[OFFICIAL] 2010 Debater's League Shit-Talking Thread

Know what? You're right. I should give some props for that one. After all, it gave me a little chuckle.

I thought about it afterward and came to the conclusion using fold you up like an old wallet would have worked better.
Oh, and PS - You guys suck balls at shit-talking. (Well except for Tenta who's taking this WAYYY too seriously... again.)


Coco, ever heard of the Mick Foley way of a promo? Don't totally degrade your opponent, you have to build them up just a little bit. It's not to much taint licking, so much as honesty. And as much as it is, no one can beat me in this thing.

Ty, if ya can't come up with something of worth in the wrestling section, it's probably for a reason. Yes, yes, don't want to be an echo, blah blah. It's called excuses, and just like assholes, we all got em, and they all stink. I'm going to have no issue showing you, or anyone else, just how obselete you've become. All with a grin on my face.

Oh, and D-Man... I have no intentions of stopping dead in my tracks, like last years EOY Awards. *****ed out there, have no intentions of doing it now. ;)
Ty, if ya can't come up with something of worth in the wrestling section, it's probably for a reason. Yes, yes, don't want to be an echo, blah blah. It's called excuses, and just like assholes, we all got em, and they all stink. I'm going to have no issue showing you, or anyone else, just how obselete you've become. All with a grin on my face.

Oh how original Tenta, you've bored me to death with cliched responses, please bring something else to the table when you try to bring the heat against me. Really all I'm hearing is some egotistical fool talk himself up because he was overrated when he first came here and is trying desperately to cling to that last chance to think his shit don't stank. Oh wait..I"m sorry that cliched response was your shtick my apologizes.

So please Tenta, PLEASE keep thinking like that. I enjoy motherfuckers who think they're the greatest, they're the best ones to kick off the top and watch as they crumble to ground, shocked that lil soft spoken me had far too much fire for them to handle.
Oh how original Tenta, you've bored me to death with cliched responses, please bring something else to the table when you try to bring the heat against me. Really all I'm hearing is some egotistical fool talk himself up because he was overrated when he first came here and is trying desperately to cling to that last chance to think his shit don't stank. Oh wait..I"m sorry that cliched response was your shtick my apologizes.

So please Tenta, PLEASE keep thinking like that. I enjoy motherfuckers who think they're the greatest, they're the best ones to kick off the top and watch as they crumble to ground, shocked that lil soft spoken me had far too much fire for them to handle.

Sorry... I was too busy posting out in the wrestling sections, and creating threads, because, you know, that's what we do here. If you don't want to post in a thread, you know what, you always have the option to create one. Oh, I'm sorry, that would just be an echo, right?

And that's laughable. When I first came here, I was widely regarded as one of the worst damn posters on this site, and we both know it. You iknow what I did? I worked hard to become better, I worked my ass off to become what I am. Something I haven't seen from you in a damn long time, man. I've yet to see a post from you outside of music that required.... Effort? Time? All of the above?

Too much fire? I don't give a damn how much fire you got, son. Hell, I'm pouring on the gasoline as much as I damn well please. For all of your bluster, and denoting me as "overrated" whatever the fuck that means, it just you're thinking way too much of me. You see me as some enemy; I see you as another name I have to cross off my list to a championship, son. And it won't be that hard to do that, I assure you.
Sorry... I was too busy posting out in the wrestling sections, and creating threads, because, you know, that's what we do here. If you don't want to post in a thread, you know what, you always have the option to create one. Oh, I'm sorry, that would just be an echo, right?

I don't really care, I made a thread that's the most discussed in the Music Section and has had solid debates, posts, and awesome recommendations. I pride myself that my thread has been going so strong and there ain't a god damn thing you can do to take away what I've accomplished. I don't have to prove anything to anyone, I joined the Debater's League to have fun and see how I can do. Yet now I got you attacking me for no apparent reason. I've always been chill on this forum other than the times X and I have gone at it over hip hop.

And that's laughable. When I first came here, I was widely regarded as one of the worst damn posters on this site, and we both know it. You iknow what I did? I worked hard to become better, I worked my ass off to become what I am. Something I haven't seen from you in a damn long time, man. I've yet to see a post from you outside of music that required.... Effort? Time? All of the above?

How about I really don't give a fuck? I post in music and WZCW. Get the fuck over the fact I don't post in wrestling. I don't need nor have the want to, but to debate wrestling, I"m all over that shit because I'll have competent competition.

