[Official] All Zack Ryder Discussion (DO NOT SPAM!)

Also to correct the OP it was CM Punk who originally stuck up for Ryder not John Cena although recently Cena has been a big help.

Once again FutureChamp you are wrong, how many times have I said that to you now so many I cant keep up.

Cena was the first one to support Ryder, before CM Punk said anything about Ryder Cena was showing up in his youtube shows ( do you remember that, you should since you claim to be a big fan ) Do you think that was by accident You dont think Cena said hey let me help you get over by showing my face and having his name attached to him to start to really get the fans on his side. It wasn't until about a month or so later when Punk put in his 2 cents.
At that time when Ryder was doing this who do you think VKM listened to more Punk (who at the time was debating if he would resign with the company) and no im not talking the public script im talking the months before leading up to his one time pipebomb OR the face of the company his cash cow.
Ryder came in as a major brother, hot for a while then gone. Became an edge head, hot for a while then gone. Gets given the Jersey Shore gimmick which is ridiculous, not gone became U.S. Champ.

The first time I ever heard the woo woo woo catchphrase was on an episode of the dirtsheet, when him and Hawkins were being interviewed and I thought it was funny then. He becomes the Jersey Shore character(and continued to use it) and in the ECW brand had some great matches with Christian(not difficult I know as Christian can drag good matches out of anyone), and was then the one to retire Dreamer. He was a heel there using this gimmick.
Then ECW got shut down and next thing we know Ryder is on Superstars(which very few people watch at all). Loses pretty much all his tv time, but on Superstars he had his matches and cut small promos about him and primo and being dzp. Realised he was on his way out and made a youtube show.

The show was highly entertaining, it showed the guy had some charisma. It also allowed him to work on his mic skills (for everyone saying he should have tried work on those, what the hell do you think he does on his show's other than talk and show a few clips?). He gains a few fans and makes jokes about how he can't get over in wwe.

Then he starts getting really recognised because his fan base has grown so much. After getting up this huge fan base the wwe/VKM realise they have someone they can make money of so they show him a little bit on tv and mention his show. But prior to that he had no big tv exposure. How do you expect him to continue putting on great matches and cut great promos and gain fans when all this is done on Superstars?

We might watch that but kids probably don't so they didn't even know who Zack Ryder was. He makes his own show on youtube gets popular gets a push and wins the U.S. Title. Not because WWE built him up because he built himself up got noticed had fans screaming his name and then, then WWE built him up a little and he got his push.

Did he have help backstage? Yeah he did he admits that John Cena helped him gain his push along with CM Punk and The Miz. HHH wasn't high on him at all go watch his show there is a clip in one of the first few episodes where the three are asked about him and HHH basically says as much. Most of the greats had help backstage or had big backstage pull.

Too bad you don't like Ryder because he's probably the most over superstar in the company right now. There really must not be anything special about him to make him over like that. His character is barely a year old (if that) so to bash his "average ring work" is a little unfair. When your character evolves (or in this case... totally changes), your moves evolve. Ryder may not be a god in the ring. But he's definitely above average. Moreover, he busted his ass to get where he's at right now. Deal with it. Zack Ryder is your US Champion. WOO WOO WOO! YOU KNOW IT!
I think you have to respect Zack Ryder, how far he's got in the business. I love the guy, I think he's entertaining and he can wrestle. I think he deserves where he is now in the business being the United States champion because the way he wasn't afraid to stand out in the business.
Zack Ryder deserves to be on Raw, but he doesn't deserve to be in main events.

One of the reasons why is that Ryder is mainly gimmick-centered. Don't get me wrong, that's a GREAT quality. Playing the part of a character is so rare in the WWE, and that's why Zack Ryder is so popular. He's got his catchphrases, his character, his hairstyle, he's got an image. He's quite unlike John Cena, Jack Swagger, Evan Bourne, Ezekiel Jackson, and Ted Dibiase due to his ability to stick out. He's got mic skills, and while he's not a technical genius, that's not a big deal.

However, big corny gimmicks are for midcards. We don't take him seriously most of the time, and that is fatal for someone in the main events. It's good to have a gimmick/persona, but in the main events they're more realistic than comical.

I can see him getting Intercontinential titles and stuff, but I wouldn't put him in World Title positions.
I give Zack Ryder enormous credit because WWE creative had no ideas for him; he was given nothing to work with so he took the time to create his own character which has gained him a great deal of well-deserved momentum.

