, I would think that would be the reason

I probably should have stated it like "will smackdown slip down to impact ratings' instead of impact going up to 1.7-2.0 range. Was what I meant to imply in OP.
Good Raw, Punk and Del Rio was better than their first encounter! This hell in cell could be the best perfected sound match they had.Those chair shots Del Rio gave were stiff as hell! Cena might retain, but maybe Nash or Miz with Truth help Punk win? What strength by Henry slamming Khali, he should of done it on Steel Steps kill that Ogre! I'm glad Cody is getting some more exposure and he shows up when its time to put it in that last gear.Also that six man was solid, hopefully Boom can be the saviors of the division like I think they can.Negative the Divas crap.Just let Beth win the damn title already, Kelly hasn't anything special since winning.Kelly is better chasing than having a title.I'm ready for Hell in the Cell, could be a crazy show!
I have to say after watching Raw that Del Rio not being able to match Cena and Punk's standard on the mic is becoming a real problem. He's a decent promo guy on his own, but he completely fails in any kind of back and forth and the other two guys make him look like a complete chump. Now, the top face should sometimes be able to outwit the top heel, but there has to be some kind of verbal battle instead of this constant ownage that's been going on. I mean, his response to something Punk said was "I'm gonna kick your butt." Cena cut an emotional and intense promo about Hell in a Cell, and then Del Rio repeated some lame variation of his destiny promo. The man needs to improve his skills on the stick if he wants to stay where he's at, because he's getting exposed more week after week and it's going to hurt him big time if it continues.
WWE Friday Night SmackDown! - September 30, 2011

Opening Segment - The show opened up with Mark Henry delivering another strong, believable promo in which he made you think and feel that he's the baddest mother walking the face of the earth. Booker T did a nice job in the ring selling his intimdation of Henry without making himself look cowardly. Henry comes off as someone with a huge chip on his shoulder and it just works when you take into consideration the fact that he's been in WWE for 15 years and his career has been so mediocre as a whole. I keep finding myself surprised by Mark Henry. I wonder if Mark Henry has been replaced with a pod person from Invasion of the Body Snatchers. In so many ways, he's a completely transformed guy from who he was 6 months ago. Thumbs Up

1. Mark Henry vs. The Great Khali - Not a great match by any stretch but it was surprisingly decent. It was better than I thought it'd be. Most of it was 3 minutes of two big guys just going at it. Khali got in a good amount of offense and the live crowd was hot for it. Henry showed some impressive power displays with how easily he was able to pick Khali up and move him around the ring. The ending comes with Henry hitting the World's Strongest Slam. After the match, he beat on Khali some more and then did the bit with the steel chair wrapped around his leg in which he comes off the middle turnbuckle with a splash onto the chair. If this means Khali is out for a while, no complaints here. The match & aftermath did what it was supposed to do, which was make Mark Henry look like an unstoppable badass. *1/2

2. Evan Bourne vs. Jack Swagger - Even though this match was short, also only about 3 minutes, I enjoyed it. It was a nice mesh of styles while it lasted and there was just some good energy during the match and from the live crowd. Both wrestlers got in a good amount of offense in and packed a good amount of action into the match. There was some interference from Dolph & Vickie but it wasn't anything over the top. Personally, I liked the old school feel of it with Vickie especially climbing up to the apron and knocking Bourne's leg out from under him as he's setting up to go for Air Bourne. You don't really see that anymore as the idea of managers has all but disappeared in wrestling. Swagger capitalizes and slaps on the ankle lock, forcing Bourne to submit. As I said, for me, it was a fun little match that had a lot of action and makes me wanna see these two teams have a match at some point. **

3. Sin Cara vs. Heath Slater - This match lasted less than a minute so it's much too short to rank. Sin Cara got the win with the Swanton Bomb off the top rope. The "fake Sin Cara" appeared on the big screen and cut a promo while revealing a new Black & Silver Sin Cara outfit he was wearing. Half the promo was in Spanish and half in English, but the gist of it was easy to get. These two have a match up at the HIAC ppv. I can't say I'm overly interested but it could be a fun match. N/A

