[OFFICIAL] Bret Hart is Raw's new General Manager Discussion

Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member
I guess you can say this makes sense because Vickie is like a machine when it comes to getting heat. Still, this has been done to death before. Vickie might be one of the top heels in the WWE, but this becoming very redundant .

I'm also wondering if Vickie and Edge will get back together. This wouldn't surprise me because Edge has turned heel again, and these two were a power couple during their days on Smackdown. Could an Edge and Vickie reunion be good or bad for Raw?

This could be a good thing because WWE doesn't have any power couples at the moment, and Edge and Vickie do make a good duo. This could be a bad thing if WWE decides to take too much air time with Vickie and Edge segments/promos. The Raw roster is pretty stacked, and everyone needs to get as much air time as they can.

As far as Vickie being GM again, it's a logical choice. There really isn't anyone else in WWE who could play the heel GM role like she can.

What are your thoughts on Vickie as the new GM?
Truth be told, I'm actually pretty happy about Vickie on Raw. That lets Teddy do HIS thing on SD! without interference. Vickie-Ted power couple anyone?

My question is where does this leave McCool and Layla? Unless Vickie ALSO keeps her Smackdown "consultant" position, those two are gonna have probs.
I might get flamed for this but I will not be watching Raw nearly as much now as I have been. The two things holding me back from loving Smackdown were Vickie and Drew and I no longer have those problems. Vickie is akin to a JBL to me. She draws massive heat but in an X-Pac 'we hate you the person, not just the character' way. I was so glad when she actually left the company for a while and was massively disappointed when she came back. And just about every single storyline she's been involved in has been childish and made no sense whatsoever. So no, I don't consider it a good choice.
I like that they took the power away from the hosts, but not sure I agree with the choice of Vickie. I can't really name anyone better off the top of my head, and it's not the worst choice(Mike Adamlee), but I can just imagine HHH rattling off the same jokes about Vickie that he did before not to mention some of the other stuff that we already lived through. I dunno, it's a toss up for me right now. We'll have to see how it plays out.

As for Drew not being on SD anymore, I'm not sure he's done with Smackdown. My bet is that Hardy comes back from injury and demands Drew be reinstated. That is if he isn't brought back in another way....but that's a whole other topic for a whole other thread.
Raw could have used a better GM than Vickie in my opinion. A name that surfaced a while ago that could have been a really great GM is the Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase Senior, as well as possibly Bret Hart. I feel Vickie Guerrero being the manager of LayCool was actually good in that role and brought a little power group to the woman's division. We have seen Vickie already as General Manager and feel that it was time for a fresh start, I would have even liked to have seen William Regal become General Manager of Raw again as when he was GM his reign got cut short because of a positive drug test but he did do a solid job as GM and reminded me of back when Eric Bischoff ran RAW and even when Shane was an on-air Authority figure. I just feel Vickie has been played out enough as it is.

Also a dark horse name that wouldn't have been bad as a General Manager, Matt Striker, I know he does have a little heat on him for thinking he is on the level of a Jerry Lawler and Michael Cole but he could play a GM role very well especially with having the former teacher stick to go back to as well as being able to tell wrestlers I know where you've been and have been in that position.
This is really my first time paying attention to Vicki because I rarely watch Smackdown. I am a huge fan of heels and the heat she received was amazing. I think its a good idea as long as WWE doesnt kill it like they do everything else.
Nothing but good things will come from this

guest hosts can appear but they have NO POWER now! definite plus

Vickie is probably not the optimal choice but she is not bad by any means

From what Ive seen so far this could turn out to be like Austin VS McMahon 2 with Orton cementing his badass babyface role (RKOing Meatloaf was a good step toward that) with Vickie in power, and whoever she wants to associate with.

I could see Orton becoming the new face of WWE with this move if it's all done right
This is really a shame, to think that WWE is more concerned about "drawing heat" and getting a "bad" fan reaction. You know what's worse than getting a bad reaction? Getting NO reaction.

Another fine move by WWE to help solidify my moving of fandom toward TNA with greater interest.

As the Miz would say, "Really?" The best that WWE can come up with for a permanent RAW G.M. is the 2nd attempt of throwing us the wife of a great deceased wrestler whose personality revolves around drawing heat from saying "EXCUSE ME" over and over and over. :icon_rolleyes:

Glad to see WWE be so cutting edge (no pun) with their "creative" decisions. :banghead: Thanks for helping me to cross the line WWE.
This is really a shame, to think that WWE is more concerned about "drawing heat" and getting a "bad" fan reaction. You know what's worse than getting a bad reaction? Getting NO reaction.

Another fine move by WWE to help solidify my moving of fandom toward TNA with greater interest.

