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[OFFICIAL] General Diva Thread.

If i had a nickel for everytime i hear this.....look its not like i dont respect the divas..trish lita and a few others are not only good looking but have kept me entertained and have awsome matches..ill never forget wrestlemania 22 trish vs mickie..that was like the third best match.its just these matches they are in now are just horrible.its hard to take divas seriously when they dont take themselves seriously.ill say it im not afriad to..when divas come out to wrestle..i go to the bathroom or get something to drink.not that they arent hot but come on..no offense i see playboy for hot women and wwe for wrestling..not the other way around.and yes i think the divas should be compared to the knockouts..if you remember they didnt have alot of knockouts..not even a title..but they draw such a big audience and even there segements are good.like the tara and odb rivarly was perfect.but ask which wwe diva is fueding now and i couldnt tell you.im mean... The Belle twins..Kelly Kelly.. only real good one is melina and beth.but the rest either i dont know who they are of i dont car who they are.not that guys dont respect divas.they just are very stale and need to watch tna knockouts take some notes..or even watch trish and lita and mickie and take notes.
Your argument is null and void. There are a few WWE Divas that do deserve respect. Some can put on a good match like Gail Kim. Others such as Kelly Kelly are just pure eye candy. We respect them for what they are - Entertainers. Nothing more and nothing less.
I do have a certain amount of respect for the WWE Divas and I agree that they don't get much respect from the WWE universe. The fact is that they are, for the most part, underused, undertrained, and utilized only in a very limited capacity. I've said it before, if the ladies ever went hardcore, they'd break the glass ceiling in a heartbeat. The Knockouts of TNA did it, so how about it Divas? Afraid you might break a few nails? I hate to be harsh, and really I can't blame all this on the Divas themselves. The management needs to loosen the reigns and let these gals get brutal. Face it, when was the last time you saw a WWE Diva so much as lay a hand on a folding chair? Me, I've never seen it, and given that no Diva except for Beth Pheonix is believable in knocking a male wrestler around unarmed, the others should be picking up a foreign object and making use of it at least occasionally. Face it, when the most brutal thing the female wrestlers do is yank hair and claw for the eyes, it pretty much feeds into the "weak" female stereotype.

In order for the Divas of the WWE to be taken seriously, they need to step up their game in the brutality department and the WWE creative team needs to allow them to do so. The WWE may be bloodless these days, but there's a lot you can do without bleeding. When the Divas learn how and are allowed to truly bring the pain, then I'll sit up and take notice.
I respect the divas as I do every wrestler that steps in the ring. However, just because I respect them doesn't mean I have to enjoy watching them; which I don't.

While a lot of the blame for the decline of the diva division is due to Vince and Creative, a large portion of the divas just aren't that great to begin with. For every Mickie James or Beth Phoenix, there are about 3 or 4 Maria's; and (ring wise) that's not a good thing. Yes, the WWE could do ALOT more with those girls, but they don't have too much to work with.

Maybe if the WWE focused on bringing in competent women's wrestlers and focused the division more on them, and kept the eye candy divas to non-wrestling roles (managers, valets, etc.) then people (including myself) probably wouldn't complain as much and show some more respect to the division as a whole.

While I do respect any girl that decides to step in the ring (no matter how garbage they may be), a lot of them just have no business being there.
It would definitely be better if they had more of an arsenal of moves. Occasionally I see one or two of them go off the the top ropes. I think they should do more of that. They're obviously very petite girls - well most of them - so it's not that far of a stretch for them to do simple aerial attacks. I don't think we'll see the day when we get a WWE Diva doing an Air Bourne or anything that complicated, but what's so hard about a simple cross body? Really, the training involved would not be very complicated. Plus it would give more believability to someone beating Beth Phoenix, who is clearly the most versatile Diva in the ring.
I respect all the Divas,Yeah i say that they cant wrestle.But the divas always put everything on the line when they go out to the ring to make us the fans happy. The divas always get injured for us.Is not because they want to,No is because they wrestle for us and sometimes get injured by that.
Very interesting and good thread! I happen to be a male who watches WWE for a huge part, because of the divas matches. I think the Divas division gets little respect and I DO believe that alot of people are wrong, QUITE a few WWE Divas are very very talented inring yet are never ALLOWED to showcase that. Before entering the WWE Mickie, Katie Lea, and Beth were all involved in ladder/extreme matches and did VERY WELL. That kind of thing NEVER happens in the WWE. At the last TLC, The idea of Mickie vs Michelle in a ladder match was nixed. Point in case right there. The WWE divas can do alot more and if GIVEN that opportunity i do believe quite a few gals: Mickie, Beth, Katie Lea, Natalya, Jillian, Gail, Michelle would rock it. I love the Divas and respect the heck outta them!!!