Too much fire? I don't give a damn how much fire you got, son. Hell, I'm pouring on the gasoline as much as I damn well please. For all of your bluster, and denoting me as "overrated" whatever the fuck that means, it just you're thinking way too much of me. You see me as some enemy; I see you as another name I have to cross off my list to a championship, son. And it won't be that hard to do that, I assure you.

:lmao: Ooooooookay Tenta y'all attacked me first. I had no intentions of ever talking smack to anyone in this thread but y'all decided to fire a shot off in my direction. Who considers who a threat now? If I was just a name on the list for you, my name wouldn't have even come out your damn mouth. Put it this way, shut the fuck up about me and I won't retaliate. You provoked me get it correct, I didn't go after you, I merely counterattacked.

Now enough I'm walking away from this.
WOOHOOOOOO!!! This is gettin' good!!!!

PS - I hope you guys can back this stuff up. And remember, it's not about writing a "book" in these debates... it's about hammering a point home. If you drift off or miss the mark, you'll lose clarity points.
I don't really care, I made a thread that's the most discussed in the Music Section and has had solid debates, posts, and awesome recommendations. I pride myself that my thread has been going so strong and there ain't a god damn thing you can do to take away what I've accomplished. I don't have to prove anything to anyone, I joined the Debater's League to have fun and see how I can do. Yet now I got you attacking me for no apparent reason. I've always been chill on this forum other than the times X and I have gone at it over hip hop.

So, in other words, "I don't have much to do with a wrestling forum, but I'm good in music, and I'm a cool guy. Everyone love me!!!!"

Ahem, no, fuck that. Blah blah blah, fun and all that. Don't give me that shit. You know, deep in your heart, you want that win. I'll go further... You need that win, to prove it to yourself. It's ok, I get it. Everyone wants to talk about fun and games. I signed up to take this out, and prove just how good I can be. You, just like everyone else, are going to find out.

How about I really don't give a fuck? I post in music and WZCW. Get the fuck over the fact I don't post in wrestling. I don't need nor have the want to, but to debate wrestling, I"m all over that shit because I'll have competent competition.

Perfrectly straight by me, I don't give a fuck why you're here. Just another victim to me.

:lmao: Ooooooookay Tenta y'all attacked me first. I had no intentions of ever talking smack to anyone in this thread but y'all decided to fire a shot off in my direction. Who considers who a threat now? If I was just a name on the list for you, my name wouldn't have even come out your damn mouth. Put it this way, shut the fuck up about me and I won't retaliate. You provoked me get it correct, I didn't go after you, I merely counterattacked.

Now enough I'm walking away from this.

Oh, Jeez, Ty's getting upset and shit.


Hey, fucking news flash; it's a shit talking thread. All this is, talking the piss, really. I do it alot, but I can sure as Hell back myself up when the time calls for it. I called out your name, just like every one of my opponents. You're no different than anyone here, and believe me, I know how good you can be. For every bit as good as you will be, I will be better. I don't talk shit unless I'm fully aware I can back it up. And believe me, that's exactly what I plan on doing.
Yeah, it kills me that people think that because we don't post in the wrestling sections and stick mainly to one section (me with MMA, Ty with Music and the e-fed), that we're pushovers.

That is not the case. At one point or another, we all signed up here to talk about wrestling, and because the wrestling sections are littered with complete idiots for the most part (I'm talking about the people like CanadianFan, for instance), we lose interest in talking wrestling and instead move onto other sections. Why should I dumb myself down to their level?

If the guy who writes wrestling fan fiction (and I'm not even going to rip into him any further because the thoughts "easy target" and "the jokes just write themselves" come to mind) thinks he's going to walk all over me, that's fine. It just provides more motivation to obliterate him.
GuyCompton and Ty Burna, in response to Tenta's shit-talking (which I love, BTW) I think you should all let him talk and talk and cut pseudo-promos on you guys before the festivities begin. But once the debate is on and the doors close with no escape, you guys do what you do best... post masterpieces. Let your fingers do the talking in the debates.
If anybody has ever stepped into the sections where the people that doesn't post wrestling reside and thrive. Then it's quite obvious that they're no push-over as Guy would like to refer it to. I've seen Guy debate, he is one hell of a guy. Even though I'm confident I can put up a fight against him. Him and Ty are definitely worthy opponents.
So, in other words, "I don't have much to do with a wrestling forum, but I'm good in music, and I'm a cool guy. Everyone love me!!!!"

