Official One Night Stand Thread

For real, you're failing to realize slyfox that without ECW their damn sure would be no Attitude Era.

Terry Funk was a has been? Really? Since when does being 40 years old equate to your worth as a wrestler? Because Funk was still outwrestling anyone within a ten foot range of him during the early 90s, we're talking only a few years after his famous feud with Flair, and yet I don't see you calling him a has-been then.

Taz, like said before, was completely buried everywhere he went, and in part because of a terrible neck injury. NEWSFLASH: IT DOES NOT MATTER HOW MUCH MONEY YOU MAKE, HOW WELL YOU SUCEED IN A PROMOTION, OR WHETHER OR NOT YOUR KNOWN OUTSIDE OF YOUR ELEMENT---these things have absolutely NO affect on one's ability as a WRESTLER. Taz is one of the best WRESTLERS of all time---the man was literally inventing suplexes in matches. INVENTING MOVES FOR CHRIST SAKE.

You're calling guys like Foley and Rhino has-beens?

Benoit was with ECW for 1 year, Guerrero for 1 1/2 years, Saturn was with them for 3 years, Malenko was there for 2 years, and all of the other guys you mention as only being there for a short while, newsflash: they were only there for a short while because Bischoff & McMahon STOLE THEM from Heyman and offered them huge contracts after seeing them bust their asses off in ECW.

You have absolutely no right to criticize ECW and then rave about John Cena, it's ridiculious. As for the LMS match, I said before that I thought that was one of Cena's entertaining matches, so I don't know what you're even talking about, since I've always said that and the TLC matches were two of the only ones by Cena I enjoyed, as well as the ECW ONS II main event, but that one mainly because of the crowd and the atmosphere.

And you can be DAMN sure that a guy like Austin never would've made it to the WWE if it wasn't for Paul Heyman telling Austin he could do whatever the fuck he wanted in his promos in ECW, which is where Stone Cold was BORN.

As for the three thousandth Hardys vs. MNM match---here's something vastly different in those series of matches as compared to Rock vs. HHH or Flair vs. Sting or RVD vs. Lynn (who only fought a total of three times, so not exactly sure how that got in the equation) is that there was a DEMAND for those matches and those feuds----nobody ever was sitting there going "Damnit I want to see MNM vs. Hardys again!"

Don't you dare dismiss ECW as "drugged out has beens" (when in reality much more drug use was rampant in WWF, and wanna talk about has beens? WCW ring any bells?) because it's absolute bullshit. To even say something like that is so ridiculiously stupid, I can't even fathom it.
Terry Funk - The man was 48 or 49 years old when ECW OPENED. You're telling me he was as good then as he was even 5 years previous? He was a has-been at the time.

Terry Funk a has been are you fucking serious?, please if it wern't for Terry Funk going out and putting his body on the line evry night, and helping make future stars with his matches, then there would be no wrestleing industry today, most veterns of the industry are out to make themselves look good and could give two shits less about the future of the industry

Taz - A never was outside of ECW...his only claim to fame is from ECW. Now, could he have been elsewhere? Who really knows. The fact is, he never was big anywhere else.

Taz, a never was outside of ECW, you say he was never big anywhere else, well all I got to say to that is neither was the Rock, HBK, the Undertaker, or Triple H, nuff said

Steve Austin - Was in ECW for less than a year. Hardly a true ECW member.

If it wern't for ECW, then WWE wouldn't have signed Austin, hell that's where Austin became Stone Cold, just go and look back at the promos he cut back in his ECW days, it's where all the seeds were planted for what would someday became Stone Cold

Dudleyz - Highly entertaining, but could they have gotten over without tables and swearing and the ECW environment? I mean, is there anything that says these two guys could have done it on their own without the ECW fans to make them? The guys have been living off of their legacy for years now.

could they get over without the swearing and tables, well umm they did, in WWE and TNA, infact in TNA they got over without useing the Dudley name, they are one of the greatest teams in history, why else would people be comparing them to the Road Warriors, oh and could the Road Warriors have ever gotten over without the spikes and face paint?

Benoit, Guerrero, Malenko, Simmons, Psichosis, TAKA, - Did any of them even work a full year in ECW? I think that you have to put at least two years into a company to be part of their legacy...not work for a little bit and then leave as soon as possible.

does it matter how long they worked for the company?, the fact of the matter is that they all had great matches in ECW, and that led to WCW and WWE taking notice and signing them, they would have to be foolish to not leave and sign with a bigger company that would pay them more, keep in mind most of these guys have familyies to take care of, and wrestling can be an extremly risky financelally, if you got someone offering you a big money contract and you got a wife and kids at home to feed you should probably take the contract

I had other response typed out for other things, but it was just too long. Simply put. Whether it's true or not, ECW's legacy to most fans is hardcore wrestling and mature themes.

