Official One Night Stand Thread

Yay another lame ppv from the wwe's greatest 'brains'. I swear vince should just kick back and retire because all of those head shots he's taken have made him senile. I don't think he's capable of running a million dollar company anymore, he's lost his edge and what seems like his fight.
I don't get it...what's wrong with Vince McMahon being on PPV? He's one of the biggest heels in the company.

And, what's wrong with jobbing RVD out to Snitsky? RVD is going to be leaving the promotion soon, and they feed him to the next guy they want to make look good. It's what everybody does and has always done.
I think the problem most people have (or atleast my problem) with vince being on ppv is that ever since the month before wrestlemania, vince has been constantly on screen for on absurd amout of time, promoting these lame ass matches,Cutting waaay too long, very bornig promos or everytime when they return from a commercial or go to a commercial, they HAVE to re-air an entire segment of vince from the last show, or 10 minutes ago, or whatever. Vince is an amazing heel when he does it properly! But when he throws himself out there week after week and feeds himself down our throats, it get so annoying. especially when its over a talentless wrestler who cant cut a promo to save his life. He is in a bad angle right now, and hopefully it will all end at ONS, and vince will fade away, which im sure wont happen since he is rumored to have a huge match at SS. I just hope he doesnt make wwe focus so much on him and his storyline, but rather the wrestlers who actually deserve it. NOT LASHLEY. NOT CENA/KHALI!....Which btw, i agree with whoever posted that we'll pretty much be seeing khali/cena the whole summer, so we might as well get used to that. I cant see anybody coming in and being a worthy challenger after what they have been making cena do to people. I doubt they'd have Cena beat the unbeaten Umaga , Take donw the Monster Khali, Beat the Showstopper 35 times(exaggeration), Handle Edge and Orton, Win fatal four ways, and then exptect us to think Carlito can overcome the odds . IMO.
I don't get it...what's wrong with Vince McMahon being on PPV? He's one of the biggest heels in the company.

And, what's wrong with jobbing RVD out to Snitsky? RVD is going to be leaving the promotion soon, and they feed him to the next guy they want to make look good. It's what everybody does and has always done.

What's wrong with RVD jobbing to Snitsky? It's fucking Gene Snitsky! That's what's wrong about it. The guy is worse than Lashley and they expect a stellar performer like RVD to job in 2 minutes to this piece of trash. Why can't they have RVD vs CM Punk in some sort of gimmick match and have Punk just barely get the win, sending RVD off in good fashion.
What's wrong with RVD jobbing to Snitsky? It's fucking Gene Snitsky! That's what's wrong about it. The guy is worse than Lashley and they expect a stellar performer like RVD to job in 2 minutes to this piece of trash. Why can't they have RVD vs CM Punk in some sort of gimmick match and have Punk just barely get the win, sending RVD off in good fashion.
It seems nearly everyone posting has assumed that RVD is going to be squashed in his match with Snitsky. Beyond a doubt, RVD will be doing the job come ONS, but I anticipate a 10-15 minute match where Snitsky comes out on top. For those of you who disagree, look back to "Razor Ramon"'s (Scott Hall) last PPV match before defecting to WCW. It was at an In Your House PPV against Vader. He ended up losing (it was well known he was on the way out), but it was a competitive match that left both athletes looking good in the end. RVD has proven he can put on one hell of a match. While Snitsky is no A.J. Styles, he's not the Great Khali either. RVD will carry him through a decent match; Snitsky will get the win he needs to boost him into his main event fued with Lashle; and RVD will come out of it losing a competitive match, looking like the great athlete he is.
What's wrong with RVD jobbing to Snitsky? It's fucking Gene Snitsky! That's what's wrong about it. The guy is worse than Lashley and they expect a stellar performer like RVD to job in 2 minutes to this piece of trash. Why can't they have RVD vs CM Punk in some sort of gimmick match and have Punk just barely get the win, sending RVD off in good fashion.
Other than the fact that he's uglier than a pimply dog's ass, Gene Snitsky is not that bad. He plays a very good big man role, and works the monster gimmick well. I don't personally care for him much, but it is true.

And, two other things. First, RVD is not a good wrestler, so having him lose to Snitsky is not a big deal. Second of all, why would you have his last match make him look good, when he has completely let the company down? I mean, he gets not one but TWO titles last year, and gets caught with drugs. Then, he's giving a couple of PPV wins, like the one at Wrestlemania, and RVD STILL turns down all the contracts the WWE offers him. So, why should he be shown any favoritism? He's leaving the promotion, and probably headed down south to a promotion that is rapidly making a name for themselves, and so they're going to make him do the job before he leaves. It's an age old business practice.
And, two other things. First, RVD is not a good wrestler, so having him lose to Snitsky is not a big deal.

Come on now, you can't be fucking serious. RVD isn't a good wrestler...come on now man think about what you just said. If you're going to call Cena a good wrestler and not RVD, I mean...that just doesn't make sense.

Watch these two matches below and please try and tell me how RVD isn't a good wrestler.

