Most over diva of all time

Trish status was the most over women wrestler ever. Im not just talking about a valet like miss elizabeth. She was a great in ring worker, and even main evented raw with lita. laycool is no where close to trish or lita, even though they are the best thing going for the women right now. she affected wrestlemania and other big ppv's, and is still remembered as one of the best ever.
Stephanie McMahon... If she counts. Steph could get crazy heat anywhere she went. When she was with HHH, there was nobody on the roster that could get as big as a reaction as them. Stephanie wasn't even a wrestler and she was over more than anyone else, sort of like Vickie Guerrerro.

A close second would have to go to Lita. When she was a face, the crowd loved her! Her high-flying persona was to good not to cheer for. When she was with Edge and turned heel, she was getting booed out of the arena. Lita was WAY over.
I am going to have to agree with a lot of posters on here and say Trish or Lita. These two were always able to garner a huge reaction from the crowd and were also able to make any storyline they were in at least somewhat interesting.
Laycool can't even begin to compare with people like Lita & Trish. While Sable really became the first Diva to cross over to mainstream with her Playboy shoots, I'd have to give the nod to Trish. She had great storylines, she succeeded as a heel and as a face, and she wasn't afraid to take a power bomb from the Boyz if needed. For those who say Laycool gets more heat than any other Divas IN HISTORY, try watching this and listen to the fans:
Why is it that whenever someone talks about being over they automatically assume a face? You are "over" by getting crowd reaction. That reaction can be positive or negative. With that in mind the most "over" Diva in WWF/E history would be:


Youtube the Raw segment with Vickie, Dolph, and John Cena. They had to pause multiple times because the crowd was booing so loud it drowned out the microphones. No woman has ever had the crowd react the way Vickie gets them each time when she opens with the "Excuse me"

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