[Official] McMahon and the WWE get screwed over by incomptent basketball owner.

Stupid WWE. So they move the show to another city where the team is going to be playing at the same time, and you might have a half interested crowd that comes across poorly on TV. Bravo Vince, way to stick it to the Nuggets.

So once again, the WWE screws itself in the eyes of the public by not only throwing a temper tantrum, but now they are moving to the Nuggets "Rival" (seriously, it's a sport and they happen to be playing each other, it's not some fucking kayfabe storyline jackass), just to stick it to Nuggets ownership. Seriously, this is stupid.

It's already started where the public is going to have a backlash against the WWE, and in a situation where the WWE could possibly have been in the right, they are over reacting and making themselves look like asses once again. If it's true that they are taking the Smackdown tapings with them, and screwing the fans of Denver just to spite ownership of the Arena, then Vince Mcmahon is the worst type of hypocrite there is. Good job Vinnie Mac, way to take a potential situation where you might be the victim, and make yourself look like a jackass. I'll be expecting the midgets in Nuggets Uniforms come monday night.

Then let me ask you what your alternate plan would be? lets play devils advocate for a second and say that what vince said today on espn was true that the nuggets were basically shoving the WWE out of the arena without saying as much, If the staples center is offering, doesn't it make sense for the WWE to go, and I don't just say that from the publicity and drama standpoint but also to maintain short future bookings, like if they were supposed to stay on the west coast for late week house shows. I think the decision to go to LA reflects the need to maintain some sort of continuity with the WWE schedule, the chance to stick it to Nuggets ownership is a bonus in Vince's eyes
They should have moved it to Colorado Springs instead of Los Angeles because less people are going to watch it now especially in L.A. to watch the Lakers play. It isn't fair for the fans of Denver to miss out on RAW and Smackdown just because two businessman made stupid mistakes. 100% guarantee that there will a whole lot of jabs at Denver next Monday night which I know Vince is planning for.

I was actually thinking the same thing with Colorado Springs, that could seat maybe 12,000 or so. I get the feeling the smackdown relocation won't be the last time Denver fans take Vince's wrath in the name of the nuggets owners though, I think they won't see TV tapings for a lil while
Wait, why wouldn't Vince move Smackdown? Vince McMahon is a business man, he is making sure the Pepsi Center doesn't make a dime off of him, seeing as how that same owner just fucked him in the ass. Vince was in the right to move SD. It's for his best interest, it's also telling owners don't fuck up, or you aren't making a dime from my business.

I don't blame Vince McMahon one bit, he just got screwed, so in return he is screwing them. I actually applaud him for this. Even though I do feel a tad sorry for the fans in Denver, they bought there ticket to see wrestling, now they don't get a damn thing.
So after basically throwing Stan Kroenke under the 18 wheeler and making sure that every wheel got a piece of him, Vince announced that WWE will be going to Denver's enemy territory, the city of angels. Personally I love this idea, from what I read he coulda gone to LA or MSG, but Vince, ever the opportunist saw the best option to keep the WWE in the spotlight and capitalized. Frankly Vince after all the bad publicity he took in the past 2 decades has finally gotten one over on a huge economic entity, the NBA. He looks like the face and the NBA, more specifically Kroenke looks like the prick.

For those in the Denver area I'm sorry to say you will probably not see a TV event in the Pepsi Center for a couple years, lucky enough to get house shows. And your thanks can be sent to the most valuable Nugget fan Stanley Kroenke, only thing that sucks was the WWE didnt have better advance time to promote the event.

Oh well heres to being actually excited for watching RAW for the first time in months

Vince threw him under the 18 wheeler, ran him over, then backed up and hit him again. Moving RAW to LA, the home of the Lakers, was just the icing on the cake. I see alot of people tuning in who arn't necessarily wrestling fans, just to see what jabs Vince is going to take at the Nuggets. RAW will probably have the best ratings it has had in the past 12 months this coming Monday.