Backstage Segment - There was a brief segment backstage featuring ol' Johnny Ace himself speaking with David Otunga, Christian, Dolph Ziggler, Vickie Guerrero, Jack Swagger & Cody Rhodes. They were furthering the discussion of seeking some sort of legal action and all the parties involved agreed that they were all in for Monday. So, I'm guessing something will be going down with this on Raw. I'm interested in this and ultimately wanna see where it goes. As Otunga really is a graduate of Harvard Law School, this is an angle in which he could potentially stand out and shine. There wasn't anything overly dramatic or must see about this segment, but it did get me interested in seeing what they're going to do on Raw this Monday. Thumbs Up

4. Kelly Kelly vs. Natalya - The match only lasted about 90 seconds. It was alright though much too short to be much of anything. Kelly Kelly got the win with a Victory Roll. During the match, Beth Phoenix was doing guest commentary and I thought she did a really good job, especially considering how short the match was. The aftermath is ultimately what saved the whole thing from being a waste. Beth jumped Kelly and hit the Glam Slam before Natalya locked in that great looking submission hold she used on Monday. Kelly Kelly was screaming and doing a good job of selling the move while Beth cut a good promo in which she claimed she'd take the title from the "undeserving, screaming little Barbie Doll." They then left Kelly laying in the ring. Can't say much about the match but the aftermath was worth watching and gets a thumbs up. 1/4*

5. Cody Rhodes vs. Sheamus for the WWE Intercontinental Championship - Very solid match between Cody & Sheamus. Both guys his a lot of their signature offense and Cody spent the majority of the match working on Sheamus' shoulder. There was some good back & forth moments and a few good near falls scattered here and there. Rhodes looked good against Sheamus and showed a good amount of resilience after taking some of Sheamus' best moves, including the flying shoulder block from the top. The ending comes with Christian interfering and getting Rhodes disqualified a little before the 12 minute mark. Sheamus is positioning Rhodes for the Celtic Cross when Christian interferes and delivers the Killswitch. Christian causing Sheamus the IC title is logical as it goes along with Christian's claim that Sheamus cost him the WHC against Mark Henry. I personally would have preferred that Christian cause Sheamus to get beaten, but neither Cody or Sheamus looked weak when it was all said and done. **3/4

6. Zack Ryder vs. JTG - Fun little 3 minute match. We haven't seen Ryder compete much on SD! and it's nice to see him get a little tv time here. The match was pretty decent while it lasted, JTG hit a couple of really nice moves and the crowd was just plain into Ryder. Ryder gets the win with the Rough Ryder. **

7. Randy Orton vs. Christian - Another great outing from Orton & Christian. It wasn't as good as some of their matches, but it was still a great television match. Great storytelling and back & forth action throughout, just par from the course as far as a one on one match between these two goes. I kinda knew that neither guy was going to lose here and that did take away from the match just a little bit. There were a few great near falls during the match, the best of which was Christian hitting the spear on Orton. The ending comes with both Orton & Christian getting counted out a little past the 18 minute mark. Orton pounds on Christian outside only for Cody Rhodes to interfere. He & Christian proceed to beat on Orton before Sheamus comes out. He catches Rhodes with the Brogue Kick before chasing after Christian through the crowd. Mark Henry's music hits and he makes his way down to the ring. Orton has recovered a little and tries to fight him off but winds up eating the World's Strongest Slam. Henry talks some trash to Orton and is about to leave when he decides to go grab a chair. He takes his sweet time and Orton, having recovered enough, catches him in an RKO. Henry is on the outside recovering with Orton posing on the ropes to close the show. The match between Orton & Christian was a very good main event match and having Orton get the best of Henry here was logical to me. It gave Orton the first real upper hand he's had on Henry and gives me more confidence that Henry will retain this Sunday at HIAC. ***1/4

Overall Show - I thought tonight's show was very entertaining. I thought the only generally lackluster part of the show was the Sin Cara match and the set up of the Sin Cara vs. Sin Cara match at HIAC. The opening promo segment was another strong mic performance from Mark Henry and he looked impressive just manhandling The Great Khali. Evan Bourne vs. Jack Swagger was a quick match but had a lot of energy and action packed into a short amount of time. The Divas match was pretty lame but the aftermath was worth watching. Cody Rhodes vs. Sheamus was a very solid IC title match with Cody getting DQ'd. Zack Ryder had a decent little filler match against JTG and the main event was another great outing from Randy Orton & Christian. Nothing overly dramatic or earthshattering happened here, just an entertaining 2 hour program.

