[Official] All Zack Ryder Discussion (DO NOT SPAM!)

I think it's interesting how the Internet fans - the people responsible for Ryder's rise - are now slowly turning on him.

Back when he was a nobody it was the Internet fans that went "Hey, wait, he's got a funny youtube show." They then made Ryder their guy. He was their chosen one. The underdog they supported.
The support grew and eventually the WWE was at a loss because a guy who was barely on their radar before was suddenly in high demand. The WWE did something clever then: They withheld Zack Ryder. This only increased the support of this underdog until eventually he could be considered a legitimate star - all without him being on TV.

So what the WWE has now is a very unique situation. But the fact is, Zack Ryder is over. And guys who are over get pushed. It's as simple as that.

It remains to be seen how long his push is going to last, seeing as the fans who made him are already turning on him. Suddenly it's like "he's only the U.S. champ because of his silly youtube show, not because he is a real talent." :rolleyes:

Well, whatever. There is one constant about the Internet marks: They will never be happy.
i agree I was just about to post a thread about this and I decided to check to see if someone else already beat me to it let me just say I really don't get what people like about Zack Ryder. I think he is a decent performer I just don't like the gimmick or maybe its the fact everyone loves the guy. I think that I would maybe I would like him more if he was a heel which I think he should be. Maybe I don't like Ryder because I live in Jersey shore area and he reminds me of all the douche bag bros that live here. I just feel that this is a gimmick that should be a heel I just don't get it and another thing Zack Ryder probally has the worst entrance music in the history of wrestling even T.L. Hooper had a better theme anyways thats how I feel about Zack Ryder
I agree, Zack Ryder is a cringeworthy, annoying moron.

He can wrestle and he's a good looking kid (no homo), but EVERYTHING else about him is just terrible. I actually feel embarrassed watching him trying to cut a promo.
zack ryder does NOT deserve all this air time.

zack ryder is an OVER-RATED, OVER-HYPED , NO wrestling talent UNDERCARDER.

his monster push is UNVALIDATED. a popular youtube show should not = US championship title reign.

see what you get ryder fans---vince listens to you , zack gets more airtime and look what happens....

we get low caliber matches higher in the card with ryder involved.....not even ** matches out of the guy cuz he sucks so bad in the ring.....

we get lame backstage skits of ryder BRUSHING HIS TEETH, CHANGING TIRES, KISSING CENA'S ASS.....

you know what all this horses###$ equals??


not just LOW RATINGS.....

the lowest in nearly a DECADE.....

you know how bad that is??!!!

it was a horrible show to begin with, and the fact that ryder took the majority of the airtime, and the fact that HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of viewers switched channels during ryder's lame attempt to change tires.....SMH....

and im not just talking about last nights show, ratings have been going down the past month already. surely, ryder is not fully to blame for this, but dammit look at the ratings breakdown. viewership goes down when ryder is on the air. TOO MUCH air time for this goofy dude.

zack ryder NEEDS to slink back down the card where he belongs.

he's still the same goofy, no wrestling talent , played out gimmick with the one 'woo woo woo' catchphrase UNDERCARDER.

the WWE is trying to shove him down our throats and i'm NOT falling for it.

ryder fans need to get off the imaginary bandwagon, stop getting swayed by the wwe marketing machine, and step into reality.

face it man, HE AIN'T THAT GOOD.

i know ima get flamed for this but bring it on....what you got to say ryder fans?

face it, the only reason he's where he's at is because of his damn YOUTUBE show. it's true.

NOT his WRESTLING ability, NOT his mic work, NOT his story-telling ability--the stuff that REALLY matters in the ring----

but his freakin youtube show. it's NOT right.

and he's a US champion??!!! a PRESTIGIOUS championship once held by such greats as ric flair, sting, ricky the dragon steamboat, steve austin, eddie guerrero...and zack ryder??!!!!!! RIDICULOUS!!!!! his name don't belong in the same sentence!!!!!

ryder is the most UN-CREDIBLE US champion in the history of pro wrestling.

he needs to DROP the strap already to a more CREDIBLE WRESTLER on raw.....i don't know who, the talent pool ain't that great right now, but someone who can bring honor back to the US title. (cody rhodes is doing a fantastic job of bringing CLASS back to the intercontinental strap by the way)

and then, vince needs to demote ryder down to WWE superstars
Dude, get a clue. Zack is in one of the top stories, if not THE top story, and he's not going anywhere(minus the fact he is "injured" now). He does deserve it, and he deserves to keep his title too. You are no ratings expert, you don't know the exact time people tune out or why, nor does everyone else. Your just as bad as that other guy that says stupid shit.