As opposed to 3 thousand times Lynn vs. RVD wrestled? Or the 3 thousand times Rock vs. HHH wrestled? Or the three thousand times Sting vs. Flair wrestled? Not really sure what number of encounters has to do with the quality of match.

those matches were actully good and each time the faced off agaisnt each other we got something different, today we just seethe same old crap every week and it gets old because the end up doing the same spots consantly, if it wern't for ECW then Wrwestling wouldn't be around any more ECW forced the attitude era to happen and made wrestling entertaing again, they actully forced other companys to give the fans what they wanted, and you also say that if ti wern't for ONS and the rise and fall of ECW that would be forgotton, that's just plain wrong, before either of those happened people were chanting "E-C-Dub!!" and WWE shoows all the time, there was a demand for ECW, and that's why ONS and the Rise and Fall of ECW happened, I don't here anybody chanting "WCW" ever, funny isn't it, why would people chant the name of a company if they had forgotten about it

looks to me like you managed to piss alot of people off with that post, good job

That is all, have a nice
I apologize for the length of this post. I tried to filter to the most important stuff, and tried to touch on at least one post of every topic, but it's still long.

Really? I'm so sure that the whole Stone Cold persona was built elsewhere, right? I know WCW was so keen on pushing him. Oh, and I'm also sure that Vince would've been ringing Steve's phone off the hook if it weren't for ECW, right
I guess his ECW work was the reason he entered the WWF as The Ringmaster to absolutely no heat at all right?

That may be ECW's legacy to most uninformed MARKS...but certainly not it's fans.
And yet, there were MANY more fans that watched WWF and WCW than ECW. An overwhelming number. So, "most uniformed MARKS" are still more than ECW's original fans. Thus, to most people, that is ECW's legacy.

On a side note I love how you put down ECW with the common "bingo hall" comments and other little jibes.
I'm sorry for the bingo hall comments. How did ECW do in Madison Square Garden?

It's funny that guys like you who take potshots at ECW still fail to see that McMahon, Russo, and Bischoff stole concepts, ideas, and talent from that promotion
Weren't you the one who admitted that ECW took many ideas from FMW?

And, how many wrestlers started their careers in ECW? Taking talent from the smaller promotions, and the castoffs from the bigger promotions, has always been a staple of pro-wrestling.

because they couldn't get anything done themselves anymore. Notice how the wrestling industry cooled the second ECW went on the shelf? That's because Vince actually had to fend for himself. And he floundered.
I'm pretty certain that ECW wasn't around in the 80s....

A has-been? Terry Funk was blading more than 20 year old's at this time, and you call him a has-been? A guy who puts his body on the line at such an old age is a has-been? Sort of like Hogan, don't ya think?
First, I'm not quite certain what Hogan has to do with anything. But, who doesn't consider Hogan washed up?

And, because he blades, he was as good at 48 years old as he was when he was 35? Wow. I didn't realize that.

That is true, but you must consider the fact that nobody ever had an intention on using him. How long was he actually wrestling after he left ECW? I was watching a Paul Heyman shoot on Vince and he told Vince right in his face that Vince destroyed Tazz's legacy and turned him into some fat, fun announcer. Ever ponder about that?
So...what you are saying is that Taz never really amounted to much outside of his work in ECW? And, how is that different than what I said?

Uh...Yeah. Winning the WWE Tag Titles and The TNA Tag Titles is sure living off of their ECW legacy. If they were living off their legacy, they would cut promos about how 'extreme' they were back in ECW. But they don't do that do they? Unlike a certain Hulk Hogan.
Again, this reference to Hulk Hogan, which comes completely out of nowhere.

And, Team 3D isn't referring back to their legacy? Every single week? They didn't bring the ECW titles out on Impact? Or at Lockdown? Announcers weren't talking about how the TNA titles were the only ones they never held? They are living off of their legacy.

