Official One Night Stand Thread

Ha ha, the hits just keep on coming. Vince and Lashley...again, and Cena Khali...again. God why did they move this from the Hammerstein Ballroom. They would have had riot gear if a real ECW crowd showed up to this shit fest. How anyone still pays for WWE pay per views is beyond me.

RVD should go out with a great match with Punk, but lets not over expose a guy that has been nothing but under utilized the last 6 years of his career in the WWE. It's a real shame, because the first two ONS were very good, feel good moments in wrestling, and then you just have this.

WWE is slowly turning into WCW. 5 minute pay per view matches that no one gives two shits about, a promoter that puts himself in every interview/segment, and the same guy on top all the time. When did Stamford, CT become Atlanta, GA?
Very true Shocky, WWE is slowly taking the same mistaken roads that WCW did. Now all they need to do is just sign back Hogan and give him, Cena, Batista and Lashley all creative clauses in their contract so they can never lose again! (Not like Cena ever loses anyways)

Holy crap I just realized something...Cena has lost ONE MATCH since September....ONE! That's disgusting.

ONS could be a hit or miss chance for me: on one hand, all extreme rules matches is very tempting to jump at, especially if they book some old ECW guys who will know how to put on a good show. On the other hand, if they even dare put Khali on an ECW ONS show, they're fucked.
I just hope that the fans that attend this, regardless of whether it's in Georgia or whatever, shit on the product endlessly that night. I hope to hear chants of "bullshit," "where's my refund," "change the channel," and all that good stuff. Shockmaster, you're absolutely right. WWE is becoming WCW 00-01. All Vince needs to do now is bring in a celebrity and put the world title on him. I can't wait to see that happen.
Didn't he do that already this year, with K-Fed. Hell K-Fed got the win, so to bad it wasn't for the WWE title.

I think it's in Jacksonville, so WWE is venturing very closely into TNA territory to. I for one would love to see the crowd just shit on this pay per view. Every match with Extreme Rules??? Well thank you Vince, I'm guessing it was an ECW pay per view for a reason.
Its in Jacksonville which is very close to TNA territory and I for one would love for the fans that night to boo and chnat TNA throughout the night. Though i doubt that as it will be a pro WWE event and that really sucks as i hope TNA invades this PPV and the fans let WWE have it.

Right now were are going to have god awful PPVs back to back and in two weeks none the less. I swear who in their right mind is will shove out 80 bucks in a span of 2 weeks for this crap that is being put on.
Last night was the worst Raw I've ever seen. This will be the worst pay per view I'm not going to see. Vince must be having a good laugh making a mockery out of the original ECW.
There really aren't any words to describe the level of hatred this announcement brings forth in least none I can find at the moment. The sad thing about this is that Vince McMahon, Lagana, and Gewirtz were actually stupid enough to come up with this $hit and actually think it was good! It looks like Alzheimer's is contagious within the company...because the creative squad is passing it around like a fresh case of scabies. I don't even think I'm going to steal this PPV. It's that bad. Uggh.
I guess the fans can all go home happy since Bobby Lindsay will be the next WWECW world champion. Yay, I can't wait! But that's better than McMahon being champ, at least there is some consolation in that, not much, but a little. I just can't wait to see Sabu and RVD show up in TNA and put on top notch matches again, that is if they go there. And damnit I can't wait to hear an RVD shoot interview.
Ha ha, the hits just keep on coming. Vince and Lashley...again, and Cena Khali...again. God why did they move this from the Hammerstein Ballroom. They would have had riot gear if a real ECW crowd showed up to this shit fest. How anyone still pays for WWE pay per views is beyond me.

RVD should go out with a great match with Punk, but lets not over expose a guy that has been nothing but under utilized the last 6 years of his career in the WWE. It's a real shame, because the first two ONS were very good, feel good moments in wrestling, and then you just have this.

WWE is slowly turning into WCW. 5 minute pay per view matches that no one gives two shits about, a promoter that puts himself in every interview/segment, and the same guy on top all the time. When did Stamford, CT become Atlanta, GA?

