Official Raw/Smackdown Aftermath, Ratings and Review Thread

Grade tonight's RAW.

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Starting from the bottom. Historically, the guy who looks worse going into a title match ends up winning. I forget how long it went on, but for a while I was counting the number of consecutive guys the guy who lost or got beatdown won the upcoming title match. Not only that, but on Smackdown the crowd still got really into the match. So I don't think it was much of a problem except maybe to you and the Christian marks out there that are stupid enough to think that a chickenshit heel should win clean or often.

I can say he isn't as over by himself as he is with Cena and HHH because his matches weren't as over without them. How is that bias? Also, I've been to a live show. There are not more kids with CM Punk shirts than Cena shirts. You don't hear kids cheering Punk, it's always a deeper, late teen early 20s male voice. I could be wrong, I don't get to see the WWE's sales numbers. There isn't much evidence at all saying that Punk is over with kids.

If people didn't care for Del Rio they wouldn't dress up like him. WWE has researchers out in the crowd and analysts that know more than we do and have measuring capabilities greater than we do. If no one cared about ADR, he wouldn't be champion.
When did I say Christian should win you ****** I just said it could have been better if he didn't get pinned a day before a title match. When did I say there are more kids with CM Punk shirts than Cena shirts? Why do you make up so much shit I can't believe it. Open your eyes you moron you can see there are kids in the audience with CM Punk shirts and you said there weren't any. What a stupid last statement, Jack Swagger was champion and no one cared about him. I'm not saying there isn't anyone who cares about Del Rio but he got hardly any reaction before he got the title.
Raw: 9/5/11

Opening Segment

Cm Punk sounded like the cocky rebel as he opened the show. He praised his wrestling skills, and Punk did sound like an egomaniac during his solo mic time. As usual, there was a lot of tension between Nash and Punk. Punk poked fun at Nash for being the old and washed up veteran, who lives in the past, and Nash still wanted to give Punk the beating of a lifetime, but Triple H interrupted. The COO finally solved the mystery of the Summerslam text message. Nash was behind everything, and HHH wasn’t too happy about this. The COO had to make a tough decision, and he decided to fire his long time best friend.

Overall, I enjoyed this segment. There was a lot tension between Nash and HHH, and the mic work from both men was pretty solid. Nash thought his friendship with HHH would save his job, but The COO had to do the right thing, and storyline wise the decision made perfect sense. HHH had to think about WWE’s future (Punk), and Nash has already seen his fair share of spotlight over the years, and he isn’t the star anymore. Nash is one of his best buddies, but HHH wouldn’t let his personal feelings get in the way. The Game can’t stand Punk, but he had to do the right thing, and firing Nash was the right professional move. Nash’s exit breathed some new life into the storyline between these three men. The constant stare downs and shoving contests were fine, but this situation was going to explode at any minute, and something had to give. Now the focus can shift towards Punk VS HHH, and this storyline is making some good progress. Nash is out of the picture for now, but he did leave the arena with John Laurinaitis. Laurinaitis’ actions over the past few weeks have been suspicious, and there’s a chance he could be working with Nash on something, because there has been some interaction between these two before.

Evan Bourne & Kofi Kingston VS Jinder Mahal & The Great Khali

I thought this match was pretty underwhelming. It just felt like they were going through the motions here, but Evan and Kofi did provide some excitement. I’m enjoying Air Boom so far, this win did help them build some momentum, and I hope they can have a nice run with the titles. As far as Mahal and Khali go, I really don’t care about the “communication” problems between these two. The partnership between Mahal and Khali hasn’t done anything for me, because I think they’re kind of boring and bland as a tag team. Match Rating- 5/10

Eve VS Beth Phoenix

The constant bickering between Kelly and Natalya on commentary was VERY distracting, and I just couldn’t focus on the match. The overall short action in the ring was decent enough, but Beth’s Glam Slam did look kind of awkward. Still, the arguing drove me nuts, and Michael Cole made everything worse, as he played the role of instigator. Natalya’s post match sneak attack on Kelly was a nice touch here, and I am looking forward to the match between Kelly and Beth, because the dominant Divas could gain more momentum.

CM Punk VS R-Truth

The pre match promos from Miz and Truth were enjoyable. Both men continued to whine about the conspiracy, and there were times where their promos made me laugh. As far as the match goes, I thought it was Pretty solid. There was some decent back and forth action between Truth and Punk, and this match did have grueling and steady pace. Miz physically involved himself in the match a few times, but he was eventually tossed out by the ref. Miz’s interference didn’t bother me at all, because this one didn’t end in a DQ, and Punk continues to build momentum as he heads into Night Of Champions. Match Rating- 6/10

Punk Raises The Stakes

HHH changed the match with Punk at Night Of Champions, and I don’t have a problem with the no DQ stipulation. This stipulation could help hide some ring rust from HHH (if he has any), and the rivalry between HHH and Punk is very personal and intense, and these two really have the chance to beat the hell out of each other now. Punk goaded The COO into putting his new job on the line, and The Game agreed. HHH is still in the early stages of his tenure as the authority figure, and taking over for Vince McMahon is a big deal, so I don’t think WWE would abandon this storyline just yet.

David Otunga & Michael McGillicutty VS Jerry Lawler & Zack Ryder

Another short match, and nothing special happened here. Lawler and Ryder dominated Otunga and McGillicutty. I couldn’t get into this, and I actually enjoyed the pre match Zack Ryder highlight video more than match. The video was entertaining, but the match didn’t do anything for me. I really hope this victory ends the mini feud between Otunga, McGillicutty, and Lawler. Otunga and McGillicutty are very bland together, and their “reign” as Tag Team Champions didn’t do them any favors.

Randy Orton VS Heath Slater

Slater managed to get in some offense here, but this match just felt like a squash most of the time. Orton dominated the bulk of this match, he took care of Slater with ease, and The Viper did look dominant here.

