Official One Night Stand Thread

i rekon one night stand will suck there will be probably like 3 extreme rules match nothing that hardcore hopefully some matches were like the title matches there last year they were good matches

heres my predictions

Lashley vs Punk vs Umaga extreme rules winner lashley
orton champ vs edge extreme rules winner orton
undertaker vs kane extreme rules hitc winner taker
rvd vs cor van winner van dam but will go extreme
sandman and dreamer vs thorn and burke winner sandy and dreamer
hardy boys vs london and kendrich tlc match

thats probably it remembering this pay per view went 4 like 2 hrs last time they had an ecw ppv
ok ok this is my DREAM card for ECW ONS
*Taker vs Lashley vs Cena- champ vs champ vs champ
*HBK vs RVD-Extreme rules match
*Elijah Burke, Marcus Cor Von vs Dreamer and dreamers hand picked partner, and he picks Funk who makes speacial apperance
*Hardyz vs Sandman and Sabu-TLC
*Punk vs Shelton Benjamin-loser is fired, shelton loses and goes to ECW and these 2 fued
what are your guys thoughts

and the haryz vs Sand man and Sabu is for the brand new ECW tag tittles
i wish all of these matches are gonna happen but i think there wont even be 1 extreme rules match
I still don't understand the point of calling it One Night Stand if it's going to be all three brands. We'll find out at Judgment Day i guess how the tri-brand ppv's are going to work. I wonder if the brand exclusive pay per views will have more matches of their brand, but with the other brand main eventers showing up for a match or two.

ONS 3 may just turn into WWE vs. ECW II.
Someone said Kane should be brought into ECW...oddly enough, I agree with that. I think Kane, who has been with the company for almost 10 years now, and has only held the world title for 1 day, should be brought into ECW and given the belt.
OMFG I AGree That The KOTR Shuld be brought bak
Ultraviolet icon is right. They should just have an ecw original hardcorehomecoming. Lets hope the francise can get it done.
I reckon that they should treat the ecw title like the hardcore title and make the defences falls count anywhere. Furthermore why do they have all their shows in big arenas, i know that they travel around with smackdown but every month they should have it in a ballroom or a bingo hall so they have some big places to jump off on. PS BRING BACK THE ORIGINAL GANSTA
i think rvd vs cm punk is going to be on the one night stand card possibly for the new ecw tv title?

also as far as ecw mathces go probably snitzky vs lashley for the ecw world title

vince or shane vs mick foley

sandman, dreamer, balls, and sabu vs four new breed members extreme rules

hardys vs some tage team for the ecw tag titles

most likely there will be a couple of raw and/or smackdown matches on the card
Eh I don't really care what they do with this show anymore. I knew it would end up being moved out of the Ballroom. None of the real ECW fans would put up with this shit. It would have been 2 hours or whatever of nothing but vulgar chants degrading Vince and this crappy product he shoves down our throats. I would have gone just to shit on it and cheer for the real ECW wrestlers (not extremists, got that?) In any case the card which I think would be pretty good would be... And of course all matches are contested under the old ECW rules... no rules

RVD vs Sabu for the TV title - 2 out of 3 Falls, 30 min time limit

Sandman/Dreamer vs Funk/Foley - No ropes barbed wire match

CM Punk vs Little Guido - ECW Death Match

Bobby Lindsay comes out and cuts a terrible promo. Out of nowhere comes 911 and chokeslams his ass out of the building. He then takes the ECW title and gives it to someone behind the curtain which we will see later.

Balls Mahoney vs Masato Tanaka - Dueling chairs match

Super Crazy vs Tajiri vs Rey Mysterio - Extreme 3 way dance, falls count anywhere

Vince makes a speech, Natural Born Killas hits and New Jack runs out from the back and just beats the living shit out of Vince, eventually doing a balcony dive on Vince through two tables.

