Now the WWE is Ripping Off TNA; Snooki to Appear on RAW

What a waste. Just why WWE? This seriously disgusts me. She is famous for being a ****e. I despise her. She'll probably get over 5 mins air time as well.
Somewhat amusing, somewhat sad. When WWE does such things it is a "coincidence." When TNA does anything remotely similar to anything that has been done before in an industry in which everything has been done then they are unoriginal idiotic failures. I do not give a shit one way or another about "rip-offs" unless someone is a big enough dumbass to claim TNA is the only company, past or present, to do such things. Anybody that does not understand the appeal of cross promoting the Jersey Shore and prowrestling audiences isn't worth listening to.
Ok let me school you Sippy Cup Kids about a few things. Snooki at WM or for that matter in any way shape form in WWE is not a rip off of TNA, WWE had stars in there company way before TNA was even a stain in Jarretts shorts. Its to draw a crowd. Snooki is a a draw why I dont know but these young teeny boppers like it. I love how you "wrestling Purists" and I use that term as loose as Snooky probably is love to try and make pokes at WWE while at the same time try and put Validity into TNA, When there is none and it is as defunct as Snookys Virginity. I am not knocking TNA because of the talent I am Knocking it because it is a once great company that turned the corner into the land of forgotten refuse. I love the old teritories and the new indy scene but as it sits now I would rather watch ROH than that crap their selling in TNA. TNA could be good but they wont as long as the Nazi Faction IE Sleazy E and Punk Hogan and Dixie I wanna Be a WRASTLER Carter are even in the Mix. Thats the Facts because I said so.
There is no merit to say WWE is ripping off TNA by having snooki on there show. WWE has been having celebrity entetainers on there shows for 30+ years from all different sections of the entertainment field. As if Snooki being on WWE TV at some point is a shock. How is it that Laycool is a copy of the beautiful people. Mickey James being made fun of by them was brought onto tv from backstage heat she was getting at one point for gaining weight. Had nothing to do with the BP.
There is no merit to say WWE is ripping off TNA by having snooki on there show. WWE has been having celebrity entetainers on there shows for 30+ years from all different sections of the entertainment field. As if Snooki being on WWE TV at some point is a shock. How is it that Laycool is a copy of the beautiful people. Mickey James being made fun of by them was brought onto tv from backstage heat she was getting at one point for gaining weight. Had nothing to do with the BP.

You are right about the first part of your post. As for saying that Laycool is not a rip-off of the beautiful people you are wrong. Laycool making fun of Mickie James on Smackdon is exactly what the Beautiful People did in TNA with Roxxi Laveau
Because making fun of other wrestlers was invented by TNA, right?

But as far as Snooki goes, I think the WWE does deserve some criticism for ripping off TNA. I am a huge WWE fan, don't like TNA at all, but I fail to see how having a cast member of Jersey Shore appearing on Raw shortly after a cast member of Jersey Shore appeared on Impact isn't copycatting. Fair is fair. TNA deserved all the crap they got for the 3/3/11 promo being a rip off, and the WWE deserves all of the crap they will get from TNA fans for this. I have no problems calling the WWE out when its legitimately deserved. As long as the TNA fans bitching about Snooki acknowledge the 3/3/11 thing was a blatant rip off too, I have no problems.
Because making fun of other wrestlers was invented by TNA, right?

But as far as Snooki goes, I think the WWE does deserve some criticism for ripping off TNA. I am a huge WWE fan, don't like TNA at all, but I fail to see how having a cast member of Jersey Shore appearing on Raw shortly after a cast member of Jersey Shore appeared on Impact isn't copycatting. Fair is fair. TNA deserved all the crap they got for the 3/3/11 promo being a rip off, and the WWE deserves all of the crap they will get from TNA fans for this. I have no problems calling the WWE out when its legitimately deserved. As long as the TNA fans bitching about Snooki acknowledge the 3/3/11 thing was a blatant rip off too, I have no problems.

I watch both and I do agree that the 3-3-11 was a rip off of WWE's but with the IWC hype about possibly Sting going to WWE was either a slap in Vince's face to say hey we have him and two that same promo had the whole IWC saying it was Sting so why not use it. I don't agree with it, if they started it 2-3 weeks sooner before Taker was revealed it would have had more intrigue but of course they don't do that at TNA. You get a tweet stating something huge is about to happen and then its really nothing that big at all. In fact it usually sucks no payout.
I don't like that TNA brought in whatever those two girls' names are, and I don't like that WWE's bringing in Snooki:banghead:. I'll admit that while I like WWE more than I like TNA, but it made just a tad more sense in TNA, especially since Zack Ryder's been put on the back burner. Either way, I'm not sure that the publicity is worth it no matter what either company paid for their respective "Jersey Shore" people. But then again, I'll admit I've never seen a full episode of JS.

As for Laycool: both Laycool & TBP could BOTH be considered rip-offs of that "Mean Girls" movie, but then again, the "mean girls" is a common group archetype/group dynamic. It shows up in movies, tv shows, literature, etc. Hell, it shows up in a lot of real-life high schools. And another girl's weight is one of the most common areas of attack because it's an obvious physical characteristic that's especially sensitive for girls in our society.