John Cena

So Cena decided to call out the WWE Champion again. The champ actually decided to show his face this time, but he brought some reinforcements. Christian, Wade Barrett, Jack Swagger, and Dolph Ziggler tried to hurt Cena, but Sheamus, Morrison, and Riley came down for the save. This segment was okay. Del Rio looked like the rich and cocky snob, who didn’t want to get his hands dirty, so he sent some hired goons to do the work for him. Cena tried to fight off the attack by himself, but help eventually arrived, and once Teddy Long hit the ringside area, I knew a big tag match was next.

John Cena, Sheamus, John Morrison, & Alex Riley VS Dolph Ziggler, Christian, Wade Barrett, & Jack Swagger

There was some nice fast paced action here, and this was a fun elimination tag team match. Sheamus snapped after Christian’s slap to the face, and this could lead to a feud between both men. I would love to see this feud, because Sheamus is one of the hottest faces on Smackdown, and Christian just finished an outstanding feud with Randy Orton, and I would love to see a series of matches between these two. Vickie Guerrero’s presence at ringside helped fuel the tension between Dolph Ziggler and Jack Swagger, because Vickie’s prospects didn’t want to work together. I’m enjoying this storyline, because Dolph will have to break away from Vickie someday, and the separation could occur during this storyline. Vickie might have to make a choice, because Ziggler doesn’t want to share her services. Del Rio tried to hit Cena with a sneak attack, but the #1 contender sent a message of his own by delivering an Attitude Adjustment to the WWE Champion. The build for Cena VS Del Rio has been pretty decent, and I am looking forward to the match at Night Of Champions. Match Rating- 6/10

Overall Show Rating 4/10:
I wasn’t too crazy about this show. The opening segment was very entertaining, and this edition of Raw did feature an enjoyable main event, but the bulk of the show was pretty dull. I enjoyed the backstage segments with Alberto Del Rio, as he tried to recruit a hit squad for John Cena, and I did mark out for Drew McIntyre’s brief backstage appearance, but I just couldn’t get into this. The Punk/Nash/HHH segment was the highlight of the show for me, and the new stipulations for Punk VS HHH at Night Of Champions added more intrigue to the match, but this show just felt like it was dragging most of the time, and I thought this was one of the weaker episodes of Raw.
Raw Hits and Misses for 9/12/11

Raw Hits:
CM Punk and HHH: The match thar has gotten the most hype for the PPV, and rightfully so. CM Punk has been the hottest act in the company through the summer, and HHH returning to the ring is a big deal due to not wrestling since Wrestlemania. I didn't like the use of real names at the end, as it's difficult to buy into the "personal" nature of the feud when they're all but admitting the business is a work. Still, HHH showed good intensity and Punk played the role of the scorned child pitching a fit very well. The mystery of who cut off Punk's mic in essence keeps the storyline of who is screwing with Punk alive. Overall, they drove home the point of why they're fighting: Punk hs made it personal by insulting HHH's family, and Punk feels like he has been held back. It took a little long to get there, but they did a good sell for the PPV.

Kofi Kingston vs The Miz: A very good TV match to set up the tag team title match at Night of Champions. Kofi and Bourne are now the babyfaces in peril against the more experienced Miz and R-Truth. This was as solid as Ive seen Miz in a single's match in some time, and Kofi held up well. His crossbody off the top rope was darn impressive. Miz and Truth continue to entertain on the mic as well. **1/2

Randy Orton vs Cody Rhodes: A pleasant surprise here with Rhodes going over Orton. With Henry lurking ringside, Orton appeared to be something he hasn't been in a long time--vulnerable. Yes, we saw this match three days ago, but Cody and Orton worked well together again. It would have been nice for Rhodes to get a clean win, but that's not going to happen while Orton is champion. Still, a ny win over the Word champion is a good win, so a nice win for Rhodes here. **3/4

Mark Henry: Henry has been pushed as a monster heel the last three months, and he continues to impress me. Henry incorporating the last fifteen years of being passed over was a nice touch in his promo. The Rhodes/Orton match further pushed Henry and Orton further, as the beatdown after the match with Henry demanding the belt makes Orton seem in peril for the first time in a long time. That being said, Henry needs to win this Sunday to justify the monster push he's gotten over the past 3 months.

Raw Misses:

John Morrison and Alex Riley vs Dolph Ziggler and Jack Swagger: I hate that they're using John Morrison to push the Dolph Ziggler/Jack Swagger feud. A three minute match is as much as they can do to promote the US title? Dolph's promise to elevate the title couldn't be farther from the truth. The casual announcement by Teddy Long backstage of the Fatal Four Way without any justifiable reason for how the challengers deserve a title shot devalues the title. It is further devalued by playing second fiddle to Swagger trying to sign on with Vickie and Dolph trying to prevent it.

John Cena and Bret Hart vs Alberto Del Rio and Ricardo Rodriguez: The opening segment was barely passable, and the best they could do to push the WWE Title match is to throw an announcer and Bret Hart into it? Del Rio has been shown as a champion who can win clean, but he runs from Cena at every turn. He's turned into another weak heel in his feud with Cena, and there's no way he defeats Cena clean on Sunday. Cena playing Rodriguez as a bull is rediculous for the go-home show for the WWE Title. They've really dropped the ball here on the Cena/Del Rio feud, and Im not that interested in this match, and John Cena is my favorite wrestler.

Kelly Kelly vs Vickie Guerrero: A waste of 3 minutes. This doesn't make Kelly look strong going into her title defense against Beth Phoenix on Sunday. Speaking of her, where was Beth tonight? Another example of a failed effort to push a title match on Sunday. Kelly has to drop the belt here to Beth so the division can get a true restart.

