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[Official] Cyber Sunday Discussion Thread

The PPV itself was solid, the main event was good.....until the ending....that was typical Vince McMahon garbage.

Never mind the fact you knew Booker was gonna win as soon as they said his title was up for grabs, because I think Booker was set to win whether it was the Heavyweight title or the WWE title.

But how in the hell do they promote a main event like that, it's supposed to have much prestige for the winner, and bring in a piece a trash like Mr. Britney Spears (he still won't sell 10,000 copies) to do a run-in. This ending screwed up what otherwise was becoming a very good main-event.

I can't dislike Federline more than I already did....but tonight made him look like an even bigger joke and Vince screwed up an otherwise good PPV.
i really dont know aobut lita i cant really tell on how shes going to leave edge or the other way around.
I don't know about that. It's kind of a win win situation for the WWE. K-Fed gets promotion for his album, and the WWE gets heel heat for Booker T and more attention.

Flames Out
k fed gets $15,000 for apperence so he could make more doing 6 wwe shows then with his coaster cd
I watched the PPV tonight and wasn't really impressed at any point in time during the show. The main event went as I thought....Bookers title up for grabs and him winning. I also thought they might do a screw job with a DQ, but JR put that to rest late in the match. I never heard it was no DQ until Cena and Show were over by the annourcers table. The woman's title match should have been first as it killed the crowd. The DX and orton/edge match was ok, but still nothing special. All in all I spent 39.99 and thought I got what would be considred a decent RAW and I'll leave it at that.
Yeah I understand the business aspect of it....I totally do. But I just think they should have kept Federline out of this one. I would have liked to see a main event like this, the first of its kind, end as cleanly as possible.

The worst part about it is now you know Cena is going to have to waste a PPV appearance on Federline (I refuse to call him by the moniker he gave himself), but at least we'll get to see Cena whoop this little boys ass for a good 15 minutes.

My only fear is Vince starts getting ideas about putting the WWE title on the line in that inevitable match. Anyone remember the David Arquette farce?
I agree. I guess my thing is I feel we have K-FEd being shoved down our throats and to be honest I haven't talked to or read where anyone is enjoying this angle. Personally I think with Suvivor Series coming it would have been cool for a title to be lost and set up a huge rematch at Survior series...but who am I have only been watching for 25 years now.
You guys Hate too much when shit doesnt happen the way you want it.

So obvious Booker was gonna win, K fed being shoved down our throats. blah blah blah. if you dont like it dont watch.

i think it was a solid ppv. Cryme tyme's 1st ppv easy win vs 3 other teams, Lita getting back the title she loss. i wonder how they are gonna use the new tag team champs flair and piper.
look just cause you were the only person in line to by K-FEd's new CD doesn't mean the rest of us have to be happy about him showing up. Anyways, I think that Flair and Pipper will probably drop the belts to Cryme Tyme...maybe as soon as tommorow night. There has been talk about the spirit squad break up for a while now, so Im sure that will be a big storyline tommrow night as well. I think this PPV was good at one thing...setting up some intresting storylines going forward......that I will agree on.
JRicks78 said:
Anyways, I think that Flair and Pipper will probably drop the belts to Cryme Tyme...maybe as soon as tommorow night. There has been talk about the spirit squad break up for a while now, so Im sure that will be a big storyline tommrow night as well.

I hope we get to see a big tag team match like a tag team turmoil for the TT Titles in a few weeks though I don't think that it would be tomorrow. I also don't see why so many people think that Cryme Tyme will beat Ric and Pip for the titles in a singles match. They're two faces and wouldn't go together. Anyway for the title match or even a tournament, my teams would be:

Champs - Ric Flair and Piper
Eugene & Duggan (may turn on eachother and further their feud)
Spirit Squad (as above)
Venis and Snitsky (on heat occasionally)
Cade & T Murdoch
Cryme Tyme
Haas and Vis
Super Crazy & Carlito (they'd be a good team)
Rated RKO (unlikely)
The Highlanders
Sgt. Slaughter and Dusty Rhodes (it could happen)
DX (very unlikely)
Shelton and Nitro (they'd be a good team too)
Conway and Masters (the team that's humiliated)