You seriously sound like a total smark. It's not even funny. If your opinion counts as 'Most Fans' then the Wrestling World is screwed. This is coming from the guy who thinks Hulk Hogan has had better matches than Ric Flair. RIC FLAIR. And you're complaining about ECW? I agree with XFear. That's just plain Bullshit.
When did I ever complain about ECW? I'm just telling you what they were. And, while I don't want to get personal about this, I am pretty much the antithesis of "a total smark". I care more about the money making properties and enjoy big man wrestling. That is pretty much the opposite of "a total smark". It's my opinion that to be a typical smark, you have to hate ALMOST anyone over 6'2" tall, ALMOST anyone who weighs over 250 pounds, and I have to hate anyone who isn't a "technical" wrestler. At least, that's my opinion of what most smarks are like, or at least claim to like.

For real, you're failing to realize slyfox that without ECW their damn sure would be no Attitude Era.
I would argue that the NWO and Steve Austin had something to do with the Attitude era. I'm also pretty certain that the idea for the NWO had nothing to do with ECW.

I have to disagree with you on some level. Making money and being successful determines how good of a PROFESSIONAL wrestler you are. Because, let's face it, if no one came to watch you wrestle, it's kind of pointless for you to do so is it not?

You're calling guys like Foley and Rhino has-beens?
I have never been impressed with Rhino personally, but you can chalk them up to those few who are the exception.

newsflash: they were only there for a short while because Bischoff & McMahon STOLE THEM from Heyman and offered them huge contracts after seeing them bust their asses off in ECW.
So, they used ECW, and as soon as a better offer came, they left. And, I wouldn't exactly say that WCW "stole" Benoit considering he worked for them before he worked for ECW. In addition, Psichosis, Rey Mysterio, Benoit, and Guerrero all worked the "When World Collide" PPV in 1994, which was co-promoted by AAA and WCW, which made Eric Bischoff a promoter of the event. Bischoff was also the one who got the show on American PPV.

So, they worked for Eric Bischoff before they ever worked for Paul Heyman.

Did you notice those things in the LMS and the ONS match with Cena that I talked about? Not if you found them enjoyable, but did you notice what I was talking about.

And you can be DAMN sure that a guy like Austin never would've made it to the WWE if it wasn't for Paul Heyman telling Austin he could do whatever the fuck he wanted in his promos in ECW
This is called a fallacy, as no one knows if Vince McMahon would have hired Austin without ECW. Who's to say that Austin would not have gone to another promotion and made a name for himself? Who's to say Bischoff would not have tried to hire him back? Who's to say that Brian Pillman, when he came to the WWF, wouldn't have said, "Hey, you should hire this Austin guy". That is a fallacy.

Don't you dare dismiss ECW as "drugged out has beens" (when in reality much more drug use was rampant in WWF, and wanna talk about has beens? WCW ring any bells?) because it's absolute bullshit. To even say something like that is so ridiculiously stupid, I can't even fathom it.
I don't ever recalling saying that drug use wasn't rampant in the WWF, or that WCW, in its final days wasn't a bunch of has beens.

Of course, the difference is, the WWE is still around, and the WCW was the biggest wrestling promotion in the world for a while.
Terry Funk - The man was 48 or 49 years old when ECW OPENED. You're telling me he was as good then as he was even 5 years previous? He was a has-been at the time.

I'll agree with you. He is a has been. But then again he has been for years. He's old and washed up. He was then and he is now. If he has a good match's it's a fluke. Name one non gimmick match that Funk has had thet has been good, from say the inception of ECW to now. Just like Flair, Funk puts over so many people that it doesn't mean anything anymore. He get's pops for name value only. Yeah he does have good match's but like I said there eithr accidental, gimmicked to hell, or he's working with somebody who can carry him.

But then again this is off topic. We should be talking about the show of the century. One Night Stand 2007.
But then again this is off topic. We should be talking about the show of the century. One Night Stand 2007.
I agree with you.

But, then again, couldn't we just go to the Judgement Day discussion and talk about the same thing? :).

I'll say this. If Khali beats Cena on SNME, then I'd be very tempted to buy the One Night Stand PPV....that is if I was going to be in town, and not away at basketball camp.

EDIT: This is my 100th post, and I've reached that in less than a week. I can't wait until summer session and summer basketball starts, because then I'll feel like less of a loser. :D
The funny thing is that WWE really expects the people shell out 80 bucks in a span of 2 weeks and 120 bucks in a span of 7 weeks as Vengenace is the 24.

the only good thing i see with ONS is that should be the end of fueds like Like Cena and Khali. Though this card will need a good solif undercard from the three main events to make the show worth buying as the three main events can take up about 40 mins if that i'm guessing each world title match be about 10 to 12 mins long.
I'm itching for a Khali title win. I personally dont mind Cena. I'm not a fan. But I dont despise him like I do Batista or Lashley. At least Cena can talk even if his promos are childish.