Grade: B
1. Mark Henry vs. The Great Khali - Not a great match by any stretch but it was surprisingly decent. It was better than I thought it'd be. Most of it was 3 minutes of two big guys just going at it. Khali got in a good amount of offense and the live crowd was hot for it.

The difference between this match and all Khali's others is that Khali was mixing it up with his opponent. Usually, he gets a few seconds to deliver his offense, then the opponent takes over....back and forth. In this match, they were exchanging shots and engaging in a give-and-take such as we never get to see from Khali.

Additionally, it was the first time I ever saw the Great Khali power out of an pinning attempt. I mean ever. Previously, once he's on his back, the match is over, so this was refreshing to see.

It was an enjoyable match......and it's nice to be able to say something like that about Khali.
I have to say after watching Raw that Del Rio not being able to match Cena and Punk's standard on the mic is becoming a real problem. He's a decent promo guy on his own, but he completely fails in any kind of back and forth and the other two guys make him look like a complete chump. Now, the top face should sometimes be able to outwit the top heel, but there has to be some kind of verbal battle instead of this constant ownage that's been going on. I mean, his response to something Punk said was "I'm gonna kick your butt." Cena cut an emotional and intense promo about Hell in a Cell, and then Del Rio repeated some lame variation of his destiny promo. The man needs to improve his skills on the stick if he wants to stay where he's at, because he's getting exposed more week after week and it's going to hurt him big time if it continues.
Well, that was in english. You should have heard how ADR destroyed them in spanish.

But seriously, ADR is fine. Being associated with Cena has made Punk a huge star. Seriously, did you guys hear the pops growing for the hot tag two weeks ago? They are doing a great job at using Cena to elevate guys and having ADR lose the title to him to make him more vicious was a smart move. I'm excited for HIAC for pretty much all the matches.
Well, that was in english. You should have heard how ADR destroyed them in spanish.

But seriously, ADR is fine. Being associated with Cena has made Punk a huge star. Seriously, did you guys hear the pops growing for the hot tag two weeks ago? They are doing a great job at using Cena to elevate guys and having ADR lose the title to him to make him more vicious was a smart move. I'm excited for HIAC for pretty much all the matches.

ohh spanish a language that not even 1% would have known! alberto is horrible on the mic and terrific in the ring he's kind of the opposite of cena

and your sig make's no sence? you want a raw with clean finishes? that means cena will never loose, because when he does loose he doesn't loose clean. so id rather not!
I thought RAW was turning into like TNA last night, i was falling asleep untill Santino came in, and i was really looking forward to a good wrestling match. However it did not happen and Santino won i think in under 1 minute. I always want to tune in to RAW and see what they do next, but they failed to deliver a show again.
WWE Raw Supershow - October 3, 2011

1. Randy Orton vs. Drew McIntyre - Decent 5.5 minute tv match. Nothing fantastic here but it wasn't the 30-60 second squash match I had it pegged for. McIntyre got in a surprising amount of offense and hit a couple of nice looking high impact moves on Orton. The outcome was never in any doubt of course, but the hot crowd was definitely digging Orton and it was nice to see McIntyre get a little relevant television time. Orton comes up with the win after hitting the RKO. *3/4

Randy Orton & Mark Henry Brawl - Solid brawling segment that the live crowd was really hot for. Both guys looked good during the brawl and Henry continues to look like a monster overall. Orton does ultimately get the upper hand after he manages to get some shots in on Henry when the refs are restaining him before dumping him over the security railing. It looks as though one more match is going to happen between these two. If so, I hope WWE continues to see the positives of keeping the title on Henry. Thumbs Up