Does he deserve to be World Champion? No. Will he ever be World Champion? Five years ago I would have said it was an impossibility but the straps have been so devastating devalued with Jack Swagger, Dolph Ziggler, Mark Henry, The Miz having runs, I would say that it is every chance he will.

Agreed about Flair. It would be the end of relatively credible wrestling history if Cena beats his WHC record
Hmmm... Take a look at this thread. 4 pages and growing, fast.

You see the title? One of Z's catch phases.
The subject- - - ZACK RYDER!

The guy is WAY over! He is popular A'F!
Thats why Ryder is where he is.
Just a playful thought ...

Since most people here like Ryder because he is hard working, passionate and pushed himself, while being somewhat athletic, does this mean that if Robbie E. did the same, you would immediately become a fan of his? Robbie E. is very athletic, he's got a great built, he looks like a fucktard and that's always a plus isn't it, so ... theoretical situation, if Robbie E. SOMEHOW managed to accomplish what Ryder accomplished in terms of ambition leading to progress, would you sit here and tell me how awesome Robbie E. is?
Just a playful thought ...

Since most people here like Ryder because he is hard working, passionate and pushed himself, while being somewhat athletic, does this mean that if Robbie E. did the same, you would immediately become a fan of his? Robbie E. is very athletic, he's got a great built, he looks like a fucktard and that's always a plus isn't it, so ... theoretical situation, if Robbie E. SOMEHOW managed to accomplish what Ryder accomplished in terms of ambition leading to progress, would you sit here and tell me how awesome Robbie E. is?

Why use Robbie E. as your example? Because he has the same gimmick. Your question could apply to anyone. If anyone did what Ryder has done people would be impressed by them.
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you another classic example of I hate it therefore I must bitch thread.

Now, in a more calm and tamer way, I understand where the OP is coming from. I myself am baffled by Zack Ryders sudden rise to fame. I personally don't see anything about the kid that makes me want to support him. Nothing about him screams "hey look at me, I'm a star". He's just a goofball that I can't take seriously. From his Youtube shows all the way to his big screen rise. Nothing about this guy screams I'm the future. More or less I'm a fad. It's more or less like "I'm cool and relevant now but in a few years time people will have moved on".

However, I do see the appeal in him despite not hopping on the bandwagon. The guy just has a charisma that, I dare say, a lot of guys really lack. He's actually entertaining to listen to on the mic and can be somewhat convincing. A lot of guys just sound like they are reading right off a script and it sounds forced and dull. Zack actually has that rare ability to engage the viewers and the live crowd into caring about what he has to say...even if it is just for comedic purpose. People obviously enjoy hearing him speak or else his Youtube shows wouldn't be as popular as they are.

With that said, I don't think WWE is as high on him as most of you are. My guess is they are just cashing in on the Ryder craze and once that starts to fizzle out then Ryder will slowly fade into obscurity. I still don't see a very big future for him,at least not with his current gimmick. This is just another case of WWE taking a chance and right now, it is currently paying off. We shall see how long it lasts though.
1)YouTube shows and professional wrestling have nothing to do with each other. Period.
2)Taking a camera and making a YouTube show isn't hard work. It's more of a hobby.
3)He is not the first person to get themselves over. In the past wrestlers had a lot more creative control over their characters and a lot of them got themselves over.
4)Getting over with the band wagon fans, because you're a fad, doesn't mean you're good.
5)"Busting your ass" means nothing if you're doing it at the wrong thing. It's like staying up late every night for a week studying Biology for hours on end to prepare for your economics exam.
6)Sure he got himself noticed with his YouTube show, now it's time to actually bust his ass in the gym, in the ring, and on the mic while people are still paying attention to him.
7)Even if someone does bust their ass and get over doesn't mean everyone will like them. No matter what he does I will hate his stupid gimmick and not like him. Undertaker was the main person that got me to switch to Raw from Nitro and was one of my favs for years until he came as the ABA. Sure he was super over, but his gimmick didn't appeal to me so I didn't like him.
1)YouTube shows and professional wrestling have nothing to do with each other. Period.
Sure they do. If this were true, WWE wouldn't have their own channel. How many clips of the WWE or any other wrestling promotion can you find on YouTube? Professional Wrestling and YouTube have alot to do with each other. In fact, YouTube is my main source for alot of independent wrestling promotions.
2)Taking a camera and making a YouTube show isn't hard work. It's more of a hobby.
It's hard work getting noticed through YouTube. Not everyone can be a YouTube sensation.
3)He is not the first person to get themselves over. In the past wrestlers had a lot more creative control over their characters and a lot of them got themselves over.
He's the first to get himself over using YouTube. In this day and age, YouTube and technology are taking over. Ryder realized this and used that to his advantage.
4)Getting over with the band wagon fans, because you're a fad, doesn't mean you're good.
Band wagon fans don't make up all of your audience. Yet, at Raw shows the fans chant for Ryder. Even during The Rock's promo after Survivor Series, they wanted Ryder. That certainly means you're good.
5)"Busting your ass" means nothing if you're doing it at the wrong thing. It's like staying up late every night for a week studying Biology for hours on end to prepare for your economics exam.
It's not like that at all. Ryder got himself noticed. He won the WWE staff over with his videos. That's how he busted his ass.
6)Sure he got himself noticed with his YouTube show, now it's time to actually bust his ass in the gym, in the ring, and on the mic while people are still paying attention to him.
This, I will agree with. Now that he's on TV, it seems like he's slipping.
7)Even if someone does bust their ass and get over doesn't mean everyone will like them. No matter what he does I will hate his stupid gimmick and not like him. Undertaker was the main person that got me to switch to Raw from Nitro and was one of my favs for years until he came as the ABA. Sure he was super over, but his gimmick didn't appeal to me so I didn't like him.
You’re the minority. The fans cheer for him. He gets consistent pops. He's over. That's really all that matters. For example, you can hate John Cena, doesn't mean he's shit.
Sure they do. If this were true, WWE wouldn't have their own channel. How many clips of the WWE or any other wrestling promotion can you find on YouTube? Professional Wrestling and YouTube have alot to do with each other. In fact, YouTube is my main source for alot of independent wrestling promotions.