Overall Show: This was the weakest go-home show Ive seen in some time. There was little done to promote the WWE Title, the US Title, or The Divas Title. The only feuds that are moving forward on Raw are the Tag Team match and HHH/Punk. Further, they gave valuable time to the fairly meaningless Lawler/former Nexus feud. Sheamus was made to look like a star here, but this feud doesn't belong on the go-home show at the expense of the other matches on the card. Im beginning to think that the Raw Supershow is a bad idea. Yes, it does expose Smackdown stars to the Raw audience who may not watch Smackdown, but the result is less time for the Raw feuds to develop and move forward. Im sure Night of Champions will be a good show based on the card, but Im not excited about it based on the build for it.
WWE Raw Supershow - September 12, 2011

Opening Segment - The opener of the show didn't do much for me. Whenever WWE comes to Canada, they dust the moth balls off Bret Hart and put him center stage. Bret Hart's appearances no longer feel special for me, they just seem to take television time away from others. Bret Hart does the thing where he insults Alberto Del Rio, then here comes John Cena and all but winds up going down on Hart. I groaned when Cena suggested that Del Rio defend the title against Bret Hart, just more pandering to The Hitman, but I'm glad that JL didn't let them go down that road. Still, the idea of a tag match between Del Rio & Rodriguez against Cena & Hart doesn't interest me. Just a lackluster segment all around that took time away from hyping the WWE Championship match at NOC primarily just to give a nostalgia moment to some. Thumbs Down

John Morrison & Alex Riley vs. Dolph Ziggler & Jack Swagger - Alright for the 3.5 minutes it was given, though ultimately not enough to really be memorable. I thought the match did do a decent job of keeping the storyline with Ziggler, Swagger & Vickie going. Some decent action at times with JoMo & Riley ultimately getting the win after Ziggler refused to break up the count on Swagger. *1/4

The Miz & R-Truth - I've enjoyed the pairing of this team. At first, I thought I'd hate it but I'm digging the chemistry between them. I thought they cut a good promo with Truth slipping in a few funny comments here and there, but they mostly kept it in a more serious mode while hyping their tag title match at NOC. They also touched on their dislike for Triple H & CM Punk, the "conspiracy" was mentioned though it wasn't central to the promo. They kept that on themselves and Air Boom for the ppv. Solid work in my view. Thumbs Up

Kofi Kingston vs. The Miz - Good solid 9 minute match. I've seen Kofi & Miz have a lot of matches and all of them have been good. The match had a good pace and Kofi & Miz are just a couple of guys that have good chemistry. I enjoyed the back and forth action in the second half of the match and Miz really seems to have improved inside the ring. The neckbreaker he hit on Kofi off the top turnbuckle looked great and folded Kofi like a letter. The Miz then hit the Skull Crushing Finale for the clean pinfall. It was a good match that did a solid job of creating the appearance of Truth & Miz as threats to Air Boom with Miz going clean over Kofi. It's booking 101 and it's effective. **3/4

Sheamus & Jerry The King Lawler vs. Michael McGuillicutty & David Otunga - Generally speaking, I thought this was a waste of time. The promo prior to the match was lackluster and the match itself was primarily Sheamus dominating the heel team. I don't know why WWE is wasting MM & Otunga by feeding them to Jerry Lawler each week. I don't know why Lawler is even in there each week. 1/2*

John Cena & Bret Hart vs. Alberto Del Rio & Ricardo Rodriguez - Pretty much as I thought it'd be. The match went 3.5 minutes and consisted mostly of Cena taunting/bullying Ricardo around. Del Rio gets some shots in on Cena before leaving Ricardo to the wolves. Cena beats on Ricardo a bit more before, predictably, tagging in Bret Hart so Bret could lock in the Sharpshooter for the win. I'm just over the idea of Bret Hart "wrestling". He can't take a bump and the nostalgia just isn't there for me. *

Kelly Kelly vs. Vickie Guerrero - Just plain lousy here. I knew it would be, however. Vince must be in a mood in which he wants to try and give the audience some cheap thrills tonight what with Bret Hart beating up a ring announcer, belittling the reigning WWE Champion and Vickie Guerrero trying to wrestle. Vickie needs to stay out of the ring, the woman is just awful. The match goes about a minute when Kelly rolls Vickie up after Dolph Ziggler & Jack Swagger have a confrontation at ringside. No Stars

Mark Henry Promo - Mark Henry cut a good backstage promo with Josh Matthews. Henry's character as this near unstoppable, intimidating monster works very well because he's very believable. The guy has a legitimate physical presence and is intimidating. Henry came off as someone determined to make good on his opportunity at NOC and someone tired of being "looked over". I don't think he'll win at NOC though I honestly have to say that I probably wouldn't mind if he did. I've really had to change my mind about Mark Henry over the past several months. Thumbs Up

Randy Orton vs. Cody Rhodes - While not as good as their match on SD! this past Friday, they still delivered a quality 10.5 minute match. Good solid action throughout the match coupled with good storytelling. Mark Henry's presence out in the arena, and eventually down at ringside, worked to keep Orton on edge but it didn't take away from the match. You knew something was going to go down eventually but I'm just glad they waiting until the match was over and didn't try to use Henry to ultimately steal Rhodes' thunder during the match. The ending came with Henry slowly climing the ring steps, which distracted Orton for a few seconds. Cody pulls off his mask, spins Orton around and hits him in the head with it. Orton is stunned and Rhodes hits Cross Rhodes for the 3 count. Nice heel victory for Rhodes who now holds a win over the reigning World Heavyweight Champion and looked good doing it. Henry enters the ring and hits Orton in the back with a chair before standing over him holding the WHC. **3/4