*Mickie James = phenomenal!!!*
I respect eveything they go through to get to wwe but like others who posted before me most of them are garbage and nothing but eye candy. Also unbelievably the womens division does have 1 thing in common with the raw world championship picture, it is the same people over and over. It is alway melina or mickie james vs beth phoenix or michelle mcool with the wildcard of maryse or gail kim. Again this is not the divas fault it is the wwe for some reason thinking eyecandy is more important than actual wrestlers. Also you said TNA knockouts have more time than WWE divas, this is because most divas with the exception of a few could not put on an entertaining match that went longer than 5 minutes. Im sorry but like everyone else its not that i dont respect them its just it hasnt been interesting since like 2006, 4 years ago :(
Everytime you hear someone talking about WWE divas they are always talking about how they are a waste of time or that they can't wrestle. WWE universe I think that you should give the WWE divas the respect that they have earned and deserve.

The divas put there bodies on the line just like the guys do. They train as much as the guys to entertain you and you don't respect them! I want to be a WWE diva one day and I hope that you guys respect me unlike the way that you respect the divas today.

Should I have any respect for "WWE Divas" who joined the 'E because they participated in a beauty contest? They worked really hard getting fake breasts (Which are actually not very enticing if you're over 14) and dressing up in skimpy outfits, before WWE went PG. There was a time where 90% of the female roster were from the Diva Search. I'll just list off a few.

Michelle McCool
Christy Hemme
Candice Michelle

I'll respect anyone who went to a wrestling school prior to having anything to do with the WWE, because they actually wanted to have a purpose in the company. The sad part about this is, Velvet Sky of all people talked shit about the Divas, and showed respect for Mickie. Velvet's green as hell.

You are always comparing them to the TNA knockouts and I am sick of that. Divas and Knockouts are completley different. The WWE divas can't help that Vince only gives them a little time in the ring unlike the knockouts who get at least 10 mins every week.

You mean the Knockouts, who worked their asses off in indy promotions before being offered a contract? Just about every TNA Knockout has worked their ass off to just get a spot in TNA. I'm sorry that they didn't go and sit on Vinnie's lap to gain your respect.

So when you really think about it the divas aren't that bad they just have to deal with a lot of things today, that divas like Lita and Trish and the Knockouts don't/didn't have to deal with. So start respecting the divas for all they do. If you don't think that the divas should be respected write why and if you think that they should write why you think that they should.

Could you possibly elaborate on this? I haven't the foggiest on what "Problems" you're eluding to. You mean having TWO women's titles? Yeah, it's a shame they didn't have to deal with that. Silly Cruiserweight belt.

Also, what about Ivory, Victoria, Molly Holly? Why don't they get a mention? They can't all be Stacy Carter.

I will be checking this thread a lot and will read all of the responses so if you want to try and prove me wrong or if you want to talk to me on this thread go ahead. But I will always respect the divas of the WWE!

Your move. :3
You're totally wrong, so stfu about respec.t..They just do cartwheels and flips...they suck, they don't wrestle...They don't entertain wrestling wise...more like a pole dance entertains...so no...They don't deserve that respect...and stop comparing them to the knockouts? Why because the knockouts are so much better? Douche bag.
WWE Divas do deserve a lot of respect than what they're getting. Why not put them in ladder matches? I don't know. Why aren't they given the opportunity? I don't know. Are they capable of doing good in the ring and entertaining the fans? YES. I too, wonder why they never get more than 5 minutes a match. These divas train and work their asses off just like any other male wrestler does.
Well firstly. am nearly ashamed to be the same the sex as most of you guys posting shit about performers who would well. kick your ass. who train to do a job. of entertaining us. the fans. they dont have to do ladder matches to entertain us. the people who watch wrestling for wot it is. a skill, that takes years and years to master, know that when they step out there and do a dropkick. a arm lariat a crossbody. that that takes time. no there not knockouts. but lacy von erich & madison rayne cant wrestle for shit. but there knockouts. the best knockout is Tara. and were did she come from? WWE? or is she good because of her roots in MMA. but on an overview. wot you see on TV. is wot vince puts there. the limitations on wot divas can do in a 3 min timeslot are very high. respect that they are willing and enjoy what they do to entertain us. and stfu

to OP.