As for Denver, I see the WWE taping at the Hammerstein Ballroom (with all those supporative WWECW fans) before coming back to the Pepsi Center.
Quite frankly I'm not sure even if that many people will tune in. I live right in LA, and no one in school (Most Lakers fans) is talking about this event so far as now.
Lol... I not only love the idea, I relish it with great delight.

Honestly, great business move by McMahon. And I wholeheartedly agree with the WWE and the whole frickin' incident. WWE booked it first. Kroenke and the Nuggets screwed up big time, not only with the fans of wrestling in the Denver area, but with the Nuggets fans and the WWE as well. McMahon called out Kroenke with a cage match AND for the fact that he HIMSELF didn't have the faith in his own team, even when the paperwork for the WWE booking the Pepsi Center on August 15 of last year (the last day of the regular NBA season). Most likely, Kroenke is humiliated on both sides of the coin (Nuggets fans and WWE fans alike), and he will eventually cost the Pepsi Center millions of money. The WWE will be pulling their Smackdown/ECW event this week, as well as any future event, with possible legal litigation for all the lost revenue for RAW, PLUS this little incident fueled by the media will have OTHER event planners second guess any events they have in the future with the Pepsi Center, costing even more.

Nice going, Kroenke. You have royally fucked over yourself for not believing in your team. The unemployment line awaits for you soon.
I just got home not too long ago. ESPN Radio's All Night with Jason Smith had Shane McMahon on the air. He's basically pumped about what's happened and isn't giving much of anything away. There's a press conference tomorrow about what transpired over the past two days.

Personally, this is a huge win for LA. The Lakers get Raw and Smackdown, which isn't out of the ordinary. So we can just call it a WWE Supershow with the two brands in the same building. As far as a publicity standpoint, ESPN has been eating this up with publicity. Vince has to be stroking it to the constant airplay the WWE is getting for this fiasco. And it is...a fiasco. It shows that the Denver brass have no idea what they're doing and believed that they were the ones who can have a say in what happens. That's not the case. The WWE leased the building in August of last year. The fact is...the game should have been moved one more day up. Nothing wrong with that. But alas, the WWE takes it's show elsewhere and to LA nonetheless. I find this amusing in about two different ways.

And I dig the title change. Who did it?
Denver is a second tier event city. New York, LA, Houston, Dallas, Miami, Tampa, New Orleans, Phoenix and oddly enough Detroit are the cities where the big events happen. Super Bowls, Final Fours, All Star games...all these events are constantly in the same city because there is a certain amount of professionalism and readiness not found in other major cities. Even Chicago gets lost when major events roll through town, but from the traffic cops to the mayor, to the media, everything runs so smoothly in certain cities.

This is just another reason why Denver will never get big events. The arena owner doesn't communicate with the venue booker? This is unheard of in other cities. The Toyota Center only high school graduations, on Saturday mornings during this time of year. There are other venues, all over town, in which to put on concerts, wrestling, etc.

Does anyone know if Denver has multiple multi-purpose arenas all over town?
I dont think so. Im pretty sure the pepsi center is were the Nugs, Avs, and WWE plays. What a fuck up.

So they go to LA. with mad publicity, in a building that hosted WM before...something huge might happen. Probably not. Told you all that this wasnt that big of a deal. WWE even outdid MY plan. good for them.
This is completely fucked up. The Denver owner screws up, and McMahon and more importantly the fans, get shafted. I dont know why they couldnt have just moved the damn game to the following day, or they could have just taped the damn game. If they can do that for the Olympics I dont see why in the hell they cant do it for the Playoffs. This is completely messed up. The fans, are the ones who ultimately got screwed over. Even if McMahon gives out refunds, you still have fans who really wanted to go to RAW, only for it to get canceled at the last minute.
Because they deserve blame for moving SmackDown. True, the RAW situation is all on the Pepsi Arena, but there is absolutely no reason at all for Vince to move SmackDown, except for spite and to feed his own already morbidly obese ego.
Bullshit. It's an over 16 hour drive to get from Los Angeles, California to Colorado Springs, Colorado (which is where Smackdown was planned to be taped). How the fuck do you think they can shoot Raw, and then make it to Colorado Springs in order to get Smackdown set up and start taping? It's physically impossible to do.

