[Official] McMahon and the WWE get screwed over by incomptent basketball owner.

I thought Vince's comment of having RAW in a parking lot was actually really neat after first passing it off as 'yeah right'. I don't know what they could do in the way of tickets, but an outside event could be really neat. Obviously getting a plan to set things up would probably have to have been done by now, in terms of lighting and such, but if they could do it, I always thought outside shows just had a neater atmosphere.
did Vince just say "World Wrestling Federation" during his interview with the coach?

OMG, I just watched the interview on ESPN.com, and he totally said that. In the midst of calling out the Owner of the Nuggets for being a bad businessman, he forgets the name of his own company, or at least forgets he renamed it seven years ago. That's awesome.

Did anyone else notice that during the entire interview, the main event of tonight's RAW was playing on the monitor over Vince's right shoulder? That's one way to get RAW on ESPN, I guess.

I used to live in the Denver area, and off the top of my head I can't think of any other arena in Denver that would be big enough to hold the reported 10,000 people who already bought tickets. McNichols Arena would have been the place but it was torn down several years ago. The World Arena in Colorado Springs would work very well though. WWE has actually held a RAW there before, in July of 2003. They held Vengeance at the Pepsi Center that year, then RAW the following night at the World Arena.

Either way, I have no doubt that Vince will figure out a way to have RAW next week. The Pepsi Center breaching their contract with WWE is nowhere near as big of a deal as if the WWE breached their contract with USA by not filling their two hour timeslot with a one week or less notice. The Pepsi Center can lose the WWE's business and not be affected too terribly. WWE can't afford to anger the network, however.

Just my two cents...
Any chance we'll actually get a live Raw under the lights ???

One of the most logical approaches at this point would be to relocate to Invesco Field at Mile High Stadium. Wrestling shows have been done outside before, so it's not like it's an illogical proposal.

Obviously, there's more than 10,000 seats (the reported # of tickets sold to Raw at the Pepsi Center) inside Mile High Stadium, but if Vince really wants publicity, let 'em all in or free !!!!!!!!

He's going to file a lawsuit against the Pepsi Center's owner, so he'll get his money for all the tickets, concessions, etc... so why not open the stadium and let everyone in for free ???

It would be the best positive spin Vince could take right now and he'll come out looking like a marter.
Wouldn't it rock if the WWE managed to have their show next week and have amazing ratings? They should plug it like crazy on Raw if it happens and make a small storyline out of it. lol.
Funny... didn't Vince McMahon, the chairman of World Wrestling ENTERTAINMENT a few years ago. He says World Wrestling Federation in this video clip.... OOOOOOOPS.... YOOOOOUUUUUURRRREEEE E FIIIIIIIIIIRED!

What video clip are you referring to?

Either way, if Vince was smart, he would use this as an opportunity to do something really different with Raw. One of my bigger critiques is that the show looks the same every week. This would be an opportunity to hold it in a different setting and give the show a different look. I almost like the idea of having it in a Parking Lot.

The only question would be how to do it, without it making the WWE look weak. If they hold it somewhere in the vicinity of Colorado or close to the Pepsi Center as a protest, it's still going to make them look like a bunch of crybabies ... since they essentially still were the ones given the boot. But, as I said, if done right, it would be a great way to give the audience something different to look forward to, given the attention Vince is stirring up as a result of this.

EDIT: (Thanks for re-posting the link).

Yep, even the Chairman can't remember the name of his own company anymore. That will probably make him the butt of more jokes tomorrow. Apparently, Vince is known for having a bad memory. Senior moment, perhaps.

Just got done watching the video. Vince did not look very happy having to talk to Coach. At the beginning, he didn't look thrilled (although you could blame it on the situation with the arena) ... but more so at the end, where Coach said "Alright, Vince McMahon, we'll find out next Monday IF you'll be at the Pepsi Center."

The look on Vince's face made it look like he interpreted that remark as a dig against him, since everyone knows there is no way Vince is going to get that building for the night. Vince basically didn't even acknowledge knowing Coach whatsoever. Probably still bitter that Coach left him. Typical, Vince. Not happy unless he can control everyone's lives who has worked in the wrestling business at any point.
I've looked into this a little. There's definitely some gray area. Yes, Vince had the arena reserved first. So it doesn't matter if it's Denver's home court or not. Legally, Vince has all the right in the world to run RAW there. NBA schedules are planned out ahead of time and Denver should have been prepared in case their team made the playoff and got this far. It's absolutely the Nuggets' fault.

