The ONLY reasons WWE is #1 - Brand loyalty, addiction, and the Walmart mentality

That is absolutly true. I watch WWE five out of four times a week because I don't like Superstars. I don't watch TNA that much because it isnt as interesting as WWE is. I have watched WWE since I was 8 and I am 15 now. I can't stop watching it is seems like I miss something if I don't watch it I even want to be a WWE diva one day.

As for loyalty that has a lot to do with it to. Some people feel like they have betrayed them if they don't watch it. For me personally it is addiction my parents and grandparents watched it so I am addicted to it.
I seem to be one of the older posters that frequents these boards, 37 going on 38 and have been watching wrestling since around 1982. Got hooked on the stuff because of Ric Flair, The Road Warriors, Ricky Steamboat, The Midnight Express, Rock N Roll Express, Dusty Rhodes, Magnum TA, and Nikita Koloff. Being from the south Early on all my wrestling exposure was mainly from the NWA and Mid South wrestling promotions. By 1984 I had moved and we got satellite which is way different than what DirecTV and Dish Network are today. So my choices of wrestling expanded greatly, I was getting stuff from MSG Network, World Class Championship Wrestling from the Sportitorium in Texas, closed circut TV boardcast, you name it if wrestling was to be found some where to watch I was gonna watch it. I was still living in a relatively small town so when NWA events came to my town they were held on the highschool football field because there was no where indoors big enough to hold them. WWF never came down south that much for shows especially not to go on at highschools. I was a Hulkamaniac though, had a life size poster of Hogan on my wall. I wasn't loyal to either NWA/WCW or WWF, I was loyal to wrestling period! I loved it and could not get enough of it.

Now some 20 plus years later, I still watch it every week. Been watching RAW since it was called Prime Time Wrestling. I have had my moments when I stopped for a bit, but I always come back. I can't say I have a favorite era of wrestling over another because I have always found someone or something in every era that I have enjoyed. I watch RAW, Smackdown, and ECW each week and are they great right now no they aren't the best but over the last couple weeks they have gotten better. I have tried watching TNA several times since it began, and it has had some good moments. However since Hogan and Bischoff came onboard with them it has been horrible. I mean it had gotten to be a mess before but now it is complete garbage. I am not saying that because I just want to be a TNA hater, I would love for WWE to have some direct competition because that was when wrestling was the best, WCW vs WWE was the be all end all for wrestling fans like myself. TNA however is subpar in every facet right now from storyline, to production, everything is just minor league compared to WWE. If they can ever truly change any of this and step up their game I welcome it and I would certainly tune in and give it a shot. Until then I am sticking with what entertains me the most and thats WWE.
I've been a long time lurker of these forums for over a year now but this topic in particular made me want to sign up.
I'm 18 now, But truthfully when I first got into wresting I was about 4 watching WCW during the Goldberg era (so I cant find myself saying a bad word about Goldberg, no matter what kind of worker he was, just because he was apart of my child hood.)
It was around 1998 when i first started to discover WWE and the only way i saw it was through video tapes of old new generation and current (at the time) PPV's like king of the ring 98.
So I started familiarising myself with WWE about halfway through the attitude era, but my the time I got sky (in the UK) was around 2001, just as the invasion started, and i watched up until around 2004 (which was when we weren't subscribed to the channel the carried the 'E any more) after that I didn't watch wrestling again for about a year, when "The wrestling channel" started in the UK then I got into puro and the independent scene and eventually back into the WWE and around that time I saw the early TNA then when they got the rights to it the spike TV episode of TNA, so i would conceder myself as equal WWE fan as TNA and up until recently i watched both weekly but recently (even with the Bret returning storyline drawing me in for a week or two) I've found myself solely watching TNA as they've just drew me in with more compelling matches and story lines than WWE (just my opinion) so until WWE gives me something I will actually tune in for, ill just stick to reading the spoilers on the net.

As a reply to Davi323 who seems to be solely a WWE fan (I know this whole forum is based on opinion) but I would consider myself equal WWE and TNA fan as well as the independent scene, Japan and Mexico as study all of these as I wrestle on the independent scene in the UK.

I find it hard to take such a biased statement seriously as you are clearly, as Sidious said, attached to WWE through brand loyalty, I'm not attached to ether specific product through loyalty, as I got into both at similar times and yes WWE has put on some entertaining matches recently but I find their overall product to be lacking more that of TNA's current product. TNA, even though the story lines are hit an miss (thought still interesting) I find the combination of there current story lines and wrestling matches more appealing than WWE's so until you give both products a fair chance (which is unlikely since you grew up with WWE and thus loyal to the product) I cannot take your post seriously.
I've been watching wrestling, since I was 7, I hated it at first, then I grew into slowly. It was on the same time of those Saturday Morning Cartoons. Hogan and Taker at Survivor Series, where Ric Flair interfered, and the Taker won. Then the re-match in Texas PPV. I was stuck every since. now I'm 26, and well guess what, still watch the WWE. Still watch the NFL and the NBA as well. So yea, I get a little tired of being told that since I like the WWE, that I'm fake, and I'm a joke, and I don't know what wrestling is.

I don't really think WWE is trying to squash the competition. Not like how WCW tried to run them out of business because Vince didn't want to sell WWE to Ted Turner. Vince has always said I would love to have competition, and it's good for the business.

If you don't like the WWE, then don't watch, like previous posts said. I'm glad you like a recycled attitude era on TNA. I'm glad you enjoy it. I'm glad some of you guys enjoy it. I watch TNA sometimes, and yes, it can be a good show, then it just reminds of the WWE in the past. It's the same formula, and bunch of old guys on the show. An insane style of booking, and two former WWE employees calling out Vince every week. Great, if that's your thing, go for it. Just don't tell people that they are WWE loyalists for not agreeing with you on something.

Why do people keep on saying Vince isn't loyal to you. 13 plus ppvs a year. 5 hours of prime-time television. Shutting down the ECW brand. That's not loyal huh? Company travels 40 plus states, goes around the world to come to their fans. 15 dollars a ticket for house shows, not a bad gig. Yea, you have scripted promos, and kid friendly promos. You have good talent getting released. But their not getting released for funnzies, they are getting released because they don't fit the kid-friendly environment, or make the impact. Yea, it sucks, but the words Entertainment is in their company's name. Arrested Development was a great show, but the ratings sucked, so I had say goodbye to it.

But wait, wait just one second. The company that barely travels the states, and has less then 200 shows a year, has some more adult orientated catch phrases. Your right how can I ignore this company! This is the company I should be watching, because well, they give me what the wrestling world wants. Grayed hair 7 footer with two guys stoned out of their mind, beating up guy who was known for being beat up. Jeez, how can remain loyal to a company that I've watched for almost 20 years. How dare I!?!?!

Adult Programming, jeez, that's why we should piss on the WWE. Nothing like AJ Styles walking out with a bunch of women, and Ric Flair saying he is next big thing. Or, the Knockouts shaking their asses, oh that's why the WWE is in such bad shape. Better switch the channel, because Vince McMahon isn't putting that on the channel anymore. I really want to watch AJ Styles and Samoa Joe. Nothing screams great showmanship like two guys who can't work the Mic. Man, what was I thinking!?!?!