The WWE had no choice BUT to move Smackdown. Don't blame the WWE for that, blame the Pepsi Center.

Wait, why wouldn't Vince move Smackdown? Vince McMahon is a business man, he is making sure the Pepsi Center doesn't make a dime off of him, seeing as how that same owner just fucked him in the ass. Vince was in the right to move SD. It's for his best interest, it's also telling owners don't fuck up, or you aren't making a dime from my business.

I don't blame Vince McMahon one bit, he just got screwed, so in return he is screwing them. I actually applaud him for this. Even though I do feel a tad sorry for the fans in Denver, they bought there ticket to see wrestling, now they don't get a damn thing.
While this may be true, it doesn't change the fact that there was no way that the WWE could hold Raw in California and have time to get to Colorado to have Smackdown. The time just wasn't possible.
Nice going, Kroenke. You have royally fucked over yourself for not believing in your team. The unemployment line awaits for you soon.

While I admire your passion, do you have any clue who Stan Kroenke is? Do you have any idea how much he's worth? He's married to a daughter of the Walton family, who owns Wal-Mart. He's worth nearly 2 billion dollars, and was #164 on Forbes top 400 list of wealthy Americans.

While his companies did some pretty stupid things here, saying that he's going to be in the unemployment line is just as stupid.
I think the decision of moving all the colarado shows to L.A. is just vince being Vince. The fact of the matter is that the had a deal to move the Raw show on Sunday at the pepsi center. So they could have just tape Raw on sunday and have the house sohw the had plan for sunday night on monday or reschedule that show. But seeing how vindictive Vince is, he decided to make a big deal out of it and move everything to L.A. The worst part of this is that he giving away free tickets to a house show in august in a arena that only seat 7,000 peoples which means that denver fans will have to be quick to get theirs tickets because half of those who bought tickets for Raw won't be able to get tickets for the house show.

This isn't a good deal and the fact of the matter is that Vince did what was best for vince in this situation, Instead of doing what was the right thing to do and except the deal they offered him, i decided to make a great deal out of it and moved to L.A. where he will probably make fun of the nuggets during the whole show. He said that Kroenke wasn't a good buisnessman but, in this situation is as lousy as kroenke is.
I think the decision of moving all the colarado shows to L.A. is just vince being Vince.
You mean being a smart businessman?

The fact of the matter is that the had a deal to move the Raw show on Sunday at the pepsi center.
Why would he do that? If the Pepsi Center isn't going to honor their bookings, why should the WWE pay them for any shows?

But seeing how vindictive Vince is
Wait...Vince is vindictive because he doesn't want to book a show at a place that already screwed him over?

That's not vindictive, that's smart business.

he decided to make a big deal out of it and move everything to L.A. The worst part of this is that he giving away free tickets to a house show in august in a arena that only seat 7,000 peoples which means that denver fans will have to be quick to get theirs tickets because half of those who bought tickets for Raw won't be able to get tickets for the house show.
But whose fault is that? Unless your answer is "The Denver Nuggets", you are wrong.

This isn't a good deal and the fact of the matter is that Vince did what was best for vince in this situation
Uhh, yeah? This is his money we're talking about.

Instead of doing what was the right thing to do and except the deal they offered him
Bullcrap. Taking a deal from someone who screwed you over already is not the "right" thing to do, it's the "dumb" thing to do. There's not a chance in hell I would accept being bumped from a contract I had for nearly a year, and then turn around and provide revenue to the people who bumped me.

The Staples Center offered their venue, I'm sure the Nuggets will be paying for it, so Vince did the RIGHT thing by taking his show to a place that wants him and isn't stupid.

i decided to make a great deal out of it and moved to L.A. where he will probably make fun of the nuggets during the whole show.
Well, duh?!

Of course he will, he'll be in LA. The heels will bash the Lakers, and the faces will criticize the Nuggets. How is that any different from what wrestling has done throughout its entire history? Bad guys insult the hometown, good guys insult the foes of the hometown.