They moved it from the Hammerstein Ballroom to Jacksonville because of that same reason you stated. They mentioned that like a month or two ago. When I heard that it was moved to Jacksonville, I had a gut feeling that this was going to be a snoozefest. I don't want to see Cena and Khali AGAIN. Same with Lashley and Vince. :farttorch: And you know what? I was right.
This is insane! The only fueds WWE focuses on building up are the horrible fueds. Think about it....Lashly vs Vince fued! I mean really think about it!!! It is absolutely insane. Lashley is 100% horrible, and Im sure were all sick of Mr. "60minutes of on screen time per RAW" Mcmahon.
I am so frustrated with the way WWE is going its sick. Same thing after same thing after same thing, every week. It's getting sooo old!!
So for ONS , They might as well make it "Extreme Rules" Carlito Vs. Flair,One more time!! Why not also Hardyz Vs Cade and Murdoch...oh, and i dont think Punk vs Burke was bad enough, better give them another PPV match, but make it "Extreme Rules" so its toally different this time. Face it people, Cena and Lashley are our wrestling champs for the future, and its disgusting!! Im definatley not paying 40 bucks for cookie sheets and trash can lids, as extreme as it sounds, i think ill pass!!
now now guys look on the bright side: Not only are we being treated to the Cena/Khali and Vince/Lashley again but now we also get so see Edge/Batista again! WOOO... i dont know what the creative guys are thinkin but its not workin out. They need to make changes FAST. I think this will be a PPV where the filler matches will be really good but the title matches will blow.
Its in Jacksonville which is very close to TNA territory and I for one would love for the fans that night to boo and chnat TNA throughout the night. Though i doubt that as it will be a pro WWE event and that really sucks as i hope TNA invades this PPV and the fans let WWE have it.

Right now were are going to have god awful PPVs back to back and in two weeks none the less. I swear who in their right mind is will shove out 80 bucks in a span of 2 weeks for this crap that is being put on.

I'm going to TNA this Monday and then ONS on Sunday. I'm gonna try to start some good chants, but I don't think they will catch on. I'm gonna hopefully make a sign with Cena on it that says The Champ Is Queer (instead of here). I know its not that good but its the best I could thik of. Plus, since I got ringside seats, you will be able to see it everytime a wrestler comes by. But it would be sweet if TNA invaded ONS and they should inveade WM24.
Why would you go to ONS if it's clearly going to be this bad? Sell the tickets. I don't get the TNA invasion stuff either. If it's going to be that bad, let it be bad. It will speak for itself.

The only upside of this PPV is it should hopefully be the last of Cena/Khali, Edge/Batista, and Vince/Lashley. Although it will probably be Lashley/Snitsky afterwards.
I've never heard of two PPVs with the exact same matches. It's one thing to have the same match, maybe one of them where the champ or challenger gets a well-deserved re-match, and I knew Cena would face Khali again because of the foot-under-the-rope excuse. But why are we getting three of the EXACT SAME MATCHES only two weeks later? No build-up, no real reason, it's basically a "Let's do Judgement Day again, and try to get it right!" It's not even One Night Stand anymore, so why bother calling it that?

ECW may as well fold, because with RVD and Sabu on the way out now, and Sandman to be next, only Tommy Dreamer and Tazz will be the recognizable ECW originals (so is Balls Mahoney but is he even there anymore?) I don't see why Vince is doing this. He may as well have the WCW stars invade ECW and take as THEIR own, or maybe just make a third WWE segment without it being ECW. There's no more point since Vince won't even let the show have ECW rules.
Well Vince did say every match on the card is extreme rules, which is basically ECW rules aka the standard. But I know we won't see anything extreme at all.