GL in trying to become a diva. :D hard work and dedication is the key.
Well firstly. am nearly ashamed to be the same the sex as most of you guys posting shit about proformers who would well. kick your ass. who train to do a job. of entertaining us. the fans. they dont have to do ladder matchs to entertain us. the people who watch wrestling for wot it is. a skill, that takes years and years to master, know that when they step out there and do a dropkick. a arm lariat a crossbody. that that takes time. no there not knockouts. but lacy von eric maddison rayne cant wrestle for shit. but there knockouts. the best knockout is Tara. and were did she come from? WWE? or is she good because of her roots in MMA. but on an overview. wot you see on TV. is wot vince puts there. the limitations on wot divas can do in a 3 min timeslot are very high. respect that they are willing and enjoy what they do to entertain us. and stfu

to OP.

GL in trying to become a diva. :D hardwork and deadication is the key.

(snore...snore....snore..) oh im sorry much like during the divas matches i was catching up on sleep and not paying attention...calm down pissy patty..okay you know divas are boring matches and knockouts while they came from wwe..they left why..because they dont want to be labled as that...pretty face..nice to look at otherwise snoresville..now hold on..hold on negative nancy..now ill say trish vs mickie wrestlemania 22..greatest diva match ive ever seen. but other than trish lita mickie chyna and beth..divas are stale..do they deserve respect..NOOO!!! okay you said they have entertain you as much as a orton match..or cena hhh hbk rock austin match? nah i know your lying...and hmm all the divas today arent real wrestlers..cause if they were...wait for this..are you ready? real wrestlers..do what? train and work there way up before coming to the wwe..what do divas do..diva search....yeah..oh i def respect thier hustle (not) yeah right bruh send that to somewhere else
1st'ly, as a man I respect ALL women. The WWE divas are no different. Yes, they put their body's on the line and train for their jobs "in the ring" but they are mostly for "show" anyway on the programming.

WWE divas are their namesake. THEIR DIVAS! Their job is to be "divaish" and look good mostly. Out of all the divas in the ENTIRE WWE, there are only about 3 that I say can wrestle. And those 3 are Gail kim, Maryese, and Mickie james. That's just IMO.

Furteher more, I don't think its as much "disrespect" as it is lack of appreciation for TRUE wrestling, and not some scantily clad women, running around pulling each other's hair. But you know what, if that's what Vinnie Mac want"s 'em to do, they'll do it. Because Vince is making their lives REAL easy, and they know it. Hence, no argument from the Divas.
maria looks like she is going to break something everytime she throws a punch. she is too skinny to be taken seriously. the rest of the divas im cool with. i just wish we could go back to the days of mud matches. yes i know there are other outlets for that stuff, but damn, the girls always looked good. at least a bra and panty match, come on. ;)
Every professional wrestling fan respects every person to walk out through that curtain and performs their craft. If you have found a way to make it to the big mainstream companies, 99% of the time respect should be given to them. This includes the WWE Diva's. Whether anyone notices, they are actually out there every single week, mainly in wrestling contests, doing something in front of a usually dead crowd judging them for anything they do wrong because they have a feeling something is going to go wrong. How would you like it if you were known for bad public speaking but were picked to be a public speaker in front of thousands of people for a big corporation? The crowd would wait and watch patiently in silence until the next person came on and judged everytime you stuffed up. See where I'm getting at here?

However, just because we respect them for getting in at that ring, it doesn't mean we don't have to enjoy it. Hell, I'm one of the pro-diva fans, but they've really haven't done much to impress me lately. There are only a select few girls there that can actually wrestle, and only fewer girls who are proper professional wrestlers with the complete package. Mickie James is the best they have when considering all aspects, followed by Maryse and Melina. These girls have always gained a crowd reaction and will deliver the opposite to their opponent, as well has having a good amount of wrestling knowledge to perform in the ring. I'm sure there are others, but they have yet to gain significant reactions from the crowd by themselves.