I don't think the older audience got pissed off. As kids we grew up and had to get jobs to pay the bills, so we can't catch every episode. Or we got into MMA, or UFC. The kids have done that now you know. It's not cause Vince took off the half naked girls from the show. In fact, too much sex is a bad thing. It gets tiresome after awhile. Seeing a diva walk around in their undies is nice, don't get me wrong. But I like wrestling, I like to see a good match. Guess what, the WWE, they still do that. Oh yea, the whole rating drop thing.


Economic times have occurred, so families have cut down on cable, because it's more important to have food on the table then watch TV. You notice they still sell out their house shows, and regular shows. Some average cable bills are like 60 plus dollars, companies are going under. This is one of the reasons why.

PS... When I see TNA, I think, boy, I loved that stuff when the WWE did it. It's kind of crummy when somebody rips it off.
Hey guys. I wanted to butt in here and say something. WWE loyalists continually say they've given TNA a chance by watching a few episodes. The question really is did you legitimately give it a chance, or did you put in the back of your mind there's no way your gonna like it and just watch it to say you've given it a chance?

One person on here said "I watched a few episodes and some of the Jan 4th Impact!"

Some? if people had given the THREE HOUR show a chance after the first hr, which someone on a past thread said "the first hr was bad, I'm sure the last two hrs were just as bad."

Yeah, the first hr was uninteresting, but the 2nd and 3rd hrs really made up for it; hell, the last match, half an hr long, was better than RAW for the last three months.

I know TNA has trouble with the storylines, but some are pretty decent. I don't watch wrestling for the storylines though, and I don't know why that is such a big thing. It's wrestling, and you should be tuning into either TNA or WWE for the wrestling, not to see some great stories and acting. It's wrestling people, and TNA certainly has much more entertaining matches, for the most part. I watched the Royal Rumble, as I do every year, and I have to say the only good thing about that PPV was Taker vs. Rey. I was dissapointed at the Rumble match, and the Shaemus/Orton match was extremely boring.

Please WWE Universe, give TNA a shot. a real shot. Start on an Impact after a PPV, watch 4 weeks in a row and order the PPV (you can stream for only $15) and then you can decide for yourself. If you want great wrestling from just about all of the talent on a roster, tune into TNA. If you want to be "entertained" by storylines made for 10 year olds, keep tuning into WWE.
Hey guys. I wanted to butt in here and say something. WWE loyalists continually say they've given TNA a chance by watching a few episodes. The question really is did you legitimately give it a chance, or did you put in the back of your mind there's no way your gonna like it and just watch it to say you've given it a chance?

One person on here said "I watched a few episodes and some of the Jan 4th Impact!"

Some? if people had given the THREE HOUR show a chance after the first hr, which someone on a past thread said "the first hr was bad, I'm sure the last two hrs were just as bad."

Yeah, the first hr was uninteresting, but the 2nd and 3rd hrs really made up for it; hell, the last match, half an hr long, was better than RAW for the last three months.

I know TNA has trouble with the storylines, but some are pretty decent. I don't watch wrestling for the storylines though, and I don't know why that is such a big thing. It's wrestling, and you should be tuning into either TNA or WWE for the wrestling, not to see some great stories and acting. It's wrestling people, and TNA certainly has much more entertaining matches, for the most part. I watched the Royal Rumble, as I do every year, and I have to say the only good thing about that PPV was Taker vs. Rey. I was dissapointed at the Rumble match, and the Shaemus/Orton match was extremely boring.

Please WWE Universe, give TNA a shot. a real shot. Start on an Impact after a PPV, watch 4 weeks in a row and order the PPV (you can stream for only $15) and then you can decide for yourself. If you want great wrestling from just about all of the talent on a roster, tune into TNA. If you want to be "entertained" by storylines made for 10 year olds, keep tuning into WWE.

It's ok for you if you don't like storylines, but I like the storylines. It's nice having a reason for watching a match. Part of the excitement of the match is the buildup. I like a good wrestling match just as much as anyone else, but for me now I need a reason to want to watch someone. The Miz might not be AJ Styles in the ring, but he has a presence about him and he makes me tune in.

If TNA can get some guys besides Anderson and Angle I would be more inclined to watch. The thing with TNA now is is that the wrestling is not that great either now since Hogan took over. I admit TNA was probably better than the WWE in the ring department, but I don't think that is the case anymore. That Nash/Foley match last week was one of the worst main events I've seen in a while. People can complain about Cena/Orton fighting each other, but their matches were better than the Foley/Nash one. If you want pure wrestling I would check out ROH. I've enjoyed their shows quite a bit.
I wanted to throw my 2 cents in here. First let me give a little background on myself. I am a 28 year old male and have been watching professional wrestling since 1993. I have seen all the old tapes and know my history. I started watching because of HBK, and to this day he is by far my favorite wrester. My 2 other favorites was and is Bret Hart (even though I don't think he should have come back) and HHH. I am a fan of actual wrestling ability. I don't care if you can talk, if you can't wrestle I won't give you the time of day. I can't stand Cena or Hogan for this reason.

I was a teenager during the monday night wars, and can tell you that I am anything but a WWF/E loyalist. I loved WCW once Bishoff took over. Wierdly enough even though HBK was the definition of the attitude era and was one of the main reasons the WWF did the attitude era I can't stand it. As a fan of the actual wrestling I felt there was no place for the sleeze and everything else that came with the attitude era. Once Shawn was gone I rarely watched WWF, and then it was only to watch Hunter wrestle. I went to Brasil in 2000 for a year and couldn't watch wrestling. When I came back I only started again because of HBK coming back.

I say all of this because I actually really wanted TNA to be successful. I caught on a little late but I am completely impressed with guys like AJ Styles, Somoa Joe, and others in TNA. The problem I have with it is it feels like WCW did prior to Bischoff taking over. They have great talent but their product overall is terrible. Their production values are terrible, and they keep focusing on the old guys in the locker room.

Considering how I feel about Hogan (another huge part of why WCW died) and how I feel about Bishoff (completly underrated and if the AOL Timewarner merger hadn't happened or he could have bought WCW it would be #1 today) I tuned in not knowing what to expect on 1/4.

Unfortunatly it feels like Hogan is in way more control than Bishoff is because he is still the main focus and so are his buddies. TNA has done nothing but go down the tubes since 1/4. I realize they may have their highest ratings, but it won't matter. The product is getting worse and worse every week.

To be honest WWE isn't much better. Once HBK and the Hitman are gone after wrestlemania I won't watch professional wrestling again until Shawn comes back in August. As it is right I fast forward through RAW and only stop at the DX/Hitman stuff as it is. So I probably watch about 20 minutes of wrestling a week.

The smartest thing TNA could do at this point (which is what they should have done years ago) is hire Paul Heyman. Once this happens let him gut the company, and have Dixie Carter and the suits get out of the way. You let Heyman run that organization and have some real financial backing and you might see TNA actually be able to compete with WWE. Until then it's not worth watching.
Hey guys. I wanted to butt in here and say something. WWE loyalists continually say they've given TNA a chance by watching a few episodes. The question really is did you legitimately give it a chance, or did you put in the back of your mind there's no way your gonna like it and just watch it to say you've given it a chance?