But Khali winning the title would be awesome. Not only is it a new champion or a change. But imagine if WWE let somebody other than Cena win the title off him. Somebody who has never won the big one before. Imagine what that would do for them if they defeated The Great Khali. Match's would suck obviously. But the guy's huge. Imagine Kennedy defeating Khali in 5 minutes. What would that do for him?

Then again I'm talking gibberish. Khali tapped to the STFU last week so He's practically worthless now.
Then again I'm talking gibberish. Khali tapped to the STFU last week so He's practically worthless now.

The funny thing with that was Jr was saying, " Khali has never lost till now" and I am forgetting that Khali lost to the deadman in a last man standing match before. I guess WWE is trying to make Khali more of monster. But a khali win would be funny and and i expect if they did he be the champ till Vengenace then we have another long cena run. I'm thinking of buying just for these gimmick matches. But a Khali win would equal ratings lol
The funny thing is that WWE really expects the people shell out 80 bucks in a span of 2 weeks and 120 bucks in a span of 7 weeks as Vengenace is the 24.
And yet, people will. People like my friend who buys every PPV ever put on by the WWE, mostly because of her intense obsession with HBK, but still will buy without him on the show.

Hell, I don't shell out $120 for the WWE in PPVs for an entire year. In fact, I probably won't buy even one PPV this year, as One Night Stand was the only WWE PPV I bought over the last two years (I did watch some of the others at friend's house).

But, people still will, and I wouldn't be surprised for the buyrate to be at least 250,000 buys.
I guess his ECW work was the reason he entered the WWF as The Ringmaster to absolutely no heat at all right?
Yes, actually. Old Steve-O was sitting home drinking beers nursing an injury after Uncle Eric shitcanned him. In turn, Heyman gave him an opportunity to work since Mr. Williams wasn't even remotely on Vince's radar at that point. The Austin character was built in ECW. That much is certain. McMahon just did another one of his "let's fix what isn't broken" routines and transferred Austin into another one of the WWF's mid-nineties cartoonland personas. But lo and behold, Austin was allowed to revert to that ECW PERSONALITY and the rest is history.
And yet, there were MANY more fans that watched WWF and WCW than ECW. An overwhelming number. So, "most uniformed MARKS" are still more than ECW's original fans. Thus, to most people, that is ECW's legacy.
Maybe that misconception would have to do with the way the WWE itself has portrayed ECW, ya think? I wouldn't dare debate which product was exposed more...just the influence. ECW was a trendsetter. A trend and style which was repackaged and milked by the dominant two promotions of the previous decade.
I'm sorry for the bingo hall comments. How did ECW do in Madison Square Garden?
Well, the ECW-patterned Raw in 98 that featured Foley piledriving HHH through a table in yep... a hardcore match seemed to do pretty well.
Weren't you the one who admitted that ECW took many ideas from FMW?
For some of the violent aspects. Not for the storylines and things along those lines. That's not to say that they didn't also take a laundry list of other things from around the world. Whether it was puro or lucha. The difference is that no one stateside had seen that stuff exposed in such a dominant manner on a consistent basis within an American company except for the ten minutes Liger was in town and anytime Muta was on loan. It doesn't change the fact that WWF and WCW stole the $hit third-hand and made a boatload of cash.
And, how many wrestlers started their careers in ECW? Taking talent from the smaller promotions, and the castoffs from the bigger promotions, has always been a staple of pro-wrestling.
And how many ECW alumni went onto main event in mid-level and top spots in the big two? None of the other indie promotions of ECW's ilk had that kind of influence. If you can find one, I'll be surprised. Besides, I don't know of any other promotions in the nineties that were such a high priority for talent on the menu for the big two that they actually had a mole for siphoning talent stashed within them.
I'm pretty certain that ECW wasn't around in the 80s....
I wasn't referring to the eighties.

Back to the topic at hand, ONS is shaping up to be the biggest stinker since the last dump I took. With Cena AND Khali going at it, I'll be sure to not even steal this one. Hopefully, CM is booked in something passable and they fill the undercard with something good. I probably need to research this, but I care so little that I won't. Is it going to be in Hammerstein again? Or does the WWE finally realize that they can't control that audience? Maybe they should book another Batista match there and have Styles and Taz act like nothing is happening...when in reality the crowd is looking to throw up.
Yes, actually. Old Steve-O was sitting home drinking beers nursing an injury after Uncle Eric shitcanned him. In turn, Heyman gave him an opportunity to work since Mr. Williams wasn't even remotely on Vince's radar at that point. The Austin character was built in ECW. That much is certain. McMahon just did another one of his "let's fix what isn't broken" routines and transferred Austin into another one of the WWF's mid-nineties cartoonland personas. But lo and behold, Austin was allowed to revert to that ECW PERSONALITY and the rest is history.
Maybe that misconception would have to do with the way the WWE itself has portrayed ECW, ya think? I wouldn't dare debate which product was exposed more...just the influence. ECW was a trendsetter. A trend and style which was repackaged and milked by the dominant two promotions of the previous decade.

