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[OFFICIAL] General Diva Thread.

Other than no divas meaning it will no longer be acceptable to *********e to WWE programming, I think the divas are still of major importance to the WWE.

Firstly, a divas division nicely rounds off the WWE's mix of wrestlers. You have your muscle-bound meatheads (Cena, Jackson, Batista, Triple H), ring giants (Khali, Taker, Kane, Big Show), everyman wrestlers (Jericho, Miz, Carlito, Christian), and by everyman, I mean guys of normal sizes, and high flyers (Mastrio, Kingson, Bourne, Tatsu). Divas nicely rounds off these groups.

Secondly, women have been wrestling or around wrestling for decades and it would be disrespectful for the WWE to dismiss their roles ad unimportant. As well as great female wrestlers such as Mae Young, Fabulous Moolah, Wendy Richter etc there have been great felame valets in the history of wrestling like Miss Elizabeth, Sensational Sherri and Terri Runnells.

Thirdly, if the WWE got rid of their divas, they would play straight into the hands of TNA. TNA already have the superior female workers (IMO) and if WWE gave up on their divas it would just be them handing over an area of their business that is still a draw for a certain demographic of wrestling fans (18-35 males).

Finally, women's wrestling on any card nicely breaks up the matches, especially Main Events (and provides me with toilet break & snack opportunities for live shows!). And IMO, I think this is now their main purpose in WWE PPVs.
What we need is Divas that can wrestle/entertain. Right now we just have Divas. And that is about as exciting as your dads old playboys.
I think we need the divas but am sick of seeing long drawn out boring segments of stuff like jillian hall singing, assault courses and evening dress contests. Id rather have one short match on a week and try not fill that with as many divas as possible cos thats when it becomes really botchy wrestling. If u need to give the other divas not used tv time just have the odd backstage segment with them. That way u could have the better wrestlers have the matches and the eye candy used backstage cos they obviously are awful in the ring.
I agree. The Divas in the WWE are just plain awful to watch. Which is sad considering past Divas like Lita and Trish Stratus rebuilt the reputation of the Woman's Title only to have garbage like Maryse and Eve Torres compete for it. It's such a joke now. If I am watching a PG rated program, I would much rather have a solid in ring performance then dress to impress or hot tub matches. I was actually pretty impressed that TNA Impact ended the show with a Knockouts segment this past Monday. Kudos on that.
I mean come on! they have more botches then anyone! i just think WWE uses them for a time filler, just like everyone else has said, they're nothing but a piss break, they arent what they used to be, i mean if your going to be a diva learn to wrestle, the only diva's i really think are skilled performers are Gail Kim, and....... uh well thats it, i just think Gail Kim is Underrated, what do you think do you like diva's? (not meaning you think they're hot) as performers? or should we send them back as "Nitro Girls" haha.

The real female division was TNA when Kong and Kim were there. Now it's a joke. Both companies need to either abandon it or improve it. TNA won't with Scott D'Amore gone from the company who was in charge the Knockouts.
I agree. The Divas in the WWE are just plain awful to watch. Which is sad considering past Divas like Lita and Trish Stratus rebuilt the reputation of the Woman's Title only to have garbage like Maryse and Eve Torres compete for it. It's such a joke now. If I am watching a PG rated program, I would much rather have a solid in ring performance then dress to impress or hot tub matches. I was actually pretty impressed that TNA Impact ended the show with a Knockouts segment this past Monday. Kudos on that.

Except TNA had to as they had nothing on the table. X Division went by by, Ladder match already happened and was short. To be honest Impact was about an hour and change tonight minus all the commercials. WWE is at least a good hour and forty minutes.
I think most people have hit it on the head already but yes the E do need the divas because they do have some usefulness depending if they are used right. They are used as a sort of a filter to cover 5 or 10 minutes in a match or a backstage segment with the guest host of raw. Where most of you have already said you go the toliet or have a snack break at this point but since the pg era this is the reason dads take their kids so they get see women fight and drop their chins and then their kids can cheer for Cena or Orton while he is recovering.