He said that Kroenke wasn't a good buisnessman but, in this situation is as lousy as kroenke is.
How so? Because he wouldn't give money to a business that screwed him over a week before he was supposed to promote a show?

That's GOOD business.
How so? Because he wouldn't give money to a business that screwed him over a week before he was supposed to promote a show?

That's GOOD business.

Tha't not good buisness at all, the fact of the matter is, the event was sold out already so vince didn'T need to pay for anything since they already had a contract and the compromise was to move the event from monday to sunday, it's not that hard to do and doesn'T cost anything more. Now not only does he have to paid to change the location of Raw but he has to paid change the location of the raw house show and the smackdown/ECW taping. Plus he has to refund all the peoples that bought tickets for these three shows and won'T make any money on the august house show because he's giving away these tickets for free. So buisness was, this is a lousy decision and this was just so Vince can feed is own ego. Every other act would have understand and find a compromise with Kroenke, but vince is to much of a publicity hound and to pround of a man to do the right thing and find a compromise. In the end it woud have cost him a lot less to just move the event.
Psykohurricane has no idea what he's talking about, he's probably someone who had tickets to the show in Denver, HAHA!

There is no reason why Vince should give in, legally binding contracts should mean something, and this one will. Vince will be suing Kroenke for money that he will lose. It's all worth it to throw it in the face of the Nuggets. Why should Kroenke win? So he bullies Vince around, moves RAW, plays the Nuggets game on Monday, then gets Smackdown and makes money. Might as well kiss his ass, so screw Kroenke!!! He screwed up, now hes paying for it, and the fans are paying for it.

Smart business, is to get your company out there, get people talking. Usually WWE is on the bad end, now they are on the positive end, and I hope WWE rips Kroenke a new one on Monday night. If all you fans are bitter, which I would be to, write letters to Kroenke.

Bottom line is this, if you think you can push Vince around, think again, because he got the last word, and isnt done yet. Kroenke better get ready to open up that billion dollor filled wallet!!!
Slyfox said:
While this may be true, it doesn't change the fact that there was no way that the WWE could hold Raw in California and have time to get to Colorado to have Smackdown. The time just wasn't possible.
I believe you, but do you honestly believe this wasn't an attempt to fuck over the Denver Nuggets? I do, I'm pretty sure they were capable of traveling from California to Colorado In like one days time. I was also under the impression that they traveled separately, especially the wrestlers. I could be wrong. Actually I probably am wrong.
Tha't not good buisness at all, the fact of the matter is, the event was sold out already so vince didn'T need to pay for anything since they already had a contract and the compromise was to move the event from monday to sunday

How so? Monday and Sunday are two completely different days. The people who bought the tickets to view Raw on Monday might not be able to make it on a Sunday. Schedules can get tied up or something else could possibly happen. Moving out of Denver was the best way for Vince to make his Money, and for that, I can not blame him at all.
Yes, the WWE got screwed. They have every right to be pissed, pursue legal action (I hope they do) and do what ever they want with their product. ALL the blame goes on the Nuggets and Kronke. That being said, McMahon is f'ing me. I live in Colorado and RAW is not around all that often. RAW is the flagship show and carries the best superstars. I had tix and now I, the Fan, am screwed. Now (if I'm lucky) i can get off work and go to a Friday house show two months from now? Are you fucking serious? The Denver Colliseum only seats 10,000, the Pepsi Center 19,000! McMahon had the opportunity to do the right thing FOR THE FANS by moving RAW to Sunday but instead he pisses in our face by dropping mad shit on the city of Denver. To be clear FUCK Kronke for doing this but the WWE's reaction to it's fans in Colorado sucks. I would have driven to the Springs even though it's two hours away. Invesco or Coors Field could have been used for a sweet outdoor venue. Also, since it's clear that McMahon now will have nothing to do with Kronke when do we get a RAW again soon?

lemme give you a quick story:

I teach high school and run a club that does community service with elementary kids. The principal had promised that I would paid for sponsoring this club but when it came to the school board they declined to pay me even though i had worked a whole semester on this club. I wrote a letter saying that I would be quitting this club and that it would suck for both high schoolers and elementary schoolers. Then I took a step back. Who was getting fucked? Not me. Not the school board. The kids at both levels.