Well, the ECW-patterned Raw in 98 that featured Foley piledriving HHH through a table in yep... a hardcore match seemed to do pretty well.

For some of the violent aspects. Not for the storylines and things along those lines. That's not to say that they didn't also take a laundry list of other things from around the world. Whether it was puro or lucha. The difference is that no one stateside had seen that stuff exposed in such a dominant manner on a consistent basis within an American company except for the ten minutes Liger was in town and anytime Muta was on loan. It doesn't change the fact that WWF and WCW stole the $hit third-hand and made a boatload of cash.

And how many ECW alumni went onto main event in mid-level and top spots in the big two? None of the other indie promotions of ECW's ilk had that kind of influence. If you can find one, I'll be surprised. Besides, I don't know of any other promotions in the nineties that were such a high priority for talent on the menu for the big two that they actually had a mole for siphoning talent stashed within them.

I wasn't referring to the eighties.
We can go round and round on this, but I think it should be saved for another thread. I've given my position, you disagree, but it really has nothing to do with the current PPV.

Is it going to be in Hammerstein again? Or does the WWE finally realize that they can't control that audience?
No, it's going to take place in Jacksonville, Florida. My bet is, that due to their poor behavior, the Hammerstein crowd will not get another show for a LONG time.
You guys have it all wrong, no way in hell does Cena/Khali end at One Night Stand. I'm with Jake, I have a feeling that Khali is going to take the belt, not a good feeling, but a feeling. There is no one else on Raw for Cena to feud wtih. I think it will be Carlito v. Cena at summerslam, but until then, we still have 3 months to fill.

I'm getting the feeling Khali takes the strap, wins again at Vengeance, and then loses the title at the Great American Bash in yes, the dreaded Punjabi Prison Match. Cena/Khali at ONS is just going to be match 3 in a series of 5 that will simply outdo anything that Benoit and Booker T did in their best of 7 series, okay, I think a couple angels just lost their wings with that statement.

Edit: If you want to talk Original ECW, follow this link to this hidden little thread that gets no attention.
Original ECW Forum
The end of the Cena Khali match will see Khali tap again but since it is pinfall only it won't count. Khali will get up and beat Cena for the belt. That way Cena can say he made Khali tap again and Khali can be the giant champion the WWE wants.

More importantly the Worlds Greatest Tag Team will be on a pay per view. This will be sweat, a ladder match against the Hardys. This will be the best match on the card... but thats not saying much.
This is the latest match to be added to the card.

This is from Wrestlezone but taken from
In a night of Extreme Rules matches full of chairs, barbed wire, ladders and steel cages, this match might have the oddest, yet most anticipated ingredient of the night.

Pudding. Lots of it.

In a pool full of enough pudding to make Bill Cosby water at the mouth, WWE Diva Candice Michelle will battle the Women’s Champion Melina in a non-title match in hundreds of gallons of the sweet slippery substance.

Candice has been on a roll of late, gaining pinfalls on Melina in tag team and singles action in consecutive weeks.

Can lightning strike thrice for the spirited challenger, or will Melina drown Candice's rising star in gooey dessert?

We all find out June 3 at One Night Stand.

Is it me or are they trying to make this the worst card ever, Other than the Tag Team ladder match that they have scheduled everything else looks really really bad.
This would only be half decent if breasts were exposed in full view for lengthy periods of time, without "pudding" covering them... which will of course, not happen due to WWE and television networks.