One person on here said "I watched a few episodes and some of the Jan 4th Impact!"

Some? if people had given the THREE HOUR show a chance after the first hr, which someone on a past thread said "the first hr was bad, I'm sure the last two hrs were just as bad."

Yeah, the first hr was uninteresting, but the 2nd and 3rd hrs really made up for it; hell, the last match, half an hr long, was better than RAW for the last three months.

I know TNA has trouble with the storylines, but some are pretty decent. I don't watch wrestling for the storylines though, and I don't know why that is such a big thing. It's wrestling, and you should be tuning into either TNA or WWE for the wrestling, not to see some great stories and acting. It's wrestling people, and TNA certainly has much more entertaining matches, for the most part. I watched the Royal Rumble, as I do every year, and I have to say the only good thing about that PPV was Taker vs. Rey. I was dissapointed at the Rumble match, and the Shaemus/Orton match was extremely boring.

Please WWE Universe, give TNA a shot. a real shot. Start on an Impact after a PPV, watch 4 weeks in a row and order the PPV (you can stream for only $15) and then you can decide for yourself. If you want great wrestling from just about all of the talent on a roster, tune into TNA. If you want to be "entertained" by storylines made for 10 year olds, keep tuning into WWE.

yeah umm your kind of doing what your acusing other fans of doing. you say say that you give wwe a chance when youve only liked one match from a great pay perview and haven't liked anthing else for the past 3 months. I highly doubt an open minded person wouldn't like anything wwe has been doing for for about 90 hours of programming.
And you say that people should have watched all instead of some of the 3 hour impact to give it a chance. Well did you do that for Raw to give it a chance. No. You only watched impact [i'm assuming.] while i would say most of us were flipping back and forth and giving each an equal chance. and finally i would like to say its radiculous to tell people that they sould watch a wrestling show just for the wrestling as i think was a few weeks ago where impact had like 20 minutes of wrestling. I'm not knocking that though because theirs things they need to do that are important like build to the ppv, progress the storyline, and just purely entertain. I don't hate impact, but i don't like hypocrites calling others hypocrites. now let me get back to watching storylines for 10 olds because if i enjoy, i watch it.
The bottom line to me and why I keep coming back to the WWE is I admire what these guys do in the ring and what they go through to entertain us. It's tough on the body as you have heard countless times before, so no matter how cheesy or corny this soap opera of pro wrestling is, I tip my hat off to these guys.
Originally Posted by MCMGfoLife
Hey guys. I wanted to butt in here and say something. WWE loyalists continually say they've given TNA a chance by watching a few episodes. The question really is did you legitimately give it a chance, or did you put in the back of your mind there's no way your gonna like it and just watch it to say you've given it a chance?

One person on here said "I watched a few episodes and some of the Jan 4th Impact!"

Some? if people had given the THREE HOUR show a chance after the first hr, which someone on a past thread said "the first hr was bad, I'm sure the last two hrs were just as bad."

Yeah, the first hr was uninteresting, but the 2nd and 3rd hrs really made up for it; hell, the last match, half an hr long, was better than RAW for the last three months.

I know TNA has trouble with the storylines, but some are pretty decent. I don't watch wrestling for the storylines though, and I don't know why that is such a big thing. It's wrestling, and you should be tuning into either TNA or WWE for the wrestling, not to see some great stories and acting. It's wrestling people, and TNA certainly has much more entertaining matches, for the most part. I watched the Royal Rumble, as I do every year, and I have to say the only good thing about that PPV was Taker vs. Rey. I was dissapointed at the Rumble match, and the Shaemus/Orton match was extremely boring.

Please WWE Universe, give TNA a shot. a real shot. Start on an Impact after a PPV, watch 4 weeks in a row and order the PPV (you can stream for only $15) and then you can decide for yourself. If you want great wrestling from just about all of the talent on a roster, tune into TNA. If you want to be "entertained" by storylines made for 10 year olds, keep tuning into WWE.

I know I already posted, but your post made me want to respond. I am one of those people who said they tried to watch TNA a few times. And to answer your question, yes...I honestly gave TNA a shot. I had heard of TNA before but never bothered to try watching it. When the hype came up for the Jan 4 episode, I said "what the hell, ill give it a shot and flip back and forth." And in 100% honesty I can say I thought the best part of the show was the diva match.

Granted, the main event was good, but when the announcer said they were going to stay with the match til its over, and then boom...a commercial, I had to laugh. They cant even get that right.

I watched that episode and then the next two. And like my original post said, it was hard to do that. And the only reason I tried to watch the next two was that they werent head to head with RAW, otherwise there would have been no way.

Look, I know some people probably did tune in once or twice with the decision already made that they wouldnt like it. But you cant make a general assumption that everyone did that. Because I can say in complete honesty that I tried and it was a joke in my opinion.

Your request that I spend even $15 for one of their PPVs, if I cant hardly stand to watch a few episodes of Impact! there is no way I will spend any money on a PPV.
I am 34 years old. Many of my earliest memories are of watching the NWA with an uncle, seeing guys like Ric Flair, Dusty Rhodes, The Midnight Express. I really didn't enjoy it all that much, but it was on, and I was far to young to have any say in the matter. I didn't really become a fan until I discovered the WWF, shortly before WM3. When I saw my first WWF show, it was the match between Randy Savage and George Steele, where Ricky Steamboat came out of the crowd to save Steele and get his revenge on Savage for "crushing his larynx" with the ring bell. I was hooked.

I've watched wrestling on and off ever since. For years I never missed a show, and that lasted until the early 90s, when I just simply didn't have time for it anymore. From 93 until 96 I think I might have seen RAW once or twice, so when I came back to wrestling in 96, I really didn't know who anyone was anymore. But I happened to be at a friends house one nigth, and they were watching a show called Nitro, and I was amazed at what I was seeing. This was in the middle of the Outsiders invasion, just before Bash at the Beach. As soon as I started watching with him I was hooked again.

From 96 until probably 99 I only watched WCW. The WWF didn't interest me anymore. It wasn't so much that they had lost me, as that WCW had grabbed my attention and wouldn't let go. The storylines were like nothing I had seen before, the action in the ring was amazing to me as well. For someone who had grown up watching entire shows where not a single match was ever in doubt because one of the guys had his own t-shirt and the other guy was Iron Mike Sharpe, seeing what WCW was doing was like a breath of fresh air.

And then it started to go downhill. Around 99 I started watching both Raw and Nitro, since Nitro aired twice on Mondays. I could tell that the WWF was picking up steam, and WCW just couldn't seem to hold it together. I was still a huge fan, mind you, and this was primarily due to Sting at that point. I was a huge mark for Sting. But I could see that WCW was going downhill. The product on WWF programming didn't interest me much more though, and I eventually quit watching RAW altogether.

