[OFFICIAL] 2010 Debater's League Shit-Talking Thread

post is up now, though it took a long while. My bad, Phoenix, I'm just really stoked for this stuff
I could've sworn you and I are opponents in week 3?

Edit: Nope, week 2. Oh well.

Week 2 and 3 in Omega were swapped to compensate for Spoodbeest's absence, sorry for the confusion.

post is up now, though it took a long while. My bad, Phoenix, I'm just really stoked for this stuff

Not to worry. If you wanted to test your waters, there's many threads out there in the forum itself, you could eat the newbies for breakfast and have another debater for lunch with Swiss cheese.

Actually that's not a bad idea, if people want to warm up prior to Sunday, get an opponent from your opposite conference, pick any thread in the Wrestling Non-Spam section and have a debate in it.

Remember to link your threads in here so we can see what you're up.
Don't be too confident Dave.

We used to be good man, we used to be like this.


But then you were like.


Then I had to be like


Then it really went on for years man and became like.


But ultimately it was like.


(Sorry for the size)
Anyone that decides to have warm-up debates in another section must link the Debate League subforum in their threads. It's a new rule. I'm just sayin' ;)
It's not directly linking to it I believe, but our thread does mention it as well as it's in the root section of the General Wrestling discussion.
So Ferb is admitting he's a politics player who's pushing himself for the Debater's Championship.

If you want to send me my weekly bribery, I'll PM you my account details.
I'm not sure what you mean Phoenix.

Tenta the reply is coming along, just way too fucking much to reply to. Plus I had to get dinner.
So you're not planning on carrying it out all week? Not that I mind, just checking.

Oh no, I meant I'd just do your post by tonight at the latest. I'd love to hand in another one by 5, but after that, I'm going to be MIA. We'll do this all weekend n oworries
Great. Because no matter how heated it might get in there, I really do love debating you dude.

Reply is up, as you might have noticed.
Great. Because no matter how heated it might get in there, I really do love debating you dude.

Reply is up, as you might have noticed.

Dear God. First time I've had to use two posts for one reply. Jesus Christ, man
You guys are ridiculous. This doesn't even seem like a "warmup" anymore. It's like you two feel like you have something to prove to the world.
Dear God. First time I've had to use two posts for one reply. Jesus Christ, man

:lmao: I couldn't help it. I got damn well into it. I mean dude did you not see how long it took for me to reply to it?

Yeah D we probably are getting too much into it. But it's good fun.
You guys are ridiculous. This doesn't even seem like a "warmup" anymore. It's like you two feel like you have something to prove to the world.

Puts the fear of God in opponents?

Ferbs, maybe we should find some way to reduce a smidge of what we write

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