Rob Van Dam vs. Jerry Lynn --- ECW Guilty As Charged 2001

Rob Van Dam vs. Jerry Lynn --- ECW Living Dangerously 1999

Now, please take the time to watch those two matches, and then try and argue that RVD isn't a good wrestler, because that you are flat out wrong about that man.
I just got done watching the first match, and as the Hammerstein Ballroom fans chanted at Cena, it was the "same old shit".

I mean, I literally counted all the moves that happened in this match, that you don't see in EVERY RVD match even still today.

Gorilla press slam, inverted atomic drop, and a snapmare.

That's it...that is the only three moves you won't find in EVERY RVD match today (well, with the exception of the Van Daminotor and the Van Terminator because they are not allowed). It is six years later, and has the exact same moves then as he does now, and he uses the exact same moves every match, no matter what the situation.

Other notes:
The opening sequence was completely choreographed and totally unrealistic. Now, I know that wrestling is planned out, but what they did, while pretty I suppose, draws away from the realism of a match. Never would you see the type of opening sequence in a match, even if wrestling was real.

How much of this match was stalling? It was merely going from spot to spot, and the transitions between them were long and uneventful. There was no logical transition and I was painfully aware of how lost both RVD and Lynn were in between spots.

With 9:30 left to go, notice how the crowd, which had started MEGA hot for this match has tumbled down to, at best, a dull roar. It took Cyrus on the outside to keep the fans interested, because the match in the ring was nothing but spots. Subconsciously, it ruins the mood of the match because fans are not interested in the match, they are just interested in what spot comes next.

Notice how, with 7:30 left, after RVD hits Lynn with the skateboard chairshot, he is especially lost. He goes to play to the crowd, comes back, half-heartedly swipes at Cyrus, picks up the chair, drops it again, does a boot to the neck, while he is trying to think of what he should do next. RVD was completely lost, and it wasn't until he got near Lynn again and gave him the boot that he figured out what to do. I don't know if Lynn told him, or if he just made up his mind, but RVD was lost.

Finally, like I've said before, the match was just spotty as hell, and the spots never really connected. It just seemed like they were being done, for the sake of being done. I mean, what psychology was used in the match. Doesn't Lynn use a form of a piledriver to win his ECW matches? Where's the work on the head and neck? In what way did RVD wear down Jerry Lynn to pin him, other than hit him with the Van Terminator? Which he could have done just as easily at the 5 minute mark as he could have at the end.

Maybe I'm just looking at it with an incredibly critical eye, to prove my point, but it just is an example of what I'm talking about.

Now, I will watch the second match, but right now I'm going to watch TNA Impact! shocked that you compliment John Cena's wrestling ability but bash someone as talented as RVD. Yes im aware that RVD fills his matches with a lot of flashy spots and never sticks to pure mat wrestling, but he has a shit load more variety in his technical wrestling aresenal compared to John Cena. Those 2 matches against Jerry Lynn posted were amazing matches and I doubt many people would disagree with that.
How was that a bad match slyfox? Do you know what constitutes as a good match? Those two matches are some of the best that ECW ever produced.

You constantly defend Cena for excellling at his one style of wrestling, brawling, and the you criticize RVD for sticking to one style of wrestling, aerial style? Thats completely hypocritical. Newsflash man: EVERY MATCH IS GOING FROM SPOT TO SPOT.

Seriously, how is any of these matches spotfests? It's not like their jumping through flaming tables. These are two excellent matches and I'm in disbelief that you criticize RVD yet praise Cena. It's not only hypocritical and illogical, it's stupid. RVD is one of the most praised and excellent wrestlers of the last two decades, easily. And just about every single fan would agree with me on that.

Saying he did a bad job at being a heel during the Invasion angle is ridiculious, the man had ZERO camera time, how the hell was he supposed to build himself up as a heel? The fans cheered him because they knew his reputation as one of the best and most exciting wrestlers of his generation. If you watch his ECW days with Sabu and Bill Alfonso, he plays the role of the heel perfectly, absolutely perfectly.

Don't dare hate on a man as talented as RVD and then praise a hack like Cena.
You constantly defend Cena for excellling at his one style of wrestling, brawling, and the you criticize RVD for sticking to one style of wrestling, aerial style? Thats completely hypocritical. Newsflash man: EVERY MATCH IS GOING FROM SPOT TO SPOT.
No no. I'm not criticizing RVD for the style of wrestling. I'm criticizing RVD for how he uses that style. Rey Mysterio used a fast paced, aerial style when he was younger and was damn good at it. It's not the style or even the moves. It's how he uses the style and the moves.

Seriously, how is any of these matches spotfests? It's not like their jumping through flaming tables. These are two excellent matches and I'm in disbelief that you criticize RVD yet praise Cena. It's not only hypocritical and illogical, it's stupid. RVD is one of the most praised and excellent wrestlers of the last two decades, easily. And just about every single fan would agree with me on that.
Well, first of all, I think we need to clear something up. A spotfest, by the technical definition, is not necessarily a bad thing. A spot is any pre-planned moment in the match that the wrestlers work towards. Once they hit one spot, then they work towards the next. Randy Savage vs. Ricky Steamboat at Wrestlemania 3 was, technically a spotfest. However, using today's terminology, a spotfest is considered a bad thing because it has come to mean a match that is full of spots, with no logical transition between spots, and the spots themselves really not making much sense in the context of the match This is where Savage vs. Steamboat differs, because the match's spots built perfectly on one another and the transitions were flawless. Additionally, a spotfest does not have to consist of big bumps, flashy moves, or aerial moves. A negative spotfest can be two brawling 400 lb men, who never leave their feet.