2. Mark Henry vs. John Morrison - This match only lasted a few minutes but it was surprisingly entertaining. Again, Henry just didn't completely obliterate JoMo in a few seconds as I thought he would. Morrison got in a good flurry of offense that the crowd popped for including hitting the running knee and Starship Pain. Henry kicking out of JoMo hitting his two finishing moves back to back showed good resiliency and just reinforces the monster character. Henry does wind up getting the victory, however, after hitting the World's Strongest Slam. It was shorter than the first match but it was better in my view. It just had tons more energy about it and JoMo's offense helped out. **1/4

Mark Henry Promo - As I've said before, Mark Henry continues to be one of the biggest and most pleasant surprises of 2011. Henry delivers yet again on the mic with a strong promo that fully demonstrates his legit, intimidating physical presence and character. I also dig the fact that Henry isn't intimidated by the return of Big Show. After all, why should he be? He dominated him physically and put him on the shelf. WWE's had a lot of great classic heels but Henry is the first great monster heel they've had in a very long time. Thumbs Up

Vickie Guerrero & Company Address Triple H - This wasn't an earthshattering segment but I like the dynamic that it set up. All the heels got a little time on the mic, though I thought Cody Rhodes & Dolph Ziggler actually did the best with the brief amount of time. Vickie drew insane heat when she got on the mic. You could barely even hear her screeching over the live crowd. Triple H just brushing off their problems as being sort of irrelevant, to some degree, made me side with the heels. I don't know that's what WWE has in mind but Triple H's "old school" view of things made me think about some of the problems in larger society today. The trouble with bullies in particular. The "old school" response back in the day would be people telling others to just suck it up and deal with it, which is basically what Trips told the heels inside the ring. We've moved beyond that, however, and I just thought it was an interesting dynamic. Trips brushing off the "suggestions" & "problems" brought to him by the talent might be setting up the angle in which the fans are able to identify with the wrestlers and that Trips' means of handling things might not be for the best. I'm kinda mixed on this right now because it's something that's ultimately going to have to play out before I think it can be judged as being good or bad. Thumbs In The Middle

Kelly Kelly, Eve Torres, Beth Phoenix & Natalya - This was an interesting segment that broke down really before the match even got started. Kelly is tossed to the outside but gets the upper hand on Beth Phoenix and goes apeshit on her. Some might get pissy because Kelly got the upper hand here but I also think that people need to stop thinking so one dimensionally. Sure Kelly is gorgeous but that doesn't mean she can't be passionate. Hasn't anyone ever seen a bully get the short end of the stick from a smaller, weaker kid that's in the heat of the moment and just flat pissed off? I disliked how she came out all smiles after losing the Divas Championship but her frustrations over losing said title and the situation with Beth Phoenix in general boiled over in an interesting way last night. Kelly showed some real fire and despite being up against a more physically powerful opponent, she kicked it up a notch and got the better of her. Thumbs Up

Triple H & John Laurinaitis - JL comes into Triple H's office and informs him that he's a little dissatisfied with things himself, mostly due to Triple H knocking him down at HIAC. JL tells Triple H that he needs to address the talent and see what they feel about his performance. Triple H's response of physical intimidation seems to go along with the "old school" mentality of him just using physical force and threats to kind of get his way rather than how things should be handled by a "real executive". Of course, that's part of the storyline anyhow as Trips is someone that's a wrestler that's been turned into an executive at the request of the WWE Board of Directors. Thumbs Up

3. Santino Marella vs. Jinder Mahal - I don't have a clue what happened here. I know I went to grab a Pepsi and Santino's music was playing as he appearently beat Mahal. N/A

HIAC Footage and Miz & R-Truth Statement - The footage shown was a good way of keeping people up to date who didn't order HIAC or haven't generally had time during the day yesterday to find out what happened at the end of the show. Jim Ross showed some of his old fire on commentary when Miz & Truth were assaulting Cena, Del Rio & CM Punk. Truth & Miz being led away by the cops was a nice touch and their comments via Twitter was different. They sounded like a couple of guys out in the world and not their larger than life personas, which is what they were going for. I'm sure some wrestling journalists and all this hate it but I'm digging it personally. Injecting a little bit of reality into wrestling isn't a bad thing, just as long as they don't try to take it over the top and they haven't done that in my view. Well, they did a little with Triple H & CM Punk but they've pulled back on it. Thumbs Up

