Hulkamania running wild in TNA?????

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like others have stated, he probably is using TNA as a way for WWE to pay him more fat dolla' and if he did go to TNA, i would like to see him wrestle Sting one more time. why? because sometimes i think its the only reason anyone even bothers to watch TNA, STING!
I dont know why WWE give's in to Hogan's mind game's. He wrestle's on P.P.V's that dont need him like W.M. and Summer Slam. If he insist's on wrestling A) Make it a 'B' show and B) have him wrestle Benoit so he work's up a sweat and at least earn's his money.

He still has name value but so does Kurt Angle and R.V.D. Also R.V.D. is still young and fit enough to become a bona fide superstar. The money they'd spend on Hogan could possibly pay R.V.D.'s wage for a year. I know who I'd choose.
I'd like to see Hogan in TNA for one PPV match. Hogan vs. Jarrett in a retirement match. Have Hogan retire Jarrett to the thunderous applause of TNA fans.

As for Hogan ruining WWE, he isn't ruining anything. It's not like it's 2002 again, where he's a regular on WWE TV. He comes in for a major PPV matches here and there. I personally don't mind seeing him wrestle every once and a while, just as long as he doesn't join one of the brands roster on a permanted basis. Unless it's ECW.......... Ha! lol!
I think the above idea with hogan and jarret would work, it would definately up the ratings with hogan there, as long as he was willing to put over a lot of new talent.
I think the above idea with hogan and jarret would work, it would definately up the ratings with hogan there, as long as he was willing to put over a lot of new talent.

That's actually pretty funny... I kinda laughed I guess... Since when do you see Hulk Hogan putting over new talent ? So, let me see, I guess when he basically crushed Muhammed Hassan W/ HBK, when he undeservingly defeated HBK at Summerslam just after HBK had some of the greatest matches of all time with Kurt Angle, and he also defeated Randy Orton at Summerslam last year...

Hogan is known for doing the exact opposite of putting over new talent, and is a pain in the ass to WWE. That is why I hope Hogan does not come back to WWE or TNA (since I watch both products no matter if it's good or bad at the moment). I don't know about you but seeing Hulkamania "run wild brother" and just crush some huge superstar not only bores me, but proves to me how undeserving he actually is.

I'm not against the fact that he's 53 and still wrestling, I mean the Natch is fine, but the fact that Hogan always wanted everything given to him, because McMahon always would after the money he helped him earn by drawing crowds. Imagine Hogan in TNA crushing Samoa Joe... Worth a laugh I would say...

TNA say they want to do the opposite of what the WWE does, and that is push hard-working, talented wrestlers, instead of big names and body builders. I see a great deal of hypocrisy in this...
I don't watch TNA that much... every now and then.. But I don't think Hogan should return to the ring, for any wrestling promotion. As big of a Hogan fan that I am, I don't think he has anything left. He's just like Flair. They both should of hung up the boots a long time ago. But then again that's just me.
I doubt TNA has the money to pay Hogan. We all know how greedy he is when it comes to money, they'd have to release half their roster to pay him for a year. I don't think he would be able to wrestle because TNA is way different from WWE when it comes to wrestling. TNA is a business with a lot of young guys and Hogan loves to go over them. I think if he were to sign, which i doubt, he would only sign for about 2 months and wouldn't really wrestle...He'd basically be a promoter IMO
hogan is not wrestling for the fans or for the love of it, he is doing it for brooks music. For hogan to put over new talent would be like the not so great khali wining a title or for you tna fans shark boy wining the nwa world heavy weight title in other words, it just aint gonna happen.
Hogan has enough trouble dealing with a standard four-sided ring, anyway. Put him in the six-sided mamma jamma and he'll likely shit himself and have a full-on panic attack.
yeah big prob is he said the other day he wants the nwa title
but also said he only has a handful of matches left in him
so it doesnt really help tna
yeah big prob is he said the other day he wants the nwa title
but also said he only has a handful of matches left in him
so it doesnt really help tna

He said that because to him thats the only major north american title he never held and he wants it. All he is, is a greedy belt hog. He really thinks he is the best ever and I have seen his show...that man really answered a phone like that. But as for the NWA title..maybe somebody should tell Hogan he never won the world heavyweight title on SD either.
over all i dont think they have the money to give him and even IF hogan did sign he wouldent be able to go long hes old he might be able to go for a year tops and then he would retire again.
well it looks like he has severed ties with wwe
and he mentioned other day he hasnt spoken to tna but his lawyer has

so maybe it is going to get done
If Hogan does sign for TNA, do you think he'll get the same kind of parade he got when he came to WCW? And will Mene Gene follow him on over?
So now we know that Khali's push on RAW might be endangered. Since now his big plan's to face Hogan is over. Who know's really though? I'm pretty sure for the biggest event in WWE they have back up plan's.

I think now he might be going to TNA for real. They are probally offering him a top spot and lot's of cash. This is just ******ed. TNA should be investing there money else where. They need to start using other name's then Hogan. TNA need's to give tv time to the people who has been down since the first year instead of all these top draw's. Hogan can't wrestle. This is why the talent that has been loyal to TNA are angry, because of the fact other guy's are getting top spot's in the compan when they yet to earn it. So I'm really hoping he doesn't join TNA.
The fact is that Hogans departure from the WWE could open the door for TNA to invite him to their show. I pray this doesn't happen because he should have hung up the wrestling boots a LONG time ago. TNA shouldn't go for him simply because it would just be a publicity stunt that the fans have seen over and over again by the WWE.