Triple H & CM Punk - For me, this was another great promo segment between these two. Again, in a lot of ways, it came across like an internet fan boy interested in fantasy booking arguing with someone who has a realistic view of the wrestling business. For me, that's highly entertaining and it ultimately does a good job of highlighting the differences between Punk & Trips' characters. It did seem somewhat repetitive but the final 3 or 4 minutes of the promo really amped things up. While it's interesting to see these two base their feud over their philosopical wrestling differences, Hunter getting pissed and bringing that aspect of a personal dislike into it is ultimately what it's about. The final moments where Punk's mic kept getting cut off was a great touch and only furthered Punk's animosity towards Trips as he thought it was somehow happening under his orders. Punk hitting Triple H with the mic before walking out was a good way to close it. There's been little physicality between them in the build up for their match and I've got no problem with that. It's a nice change to use sheer storyline & promos to build a feud without having the two beat up on each other. They've done it here and they've done it with Ziggler & Swagger. Thumbs Up

Overall Show - Raw had it's ups and downs last night. What was good was good and what was bad was bad. The opening segment did nothing for me and the whole thing just came off like an excuse to get Bret Hart on television. The opening tag match wasn't much to write home about. It did set up a 4 way United States Championship match at NOC between the 4 men involved. I'm sure it'll be a good match but I'd have preferred just Ziggler vs. Swagger. The Miz & R-Truth continue to do a good job on the mic and Miz vs. Kofi was a very solid tv match that used a basic, but classicly effective, method to establish Miz & Truth as threats to Air Boom's WWE Tag Team Championship. Lawler & Sheamus vs. McGuillicutty & Otunga was another waste of time designed to feed these guys to Lawler again. Cena & Hart vs. Del Rio & Ricardo Rodriguez was about what I expected. If Bret Hart can't wrestle, then don't put him in anymore wrestling matches. Kelly Kelly vs. Vickie Guerrero was every bit the waste of time you'd expect. Mark Henry continues to shine in his role while Orton vs. Rhodes II was another very solid match that gave the young Rhodes a good heel victory over the current WHC. Finally, Triple H & CM Punk delivered another interesting promo to hype their match at NOC. Their match has gotten the most attention overall, though I'm not surprised as Punk is just white hot right now. I'm looking forward to their match and I can't wait to see what ultimately happens. As far as a go home show goes, this Raw was the weakest I've seen in quite a while yet what was good on the show was enough to make this an overall decent show. It would have been much better without wasting time with Bret Hart, Jerry Lawler & Kelly Kelly vs. Vickie Guerrero.

Grade: C+
Great Rundown Jack-Hammer. The only thing I would highlight from this weeks Raw was Mark Henry's promo and the subsequent Orton/Rhodes match. Henry's promo was great in a sense that he bringing in some actual frustration into his character. Mentioning how he's been looked over for 15 years was a great way to justify his actions as of late. He's the monster he should've been years ago and I hope he can somehow pull it off at NoC. I dunno if it will happen, but I applaud the character.

Orton/Rhodes - This match did two things which I enjoyed: Furthered the Orton/Henry storyline and give a little more steam for the IC Champion. Henry's presence played an obivious part in the match and it showed Orton being a bit vulnerable which is a change from the Super Orton that we've come to know as of late.
I thought Raw this week was rather uninspiring.

- That was one awkward opening segment. Del Rio came across as someone who is completely not ready for his title reign. He really did look frustrated that no one was giving flying damn about him. His voice was kinda shaking and him failing at getting heat doesn't help at all. Bret came out, which was blech. Finally, Cena came out to rope everything together, but I think the damage was already done for the segment.

- lulz. Angle or not, they gave the four prominent Raw mid-cards a divas match.

- Miz and Truth were giving me some Gene Wilder and Richard Pryor vibes. Not sure how I feel about that yet.

- I've been typically no selling Cole, but he has absolutely no consistency or middle ground lately. He is either okay or absolutely horrible. During Miz/Kofi match, he was trying his damnest to sell people on the match.. But who would really give a fuck about these two in the ring together?

- I adored those battle scars Wade Barrett gave Sheamus. That'll teach him! Oh, and the promo before that squash was another Lil Hennig classic tbh. "I was born with personality!"

- Ricardo is so much better than Del Rio, it isn't funny. If the crowd wasn't terrible as shit, Ricardo would've gotten some major heat. The match was what you should've expected.

- Vickie/Kelly was something. I guess. I don't think this whole Swaggie/Ziggles/Vickie thing is taking off.

- So, we got no Wade Barrett but Cody Rhodes on Raw? <_<

- That last segment was atrocious. People have been blaming the WWE for killing Punk's momentum. But HHH in that segment proved that it was Punk killing his own momentum. No a single fuck was given throughout, and I really don't blame that crowd.

I know that Canadian crowds are always off compared to most American crowds, but I really don't blame them last night. The show started with someone who can't get good heat and ended with a storyline that only a handful of people (when you look at the big picture) give a damn about.. And even those people stop caring.
This was the worst Raw that has aired in well over two months.

Opening Segment - ADR is good, he's decent on the mic but his broken English killed this entire segment. Add Brett Hart who has lost all ability to cut a promo and you've got a cluster fuck disaster, Cena rushes out to make the save, but its too late this segment is already so far into the toilet its beyond repair.
Rating - awful

John Morrison & Alex Riley vs. Dolph Ziggler & Jack Swagger the WWE is building up for Swagger vs Ziggler with one of these two superstars turning face, awesome. This match not so awesome. A-Ry got to show out for once, debut a few new moves and overall he looked pretty good. Swagger did the job, surprise, surprise. I don't recall Morrison being in this match at all, I may have just blocked up out due to him being terrible.
Rating - not good, but better than expected

Kofi Kingston vs. The Miz Miz proves why he deserves a spot at the top of the card, Kingston continues to prove why he's destine to be in the Middle Card until the end of time. Miz and Truths opening Promo's were good, and help build for this Sunday
Rating - Good