Anyway, that's mostly just teams that really aren't teams but anyway. The match last night was good and I hope those things continue.
BTW, the whole K-Fed thing was used for the WWE to attract more fans and more publicity. They capitalised on K-Fed's worldwide hatred when he appeared on Raw and made a few waves. So the angle, whilst it may be annoying for most, is done from a business point of view and not the current fans view. I just hope he isn't in any matches. By the way to whovever said he got more money for doing one show or whatever than he will for his album: Brilliant lol.
JRicks78 said:
look just cause you were the only person in line to by K-FEd's new CD doesn't mean the rest of us have to be happy about him showing up. Anyways, I think that Flair and Pipper will probably drop the belts to Cryme Tyme...maybe as soon as tommorow night. There has been talk about the spirit squad break up for a while now, so Im sure that will be a big storyline tommrow night as well. I think this PPV was good at one thing...setting up some intresting storylines going forward......that I will agree on.

not saying i purchased his cd. trust me i wouldnt, But hating on him for just being part of a storyline cause you dont like it well that too bad. i agree with wwe using him and promoting his album and if i got a chance i to would mess with cena, Every Cena hater out there should be a big K-fed fan for what hes doing in wwe and to cena.

not a hater of either one. guess they found the "rapper" to feud with Cena.. lol:dj:
K-Fed is the worst, I hate Cena but I would have rather seen him win the belt instead of getting screwed by that joke Federline who has no business even being in the arena unless he paid for a seat. That ruined the main event for me. The rest of the show was pretty good, my favorite match was Carlito and Hardy.
JRicks78 said:
I watched the PPV tonight and wasn't really impressed at any point in time during the show. The main event went as I thought....Bookers title up for grabs and him winning. I also thought they might do a screw job with a DQ, but JR put that to rest late in the match. I never heard it was no DQ until Cena and Show were over by the annourcers table. The woman's title match should have been first as it killed the crowd. The DX and orton/edge match was ok, but still nothing special. All in all I spent 39.99 and thought I got what would be considred a decent RAW and I'll leave it at that.
FYI...triple threat matches ARE no DQ by nature. I'm nbot so sure if the women's title is what killed the crowd...pretty sure I heard boring chants during the IC Title match. The best match, in my estimation was the women's match, it really went to show what some of the women in the WWECW can do. I still say that title shouldn't be brand exclusive...someone like Trinity should get a shot...but that's neither here nor there. As far as the main event...you mean to tell me NO ONE saw K-Fed getting involved in the finish? Other than that, it was an OK match..just really sad to visibly see that Show's career is almost over. It was obvious most of the match was designed for him to have limited involvement, and it was saddening for me personally to see how heavy he was breathing, how limited his movement was and how much his health seems to be dwindling....just sad really. On the plus side, it appears that the Jock Sniffers are finally going to split...and the possibility of a feud between the two best..in my opinion, Kenny and Johnny, makes it that much better.
Well the PPV pretty much went I thought it would go. SS losing and further the break up angle. I really cant wait to see what kind of gimmicks they get. I think Kenny will get an Edge type of gimmick, "tired of how he was treated, screw all of you" type of thing. And I wonder how long they will actually let the Legends hold the tag titles. I am thinking they will hold it until Survivor Series. Also should be interesting to see the 3 champs continue tonight on Raw, cause I seriously doubt that will be the end of that thing they got going on.
I think the seeds for a SS split up have been set for Survivor Series. I believe the legends will be the reason. I also think after last night that the Women's title might finally become an interpromotional title. I thought that Cyber Sunday was a good show.
Holy hell, can you imagaine if this was the case..maybe they will have a classic Survivor Series match...The Spirit Squad (probably Nicky, Johnny Mikey and Kenny) vs Flair, Piper, Sarge and Dusty, and the Squad will walk out on Kenny or vice versa and BOOM, no more Jock Sniffers!!! WOOOHOOOOO
My thoughts on Cyber Sunday.

Quick summary: very glad I got to watch it for free on Sky and didn't have to pay for it.

Kane Versus ???: Was rather surprised with the result here actually, I saw this match as a booking error right from the start and was sure no one would vote Kane as its been done to death but there we go. Was hoping for either Benoit winning to break the streak (unlikely) or Sandman to beat up on Umaga then lose. Kane seemed to lose almost out of nowhere when he had Umaga down and seemingly out for the count, but there you go. Fairly uninteresting! Loss of Kane credibility after the good show put on by BoD at Smackdown.