This is what is going on for us fans in Denver. the refunded tix and loss of revenue will probably be paid back to WWE by Kronke. Even if this is in the millions it won't make a dent in Kronke's billions of dollars. But me, who makes jack shit as a teacher and loves to see the biggest WWE stars, will now, thanks to the ineptness of Kronke and the assholeishness of McMahon, be screwed out of RAW for the foreseeable future.

McMahon will reap big ratings this Monday but, for the first time, I'll be watching the Nuggets while he shits on the WWE fans in the city of Denver.
Yes, the WWE got screwed. They have every right to be pissed, pursue legal action (I hope they do) and do what ever they want with their product. ALL the blame goes on the Nuggets and Kronke. That being said, McMahon is f'ing me. I live in Colorado and RAW is not around all that often. RAW is the flagship show and carries the best superstars. I had tix and now I, the Fan, am screwed. Now (if I'm lucky) i can get off work and go to a Friday house show two months from now? Are you fucking serious? The Denver Colliseum only seats 10,000, the Pepsi Center 19,000! McMahon had the opportunity to do the right thing FOR THE FANS by moving RAW to Sunday but instead he pisses in our face by dropping mad shit on the city of Denver. To be clear FUCK Kronke for doing this but the WWE's reaction to it's fans in Colorado sucks. I would have driven to the Springs even though it's two hours away. Invesco or Coors Field could have been used for a sweet outdoor venue. Also, since it's clear that McMahon now will have nothing to do with Kronke when do we get a RAW again soon?

lemme give you a quick story:

I teach high school and run a club that does community service with elementary kids. The principal had promised that I would paid for sponsoring this club but when it came to the school board they declined to pay me even though i had worked a whole semester on this club. I wrote a letter saying that I would be quitting this club and that it would suck for both high schoolers and elementary schoolers. Then I took a step back. Who was getting fucked? Not me. Not the school board. The kids at both levels.

This is what is going on for us fans in Denver. the refunded tix and loss of revenue will probably be paid back to WWE by Kronke. Even if this is in the millions it won't make a dent in Kronke's billions of dollars. But me, who makes jack shit as a teacher and loves to see the biggest WWE stars, will now, thanks to the ineptness of Kronke and the assholeishness of McMahon, be screwed out of RAW for the foreseeable future.

McMahon will reap big ratings this Monday but, for the first time, I'll be watching the Nuggets while he shits on the WWE fans in the city of Denver.
I feel your pain, but you are putting the blame on ENTIRELY the wrong person. Ignoring for a moment the logistics of COMPLETELY re-doing all your production work, cutting a day down on being able to write your storylines, finding ways to get the wrestlers there earlier, etc...you're saying that it's Vince McMahon's fault that he found a different place to hold the event after getting kicked out of the one he had? It's Vince McMahon's fault you can't go, even though he fought like hell, made TV appearances, etc. TRYING to get into the place?

No, your anger is misplaced. Don't blame McMahon because Kroenke and friends are inept. The WWE was going to GIVE you a show on Monday, but they were told, "No, sorry, even though we originally told you we were going to allow you to do a show, we suddenly change our mind because we're more important than you". This is not the fault of the WWE, this is the fault of those who own the Pepsi Center.

Blame them.
Look, I do blame Kroenke (I believe my exact words were FUCK Kroenke) but the point is that McMahon is also not being fair to the FANS in Denver. We all know that Kroenke is going to pay out the nose for this so why not have some loyalty to the 11,000 (according to Shane) fans that paid for tix? There are venues that hold that many at CU, CSU, Invesco, Coors field, etc. WWE has to change all their production schedules, wrestlers flights etc. to go to LA now, they couldn't have moved it up a day or gotten a new venue in CO?