That being said, a logical person who wasn't a media ****e in Vince's position would just exercise some common sense and either move his show or turn the previous days house show into a TV taping. But again, this is Vince we're talking about. When he sees an opportunity he pounces on it. It worked. Now the Associated Press is picking this up and Vince is on ESPN. It's a sleezy tactic but it shouldn't shock anyone coming from Vince.

To the letter of the law the ball is in Vince's court (pun not intended.) Again though, anyone with common sense would back down. I'm sure in the end Vince will back down but he's going to squeeze every ounce of coverage out of this over the next week.
I've looked into this a little. There's definitely some gray area. Yes, Vince had the arena reserved first. So it doesn't matter if it's Denver's home court or not. Legally, Vince has all the right in the world to run RAW there. NBA schedules are planned out ahead of time and Denver should have been prepared in case their team made the playoff and got this far. It's absolutely the Nuggets' fault.

That being said, a logical person who wasn't a media ****e in Vince's position would just exercise some common sense and either move his show or turn the previous days house show into a TV taping. But again, this is Vince we're talking about. When he sees an opportunity he pounces on it. It worked. Now the Associated Press is picking this up and Vince is on ESPN. It's a sleezy tactic but it shouldn't shock anyone coming from Vince.

To the letter of the law the ball is in Vince's court (pun not intended.) Again though, anyone with common sense would back down. I'm sure in the end Vince will back down but he's going to squeeze every ounce of coverage out of this over the next week.

Well, the Media always loves a good fight, and this would be great to see. Although, being that the WWE is not a legitimate sport, Vince could be bringing a lot of negative attention his way, if he isn't careful, and keeps pressing the issue.

The most logical thing to do would be to turn Sunday's House Show into a Raw taping, and have Kroenke pay him off for the inconvenience of having to cancel an event on Monday, moving up his TV schedule, as well as having to produce a taped show instead of a live one.

Kroenke will probably offer Vince a number of future events at the Pepsi Center free of charge for dates to be determined, but I don't know if that will be good enough for Vince or not. I think it's a safe assumption that Vince will still be suing.
I just watched the ESPN interview, it was great. I don't think Coachman left the WWE on the best of terms.

The part with Vince offering the Nugget's owner a Kobe jersey was classic. Think the Nuggets owner will respond by offering Vince a TNA shirt???? Doubtful but damn that would be funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday Night Raw WILL NOT be Cancelled. It might be moved to a Tuesday, but it won't be cancelled out-right. They have 6 days from Tuesday-Sunday to pre-tape Raw's entire "line-up" of ideas, which based on what I've seen in "behind the scenes" DVDs they typically know the general out-line of the following week's Raw by Tuesday. (tomorrow/today)

The Nuggets shouldn't have to move their game night, or be forced to wait on the Raw crew to come in and do their thing. It's the Nugget's fucking arena for sakes, Raw WILL take a back-seat if they do nothing but wait and attempt taking the stadium.

Forbid they actually have some type of "Invasion" of an N.B.A Basketball playoff game. That could quite possibly go down as the biggest mistake ever in W.W.E history, even bigger than the X.F.L.

I don't care what anyone, or any report, says though.. Raw won't be Cancelled. At worse, it'll be moved to an alternative day, or possibly even taped earlier in the day, before the Basketball game is scheduled for that evening. (albeit, tearing down a W.W.E set-up of Raw takes like what - 2-4 hours? Which means the taping would have to be done around Noon)
I'm shocked at how many people are against McMahon for this, what has he done wrong exactly? He's organised this venue almost a year in advance, and I completely agree with him being pissed that something else may get in the way. It shouldn't be allowed to happen, if it's been confirmed that Raw will be showing there on that day, everyone else should just shut up complaining. Raw got the date first, I'd say worse than McMahon has about the owners.
I'm shocked at how many people are against McMahon for this, what has he done wrong exactly? He's organised this venue almost a year in advance, and I completely agree with him being pissed that something else may get in the way. It shouldn't be allowed to happen, if it's been confirmed that Raw will be showing there on that day, everyone else should just shut up complaining. Raw got the date first, I'd say worse than McMahon has about the owners.