4. 12 Man Tag Team Match - Very entertaining and long tv match that the crowd was hot for throughout the 27 minute length. I was hoping they'd have this match last a while as they needed to give most of the wrestlers some tv time and some opportunity to shine so I'm glad they went that route. The heels controlled most of the match with Cody Rhodes & Dolph Ziggler impressing me more than any of the others, though all of the heels showed good continuity & chemistry as a team. I was hoping that the match would wind up being elimination style but it's not how it turned out. I dug the fact that Punk & Cena were barely in this match. They definitely get enough television time so it's nice to see the focus put on some of the other guys. Mason Ryan is still green but the crowd popped for his offense. Ziggler continues to be the best seller in wrestling in my view. Whenever he takes a big offensive finisher, he sells it like he just got hit by a car. Kofi Kingston & Evan Bourne also looked good and spent a lot of time in the match, with Bourne getting in some high energy offense that the crowd really popped for. He winds up hitting Air Bourne on Jack Swagger but Vickie breaks the count by placing Swagger's foot on the ropes. While the ref didn't see it happen, he suspected it and sent Vickie to the back. She screeched and the crowd just flat out popped. The ending comes with a formula we see a lot of in these style of matches where the wrestlers wind up hitting each other with their finishers or other high impact moves. After Ziggler hits the Zig Zag on Cena, he winds up eating a Brogue Kick from Sheamus and he folds up like a letter when hit. Sheamus gets the win at the 27 minute mark. Highly entertaining match that put most of the focus on heels like Ziggler, Rhodes, & Swagger and on faces like Kingston, Bourne & Sheamus. ***3/4

Vote of Confidence Segment - The show closes with the ring being surrounded by almost the entire WWE roster. I didn't see Sheamus, CM Punk, John Cena or Kelly Kelly out there however. Triple H addressed the crowd and the wrestlers themselves. Wade Barrett spoke up first and told his side and the sides of others. His argument didn't hold that much water as Triple H reminded him of all the chaos he caused when he was the leader of Nexus. Beth Phoenix spoke on behalf of the Divas and actually called them "girls", which they are obviously, but again her argument didn't hold water as nothing has happened to the Divas yet. The refs, however, I thought, from a kayfabe pov, had something to complain about. Mike Chioda spoke up and said that the refs were worried about coming into work and addressed Triple H's inability to keep Miz & R-Truth out of the picture and the general status of security at WWE events. Again, from a kayfabe pov, I can see Chioda's side of things. After all, they're not "superstars". Jerry Lawler comes inside the ring and addresses Triple H. Lawler said that he doesn't really blame Triple H for what's happened, but does say that it is happening because of him. He says that he agrees with CM Punk in that there's someone trying to undermine Triple H. However, for all intents and purposes, Lawler says that he just doesn't really have confidence in Triple H's ability to control things. At first, I kept waiting for someone to go off on Triple H and say how Vince never had these sorts of problems. If someone had a beef with him, they could come to him and he'd at least hear them out rather than brushing it off or something along those lines. However, I also remembered how Vince went apeshit on Del Rio & Triple H for his name merely being mentioned a few weeks ago on Raw. Everyone around the ring gave Trips a vote of no confidence and, eventually, all the wrestlers walked away from ringside. Some fans were booing, some were cheering and some just didn't really know how to react. Even the camera crew from around ringside put their cameras down and walked off, as did Booker T & Michael Cole. The end with Jim Ross sitting there and looking up at Triple H before standing up and walking away with his head down also generated mixed feelings from fans. Jim Ross is possibly the single most beloved non wrestler in wrestling history in the minds of the fans. Some booed him, some cheered and, again, some didn't really know what to do. In the end, Triple H stands in the ring with his arms spread, looking kinda lost. A small "Triple H" chant broke out but, again, most fans weren't sure of how to react. Generally, I enjoyed the segment because it's an intriguing set up in my view. While I'm sure that we're going to have something of a faction war take place, I like the fact that it hasn't happened yet. They're definitely taking time to lay the foundation for this story before ultimately pulling the trigger on it. You might not know how to take the ending of the show. You might like it, might not like it or might not be sure but, in order to ultimately find out, I think you'll have to wait a while longer to see what they do next. Thumbs Up

