[OFFICIAL] 2010 Debater's League Shit-Talking Thread

I dunno, I'm not a very good debater.....

I didn't think I would be when I signed up and I did the biggest shock by beating FTS to start with and topped the groups, only ever losing to D-Man twice. Now we're too much in love to debate against each other, it's worth it because the DL really gave me more outward confidence and exposure.
I swear, some of you are right ***** :disappointed:. If you don't pick me as a judge, guys, I'll debate. But, please only put me in the debaters category if you need the people.

You were the most reliable judge of the last one, I was going to ask you to judge again anyhow :)
Well, again, he had all the chances to put anyone on the show. It's said by numerous reports he completely avoided Lesnar, I wouldn't be shocked to see he avoided Angle, and anyone else that affected his appeal in the WWE, either from a wrestling standpoint, or a drawing standpoint.

Sir, I check your mate.

So, we are just hiding behind the idea that Triple H used Vince McMahon like a sock puppet now, yes?
You were the most reliable judge of the last one, I was going to ask you to judge again anyhow :)

I think, throughout the whole season, tDigs had me winning two debates. It's like he had a vendetta against me or something :lmao:
I'm not sure if I'll do well but I might as well try. After this trip I have nothing going on until school starts.
Add Killjoy, and Doc to the list.

Vintage, you have nothing to lose by joining, man. Seriously, you should do it. Perfect way to get your name out there, and have some good clean fun debating shit. Trust me, you don't want to be on the outside looking in at all the fun going down, man
Just noticed, we forgot Unsex, too.

Thus, add Doc, Unsex, and Riaku to the list

I see Tasty Reading..... C'mon, man....
Unsex? Fuck are you trying to kill his opponents Tenta? Quote fort. (Not a hit against you Remix, but you know very well I spend a lot of time quoting your posts as well)
Unsex? Fuck are you trying to kill his opponents Tenta? Quote fort. (Not a hit against you Remix, but you know very well I spend a lot of time quoting your posts as well)

Oh... I'll give him a quote fort. One the likes of which he's never seen
Oh... I'll give him a quote fort. One the likes of which he's never seen

He's the king of quote forts from what I've seen. I have yet to see anybody dissect like him. I took an hour replying to one of his posts once because of it.

You've seen some of his posts in his own threads right? The Shelton Syndrome in particular?
Currently now

The Crock
Blue Cardinal
Mr. Angel (?)
Vintage One

Possible Judges:
CH David (for fears of rape)
Morris Dewey

13 Debaters and 7 for selection of judges, need more debaters please :)

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