Not All Bad in TNA

Tha Wolfpac

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So since Eric Bischoff and Hulk Hogan took over TNA there has been alot of haters about what they have done and the product in general, and i beg to differ. The product has been quite strong and consistant in recent weeks, if you dont think so, then your just a hater that can't accept a different wrestling promotion other than WWE which i also love. But this thread is not to bash any company, so no hating alright.

Now the point of my thread is what have you liked the most about TNA since January 4th (takeover of TNA by the bisch and the hulk). Your answer can be anything that you have liked alot since the takeover. It can be more than one thing, but just explain why.

Now one of my favourite things is the four sided ring it just made TNA look more professional and i think it makes the company just look better.
But the highlight of this new era has to be the Sting heel turn i have loved that and the World Title win of Rob Van Dam. So that my favs how about yours.

In the Hogan TNA era what has been your favourite thing/s so far?
I like Sting's heel turn as well. It's been well done and Sting is doing a good job of being a heel, something he hasn't done much of in his career. It may not be fully explained yet or ever with the fact that TNA does that sometimes, but for the moment it's a great thing.

Most people will probably disagree, but AJ being managed by Ric Flair. AJ has now accomplished everything in TNA and currently holds the longest world title reign in the company. When Flair came in, he anointed AJ the new Nature Boy/his apprentice. AJ has worked on his mic skills and I think he's been doing better in the role every week. Right now though, he's putting Lethal over and doing great at that.

Matt Morgan has looked great lately with is feud with Hernandez and his whole tag team titles thing until the Band took that away from him. He's been cutting great promos and just being all around entertaining, especially with that doctors note thing.

I could make this list quite long, but I'll just stop here.
i think the company has overall improved immensley as they are doing there own stuff now instead of trying to copy the wwe! i personally love this jay lethal v flair feud as i think jay lethal could even up as a main event player in flairs new "fortune" group over time. i love wwe and tna for completely different reasons. Aj styles heel turn as well as abyss's has been great too as well as this possible new ECW angle with tommy dreamer raven doctor stevie rhino and over time possibly team 3D. i feel tna is doing everything right at the moment and it is a pleasure watching it. i really hope they do bring in an ECW angle as i am a huge fan of it.
I think it's a mixed bag of good and bad for TNA since Hogan and Bishoff took things over... I won't come down on TNA right now, because like you said, that's not the point of this threat. I don't know if Hogan or Bishoff really have anything to do with this, but I like where Kurt Angle has been since his return, and I like where he's going. I enjoy that he's getting to wrestle a larger variety of guys, and they're all main event players, or at least future main eventers. I have also been extremely impressed by the Pope in recent months, and obviously I'm excited about the Pope vs. Angle match at Victory Road.

I do really like Mr. Anderson, because he's not polished or precise. He's an asshole, and he knows it. Hell...we all know it. I'm not sure where this thing with Jeff Hardy is going, but I'm interested to find out. I like that TNA has realized Anderson's potential and is pushing him in the main event right off the bat. I don't blame WWE for not using him as Kennedy, because he was never healthy enough to get people behind him.

I also like that everything going on in TNA feels like main event material. It's mostly because all the guys are bigger stars now, and I feel like TNA is using a lot of people correctly. Again, I'm not a huge TNA fan, but I do enjoy the product. I enjoyed it before Hogan, and I enjoy it now. It's not my favorite or anything, but it's a decent wrestling promotion.
Personaly I'm digging the fact that Abyss is back to being a Monster. I'd like to see that bag of crushed glass more often, as I miss the bloody hardcore days of yore.
There's really a lot that I'm very much enjoying in TNA right now. That said, my favorite thing since Bischoff and Hogan is Mr. Anderson. It's not that he's accomplished a ton, it's that he's extremely entertaining to watch and I see him as the face of TNA in the not too distant future. Seriously, if anyone's bringing TNA to the top, it will be no one but him.
I have every intention of saying what I have liked most about TNA since Jan 4th, however, I first have to disagree with the assertion that not thinking that the product has been strong and consistent means you're a hater who can't accept a different wrestling promotion. That's just not true. Thinking it's been strong and consistent is an opinion. (This isn't me trying to hate on you btw...I just disagree.)

That being said. I loved when RVD won the title. You know that feeling you get when something you think is really awesome happens and it's kind of on your mind for a few days? That's exactly how it made me feel. I remember the following week when his music hit...the pop he got was just incredible. I also agree on Mr. Anderson. He's gold.
You know in the last two months the shows becoming kinda strong....i watched this week and loved when DeNiro returned and cut a huge promo with Angle that was like wrestling gold....
One of the only problems i have is how they end the show...think about the last two endings of Impact....Abyss throwing a wrestler off the stage with HOgan breaking it up and Abyss screaming "you!!!!" stop ending your show with Hogan and i think TN has a fighting chance

Oh and if Dixie could stop overreacting and blabbing about Suprisies and just let them happen it wont be such a letdown....
i saw a message where she tweeted about setting a TV record with a certian demo in Australia...thats not a big deal its not like they sold out MSG or ratings beat RAW..thats when you can brag...

