[OFFICIAL] 2010 Debater's League Shit-Talking Thread

I wont be judging to perhaps tonight or perhaps tomorrow or Sunday. My schedule is a bit packed this week.
It's just fine. Me and Tenta just stopped now to give you some time to judge it Dave.

I just realized... I'm already drained, and it isn't even week 1. In looking back and reading the arguments, Ferbs really pushed me.

Still, one judge has put in their input. I'm waiting on pins and needles for the other two
I just realized... I'm already drained, and it isn't even week 1. In looking back and reading the arguments, Ferbs really pushed me.

Still, one judge has put in their input. I'm waiting on pins and needles for the other two

Just you wait for the professionals.
I also read over the debate a few time. Just to study stuff. I can only say, it will be an honor debating you, even if Dave and Spoodbeest gives you a clean victory.
Lol, no need for preparations. Although for the lulz I may read it at work to kill time. I can't give my style away in the preseason.
I also read over the debate a few time. Just to study stuff. I can only say, it will be an honor debating you, even if Dave and Spoodbeest gives you a clean victory.

As I you. Also, I think the important thing will be Dave's vote. If you get Dave's, I'd say you won. Not that Crock and Spoodbeest aren't great, but they don't have the knowledge of the scoring like Dave does. That, my friend, will be intersting.

Anyway, I put up my sword, and hand it to you in a sign of respect
Likewise. I had great respect for you before, like you know I thought highly of you. This has only improved my thoughts on you.

Hmm, perhaps we should rename this thread the "[OFFICIAL] Tenta and Ferbian Praises Each Other Thread". Seems appropriate by now.
So, I have stated reading it and am on post 6 so far.

It's a good (if not great) debate but you guys need to condense things more. I am going to say this now. I have to split this up until tomorrow because there is simply no way I am getting through all of that tonight. The judges for the debate league are willing to read them but honestly, it must be so tempting to make up scores and just post them.

You guys put a lot of work into these posts but some of it is just utter fluff and not related to the point at all. Judges will actually be more thankful of making your posts shorter and with better information, rather than making them huge and with great information dotted all over the place.

Since you guys gave so much, I am sticking with it and will give you a fair score when I get through with it. I have a feeling that The Crock's scored fall victim to what I mentioned before about judges getting bored with huge posts.

Just sayin'.
I read it part by part so I didn't get bored, but it was my first time judging and I thought it was close... But Dave's judging will be better.
To both Ferbian and Tenta I posted my final judging evaluation in the Preseason Thread all scores and reasons are posted in there.
Thank you to the judges.

Dave, trust me, we both know there was far too much stuff in there, and believe me, I hate doing too long a post. I think Ferbs and I just got caught up in the heat of the moment, and thought "Fuck it, we'll go balls to the wall"

JMT, tomorrow we have a date with destiny, boi.... and you know what? I really want a WCW question. Really badly
Announcement: Doc and The Crock have backed out of the League. Therefore, as of right now, Mr. Steve will replace Doc and Papa Grande will replace The Crock. Good luck to you all.
Just remember, emotion means fuck all this year.

I lied. Go balls out, but you won't get a point like last year.
Nice, I'm in Alpha division. Should be cool to post with Coco and Disarray, not to mention Ty and JMT

AND...I debate Tenta in week 4.
Sorry for dropping out, guys. But Mr. Steve is a worthy replacement, as he's awesome.
Sorry for dropping out, guys. But Mr. Steve is a worthy replacement, as he's awesome.


Though I am excited to debate Steve, really should be a good slugfest.

D-Man or Phoenix, will you start putting up the threads in 23 minutes? I'm really ready to start this thing.
Neither one of them are online Tenta. D-man is rarely ever online during weekends.

This is true, which is why I imagine it will be Phoenix setting these babies up.

Ferbs, methinks we could have scared off a few folk :lmao:

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