Yes sure many people watch pro wrestling on YouTube and maybe I should have said that being good at one has nothing to do with being god at another. Wal-Mart sells a lot of wrestling action figures/other toys, wrestling apparel and other miscellaneous merchandise. But a jobber getting a part time job(no pun intended) at Wal-Mart and hyping himself up(since he'd be a celeb their)becoming a huge draw to the store, wouldn't make him a better wrestler. It would just get him a little more attention.

It's hard work getting noticed through YouTube. Not everyone can be a YouTube sensation.

It's not hard if you are a celebrity and advertise your YouTube show through the medium which makes you a celebrity. This is especially true if the medium through which you became a celebrity has a big fan base of it's own(not to mention a large amount of that fan base surfs the web for anything related).

He's the first to get himself over using YouTube. In this day and age, YouTube and technology are taking over. Ryder realized this and used that to his advantage.

Ok, I'll accept that you're right there. But getting over through honing your craft and working harder on your job should be the way to earn a spot.

Band wagon fans don't make up all of your audience. Yet, at Raw shows the fans chant for Ryder. Even during The Rock's promo after Survivor Series, they wanted Ryder. That certainly means you're good.

Yes bandwagon fans don't make up all of the audience. All of the audience doesn't support him. Kids are impressionable enough to follow whatever is trendy at the time. Their parents aren't going to blatantly boo the person their kid cheers. Then the IWC loves Ryder for the most part and those of then in attendance will cheer. Most of the people cheering are doing so because he is the new fad. I guarantee in a few months he will lose all momentum. By this time next year he'll be back on Superstars.

It's not like that at all. Ryder got himself noticed. He won the WWE staff over with his videos. That's how he busted his ass.

Yes he did get himself noticed. I'm not arguing that. WWE sees that he is "trending" and will make a quick and easy buck off of him. It doesn't make him any better in the ring or on the mic. So he still sucks until he focuses on the right thing. Ryder and WWE can only milk it for so long.

This, I will agree with. Now that he's on TV, it seems like he's slipping.

I'm glad someone sees this. He's slipping because his plan didn't go past getting his foot in the door. He should have spent less time trying to get noticed and more time on making sure that once he does, people will want to keep him.

You’re the minority. The fans cheer for him. He gets consistent pops. He's over. That's really all that matters. For example, you can hate John Cena, doesn't mean he's shit.

I am perfectly comfortable with being the minority. I remember, once upon a time, it was ok to have a favorite wrestler other than the ones WWE told us to like. When I was in school I could ask 10 different people who their favorite wrestler was and get 10 different answers. Nowadays everyone's favorite is whoever is booked to be the favorite.
It's not hard if you are a celebrity and advertise your YouTube show through the medium which makes you a celebrity. This is especially true if the medium through which you became a celebrity has a big fan base of it's own(not to mention a large amount of that fan base surfs the web for anything related)

His show became popular before WWE started advertising the fact that he had it at all. They began to mention it because it became popular and they figured hey why not promote it we might be able to make some money off this guy.