Ahem, no, fuck that. Blah blah blah, fun and all that. Don't give me that shit. You know, deep in your heart, you want that win. I'll go further... You need that win, to prove it to yourself. It's ok, I get it. Everyone wants to talk about fun and games. I signed up to take this out, and prove just how good I can be. You, just like everyone else, are going to find out.

Well I was going to walk away, but fuck that it's too enjoyable watching you look like an idiot with a lack of comebacks other than the tired cliched ones we've all heard before. I don't doubt your abilities to debate, but you clearly doubt mine and that's when you'll be most vulnerable Tenta. Winning to me is just a side product of showing what I"m capable of.
Perfrectly straight by me, I don't give a fuck why you're here. Just another victim to me.
That's ok Tenta, we don't give a fuck why your head suddenly tilts to the side when your ego overloads what brain cells you got going on up there.

Oh, Jeez, Ty's getting upset and shit.


Cliched comeback number 340, used: Far too many times to count. Tenta, throw away that damn Book of Cliches, we've all read it, it's a beginner's book. Get with the times homie and step your game up.

Hey, fucking news flash; it's a shit talking thread. All this is, talking the piss, really. I do it alot, but I can sure as Hell back myself up when the time calls for it. I called out your name, just like every one of my opponents. You're no different than anyone here, and believe me, I know how good you can be. For every bit as good as you will be, I will be better. I don't talk shit unless I'm fully aware I can back it up. And believe me, that's exactly what I plan on doing.

Yep it's a part of the thread I had no intention of joining in on, until you decided to run your mouth against me and act just like a little bitch who's gotta snap at anyone in fear of anyone else attacking him first. Preemptive strikes aren't always the best way to go man. All you did was piss off the sleeping dog in the corner minding his own business. You can plan on backing anything up but all y'all be doing is backing up off your argument when I tear it apart as easily as this false facade you try putting on will falter.
Well I was going to walk away, but fuck that it's too enjoyable watching you look like an idiot with a lack of comebacks other than the tired cliched ones we've all heard before. I don't doubt your abilities to debate, but you clearly doubt mine and that's when you'll be most vulnerable Tenta. Winning to me is just a side product of showing what I"m capable of.

Yeah, I don't doubt shit, I see you exactly for what you are; a man who's seen better days on this forum, and is grasping to push people down, like me. Just know, I'm not made to be pushed down. I have no problem taking you out, and calling out just how long it's been since you've been worth what people make you out to be.

That's ok Tenta, we don't give a fuck why your head suddenly tilts to the side when your ego overloads what brain cells you got going on up there.

It's only ego if I can't back it up, man. That's the thing; everyone assumes this is an ego trip. Fuck that, for years on this site, I've been the mild nice one. You want to see exactly how ugly I can be? Fuck it, I have no issues saying I'm the best in this thing. Whether or not you acknowledge that is going to make it either more or less shocking when you get your shit tossed, son.

Cliched comeback number 340, used: Far too many times to count. Tenta, throw away that damn Book of Cliches, we've all read it, it's a beginner's book. Get with the times homie and step your game up.

I'm sorry, but all I here at this point is, "blah blah blah, I'm pissed because Tenta's going to take me out, and all I can really do is wait to get smoked."

Yep it's a part of the thread I had no intention of joining in on, until you decided to run your mouth against me and act just like a little bitch who's gotta snap at anyone in fear of anyone else attacking him first. Preemptive strikes aren't always the best way to go man. All you did was piss off the sleeping dog in the corner minding his own business. You can plan on backing anything up but all y'all be doing is backing up off your argument when I tear it apart as easily as this false facade you try putting on will falter.

Or I can channel that inner MV7, and choke the ever loving life after the dog. You may forget, you may be the big dog in the corner; I am the master. Dogs can snap their teeth all they want. At the end of the day, they still up neutered, begging for forgiveness from their owner, like the little bitch I'm about to make you.
GuyCompton and Ty Burna, in response to Tenta's shit-talking (which I love, BTW) I think you should all let him talk and talk and cut pseudo-promos on you guys before the festivities begin. But once the debate is on and the doors close with no escape, you guys do what you do best... post masterpieces. Let your fingers do the talking in the debates.

Wait...this isn't us cutting promos on another? I gotta be serious?

Damn it all.
Wait...this isn't us cutting promos on another? I gotta be serious?

Damn it all.

Wait.... You mean this was all a sham? That my promos aren't going to get points? That I may be polarizing judges?

Well, I be fucked

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