[OFFICIAL] Kane Is The New World Heavyweight Champion Thread

Dean Winchester

Getting Noticed By Management
Well its about time the man is WHC again, he has not held the title since 1997. Back when it was called the WWF World Championship. Hopefully he carries the belt for a couple of months then lose it, he does deserve this reign after all the terrible storylines, feuds and matches since his fall from grace in 2003.

Moderator's note - Please use this thread for all discussion about Kane's latest title reign. Creating new threads will result in that thread being deleted immediately and you may be warned or infracted for creating duplicate topics.
All I can say is YESSSS!

When he won MITB I was ecstatic but when he cashed in and won the WHC I thought I was gonna have a heart attack!

I expected him to hold the briefcase for a while, cut some good promos with it, and eventually cash in as part of the storyline but I will take it just the way it happened cause finally Kane has his well deserved World Title!
Well its about time the man is WHC again, he has not held the title since 1997. Back when it was called the WWF World Championship. Hopefully he carries the belt for a couple of months then lose it, he does deserve this reign after all the terrible storylines, feuds and matches since his fall from grace in 2003.

100% Agree
Back in 97 he didnt win by pinnig the champ ( If I remember rightly it was a first blood against austin and kane had the mask so u couldnt see if he was bleeding). and he lost he title in his first defence.

This time he has won with MITB so even with his recent run WWE still couldn't let him win cleanly, I just hope he will get a dominant run as champ and this title run isnt just another promotion for Undertaker, Kane has Jobbed to Taker (and everyone else in WWE) enough times, its time for him to regain some of that creditability he has passed onto so many rising stars.
Kane wins money in the bank = :worship:
Kane cashing it in and FINALLY becoming champion again = *instant orgasm*

Let's hope he has a long noteworthy championship run.
I am unbelievably happy about this.
I knew this would happen!

Kane has been getting a huge push and deserves a REAL title run.

No one really expected Kane to win MITB because they thought it would go to a newer guy. Kane has been in 3(?) before and is normally only used to be the Big Man and do some power moves but never have a chance at winning and is just used to even out all the high flyers in the match.

Now Kane is the WHC and when Undertaker returns they can have a epic fued over the title. These two can have such a great build up to a match with all the mind games they can pull on eachother leading up to it.

Maybe even have Kane come out on SmackDown! this week wearing the mask? Or once Kane and Undertaker have their match for the title make it a Casket Match, or Inferno Match, or Hell In A Cell, or Buried Alive Match something that these two can pull off and make epic and have the Undertaker come out the winner and putting Kane on the shelf for awhile as his revenge. Then have Kane come back wearing the mask.

Rey was given the title to keep him happy from not getting his time off due to Undertaker needing it so we knew he wasn't going to be champ long. Now Undertaker can come back and fued with Kane and Rey can take his time off that he wanted before.
Its about time that Kane finally became a legit world champion! I've been waiting for this moment since I first became a fan of his when he was tagging with X-Pac when I was 8 or 9. Hopefully this run will last a couple of months and we'll be able to see him do some excellent feuds with the Undertaker, Mysterio, Swagger, Show, and whoever else they happen to throw into the mix. I could see him defending the title against Mysterio and having Undertaker viral messages pop up on the Titantron after he succeeds either causing fear or confusion in Kane. These could be great times ahead of us.
This is probably going to lead to Taker/Kane at Summer Slam or Survivor Series, probably both. I can see Kane saying Taker always held him down, everybody considered Taker the "better brother" and that he did everything he needed to do to ensure Taker wouldnt contend for the title.
Well its about 12 years too late in my opinion, but better late then never. I was never a huge Kane fan, but the man has always been a hard worker and loyal to the company. I think he deserved the title more then most people on the Smackdown roster in my opinion. I don't think his title run will be that long though. Undertaker will probably come back next month or the month after to challenge Kane and beat him for the umpteenth time. I'm just glad Rey Borestyerio isn't champ anymore.
I marked out big time for this one. Kane has been such a loyal and dedicated employee for such a long time. He deserved one final run with the belt, even if it doesn't lead to much. However, like Kenny Powers said above me, it is a little to late. Kane can still go in the ring but he has certainly lost a step and isn't what he used to be. As much as I love that he is champion I have a feeling that people will be shitting all over it shortly, which is a shame but that is just the way the IWC is. It doesn't matter because I am happy and feel as though he really deserves this final reign.
Man I can't believe Kane actually won MITB and cashed in on the same night. I predicted Kane to win in the PPV section, but I didn't really think WWE would ever throw Kane a bone. Over the years he's just been stuck in midcard hell, putting young guys over. But now with this Taker storyline, he finally got his chance.