Overall Show - I was really entertained by the show last night and the show had a different feel about it than we normally see. Starting out with a match was a nice change of pace and Orton vs. McIntyre was much better than I was expecting. The feud between Randy Orton & Mark Henry looks like it might be continuing. Henry himself also had a short but fun match with John Morrison and delivered an intense promo afterward. Triple H's response to the "complaints" of some of the wrestlers doesn't make him seem all that sympathetic, but maybe that's the point. Trips isn't an "executive" after all, he's a wrestler that took the reigns cuz he was asked to. Kelly Kelly showed some real fire last night and the 12 man tag match was extremely entertaining. The vote of no confidence is something different. A lot of people might not know how to feel about the ending of the show. A knee jerk reaction might be to dislike it but, then again, that can be a typical reaction to storylines that take a lot of time to be built up and have cliffhanger endings. I enjoyed it because it keeps me wondering ultimately what's going to happen for a climax and exactly when is it going to happen.

Grade: B+
I wasn't into a good portion of Raw, but I can see how a lot of people would be into it. Then the ending happened and Wadey made his return to existence after several months.

- I thought opening match was eh. Didn't Orton get the hell beat out of him at the PPV? Well, he must have super healing powers because he didn't let it show at all. I guess it is good to know that someone still has a job, but I thought Drew looked soft. The only thing I thought he did intensely was somersault into the barricades.

- Another thing, Orton has been consistently in the best booked angles all year. I haven't cared for them at all. But it is funny how he isn't relied on to cut a bunch of promos or be in a lot of segments and the feud still one of the few straight forward things on the show. Can't say that about anyone else on the roster. Someone must like him backstage.

- Morrison may not have much longer in the company. They are going out of their way to kill the guy. Eh.

- While I am a fan of Henry, I am not sure has well the crowd is taking to him. Maybe they are scared to react to him? idk but it just seems like they are risking overexposing him. Once he loses definitively, there goes the Henry push.

- That in ring segment with Vickie and the other guys was bad. Del Rio didn't get heat. Rhodes has a weird voice. Ziggles got nothing as well. Swaggie killed the crowd. Who cares what Christian is whining about at this point? Who approved of the idea to get Otunga TV time? Vickie was the only one to get the crowd's attention. Even then, that doesn't look good on the other guys because this is supposed to be a big angle for everyone involved; and Vickie is the only one the crowds for.

- I didn't totally hate the Kelly/Eve ass kicking Beth/Nattie. But talk about out of the blew. Kelly didn't look like she was affected at all by losing her title when she walked out.

- Good to see Santino back. The crowd seemed to have missed him and it is always good to see someone come back from injury. I am sure many people went "Who the hell is this guy?" when Mahal was shown tho.

- I couldn't get into the big tag match main event. However, the faces were rocking it for that live crowd. Always a good thing.

- Idk about the ending. You got from the big tag match that had the crowd shitting breaks to a completely confusing segment. I thought a lot of it was executed well. Wade Barrett got mic skillz yo if he can come from out of the blue and get a 'you suck' chant. I thought he looked more like an money hunger lawyer than Otunga. haha The ref that spoke seemed very sincerely. Beth was terrible and could her stuff be any more sexist if they tried? King was King, which is awesome. The one thing that bothers me is that I don't like angles that need to be thoroughly explained. I am not an idiot (I think) but that doesn't mean I should be thinking hard about what is going on in a TV show just to understand the damn thing.

Like I said, I wasn't into Raw, but I can totally see how someone else would be. :)
It will be interesting to see where John Cena fits in the voice of confidence angle for neither he or CM Punk were present at ringside to make any comments.

