The One Vince McMahon Let Get Away

I think one talent the Vince let get away, is none other than...Shelton Benjamin. As stated before, his accomplishments speak for himself. Sure he couldn't talk on the mic, but there was hope toward the end of Charlie Hass' reign there that it seemed like they were teaming back up again, to help a stale and dying tag division, but sadly it didn't pan out for either guy.
He did make it into the WWE, And he got fired because his in ring ability was dreadful, i was tired of watching him botch move after move.

Elija Bourke is a big one IMO, The guy has the Mouth the look and isnt a bad wrestler, when He;s a big star at TNA the wwe will rue that they missed out on a bloke who could be the star of the company.

Matt Morgan i think the WWE would be most displeased, they love the 300 pound 7 foot genetic freaks, i dont rate the guy too much but i believe the WWE would of liked to keep hold of him in hindsight

Shelton Benjamin I dont care, Freak Athleticly, but what was his character? He couldnt talk, didnt connect to the audience, overall he was far from the complete package, You only got excited because he could do some freakish things, thats good and all but thats not wrestling and is far from whats required to be a wrestler. He also suffered with the Paydirt replacing a decent finisher he had beforehand.
Reminds me of the Miz early in his career, couldnt wrestle for hell, but had the audience in his palm, polar opposite for Shelton, thing is he never got any Better, never progressed and the WWE cut their losses. Would you want to listen to Shelton cut a promo every monday night raw for 7-8 minutes? I sure as hell wouldnt

I thought Paul Burchall was released before his time,

Mr Kennedy as well, Can talk but i guess when your in-ring work is sloppy when your wrestling with the top dogs its always going to hurt you
Ima go a diffrent direction with this one and name 2 guys that are in WWE and were made by WWE and tho they havent gotten away yet, its only a matterf of time for one if not both to go....

The first is Matt Hardy: I men he's been in the WWE for atleast 10yrs or more and has not yet gotten a push that he desereves. When LitA cheated on him with EDGE(who at the time was married to Val Venies's sister)WWE decided to release Matt Hardy, I guess Vince smarted up finally sand knew he made a mistake because right when he relesed him other promotions(ROH,TNA,AJPW) wanted to sign him quick, but vince signed him back i will say 30 days after he released him and let him commit to his ROH shows and let him do vignetts in the crowd as a fired WWE employee wrestling for ROH to get revenge on EDGE and Lita for getting him fired. When he finally did comeback he was gonna get a major push but then EDge knocked him out(IDK if it was intentional or not) in there match at Summerslam and then he lost to Edge a few weeks later and was banned from Monday Night Raw, ths having Edge win multiple World Championshps and Matt Hardy stuck in the lower midcard, hes just getting to upper midcard these days and his brother really made it worse on him and this push longer leaveing the WWE because of a Drug case and moving to TNA which if things dont change soon Matt will follow...

Second is Christian: I mean out of all four of Edge,Christian,Matt & Jeff Hardy, he is the best wrestler and has the better mic skills yet, he doesnt have a world titlt to his name in WWE. look at hs accomplishments in order in the WWE: 1x LT.Weight champion, 10x tag team champion, 4x Intercontential champion, 1x European champion, 2x Hardcore champion,2x WWECW champion, and its a matter of time he wins the United States championship. Now he leaves WWE because he was getting held back(granted he was feuding with Cena for the WWE championship but he even knew Creative wouldnt let him win the title) and goes to TNA and wins the NWA/TNA championship 2x in the three years he was there. Now hes back in the WWE and baring if one win the respective MITB ladder match this trend is gonna keep going. Hell at this point Christian is worst off than Matt right now, i relly wanna say ever since ECW was demolished Christian has won at the most ten matches, so those are my picks and if these events continue to happen dont be surprised when Christian goes back to TNA and Matt goes with him...
It has to be Brock Lesnar.

But Tenta, Brock Lesnar was a star!

True, Brock Lesnar did reach superstardom... For all of two years. Consider that for a second; Brock Lesnar was in the professional wrestling business for only two years. In that time span, he became the youngest WWE Champion, at that time, in history, and laid waste to the entire WWE roster sans Triple H. I've often argued that Lesnar wasn't as dominant was people believed in his arrival, but the guy still took out, in succesion;

RVD, Hulk Hogan, The Rock, The Big Show (eventually), Kurt Angle, John Cena and plenty of others. The list I just rattled includes plenty of first ballot (If there are ballots) Hall of Famers, and it can't be understated how decisively Lesnar went over them. He then went onto football, which is pretty ironic, as some of the biggest superstars in wrestling's history came from football. See; Lex Luger, Vader, etc. That decision not only hindered the WWE's success for years to come, in effectively ended Brock Lesnar's professional wrestling career. Read: There's no way Brock will be coming back, no matter how much money Vince throws at the man. Right now, he's a champion in a sport that enjoys more media popularity and positive media than The WWE does. He's staying put in UFC, and you can't help but feel as though Vince somewhat pushed him to it. Not that Vince meant to, he's just a stubborn bastard, really.

Everyone has their smark favorite, but's lets face facts; The Biggest Star with the most potential that Vince McMahon let get away was Brock Lesnar.
Although there is still time, i have to say Matt Hardy. How many times has he reinvented himself or got a new gimmick and been way over? He was the sensei of Mattitude, which got him way over, he then got fired and came back and he didnt really have a gimmick as such, he was just Matt Hardy and got over in his feud with Edge. He also had his feud with MVP, became ECW champ but although this was all good success, i cant help but think he could have been a huge star. He has the promo and wrestling skills and a connection with the fans that some superstars can only dream of but he hasnt been given the chance to run at the top.