With that being said, RVD vs. Lynn in 2001 falls under that category of a negative spotfest. The spots themselves were pretty cool. But, they never built towards type of story in the match, and the transitions between each spot were absolutely horrid in some places. I mean, did either wrestler use limb psychology to wear down their opponent to finally put them away? No. This, in of itself, is not necessarily bad, if the match is a back and forth affair. It's really not. The first half of the match is mostly RVD and the last half of the match is mostly Lynn. RVD wins with the Van Terminator, putting Lynn out with a move he could have used 5 minutes into the match.

The spots also suffered from poor and, many times, illogical transitions. They would complete a spot, and then walk around for a while. Maybe RVD would play to the crowd, maybe Lynn would stumble, but there was no continuity to the match. It was just a case of "ok, spot #3 down, time for #4". The spots never built off each other, and you could always tell how both wrestlers were positioning themselves for said spot.

And, as far as his moves go, it would be completely acceptable to keep the same moves if they made sense, but how does his moveset make sense? First of all, he rolls or flips with every move. Not necessarily bad, but not necessarily realistic. But, Rolling Thunder, leg drop over the railing, backflip off the rail, kicks to the leg and gut, kick to the face off of the rope, 5 Star splash...what do these moves really have in common? They're cool moves, and fine signature moves...but how do they really make me believe they work together? If they were signature moves, to go along with other moves, they'd be fine. But, it's pretty much RVD's complete moveset, which he has used for at least 7 years for sure. He adds nothing to it, and isn't a logical one.

Now, compare Cena's movest, which shouldn't be hard because apparently, it's "limited" :). Punches, 5 Knuckle shuffle, leg drop off the top rope, headlocks, facelocks, and clotheslines all wear down the head and neck of the opponent for the STFU.

His slams and his shoulder blocks all work the back for the FU, and the STFU.

It may not be extensive but most of his moves work the places for his finishers.

Saying he did a bad job at being a heel during the Invasion angle is ridiculious, the man had ZERO camera time, how the hell was he supposed to build himself up as a heel? The fans cheered him because they knew his reputation as one of the best and most exciting wrestlers of his generation. If you watch his ECW days with Sabu and Bill Alfonso, he plays the role of the heel perfectly, absolutely perfectly.
Wasn't that when he first came into the promotion? And, wasn't that in the time period where he was supporting the WWF Raw? And, didn't he get cheered towards the end of the cross-promotional angle anyways?

I really don't know, I am asking...but, this seems like what I remember.
here's what i would have liked to see if this were an ECW PPV! Its a realistic card and definately could have worked with the current roster.......

ECW World Championship- Marcus Cor Von vs Bobby Lashley(c)- Vince should have never, eeeeeever been champ. Put the 2 hard hitters in a extreme rules match for the strap.

Revenge Match- Sabu vs Chris Benoit: Could have had Sabu stalk Benoit for a couple of weeks, even costing him the U.S. title. Sabu wants revenge for Benoit breaking his neck!

Eddie Guerrero Tribute Match- Dean Malenko vs Rey Misterio: Who better to wrestle this match then old friends Malenko and Misterio? Even could have made it 2 out of 3 falls

Cactus Returns- Cactus Jack vs Umaga: This is where you could have fit in Vince and Foley, with a stipulation if:robvandam: Cactus wins, he gets Vince anytime in any match!

Extreme Rules Triple Threat Tag Team War!!- b.W.o(Stevie Richards/Hollywood Nova) vs Super Crazy and Psicosis vs Nunzio and Santino Marella!: Kind of an international thing. Fast paced match with lots of spots. Total old school ECW

To crown the new ECW Television Champion- RVD vs CM Punk: This is a match EVERYONE wants to see anyways! A new title, with an "ECW" Van Damn vs a "ROH" Punk!

Extreme Catfight: Melina vs Candice w/ special ref. Beulah: I guess these two have legit heat. Have it a street fight as to disguise the fact that they arent very good at wrestling with some good old fashion ECW nip and ass cheek slips. Add ECW Vixen and Tommy's wife Beulah and you got a match

ECW vs WWE 6 Man War- Tommy Dreamer, Sandman and Balls Mahoney vs SHelton Benjamin, Charlie Haas and Chris Masters
I like the idea of Punk vs. RVD. If it weren't for the Burke/Punk feud, I wouldn't be surprised if that is what they would have done. What better way to put over the future of the new ECW than to have the old mainstay of ECW job out to him and put him over? Plus, it makes Punk, a former TNA guy, look stronger than RVD, the future TNA guy.

Plus, the match might be pretty fun.
You need to watch much more of RVD then slyfox if you think all of his moves involve kicks or flips, because they really don't.

Not every match needs limb psychology, and it would of made no sense at all for RVD to be working on ANY body part, thats not what that match was about, it wasn't a technical match up which is the only really acceptable time for limb psychology to come into play. You say he could've done the van terminator 5 minutes into the match --- and John Cena can't do the FU 5 minutes into the match? You can do that with every finisher, thats why its a finisher---it pops up out of nowhere and stops the guy in his tracks.