Interesting Punk hasn't had any promo time these past few weeks.
1. Randy Orton vs. Drew McIntyre - Decent 5.5 minute tv match. Nothing fantastic here but it wasn't the 30-60 second squash match I had it pegged for. McIntyre got in a surprising amount of offense and hit a couple of nice looking high impact moves on Orton. The outcome was never in any doubt of course, but the hot crowd was definitely digging Orton and it was nice to see McIntyre get a little relevant television time. Orton comes up with the win after hitting the RKO. *3/4

True, there was no question as to what the outcome would be, but Drew made his third RAW appearance in a row. First, he appeared backstage two weeks ago as Miz and R-Truth were being contained, then last week's humiliating 10-second performance in the Battle Royal. This week, it was an actual match and like the OP, I was preparing for a quick squash.....yet Drew worked smoothly and effectively with one of the top guys.

So, what does it mean? A future for the guy.....or just a last hurrah before they send him packing?:sad: I wish we knew.
Raw gets a high 8/10 score for me this week.
The matches were worth watching, the 12 man Tag was fantastic and John Cena & Cm punk were not the Obvious victors it was Sheamus!! all superstars were allowed to show a little off in the ring unlike usual and on a whole the Show was good.
I think overall I have to give last night's RAW a 7/10 ~ I loved the 12 man tag team match and how they let Sheamus win with his Brogue Kick! I was not too happy about the WWE superstars walking out on Triple H but it'll be interesting to see what happens next !!!!
The early numbers for last night's Raw are out. According to, the first hour of Raw pulled in 4,124,000 viewers and the second hour increased to 4,416,000. So, the show pulled an overall average of 4,270,000 viewers last night, so that'll probably equal about a 3.1 rating. The second hour increased by an average of roughly 300,000 viewers so there was interest in the 12 man tag match and the vote of confidence segment that closed the show last night.

Raw was up against the usual competition from Pawn Stars last night but the big draws of the night were, of course, Monday Night Football and the MLB game between the Yankees & Tigers on TBS. MNF drew 10,837,000 viewers whereas the baseball game drew 6,046,000.

Not a stellar rating, but Raw was coming off of a ppv and delivered a cliffhanger ending that could bring viewers in next week to see what goes down.
Overall I thought it was a solid show.

-I liked the opening of Raw. I thought it was a nice refreshing change... instead of the usual 10 minute opening talk time.

-The Orton/Henry brawl segment was very good. I liked John Laurinaitis coming out. Starting off Raw that way was really smart. It fit the whole theme...that the WWE is in "chaos" under Hunters watch.

-The 12 man tag match was very good. Liked seeing Sheamus get the win.

-I really like the ending of Raw with Triple H. It left a lot of unanserwed question.

- The Divas division is shit. I dont know what they are doing with Beth Phoenix. She should be booked like a female version of Mark Henry. Kelly-Kelly screaming is very annoying. Poor Natty..she is the most talented diva and she is basically just a "third wheel".

-Nice to see Santino back. But him and Ryder might be 1 too many comedy wrestlers on Raw.
So, everyone walked out on Triple H safe for Cena, Orton and CM Punk.

I guess that means next RAW will go down as follows:

Triple H opens up with a 35 minute opening promo, and then one after another, Orton, Punk and Cena will come out as well to add their 2 cents for 10 minutes each.
This gets followed by a triple threat match of Cena vs Punk vs Orton with Triple H working as a special guest referee.
After that match, we see a one on one bout between Cena and Orton (Tripps being the ref again) and for the first time that night the viewers will hear commentary when CM Punk joins the empty announcers booth.
And then, in a special main event, special guest referee CM Punk will call a bout of Triple H wrestling an invisible bear (alternative would be to bring back God for his first singles competition).

... Either that or everyone will come back next week, as Vince is revealed to be the mastermind behind all of it.
Great show on RAW this week, apart from the divas match :p
Booker T's commentary is getting annoying though, keeps saying "oh my goodness".

As for the ending - brilliant and unpredictable.
One thing they could have done though is to have each of the champions leave their belts as they walked out.

As for next week's RAW, HHH, orton, punk, cena and kelly kelly will start of the show talking about what happened last week on Raw.