Heyman comes out with the ECW title and cuts a shoot on Vince and WWE, saying that they ruined the real ECW and gave the true fans this shit product. The originals all come out and stand by him. Says he quits and so do all the other originals. Heyman starts up a new promotion which is basically the real ECW with a different name and uses all the originals. This closes the show.
rofl ExtremeIronChef that would be the absolute perfect show ever! Except that none of that would ever happen, ever.

I hope that enough of the real die hard ECW fans buy tickets to wherever Vince has decided to hold it this year instead of the Ballroom so that we can still get an intelligent crowd's reaction. That was what I loved so much about the last two One Night Stands, was that the ECW fans were all there, the original ones. The one's who chanted "She's a crack ****e!" *dun dun dun dun dun* "She's a crack ****e!" etc. If they follow Vince down to Florida or wherever he's holding it this year, I'll still tune in just to see them verbally bitch smack McMahon.
since ONS wont be "ECW One Night Stand", I'm thinking the card will be dominated by RAW and Smackdown matches, with the main event being for the ECW title. My predictions (no order):

RVD & Sabu vs. Cor Von & Burke
US Championship - Chris Benoit vs. Mark Henry
Edge vs. Randy Orton
Women's Championship 6-person (interbrand) Battle Royal
RAW Tag Championship - The Hardy Boyz vs. WGTT
CM Punk vs. Sandman
WHC HIAC - Undertaker vs. Kane
WWE Championship - Shawn Michaels vs. Batista
ECW Championship - Bobby Lashley vs. Umaga vs. John Cena
First of all, the ppv isnt going to be called ECW One Night Stand this year. This year its WWE one night stand. Remember every brand will be involved in this one much like every brand is going to be involved in every PPV for now on.

My card predicitions:

Main Event
ECW World Heavyweight Championship
Bobby Lashley(C) vs. Elijah Burke- Extreme Rules

Reason: Lashley defends his title against Snitsky until this point and beats him in every encounter and then leader of the New Breed makes his challenge and trys to take the title from Lashley and bring it to the New Breed.

WWE Championship
Edge(c) vs. Triple H

Reason: Edge wins fatal 4 way and keeps the title long enough and Triple H returns and challenges Edge for the title. Cena still feuding with a fully turned heel HBK.

World Heavyweight Championship Match
Undertaker(c) vs. Ken Kennedy

Reason: Kennedy cashes in his MITB the night of the event and Taker is suprised. Taker retains against Batista at Backlash and continues to have succesful defenses until finally loosing to Kennedy when he cashes it in.

Tag Team Titles Match
FBI(Nunzio and Vito) vs. Trevor Murdoch and Lance Cade vs. Marcus Cor Von and Kevin Thorn- Tag Team Triple Threat

Reason: ECW finally brings the tag titles. I bet there will be more teams but these are all I can think of right now.

Intercontinental Championship Match
Santino Marella(c) vs. Kenny Dykstra vs. Chris Masters vs. Super Crazy- Fatal Four Way

Reason: Rumors are going around that they want to push Santino hard. So they have him beat all three of these guys and then they all come out saying they want a rematch and they announce a fatal 4 way.

This is all I can think of for now.
One Night Stand could be awesome if this happens

ECW title rematch
Lashley vs Vince, Shane, and Umaga........again

but this time Mick Foley and Rey Mysterio come out to help Lashley and towards the end Umaga turns on Vince, and Shane for holding him down and not letting him get the title Umaga isnt turning face but more like the animal got sick of his abusive master telling him what to do type angle Vince and Shane get destroyed Lashley gets the pin on Vince to get the title back

RVD vs CM Punk no. 1 contender for ECW title

Originals Balls, Sabu, Sandman, Dreamer vs New Breed ecw rules

Beniot vs Rey Mysterio US Champ Match tribute to eddie g.