Not every match needs to make logical sense man, which you seem to think. That match is great for its unpredictability, and I think you're very wrong on saying that they didn't know what they were doing and only going from spot-to-spot. I've heard Lynn talk about that match before on a shoot and he said that all of the larger spots in the match were done on the spot without any planning---so it wouldn't make much sense to have a "logical" transition from spot to spot if they were random and not planned.

I mean, I just don't understand your logic man. How was Hogan-Giant at Hog Wild a good match and RVD-Lynn isn't? All of the problems you mentioned about this match plague that match as well except for the spottiness. No logical transition between moves, no ring psychology, nothing.

RVD-Lynn, all of their matches, are always golden and top notch, keep you on the edge of your seat and entertain the hell out of you---and isn't that your argument about what makes a good wrestler? One who entertains and makes money? Because RVD is one of the most popular wrestlers, ever. He routinely gets pops five times as large as Cena does.
Well, we're kind of off track here as well, so I'll keep this brief.

There is a difference in how RVD entertains and how Cena entertains. Cena's type of entertainment can be given every single night of every single week, of every single year. Because his entertainment comes from the story of the match, not the cool looking moves he can do.

RVD, at some point, can only do so many different cool looking moves before fans get tired of them, and move on to the next thing. Look at the degeneration of moves such as the DDT and a piledriver. Those two moves used to be mega moves and would always be match finishers. However, they were used more and more, and thus, not near as special. So it goes with RVD's moves. At some point, instead of being original, special, and thus pop-worthy, they become normal, routine and boring. So, RVD has to find some other move to entertain the crowd. And he has to do that, because he is not good enough to make crowds interested with normal, routine, and boring moves. Which, is essentially what Cena does.

I don't deny that RVD is an entertaining wrestler. He's just not a good one. I would probably put him in the average category, along with guys like Kennedy, Kane, the present day Booker, Carlito etc.

So, back on subject, how does everyone think this card will come down? Matches, results and aftermath?
Man that's such bullshit. Rob Van Dam doesn't need to do high flying moves to excite a crowd---he can do it just by BEING there, that's how charismatic he is. All this bullshit about him being a spotfest, is just that--bullshit.

Watch RVD's work in Japan, he can wrestle any style, fuck just watch his ECW stuff and you can tell how talented of a wrestler he is.

I have yet to EVER see ANYONE in a crowd start booing at RVD because he isn't entertaining---literally every single match he comes out, people are chanting his name. He always entertains---always.

If its only a matter of time before fans get tired of his "cool looking" moves, then why haven't they? He's been around a good twelve years now, and yet he's never been criticized by fans for lack for being boring. DDTs and piledrivers if anything are RARITIES these days, so I don't know what you mean by that---when's the last time you saw someone on WWE use a piledriver? Wrestlemania 23 with HBK, and only because Vince trusts him to do the move. It's on the freaking banned list.

RVD is not a good wrestler, he's a GREAT wrestler.

On the topic of One Night Stand...should be the normal utter shit that WWE has been delivering for the last few years and has stepped into overdrive in 2007 with.
I have yet to EVER see ANYONE in a crowd start booing at RVD because he isn't entertaining---literally every single match he comes out, people are chanting his name. He always entertains---always.
If he had stayed in WCW and had not been in ECW, he would not get anything near the reaction he does now. ECW fans tended to cheer wildly for anyone who was "their own". Hell, even Balls Mahoney and The Sandman get good pops these days. Now, do you think it's because they are good wrestlers?

If its only a matter of time before fans get tired of his "cool looking" moves, then why haven't they?
Well, first off, they are. Compare the reaction he gets now, to the reactions he was getting when he first came back after his injuries. But, the reason is because he's never been able to reach that time of over-exposure. He was in the WWE for less than four years before he got injured. He was out for approximately a year, which gives time for fans to want what he was doing back. Now, he's going to go to TNA, where the fans there are going to salivate over his moves. If he had not gotten injured, I imagine people would demand more from him at this point.

On the topic of One Night Stand...should be the normal utter shit that WWE has been delivering for the last few years and has stepped into overdrive in 2007 with.
You mean you don't consider the last two One Night Stand shows to be pretty good?
Seriously, the WWE has disappointed for the past year. The only thing good about last year's was to see RVD beat Cena. The 2005 ONS was probably the best PPV of 2005. IMO. The ECW rush was at its best at that moment in time, and if the ECW brand was launched at that point, the talent would've been a lot better. They lost a lot of guys in 05-06 so there was really no point in really doing it anymore.

This ECW ONS is going to be even worse than the last one. All I know is that the WWE must be extremely lucky that they didn't book this show at the Hammerstein Ballroom. They probably had all intentions on this PPV sucking big-time so they put it in a Cena-Mark city. Oh well, RVD's last match will come on a horrible PPV. This sucks.
If he had stayed in WCW and had not been in ECW, he would not get anything near the reaction he does now. ECW fans tended to cheer wildly for anyone who was "their own". Hell, even Balls Mahoney and The Sandman get good pops these days. Now, do you think it's because they are good wrestlers?