I'm not against Vince, especially for voicing his opinion, and there's no doubt in my mind he is in the right.

BUT.... does he have to be such an ass about it ??

Seriously, does he need to have King and JR taking pot shots at Kroenke (the Nuggets owner) during Raw when at the time, very few people had any idea what they were talking about. Does he have to go on Sportscenter, the most watched nightly sports show, and hold up a Kobe Bryant jersey, further proving to the country that he's an ass ??

Why not take the high road on this one ? Absolutely, make it known that there was a scheduling conflict and the Nuggets owner screwed up. But then be the bigger man and find a solution rather than causing more problems. I'm sure Kroenke will more than make up for the error and give Vince and the WWE a refund, free future bookings, etc...

I distinctly remember a potential problem with the Extreme Rules PPV upcoming in New Orleans. If the Hornets would have advanced this far in the NBA playoffs, there could have been a scheduling conflict with the PPV at their arena. Last month, it was reported on WZ that the "E" was making alternate plans just in case. Why did no one in the "E" think to do the same if the Nuggets made it this far ??

Again, I completely agree that Vince has a legitimate gripe, but he doesn't have to make an ass out of himself when most of the world already thinks wrestling is a joke. He should use this problem to show that wrestling isn't a sideshow, but rather quality entertainment. The only thing he's accomplishing is getting made fun of by numerous media outlets across the country - but he should be used to that :ass:
I distinctly remember a potential problem with the Extreme Rules PPV upcoming in New Orleans. If the Hornets would have advanced this far in the NBA playoffs, there could have been a scheduling conflict with the PPV at their arena. Last month, it was reported on WZ that the "E" was making alternate plans just in case. Why did no one in the "E" think to do the same if the Nuggets made it this far ??

Again, I completely agree that Vince has a legitimate gripe, but he doesn't have to make an ass out of himself when most of the world already thinks wrestling is a joke. He should use this problem to show that wrestling isn't a sideshow, but rather quality entertainment. The only thing he's accomplishing is getting made fun of by numerous media outlets across the country - but he should be used to that :ass:

The thing with the Hornets deal is they knew of a potential scheduling conflict and told the WWE about it and that they would help them make plans IN CASE of the problem. They had Plan B, and they didn't have to go with that.

Now, the Nuggets deal, from my understanding, is that there was no such conversation saying "hey, there may be a problem, but we want you here. If there is a problem, here is where you would go." Kind of like the New Orleans deal. And thats Vince's gripe.

And does Vince have to be an ass about it? Why not? If he's making a stink about it, he is getting his name out there. Listening to ESPN Radio this morning with Mike and Mike, they are joking about what Vince has said and having fun with it. It seems Vince's plan is working quite well. Getting a ton of publicity.

Will RAW be cancelled? Doubt it. Worst case is they will pre-tape raw on Sunday night.
PErsonally i don't see what the big deal is. All vince as to do move raw to Colorado springs on monday instead of tuesday and have the Smackdown taping at the Pepsi center instead. I'm sure it would be a big deal to swith the events. But Vince being Vince needed to have the spotlight and this will probably be a big mess like it always is with him. So i'm sure the Raw won't be cancelled but after this , i'm sure you won'T see wrestling in at the pepsi center for a little while.
EDIT: I'm tired of people saying "I don't see what the big deal is". So, here's the big deal.

The WWE was PROMISED, in legal terms, an arena to host their product. They have their production equipment driving to Denver, they had their contracted wrestlers already purchase their tickets and reserve their hotel rooms. They've already sold 10,000+ tickets to fans. Moving would cheat those fans out of their tickets, and make fans get mad at the WWE, even if it isn't their fault. Taping on another day may mean that some fans won't be able to go because they can't get off work. The WWE would have to contract with another arena, costing them more money.

So, by moving or taping, then Raw loses out on money and makes fans mad at them....why should they have to take that hit when the Nuggets were the ones who screwed up? That's what the big deal is.

And lets face it that venue is gonna make quite possibly a bit more money off of the hometown sports team then it would from the out of town entertainment show.
The WWE has sold the place out, if I'm not mistaken.