While I love Kane winning MITB and cashing in, thus ending the awful reign of Mysterio, im not really looking forward to Kane/Taker for the millionth time. I know it will just end with Taker burying Kane and taking back the World Title. Hell, he may actually physically bury Kane too, seeing as their matches always have a weird touch to them.
It's about damn time. 13 years of loyalty to Vince and he finally gets the championship again. I've been waiting for this to happen for years. I jumped out of my seat when he won Money in the bank. After he saved Rey from Swagger, I immediately knew was gonna cash it in but I thought he was gonna lose. Fortunately, the WWE did the right thing and gave Kane the championship. As a poster said above I expect him to hold it until Undertaker comes back and he drops it to him. But still, it feels great to have Kane as champion.
Congratulations to Kane. He is now a two-time World Champion. He won the WWE Championship in June of 1998, and now the World Heavyweight Championship in July of 2010. Kane deserved this title for a long, long time now, not just for being one of the top draws over the years, but for being one of the most unselfish and reliable wrestlers in WWE history. That belt is gonna look great around his waist. Congrats, Kane!
I totally called this! seen it coming! and the MITB match was awesome! As soon as he won i told my friend "he is cashing it in tonight on swagger!" ok well i was a lil wrong because he cashed it in on rey but who cares?! KANE IS CHAMP! not IC champ not US champ! KANE IS WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMP!:worship:
It's really about time Kane won again. This happened for 2 reasons tonight I think. Maybe just one. Undertaker IS coming back and this is just a transition to get the gold back around the Deadman. Or this is a way of Vince thanking Kane for being so loyal and reliable along the years. Kane has been good, bad, and just everything in between, but most of all, he's been very deserving of this title for a long time now. He's always been a good big man monster wrestler and he's long paid his dues. Congrats to the Big Red Machine! Kane!!!
Just saying, but he won his first world title in 98, NOT 97.

First off, HELL FUCKING YES!!! This man has busted his ass putting people over and jobbing left and right after his career died in 03-04, and he's FINALLY gotten what he's deserved and has deserved every bit of it.

This is going just how I predicted(check out the thread I made a few weeks ago on it: http://forums.wrestlezone.com/showthread.php?t=120856 ), and hopefully it continues that way.

But for now, the Championship burns in hell with the Big Red Machine for the first time in 12 years, so as a Kane Mark, i'm gonna enjoy the hell out of it! :devil:

Also...if he only holds it for 2 days then :banghead: :cuss2:
This happened for 2 reasons tonight I think. Maybe just one. Undertaker IS coming back and this is just a transition to get the gold back around the Deadman. Or this is a way of Vince thanking Kane for being so loyal and reliable along the years.

I think its kind of both reasons.

They finally are building Kane back up to be a legit Big Red Monster unlike he has been the past few years. I think the WWE finally noticed that everyone likes Kane better as the evil monster and are finally saying thanks to him by letting him go back to his old character type and by giving him a real title run.

Also I think its to do with your first reason as its a way of brining The Undertaker back and getting him the gold again. Maybe Undertaker wont win in their first match, but I'm pretty sure Undertaker will be the one to take the belt off of Kane whenever it happens.

This way Kane gets a real title reign, gets to go back to his old character and gets Undertaker the title back without Kane looking weak. Losing to Undertaker isn't something that is going to ruin all the build up Kane has had, and since it would be Undertaker vs Kane I see it being some weird evil match and not a normal wrestling match so that will help keep Kane from looking week in a lose.
and one thing no one else has mentioned yet (in this topic anyway) Kane is now only the 2nd man to win the big 3 (WWE, WCW/World Heavyweight and ECW) world titles. The other one of course is Big Show.