Also, Swagger? Yeah, that's someone people want to see & more diserving than Ryder alright? I could understand someone else but not friggin Swagger.

Why not, when Ryder comes back, give him some balls and have him attack Kane. Have the U.S title come into play in THIS storyline. Boom instant credibility for both Zack & the title. One of the most charismatic characters, in one of the top storylines, who had people chanting his name while The Rock was in the ring, is NOT the sole purpose, or even partially a main purpose, of the bad ratings.
btw to the OP just letting you know that the tyre changing segment u talk about which tanked probably had more to do with the fact that a divas match was scheduled to take place before kanes music hit.
I think is a flop only because how they are using him and forcing him in the show. It was better when the fans wanted him but they didnt get to him all the time. Its also bad enough that they are doing the whole Eve thing too. I dont think Ryder is bad just that dont make your whole show around him and have a segment of him every 5min. Cause he can wrestle, watch when he was an Edge-Head.
You my friend are an idiot. You must like Cena, hating the fact CENA isn't getting this air time must make you sick, sure he's in most of Ryders segments but I bet you hate the fact the Cena has to share the spotlight with Ryder. Which is probably the reason you are ripping and burying Ryder am i right ? of course I'm right I'm Alex Lexington.
Ryder aint that bad really i admit he is only suboar in the rung but he has a following and thats what WWE seems to be all about at the moment.

I think this ryder cena kane thing is happening for a reason and i see that Ryder will be one of cenas steping stones to becomeing a heel and maybe his first victim .

Then we have the birth of SUPER RYDER lol

But seriously i would take Ryder over this shit they are doing with D Bryan at the moment or the storyline a few months back with Alberto "Im Borde" Del Rio
I think is a flop only because how they are using him and forcing him in the show. It was better when the fans wanted him but they didnt get to him all the time. Its also bad enough that they are doing the whole Eve thing too. I dont think Ryder is bad just that dont make your whole show around him and have a segment of him every 5min. Cause he can wrestle, watch when he was an Edge-Head.

100% agree. Ryder is just supposed to be on the show but not in big storylines or being on raw for more than 6 or 7 mins. He would be a good guy for people to come see his match and do the woo woo woo thing. That character is not really a character to push.
Dont feed the troll guys. The OP's whole argument: "Zack Ryder sux OMG lulz look at the numbers" makes no sense. For one, the numbers being at a 10 year low have NOTHING to do with the 3 months that Ryder has had decent TV time. Absolutely nothing. The ratings haven't changed significantly enough if at all since Ryder's push started so to blame him makes no sense. Ratings aren't even that important so to point to them at all makes no sense either. You obviously just don't like Ryder and you can't come up with a decent enough argument against him so you take the easy way and say look at the numbers...which mean nothing and there is no merit to your argument. In closing, you're a fucktard. Woo woo woo you know it bro.
Let's see, He's great in-ring, he is decent on the mic and he is really over with the crowd and he sells merchandise. Zack already had a decent fan-base before Z True Long Island Story and the YouTube show increased it to an extent that he finally had to be given the Mid-Card push he deserves. Just because YOU don't like him doesn't mean he sucks.
I agree with the OP, lets see before his stupid youtube show nobody cared about Zach Ryder there is not one smark on this website that can say they were a fan of Ryder's.
There was noone saying he should be on TV or he is a great wrestler or a great personality. He is a garbage talent and they are just milking him for while he is hot.
If you like Ryders gimmick your most likely a child or a teenage girl, the poster before who said if you dont like Ryder you must be a Cena mark is the dumbest statement made on this board. Cena made Ryders videos relevant, Ryders fans are those same kiddies and girls that are Cena fans. Basically if your a Ryder fan your a Cena fan.