Edge vs Orton Ladder Match

tag team turmoil TLC Hardys vs London Kedrick vs Kennedy and Finlay vs Cade and Murdock
Seeing as the even wont be in the Ballroom a la the last two, it will be mixed branded also - there is no chance in hell it will be ANYTHING like the prior two shows...
i agree vince should send undertaker batista and mark henry also lashley kane to raw and send the rest of the sd roster to ecw and have two show,s only battle him self on monday,s and tna on thursday,s by giving ecw two show,s a week then he could build better guy,s and more storie,s does any smell the big three company,s oh yeah give heyman back control of evw cuase with vince,s money backing it the sky is the limit and then ghange wwe back wwwf just to get rid of that god awful e it suck,s
On there is 2 confirmed matches:

Mr McMahon vs Lashley-Street Fight

John Cena vs Great Khali (Falls Count Anywhere)
On there is 2 confirmed matches:

Mr McMahon vs Lashley-Street Fight

John Cena vs Great Khali (Falls Count Anywhere)

Make's you glad that it's not on Box Office doesn't it?

I see the ending of Lashley/Vince now. It's going to be like last year when RVD finally won the title. Except this wont be a mark out moment like last year. It'll be just another title switch. Like that Italian dude winning the I.C. Title or MVP being crowned U.S. Champ. Lashley will stand triumphant in the ring, fireworks will go off, and half the crowd will be completley indifferent.
Why wouldn't they add RVD to this card simply to have him put someone else over? I was surprised they didn't build a Punk/RVD/Burke feud, but they could even make it a four way with Cor Von added, since Punk isn't a heel.

Maybe they don't want RVD to get more exposure or PPV bonuses, but it would seem worth it in order to get Punk or Burke a rub.
I think RVD should at least put over Punk before he goes. That's one WWE dream match that I want to see. I see him getting on the card but I think he will be completley buried. I imagine he'll face Snitzky in an absolutley awful match.
Well the Cena and Khali match will be the match of the night once again as Cena man dont you love how he over comes the odd each time itjust great tv. Haha but anyhew that match will probabaly last about the same amount that it did at Judgment day and i can see Cena making Khali tap again.

Lashley and Vince i have to go with Jake as i can see Lashley taking out Umaga and Shane at ringside and then destroys McMahon and wins the gold and he celebrats like mad and sees like he hs saved ECW. Though i expect this match to only be like 10 mins long even if that

Rvd desereves at least one more match but would it not suprise you if that have RVD turn on Punk this week and make him a heel well try to screw hom over before they go. Then we can have the Punk and RVD match we all want. If not then i go Snitsky and RVD and of course RVD will get squahsed.
This is going to be the worst ppv in history, even worse than D2D I'm sure. Lashley/Vince will be a total borefest with the usual cookie sheets and trash cans being used and of course Umaga and Shane will interfere, get their asses kicked and then Lashley will pin Vince, big celebration, no one gives a shit blah blah. Cena/Khali will be another disaster like the first time. Cena will once again overcome the odds. Yay, big deal, like we haven't seen it a million times before. And again only 2 matches are being built up. I guess Vince thought D2D's buildup was genius and he is going that route again.

This is just all so ridiculous. I just change the channel anymore whenever Lashley and Vince get on the mic. It's boring, the same old thing week in and week. Oh boo hoo Lashley got screwed. I don't care about Lashley at all, and neither does half the audience so maybe Vince should think about pushing someone else, someone more deserving. At least people react to Cena, with Lashley it's like one big yawn throughout the arena.

And this whole thing with all matches being extreme rules, well so what. It's not like we'll see anything extreme to begin with. Cookie sheets are real hardcore man, yeah. But of course I watched ECW in its heyday so when I hear extreme I think of much more than WWE hardcore matches. If we're lucky we may see a steel chair brought into play or a trash can lid. And if we're uber lucky we'll see one table during the entire night. Ah fuck it, this will bomb like Hiroshima.
^I agree that this ONS will rank up there as one of the worst PPV's ever. It's a shame since the first 2 ONS were fantastic. Who would have ever thought that the main events for a PPV would be Cena vs. Khali and Lashley vs. Vince. I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit just thinking about it. I understand that there have been several injuries that have really put strain on main event matches, however, there are more than enough talented guys left on the roster to easily fill those spots. I would just like to point out that Cena, Khali and Lashley are not those guys.
I would rather have a horrible case of raging hemorroids than be forced to watch this PPV.

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