Well, first off, they are. Compare the reaction he gets now, to the reactions he was getting when he first came back after his injuries. But, the reason is because he's never been able to reach that time of over-exposure. He was in the WWE for less than four years before he got injured. He was out for approximately a year, which gives time for fans to want what he was doing back. Now, he's going to go to TNA, where the fans there are going to salivate over his moves. If he had not gotten injured, I imagine people would demand more from him at this point.

You mean you don't consider the last two One Night Stand shows to be pretty good?

Come on now slyfox, you can't honestly say that RVD gets cheered for just because of the fact that he was in ECW. Most if not all of the original ECW fans don't watch what WWE refers to as ECW these days. Why would they? It's nothing like the original product. ECW is taped at the same show as Smackdown, and if you look in the crowd theres an overwhelming amount of people who were about three years old when ECW was around. Guys like Balls Mahoney and Sandman barely get a good pop, the only reason they get any pop besides the fact that their faces is that Mahoney has got his "Balls" chant and Sandman we all know is the original Stone Cold, who comes in through the crowd like he's one of them and drinks beer.

And as for the ONS shows, the first one was excellent, and that was exclusively because of a man named Paul Heyman who Vince let run and book the entire show. ONS 2 had only a few good matches IMO, and overall was a LARGE decline in quality from the previous years. This year its not even going to be in Hammerstein, so there goes an entertaining crowd.

And besides, lets talk about all the PPVs, not just ONS. Because 2005, 2006, and now 2007, have been some of the worst years for PPVs, ever. Take this years Wrestlemania---it was quite literally one of the worst PPVs, not just WM's, ever. It didn't even feel like a Wrestlemania, maybe a mid-90s IYH show. It was so packed full of matches that no one could've cared less about, plus just plain horrible booking ideas. Yeah, we can find time on the card for Kane vs. Khali, but naaaah forget guys like Flair, Carlito, Benjamin.

PPVs over the last few years have been, for the most part, utter shit. Of course there are some exceptions, but if you just compare it to what we were getting five years ago, it's pretty obvious how much crap we've been fed.

Plus, now with maybe one ECW original going to be on the card in the Sandman, and thats a maybe if they can find time, they might as well rename the PPV and kill the ECW brand, as both have absolutely NOTHING to do with the original ECW, and are only pissing all over the memory of one of the greatest promotions in the history of wrestling.
The only sucky part about this ppv is that its RVD's last match i hope that its a handicaped street fight whoever pins the champ wins the title RVD and Bobby Lashley Vs. Vince in the street fight maybe to a match on ECW in Lashley vs. Umaga and shane and everyone who hates bobby will cause a dq and RVD comes out to save him and vince makes it a handicaped street fight with his stupitidy he probally would and then Rvd wins the match and bobby beats him on the next ecw and wins the title back

YAY Bobby!!!!!!1
Come on now slyfox, you can't honestly say that RVD gets cheered for just because of the fact that he was in ECW. Most if not all of the original ECW fans don't watch what WWE refers to as ECW these days. Why would they? It's nothing like the original product. ECW is taped at the same show as Smackdown, and if you look in the crowd theres an overwhelming amount of people who were about three years old when ECW was around. Guys like Balls Mahoney and Sandman barely get a good pop, the only reason they get any pop besides the fact that their faces is that Mahoney has got his "Balls" chant and Sandman we all know is the original Stone Cold, who comes in through the crowd like he's one of them and drinks beer.
There's an overwhelming number of people who are ten? :huh:

And, the reason guys like Balls and Sandman barely get any pop is because their terrible in the ring. They got big pops when ECW first came back...and why? Because their good looking? Great in-ring skills? Great on the mic? No. Because they were in the original ECW. And, I see the exact same thing happening to RVD. He gets less and less of a pop everytime he comes out. I remember his music hitting on Raw a few weeks back, and barely a sound could be heard.

And as for the ONS shows, the first one was excellent, and that was exclusively because of a man named Paul Heyman who Vince let run and book the entire show. ONS 2 had only a few good matches IMO, and overall was a LARGE decline in quality from the previous years. This year its not even going to be in Hammerstein, so there goes an entertaining crowd.
There was only one match on the original One Night stand that compared to Rey/Sabu and Cena/RVD and that was Tanaka/Awesome. I would put Edge/Foley vs. Dreamer/Funk on the same level as Dudleys vs. Dreamer/Sandman. The rest of the show...on either level was about the same.

I would say that both ONS and ONS 2 were about even, and I think they were both good.

And besides, lets talk about all the PPVs, not just ONS. Because 2005, 2006, and now 2007, have been some of the worst years for PPVs, ever. Take this years Wrestlemania---it was quite literally one of the worst PPVs, not just WM's, ever. It didn't even feel like a Wrestlemania, maybe a mid-90s IYH show. It was so packed full of matches that no one could've cared less about, plus just plain horrible booking ideas. Yeah, we can find time on the card for Kane vs. Khali, but naaaah forget guys like Flair, Carlito, Benjamin.
Or we could talk about Summerslam 2006, Unforgiven 2006, Royal Rumble 2007...There's three good PPVs right there. And, Wrestlemania 21 was a hell of a PPV.