But...... my fear is that this could be a short reign. even though Kane finally has momentum again, It all depends on how he gets over with it.

Then again, there's not a whole lot of main event contenders on smackdown right now, so they may let him keep it for a while.
I couldn't believe it when Kane won. He has waited so long since his little 1-day reign in 98. I hope he keeps it 2-3 months at least. When he feuds with Taker, as I'm sure he will, I hope he is made to look strong and doesn't lose it the first match. I'm glad it's off Mysterio, who was barely on TV during his month-long reign. He's had his tribute now that he's winding down and I hope they keep the world title off him. He needs to start putting over some talent, like Kane has been doing for years.
I was glad too that Kane won MITB and then Cashed in on Mysterio (even though I like Rey too). Long overdue for The Big Red Machine and Smackdown should be very interesting going into Summerslam. As Matt Striker would say Congraulations to Kane,Our New World's Heavyweight Champion.
and one thing no one else has mentioned yet (in this topic anyway) Kane is now only the 2nd man to win the big 3 (WWE, WCW/World Heavyweight and ECW) world titles. The other one of course is Big Show.

I did mention it in the LD, but that doesn't matter. Technically you can't count the WCW as the World Title, so technically Kane is the first man to win all three under the WWE which is more important and definately adds to his credentials if nothing else will.

Just saying.
Hey Yo!

It is a glorious day, finally the most deserving guy in the company to have a world title has received a freaking WORLD TITLE. And yes he is the most deserving, been put through shit abruptly ended storylines, jobbing for 5+ years, elevating boatloads of talent and thee WWE finally pulled their heads out of their asses and capitulised on the best opportunity for Kane to become WHC. Honestly it was either now or never.
Let's just hope he has a dominant run.
I'm disappointed. Kane I feel, isn't on par with his former self. And honestly his whole "I WILL AVENGE MY BROTHER!" thing isn't entertainment to me.... I was hoping Christian, Dolph, Kofi, or Drew would win. Although I feel Christian was the best choice, Kane does deserve this, and will most likely lose the belt quickly. So for now, I guess it's alright.
I'm disappointed. Kane I feel, isn't on par with his former self. And honestly his whole "I WILL AVENGE MY BROTHER!" thing isn't entertainment to me.... I was hoping Christian, Dolph, Kofi, or Drew would win. Although I feel Christian was the best choice, Kane does deserve this, and will most likely lose the belt quickly. So for now, I guess it's alright.

Ugh. Christian? Maybe, but the other three have no business being anywhere near the top of the card. I'm willing to bet that giving Kane the strap will definitely give at least one weeks worth of a ratings boost for the show. None of the others would do shit for the show. Not to mention that the finally put a title on Kane!! Fuck the rest of them, they have a lot of work to do before they can claim the credentials that Kane has, he's earned this.

All this being said, I'm going to be extremely disappointed if he turns around and drops it to Taker in a month or 2. This is a perfect time to allow some buildup and put over a younger star legitimately, I'd hate to see them squander the opportunity on a feud that NOBODY wants to see. If it happens, oh well. At least there's some nostalgia to bask in while Kane Finally gets a title reign. But I will be way more excited if this turns out to actually bring us some exciting television.

About time too! Is all I can say to this. Never has a man been more deserving of a 2nd title than Kane.

So long as he doesn't lose it on Tuesday night!!!

Pleasing for me because I called this entire thing yesterday - I think Kane will now beat Rey in a match at Summerslam (not before declaring he thinks Mysterio is Undertakers attacker), then after winning, Undertaker will come out - push Mysterio aside - then Tombstone Kane.
Halleluja!!! It's about damn time!
Kane has helped push the most guys, done the dirtiest work, and been put into the worst fueds. He has paid his dues for too damn long.

Please don't mess this up WWE! PLEASE!

Make him dominant! Make Crediable again!

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