Then, in 2001, Vince bought WCW. The night of the final RAW, I decided that I was done with wrestling. I would just stop watching at all, because I had zero interest in watching the WWF. That lasted for a few months. By that time, however, I had already discovered this website. So although I stopped watching, I still kept up with what was happening online. And when I began hearing about WCW wrestlers appearing on RAW and at WWF PPVs, I decided to give RAW a shot. From 1998 through 2000, I had purchased every single WCW PPV and none from WWF. My first WWF PPV that I actually purchased as an adult was Invasion.

Even though that storyline a terribly bad turn, by the time it had played out I was a fan again. Part of what enables me to still be a fan after all of this time is that I don't take it too seriously anymore. I don't watch a show expecting every storyline to interest me or every match to be five stars. I watch because enough of the storylines interest me, and because there are certain wrestlers that I like to root for or against,

Now, I did give TNA a try. And not by watching "a couple of episodes" a someone above mentioned. My first exposure to TNA was during the angle when Alex Shelley was stalking Sting. Because the storyline centered around Sting, I started watching every week, for close to a year, and during that time I purchased several of the PPVs as well. And eventually, I got bored with it. What I was seeing each week on Impact just didn't interest me as much as what I could see on RAW and SD.

I've tried a couple of times since then to get into TNA. When Mick Foley made the jump I started watching again, as Mick is another of my all-time favorites. For a while my DVR was set to record every episode of RAW, SD, and Impact. After awhile though, I again lost interest. Its not that there is anything wrong with TNA...actually, let me take that back. There is a lot wrong with TNA, but it isn't the wrestling itself. In many cases, yes, the in-ring action is far superior to what you can see on WWE programming. The difference is, in TNA, I have never really been given a reason to care about anyone in the ring.

Some people may think that the current WWE product is too juvenile, too "PG", to be taken seriously. My response to that would be to ask why you want to take it so seriously in the first place. As a kid, I really really really wanted to see the guys I liked win their matches, and hated it when they lost. I thought it was a real sport, and would vehemently defend it to anyone who claimed otherwise. But then I grew up. I realized it isn't a sport, its a television show. I don't watch it to see who wins and who loses, I watch it to be entertained, plain and simple. Same reason I watch Lost, or HIMYM.

And that, I think, is the true difference between TNA and WWE. WWE realizes it is a television show, and now it presents itself as such. TNA, on the other hand, is desperate to be taken seriously. They want to be known as the "wrestling show." I honestly do hope that they do well, and I believe that having Hogan and Bischoff come in is quite possibly the best thing that could have happened for them in the long run. Not because of the value that Hogan's name brings, but rather because both of those men understand one basic principle; if they try to market TNA as a legitimate sports product, it will fail. I don't mean to imply that they are trying to act as if it isn't predetermined, but simply that they want to be looked at as a serious wrestling show, and it just won't work anymore.

TNA and WWE should be different products, distinct and individual. If they become too similar, whats the point of watching both. It would be akin to watching Friends, and then the next night watching a show called Buddies, about six people in their mid to late twenties living in New York, and the hilarity that ensues. Why watch Buddies when you already have Friends, especially if Buddies looks like it was shot with a tenth of the budget that Friends had?

So, to answer the original questions posed in this thread.

What draws you to the WWE and fuels your addiction and loyalty to Vince McMahon when clearly they are not the organization putting out the more adult product at the moment, which is more geared towards adult interests.

I really hate this question, because it reminds me of an old Mitch Hedburgh joke, "Have you ever tried sugar or PCP?" It's a question that is almost impossible to answer truthfully without indicting yourself. Actually, it reminds me of McCarthyism. If you say that you are a fan of the current WWE product then you are automatically labeled as a Vince McMahon loyalist. Pleas of innocence are seen as admissions of guilt. Well, to be quite honest, I could care less about Vince McMahon. I don't watch WWE because of Vince, I never have. I watch because, all in all, I find it to be the more entertaining product. If TNA did more to sustain my interest, I would probably still watch both shows. You call TNA the more adult product, I call it the more boring one.

Third, why is Brand Loyalty to the WWE so important to you, if Vince McMahon is not loyal to you?

Again, brand loyalty means jack-all to me. I watched WCW for years, because I found it to be more entertaining. The biggest reason I almost didn't go back to WWE after they bought WCW was because of Vince McMahon. But when I did finally go back, I liked enough of what I saw to remain a fan. Now, you might say "But if you only like some of what you see, yet you still watch anyway, that makes you a loyalist. Why aren't you watching TNA instead?" My answer would be simple; I may only like some of what I see on WWE shows, but I like even less of what I see on TNA. When that changes, perhaps I'll go back to watching both.

And lastly, why is it important to squash competition and prevent it from even rising, when you are essentially doing more harm to the wrestling business because of your missplaced brand loyalty, then you are helping it by creating a healthier market?

So let me try to decipher what you are saying here. It sounds to me that you are saying that, because I prefer the WWE to TNA, and only currently watch WWE shows, then I am trying to squash competition. Meaning that I should watch TNA, even though I don't enjoy it at the moment, to help create a better overall environment. If that is indeed what you mean, then you are crazy. It is not the fans responsibility to help TNA succeed, it is TNA's responsibility to produce a show that makes me, as a fan, care enough to want to watch it. If they can't put out a show that entertains me, I am not going to change the channel just so that they get higher ratings, in the hopes that they will eventually become enough of a threat to make a small impact on the WWE's programming. I am all for healthy competition. And I say, if they want to compete, then putout a competitive product. When they do, I'll watch. Until then, at least in my case, they have failed.
I genuinely want to get into your minds to understand your thought process better and see what makes you tick as far as your wrestling interests are concerned.

I really want to believe that. I do. I secretly suspect that a lot of times you don't completely believe 100% of what you say, but rather play the devil's advocate or turn the condescension up a notch just to drive debate and discussion. Of course, I'm probably wrong...


As I said in the Rep to you for your post, you are actually wrong. Every word that comes out of my mouth, I believe to be the honest-to-God truth. You can ask IC25, I simply can not debate something that I don't believe to be the truth. Not to play Devil's Advocate, not to drive discussion ... none of that. I can't argue something unless I believe it to be the 100% truth and that is why I seem stubborn in my views. It's because I believe them and I defend them until the very end.

However, that doesn't mean that I am not smart enough to realize that my views can be unpopular with WWE fans and naturally cause discussion, dissension, etc. So in that respect, it makes a perfect match. And just for those that are curious, since so many people can't seem to figure out why I am WWE Moderator, that is the reason.

I have unpopular views, but those views naturally produce discussion. So it's a perfect match.
So to the people who consider themselves "loyal viewers" to WWE, if you don't mind sharing your ages, just so we can get an idea of what demo you fall into, perhaps share when you began watching WWE programming, and tell us IF you are an adult, why you still consider yourself to be a WWE loyal viewer.

What draws you to the WWE and fuels your addiction and loyalty to Vince McMahon when clearly they are not the organization putting out the more adult product at the moment, which is more geared towards adult interests.

Third, why is Brand Loyalty to the WWE so important to you, if Vince McMahon is not loyal to you?