Second reason why they are needed is because half them can wrestle or are improving their abilities by leaps and bounds. Like eve when i first saw her do that armbar of the top rope i was impressed and i think she can only get better but to put the prestige back into this division they need to focus on people like gail kim,mickie james,Beth,maryse and natalya along with eve if she carries on getting better.

Also the divas were part of some of the most entertaining parts of the attitude and invansion era. Chyna,Tori(the one who was with dx), Torrie wilson, Stacy, Trish and Lita all played good parts and offered us some entertaining moments and matches. They just need to get back to this i think this is where TNA wins because i love watching the TBP and taylor wilde with sereta in storylines
Fact is some of the WWE divas (as well as some of the TNA Knockouts) need to stick to being a valet and staying out of the ring. I believe that managers and valets are much needed-now more than ever. It used to be that a superior worker with an inferior character/mic work (Shelton Benjamin for one) could get over with a manager. Now no one uses them. Well, Aj Styles is...and look how well it's working for him!

Alot of these girls aren't wrestlers by trade. And it shows. They are models. That's fine-hey, the more the merrier. But give them something else to do...don't put them in the ring.

And in line with that, people need to realize that there are two divisions of women-and two divisions of women's titles. There is the Divas title and the womens title. Ideally we'll see Melina and Gail Kim traded to Smackdown to be in the Women's title division, and all of the silly divas will be competing for the Divas title.

As for the Knockouts closing the show...it was a cluster. I think if ANY one should have "won" the title via lock box, it should have been Daffney...but now she has lost Poison, and her angle, apparently, which makes me sad. Daffney is hotter than any other knockout and a solid 2/3 of the divas. And she is talented. And she has a character. But still they value the bimbo over the talent (Sorry-i'm not an Angelina Love fan). But regardless, the whole thing was rushed (Due to TNA's pacing problems) and Tara's heel turn (?) wasn't as effective as it should have been.

But yes, Women are necessary. Both in life, and in wrestling. They could just be used better in wrestling.
After watching tna for the past few years and seeing how good tna has made there knockout division the divas are nothing anymore...the knockouts can wrestle can fly can actually look good in the ring and 90% of them are hot as hell
Umm, no not really. At this point it's just having female wrestlers for the sake of having female wrestlers. I'm sure some people would get a little ticked off it the WWE did away with the Diva's entirely, or maybe not. Who knows?

You can't blame actual women either. Sure, they aren't incredible wrestlers by any stretch, but neither are the KO's, and supposedly they're "incredible." The WWE simply doens't care about them, so why should we? However, if they put the effort in and booked some actual feuds, that could change very quickly. It's all about whether or not the WWE cares enough to do something with the Diva's, which they don't. Can you blame them though? With all the other talent they have, there just isn't time for the Diva's, so they don't get any attention, so no one cares about them. It's a vicious cycle.
Haven't you noticed for the most part Vince and Co. usually put the title whether it's Diva's or Women's on the one who can't wrestle and it's up to the few women he does have (Gail Kim, Mickie James, Beth Phoenix, on good days Melenia, & Natalya, & Jillian) to make the others look "credible". Think about it... When Gail Kim was in TNA she and Awesome Kong had great matches and to think that she could "beat" Kong but now Maryse is a joke and an insult to our intelligence.

They'll keep the divas around as long as Vince can keep his prescription of Viagra going...
I think that we still need the divas. Sure they mess up some time but everyone does sometimes. The divas are important to the WWE because they bring fans to the WWE.

