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[OFFICIAL] NXT's Future Endeavored - Season 1 Eliminations Discussion

Michael Tarver: No surprise and, as most of us believe, will reappear as Ted Dibiase's new Virgil very soon. Cool, because while he's nothing special in the ring, I found his mic work to be quite enjoyable and I think he will make a great Virgil; maybe better than Virgil himself.

Daniel Bryan: My world basically came crashing down when he was eliminated. My favorite guy on NXT gone in the first round of eliminations? I was thinking "Why? Why is this happening, I thought only one guy would be sent home, etc." Then he had his little interview afterwards basically saying goodbye Daniel Bryan, hello Bryan Danielson and I marked out big.

I can't wait for him to get back because now it seems he'll be pushed properly and we can start seeing the Danielson we've been wanting to see for weeks now. There was also a very noticeable pop from the crowd when he said his real name and even the camera man seemed to mark out a little, lol. I see bright things in this guy's future

Skip Sheffield: after the surprise elimination of 2 rookies, I figured it'd be either Skip or Young to be gone next. I'm still a little torn as to who I preferred more out of the two, but I figured Young would stay since he does have a much better win/loss record. Not sure what'll happen to Skip now. He could just as easily go back to FCW as he could be added to the main roster, it could really go either way. I could be wrong, but I don't think we've seen the last of the "Cornfed Meathead".
According to last week's pros poll, Darren Young is next on the pecking order to get the boot on tonight's broadcast of NXT.

I can't say I disagree with this. Probably the two best things about Darren Young since the beginning were his build and his pro. Without CM Punk, this guy was nothing more than a faded glitch on the map. His segments with the SES gave us insight to his character (or lack thereof). Besides that, his record is not too impressive, and the crowd doesn't seem to be catching on.

But without even knocking the guy, if we had to determine why he'd be the next to go, I could easily tell you that it's because of one main reason: the other rookies are just miles better than him. They have all connected with the audience to some level and the people actually care if they're still on the show or not. Young just can't get people to care about him.

So, my prediction for tonight is that Young is going to have to pack his bags.
Like D-Man, I'm going to have to say that the only guy who deserves to go is Darren Young. Quite frankly he is the most unremarkable guy I've seen in a WWE ring in quite some time. He is simply average. He talks average, he wrestles average,l and if he lost the rediculous outfit he'd look average. He's ripped, but being ripped when you're in the same company as HHH, Batista, the two Jonnies and a 60 yearold who's been on the cover of muscle and fitness that's not noteworthy. Like D-Man noted, he's also not over.

Every other rookie has sometihng going for them which he doesn't. Otunga's got the looks and the charisma of a main eventer (pity about the tallent), Gabriel's got that beautiful 450 splash, Slater's got a moderately over character, okish mic skills and is good in the ring. Barrett should have been on one of the main shows a long time ago. Why the hell hasn't he been called up before now?
It was quite obvious that it was Darren Young who was gonna be going out this week, due to the fact that all the others have been almost permanent contenders of the top 4 (with exception of Otunga being number 5 one week I believe?)

Darren had a fine run, he grew on me a little bit, but he's definitely not in a position to win this, or even reach the top 3 people, I'm actually surprised he made it to the top 5 to be honest.
All I have to say is THANK GOD and IT'S ABOUT TIME.

A rookie that showed promise at the beginning of this process has quickly declined as the weeks have gone by. While Slater was white hot when this television show began, he lost every bit of star power that he ever had. And to make matters worse, all of the other rookies surpassed and overshadowed him in terms of likability and originality. Needless to say, I think it was a GREAT choice to finally get rid of this baby oil loving, red haired, bobble-headed, man-boobed loser... but that's just my opinion.
All I have to say is THANK GOD and IT'S ABOUT TIME.

Agreed, while he "deserved" to go to the top 4, because it was the only 4 that made sense ever getting that far looking at how the show had developed.

I'm happy they choose to eliminate Heath Slater, it was all in the air with everybody at first saying they wanted him out.

Heath did decently on NXT, and he definitely established himself, but ultimately, the other remaining talents, just make more sense to be there, and not Heath Slater.
I was actually a bit surprised when Slater was eliminated, I was sure it'd be Gabriel. Slater is annoying, but he has a look (not sure what, but it's a look), was moderately over, pretty decent in the ring, and had average mic skills.

Gabriel on the other hand is basically Evan Bourne 2.0: a solid high flier with one big move and crap mic skills. I do like Gabriel, don't get me wrong, but I felt Slater was just he better all-around performer (though by a pretty thin margin). However, annoyance must have been a factor in the voting, which Slater is a god at generating.

Oh well, maybe they'll just re-package him as the "Ginger Ninja" Heath Slater. I'm sure he'd do much better under that moniker anyway.

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