[OFFICIAL] All things KB thread Special Guests: ST, Lariat, X, NSL and Becca

Oh and if/when NSL reads this thread:

Still waiting on my payout for the TNA World Title vBookie ya chump.
I think with Eddie it was a case of throwing something against a wall to see if it stuck. he was over, but I don't think it was over enough to validate the world title going on him. Show I simply can't see getting the belt as he was just too out of shape for it. Angle...maybe, but like I said I hink they wanted to try something new. I still don't think he would have gotten it without Lesnar leaving as Lesnar was a surefire champion already.
I'm not sold on this at all. If Lesnar was leaving, why not throw the strap to Benoit? He was the natural plug-in to take the belt off of Lesnar, wins the Rumble... and two days later Eddie is in the position Benoit was in... ready to take the belt off of Lesnar. Benoit made the most sense there. But instead, they opted to send Benoit to Raw (Where he'd transition the belt to Orton eventually... Something Hunter could have and probably should have done if he'd kept the belt) for no real reason and give Eddie the top spot. They wanted him there independent of Lesnar leaving. Yes, he got the belt as Lesnar was on his way out. But I think attributing causation from that is a huge leap. To what degree he failed or succeeded is up for discussion at another time, but I really think Eddie as champ wasn't caused by Lesnar leaving.

Then again, who knows what the fuck went on? The WM20 build reads like bad fan-fiction at some points.

Also, quite a few of those were embelished things in there. I'm not that extreme against Eddie, but he's far from a master like so many people say.
I can believe that. In the heat of a word fight (I think there's a term for such a thing), people say exteme shit out of passion and just to make sure the other person can't logically counter it.
Ahh. Stellar game, really is. It ranks up there (thus far in excitement) with the Wyoming/Fresno game that kicked off bowl season. This Dasher kid is a star, I wish I could watch this team more often (MTSU), they are exciting. I keep rambling on about this haha. You watch much college FB KB?
Yeah but I'm a bigger NFL fan. I follow the cats closely and the national title scene but rarely the lower profile schools like these.
PS: I'm really sorry I got wrestling all over your Bar thread.

*blushes like a schoolgirl*
Yea I just started following college through and through about 3 or 4 years ago. I too am a bigger NFL fan. Who is your team? Mine is the Vikes (obviously from my previous post). Don't really wanna talk about them though, they are on my shit list after the game against Carolina.
I'm not sold on this at all. If Lesnar was leaving, why not throw the strap to Benoit? He was the natural plug-in to take the belt off of Lesnar, wins the Rumble... and two days later Eddie is in the position Benoit was in... ready to take the belt off of Lesnar. Benoit made the most sense there.

This one is easy. It's because HHH was completely out of big faces to feud with and Benoit flowed with HHH much better than Guerrero did. The thing is Benoit had brushed with the world title the year before and was certainly ready and had the fans behind him. With Raw being the main event of Mania being the Raw title match, they went with Benoit simply because he was a more solid choice. That wasn't about Eddie being a bad choice, but Benoit having the main event level experience.

But instead, they opted to send Benoit to Raw (Where he'd transition the belt to Orton eventually... Something Hunter could have and probably should have done if he'd kept the belt

I could write a short book on how much HHH fucked Benoit over and actually I've come close in the 03 Rumble review but we'll get to that later.

for no real reason and give Eddie the top spot. They wanted him there independent of Lesnar leaving. Yes, he got the belt as Lesnar was on his way out. But I think attributing causation from that is a huge leap. To what degree he failed or succeeded is up for discussion at another time, but I really think Eddie as champ wasn't caused by Lesnar leaving.

Again, this is about Benoit having the main event experience. Everything in the world would have said Benoit should have gotten the belt in 2003 at Mania 19, but instead HHH decided that Benoit wasn't "up to his level" so benoit went into the tag title scene and US title hunt all over again until by next year he was so ridiculously popular that there was just no other option than to give him the belt. He was at a level in 03 where he might have been better on the mat than Angle, who was at his best then. Eddie hadn't had that main event experience yet, which is why Benoit went to Raw, the flagship show, while Eddie got the secondary world title. More or less it was a trial run, which is why he didn't go back into the world title picture for almost a year after losing it.

Then again, who knows what the fuck went on? The WM20 build reads like bad fan-fiction at some points.

Again, HHH and Shawn's egos messing things up but to be fair we got a classic in the end.

I can believe that. In the heat of a word fight (I think there's a term for such a thing), people say exteme shit out of passion and just to make sure the other person can't logically counter it.

I had no heat in it. I stuck to one thing and coutnered him everywhere I could. That wasn't heat. It was all very calmly laid out.
Yea I just started following college through and through about 3 or 4 years ago. I too am a bigger NFL fan. Who is your team? Mine is the Vikes (obviously from my previous post). Don't really wanna talk about them though, they are on my shit list after the game against Carolina.

Dallas, so this is a good weekend.
Nice, I like the Boys. I had them beating the Saints for a good while. And people called me crazy. Romo is one of my favorite QB's in the league. He gets so much hate and really doesn't deserve it. Look all you want at December, but he is a quality QB and one of the upper QB in the NFL. I just wish the Vikes would have capitalized on the Saints defeat.

Alright KB, nice talking to ya. Enjoy your night man and maybe I'll stop in here more often.
I'm a Materials Handler at a hospital. Meaning I give out supplies when departments need them. But as per usual on Sundays, it is quiet, and I don't really have anything to do until 4:00.
Yeah, but thankfully I still have WZ to keep me busy, as they have blocked a bunch of sites.

Which incidentally is a doctor's fault.

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