I think everyone here realises that the fact Vince saw $ in Ryder is what ultimately got him his push, but you can't take away the fact that Ryder went out on a limb with those videos and got himself noticed. He could have got noticed and been seen as a ungrateful employee and been fired but he took the chance and hell it worked.

I like Ryder and have done for a long time back in his ECW days and when he first started the WOO WOO WOO bit as an edgehead. I think he can go in the ring. Is he the best in there? No he isn't nobody is trying to claim that but he isn't bad. Can he talk on the mic? Yes he very much can, you don't see much of it on WWE as they usually just have him say his catchphrase and leave it at that but he does have charisma.
Does he deserve the spot he has at the moment? Yes he does.
I have to agree with the OP, I have said it since the beginning RYDER SUCKS. Why are people acting like he worked so hard to get to where he is. Seriously does anyone know how hard he hits the gym or how often he trains to better his in ring skills or promos ( stuff that actually matters ) nobody knows that yet they say he worked his ass off cause he took a cheap camera and made an internet show and got the 2 most popular guys to support him. Come on people how hard is that.

Yes it was something different but really the shows were never good, now all of a sudden you have guys saying Ryder has good in ring skills and good mic skills, thats the dumbest thing ever heard. If he had these great in ring skills or mic skills he wouldn't need to do the youtube stuff and he would have been noticed.
If he was not tight with Cena and Punk he would not be where he is today.
He is as The Rock would say " Hot Garbage"
Ryder will not make it past 2012 being over, that stock will drop before summerslam. To those who talk about Ryders gimmick and all of a sudden say they like it ( after the youtube stuff ) and he has been doing that gimmick since what about 2006-7. How is it that they didnt like the gimmick back then or like his in ring skills and all these people saying they love him now all once upon a time called him a joke.Yes you the guy shaking your head while you read this YOU KNOW THIS TO BE TRUE.

And last thing VKM is playing everyone right now, he knows it wont last but hey why not make money while its hot and then the fans will go look for a new flavor of the month when they realize this guy has absolutely nothing.

Dolph Ziggler, Cody Rhodes, Zach Ryder you can only pick 2 to put on a show which 2 are you going with to watch a great match or actually want to hear talk. Hell I can put more mid carders here and Zach still wouldn't be chosen by REAL wrestling audiences. Zach Ryder = Santino whereas he is a comedy act. ( Remember there was a time when the crowd was chanting for Santino ) yeah how long did that last and Santino did it without the help of the 2 largest cash cows in the company

Hell yeah, man. I appreciate it. At least someone agrees. Now, I will admit I definitely could've went about the Opening Post at a different angle, and used less derogatory terms, but it is exactly what it is.

I guess the 30 sum-odd people I have pissed off would like to message me their address so I could send them the finest Midol and tampons on the market?? What a bunch of bleeding vaginas.

Some are mad because I talk bad about a guy who "worked his ass off."

Fuck, I bet JTG did too. He's kinda on WWE tv. I bet other terrible talent worked their asses off to get to WWE. It's kind of the big leagues. Anyways...

And apparently this makes me a wwe hater? Okay, go ahead and swallow my children already... whining bitches.

I talk shit about Zach Ryder and all of a sudden he's John Cena. He loves the kids, he's got so much charisma, he does youtube videos.....BLAH BLAH

Daniel Bryan did youtube videos he still has about as much charisma as a fucking stop sign. Hell of a wrestler. But, about as bland as his vegan diet.

6 months ago C.M. Punk was a God. Now he gets his fare share of hate. Why? Not utilized properly(IMO.)

IN MY OPINION That's simple. Opinion. So, to all you fucks who think I wanna be on creative because "I whatever the fuck you babbled about." Go ahead and take this time to change your wet, bloody, stinky panties.

Jesus Christ, I'm a die hard Undertaker fan, but I if stumble upon a post bashing him, I'm damn sure not gonna act like a soaking wet twat about it because someone views him differently than myself.

All of you act like the 5 year olds at live events who cry when the guy next to you is constantly chanting CENA SUCKS.