PPVs over the last few years have been, for the most part, utter shit. Of course there are some exceptions, but if you just compare it to what we were getting five years ago, it's pretty obvious how much crap we've been fed.
Two reasons for this. One, nostalgia makes things seem better than they were. Two, the rosters then were deeper than they are now, through no fault of the WWE. Just run down the list of Wrestlemania 20, just three years ago, and look at how many guys are on that card that are no longer around.

Big Show, Dudleys, Christian, Jericho, Rock, Foley, Sable, Jackie, Stacy, half of the guys from the cruiserweight open, Goldberg, Lesnar, APA, Rikishi, Eddie Guerrero, and Angle. And, with the exception of only a few, all of those guys left, and were not fired.

Those are some pretty big losses to sustain, even if you take Rock and Foley out. If this current crop of superstars all stay, then Wrestlemania 25 or 26 will probably be one of the best you've ever seen.

Plus, now with maybe one ECW original going to be on the card in the Sandman, and thats a maybe if they can find time, they might as well rename the PPV and kill the ECW brand, as both have absolutely NOTHING to do with the original ECW, and are only pissing all over the memory of one of the greatest promotions in the history of wrestling.
The memory/legacy of ECW...a bunch of drugged out has-beens and never-weres entertaining 400 people in a bingo hall by hitting people over the head with cookie sheets and stop signs. With the exception of a few people, feuds, moments and years, that is basically the memory of ECW. And there's nothing wrong with that, let me make that perfectly clear. ECW was fun. But, it was hardly the poster child of a great promotion.

I would think the fact that people think so highly of ECW even today says that the WWE have done more than their fair share to help the memory of ECW. If the Rise and Fall DVD and the One Night Stand PPVs had never occurred, most people would have forgotten about ECW long ago.
There's an overwhelming number of people who are ten? :huh:

And, the reason guys like Balls and Sandman barely get any pop is because their terrible in the ring. They got big pops when ECW first came back...and why? Because their good looking? Great in-ring skills? Great on the mic? No. Because they were in the original ECW. And, I see the exact same thing happening to RVD. He gets less and less of a pop everytime he comes out. I remember his music hitting on Raw a few weeks back, and barely a sound could be heard.

There was only one match on the original One Night stand that compared to Rey/Sabu and Cena/RVD and that was Tanaka/Awesome. I would put Edge/Foley vs. Dreamer/Funk on the same level as Dudleys vs. Dreamer/Sandman. The rest of the show...on either level was about the same.

I would say that both ONS and ONS 2 were about even, and I think they were both good.

Or we could talk about Summerslam 2006, Unforgiven 2006, Royal Rumble 2007...There's three good PPVs right there. And, Wrestlemania 21 was a hell of a PPV.

Two reasons for this. One, nostalgia makes things seem better than they were. Two, the rosters then were deeper than they are now, through no fault of the WWE. Just run down the list of Wrestlemania 20, just three years ago, and look at how many guys are on that card that are no longer around.

Big Show, Dudleys, Christian, Jericho, Rock, Foley, Sable, Jackie, Stacy, half of the guys from the cruiserweight open, Goldberg, Lesnar, APA, Rikishi, Eddie Guerrero, and Angle. And, with the exception of only a few, all of those guys left, and were not fired.

Those are some pretty big losses to sustain, even if you take Rock and Foley out. If this current crop of superstars all stay, then Wrestlemania 25 or 26 will probably be one of the best you've ever seen.

The memory/legacy of ECW...a bunch of drugged out has-beens and never-weres entertaining 400 people in a bingo hall by hitting people over the head with cookie sheets and stop signs. With the exception of a few people, feuds, moments and years, that is basically the memory of ECW. And there's nothing wrong with that, let me make that perfectly clear. ECW was fun. But, it was hardly the poster child of a great promotion.

I would think the fact that people think so highly of ECW even today says that the WWE have done more than their fair share to help the memory of ECW. If the Rise and Fall DVD and the One Night Stand PPVs had never occurred, most people would have forgotten about ECW long ago.

Excuse me slyfox, but that is fucking BULLSHIT. You obviously don't know much about the old ECW or else you wouldn't dismiss it as being "drugged out has beens and never weres hitting each other with cookie sheets". So Terry Funk is a has been? Taz, Raven, Steve Austin, Dudley Boyz, Perry Saturn, Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero, Dean Malenko, Ron Simmons, 2 Cold Scoprio, Rey Mysterio, Psicosis, Taka Michinoku, they're all has-beens or never weres? Come on now thats absolute horseshit.

People always dismiss ECW as being guys hitting each other with cookie sheets, and if you've ever watched a single ECW PPV you'd know that's bullshit, because the ratio of hardcore matches were perfectly on par with the amount of classic technical and mat-based matches. I could think of fifty off of the top of my head. ECW put on some of the most amazing matches of the last twenty years, all of them not without using a single weapon. Whether it was the battles with guys like Malenko, Benoit & Guerrero, the lucha libre classics with Mysterio & Psicosis, or the Japanese shoot-style classics with Taka, Dick Togo, and the Great Sasuke, they were NOT a bunch of "drugged out has-beens" and to refer to them as such is purely ignorant.