And to the_man, while it is very tempting to go just to shit on the product all night long, why waste your time with a horrible ppv?
I'm going to be a bit controversial here and say I'm looking forward to teh McMahon Lashley match. For me Vince is good at hardcore and has proved it several times. Remember though it's not ECW ONS this year it's just ONS so technically it's not an ECW PPV however I can see the arguments when one of the main events are Cena and Khali...what on Earth?!
Anybody else think it would be amusing in a car-wreck watching sort of way to see Batista compete in a ladder match with Edge at ONS? I can see him twisting his ankle on a rung and falling off toward the end of the match when he's all a-huffin' and a-puffin'. Y'know, like 7 minutes in.
Mc mahon in Street fight, Cena Falls count anywhere... mmmhhmm,, i smell a Elijah and Monty B. vs punk and RVD (final match?) HARDCORE match. i cant wait to see RVD on this one!!(i hope...)
what else shit gimmick match we could have? oh yeah, Carlito vs Flair in a first blood match...this could be very funny...
Actually, I would like to see Carlito v Flair in an inferno match. I think that these inferno matches are some of the best in the WWE. The last one, with Kane and MVP, was, what I thought, an exciting match. This one wouldn't be too different, and I want to see Carlito catch on fire.
the wwe writing team is just awful right now, i read recently that most writers only know little about wrestling and only through the 90s and nothing about other companies. im about to give up on them i cant stand this garbage. i dont like cena that much but it sickens me when they have lashley in a bigger angle then cena the wwe champion and when they give shit wrestlers like khali (who im pretty sure they were afraid to have a match of his live on ppv bc they knew it would suck a year ago) a title shot. words cannot describe the wwe right now
I haven't been here for very long, and I'm not sure who I might piss off, but I do want to make an observation.

This year's card for One Night Stand, a show originally created for the feel of the original ECW and built by original ECW wrestlers, is going to feature Edge vs. Batsista, Lashley vs. Vince McMahon and John Cena vs. Khali. Someone find Eric Bischoff an opponent, and I think half of the original ECW marks will probably off themselves.
Sly, I think your right. Make Eric Bischoff General Manager of ECW, and you officially will have ECW fan in a blood rage. ECW isn't ECW, we all know it, the thing is, if we want to watch this, we're going to have to deal with it.

So all the matches are going to be gimmick matches, hmm, should be interesting. I for one would love to see Edge vs. Batista in a TLC match. Batista falls off that ladder, all sorts of muscles are going to be popping out of place. Honestly, how amusing woul dit be to see a piece of wood try to climb up a ladder, or hell, get flipped off the ladder. It maybe the most amusing match of the night. As for the other two announced matches... Shouldn't be surprised with McMahon/Lashley, we saw that coming two months ago after backlash...see Y2Jake.

Cena/Khali in a falls count anywhere? I knew only sitting through this for ten minutes was getting off easy. I would imagine you might see this most of the summer, before we probably get Carlito vs. Cena in the main event at Summerslam.
If i were a writer for the wwe than i would pitch a storyline for RVD and Randy Orton, and the match would be at One Night Stand. My idea would be a Legend Killer match and it would be RVD's last match so they would make him lose. i would make him win. But yeah i think it would be a great match for ppl to remember rvd on before he goes to TNA.
they have on an article of how rvd is pissed at snitzky and wants to stop him and whatever costs, what i see is a storyline leading into rvd vs. snitzky at ONS and rvd jobbing to snitzky this all = awfulness
what a way to bury RVD, snitsky? i would prefer Elijah or Monty, but getting squashed in 3 to 5 minutes and end your career with the company, man, that SUCKS... and then? We have Snitsky vs Lashley, what a piece of shit!!!
somebody tell vince that his time on TV was ENOUGH, we got the man's point, he's a maniacal-demonic-relentless-heart less chairman and he's the king of the world, yyeeiiii, whatever..... VINCE: go back to your ultra-expensive office, and please take with you all this piece of CRAP of PPV's ideas....
ps. another gimmick match i would like to see because they're all from the same brand (highly unlikely though...) is a TLC between the hardys, cade and Murdoch, TWGTT and KNM (Kenny, Nitro and... MElina?) this would be easily the match of the night.

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