The WWE Diva's have the respect for getting out there and performing, but the way they perform and showcase their skills have yet to gain a significant amount of respect for us to enjoy. They are a side act, so there isn't need for much attention in this field... so the amount of respect that is given right now is all is required.
Okay, this Divas title situation is getting pretty ridiculous:

First, Melina gets injured and a tournament is held to determine the new champ. Not a bad way to feature the division. I'm on board. For reference, Melina relinquished the title on January 4th.

Next, there are a few weeks of tournament matches. No problem here. The matches were hyped and there were matches every week. Consistent. I dig it.
For reference, Maryse and Gail Kim advanced to the finals of the tournament on January 25 by defeating Eve and Alicia Fox, respectively.

Okay, now fast forward almost a month to February 21. We still have not had the Maryse vs. Gail Kim Divas Title Tournament final match, and we still don't have a Divas champion. What gives? They could have had the match at the Royal Rumble, but no. They could have had the match on any number of RAWs between the Royal Rumble and Elimination Chamber, but no. They advertised the match on RAW but skipped it because they ran out of time. And then on the final RAW before Elimination Chamber they barely mentioned the match, if at all. And it was 1 of 4 matches on the card.
And finally, we get to EC and the match is changed to a tag match? This is total disrespect for the title. Why even have it?

I'm starting to think Melina might be back in time to take her title back before Gail and Maryse ever have their match. This booking is a mess. And it had such potential to build the Diva division. And we know it needed help.
What you say about them holding it for Melina to get it back sounds like the most logical reason for this nonsense. I'm getting pretty annoyed with it as well because for the last two PPVs (and the RAW following) I had been looking forward to this match. And each time they do something to put it off.

If they don't want Gail to be champion then just let her have the match and lose already. But instead they keep piling this mess up like they could care less how the women are booked (which is probably the case since they've gone away from bra and panties due to being PG).

I was really hoping to see Gail have a title run, but her entire WWE return has been very disappointing.
this is the wwe of latley, i read on another post someone saying they just dont know how they want the match to end so the wwe keeps making ways to but the match off. I think this might be true or even they think that gail and maryse should be a wrestlemania match, I have no idea. But if vinny mac doesnt shape up the flow of his storyline from the main event to the first match. No matter who is in the match then wwe might wanna watch out. Tna knockout have great storyline right now and witht he xdivision on the rise they should have good storyline behind everymatch. WWE they just throw matches out there and hope well keep coming back
this hole womens title mess could be a big build up or maybe a 3 way for the title maryes vs kim vs melina
People have respect for the Divas title??? If people dont respect the tag titles or the Intercontinental title anymore, how will a worthless title like the Divas championship gain respect? It doesnt.

I didnt even know who the previous champion was and I dont care who wins it in the end. Just put that worthless division out of it's misery and merge it with the Women's championship. Actually people on this thread might be the only ones that really care about this division or, in my case, could care less.
It's just crazy and pathetic the way they have been handling the divas title. Maybe they are waiting on Melina to come back, but Gail Kim deserves this time to be champion. She is the best wresting diva since Trish retired,
It's a shame.

Reading about the match tonight is why I never buy PPV's. The only reason I watch wrestling is for the women, and with the bad storylines, and poor treatment, why even tune in if you are a female wrestling fan?

Heck, companies like Double Trouble Wrestling actually have the ladies nude at times and they perform sexy moves.

The WWE will never "get it". :lmao:
I do agree that it is completely ridiculous how they are booking this thing, i dont think creative knows what the hell they are thinkin. But im sure the melina thing has something to it.
seriously can ppl just stop complaining and see what the hell happens. ppl never look on the damn bright side, think about it ATLEAST this means no sloppy battle royal but instead two seperate Divas bouts, Maryse vs Gail to crown a new Divas champ at WrestleMania (more special moment, it just is, its the biggest event of the damn year, it means more)

Melina returning to make it a Triple Threat is an awesome shock too, but The Road to WrestleMania is about shocks, let downs and swerves just enjoy this time and see what they do and how they switch things on us things arent as predictable as some ppl think, it's just not. ppl are predictable in always being asses and complaining know it all stuck up hypocrits

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