But then again, do "ripoffs" really matter in pro wrestling, where pretty much everything from moves to storylines have been stolen/copied/borrowed, altered, redone, and/or recycled from somewhere else? :shrug:
...well not quite as bad as 3/3/11 ripping off 2/21/11,

how does everyone feel about Snooki on Raw next week. Pretty much an exact play out of the TNA book. And people say Vince doesn't care about TNA or notice them. Well looks like somebody in the "go get me a celebrity" department does.

Point for TNA.

And sorry if this is being discussed elsewhere, please just relocate thread.
WWE's just trying to get publicity for Wrestlemania by bringing in some celebrities to get some more word of mouth going and nothing more, it has nothing to do with TNA.

Yeah TNA did the Jersey Shore thing and WWE is now doing it for the same reason TNA did it and that was to just get more eyes on the product. Vince wants to do a million buys, Wrestlemania has always had its fair share of celebrities getting involved leading up to Wrestlemania and this year is no different, its no different from the hundreds of other celebrities that are involved around this time of year. Frankly, this whole Snooki thing is nothing out of the ordinary for this time of year.

Jersey Shore is a very popular show and having Snooki on could bring in some fans that normally wouldn't watch wrestling(even if its only for one week), its a device to reach that million buy mark.

Personally I see nothing wrong with either TNA or WWE bringing in Snooki, yeah Jersey Shore sucks but at the same time its very popular so why not use that to your advantage.
Or it could just be because Jersey Shore is popular right now and Vince always looks to cash in on the current pop market.

See: Justin Bieber, Snoop Dogg, Floyd Mayweather, Donald Trump, Mike Tyson and Snooki.
Not really. I'm sure Snooki won't be in a match and won't be a focal point of the show like JWoww. Besides...WWE is building towards their biggest show of the year and they want to make sure everybody buys it. That means attracting all types of people. Stop grasping at straws you TNA mark. Vince is definitely not worried about what TNA is doing and most certainly isn't stealing their ideas. The idea is ludicrous.
You have absolutely no clue why Snooki isin WWE in the first place. John Cena invited her, not Vince McMahon. And the 3/3/11 and 2/21/11 are way different than comparing Snooki and Jwoww. Snooki is a celebrity that WWE wanted. Snookie happens to be in the same show as Jwoww, it's only coincidencial. TNA ripped off the 3/3/11 promo, WWE's not ripping off TNA. Who cares if TNA already used Jwoww, WWE's using somebody different. It's like saying that TNA got Tito Ortiz, and WWE is ripping them off and getting Brock Lesnar or Rampage Jackson.

How exactly does TNA get a point? If WWE was hiring a wrestler that was a Jersey Shore gimmick, that would be a rip off. And if your thinking Zack Ryder, he's been in WWE for three years already.

This is no way in any form an imitation. WWE loves stars coming in, and Snooki was invited by John Cena, not Vince. Plus, this is a one night thing. They're not turning this into some boring and pointless storyline like TNA. And why would Vince worry about TNA in the first place, they'll never ever be a threat to WWE. Thats the bottom line...
When did TNA have Snooki on?
or are you talking about a completely different person being immitation?
Why would WWE care about TNA when they are nowhere near where Raw or even Smackdown in the ratings?

Or why would they care when Impact went head to head with Raw they got destroyed?

Why would they care when the show is on another day, and people could watch both?
I dont watch Jersey Shore and I dont understand the facination with them by wrestling promotions , but from what I've seen of Snookie all she is, is the loud foul mouth drunk bitch in the room that everyone would like to punch, and doesn't she have a sex tape out?

So this is the type of person you want to come and host your pg wrestling show?
lol at the people saying this isnt ripping off.yet if wwe had a jersey shore person on their show first then would then be called ripping off.who really gives a crap anyways?? every time there is a pinfall in a wwe or tna ring they are tech ripping someone off.because before wwe and tna there were wrestling promotions who had pin falls.
Hold on ain't Cookie a ( Horrible ) imitation of Snooki. I don't think WWE is acknowledging TNA by having Snooki host Raw, but what would happen if she starts talking about another promotion imitating The Jersey Shore,( without naming them ). Don't be surprise if she requested to host Raw for this purpose. I don't think VKM has anything to do with this one, it may be Cena requesting a favor and it was granted.
The WWE does not care at all, for effect, AT ALL about what TNA does because the fact is they will run the show into the ground themselves without WWE having to lift a finger. 3.3.11 was a supposed to be a funny rip off of 2.21.11 but that made TNA, although as hard as it seems, look even more ridiculous. Snookie too much for a PG show? I don't think she's going to have sex live in the ring, that's more of a 'cool' TNA thing to do.