Once McMahon was screwed he could have hooked up the fans here by coming in early or going elsewhere in the state but he chose not to. One group is incompetent the other is childish and those that suffer are the fans here in CO
Look, I do blame Kroenke (I believe my exact words were FUCK Kroenke) but the point is that McMahon is also not being fair to the FANS in Denver. We all know that Kroenke is going to pay out the nose for this so why not have some loyalty to the 11,000 (according to Shane) fans that paid for tix? There are venues that hold that many at CU, CSU, Invesco, Coors field, etc. WWE has to change all their production schedules, wrestlers flights etc. to go to LA now, they couldn't have moved it up a day or gotten a new venue in CO?
I don't understand this "loyalty" argument. Are you not getting your money back? Are you not being provided a house show later?

The WWE doesn't owe you anything, and the Denver Nuggets only owe you your money back. I mean, let's say that the WWE was turned down to use the Pepsi Center back last August when the booking was originally made. And because they were turned down, they didn't plan to come to Colorado. Would they then owe you something then? Or do they only owe it to you because you thought you were going to get to see them, only to have that opportunity taken from you?

I'm guessing the latter. Well, the WWE didn't take this opportunity away from you, the Denver Nuggets did. Blame them, and them only.

Once McMahon was screwed he could have hooked up the fans here by coming in early or going elsewhere in the state but he chose not to. One group is incompetent the other is childish and those that suffer are the fans here in CO
Yes, McMahon chose not to. He chose to move his show to LA, where he knew he'd get good publicity and sell a lot of tickets. But, just go back to my argument from above. If he had never booked the Pepsi Center in the first place, would any of those fans in Colorado suffered at all? No, they wouldn't have...the only reason they suffer is due to Kroenke.

Put the blame where it belongs.
I don't understand this "loyalty" argument. Are you not getting your money back? Are you not being provided a house show later?

The WWE doesn't owe you anything, and the Denver Nuggets only owe you your money back. I mean, let's say that the WWE was turned down to use the Pepsi Center back last August when the booking was originally made. And because they were turned down, they didn't plan to come to Colorado. Would they then owe you something then? Or do they only owe it to you because you thought you were going to get to see them, only to have that opportunity taken from you?

I'm guessing the latter. Well, the WWE didn't take this opportunity away from you, the Denver Nuggets did. Blame them, and them only.

Yes, McMahon chose not to. He chose to move his show to LA, where he knew he'd get good publicity and sell a lot of tickets. But, just go back to my argument from above. If he had never booked the Pepsi Center in the first place, would any of those fans in Colorado suffered at all? No, they wouldn't have...the only reason they suffer is due to Kroenke.

Put the blame where it belongs.

You know something, that the problem with the whole situation, Kroenke messed up by not thinking ahead that maybe the nuggets would still be playing by the time raw came to Denver. But just because one guy mess up doesn't mean that everybody in the state of colorado need to be punish for this.

Another problem that i see in by reading most of the comments on this board his how everybody is just eating up everything Vince is saying about the situation. Newsflash guys, it's all just a show. Vince doesn'T mean anything he said since the whole thing started and he got the entire IWC eating up everything he says because they are wrestling fans.

I always says that there are 2 sides to every story and this one is no different. Sure Kroenke is in the wrong for double booking the pepsi center and am not denying that. But if Vince wouldn't have been so stubborn, he would have found a compromise instead of cancelling everything just because he can. In the end he's not punishing Kroenke, the guy couldn'T care less about the WWE, all he's doing is punishing the people in Denver, colorado springs and whatever small town he was supposed to go for the house show on sunday. That's why the WWE and Vince Mcmahon made fun of by the media.