All the People who walked out last week and Steph will come out and tell HHH that she is now COO and first thing she does is say fire HHH,
Orton, Punk, Cena and Kelly are all against this and walks out with HHH

Steph sets up some matches and the show continues as normal.
I really enjoyed the opening of raw. It was a good time.

But what in the hell is going on here? like, did they really need to rush this that fast? And now they bring back Miz and Truth. No more conspiracy angle. I know I need more substance in my thread, but seriously, im so falbbergasted I just need someone to maybe explain this stuff.... Because Im honestly completely lost.

And thats another thing! with this whole thing so rushed, what happens to Otunga????? not that i realy care! but how many loose ends did this just make????
Yeah, the beginning was flawed too (why'd they announce online who was going to be at RAW then have them spend 20 minutes doing the same on TV? Just don't do it online) but at least it was intriguing.
I thought the first 30 or 40 minutes were well paced and had nice little touches.

I think John Morrison is done with his career, the only reason Rhodes/Swagger and Ziggler were at ringside was to bury Morrison. He even lost clean, despite 3 heels being at ringside in under 3minutes! He's done I tell you

The divas match was terrible, the worst I've seen in sometime... Kelly Kelly was annoying with her 'INTENSE' screaming and Rosa Mendes is the worst in ring performer the WWE have right now.

JRs firing made me feel legit hatred to John, John is the first WWE heel in ages to make me feel this way (hate in the way they intend, so kudos)

The tag match had some moments and some double team action! That was botched... it was mostly poor though.

The main event was rubbish until the tag match was made & even then it was a bit rubbish, the ending was alright though and HHH/Punk Vs Truth/Miz sounds like a decent match..

Overall, Raw started promising, fell flat on it's face about 50 - 60 mins in and struggled to recover from there. 5/10
Like many people, the opening of RAW was fun. I knew they would screw it up somehow.
1) WHY would Vince deliver the news? I thought he was gonna stay off camera for longer. Bringing him back now is pointless.
2) Laurinaitis is the new GM? REALLY? My fish has more charisma than him. He can't talk or act. No one buys him in this spot. In a job where your only duty is to get the crowd reaction and talk, he does NEITHER. When he interrupted the match between Punk and Del Rio, people didn't know if it was a dramatic pause or whether he was waiting for the Miz' music to start. He CAN'T DO THIS JOB. Terrible choice to make him the GM (for now).
3) Why would the faces be happy to see a heel GM? They were shaking his hand and acting like it was a good move. Morrison was the only one who stood up to him? REALLY?
4) JR gets fired AGAIN. That's cheap heat that no one buys anymore. You can only hire/fire a guy so many times before people become numb to the idea. We'll see him again, than he'll leave... etc. Vince, get a new idea.
5) Mason Ryan is getting a push? Talk about someone who isn't over. He doesn't get any reaction from the crowd whether he's a face or heel. No one cars about him.
6) Suddenly Punk and Triple H are friends. Oh wow, that makes a lot of sense.

Remember, it's just Wrestling. It doesn't have to make sense. Tell yourself that and this show get's a 3/10. Realistically, it gets a 2/10.

I won't be surprised if Evan Bourne has a concussion. That was a bad bump with no protection. Pretty sloppy.
Last Monday night: "I can't wait to see the next Raw!"
This Monday night: "So who's playing football next week?"

Disappointing all around. The beginning was great and done really well and it all went downhill from there. Vince should not have returned for a transition between HHH and Laurinitius, his return should have been a major angle in itself.

I'm most upset with the Punk / HHH buddy buddy angle. Punk was the hottest character going and instead of building him up like Steve Austin, they've made him out to be just like everyone else, a la post-streak Goldberg in WCW.

3 / 10 seems appropriate.
I thought it was good, I like the beginning segment, maybe this is the start of the Survivor Series match that they were talking about. I see it starting with Triple H, John Cena, CM Punk & Sheamus, and then throwing in others, like the Rock, as they go along.

I know his approach was pleasant, but I'm still not sure where Vince stands in this.

I was disappointed that the other non-walkers were not in the beginning segment. And I was maddened by John firing Jim Ross.

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