Come get me TNA fans :P
When did TNA have Snooki on?
or are you talking about a completely different person being immitation?

lol now its cool to have a jersey shore person on a wrestling show.but when TNA had jersey shore stars on their show it was the worst thing today remind me of little girl justin beiber fan.they arent fans of wrestling but fans of a brand.i remember when i was coming up we had WCW and WWF.we would talk that monday about what was gonna happen on the WRESTLING shows that night.then the next day we would talk about how anxious we were for next monday to see the repricusions on those wrestling days its pretty much WWE sucks blah blah blah tna is better wha wah wah or vice versa.
I'm absolutely outraged and appalled by Snooki being at Raw next week. This is a total shot at TNA and it's disgusting that WWE, a company so far ahead, would stoop so low. Sure, WWE pretends like TNA doesn't exist so it's no big deal whereas on TNA no one can stop talking trash about WWE. This was much more subtle than the 3/3/11 crap. But lets call a spade a spade. TNA took one of the most cowardly shots in the history of not only sports entertainment but in the history of the world by ridiculing Taker's return by bringing back Sting. It had the entire IWC clucking like chickens in heat. TNA was essentially desecrated by pro WWE fans and pro TNA fans alike who called for the heads of Bischoff, Hogan and Russo after that pathetic stunt to draw ratings and to make fun of WWE. But now, WWE turns around and takes their own shot by bringing in the big 'star' of Jersey Shore, the one TNA couldn't get, in Snooki. It's a complete rip off of what TNA did, it's pathetic, there's nothing funny about this and all those affiliated with WWE should be ashamed with themselves. Where is Chris Jericho and why hasn't he come out to say WWE is above such pettiness and is running itself into the ground with such disrespectful jabs at the competition?? I hope Josh Rosenballs and his colleague guy bring attention to such a stupid move and comment on how WWE has no direction taking such stupid routes. I hope Madden comes on here and lambasts Freddie Prinze Jr for writing up such a dumb angle (this has Sarah Michelle Gellar all over it). And, lastly, i hope that Chris Fitzpatrick and that British WWE fanatic come on here and spit on WWE. WWE universe needs to start writing letters calling for the dismissal of WWE's creative team and everyone behind the decision to bring in Snooki. Something needs to be done with all this pettiness. There is no room in sports entertainment for this. I'm appalled and i don't know what to do now but go to bed, think about this all night, and maybe even cry.

F U WWE. THIS IS SO BELOW YOU. Been a hardcore fan of WWE my entire life and upon hearing that Snooki is gonna be on Raw next week, i've written my letters and i vow never to watch WWE again. Thanks for ruining my life WWE by making a move so beneath you that it made me stop watching..and made me write letters. I will not be the only one. lol..

this post is almost as pathetic as the bull i read all last week on this site..only a hypocrite could disagree..

Hey safeco..screw TNA..screw them because you're an elitist who sides with where the money's elitist who prefers a shitty wrestling company to the underdog, an even shittier wrestling company..i say screw them both..PG wrestling is for people with no taste in anything but tanned and ripped guys..
lol now its cool to have a jersey shore person on a wrestling show.but when TNA had jersey shore stars on their show it was the worst thing ever.

That's because TNA made a story of it and had them in matches. Snooki will be there for ONE week and won't be physically involved. Do you see how that's different or should I dumb it down some more. WWE is clearly not copying TNA.
Screw TNA. They put these stupid celebs in the main event. They might as well bring David Arquette in and have him win their championship belt.

The formula is simple... get this Snookie person on their show. This gets the attention of shows like TMZ and whatever else and they show Snookie on Raw.

Then, the show talks about Wrestlemania. Word gets around about Wrestlemania to a different demographic, and so on and so forth. That's a good way to gain media exposure.

TNA? Hahahahahahaha.
I'm absolutely outraged and appalled by Snooki being at Raw next week. This is a total shot at TNA and it's disgusting that WWE, a company so far ahead, would stoop so low. ---snipped some useless crap---

F U WWE. THIS IS SO BELOW YOU. Been a hardcore fan of WWE my entire life and upon hearing that Snooki is gonna be on Raw next week, i've written my letters and i vow never to watch WWE again. Thanks for ruining my life WWE by making a move so beneath you that it made me stop watching..and made me write letters. I will not be the only one. lol..

this post is almost as pathetic as the bull i read all last week on this site..this last line here is the only redeeming quality..

Your post is absolutely stupid. Get a tissue. WWE has something called Wrestlemania coming up, and they're doing it for media exposure.

Your pathetic "vow" to never watch WWE again over something so stupid is useless. It's about as pathetic as a fat person going on a hunger strike to prove some useless point.

You make me sick.
K, Lmfao you people are blind, I honestly don't know or care if Robbie had this gimmick before going to tna. But WWE had the Jersey shore market tied with Zack Ryder way before Robbie E was in Tna. Both are really bad knockoffs of the guiedo, or however you spell it.

So really, WWE took a stab at Tna by getting one of the most popular shore members right before Mania to get some extra viewers. Big deal, Tna is trying to corner an ever smaller market with Idoitic blowing off steam matches between two real life people who have no buisness in the ring. Tna is using them in the ring, Wwe might have Snooki cut a promo or slap someone, not actually try to wrestle. So here is a fact, Who cares but you? Not this guy.

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