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[Official] Cyber Sunday Discussion Thread

if you go to wikipedia and look at the 2006 survivor series poster it shows all three still with there own title, so i bet that at cyber sunday the match will end in a no contest and there will be a huge brawl between all the people on each brand
Looks like he didn't.
But I do think he's gonna accept Umaga's open challenge.....call it a hunch.
i say benoit as uuuuumaga's open challenge

wwe title on the line

bischoff as the reff

dusty rhodes as flairs partner

and carlito to face jeff
Benoit to win

Big Show to win ecw gets another title and raw get the old wwe title back

DX get screwed off bischoff

Flair and Rhodes win

Jeff wins
maybe it could play out that the world heavyweight championship is on the line, cena wins and loses the wwe championship to edge or something on raw and cena finally goes to smackdown. because i would love for that to happen.
i think bischoff is going to introduce a new nWo because...why in hell would he be back and you know...teaming with mcmahon to take down dx, for book purposes? to push it to get people to buy it? NO! its nWo plain and clear as day simple. i hope it happens, and finally raw will turn into something half way interesting as it hasnt been in almost a year.
Who do all of you believe will face Umaga? The only logical choice would be Kane, due to there back stroy but then again I did find the Kane vs Umaga a boring stroy. But I also see Kane as not being the same old violent kane of the day. Maybe Sandman, but that doesnt really have any angle.

So what do you ppl think?
This Would Be My Imaginary Match Card
Champions Of Champions Triple Threat Lumberjack Match CenavsBookervsShow
Hardcore Match For Int Title Hardy Vs Nitro vs Benjamin vs masters vs carlito vs super crazy vs a new contender
ric flair vs all spirit squad
undertaker and kane BOD Vs Edge And Orton Vs hardcore holly and rvd Hell in a cell
tommy dreamer vs kevin thorn buried alive match
miz vs boogeyman
lita vs mickie james vs candice michelle vs melina vs maria vs victoria vs michele mccool vs ashlley vs kristal vs layla vs kelly kelly vs rebecca
dx vs umaga and viscera
Allright here goes:
When it comes to voteing for Taboo Tuesday/now Cyber Sunday do u people actually think our votes count??? NO! they dont. Why becaue WWE has story lines and angles all planned out and have an idea as to where they want them to go. Or if they want to start new ones. Our votes dont mean shit. As far as Flairs partner its going to be Piper becasue Piper has a new DVD coming out so they are going to keep him around for a short while to promote the DVD. As far the 3 titles its going to be Cena's belt. because hes the only face in that match and he has to overcome the odds (ONCE AGAIN) (GOD CENA FUCKING SUCKS) for the womens title match u know its going to be a Diva Lumberjack match. my god Lita and Mickie doing a submission or hardcore match it would be horrible. And its another way to get all the Divas on TV. As for Bischoff being the referee im almost positive he will be for 2 reasons. #1 to continue to promote his new book (which by the way is a great book, i bought it and had it read in 3 days i couldnt put it down accept for when i had to work) and #2 because Bischoffs contract with WWE doesnt expire until July of 2007. As far as the nWo goes. Dont count on it. Nash just re-signed with TNA. Hall doesnt want to work a full schedule and isnt ready to come back right now, and Waltman is off doing some MTV Wrestling shit Wrestling Society X or something like that and has a contract with them. Dont bet on Hogan doing it either. There going to save hogan for WM 23 when he faces the Big Show in both of there last matches.
But yea i know for a fact that our votes dont count. How i know that u ask? Well because i have a very good friend of mine that works for the WWE and ill give u a clue hes 21 years old and lives underneith the Smackdown! ring.
Is it the lepricahun? Anyway I agree it probably is rigged, just look at taboo tuesday when christian didnt get the ic title shot
jawn87 said:
i think bischoff is going to introduce a new nWo because...why in hell would he be back and you know...teaming with mcmahon to take down dx, for book purposes? to push it to get people to buy it? NO! its nWo plain and clear as day simple. i hope it happens, and finally raw will turn into something half way interesting as it hasnt been in almost a year.

bischoff's back probably 2 promote his book so it sells. Ever think of that?
how is him (bischoff) being a referee gonna sell more books??? if people are gonna buy it, theyre gonna buy it....besides if they were doing it cos hes on tv....remeber hes a heel so why would people wanna buy one of the top heels books if theyre supposed to hate them?? (does that make sense?!)
the person who made the nwo vs dx post is one of the smartest people around i mean look at how l you little brains ave been haveing an nwo orgasm for he past three months. Ay wayi think that the ecw title should be on the line and tha vince should be the reff for rated rko vs dx.
remeber hes a heel so why would people wanna buy one of the top heels books if theyre supposed to hate them?? (does that make sense?!)

Simple answer... Its called publicty.. Something that is used in the buisness world..

Cyber Sunday imo looks like a real bad PPV.. I was thinking about ordering it.. But non of the matches really pop out at me other then the Rated RKO vs DX.. And thats just going to continue for a long time.. Other then that, the card looks like something that can be broadcasted on T.V...

But so far I only voted for like 4 out of the 7 matches and they were..