The memory of ECW isn't about hardcore wrestling---it's about emotion. It's about guys going out in front of those 400 people and wrestling their fuckin' asses off, most of the time not even getting paid for it, just to entertain those fans---that is one hell of a legacy in my book. They revolutionized wrestling and you cannot deny that---whether it be the elements of sex and hardcore wrestling they brought in, which WWE then stole and marketed as the "Attitude" era, or the raw emotion of having 500 people give you a twenty minute standing ovation as your crying in your farewell speech to these people you have cared about and had care about you for so long (See Eddie Guerrero & Dean Malenko's final match to see what I'm talking about).

How can you even compare ONS I to ONS II? Let's take a look here

ONS 05 - Classic 10 minute opener with Jericho & Storm, classic lucha international three way with Super Crazy Tajiri & Little Guido, classic grudge matches between Mysterio-Psicosis and Awesome-Tanaka, hardcore fun with the main event and Sabu-Rhyno, and a jaw dropping technical nugget of gold in Benoit vs. Guerrero

ONS 06 - Shitty 20 second match with Lawler & Tazz, mediocre Angle vs. Orton, good lucha tag match with FBI-Tajiri & Super Crazy, decently good Sabu-Mysterio match that was absolutely fucking ROBBED from the fans after five minutes saying "Oh no he's hurt from a table!"...EXCUSE ME?! THIS IS E-C-FUCKING W. Both men were PERFECTLY fine, and it was all staged for one reason: to save time for the main event and fucking rob the fans. Edge & Foley vs. Dreamer & Funk was awesome hardcore action that saved the show, mediocre and highly disappointing five minutes of a match with Balls Mahoney & Tanaka, and then the main event which was one of the only other good matches on the card.

How can you even compare those two? Every single match on the original card was solid, ONS 2 had three good matches.

And to say that most people would've forgotten ECW, is also complete bullshit. There are no other fans in the world who loved their promotion more then ECW, and not a single one of them, me included, will ever forget the memories that promotion gave us.

As for those supposedly "good" PPVs you mentioned lets take a look here...

Summerslam 2006...only good matches were Flair-Foley, Guerrero-Mysterio, and the main event arguably. Everything else was forgettable filler at best.

Unforgiven 2006 I'll give you, that was a pretty good PPV, with a good HIAC, main event, and opener as well as a good Carlito-Orton match.

Royal Rumble 2007...let's see...good matches...LMS was pretty good. And the Royal Rumble was good simply because it was the Royal Rumble match, and that match is always great. Aside from that everything else was crap. The three thousandth time we've seen MNM vs. Hardyz, utter shit in Test vs. Lashley, more utter shit in Batista vs. Kennedy...and that's it. That's a good card?
Excuse me slyfox, but that is fucking BULLSHIT. You obviously don't know much about the old ECW or else you wouldn't dismiss it as being "drugged out has beens and never weres hitting each other with cookie sheets". So Terry Funk is a has been? Taz, Raven, Steve Austin, Dudley Boyz, Perry Saturn, Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero, Dean Malenko, Ron Simmons, 2 Cold Scoprio, Rey Mysterio, Psicosis, Taka Michinoku, they're all has-beens or never weres? Come on now thats absolute horseshit.
Terry Funk - The man was 48 or 49 years old when ECW OPENED. You're telling me he was as good then as he was even 5 years previous? He was a has-been at the time.

Taz - A never was outside of ECW...his only claim to fame is from ECW. Now, could he have been elsewhere? Who really knows. The fact is, he never was big anywhere else.

Raven - One of the few exceptions I mentioned

Steve Austin - Was in ECW for less than a year. Hardly a true ECW member.

Dudleyz - Highly entertaining, but could they have gotten over without tables and swearing and the ECW environment? I mean, is there anything that says these two guys could have done it on their own without the ECW fans to make them? The guys have been living off of their legacy for years now.

Saturn - Meh...he was solid, just never had any personality.

Benoit, Guerrero, Malenko, Simmons, Psichosis, TAKA, - Did any of them even work a full year in ECW? I think that you have to put at least two years into a company to be part of their legacy...not work for a little bit and then leave as soon as possible.

I had other response typed out for other things, but it was just too long. Simply put. Whether it's true or not, ECW's legacy to most fans is hardcore wrestling and mature themes.

Royal Rumble 2007...let's see...good matches...LMS was pretty good. And the Royal Rumble was good simply because it was the Royal Rumble match, and that match is always great. Aside from that everything else was crap. The three thousandth time we've seen MNM vs. Hardyz, utter shit in Test vs. Lashley, more utter shit in Batista vs. Kennedy...and that's it. That's a good card?
This line made me laugh. As opposed to 3 thousand times Lynn vs. RVD wrestled? Or the 3 thousand times Rock vs. HHH wrestled? Or the three thousand times Sting vs. Flair wrestled? Not really sure what number of encounters has to do with the quality of match.

And, I see you're now saying the LMS match was pretty good. Is that just to sedate me, or did you actually go back and watch it and think it was good? Have you seen it? Noticed the things I was talking about?

