Not All Bad in TNA

Of course not all is bad in TNA – the only folks who think that are the same who have no issues with being spoon-fed the WWE's color-by-numbers booking because it "makes sense" – not taking into consideration whatsoever the fact that half the roster wouldn't have a personality were you to combine them all into one wrestler, or the fact that most of their "stars" fall miles short of impressing the wrestling world the way their predecessors did, but I digress...

TNA has accomplished a number of successful feats since the Hogan/Bischoff inception –*most notably with full-time shift from six-sided playpen to four-sided tradition. The four-sided ring, despite the cries from a number of those who watched since the companies inception, is in fact a more traditional approach to wrestling, and until anyone can show me a company outside of Mexico who legitimately prospered from the use of anything other than a four-sided ring, financially speaking, I fail to see how it was anything less than a gimmick for the sake of being a gimmick. Four sides > six, period.

I'd also say their star power has grown exponentially to boot. Hardy, Anderson, etc. are household names, or will be soon in terms of being synonymous with TNA. Though they may not necessarily be translating into massive amounts of revenue right now, the potential for them to is certainly there.
What I like about TNA is also what can frustrate me as well. I see flashes of brilliance from the athletic ability of AJ Styles, MCMG etc and the charisma of the Anderson's, Angle's. The rise of talent like Jay Lethal and Kaz and some good storylines. It just never seems to follow through. Don't get me wrong, the pro's outweight the cons now, it's just those flashes of brilliance really hook me and I can see the set-up in place for those flashes to turn into consistent burning flames and, once they find their identity, I think something really special could happen
What I like about TNA right now is that they are actually trying to estlablish new main event guys which keeps the show fresh. I also like all the unexplained, mystery stuff with the ECW guys and Stings claim of all the deception on the roster or in TNA management.

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