Ryder sucks, don't blame WWE or booking. Props for him to do what he did to get noticed and I respect that but for him to be holding a title. give us REAL fans a break.
Has Ryder had a good match that did not include Ziggler ( the man who can make wrestling a piece of string a good match). Those matches were all Ziggler carrying the match.

A face U.S champion acting like a coward and running away, this is what he is and we are suppose to actually believe in him as champion. He is a high end Jobber at best ( 1 step above Santino)
Get the belt off this guy quick
what is it with people who complain that this guy should be given a chance and we he does get his chance everyone turns and says they dont like him? IWC doesnt even know what they want but now to the point, Ryder is a decent talent, maybe he shouldnt have the US title but he does so why not give it time to see where they are going with all this, they did just give him the belt so give them a chance to run with this
You write like a moron... nobody wants to read such a mess. It is not even about grammar it is just about the clutter that you leave as an OP.

Zack Ryder is where he is for a reason and that is that he is interesting and entertaining.
Tell me who deserves the spot he is in more and then maybe I will consider this a valid discussion.
I love it how some of these posters are calling Punk and Ryder marks out saying how RAW's ratings have been low with them and they should stop their push.

Yeah they sure did not have Cena's drawing ability once he had to carry RAW in 2005 after Summerslam when the Hogan/HBK feud ended and Batista was moved to Smackdown! ... Oh wait after Summerslam 2005 RAW's ratings were 4.0, 3.9, 3.6, 3.3, 3.6, and 3.2 ... when Batista was World Champion on RAW his ratings after were 4.3, 4.1, 3.9, 4.1, 3.8, and 4.3.

With these I guess the WWE at the time should have equated that Batista = Ratings and Cena = Low Ratings.
Ryder's gimmick sucks. It always has. The only reason why so many of us backed it was because we wanted to see if the higher-ups would actually push someone to be the new cheesy-face of the WWE rather than continue to force the current cheesy face of the company (John Cena) down our throats.

It was more of an experiment by the IWC. An experiment that the WWE ultimately decided to go along with (possibly due to having nothing to lose based on the stagnantly low ratings) and so far they're going into the direction we wanted in that Ryder is in the midst of being pushed as the new annoyingly cheesy face and Cena's character is (very likely) in the midst of changing directions.

So no, I don't believe we wanted Ryder pushed to the moon because we thought he was great on the mic, good in the ring, or had a great gimmick. I believe we wanted it because we were (mostly) sick of the cheesy Cena gimmick and desperately want a new direction with his character.
I think the mods are going to have to create a Zack Ryder hate thread like they did for Cena because this is getting ridiculous.

So the guy who had a spot then regulated to jobber status fights for his job now the hate comes. The problem with the ratings does not fall on Ryder. He is decent in the ring and young enough to improve. If he was boring he would not get the reaction he gets.

Some people need to get over themselves as if their trolling opinion matters. Don't assume that your hate towards a guy is the end all be all. There are plenty of posters on here who accentuate the positives and negatives of a certain wrestler and not come off as trolls spewing nonsense.
I agree with the OP, lets see before his stupid youtube show nobody cared about Zach Ryder there is not one smark on this website that can say they were a fan of Ryder's.

Yea. And 15 years ago, no one on this site would've been a fan of Rocky Maivia until he joined the NOD of and became The Rock. I guess that means The Rock never deserved to get pushed either.

Ryder sucks, don't blame WWE or booking. ....

A face U.S champion acting like a coward and running away, this is what he is and we are suppose to actually believe in him as champion.

How can you say that Ryder sucks and it isn't the fault of booking - but then go on to say that he isn't believable because he's being booked to act like a coward and run away? That just makes no sense.
First of all, let's get something straight... The entire program's ratings are not resting on Zack Ryder's shoulders. So all of this speculation about his push resulting in bad ratings is completely false and pretty much out of line.

The majority of a professional wrestling broadcast's ratings benchmark are measured by their world champions and the total star power of the program throughout the world of pop culture. Since professional wrestling has never been a real force in pop culture (besides sporadic stints over the years and the popularity of top stars during the Attitude Era,) it's been very difficult for the WWE, TNA and ROH to catch lightning in a bottle again and raise their ratings. The star power isn't there and hasn't been there for quite some time. So you can't rest the survival of a pro-wrestling broadcast on the shoulders of it's midcard champion.