Sheamus & Jerry The King Lawler vs. Michael McGuillicutty & David Otunga As much as I love Sheamus right now, I couldn't bare to watch this match. McGuillicutty and Otunga do nothing for me, and why is Jerry Lawler involved in another angle with young stars?
Rating - Keep King out of the damn ring, and break up the last two remaining Nexus members

John Cena & Bret Hart vs. Alberto Del Rio & Ricardo Rodriguez Del Rio steals the show, well he proves that being a cowardly heel still works. Rodriguez gets the ass end of the whole deal, but the bull fighter/red shirt was entertaining the first time. Cena plays the role of Superman, then Tags in Brett for the finish. This match was still shit
Rating - complete shit

Kelly Kelly vs. Vickie Guerrero I didn't bother to watch this match because it had garbage written all over it.
Rating Vickie is not a wrestler, keep her out of the ring unless she's holding a mic or helping the people she manages win

Mark Henry Promo its a shame it took 15 years for Henry to be this good. I'm almost sold that he will walk out of NOC with the title.
Rating - Fuck yes Henry is a monster

Randy Orton vs. Cody Rhodes Smackdown stars steal the whole F-ing show. Between Henry's promo and interaction during this match, and the match itself this was the highlight of the entire show. Orton proves why he's the best wrestler in the WWE again, and Rhodes shows that he can go with the best in the company.
Rating - as stated Smackdown steals the whole F-ing show

Triple H & CM Punk Triple H out shined Punk on the mic throughout this entire segment. Sorry Kids Punks good, but Triple H gave him the business. Triple H made some great points, Punk made some great points, but over all this segment fell flat. The crowd didn't seem to be that into it, and it went on for far to long. The ending was the best part, not because Punk blasted Triple H in the noggin with the mic, but because it was over.
Rating for me this feud has lost its spark.

Overall This was the worst Raw that has aired in well over two months.
The show was lack-luster. The main problem with the show was that there was little build to the WWE championship match. Also I don't see the point of bringing Bret Hart every time WWE is in Canada.

Ironically, the best part of RAW was the SmackDown section.
Also I don't see the point of bringing Bret Hart every time WWE is in Canada.

Well, as you said, they're in Canada. Did you see the reaction? That's why they keep bringing him in.

RAW - 09/12/2011

Del Rio/Bret Hart/John Cena
This feud means nothing to me. Nothing is happening! This promo segment stunk, and if it weren't for the Hitman drawing some cheers, I bet a pin drop would have sounded like an avalanche. Weak story, Del Rio is an awful mic worker, etc. Wasn't feeling this, at all.

Riley/Morrison vs. Ziggler/Swagger
Decent little tag match, nothing special. Riley is star in the making, end of story.

Kofi vs. Miz
This is a clear example of two guys having absolutely no chemistry. Awful match, and I rarely say that about something WWE puts on television... for free.

Lawler/Sheamus vs. The Nexus Boys (whatever)
Sheamus was the only entertaining piece of this match. Shocking to feel this way, but his face turn is working, and I'm digging it.

Cena/Bret Hart vs. Del Rio/Ricardo
This was exactly what it was supposed to be. Bret Hart beating someone, with the Sharpshooter, in Canada, brings the crowd to their feet. I enjoyed this.

Kelly vs. Vickie
Who gives a shit.

Orton vs. Rhodes
The only segment(s) that worked. These two have great chemistry, and this worked well. Orton loses, which should please a few internet douche bags, and Cody picks up a (not-so)clean win. Best segment(s) of the night, no question.

CM Punk/HHH Talking Segment
This isn't working. Sorry, but it kind of sucks. They say the same shit, week in and week out. This feels as though it has been going on for months and months, when in reality, we're talking weeks. I can't become invested, due to the lengthy talking segments where not much is said. End this, soon, please.

Bad show, overall.
RAW - 09/12/2011

Del Rio/Bret Hart/John Cena
How boring! Although I am aware WWE will bring back Bret in Canada for the reaction it was still miserable and Bret really did flop on the Mic.
John Cena comes back in calls Ricardo Rodriguez "Tattoo" twice although it didn’t really go over the first time. And makes a lame comment about Del Rio renting his cars. The feud is not working for me.

Riley/Morrison vs. Ziggler/Swagger

Loved that Riley used his old move, though dare I say for "Nostalgia" purposes Id have liked to hear "you're dismissed" (yeah I just said that).
Ziggler v Swagger or as a tag Team is being built up quite nicely and its also really nice to see JoMo get plugged into something just because he deserves it. Having said that I dont like JoMo and im not sure why that is.
Oh but a special mention to Dolph for selling the Chuck kick early on to perfection.

Kofi vs. Miz
Starting Promo with Miz and R-truth was TeH SeX, I was just waiting for Miz to take the Mic and flip the W upside down. Then the in ring rather homosexual looking pose they did....I jumped out of my chair laughing and clapping my hands saying "brilliant".
Sadly the match itself, not so much.

Lawler/Sheamus vs. Married someone famous/Son of a Legend.
Honestly I FF'd right through this happened last week and I only watched it because I knew Ryder would do the RoughRyder and get a big pop. Honestly watching Lawler get his ass kicked by those two asshats is not entertaining me in the least. I did see the part where Sheamus won the match and didn’t allow Lawler to get the pin, as you would expect....this pleased me.

Cena/Bret Hart vs. Del Rio/Ricardo
Del Rio is still weak and we still know he is probably going to win at NOC....why mention the match....there was none.
Although Hart winning the bout via sharpshooter....I wouldn’t have had it any other way in Canada. Yet still boring as hell!

Kelly vs. Vickie
Why? the Dolph/Swagger story had enough exposure and what happened here gained nothing higher than the earlier match.
Good that Phoenix came out at the end...though shame Natalya couldn’t have come and decked KK from behind...Maybe ensuing a Bret Hart one on one talk backstage?