Tag Team Match: Was kind of hoping for a Highlander or Murdoch win, I can see a big Cryme Tyme push coming and really enjoy watching them, but feel it's a bit too soon. But nevertheless, in what was by far too short a match (and one where the stipulation was truly crap; texas tornado with 8 men....its just asking to be sloppy and slow pace). I found it fairly dull with the exception of a couple of nice double teams from the various pairs. Vis n Haas seemed to be just making up the numbers!

IC Match: Enjoyed this a lot, voted for Benjamin as I reckon he's the best of the three on offer; but Carlito put on a good show and I liked the way there was a clear progression of the match with Carlito playing it safe then getting riskier and riskier before Hardy put him away. The two swantons looked particularly stiff which was nice and the whisper in the wind was pulled off well, more than compensating for a couple of under performed spots previously (the running along the safety barrier looked awful!). Just a shame he lost the title the next day to a guy who got 13% of fan vote and clearly isnt wanted to hold the title. Pfft!

DX Vs Rated RKO: Thank god DX lost. Its about time!!! Would have been better with a clean finish but we all knew it wasn't gonna happen what with the vote being all about the ref. Bischoff played his part well, particularly liked the line, "I'm doing the best I can!" to HHH after Edge crotch chopped at HHH before hitting HBK. The match was well built up, enjoyed the HBK spot before. Particularly the reference to Bret Hart, nicely done. Match was pretty good with some reasonable moves and a decent finish to finally give some limited credibility to Rated RKO. Personally if they had come out with their A game and actually beaten DX fair and square it would have had more impact, but thats up to the guys booking the event!

Women's Match: Shit, some very dull wrestling with lumberjack bits outside the room looking very amateurish and hashed together. Wasn't surprised that Lita won, especially after Edge had won earlier. Jesus it was dull!

Flair vs SS: Keep your kit on please next time Rowdy. Lost all impact when he was revealed to be desperately out of shape, the total lack of reaction to his getting out of the sleeper hold was an example of this! Fairly dull match although will be good that the SS will soon split up hopefully; am seeing the Legends as being mere custodians of the gold until Vince has decided who to hand it to next (Cryme Tyme most likely, if they haven't stolen it already). Flair performed as well as he can at the moment, was impressed with Kenny as usual; really think he has some talent and needs to be held on to. Finish was rather mundane but there were some good spots in the match.

Main event: Really disapppointing. Booker's title surprised me (particularly the vast majority of votes), but was looking forward to the match. Big Show did almost nothing, due to being old and tired most likely, hit a couple of clotheslines and an impressive double suplex then did nothing all match. Booker and Cena put on an ok show for the majority of the match. Have to say that at one point though when Cena was at ringside, some high pitched pre-teen sounding dick was yelling, "CENA SUCKS!" over and over and over again right in his face. I really felt like someone should have hit the guy, fine you don't like Cena. But trying to put him off when the man is busting a gut to entertain you doesn't prove anything, really pissed me off for some reason that this guy was so rude. You can put Cena down all you want, but the fact is he is able to do things that you can't. He's stronger than you. He is better on a mic than you. Give the man at least some passing respect. Was amused at the mass boos Cena got at the end though when it lookde like he would win. People clearly don't like the miracle Cena victories where he pulls it ouf of nowhere, and appear to be fed up with him winning: now that I can understand. The ending truly was awful though, just discredits the whole match not having a clean ending. Particularly when its K-Fed who interferes. Was hoping for a decent match with a clean win at the end from one of the three, but no. Shitty typical Vince ending with some run in and cheap shot with the gold.

Overall I was rather disappointed; enjoyed IC match and DX match out of the seven. Rest were bland. Special notice to Maria who did a good job presenting and looked very attractive as usual, the "and I dont wanna get fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiired" line was great.

Roll on Survivor Series.....
I agree with most of that, what could be the most creative PPV of the year was strictly by the book, I would have loved to have seen a double champ after the main event. There were no suprises and I thought the PPV was not worth the money

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