That being said, I agree with the original poster. Sorry Ryder fans but this guy is a flash in the pan. Can he wrestle? Sure. But when was the last time a professional wrestling broadcast drew ratings because of how crisp their superstars are in a ring? It's about entertainment and always has been. Yeah, I know, I know... "RYDERZ IZ ENTERTAYNIN!" And I know the audience chimes in with his WWWYKI catchphrase, follows him on Twitter, and watches his YouTube videos. But he's peaking right now and he doesn't have the "it" factor that will carry him beyond his current position in the roster.

Don't get me wrong, I understand where all of the arguments about his character some from. When he does his ring entrance, a smile crosses my face. When the crowd repeats his catchphrases, I chuckle a bit. But in the grand scheme of things, where can Ryder's character really go in the long run? How much longer can he act (and be booked) like a total goof on television? More importantly, if you weren't a wrestling fan already, would you tune in to watch him? Ok, now answer that question seriously. Do yo honestly think that a NON-wrestling fan wants to see a scrawny looking guy with spiked, thinning hair acting the way he does and saying the things he says? If your answer is yes, I really hope none of you work for a television station someday.

Once again, don't get me wrong... I have a soft spot in my heart for Ryder. He makes me smile. But I sure as hell don't turn Raw and Smackdown on each week to see him. And I don't think I'm alone here (if we look outside of the box that is the internet wrestling fanbase.) Ryder alone is not responsible for the show's ratings, he really isn't contributing to them, nor will he ever.
I agree with the OP, lets see before his stupid youtube show nobody cared about Zach Ryder there is not one smark on this website that can say they were a fan of Ryder's.
There was noone saying he should be on TV or he is a great wrestler or a great personality. He is a garbage talent and they are just milking him for while he is hot.
If you like Ryders gimmick your most likely a child or a teenage girl, the poster before who said if you dont like Ryder you must be a Cena mark is the dumbest statement made on this board. Cena made Ryders videos relevant, Ryders fans are those same kiddies and girls that are Cena fans. Basically if your a Ryder fan your a Cena fan.

Ryder sucks, don't blame WWE or booking. Props for him to do what he did to get noticed and I respect that but for him to be holding a title. give us REAL fans a break.
Has Ryder had a good match that did not include Ziggler ( the man who can make wrestling a piece of string a good match). Those matches were all Ziggler carrying the match.

A face U.S champion acting like a coward and running away, this is what he is and we are suppose to actually believe in him as champion. He is a high end Jobber at best ( 1 step above Santino)
Get the belt off this guy quick

First you whole argumentation seem based on the fact that for some reason before anyone knew about Ryder no one was asking for him and it sounded logical in your head? Of course people became fans when he created awareness for himself, before that he was a jobber that no one knew. No one will say I was a Cena fan since the days he wrestled Kurt Angle. Or I was a big HHH fan when he was jobbing on Raw.

And for your argument about the age, I am 28 and I like Ryder. While I don't LOVE his gimmick I also am not at an age where I have to act like I am insulted by his gimmick or whatever. What makes me respect Ryder is the fact that he took the ball and ran with it because the WWE wouldn't give him the ball in the first place.

He created awareness for his own brand and his a success. And I enjoy Ryder and his goofy gimmick we all need to laugh from time to time and it's dumb to get mad over that.

Oh and I am a REAL fan too and like Ryder, stop thinking every REAL fan think like you.
Zack Ryder SUCKS!!!!!! Come on now, other than Abraham Washington, he was another guy who NOBODY wanted to see, and who ultimately lead to the burial of the whole ECW.

If this guy's push continues another year or so, mark my words, he will take RAW to a T.R.P less than that of Impact Wrestling.:disappointed:

if someone doesn't think Ryder is well-deserving, he automatically becomes a Cena fan? What a pathetic logic!:disappointed:
More importantly, if you weren't a wrestling fan already, would you tune in to watch him? Ok, now answer that question seriously. Do yo honestly think that a NON-wrestling fan wants to see a scrawny looking guy with spiked, thinning hair acting the way he does and saying the things he says? If your answer is yes, I really hope none of you work for a television station someday.