Orton vs. Rhodes
It is without Question these two have good chemistry in the ring and it’s always decent to watch. Mark Henry distracted me too much though and didn’t allow me to enjoy the match, although having said that this really drew good Henry heat and is making this NOC match look worthwhile.
Cody taking off the mask....what does this mean ? And Cody still has no opponent for NOC, why are they leaving this until the final Friday night smackdown before Sunday to get this likely "DiBiase?" match on the official card.

CM Punk/HHH Talking Segment

Wonderful. I am no CM punk mark but I am fast becoming one. I just love how these two cut their promo's, nither is right, nither are wrong and its fantastic. The using of the real names, the cutting of the mic when I was so desperate to hear what Punk had to say....and then again.... and even HHH the COO doesn’t have control of the microphones. It’s so believable with them titillating with kayfabe that its left me doubting myself when it comes to whether or not this storyline is real or written.(atleast for a little while:suspic:)
Not the best Raw I've seen in a while, but not the worst one either. I'm actually pretty tired of the same old Monday Night Raws that pander to those with absolutely no attention span whatsoever. This did a lot to further the storylines, and I know the trigger-happy fans were probably bored to tears with this episode.

I think the only thing that really bored me this night was Orton vs Rhodes, during which I fell asleep (no joke, I woke up when 'The Mark' Henry was slowly making his way down to the ring. Really I'm kinda urked that two smackdown stars are the main event of Raw.

Bret Hart in Canada was about as over as you're going to get. He did a great job just being himself and talking to a member of the younger generation. I enjoyed hearing Bret on his soap box talking about being a fighting champion.

The only real problem I had with the opening segment was that they tried to get physical in their confrontation with each other. I'm not really sure whose idea it is to keep getting Bret Hart in the ring like this but it needs to stop. Growing up when there were people like the Bret Hart of today in the ring, like say, Mr. Fuji or Bobby Heenan, or Jose Lotherio, when it came to a physical confrontation they weren't handed an easy victory and embarrassing the world champion, they were crushed like bugs.

Now, granted Bret Hart can't take big bumps, but he's been taken down in the recent past, and stomping on his chest, or even, if the wrestlers good, he could stomp on the head convincingly and that would really get over, and Bret wouldn't have to actually take a bump, he could cushion what little blow to his head was there with his hands and nothing would come of it and it'd scare the living hell out of the fans who know his condition. Plus that would REALLY get ADR over as a heel. Then you can have Cena come down, do his thing, and have a handicap match instead with the Hitman in Cena's corner as a manager, and have ADR bail on Ricky. It'd be almost the same thing as what did happen only it'd make ADR an over heel, and Bret Hart isn't handed some cheesy victory.

The Miz & R-Truth, as always are the highlights of the night for me. I really don't want to see these two together, because they can stand on their own two feet and that'd double the number of segments with great entertainers on Raw. They are both, along with CM Punk & John Cena the most provocative people in the WWE right now, and to couple them up is just a bad idea IMO. That said, it was an enjoyable match, the promo's were entertaining, but it's just disappointing to me because I feel like their talents are being squandered, especially when you've got smackdown stars main eventing Raw.

LOLer & Sheamus, I rolled my eyes when LOLer said Sheamus had loads of personality & charisma. ...riiiight so does Dolph Lundgren. I like Sheamus, and he's starting to show some personality, true, but he's just flat & bland IMO. I think the best part was seeing a microphone in the hands of Otunga & Hennig. Otunga actually held his own too, I was surprised about that, and Hennig, god I love him and wish him the best... on his future endeavors. I want to see Hennig live up to his dad's legacy, but I'm really losing faith in the man. BTW did anyone else notice that Shaemus looked as though he'd been tortured just before he came out? His body was covered in welts, cuts, scrapes, & bruises. He looked like s**t, but I've got to hand it to him, for as bad of condition as his body looked, if it was in bad condition he didn't show it at all.

Normally the Diva's matches bore me to death, but this night's Raw was subtly introduced as a squash. I saw how Vicky obviously didn't want anything to do with Kelly in the ring, Vicky was just talking smack, and booking the match between the two as a result of the smack talk was great. Who else are you going to have wrestle in the Diva's match of the night? ... Anyone? And please don't tell me a tag team with Kelly on one side and Phoenix on the other, that's so cliche for a go home show these days it's pathetic. It'll probably be done tonight on smackdown anyways. This Diva's match served 2 purposes, to further the tension, which has already reached a boiling point, between Vicky, Ziggler, & Swagger, and to show Kelly as being on a roll. For a segment that was approx. 5 minutes in total, they did a great job.

I couldn't stay awake for the rematch from smackdown. It shouldn't have been on Raw at all, Cody doesn't look good matched up against Orton in the ring, he just looks like Orton's mini-me. They give good matches I suppose, but their story telling godawful, as always, Orton just can't do in ring storytelling, unless he's convulsing all over the mat like he's having an epileptic seizure just before hitting the RKO. I'm just glad I woke back up before the match was over so I could take a leak, and grab some water so I could stay awake for the last segment.

The face off? Really? That's the best the writing team could come up with? I was turned off from this segment from the very start by that title alone. However, HHH is good on the mic, even though he was talking in circles. It was pretty obvious what they had to say was not scripted, and only outlined. They both won me over in the end, and it definitely deserved to be the finale of the night but I still can't help but wonder how much longer CM Punk is going to be able to go with these shoot-like tactics before it gets old. It hasn't gotten old for me yet, so that's good, but history has shown that these tactics don't work for long. Maybe CM Punk is just that good, I wouldn't put it past him, but I kinda think sooner or later it's just going to wear not only on me but many fans.