When Lita and Trish Stratus were around nobody talked about how the divas were horrible because Vince made sure that they had enteresting storylines. I think that Vince will start to use the WWE divas again like he did in the attitude era I just hope that he does it soon.
Divas do bring some entertainment part. Remember back in the day how the crowd would get so excited when divas were just valets, and then every month or so there's this cat fight brawl on the outside. It was fun. Problem is there just slapped on our television in matches with no build up or histroy behind it and the fans dont care. They botched back in the day too, but none of us complained. Problem is there botching now, no build up to the story, so it's like, why are we watching this? What is the point of these matches (example wrestelmana or these random 10 tag diva matches)

WWE just needs to utilize them better. Bring in more valets for storyline purposes. Being a valet gets you over. Connects with the fans, then chase the womens title after when you are over. That was the fomrula back then and it worked (lita and trish). Lita and trish were valets, and then they got storylines put in with other wrestlers, then they brawl balhbalh you get the point.

Right now there just smacked on to television with no reason what so ever just for the sake of having a "divas match". Get a storyline going, divas can just be as entertaining with the right storyline
No we dont need divas they're a complete waste of time most of them cant wrestle and even the ones that can are usually boring. All the divas are is eye candy so why not just use them that way use them as managers or do what the OP suggested and go the nitro girl route. Seriously Im tired of the divas wasting tv time that could be used for something important. They already use way too many fillers nowadays and the divas are one of the worst
Well, my twocents are that the Divas are needed.

I mean, we migt not like the way they are used or whose are used at the top, but the are a needed.

I mean some of you might take their matches as bathroom breaks but for some of us they are needed part of the show, I mean, sorry but sometimes the only good thing about Raw are the Divas, I know it sounds sad, but is the truth.

When you watch some of the guest host of the show like last night when a "Famous" nobody like David Otunga is hosting (sorry for his fans if they are any, but the truth is that I have never heard of him until NXT and no, he won't win that one either because he ain't that good) and throwing matches away where you already know what is going to happen except 2 at leats the good part was the damn battle royal, that truth be told was as good as the Knockouts match last night too (and that is a shot to the TNA knockouts because I expected more).

Now that is on Raw, there is better matches on Smackdown and pretty much all the girls there can wrestle, I mean Layla is a good jobber, at least can sell a beating and Tiffany has being used only to give momentum to Beth in tag matches which is good, I mean at least they give them roles there than they can carry.

I know a lot of you does not like her but Michelle is a good champ and can carry herself very well on a match, if you surpass the mentality of "she is only there because the Undertaker" you can see she is a very dependable performer.

I mena and divas are also needed as valets, as powerful personalities (admitt it, you hate Vickie because she is powerfull and because she always gets away with hers) and last but not least as wreslters because that have high hopes for female wrestling like yours truly.

If WWE gets rid off them some of you will be happy about it but at some point you will see something is missing.
No they dont need them but if you are gonna hve them use them right give them an actual storyline instead of throwing them in 3 on 3 matches and the ones that can wreestle give their match a bit of time and show people that
The divas are needed now because they need people at home to have bathroom breaks lately. I remember when Divas were SOMETHING to watch. Like Chyna, Trish, Lita, Ivory, Molly Holly, Stephanie. Now they are nothing more than Vickie Guerrero, Maryse, and Michelle Mccool and fat jokes, and men dressed up at women, and glorified evening gown matches. The attitude era was just that, ATTITUDE. This watered down BS is just losing all respect the pioneering women did, no more bra and panties matches, Trish and Lita in strap matches, there were Jackie and Lita in hardcore matches. Its almost like the SD vs Raw 10 is more realistic than the WWE is now.
Well after the crappy releases they got last night, you can see the division at some point getting less and less, what is next? Melina gone? Beth Gone? Ashley coming back and become Divas Champion? WTF is going on?
Well after the crappy releases they got last night, you can see the division at some point getting less and less, what is next? Melina gone? Beth Gone? Ashley coming back and become Divas Champion? WTF is going on?

I mean how you can let go to your biggest face and a great heel worker that made every unprepared diva look good? I mean even the Bellas looked half decent against Katie.

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