And lastly, why is it important to squash competition and prevent it from even rising, when you are essentially doing more harm to the wrestling business because of your missplaced brand loyalty, then you are helping it by creating a healthier market?

I genuinely want to get into your minds to understand your thought process better and see what makes you tick as far as your wrestling interests are concerned.

To answer your 1st question, I'm 21 years old. I started watching around 7 or 8 years old at the time, and that was pretty much in between the New Gen. and Attitude eras. I don't consider myself to be "fiercely" loyal to the WWE, but loyal nonetheless because the WWE is something that is pretty hard to ignore and let go of when this is something you grow up with as a child.

Like I stated before, the WWE is something that's hard to ignore and that's what keeps me tuning in each and every week because this just became routine for me (i.e. watching Raw every Monday night).

I don't find myself to be completely loyal to the WWE because I just love wrestling overall. I do watch TNA, ROH, NWA, NJPW, AJPW etc. I'll admit, WWE initially gained my interest in wrestling and made me fiercly loyal to it at one point in my childhood, but when I got older I started looking towards other organizations because I started to appreciate the sporting aspect far more than the entertainment aspect of wrestling. As a wrestling fan, I feel that you can't truly call yourself a wrestling fan if you remain fiercly loyal to one organization, and claiming that they have it right and everyone else doesn't.

The constant threat of squashing the competition and so forth has hindered my loyalty to the WWE in the last decade because I feel that the WWE does not want to go through the same intense competition they went through with WCW back in the mid to late '90s. I say they really need some serious competition again because this will force them to make drastic changes in all aspects (angles, storylines, match quality etc.), and this could be the emergence of another wrestling boom of sort which will be great for the wrestling industry. However with the WWE's monopolistic ideologies, any serious competition will be tough to establish at all.
I am 27 and I remember watching WWF on Saturday mornings, I think it was like a recap show and I never started out watching RAW. I stopped watching for a few years and then started watching WCW shortly after the NWO angle started, although I can remember watching something when Hogan first went to WCW.

I watched through the end of WCW and for me the best memories of wrestling were the few years when the two Monday shows would go head to head. I liked the idea of NWO vs WCW, it was something new to me and I also enjoyed the Attitude Era for WWF. I loved watching the feud between HHH and The Rock that made them both stars and the original DX, Austin, Undertaker and inferno matches.

I live in Seattle and wrestling would come on at 9:00pm and the only tv I could watch it on was in my parents' room so I would go in there while they were sleeping and watch with the sound turned way down. At that time I would definitely say I was addicted to the shows. Friends I'd known since kindergarten turned out to be huge fans as well.

But eventually the NWO angle for me soured and WCW went away and WWF was the only game in town. It was still ok, my favorite characters were still there like Austin, Rock and HHH. But eventually Austin and Rock left and the product in my opinion has never been as good for the last 5 years at least and more likely 6 or 7.

At this point in my life, I'll turn on RAW if I'm bored, but I usually have the sound muted only occasionally turning to watch and I haven't watched Smackdown in years, not even bothering to read the spoilers anymore. To me the programming just isn't interesting enough, I have other stuff to do. The young fans cheer for Cena like I probably did for Hogan and The Ultimate Warrior. I just think as I've gotten older I've just moved on to other things and don't have a need to even tune in most times to watch.
I'm 20 years old and I've been watch WWE since I was about 5. I remember the good days when we had the Hart Foundation, Nation of Domination, The Corporation, The original DX, etc.

The reason I stay loyal to Vince McMahon because he always does something risky to save his ass. Everytime you think he's lost his touch, something exciting and new tends to happen. I'm not going to say that without a valid example.

Example: The Kofi/Orton feud....this is probably one of the best non-title feuds I've seen in awhile. Although I love Kofi and all his excitement, I didn't expect for Kofi to be a main eventer. But look how his feud with Orton turned out. The classic fight at MSG, where he put Orton and himself through a table. After I saw that, it reminded me of the good ol Attitude Era days......I know this wasn't that recent but this is a good example of how much of a genius Vinnie Mac really is. When you think he's lost his touch, he proves you wrong.
Why don't you whine so more? Give us a great big cry fest about how TNA can't hang with the big dog. Well, I guess your finally seeing that Hogan, Outsiders, Worthless ass Nasty Boys aren't TNA's Savior. What happened there porkchop. I swore they were going to lead the charge into kicking WWEs ass? It's ok though. I'll wipe your tears sunshine.

Now personally, I don't watch much WWE or much TNA. They are both equally crap. However, these last few months WWE has kicked it up a notch. Really good programming, fantastic PPVs, great matches on Raw. Meanwhile, TNA can't figure out who is heel, who is face LOL. That a bunch of idiots. You ask us why we would watch WWE? Simple. For moments like Austin vs Bret WM 13. For moments like Hogan-Andre WM3. For Austin-Rock, WM17. For HBK-Taker WM25. It's those moments that just WOW us, that brings us back to our kid days when wrestling was simple. Heels lost, Faces won, galaxy was always saved.

TNA doesn't give me that. WCW only had a handful of those "Moments".

But TNA USED to give me a ton of "Oh Shit" moments, and "Did he really just fucking do that" where WWE didn't give me many of those. So to answer your question...

Hogan, Bisch, Outsiders and Nasties are NOT TNA's Savior, and I'm glad your starting to realize that.
I wanted to throw my 2 cents in here. First let me give a little background on myself. I am a 28 year old male and have been watching professional wrestling since 1993. I have seen all the old tapes and know my history. I started watching because of HBK, and to this day he is by far my favorite wrester. My 2 other favorites was and is Bret Hart (even though I don't think he should have come back) and HHH. I am a fan of actual wrestling ability. I don't care if you can talk, if you can't wrestle I won't give you the time of day. I can't stand Cena or Hogan for this reason.

I was a teenager during the monday night wars, and can tell you that I am anything but a WWF/E loyalist. I loved WCW once Bishoff took over. Wierdly enough even though HBK was the definition of the attitude era and was one of the main reasons the WWF did the attitude era I can't stand it. As a fan of the actual wrestling I felt there was no place for the sleeze and everything else that came with the attitude era. Once Shawn was gone I rarely watched WWF, and then it was only to watch Hunter wrestle. I went to Brasil in 2000 for a year and couldn't watch wrestling. When I came back I only started again because of HBK coming back.

I say all of this because I actually really wanted TNA to be successful. I caught on a little late but I am completely impressed with guys like AJ Styles, Somoa Joe, and others in TNA. The problem I have with it is it feels like WCW did prior to Bischoff taking over. They have great talent but their product overall is terrible. Their production values are terrible, and they keep focusing on the old guys in the locker room.

Considering how I feel about Hogan (another huge part of why WCW died) and how I feel about Bishoff (completly underrated and if the AOL Timewarner merger hadn't happened or he could have bought WCW it would be #1 today) I tuned in not knowing what to expect on 1/4.

Unfortunatly it feels like Hogan is in way more control than Bishoff is because he is still the main focus and so are his buddies. TNA has done nothing but go down the tubes since 1/4. I realize they may have their highest ratings, but it won't matter. The product is getting worse and worse every week.