In all I think it was a pretty good show. I wished they had handle Bret Hart differently, and I wish there had been a different main event for the night instead of 2 smackdown stars having a rematch that was aired on TV 3 nights earlier. But aside from that they did well.
-I thought Mark Henry backstage promo was great. He is doing a great job playing that old school monster type of heel.

-Orton vs Rhodes was also very good. I like how Orton looked over his shoulders a couple of times during his entrance. That shows he is very concerned with Henry. Solid match (not as good as their SD match). They have done a great job making Orton look vulnerable. Giving Rhodes a win should gain him some momentum as the IC Champ.

-I thought the Miz and R-Truth promo was entertaining.

Other than that I thought the rest of raw was garbage.

-The Punk and Triple H segment went on too long. And has become very boring.

-Poor job by Cena and Del Rio. Their is no hype or any excitement for their WWE title match.

-I dont mind seeing Bret but I dont need him to have a match. They could of just had Bret put Ricardo in sharpshooter in the opening segment.

Very disappointing show going into Night of Champions.
Raw was lackluster in pretty much the whole show. The Miz & Truth a doing a good job show there talent just amzed amazed that they not in the main event picture. Cm Punk and HHH it was decent it help bulid there feud going in the PPV. It was some really bad thing WWE did tonight that made me groan. Jerry need to stop living the glory days cause he not help the young guys he buried them. I don't want another Jerry storyline it terrible to watch. Same thing goes to Bret, WWE need to stop using him when he in Canada. No bulid in Wwe title that all I got to say. Kelly vs Vicky was horrible what was wwe thinking? Overall I wish i watch football than this.
Raw was an okay show i suppose!
I really want ADR to be a great heel and i think he has the potential to be one of the biggest heels ever! but he needs to start delivering in these promos!! He may even have to revert to some cheap heat, insulting the crowd alot more or maybe he just needs one big big beat down on Cena?? i dont know what he needs really but somethings missing thats stopping him being a huge heel!

I love CM Punk and his promos are great but i think they are getting a bit too 'real life'. dont get me wrong i love the realness he brings but i think when you go to far away from the storyline like when he talks about kayfabe things that not many people know about it loses the live crowds attention! I think he needs to stick a bit more to the actual match he is supposed to be promoting, like HHH did right at the end! I was sort of losing interest in the promo until the microphone thing and then right at the end when Punk clocked HHH and did the DX 'suck it'!! that was a great moment for me and saved the promo :)
Raw was nice. did everything it was supposed to do with some fun action.

not going to go into detail but I thought it was great. LOVED how Orton sold the arm on his snake taunt stuff.

Also LOVED how HHH said "you get over with them and you become a star" which is true. WWE is bias....towards people who get over.
Anyone notice the Sheamus signs in the crowd?They were based on signature pics I have seen on these boards.

One said "It's a Shameful thing - Lobsterhead" and showed Sheamus with a, well, lobsterhead.
the other said "Too many limes, too many limes." :p

Both obviously misheard lyrics from his theme. Funny, though.

Thought I'd mention it. :)
I fucking loved Smackdown this week.

Maybe its just me but I enjoyed the show from top to bottom. It was nice to see Edge back for one night and his interactions with Christian and Trish Stratus were well done. Even better was his interaction with Cody Rhodes, and I absolutely loved the aftermath with Ted Dibiase. That segment alone really reminded me why I thought highly of Ted Dibiase in the beginning; the guys got a great look. He showed great intensity, it was believable, and the audience was behind him. I really think this face turn and a feud with Cody Rhodes could spark the beginning of something great for Dibiase.

I also loved the Cutting Edge segment. I loved it for so many reasons. It really did show a different side of Mark Henry, and it started out by almost turning him into the underdog. What Edge and Orton said was entirely right, and then Orton claimed Henry would prove that he can look impressive but still fail when it counts. That really makes me want to see Henry prevail. That segment really made me want to see Henry as Champion even more then I did before. And then, what made the segment even better was when Edge left and the two fought. I even marked out when Henry threw everyone off him and they went flying. Personally, I really have to give credit to the Smackdown writers for building this feud so well and really making Mark Henry look SO good right now. He looks dominant, he looks impressive, and I'm really BUYING him as World Champion. I couldn't have possibly made that claim six months ago.

I enjoyed Smackdown. In fact, I've been enjoying Smackdown more then RAW lately.
Well that was a mediocre Raw overall but you've got to love the ending. Leaves many questions however. Miz and Truth are most certainly part of any Nash outsider group but Punk is in the main event at HIAC. Interesting.
I thought there was two very, very good highlights of the show:

Jackman was surprisingly, and pleasantly awesome. He was full of life and just oozed charisma. Can we trade him for Morrison? No one felt for Morrison getting his arm almost broken but went nuts for Jackman punching the shit out of Ziggles.

Mark Henry's interview segment was the only thing that topped the Jackman segment. Easily, EASILY, EAS-FUCKING-ILY top 5 moment all year, maybe top. I know that Mark is suppose to piss people off, but I really think his eyes evoke a sadness. I can't quite put my finger on it, but it is just very haunting that look he gives. JR almost got killed, which was expected tbh. But the real money was King getting his wig split. People want to know why King is being used for that spot instead of a 'young' guy? Well, when one of those young 'uns make people want to defend them, then we can talk. That crowd was eating that segment out of the palm of its hand. Don't blame them because it just fucking rocked.
I Thought Raw was pretty entertaining for the most part.
The 8 man tag was nothing special, but it advanced the rivalry between Christian and Sheamus. Which can only be good, I look forward to a good feud between them.

ADR and Morrison was kinda what I was expecting, even tho I am a Morrison fan. ADR needed a strong, brutal, quick win after last night.
Hugh Jackman seemed to fit in easily, even playing to the camera while talking with Ryder. He was a natural, and easily the most entertaining of all the guest stars. (in my opinion)

Sin Cara twins. Wasn't really into that as much, and don't see the feud lasting to long.
Given the time and freedom to perform, it should be a good short series of matches.