Which reminds me, does anybody have, or know of anyone who has, uncensored photos or videos from the ECW where Kelly Kelly exposed her puppies?
On there is 3 censored photographs, which pisses me off.
i agree with thisiscrazy619, i think the Hardy's vs Benjamin/Haas will steal the show. I'd like the Hardy's to remind benjamin/haas what happened to one of their opponents the last time they were in a tag-team ladder match, Joey Mercury had his face obliterated. I'd like them to setup that same move again and hit it on benjamin/haas. Of course, hopefully neither of them will get as hurt, but just setting up the move would be great.

if i'm not mistaken, she was wearing strategically placed "pasties" on her breasts to cover up her nipples. you just can't see them because of the ring ropes. they would never let her intentionally expose herself, especially with kids in the front rows. They did the same thing with dawn Marie a few years back.
Oh crap, yeah you're right my friend lol i forgot, they wear them in case of wardrobe malfunctions etc too, damnit. I remember now there's Kelly pics for a bikini shoot in which she wears star shaped pasties.
If i remember correctly you're talking about the picture in which it appears she has no nipples whatsoever.
Then WWE just take the piss and put that black bar over her breasts as if to say she actually is exposing herself completely.
Still would have been nice to see some live pictures though. Damn she is hot!
An Extreme Pudding Match What The World are They Thinking or Better Yet What is The Creative Team Smoking These Days How is a Pudding Extreme ?? what are they gonna do have Bill Cosby be The Ref for this match ?
Look with all the injuries lately, they have to just keep people entertained 'till the big dogs get back
Hopefully they leave the pool and go over into the ringside. I agree with someone else in this forum, This should have been an extreme catfight, now that would have been better. The only way I see this being good is if there are good moves going on, w/ Candice improving, we should see suplexes and slams into the pudding, now that would be cool, but after awhile this shit gets BORING!!!!!!!! Lets see some real fighting. But I guess its sneak peak of the Women's Title Match between Candice and Melina at planned for Vegeance. That should be better since these two put on a halfway descent match now. The match won't be the worst because look at Cena vs. Kahli :icon_sad: :icon_sad: At least the two can somewhat wrestle. Cena and Kahli suck at wrestling! We haven't had one of these matches in a while so I guess I can't complain, in 1999 this is all they had!

Off Topic: Would anyone else mind seeing Candice as champ, I think she would make a good one! She'd be one of the hottest!

Yes, the ladder match will steal the show! Probably the most physical and highflying match!
They won't let the Divas expose themselves but yet they let us all see a topless Mae Young at Royal Rumble 2000 (1999?) ******ed...

This is turning out to be D2D all over again. Promoting only a few matches and adding a bunch at the last minute, though with D2D they were added as we were watching so I guess it's a little better, not by much though. I guess they are planning on giving Khali the title, which will effectively kill any kind of credibility that belt still has. Eh what does it matter anyway. I usually only watch Smackdown anymore and now that HBK is out injured I probably won't watch RAW until he's back, except for the draft.
All I can say about the PPV is thank god their gonna let RVD have his last match on ppv and that its not against snitzky, ugh that would have been soo bad

and at least their having dreamer/sandman have a match on the ecw styled ppv
Speaking of divas exposing themselves, did anyone see Brookes nip-slip last night, it was right before she got eliminated and her and Maria were fighting!

Do you remeber the Kat at Armageddon 99? I almost fell over! Too bad they didn't allow it today!

-And yes, RAW become boring but if you ask me, its all getting boring now. They give us low card matches and ones that are crap. WWE needs to get real and change it up, it'll take more then a draft!
I believe that with the exception of cena-khali 2 (not because i love them or hate them I just dont believe that those two can make a good match together) the matches on the card can deliver. It seems that even though they have shit all over ECW... they are at least trying to promote this as an extreme pay per view. So the matches should have that edge that we are looking for. Of course this is a cautiously optimistic opinion because of previously said shitting on. Also I see this being the end for Rob Van Dam unfortunately but it looks like he will be going out in a blaze of glory.
So, I just realized something...look at the card for this Sunday's show...

WWE Championship - Pinfalls Count Anywhere Match
John Cena (c) vs. The Great Khali.

World Heavyweight Championship - Steel Cage Match
Edge (c) vs. Batista.

ECW Championship - Street Fight Match
Vince McMahon (c) vs. Bobby Lashley.

Six-Man Tag Team Tables Match
CM Punk, The Sandman & Tommy Dreamer vs. The New Breed (Elijah Burke, Matt Striker & Marcus Cor Von) .

Stretcher Match
Randy Orton vs. RVD.

World Tag Team Championship - Ladder Match
The Hardys (c's) vs. The World's Greatest Tag Team.

Pudding Match - Non-Title
WWE Women's Champion Melina vs. Candice Michelle.

Does anyone else see what I see? Every single match is a gimmicked match, even beyond the original "Extreme rules" gimmick. It seems as if the WWE thinks this show is going to flop big-time unless they bring out the gimmicks.

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