As the Miz would say, "Really?" The best that WWE can come up with for a permanent RAW G.M. is the 2nd attempt of throwing us the wife of a great deceased wrestler whose personality revolves around drawing heat from saying "EXCUSE ME" over and over and over. :icon_rolleyes:

Glad to see WWE be so cutting edge (no pun) with their "creative" decisions. :banghead: Thanks for helping me to cross the line WWE.

Well, all of you can be happy because Vickie has not officially "resigned" as General Manager. I guess this was all just a work.

I must say, I was excited to see the landscape change again. So I really don't see why the WWE did this tonight. As far as I'm concerned, Vickie is the ultimate in getting heat out of the audience. They really could have used this angle down the road and made it stick.

And I was almost relieved that the Special Guest GM concept would be gone... but that subject is for ANOTHER THREAD. So please do not turn this thread into a WWE Guest Host bashing session. We already have a thread open for that conversation.
I've been waiting about 7-8 months for the guest host era to end, as I thought it was a plain out STUPID idea, having Celebs that probably never watched more then Wrestlemania, go on and "run" the show for the night.

Although I completely hate the guest host idea, Vickie becoming GM is worse. In my opinion, real life talking, if you put a women in power, it get's to their head, and they act like there god, which is what Vickie's gimmick seems to be.

Now as I'm typing this, it seems that Raw is now over, and Vickie has resigned from the WWE, begging Randy not to RKO her. Another sign of unprofessional ability in the WWE, by having Vickie resign the night she becomes GM, they mise well have said "Hey, let's have two Guest Hosts, except you can't do anything, only she can."

As for your question of Edge and Vickie getting back together? Hell no. Personally, I'm sick of seeing this storyline, I'd rather see Orton and Triple H fight over the WWE championship for 5 years straight, then see Edge and Vickie go back out, Because Orton and Triple H seems LESS stale. How many times has Edge broken Vickie's heart, then end up getting back with her, hell, maybe it's a good angle, as maybe that's how relationships go. I believe Edge stated he used Vickie 2 times, one of those two times being shortly after returning.

I think Vickie should resign within the WWE altogether, have this be her last angle, by Orton punting her in the head. Not only will that be a good draw from Orton, but it will also be a chance for Vickie to get out, and have an opportunity for a great storyline.
They did this just so their would be a vacancy for the commish. Giving the perfect opportunity for Bret Heart to step in. It makes to much sense, so it prob wont happen
Thankfully, it doesn't look like Vickie Guererro is going to be the new GM (at least I hope not). I have nothing against her personally and I'm glad that WWE kept her around after Eddie's death, but please....no.

I'm glad the celebrity nonsense is coming to an end too. At least Raw will have some sort of direction again and someone making the decisions and getting involved in the storylines.

I don't think Bret Hart is going to be the new GM. God knows, I'd like it, but I don't think he's going to stick around for much longer. Bret has done what he needed to do. he came back and he'll get a chance to say a proper goodbye to his fans.

Raw does need a new GM though and I'm wondering who that will be. William Regal would be my first choice. He's been Commissioner before and he'd suit the GM role well. Either way, I think I'd rather have a heel GM for Raw.
As a general rule, don't go online to check out something if you dont want to get spoiled. ESPECIALLY if it has already aired. It's your own fault.


Lol, I don't see him needing to be GM anytime soon. Nice fantasy pick though.

I really wanted to see Vicki get RKO'd. I also wanted to see Michael Cole get RKO'd. Not because I felt it would get Randy a lot of pop(it would though), like Vickie, but just because I can't stand him.

I don't think her being GM of Raw would be bad, so long as they didn't do the love thing with her and Edge.

Don't get your hopes up on Brett people, I really doubt he has the need or desire to fill the role.

I vote Vladarella for GM.
there was some talk awhile back here on WZ that the Rock could be the GM for the whole summer, which would rock out loud. however, i haven't heard anything about that in a long time.

as far as Vickie goes, isn't there any way they can keep her on the payroll, yet off of TV??
As the Miz would say, "Really?" The best that WWE can come up with for a permanent RAW G.M. is the 2nd attempt of throwing us the wife of a great deceased wrestler whose personality revolves around drawing heat from saying "EXCUSE ME" over and over and over. :icon_rolleyes:

Anyone else see the irony of showing dislike for "Excuse me!" by using "Really?"?