Cryme Time vs Highlanders vs Haas/Vis vs Cade/Murdoch - Texas Tornado
DX vs Rated RKO - Eric B special ref.
The Champions of Champions - World Title (Just so Booker wins)
Umaga vs ? - Sandman
i posted this just to hear who everyone thinks will win at cyber sunday. here is what i think

cena vs. show vs. king: whoever's title is on the line will win

dx vs. E and O: dx, i think they will kick the hell out of whoever is the ref, and a normal ref will ref the rest of that match

hardy vs. (whoever): i hope he faces benjamin, but i hope hardy wins

lita vs. mickie: mickie will win, cuz they wont have another trish thing where she wins, and then leaves.

cryme tyme vs. cade/murdoch vs. highlanders vs. haas/viscera: cryme tyme. they havent lost, and the crowd really loves them. they wont have them lose this fast

umaga vs. (whoever)--i hope wwe makes up that the votes were all even, so they picked somebody out, and its either the rock or austin

flair/(somebody) vs. spirit squad: i voted for piper, and i think flair and his partner will win, and then the spirit squad will break up

hope to here from ya


I think that no matter what Cena will win the match. If the WWE title is on the line then he overcame the odds. If the WHC is on the line then he will lose it back to Booker on the next Smackdown. If the ECW title is on the line he will hold it until December to Dismember where RVD will beat him in the chamber.
My thoughts on the Cyber Sunday matches:

I'd love to see Booker T win the match and lose the ridiculous King Booker gimmick at long last; but I'm sure that Cena will win it since he's on a massive push. Big Show will likely do very little (much like HIAC with DX) except get double teamed and occasionally pound on the other two, most likely Cena will lock in the STFU on Big Show at the end.

Only logical choice for Umaga match has to be Sandman I guess, bit of poor booking there, assuming its to be another win for Umaga. Can't see them having the big "Umaga finally loses" match at one of the lesser PPVs. Benoit can't afford to lose since he's only just back and is clearly being set for some form of feud with Chavo. The Kane thing has been done to death and he has to look for strong for the BOD angle on Smackdown. Therefore must be Sandman, only one who can afford to lose since he's not really going anywhere at the moment! If this is the match for Umaga to lose then it will be Benoit to push him.

Flair and (probably) Dusty will most likely win causing Kenny to finally leave for good. Lots of heel tactics from SS followed by some old school magic and SS getting it handed to them. Looking out for a possible DQ victory however as an alternate ending there with the SS bailing out with a low blow or using the belt as a weapon.

Carlito vs Jeff, Jeff to retain. They're pushing him strong and hopefully some real storylines will emerge amongst the IC ranks cause the matches have been pretty good recently. Particularly the fatal four way with super crazy. Would love to see Shelton in the match though he's just fun to watch, great athlete.

Diva match I couldn't really care less, would like to see a submission match for some evidence that maybe they can wrestle. Probably a lumberjack match with Mickie winning and lots of hugging and bouncing at the end. 'Nuff said.

I really really want DX to lose this damned match, the feud has been absolute rubbish so far making Orton and Edge look pathetic. Both highly talented wrestlers getting thrashed each week, or made to look like they can only win if they cheat (and that's a maybe!). Bischoff, if ref, might very well assist DX however. Can't see it being Coach... This match irritates me to be honest because I think a DX - Rated RKO feud could have been brilliant with four top calibre wrestlers, instead they've screwed it up and are most likely going to have to introduce some new players into the scenario (hopefully not NWO; need some originality!!!!)

Four way tag has some very talented wrestlers in there, although Cryme Tyme are a little green at the moment. Would like to see Murdoch or Highlanders win that one. Highlanders got a push and then nothing, but appear very talented. Cryme Tyme need to develop a bit before a big push for gold.

That's just my thoughts anyway, am just glad that here in the UK I can watch it for free on Wednesday on Sky 3. I honestly don't know that I'd pay for it seeing as the DX - Rated RKO feud has been a huge disappointment and the Champion of Champions match is pretty lame!
I will be at the show tomorrow night. My thoughts:

Champion of Champions match: Not very well hyped last night on Smackdown, they should have put Cena and/or Show on screen when Batista was "attacked". As it is, I think Show wins this, and the WWE title should be up for grabs.

Flair and Rhodes/Piper/Slaughter vs. Spirit Squad: Flair and his partner will likely win, and that will signal the end for the Squad.

Umaga vs. Benoit/Kane/Sandman: Please...Umaga, EASILY.

DX vs. "Rated RKO": Bischoff as ref, DX still pulls it out, so the feud will go to Survivor Series.

Lita vs. Mickie: I hope we get a No DQ match...Lita takes this match unless it's a Submission Match.

Cryme Time vs. Highlanders vs. Cade/Murdoch vs. Viscera/Haas: Has potential...Cryme Time steals another one...just like they stole that TV Monday night!

Hardy vs. Nitro/Carlito/Benjamin: Hardy will hang on to his belt, but both of the superstars NOT picked may interfere.
Well, I voted for King Booker becuase I want him to win. However, I would love to see Cena lose his belt to King Booker and Booker burn that crappy belt Cena has and bring back the REAL WWE Championship. DX vs. Orton/Edge: I voted for Eric Bischoff because I feel like he deserves to be back in the picture. He would clearly be the better choice and it could possibly spark his return as GM. Umaga vs. ?: I voted for Benoit and Sandman because Benoit is one of the greatest wrestlers in the ring today. I know that Benoit would push Umaga to the limit, causing a very physical match. I voted for Sandman because he is hardcore and I would love to see him use as many weapons as he can to give Umaga the worst beating he has received so far in the WWE. I think Piper will be Flair's partner because he is the only one who got a reaction from the fans on Monday. Jeff Hardy vs. Carlito because I feel that he is the better pick right now, but I also feel that he will be turning heel soon after his incident with Torrie on Monday night. The rest of the matches, I didn't vote for.

Booker T
Edge/Orton, Bischoff helping them
Jeff Hardy

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