Why? Two reasons
1. Either your teenage brain isn't smart enough to comprehend some people who have been watching since way back have a different opinion than someone who starting watching in the Cena era. Of course all of you Woo Woo yourself every monday when his lazy eye hits the camera screen.
2. You have a small slit underneath your scrotum.(Males who also have female parts)

I've gotten some of the worst messages from some of you little fuck stains. I sent a few back. Give me a bad rep, I don't fucking care. Delete my account. It really doesn't matter. I didn't pay for this. I can't help that I have my opinion about the wrestling programming that I watch. So fucking deal with my opinions, or shut your god damn face and don't fucking post.

If I created this about somebody like...say......David Otunga. He is on Monday Night Raw. So I assume he worked his ass off too. I probably wouldn't get hate mail because of it. I have provoked little Ryder fans who definitely did not give a shit about him when he was always interfering into edge's matches. You wanted him to get his ass kicked. Now you fist pump with him. Fuck all you little ****es

I was probably the only person who has posted who knew that one guy hanging off of Cena's car at WM 22.

Maybe a fact was off with the TNA comment. So, who cares. WWE does a gimmick even remotely close to something TNA does. That gimmick will wear off very quickly, as it already has. Just because two or three arenas chant his name, you just drop a belt on the guy and push his ass right up there with the main event picture.

Main point is, WWE product basically sucks. In a few years, it'll be guys like Daniel Bryan, Wade Barrettl, Zach Ryder, and fucking Kofi Kingston types leading the show. That is uber boring. I will absoulutely stop watching. I'm getting older not younger, therefore I get smarter not dumber. Therefore bright colored shirts and same old shit, generic first and last names, and little vegetarians don't do it for me. Sorry to all of you poons out there. But damn....

I give Zack Ryder enormous credit because WWE creative had no ideas for him; he was given nothing to work with so he took the time to create his own character which has gained him a great deal of well-deserved momentum.

Does he deserve to be World Champion? No. Will he ever be World Champion? Five years ago I would have said it was an impossibility but the straps have been so devastating devalued with Jack Swagger, Dolph Ziggler, Mark Henry, The Miz having runs, I would say that it is every chance he will.

Agreed about Flair. It would be the end of relatively credible wrestling history if Cena beats his WHC record

I agree. Never said I didn't respect the guy. I respect all wrestlers. ROH, TNA, WWE, no matter who. I respect and appreciate what they do.

However, I do not have to be a fan, nor like what I see on tv. Totally different. Therefore I have my opinions.

Agreed. Belts have been devalued tremendously and wrestling will officially become "Bullshit Entertainment" if Cena breaks Flair's record. Hell HHH hasn't even done it. Austin? NO. Rock? NO. Taker? NO.

Cena??? FUCK NO
Post #2 goes to Zach Ryder..... unfortunately.

I've been watching wrestling since the early 80's, (I'm sure some of you have been watching longer). I watched NWA/WCW Power Hour and Main Event when it came on before/after the Atlanta Braves games and the Andy Griffith Show on TBS. I've seen a lot of wrestling in my lifetime.

Zach Ryder is the new Scotty Too Hotty. The same people "Woo Woo Woo"ing are the same type of people that were "W-O-R-M"ing. Yes, he's busted his butt. He used new wave social media to build a following, which, in turn, made the men counting money in the WWE to pay attention to him. Yes, he will be gone in another year with his current gimmick.

All it takes, though, is a heel turn to make himself relevant when all this dies down. We've all seen this before. Marcus Alexander Bagwell was heading for unemployment until he became Buff Bagwell, and he hung on for another 4-5 years. Hogan was being booed out of his Depends until he leg dropped Macho Man in 1997. The storylines recycle, just like fashion.

I think he's amusing....for now. I also think that the US strap will be on someone else by Elimination Chamber, if that long.

And before I say this, let me preface it by saying I cannot stand John Cena, either. But for those that think the man can't wrestle, google "John Cena debut Kurt Angle". The man can wrestle. Or at least he could. I'm sure that neck surgery a few years back limits him in some ways that we as fans just don't realize.
Zack Ryder is a one-trick pony. Very good at what he does right now, but will have a hard time adapting when the novelty of his current gimmick dies down. He'll probably continue to have a cult-like following for a long time, but the average fan will stop caring after a while. Ryder is the flavor of the week, no more no less.
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you another classic example of I hate it therefore I must bitch thread.