Yeah, the venue will make more money, because the team owner owns the stadium. But, since that's the case, then maybe they shouldn't have booked the show there?

Honestly WWE should move to close by colorado springs and see what kind of crowd they pull there. WCW used to film Nitro there all the time when they were beating WWE in ratings so WWE should at least give it a shot.
And what about the people who already purchased the tickets who can't get to the new location?

I can understand both sides, but in most cases playoffs > wrestling.
That might be. So don't book a wrestling show during the playoffs.

So RAW will move and I'm sure that the crowd will either get refunds or free tix to the next show there.
Which will do nothing to alleviate the anger those fans will feel towards the WWE for buying tickets to a show they don't get to go to.
I can't see Raw being cancelled really. I am with you Lariat, I think that they are now just looking for a new venue. If they were to cancel it, their would definately be some back up plan. I think that either a new venue could be found or they could have filmed more at tonights raw. Would that have been so bad.
And what of the 10,000 fans who already purchased a ticket, and had their merchandise and concession stand money ready?

What bothers me though is the title of "Longest running, weekly, episodic TV show". Surely if they did not broadcast it would break this. Would it?
No, it wouldn't break it. Raw has had several times where it was not on the air. But, Raw has never been canceled from a network, which is where the record lies.
Like I said in my original post update, things just got interesting. Jonathan Coachman interviewed Vince on ESPNNEWS and Vince is doing everything in his power to get some serious publicity out of this.

I think it's brilliant because the show is subpar right now and to be honest, he could use the serious publicity this gets on the sports air waves. Vince isn't backing down either...he's quoted as saying he's heading to Denver for Monday Night Raw and that it's the fault of the owner of the Nuggets for making the reservation and contract signing months before our show was to take place. He even held up a Kobe Bryant jersey to give the owner of the Nuggets. Just don't mess with Vince.
I thought Vince was hilarious in that promo. And it was a promo, don't kid yourself. Yes, McMahon was mad, but he was definitely in character as well. He kept using Kroenke's name personally, kept mentioning wrestling terms like a steel cage match, and he held up the Lakers jersey. ALL very classic wrestling character moves. Does the WWE have a show coming up in LA soon? Because that would be great for his character.

I've looked into this a little. There's definitely some gray area. Yes, Vince had the arena reserved first. So it doesn't matter if it's Denver's home court or not. Legally, Vince has all the right in the world to run RAW there. NBA schedules are planned out ahead of time and Denver should have been prepared in case their team made the playoff and got this far. It's absolutely the Nuggets' fault.
And since it's their fault, they should have to make up for it.

That being said, a logical person who wasn't a media ****e in Vince's position would just exercise some common sense and either move his show or turn the previous days house show into a TV taping.
Wait, you just said it was the Nuggets fault, why should Vince have to do all the work to cover for it?

What about the 10,000+ tickets they've already sold? What about their production equipment that's already heading to Denver? What about the plane tickets that have already been booked? Why should the WWE change ALL of their plans, just because the Nuggets are incompetent? Like has been said, it's not like this contract was signed last July...it was signed the last day of the regular season, when the Nuggets knew they had the #2 seed in the Western Conference Playoffs.

To the letter of the law the ball is in Vince's court (pun not intended.) Again though, anyone with common sense would back down.
I agree that anyone with common sense should back down. Thus, the Denver Nuggets should find another place to host their basketball game.

I mean, why can't the Nuggets just reserve another place to host the game? They messed up, they should have to take the fall. Let's move the Nuggets to *insert arena here* and let them handle all the problems of moving.
On the WZ main page, it talks about Raw possibly being canceled next week due to a scheduling conflict with the Pepsi Center and the Denver Nuggets making the NBA's Western Conference Finals.

Now, I personally think it's a ploy to get a venue on short notice, but what would happen if Raw just canceled a show. I mean, no preempts due to Doggy Shows or Tennis, but the WWE just decided to not have Raw that week. Thoughts. Comments. And NO SPAM!

EDIT: This just made Sportscenter, and Vince came out...being the publicity mark he is and dissed The Denver Nuggets due to their owner not holding that date to be reserved for a Nuggets playoff game. WWE had the date reserved since August of 2008. I smell drama brewing folks. Tawk away.