But other than that, the idea that Vickie is gonna be a bad GM is one I'm inclined to believe. I've always held the notion that Vickie receives the wrong kind of heat. People don't hate the character, they hate the person. Nothing will change, she's been in the spot before, it's just a big waste of time. Would rather have seen Regal.
Personally, i had no problems with Vickie as GM...until i realized that this is example 35703864 of WWE trying to force the same crap down our throat because they think we aren't smart enough to realize that this storyline already played out...three times. She becomes GM, chooses a wrestler she is "dating" and gives him a ridiculous push. Her and Edge did this storyline twice, then her and Big Show did it, then her and that Escobar dude (though, to be fair i did like that once he lost his title shot, she dumped him) and now that she's back, what storyline immediately is brought to the forefront? Her and Edge. And in answer to the questions about who would be a better GM for Raw? Teddy Long. Yes he is already GM of Smackdown, but a: that is widely regarded as the B show, and therefore would make it a promotion of sorts. and b: The whole idea of Smackdown and Raw being separate entities has been over for like a year. People from Raw go on Smackdown and vice versa, and how long are we going to have Unified Tag Team Champions with 2 sets of belts? Either make a single set of Tag Team Championship belts, or split the belts up (personally i think they should've split the belts at the draft, instead of handing the United belts to the Hart dynasty, ShoMiz should've retained the belts, then been split up, with Show taking one set to Smackdown, and Miz taking the other to Raw) The US championship and Intercontinental championship have been rendered (mostly) useless for a long time, and there isn't a Crusierweight belt anymore, so really the only difference between the two shows are the main championships, so i say they just give up the hoax, merge the WWEuniverse back together, and let Teddy Long GM it all.

I think TNA is absolute Garbage...but that Garbage is looking better and better with the way WWE is just going in circles.
I guess since Vickie "resigned" there won't be a permanent GM on Raw. I do think the Vickie and Edge faction has been done to death, but Vickie gets monster heat. Also, I would rather see Vickie with edge then that lame ass LayCool.

It is also refreshing to see that celebrities that don't know anything about wrestling don't' have the authority to book a match. I hope this concept holds true for the next few weeks. I'm surprised that the crowd cheered for Orton giving the RKO to Meatloaf but booing when Edge said that celebrities wouldn't have booking power on Raw.

I wouldn't mind seeing Vickie with Edge with the celebrity hosts hopefully ending soon. Vickie is more of an asset on Raw then on Smackdoiwn anyways.
When I heard Edge say there was going to be a permanent GM, my thoughts had turned to William Regal. He could get massive heat, but not nearly as much as the widow Guerrero just saying two little words, "EXCUSE ME!!!". Seriously, the little hairs on the back on my neck raise up when she says that. Leaving my personal dislikes out regarding her character, she will be a good hate magnet on RAW.
Also, since when is the GM's role strictly to draw heat? I'd much prefer a well rounded character as GM, instead of a woman who is used strictly because she says excuse me in an obnoxious voice, and gives the announce team the chance to mention Eddie.
shortest thread ever since there isn't a perma GM now.......LOL. That being said, so do the guest hosts go back to having power next week?

I think instead of having Vickie resign, she should have said she'd play it down the middle from then on and had her play the role of unbiased GM. Lord knows Edge dogged her out pretty bad when they broke up, so it's not like she should have any love for him.
I respect Vickie going for it and earning a living to support her children. Vickie, God, and all of us know she isn't made for TV...more like radio with the volume on mute. That's neither here nor there.
On topic I fucking hate Vickie's character. But it's the I won't watch heat, not the oh wow you're a great heel kinda heat. I feel that I wasted my money on Wrestlemania only because there was that shit show of a match that this war pig fucking won. HOG SPLASH!!!
Nothing against the woman herself, I'm just not a fan of her character, acting, and presence on TV.
I'd like to wish Vickie well in all her future endevours.
Vikkie might not be very good at acting, but she always has such huge heat. And that's what you want in a heel character right? :shrug:
Why would vickie be with edge after all the things he said to her when he broke up with her, and now they do the same angle they did on sd but this it's on raw.

I really hope this was just a one time deal and vickie will still be on sd, but they can't do the edge is with vickie only because she is the gm storyline again.

If they do they should say that vickie has lost her memory or something because she can't be that stupid to fall 4 that again.
I actually enjoyed seeing Vicky back but and I stress, I am glad it was one night only, Vicky is a good character but in small doses in my opinion, she did what was required enhanced the storyline and also helped Edge get more over as a heel, as I noticed he was cheered when he first came out, as soon as he brought out Vicky he was hated.

I belive Shawn Michaels would make a good GM, having done the Commisioner role before and how over he is I think it would be a good idea.
I'm not too happy that Vickie resigned that quickly, I love Vickie and she is probably the best heel in wrestling right now in terms of drawing heat. The plus side to all this is it does end the guest host having the "power to create matches" and also opens the job up for someone else, maybe William Regal again? Another plus is that segment made Orton look like one bad ass motherfucker, this is good seeing as that is what his character has become.

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