To be honest WWE isn't much better. Once HBK and the Hitman are gone after wrestlemania I won't watch professional wrestling again until Shawn comes back in August. As it is right I fast forward through RAW and only stop at the DX/Hitman stuff as it is. So I probably watch about 20 minutes of wrestling a week.

The smartest thing TNA could do at this point (which is what they should have done years ago) is hire Paul Heyman. Once this happens let him gut the company, and have Dixie Carter and the suits get out of the way. You let Heyman run that organization and have some real financial backing and you might see TNA actually be able to compete with WWE. Until then it's not worth watching.

Hey man, how cushy and profitable was that job you had working at WCW, what were you a road agent or something? A make-up artist, a ring crew member, or were you some groupie that found a way to sneak backstage to an event and somehow crash a production meeting?

I mean, one of those above mentioned scenarios must have happened in order for you to witness this alleged murdering of WCW at Hulk Hogan's hands. I mean you can correct me at any time if I am wrong, but let me ask you bossman, were you there for any of what was going down in WCW? I got a feeling you probably weren't, you just sound like another smark who's "cutting and pasting" the same old speculative BS and passing it off as fact.

Maybe if you rephrased what you said and say "Well, I think Hulk Hogan had something or everything to do with WCW going down the tubes.", I could respect that opinion, because hey who knows maybe that is what really happened. However, I have no idea because I'm just someone that watches wrestling, and I am not in the wrestling business. There are a lot of different opinions, I've got my own, but I'm not going to say that it's a stone hard fact, because well if I did, then it wouldn't be an opinion, it would just be a smark rant.

So your guess would be as good as mine, but do yourself a favor dude, and definitely watch how you state these things, because statements like "Considering how I feel about Hogan (another huge part of why WCW died)", show that you don't know what you are talking about. Don't even say that's an opinion because it's not, that's a total statement, and it's one that you are not backing a thing up with.

Oh and one last thing, I gotta say I agree with you on both HBK and Bret Hart who probably would be one of my favorites of all time, (if you see my avatar, I don't think that'd be too hard to figure out) but at the same time, I love wrestling period, the athletic side, the theatrical side to me it's an all around great presentation when the two are blended together. Hence why World Wrestling Entertainment going all the way back to its days as the World Wide Wrestling Federation and then the World Wrestling Federation has always been one of the most unique wrestling promotions ever, in my view.

While the styles of Hulk Hogan and John Cena are drastically different and have a greater emphasis on entertainment rather than pure athleticism does not make them inept as wrestlers. While their stronger points aren't going to be scientific based moves like a Bret Hart style worker, that's not to say they can't wrestle at all.

If you think Hogan and Cena can't wrestle worth a lick, then I implore you to go and see if you can do any better than they. Trust me, if these guys were total oafs in the ring, they'd never have lasted a day past their first match. People who can't understand the psychology of the wrestling business and can't perform the moves safely, they never last. Obviously, Hogan and Cena got that much right, even if they can't match someone like Bret Hart or Shawn Michaels move for move.

So there's some food for thought man, I can compromise with you on a few points, i.e. the praise of Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart and I agree with you partially on his return. It should not have been a physical storyline with Vince, at least that's how I feel. I do think it's good to see him back, I just think it should have been done differently.

However, your or I beyond just watching professional wrestling, have no real grasp on what it takes to make it in this business or what it takes to run a wrestling company. Therefore, if you want to make any credible points on this forum, I would definitely construct your views a little better, in my opinion, smarks need not apply when it comes to formulating a legitimate opinion.
Actually, the rest of the Jan 4 Impact was even worse. It was nothing but Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff telling everyone how things were going to change, while at the same time, not changing anything, and then hinting that they were getting the "band back together". IE, they were changing, by trying to turn the clock back 12 years. By giving us reruns of Nitro. TNA, you showed everyone your colors on Jan 4. You had an hour, unopposed, to wow WWE wrestling fans, to show us what we were missing. And you wowed us wowed us with a modified cage match, that should have been awesome, but completely ruined by a nonsense ending. You wowed us with Jeff Hardy, who you desperately want to rejoin your roster, ignoring his legal troubles. You wowed us with the overhyping of your product, instead of delivering that product. You wowed us by giving all the TV time to fat out of shape ex-WWE and WCW guys, instead of showcasing what actual talent there is on the TNA roster. Basically, you had one hour to convince me that I didn't want to switch over to Monday Night Raw, and you blew it. You blew it big time. That first hour was the most important hour in TNA history, and you choked. All it demonstrated is that TNA is absolutely not ready for the big time.

When TNA learns from that debacle, when TNA decides they want to be more than a bush league imitator, maybe I will start watching again. Maybe. But you can't do it with Hulk Hogan, you can't do with Eric Bischoff, Vince Russo, Mick Foley or Ric Flair. You can't do it by insulting the WWE every chance you get (that's you, Taz), you can't do it by insulting the audience with bullshit endings, and 14 minutes of wrestling in a 2 hour program. TNA has to change if they want to compete with the WWE, and until they demonstrate they are capable of changing for the better, as long as they insist on doing things the penny-ante amateurish way they do things now, TNA will never get me to watch. As I said in my previous post, I watched TNA when it debuted, I gave it a chance, I give everything wrestling related a chance...but, if you don't make the most of that chance, I am not going to stick around. Just being not-WWE isn't good enough. You have to stand out in a good way. WCW understood how to compete with the WWE. TNA hasn't got a clue. WCW established its own identity, apart from being non-WWE. WCW became a place wrestlers wanted to go, not just a place they had to go, because the WWE didn't want them. TNA is filled with wrestlers that the WWE simply doesn't want anymore. As long as that remains true, TNA will continue to be a distant, distant second.
To add to your little comment on this, SirJoseOle, I feel the same way. When it gets down to it, what drove WCW into the ground, according to Ric Flair in a shoot he did, and on the Rise and Fall of WCW DVD produced by WWE, was that the big execs that were now running a "wrastlin" company had no idea what they were doing.

The company began losing some profit, and the big wigs didn't want to put anything into it to keep it going. I'm really not sure how Hogan could possibly be the sole reason WCW went down, and to be honest if he was responsible at all, it was probably a minuscule amount.
It's ok for you if you don't like storylines, but I like the storylines. It's nice having a reason for watching a match. Part of the excitement of the match is the buildup. I like a good wrestling match just as much as anyone else, but for me now I need a reason to want to watch someone. The Miz might not be AJ Styles in the ring, but he has a presence about him and he makes me tune in.

If TNA can get some guys besides Anderson and Angle I would be more inclined to watch. The thing with TNA now is is that the wrestling is not that great either now since Hogan took over. I admit TNA was probably better than the WWE in the ring department, but I don't think that is the case anymore. That Nash/Foley match last week was one of the worst main events I've seen in a while. People can complain about Cena/Orton fighting each other, but their matches were better than the Foley/Nash one. If you want pure wrestling I would check out ROH. I've enjoyed their shows quite a bit.