ANOTHER EDIT: Vince McMahon was interviewed on ESPNNEWS by none other than Jonathan COACHMAN! The Coach gave an interview with Vince concerning the situation and is creating some serious heat with the Nuggets brass, basically blaming the owner of the Nuggets for the scheduling snafu and even held up a Kobe Bryant LA Lakers jersey to stir the pot even more. Vince says his trucks are rolling into the Pepsi Center next Monday Night and doesn't see anything changing that. Very interesting.

A contract is a contract. The deal was agreed upon and now the deal has gone bad. You can bet that if RAW is forced to cancel or doesn't happen on Monday at that local somebody's getting sued. I think what Vince should do to piss them off as much as they pissed him off is hold RAW in a make shift arena right outside the NBA game. He has added pressure also cause its a sell out crowd. This is why WWE still needs Vince for major issues like this.
The NBA should have consideration for people who reserve the venue before them. What if the Avalance were in the playoffs and they requested that day for the venue and then the NBA decided to schedule a game that day?

either way WWE isn't giving up to easy. Last thing Vince wants is to cancel RAW. He will try everything under the sun before he cancels, if there is a way he can push off the NBA he'll find it.
I mean, why can't the Nuggets just reserve another place to host the game? They messed up, they should have to take the fall. Let's move the Nuggets to *insert arena here* and let them handle all the problems of moving.

A - The owner of the Nuggets owns the Arena.

B - With that being said, I believe there is an NBA rule (I would think most professional sports have it) that states you cannot changes home arenas during a playoff. Its like the Pacers or the Pistons having more demand than supply and moving the game to Lucas Oil Stadium or Ford Field, to suit more fans and make more dollars, and being absolutely insanely loud. And if you don't think an NBA Conference Final game would sell out a 60,000 seat stadium, you are wrong.

C - The NBA also won't allow the Nuggets to move for another reason: Production Costs. Moving the NBA playoff game will cause the production costs for their TV contracts go sky rocket. Remember, NBA controls the Playoff TV Contracts. If the NBA was forced to move the game, they would be paying out of pocket for the tv contracts.
A - The owner of the Nuggets owns the Arena.
Yep, I'm well aware of that. It's a shame the owner of the arena wasn't aware that he also owned the Nuggets.

B - With that being said, I believe there is an NBA rule (I would think most professional sports have it) that states you cannot changes home arenas during a playoff. Its like the Pacers or the Pistons having more demand than supply and moving the game to Lucas Oil Stadium or Ford Field, to suit more fans and make more dollars, and being absolutely insanely loud. And if you don't think an NBA Conference Final game would sell out a 60,000 seat stadium, you are wrong.
I believe there is a legal rule that states that if two sides both agree and enter into a legal agreement, then both parties are responsible for meeting their terms of that agreement.

I mean, if we're going to bother with technicalities...

C - The NBA also won't allow the Nuggets to move for another reason: Production Costs. Moving the NBA playoff game will cause the production costs for their TV contracts go sky rocket. Remember, NBA controls the Playoff TV Contracts. If the NBA was forced to move the game, they would be paying out of pocket for the tv contracts.
The NBA wouldn't have to pay for it, the Nuggets would. After all, the Nuggets were the ones who messed up.

I fail to see why nobody seems to think that punishing the Nuggets for being morons is the right way to go. No, instead let's punish the WWE for something they had no control over, and had a legal binding agreement for.

Sorry, but your post fails.

EDIT: Even Colin Cowherd is siding with the WWE on this. You KNOW that the Nuggets are in the wrong then, considering Cowherd calls wrestling fans "booger eaters".
I'm not arguing that the Denver Nuggets aren't wrong, because they are. I'm was just pointing out the problems with the theory of the Nuggets moving the NBA game.
Vince definetely has a good reason to be mad, and I don't think he has an ego big enough where he thinks he can actually postpone a NBA Playoff game (get serious, no one could pull that off, even if Obama had a conference scheduled there that day). I feel that the NBA and Pepsi center could have made the playoff game on Tuesday (I'm not sure if the NBA makes entire schedule before playoffs, or if its like the NHL and it fluctuates based on whats going on in the playoffs but making a playoff game on Tuesday would take a lot less effort than moving RAW. The Nuggets basically got 1st dibs on the Pepsi Center so making a game a day later would be no big deal).