I feel sorry for that people who bought tickets for any of the shows this weekend because i now how disappointing this is for you guys but if you want to blame somebody for this you got 2 peoples to blame: Mr Kroenke for double booking the pepsi center and Vince Mcmahon for being stubborn and unwilling to find a compromise.
Ok psykohurricane and other people who are calling Vince McMahon "stubborn and
unwilling to find a compromise" need to know something and get their facts
straight. Vince McMahon tried everything to stay in Denver, but as it was seen
on ESPN and an official statement from Denver Nuggets, they invited (demanded)
Vince McMahon to the Nuggets game so he can apologize to Stan Kroenke in person!
and also "kiss his ass!" Then they can work something out. Are you kidding me?
and some people are calling Vince McMahon an ass for being a good businessman
and getting the hell out of there. He doesn't have time to deal with that.
He saw an opportunity he took it. On monday night Vince McMahon spoke his mind,
big deal! deal with it. Seriously thats Vince McMahon, thats who he is.
His company is the victim, but then he is going to apologize and kiss Stan
Kroenke's ass so the people in Denver can watch wwe live. I am really sorry
about the people in Denver, but if the same thing happened where i am i would
understand that Vince did what he had to do for WWE. United States is a big
country, with all due respect to the people in Denver but Vince McMahon has a
bigger picture to worry about. This is a billion dollar company, and he is not
going to waste his time dealing with bad businessmen like Stan Kroenke!

ps - when i said Vince Mcmahon "kissing Stan Kroenke's ass!" this is just in (from the press conference in New York Hard Rock Cafe), Vince McMahon was told to praise Stan Kroenke! by reading a document during a joint press release that Stan Kroenke sent to Vince McMahon. This is allegedly what Vince McMahon was ordered to say
"By all accounts Mr.Kroenke is one of the most respected and professional sports team
owner in the world! and the professional way he and his staff good naturally
handled this conflict gives further testament to type of business leader he is!"
Let'S face it, the WWE was the victim in all of this and i agree with every pro WWE fans out there. But the fact of the matters is that Vince went on national T.V. publicly humiliated Kroenke and then when he was asked (Demanded) to apologize for what he said, he turns around, pack is back and goes to L.A.

Take any other promoter out there form any form of entertainment and in a situation like this one they would reacted the way Vince McMahon reacted. They would have found a way to compromise and The WWE actually found a way to compromise by the document i've read but vince'S ego got the better of him like always and he saw a way to get publicity for The WWE and he took instead of doing the right thing and quietly resolving the situation like any other promoter would have done.
Let'S face it, the WWE was the victim in all of this and i agree with every pro WWE fans out there. But the fact of the matters is that Vince went on national T.V. publicly humiliated Kroenke and then when he was asked (Demanded) to apologize for what he said, he turns around, pack is back and goes to L.A.

Take any other promoter out there form any form of entertainment and in a situation like this one they would reacted the way Vince McMahon reacted. They would have found a way to compromise and The WWE actually found a way to compromise by the document i've read but vince'S ego got the better of him like always and he saw a way to get publicity for The WWE and he took instead of doing the right thing and quietly resolving the situation like any other promoter would have done.

First up, your second paragraph made absolutely NO sense because of the first line. I'm guessing you mean they "wouldn't" have acted the way Vince did.

Despite all that, how do you know?

How do you know ALL business men out there would just find a compromise when clearly another businessman screwed them out of a chance to earn thousands at one night?

There is NOTHING wrong with Vince getting publicity. It's true, it is his ego, however he did absolutely NOTHING wrong when he pulled SD! and ECW out of the pepsi center.

If you still don't agree, take a personal stance.

Vince was SCREWED by this guy. Why the fuck would he still have 2 other events that also draw huge amounts of money in the same house where the host literally bitch-slapped him?

And your point in how the Denver fans are being punished by the wrong doings of one man is completely illogical, if not absurd and stupid.

They're getting their refunds or they can get in a house show. It's not like the WWE is drawing away from the arena, telling the fans that they aren't getting the show and their money back.

And onto your point about moving the shows is bad business. It actually isn't. Vince is getting MORE publicity by the moment. He stirred up this whole drama so the WWE can gain more publicity if not more viewers and fans. He even got as far as placing Shane and John Cena, the franchise of the current WWE, to support the Lakers.

If we go by your rule, and have Vinnie stay quiet, the media will completely forget this event as well as WWE's chance to go mainstream in less than a day. And soon enough, they'll keep getting the same amount of TV ratings they have been getting for the past few years.

Really, this is quite a smart and shady move by Vince.

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