Rhyno was somebody on the verge of a breakthrough to huge star when he got his neck injury and then inexplicably was a lower mid carder when he came back. I have no idea why this was but he definitely could have been a main eventer.

I think as well Mark Jindrak was another one. He was in a team with O'Haire in WCW and i think he had a similar level of skill in the ring but he was never given anything to do really. He was in Kurt Angles Team of Excellence, i think it was called but even there he wasnt given anything. Considering they had him do practically nothing, anything would have been an improvement. He may not have been WWE champ but he certainly could have been a fresh mid-carder in the IC/US title scene and gone from there.
Without a shadow of a doubt it was Muhammad Hassan. This guy had it all: an awesome gimmick, ability to go in the ring, and great mic skills. The guy got massively over after a single promo (mainly due to it being so controversial but that's beside the point)

He was practically destined to be a main event talent. WWE realized this and placed him in a feud with The Undertaker which would instantly give him the rub win or lose. However, a combination of bad timing, overreacting from sensitive viewers, and just flat out stupid decision making by WWE led to the premature downfall of the Hassan character.

There was no doubt in my mind that he would've taken the spot of most hated heel in the company earning multiple world championship reigns at the time. While it's completely possible he could've taken the ball and disappeared with it to Hollywood since his passion seemed to be acting, the high profile position he was moving into in WWE very well could've convinced him to stay. Sigh, it saddens me to think what could've been.
Everyone has their smark favorite, but's lets face facts; The Biggest Star with the most potential that Vince McMahon let get away was Brock Lesnar.

I must agree with you on this one, Tenta. Lesnar was a star but, if he had stayed, would've been an even bigger star. Hell, if did stay on board with WWE, and this is just my view on things, I think he would be the face of the WWE right now instead of John Cena. With him being featured advertisements in everything WWE, he probably was being groomed for that position.

But after he left in 2004, the WWE had to find a new face in the likes of Batista, Cena and Orton. However, Orton's face and World Heavyweight Championship run that summer was a major flop and Batista saw success as champion but backstage and attitude issues probably hurt him. So all that was left was Cena, who showcased passion and charisma.

If Lesnar remained with WWE, Cena probably wouldn't be shoved down so many people's throats.

so those are my picks and if these events continue to happen dont be surprised when Christian goes back to TNA and Matt goes with him...

Both Christian and Hardy are being pushed heavily in regards to the Money in the Bank pay-per-view this Sunday. So there's a good chance one of them may walk away with the briefcase. However, the WWE has tried its best not to be predictable with this sort of thing. So who knows? This could very well be the last chance for either one of them.
Well I felt since Vince McMahon loves those giants, i thought of Matt Morgan. I can never forget when he carried big show and threw him on broadcasting table I said: Minimum 3 times WHC. Comeon the guy was great in WWE but I didnt know what caused him to leave.

Even though I hated hassan, I agree with what you said, he was just unlucky. Although I think he wouldve gotten a first long run championship reign and a second short one as WWE would figure out his character wouldve ran its course.
Everyone has their smark favorite, but's lets face facts; The Biggest Star with the most potential that Vince McMahon let get away was Brock Lesnar.

I'm going to have to respectfully disagree. Brock Lesnar left his WWE contract because he no longer felt a real passion for the business. And, to be honest, no amount of skill is going to compensate for a complete lack of give-a-fuck. Ask Carlito or Shelton Benjamin, if you don't believe me. Frankly, had Lesnar stayed in WWE, we would likely be thinking of him as either being John Cena level stale, or having an Ultimate Warrior level ego. The only thing that has kept him from that fate was the fact that he left wrestling fans wanting more.
Rhyno was somebody on the verge of a breakthrough to huge star when he got his neck injury and then inexplicably was a lower mid carder when he came back. I have no idea why this was but he definitely could have been a main eventer.

RhYno totally slipped my mind. He was AWESOME back in the day, a real destruction machine, with a cool look and music, a great finisher, and just looked like a mean SOB. I have no idea what made him so unnatractive to higher management and stopped him from getting a major push in the 'E.

Another guy would be Tazz

When he debuted, he was already over. The crowd popped like crazy when his music hit, they knew who he was and that he could go. Tazz could have been something special in the WWE, just like he was in ECW. He was a suplex master, could throw a mean punch, and as he became a commentator later on,- he definately had the mic skills. Tazz should have been an IC level champion at least, and I could have seen him in a main event feud at some point. He could have put on some great matches with Jericho, Rock and Triple H if he had the chance
I'm going to post according to the title which says "The One Vince let get away" and Tenta is probably the most correct when it comes to picking that one. Sure, Brock Lesnar was huge and did have a meaningful impact on the business whilst he was there, but I'm sure Vince saw something in him that could have made him possibly the face of the WWE.

He had the build of a professional wrestler, for starters, that looked freakin' intimidating... more so as a heel. His in ring ability was crazy to think of and was able to do so many moves. Before he entered the WWE full-time roster, Lesnar's finishing move was the Shooting Star Press. I'm sure all of you saw the beaut he pulled out at WM though botched. He darn near flew across the entire ring to hit Kurt Angle... that's impressive. I don't think Evan could have reached the distance he did. Charisma wise, he wasn't the greatest but he had the essentials to get by. With some training, he would have been able to achieve the role of the face of the company in terms of charisma. You think of Hogan, Austin, Rock and Cena and you see natural charisma... Brock had a lot to live up to.

But I'm just rambling now. Brock Lesnar is the biggest thing that Vince let move on with their lives. Muhammad Hussan is probably the second biggest due to his unlimited potential. If he stayed a while longer and decided to quite to become an actor, I say he'd have a shot at overtaking Lesnar for this position.

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