I understand where the Nuggets and NBA are coming from, but they should of been aware of other events being held at these venues and work towards a solution that works for everybody. The Nuggets and the NBA screwed up, not the WWE.
from wrestleattitude.com: (i know, im bad)

While nothing is being said publicly regarding a change yet, as of last night no travel plans within the company were changed even though everyone is readily aware they they aren’t going to be able to run at the Pepsi Center.
So what will happen to next week’s RAW? Two different ideas include the less likely one of taping RAW on Saturday night at the WWE live event in Salt Lake City or the more likely idea of taping RAW in Colorado Springs on Monday, the same place they’re taping SmackDown and ECW on Tuesday. Taping in Salt Lake City guarantees a larger crowd because if they went with Colorado Springs, they couldn’t put tickets on sale until today or Wednesday. There is still the major headache of having to switch all the tickets out and offer refunds but it’s possible a good percentage of those who purchased tickets for the original show in Denver would be willing to travel to Colorado Springs because it is about 70 miles away.

so it looks as if the wwe has lost the battle, but the pepsi center will have to compensate wwe for this, most likely free events.

but the wwe should take action and not let them get away with it.
the wwe has a large audience to satisfy whether its the live fans who have paid their hard earned money and possibly taken holidays to go to their event, and the fans watching at home who could have missed raw this week.

raw shouldnt lose too much if any money acording to that website news but then again, its not confirmed and anything can happen yet.

as i said vince should take legal action and get things sorted out soon. if vinceis true to his word, which i believe he is, he will have no problems and this can all be settled out.
i don't see why vince should back off because he will win in court. why would the media look at vince as a joke? sure they can spin it off as real sports against sport entertainment, but there's nothing funny about a breach of contract...

it looks like changing raw to a different date is easier than having the nba change their playoff schedule, so like others have said, vince can easily accommodate and then sue the hell out of pepsi center later.
First of all those of you who are saying that they can just move it and tape it on Sunday or move it to Tuesday etc. How easy do you think it is too do that. First of all Tickets have already been sold for the Monday night. And on top of that you don't think the WWE and Wrestlers have already booked and made travel arrangements to be there Monday not on another day. TO change those cost big bucks.

The NBA also screwed up by not moving game 4 to another date. It has happened in Baseball and Hockey and in past seasons in Basketball that the playoff schedules had to change a little to accomadate acts or shows already booked. I remember in past years both for Hockey and Basketball playoffs the teams in Philly had to change the playoff schedules due to the Circus being in town.

Heck this year in Hockey the Pitts-Washington series, they had to play back to back games because the arena was booked for Yannie.

So I really don't understand the problem, when teams advanced into the playoffs the schedule makers are suppose to look at each arena's availbility and base the schedule on that. So in reality this is neither the Nuggets nor the WWE's fault, it's the NBA's schedule makers
i don't see why vince should back off because he will win in court. why would the media look at vince as a joke? sure they can spin it off as real sports against sport entertainment, but there's nothing funny about a breach of contract...

i dont think the media are looking at wwe as a joke.

i dont even think the media are thinking that the wwe shouldnt get the arena, the facts are there, the wwe booked the event, the basketball team fucked up and should have to deal with it. its not wwes problem (or at least it shouldnt be)

anyone can rent an arena if you have the funds and it doesnt clash with anything else going on.

i know your with vince and so am i but i dont think any of the media are laughing at vince or wwe because what they are putting on isnt even real.

sure its not real but its bringing in money to the city from tourists, the pepsi center will make a nice bit of money from the event and they get a bit of media coverage too.

everybody wins when the wwe come to town.
just as a side note even though the colorado springs is hosting smackdown/ecw the next night you gotta remember some smaller arenas the wwe can not use anymore such as the arco arena in sacramento cali. (where the kings play) because the stage doesnt not fit. so yes the wwe is lucky to have an arena that close but lets say it this happened somewhere else. The wwe is at no way the bad guy in this. So for this i dont think the wwe should lease the pepsi center again and sue them also. Why would you return to a place with bad business savy, no matter if its me or vince bad business is bad business.

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