Well, I wouldn't exactly say I don't like storylines, i think storylines are what make it more interesting to watch, really the main reason why I find boxing and mma uninteresting. What I was trying to get across was that I would much rather see a spectacular match than a spectacular storyline. If someone is boring in the ring, theres no point in getting interested in that wrestler, no matter how good of a character they create.

Really, it seems that if a wrestler were to be a poor in-ring guy, ppvs wouldn't sell, because there is very little interviews and such during the ppv, it's pretty much just wrestling. no one will pay $40 to see boring matches, if they are thinking normal...I would hope. I mean think about it, if The Rock's in-ring skills were on Rob Terry's level, do you really think he would have been as popular?
yeah umm your kind of doing what your acusing other fans of doing. you say say that you give wwe a chance when youve only liked one match from a great pay perview and haven't liked anthing else for the past 3 months. I highly doubt an open minded person wouldn't like anything wwe has been doing for for about 90 hours of programming.
And you say that people should have watched all instead of some of the 3 hour impact to give it a chance. Well did you do that for Raw to give it a chance. No. You only watched impact [i'm assuming.] while i would say most of us were flipping back and forth and giving each an equal chance. and finally i would like to say its radiculous to tell people that they sould watch a wrestling show just for the wrestling as i think was a few weeks ago where impact had like 20 minutes of wrestling. I'm not knocking that though because theirs things they need to do that are important like build to the ppv, progress the storyline, and just purely entertain. I don't hate impact, but i don't like hypocrites calling others hypocrites. now let me get back to watching storylines for 10 olds because if i enjoy, i watch it.

I'm no hypocrite. I legitimately give WWE a chance every once in a while. Hell, some of my favorite wrestlers are in WWE right now, but I just can't sit through an entire smackdown or raw, cuz there isn't enough to keep me interested. And I'm pretty sure that I didn't spend 40 bucks for Royal Rumble to just hate on it. Last years Rumble was fantastic, a million times better than this year's.

I stopped watching wrestling altogether in 2004 because nothing was interesting me about WWE anymore. my favorite guys were being pushed to low mid-card status, no rock, no stone cold, same old heal HHH, etc. I tuned back in around May 2008, just watching raw when I remembered to, and by august I was watching Raw and Smackdown. I didn't know about tna til october that year, and just missed the chance to see BFG in my town.

When I found TNA, I now had 3 nights of wrestling a week to watch, and WWE wasn't keeping my interests. I went to watching just TNA and Smackdown, and eventually now, just TNA and some wwe ppvs and the occasional Smackdown, which is the only thing worth watchin in WWE in my opinion. And to be honest, if I hadn't discovered TNA, I guarantee I wouldn't be watching any wrestling right now.

TNA still does have a lot of kinks to work out, and they aren't perfect. Then again, no one is perfect, and Vince certainly isn't. Oh, and I did watch both shows Jan 4th, TNA much more though, but nothing about that Raw was really interesting, besides like what, 20 min of Bret Hart? which ultimately ended in him gettin kicked in the balls. and no ones giving a crap because lots of people don't know who Bret Hart is. none of the feuds are interesting, except I did love the Undertaker's title defense. The guys I like in WWE are: Punk, Taker, HBK, Y2J(that's what he'll always be to me), Edge, and Christian. and Morrison is catching my interest. besides those guys, I'm really not impressed by the rest of the talent.
Although i wasn't agreeing with cuddlebuns, i was totally getting what he (or she) was saying until i got lost with...

"Arrested Development was a great show, but the ratings sucked, so I had say goodbye to it."

You gotta be kidding me, you looked into the ratings of the show and since they started to drop you decided you should stop watching the show too? You weren't watching the show for its artistic quality!! You weren't watching it for how good it was?? You were tuning in because everybody else was tuning in and you tuned out because everyone else was tuning out!!! This is why you love WWE because everybody else does. Do you know why? It's called imitating group behaviour, it's not called critically enjoying something that is entertaining.

Getting into your head, it's obvious you like many obsessed security blanket WWE fans watch the show because WWE has been the dominant wrestling promotion. You have no idea how WWE destroyed all of the territorial wrestling 20 to 30 years ago and put the people of the real wrestling business out of business. You have no idea what was so amazing and real about the WCW/NWO wrestling revolution, and you have no idea about the concept of "sticking it to the man" people only understand butt kissing the big guy in charge. You likely have a mohawk and spiked hair and have no idea what on earth you're rebelling against, so you watch pg wrestling!! That's what's wrong with the kids these days. They only understand image, they don't get emotion. They only get technical stuff like ratings and bland wrestlers who all look and wrestle the same.
Hogan and Bischoff are the last two remnants of the old school left that can take down the corporate WWE which has eaten up all of its competition throughout the years. Fans of real wrestling should be on the side of Hogan and Bischoff, they should want to see them succeed, if not even take down WWE for being such a vulture.

People like you are obviously easily herded sheep, only watching shows based on their ratings. You don't understand how Vince is not loyal to you, you wouldn't know entertainment if it stone cold stunned you, you cheer for the corporate guy on top, you are nothing but a trend follower and little guy squasher. You don't understand that the pg wrestling of today is nowhere near as good as the pg wrestling 20 years ago, and you watch a show for teens and children when you are an adult who should be watching adult programming. That is wrong with WWE fans of today, they are sheltered and extremely immature, they get a kick out of children's programming because they don't understand adult concepts yet because they're maturing slower than any other generation. They have been fed bland television programming for so long and from such an early stage in their wrestling viewing lives that they wouldn't know the difference between boring and excitement. And for those of you who are 28 and older, like myself, and do not agree and still love WWE and think its really guys obviously lack imagination, you tolerate enjoying something most people don't tolerate anymore (check the ratings from today compared to 10 years ago) and the tv rating of .00000000000000001 that you give Vince each week is your stamp of approval that you appreciate his effort to make the lowest cost programming possible.

Hogan and Flair will give the wrestlers of TNA more credibility than John Cena and Triple H will to Sheamus and the Miz. Hogan and Flair in their prime could squash John Cena and Triple H with a simple leg drop. Hogan isn't in TNA for a quick 3 count, he's in it to help all the wrestlers he walked all over in his prime. He's there to give back, to bring about a wrestling union and injury benefits, to give unhappy WWE wrestlers a second option, he's there to create opportunity and to spread some more money around the wrestling community. And he's using his larger than life image to do it. He's there to make wrestling more viable in the future, he's there for the little guy and trying to point wrestling in a direction to take down the big guy. It might not even happen with Hogan alive, but he is trying to push a second company for the betterment of wrestling. For all you idiots out there who don't like it, all i can say is that the disgruntled WWE employee (about 95 percent of them) all secretly think your morons too.
Although i wasn't agreeing with cuddlebuns, i was totally getting what he (or she) was saying until i got lost with...

"Arrested Development was a great show, but the ratings sucked, so I had say goodbye to it."

You gotta be kidding me, you looked into the ratings of the show and since they started to drop you decided you should stop watching the show too? You weren't watching the show for its artistic quality!! You weren't watching it for how good it was?? You were tuning in because everybody else was tuning in and you tuned out because everyone else was tuning out!!! This is why you love WWE because everybody else does. Do you know why? It's called imitating group behaviour, it's not called critically enjoying something that is entertaining.