Wow. That same statement can be said for just about everyone on the roster. Seriously, if you weren't a wrestling fan, would you tune in to watch a guy in a red jump suit, wearing a mask stalking people backstage? If you weren't a wrestling fan, would you tune in to watch an angry black man talk to invisible people? If you weren't a wrestling fan, would you tune in to watch a scrawny, arrogant former cast member of the Real World? If you weren't a wrestling fan, would you tune in to watch Wade Barrett, a man with no unique trait outside his accent? Would you tune in to watch a pasty, red-headed Irish man? Would you tune in to watch a boring, ho-hum guy in Randy Orton? I mean ... really. Would you?

The interesting thing about pro wrestling is that it's watched by wrestling fans. The WWE historically has proven that there are enough wrestling fans to sustain the product. In fact, with exception to last week, Monday Night Raw is always one of the top 5-10 most watched cable shows of the week. How is that bad?

I'm not going to criticize those of you that don't like Zack Ryder. That's your opinion. There are plenty of "IWC Darlings" that I'm not a fan of. But to act like Ryder is to blame for the ratings being "bad" ... or to single-out Ryder for not having mainstream appeal when no one on the roster outside Cena has mainstream appeal ... is ridiculous. At that point, you're just bashing the guy to push your agenda.
Wow. That same statement can be said for just about everyone on the roster. Seriously, if you weren't a wrestling fan, would you tune in to watch a guy in a red jump suit, wearing a mask stalking people backstage? If you weren't a wrestling fan, would you tune in to watch an angry black man talk to invisible people? If you weren't a wrestling fan, would you tune in to watch a scrawny, arrogant former cast member of the Real World? If you weren't a wrestling fan, would you tune in to watch Wade Barrett, a man with no unique trait outside his accent? Would you tune in to watch a pasty, red-headed Irish man? Would you tune in to watch a boring, ho-hum guy in Randy Orton? I mean ... really. Would you?

Point well taken.

However, each of those characters that you mentioned above make sense in a pro-wrestling world. Allow me to explain:

(If we're trying to incorporate any type of "realism" here...)

Kane - Although he wears red and a mask, he's a psychopath and, in a competitive sport, he's feared.

R-Truth - Obviously angry and unstable. In the world of a competitive sport, he would be intimidating.

The Miz - First off, the Miz is not scrawny. Not even in the least bit. And his accolades outside of the WWE are not in question here. Fans would see him as an arrogant competitor with a gift for the gab. He fits in perfectly to the WWE product, once again, that is supposed to be portrayed as a competitive sport.

Wade Barrett - A former bare-knuckle fighting champion with a mean streak. I think he fits into the product quite well.

Sheamus - You act as if his pasty skin and red hair are all that he gets by on. Do you forget the fact that he's fucking enormous? And that he has a ridiculously fierce and competitive mean streak?

Randy Orton - You call him boring. I call him a guy that lives and breathes to be a tough world champion. Who cares about how slow he talks on the mic... he does his talking in the ring and hears voices, which makes him unstable.

Now, onto...

Zack Ryder - He says goofy things constantly, doesn't look like he could beat half the guys he's in the ring with, and cares more about his flipcam than his title belt. In addition, he's portrayed as someone who sucks up to John Cena, is nervously asking divas on dates, and who gives us nothing but comedy with your occasional match on the side. So, in other words, he's a reincarnation of this man:


Yeah, they gave HIM a midcard title, too. And look what he did with it.

Once again, I love the comedy that these guys bring to the WWE's product. But will anyone ever take them seriously as a world champion, using their current character direction? I don't think so.

Either repackage Ryder or watch him plateau in 2012... mark my words.
be honest ryder fans...he's where he's at because of his damn youtube show.

i admire ryder for making his own opportunity when one wasn't there, more power to him, but damn, he just SUCKS.

he has NO wrestling ability, NO mic skills, NO storytelling ability in and out of the ring, NO 'IT' factor.... he just doesn't have IT.

since when has he had a credible ***** match??? let alone a *** match??!!!
NEVER. he is a SUB-PAR performer in the ring. his mic skills are HORRENDOUS.

and he is DESTROYING the legitimacy of the UNITED STATES CHAMPIONSHIP.

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