Mark Henry segment was well done, keep that man looking like a monster.

Kelly(x2) and Eve vs Beth and Natayla. What can I say, I'm NOT a fan of Kelly being champion. I do hope something big happens soon with that division.

Ryder (w/ Jackman) vs Ziggler (w/Vicky)
Short, sweet and it delivered what it was supposed to. Entertainment.
Solid main event, that had CM Punk coming out looking stronger,and a surprise ending that saw the "firing" of Miz and R truth.
I fully expect Miz/Truth/Nash and possibly even Punk,(or Cena in a Hogan/NWO tyoe of thing) to be a stable sometime soon.

All in all, I found it to be a very good Raw, that advanced a few storylines, and started some new ones.
Gotta keep it kinda short this week.

Overall, I thought Raw as pretty entertaining last night. I was kinda disappointed in the wrestling content overall but there were several strong promo segments.

The opening segment with Triple H saying he's going to fire someone by the end of the night was a good hook to keep people interested.

Hugh Jackman was extremely damn good as the Guest Star last night. He didn't seem like a guy out there to sell something and seemed genuinely excited to be out there. If he really wasn't, the he really is a damn good actor. Is it just me or did Dolph Ziggler flat out rock on the mic last night? I thought he cut a terrific promo and did a great job of putting over himself and the United States Championship.

Mark Henry had another great, strong & believable promo segment. He stumbled on the mic just a bit, I think he meant to say underachiever rather than over, but he still did a really good job. Choking out Jim Ross with Ross screaming that he was hurting him was a great touch as was putting Lawler through a table. Jim Ross is very much beloved and it's a great way to get heat.

The 8 man tag match was too short at only 5 minutes but it was fast paced and very energetic. I'd give it **1/4.

Alberto Del Rio vs. JoMo was far too short to rate but it's nice to see that aggression coming out of Del Rio. He's lost that over this summer and I think it's been a missing factor.

The Divas match was another instance of the Barbie Dolls beating the "real" female wrestlers.

Dolph Ziggler vs. Zack Ryder was short but fun. Lots of energy and I cannot stress enough how good Ziggler is at selling moves. The crowd popped big for the finish and, again, Jackman looked like he was having a great time. Ryder did get a cheap win so as not to hurt Ziggler but it was still fun. I'd give it **1/2 just for being downright fun.

The main event was a fun 13 minute match. Truth & Miz continue to look good together and I dig that they spent the majority of the match beating up John Cena. Punk looked strong here, though I wish Miz & Truth hadn't lost cleanly. I'd give it **3/4. Miz & Truth getting "fired" was a nice twist that the crowd popped for.

Overall, I give last night's show a solid B. I'd rate it higher if the overall wrestling was stronger. With Miz & Truth being "fired", it just makes me feel that the nWo or an nWo themed faction is about to form. Hugh Jackman did a great job as Guest Star and I thought Ziggler had a breakthrough moment on the mic. Mark Henry delivered in his promo and built up some great heat by assaulting Jim Ross & Jerry Lawler. It's too bad that they've got to rush things with Hell in a Cell, but it was still a fun show.
I'm not sure why I seem to be the only one who spotted this...but during the last segment...when Triple H walks in the tunnel in the back at the end of Raw...he passes the refs...Right near the refs with his back to the camera, it appears to be Mick Foley. He's wearing a suit and has Foley's hair and built. Why would a random guy be standing there with his back to the camera? I'm almost positive it was Mick Foley. Look at the segment again.
I'm not sure why I seem to be the only one who spotted this...but during the last segment...when Triple H walks in the tunnel in the back at the end of Raw...he passes the refs...Right near the refs with his back to the camera, it appears to be Mick Foley. He's wearing a suit and has Foley's hair and built. Why would a random guy be standing there with his back to the camera? I'm almost positive it was Mick Foley. Look at the segment again.

lol i completely see where your coming from.. but i cant see it being mick foley.. it would be just to pointless to have him there with no indication it was him or maybe him.. i think if were going to see mick foley again we will no about it.. not a shot of his back
The numbers are in for last night's show. Last night's Raw pulled a 3.0 Nielsen Rating with an average audience of 4,325,000 viewers. Definitely better than the 2.7 rating & 3.86 million viewers last week but Raw's still not quite out of the woods. The first hour of the show drew 4,428,000 but decreased in hour 2 to 4,222,000 viewers. Last Night's Raw was coming off of the Night of Champions ppv and some didn't stick around after generally finding out what happened. So WWE still has a bit of a rough road ahead. At the same time though, they did average well over 400,000 more viewers last night than they did last week so at least it didn't stay where it was or, even worse, decline further.

As expected, Monday Night Football was the dominant show last night and drew an audience of 11,922,000 viewers. The Comedy Central Roast of Charlie Sheen was a big draw and set records for the network as it drew about 6.3 million viewers. Charlie Sheen is a walking train wreck right now and, commercially speaking, it's probably the best thing that's ever happened to him. Raw had the usual competition last night but outdrew Pawn Stars. The first half hour episode of PS drew 3.7 million viewers and the second one drew 3.83 million. MNF has really cut into Pawn Stars audience even more than WWE's. Last night's Pawn Stars were both new episodes, like last week's, and new episodes of the show have drawn well north of 6 million viewers prior to Monday Night Football.
Ratings have been falling for a while now.. Appears they got a 1.7 last week if I'm up to date on ratings. Impact usually gets 1.0-1.3s. I don't see Henry's reign reversing the ratings decline. Orton is a good performer but isn't that exciting in my opinion. They crushed the other face with good mic skills and made him a whinebag heel that can't beat anybody (Christian) other than probably Daniel Bryan. Sheamus, Rhodes and some of the other mid carders hopefully will get in the title picture soon.

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