Now, in a more calm and tamer way, I understand where the OP is coming from. I myself am baffled by Zack Ryders sudden rise to fame. I personally don't see anything about the kid that makes me want to support him. Nothing about him screams "hey look at me, I'm a star". He's just a goofball that I can't take seriously. From his Youtube shows all the way to his big screen rise. Nothing about this guy screams I'm the future. More or less I'm a fad. It's more or less like "I'm cool and relevant now but in a few years time people will have moved on".

However, I do see the appeal in him despite not hopping on the bandwagon. The guy just has a charisma that, I dare say, a lot of guys really lack. He's actually entertaining to listen to on the mic and can be somewhat convincing. A lot of guys just sound like they are reading right off a script and it sounds forced and dull. Zack actually has that rare ability to engage the viewers and the live crowd into caring about what he has to say...even if it is just for comedic purpose. People obviously enjoy hearing him speak or else his Youtube shows wouldn't be as popular as they are.

With that said, I don't think WWE is as high on him as most of you are. My guess is they are just cashing in on the Ryder craze and once that starts to fizzle out then Ryder will slowly fade into obscurity. I still don't see a very big future for him,at least not with his current gimmick. This is just another case of WWE taking a chance and right now, it is currently paying off. We shall see how long it lasts though.

The bolded part is 100% the reason why Zach Ryder is so over. He has PERSONALITY and CHARISMA, and lives and breathes his CHARACTER. He's different from the rest of the boring clones on the roster who sound like they are reading lines off a script (badly in most cases, and without any emotion or charisma in almost all cases). He's a real character, and characters (along with good storylines) are lacking in today's boring, sterlile, and overly scripted WWE.
What's so special about him? Maybe the fact that when he was so close to getting fired, He worked his ass off to get back on television. He went six months without being on an actual episode off RAW, To main eventing multiple shows and becoming the United States Champion.

Sure he has a crap gimmick. Sure he may have an annoying entrance theme, But is that what we are looking for in wrestlers these days? The gimmick will most likely be temporary, And if he ever makes it to the top which he deserves to do, He will have a huge change in gimmick. Remember when John Cena used to be a rapper? Remember when Edge and Christian used to be VAMPIRES?!?!

Many main event talents have started off with stupid over-the-top gimmicks, and this one isn't that bad. It shows how good he truly is if he can take a gimmick like this, make it work and get to the status off one of the most popular superstars at this current time.

Another thing that is great about him? Even when he wasn't on tv, The fans would be chanting his name. Remember this whole Ryder Revolution? Remember the countless events that he would not have the slightest to do with, But have the crowd chant "We Want Ryder"?

He is someone that looks like he is generally excited to be there. He reminds me off John Cena in that way. Someone that can make a normal show or PPV seem so special. He is always so pumped up when he is in the ring, And you can just feel his excitement in his interviews before and after the match. He seems to have such a great work ethic. He has now been on the show for months and is still committed to making his youtube show. It is around it's 50th episode I believe.

If these things won't make you like and believe in a superstar, Your expectations must be very high, Even for a midcard talent.
He needs to drop his title, though. His character works much, much better as an underdog. Having a belt isn't helping him, I believe.
I have to give credit where credit is due. Ryder is where he is because he HIMSELF, has worked his arse off to be where he is. Before his YouTube videos, he was completely irrelevant. Now, hes made himself relevant. But he does piss me off to a certain extent. Saying his catchphrases all the time is quite annoying and he does tend to "over act" which is also annoying.
I said in the RAW LD that I respect Ryder for getting himself super over and all, and he is charismatic, but he sucks on the mic and is incredibly awkward inside the ring. His show's entertaining but that's it.
Question how is Zack Ryder a TNA rip off, when he had the jersey shore type gimmick before Robbie E even debuted, in fact TNA's Robbie E is the rip off of Zack Ryder and a bad one at that.

Now to answer your question, "what's so special about Zack Ryder".

I don't know what everyone else think's but me personally, i think Ryder is special for a lot of reason's, one of them being he did not just stand there like every other person who gets buried in the WWE. He took action, and made himself get noticed, and hell it worked, and he deserves everything he has gotten.

His large fan-base proves there must be something good about him, hell at SS when The Rock was talking people wanted Ryder, this was in the MSG just so you realize.

Clearly there must be something special about the guy in many people's eyes. And IMO i see Ryder becoming very big in the WWE, like main event big, in fact i think and i know this is a long way off, but i think that Ryder could be the next face of the WWE. Laugh if you will but look at it my way, right now in the WWE can you see anyone else who can take Cena's role as face of the WWE??

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