And, how about the RVD vs. Cena at ONS 2? Have you watched it, looking for the things I was talking about?
Taz - A never was outside of ECW...his only claim to fame is from ECW. Now, could he have been elsewhere? Who really knows. The fact is, he never was big anywhere else.
Actually, he was pushed with much vigor and reaction upon his entry into the WWF. That is until a ********er named HHH crossed paths with him and made sure that he was to job to him and not only buried Taz, but also the credibility of the ECW belt, all in one fell swoop. It's kind of difficult to gain steam when you're badass persona gets an instant bullet in the head on one episode of Smackdown, nahmeen?
Steve Austin - Was in ECW for less than a year. Hardly a true ECW member.
Really? I'm so sure that the whole Stone Cold persona was built elsewhere, right? I know WCW was so keen on pushing him. Oh, and I'm also sure that Vince would've been ringing Steve's phone off the hook if it weren't for ECW, right
Benoit, Guerrero, Malenko, Simmons, Psichosis, TAKA, - Did any of them even work a full year in ECW? I think that you have to put at least two years into a company to be part of their legacy...not work for a little bit and then leave as soon as possible.
So two years is the token statute of limitations for that? Why? The fact is that these guys were good and neither of the big two gave a two-bit $hit about them until they made their mark in ECW. Why do you think a majority of the former ECW alumni had no qualms about going back to do ONS? Because they felt they WEREN'T part of the ECW legacy?
I had other response typed out for other things, but it was just too long. Simply put. Whether it's true or not, ECW's legacy to most fans is hardcore wrestling and mature themes.
And you know this is the concensus of most fans, how? Perfectly clean, non-hardcore matches between guys like Tajiri and Super Crazy got just as many pops as matches that featured New Jack's crazy ass jumping off of something or the Dudley's putting somebody through a flaming table. That may be ECW's legacy to most uninformed MARKS...but certainly not it's fans. Besides, most of ECW's original Philly fans are actually ROH fans. And last time I checked, ROH didn't have a lot of flaming tables and whatnot.
This line made me laugh. As opposed to 3 thousand times Lynn vs. RVD wrestled? Or the 3 thousand times Rock vs. HHH wrestled? Or the three thousand times Sting vs. Flair wrestled? Not really sure what number of encounters has to do with the quality of match.
The difference between the matches you're mentioning here and the ones xfearbefore mentioned is that when say, for instance, Lynn and RVD wrestled, each match was awesome. However, watching Jeff Hardy get gassed and embarrass himself in another tag match with the same guys for the umpteenth time isn't exactly what I'd consider a candidate for a money feud. And last time I checked, Rock vs. HHH was a much better match and drew much better reactions than the embarrassments that Test and Lashley heaped upon the public. Same goes for Sting and Flair. They put on near-hour matches in their prime. Cena had trouble getting past fifteen minutes unless HBK was holding his f*cking hand. The correlation between the number of encounters and the quality of the matches is simple. The old feuds were interesting because the matches didn't suck. The new feuds are not interesting because the matches blew goats. Easy as that.[/QUOTE]

On a side note I love how you put down ECW with the common "bingo hall" comments and other little jibes. It's obvious you haven't spent enough time watching that promotion to make a decisive judgment. You remind me of a clever little fellow who used to run around on here a while back. It's funny that guys like you who take potshots at ECW still fail to see that McMahon, Russo, and Bischoff stole concepts, ideas, and talent from that promotion because they couldn't get anything done themselves anymore. Notice how the wrestling industry cooled the second ECW went on the shelf? That's because Vince actually had to fend for himself. And he floundered.
Terry Funk - The man was 48 or 49 years old when ECW OPENED. You're telling me he was as good then as he was even 5 years previous? He was a has-been at the time.

A has-been? Terry Funk was blading more than 20 year old's at this time, and you call him a has-been? A guy who puts his body on the line at such an old age is a has-been? Sort of like Hogan, don't ya think?

Taz - A never was outside of ECW...his only claim to fame is from ECW. Now, could he have been elsewhere? Who really knows. The fact is, he never was big anywhere else.

That is true, but you must consider the fact that nobody ever had an intention on using him. How long was he actually wrestling after he left ECW? I was watching a Paul Heyman shoot on Vince and he told Vince right in his face that Vince destroyed Tazz's legacy and turned him into some fat, fun announcer. Ever ponder about that?

Dudleyz - Highly entertaining, but could they have gotten over without tables and swearing and the ECW environment? I mean, is there anything that says these two guys could have done it on their own without the ECW fans to make them? The guys have been living off of their legacy for years now.

Uh...Yeah. Winning the WWE Tag Titles and The TNA Tag Titles is sure living off of their ECW legacy. If they were living off their legacy, they would cut promos about how 'extreme' they were back in ECW. But they don't do that do they? Unlike a certain Hulk Hogan.

I had other response typed out for other things, but it was just too long. Simply put. Whether it's true or not, ECW's legacy to most fans is hardcore wrestling and mature themes.

You seriously sound like a total smark. It's not even funny. If your opinion counts as 'Most Fans' then the Wrestling World is screwed. This is coming from the guy who thinks Hulk Hogan has had better matches than Ric Flair. RIC FLAIR. And you're complaining about ECW? I agree with XFear. That's just plain Bullshit.

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