Getting into your head, it's obvious you like many obsessed security blanket WWE fans watch the show because WWE has been the dominant wrestling promotion. You have no idea how WWE destroyed all of the territorial wrestling 20 to 30 years ago and put the people of the real wrestling business out of business. You have no idea what was so amazing and real about the WCW/NWO wrestling revolution, and you have no idea about the concept of "sticking it to the man" people only understand butt kissing the big guy in charge. You likely have a mohawk and spiked hair and have no idea what on earth you're rebelling against, so you watch pg wrestling!! That's what's wrong with the kids these days. They only understand image, they don't get emotion. They only get technical stuff like ratings and bland wrestlers who all look and wrestle the same.
Hogan and Bischoff are the last two remnants of the old school left that can take down the corporate WWE which has eaten up all of its competition throughout the years. Fans of real wrestling should be on the side of Hogan and Bischoff, they should want to see them succeed, if not even take down WWE for being such a vulture.

People like you are obviously easily herded sheep, only watching shows based on their ratings. You don't understand how Vince is not loyal to you, you wouldn't know entertainment if it stone cold stunned you, you cheer for the corporate guy on top, you are nothing but a trend follower and little guy squasher. You don't understand that the pg wrestling of today is nowhere near as good as the pg wrestling 20 years ago, and you watch a show for teens and children when you are an adult who should be watching adult programming. That is wrong with WWE fans of today, they are sheltered and extremely immature, they get a kick out of children's programming because they don't understand adult concepts yet because they're maturing slower than any other generation. They have been fed bland television programming for so long and from such an early stage in their wrestling viewing lives that they wouldn't know the difference between boring and excitement. And for those of you who are 28 and older, like myself, and do not agree and still love WWE and think its really guys obviously lack imagination, you tolerate enjoying something most people don't tolerate anymore (check the ratings from today compared to 10 years ago) and the tv rating of .00000000000000001 that you give Vince each week is your stamp of approval that you appreciate his effort to make the lowest cost programming possible.

There's absolutely no way that you are 28 years old. This post reads like a spoiled 15 year old.

First, get over yourself. You rip people for being followers yet want everyone to follow what you like.

You morons who rip WWE for being PG and praise WCW realize that WCW was PG right? Plus you rip WWE fans for being followers yet WCW fans were the same way. They watched because it was the in thing. Once it wasn't the in thing anymore the ratings went down. Same thing with the Attitude Era WWE.

Hogan and Bischoff are old school? Really? Bischoff copied shit straight from Japan or the WWE. Hogan wouldn't know old school if it came up and bit him on the ass. If you think the shit they do on TNA is old school than you have no idea what old school really is. What they do is crash TV which is the exact same shit Vince and the WWE were doing during the AE.

If you want to do something original maybe you and people like Sidious could quit giving Vince free publicity. Instead of hanging on his nuts you could quit watching and quit hanging on to Vince's every little action. Ten years from now the WWE will still be around. No amount of whining or crying will change that.

Oh and one more thing, grow up. I don't like WWE or TNA but at least I know that people have different tastes. Quit telling people what is wrong with them and go take a long look in the mirror to see what's wrong with you.
I remember a lot of classic moments, Eddie's infamous Frog Splash from the top of the cage onto JBL, Orton being kicked out of Evolution, Benjamin beating HHH three times in a row on Raw. Granted these are moments from 2004 but still. And then there's moments from the past couple of years, Jericho's heel turn, Jeff Hardy's Title Victory, a brutal Cena/JBL Parking Lot Brawl (I aint a Cena fan but it was a hell of a match) CM Punk cashing in MITB, hearing about the death of Chris Benoit on, Ozzy Osbourne singing the Judgement Day 2007 theme I Don't Wanna Stop live on Smackdown, and so many others.

Damn. I really feel bad for you that these are your 'classic wrestling moments'

I'm 21. I've been watching wrestling forever. My dad was into it got me all the old WWE VHS's from the late 80's and early 90's as a kid. I started really watchin RAW in 1996 and got really into it leading up to the Stone Cold/HBK/Tyson Wrestlemania and was hooked throughout the entire Attitude Era. And seriously....all the stuff you named as 'classic' could be out done by one Stone Cold or Rock promo from 98-00...

Shit that sticks out to me is Jericho's first debut with the company in '99. Austin and the beer truck getting the McMahons and Rock, DX invading WCW, Taker putting Austin on the cross, The Corporate Ministry....Rock/Mankind I Quit Matches....Austin/Bret WM12 where Austin didnt tap but passed out with his face a bloody mess. I feel like the second they got WCW shit went downhill. Yeah they had a few more good years but I feel like from 05 on it's been shit. The best recent memory of WWE is the first and second One Night Stand events. Especially the first.
I recently got back into wrestling in general, thanks to the Brett Hart storyline. WWE is definitely not what it used to be. The Royal Rumble was the worst one I've ever seen. But TNA has a ton of cancers in their organization( Nash, Hogan, Bischoff, Vince Russo, etc.etc.) Its only a matter of time before old man Hogan and Ric Flair are main eventing their shows, wearing championship gold. Remember when Russo put the belt on David Arquette? I do. They pretty much destroyed WCW and they will do the same in TNA. TNA cannot comepete with WWE. And as shitty as WWE appears to be right now, they are still better than TNA. WWE's main problem, the short time I've been paying attention, is their failure to build story lines. The feuds just don't have the heat they used to. Hopefully they will realize that and fix the problem. Only time will tell...
I recently got back into wrestling in general, thanks to the Brett Hart storyline. WWE is definitely not what it used to be. The Royal Rumble was the worst one I've ever seen. But TNA has a ton of cancers in their organization( Nash, Hogan, Bischoff, Vince Russo, etc.etc.) Its only a matter of time before old man Hogan and Ric Flair are main eventing their shows, wearing championship gold. Remember when Russo put the belt on David Arquette? I do. They pretty much destroyed WCW and they will do the same in TNA. TNA cannot comepete with WWE. And as shitty as WWE appears to be right now, they are still better than TNA. WWE's main problem, the short time I've been paying attention, is their failure to build story lines. The feuds just don't have the heat they used to. Hopefully they will realize that and fix the problem. Only time will tell...

Hey dude, it's actually "Bret Hart" and not "Brett Hart", just to let you know. I am sure you and hlhbk could write the book on running a wrestling organization. It's funny you said you haven't been watching wrestling in quite some time, well what I would do is reserve your opinions until the Hogan/TNA deal plays itself out.

I'd love to talk to whoever your source was that told you Hulk Hogan and company were the cancers of WCW and killed the company. As entertaining as what's been said in "The Death of WCW" book and the smark forums, you don't have a damn clue what really went on WCW, unless of course you can prove you were there to see it all go down. I may be playing a broken record by saying this stuff, but then again, it's no less redundant than the "copy and paste" finger pointing mentality that makes up a "smark opinion".

Get over yourself, smark...get over yourself...

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