We have all grown tired of seeing him in the ring, and there is really no desire to see him again, and I hope TNA sees that. If Hogan went over a guy like Samoa Joe or AJ Styles, there would be riots. That is a definite.
For name value alone TNA will throw money at him. Like I said they would be better using the money to pay R.V.D. handsomely. Also use it to lure Benoit and Rey away from WWE if that's at all possible.
i love hogan but from the 80' and 90's
he shouldnt wrestle anymore

now tna has their fans and wrestlers who like it the way it is
but if they are to compete with wwe they need the big names to get them up there with wwe

if it means bringing in hogan for a few matches then they have to do it
just so they can get other fans out there who dont watch tna to watch it

you tell me if hogan joins tna that people are not going to tune in
i bet you they get alot more viewers because the hulkster will get the ratings
sign him for a year have him in some tag matches so he doesnt have to work too much and then let him have 5-6 single fights for the year
Angle - Jarrett - Joe - Sting - Abyss - Cage
get some of the talent over
you tell me if hogan joins tna that people are not going to tune in
i bet you they get alot more viewers because the hulkster will get the ratings
sign him for a year have him in some tag matches so he doesnt have to work too much and then let him have 5-6 single fights for the year
Angle - Jarrett - Joe - Sting - Abyss - Cage
get some of the talent over

Yeah, people would tune in, but REAL fans would turn that shit off. I would lose all respect for TNA if they signed hulk hogan. Hulk hogan after the year 2004 is the worst thing to happen to professional wrestling. I shouldn't say the worst, but I bet its up there. Get some talent over? get kurt angle over? Samoa Joe OVER? STING!?!?!? jesus christ, first of all, those 3 are about as over as it gets. 2nd, Hulk Hogan would NEVER agree to lose a match! HAVEN'T YOU LEARNED ANYTHING FROM WATCHING HIM? He has too high of an opinion of himself. He would destroy TNA from the inside out, like the cancer that he is. He is a malignant tumor on the brain of professional wrestling.
Hogan is still one of the top draws in the business... Maybe THE top draw... Afterall, no one recieves bigger pops and draws in non-wrestling fans more than the Hulkster can.

But just where is all of TNA's money coming from anyway??? I mean, these "investors" of TNA must really love wrestling and believe in TNA, because with all the signings, and all the money TNA is throwing around, these "investors" must surely be so far in the red w/ TNA that they are bleeding through their eye sockets, and wiping their arses with newspaper...Maybe TNA is into drug trafficking, and they have a sophisticated distribution networks throughout the world? Maybe K-Dawg got them hooked up w/ Mexican cartels to help distribute methamphetamine, and they pay-off their Mexican traffickers w/ TNA DVDS??? LOL

But, Nevertheless, it seems to me that TNA is becoming the "new WCW" w/ the big lockerroom split, all the politics, and money loss... But I do enjoy TNA's product. It is far superior to SD! or ECW...And it's awesome for the workers, and the business, since it gives wrestlers another place to make money.
Having Hogan in TNA is a great idea. Dont get me wrong - I wish Hogan would drop dead as much as the next person - but he would do big things for TNA. I dont see the point of putting the dude in matches though. Have him come in as a DOA or leading a new heel stable as the figurehead or something (IMO the Hollywood character was perhaps the strongest character I have ever seen - probably coz he can relate to it easier, being the snake he is).

Bottomline Hogan equals big business regardless and it could perhaps help elevate TNA to that next level. His presence alone speaks volumes in the wrestling business. Its almost as if, if Hogan's there you're automatically a primetime federation. And TNA really needs to be able to have something like that. They can look the marks dead in the face, point at Hogan and say, "We got Hogan!! Stop doubting us!! We're here, we're legit and watch the fuck out".
Dont get me wrong - I wish Hogan would drop dead as much as the next person -

...well I think that might have been a little harsh.

For the most part I agree though, Hogan would definitely boost up their ratings on a temporary basis. But who cares? At this point they've already got too many chiefs, not enough indians.
Here is my take on the Hogan deal. Hulk Hogan is a name that will always represent the WWE and WCW in wrestling fan's minds. He was such a big player in the 80's and 90's when the "cartoon character" gimmicks were very popular, and it's hard to see Hogan as anything other than a created gimmick. He stands for everything that VKM has been busting on for months. You can't separate Hogan from the WWE and fans would never buy that he has suddenly turned anti-establishment. Most importantly, I appreciate that veterans like Jarrett and Sting maintain their status in TNA but also work to push the younger talent and establish them as quality wrestlers. Terry Funk did the same in ECW. You can't produce future stars if you allow old talent to continually dominate. Hogan is not going to want to put over the younger talent, nor is he physically capable of keeping up with the pace of a TNA match. He would hurt the quality of the matches that we enjoy on TNA and discredit a lot of the younger guys who deserve and have earned their push.
what about all the rumors about hall coming to TNA...maybe a little NWO reunion...but of course it wouldnt be called NWO since vince owns that too
With Russo in TNA he'll never do it. The money isn't big enough for him to even answer the phone on that one. Plus his ties with the WWE, I don't think are completely severed.
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