but other than that i think TNA has a fighting chance..maybe....small chance
this honestly is an easy one for me. it is a sign that I REALLY like something if I go out of my way to leave it on my dvr and/or look it up on youtube and put it in my favorites. Both of Jay Lethal's promos with Ric Flair are some of the funniest things I have ever seen in a wrestling ring. Especially 2-3 weeks ago and what I like to refer to as "the WOOOO off" as I thought that Lethal sounded more like Flair than Flair
But other than that, I like the fact that they give camera time to alot of people that wouldn't normally get it in the modern wrestling world(ala what hogan/bischoff/mcmahon usually try to put over).. The MCMG are probably gonna win the title at the ppv and that is a step in the right direction. The ECW angle has promise, but if and only if they can wrestle in Paul Heyman.
I look at it like this. On Jan 4th it is like the promotion started over. You have to guys that know more about the business then any one TNA has ever had and they have their own ideas on where the direction of the company should be going. Just like in any sport when a team that has been awful it takes 2-3 years for it to turn around. Now keep in mind in any sport you have FA's, an off season, and way more exposure. TNA doesn;t have a period where they can bid on FA's or have an off season to rebuild or have the ability to promote like crazy. So for a team that needs 2-3 years to turn around TNA will need a few more years then that to actually get on a different level. Remember that Eric Bischoff took over a company that was owned by a billionaire and it took him almost 5 years to turn an actual profit. TNA isn't in that league.
Lockdown, so far the best ppv of the year IMO..the card was solid and the main event was just huge...

I also like Stings heel turn...he does play the role well, he doesn't talk but instead playes mind games and attacks with his signitaure baseball bat, one thing I love about that man...

Lastly, Jay Lethals impersonation of Ric Flair...he has done it twice in promo wise and he has had me on the floor everytime!! Gotta luv that dude!!
TNA is a lot like Germany in the World Cup this year. They're a younger company and no one is expecting them to hit the ground running and are expecting a few errors, so TNA can be a little more crazy than WWE. I like a lot that TNA has done. All the titles seem relevant at the moment. Eric Young's heel turn. Jay Lethal's push. AJ being taught by Flair. Oh, and RVD winning the title on live television, that was great.
I totally have to agree with the OP. I've been a fan of TNA since 2006ish, but I didn't start watching religiously until 2007. I really enjoyed the X-Division back then, that was by far the main reason to tune in to Impact.

I had a mixed reaction when I first heard that Hogan & Bischoff were coming to TNA, but I had a good feeling. Once I heard that they were moving to Mondays, I had a BAAAAD feeling...I'm glad that they realized that they couldn't compete with the "E", and moved back to Thursdays.

I'm more excited every week to watch Impact than I am to see anything the WWE has to offer. I love how hungry to succeed the entire roster seems, that's something that I just don't see on Raw or Smackdown (I don't bother watching anything else WWE programs).

This year, I've loved seeing Jeff's TNA comeback, Anderson's debut, The Pope's rise, and Flair's return as well (not to wrestling, but I'm glad to see him as a mouth-piece...he's always cracked me up). I was also SOOOO glad to see Jay Lethal retire "Black Machismo". Lethal is hilarious, and a great wrestler...not to mention that he can cut one hell of a promo, as himself OR Flair (hehe). Glad to see that he's finally getting over just being himself.

Even though I consider myself to be a TNA loyalist, I know there are some haters that don't like that they're seeing less wrestling and more promos. To me, I think that's essential to "care" about the wrestling product, and I think that Hogan & Bischoff have given us a better product over-all than we had before they arrived. Bravo, Hulk & Eric - keep up the good work!

I would like to see the return of six-sides-of-steel for the Lockdown PPV, but maybe Hulk & Eric will have something else in store for us. Hell in a Cell - clone? I dunno... I would also like TNA to start running Impact live again, even if it is on Thursdays. Maybe at least twice a month, like we were getting before...can you imagine if RVD winning the title would have happened on a taped show? It just wouldn't have had the same feeling it did when we all saw it live. Not that I would have read the spoilers per se, but it wouldn't have felt as "special" as it did. I'm glad that they took the opportunity to give a great ending to that live episode of Impact before they went back to a taped environment. Those are my only critiques of the current product, and like I said before - I enjoy catching Impact each week, a lot more than any television programming the WWE currently has to offer.
i saw a message where she tweeted about setting a TV record with a certian demo in Australia...thats not a big deal its not like they sold out MSG or ratings beat RAW..thats when you can brag...

What the fuck is this? As an Australian wrestling fan I'd like to ask you, how the fuck is selling out MSG better than being the 4th highest rated show on every sports channel in a whole country. Understand this, Xplosion got higher ratings than Football, Rugby, Soccer, UFC and a bunch of other sports for the entire week. You think the WWE got that? No because they don't broadcast on a sports channel and on the channel the do broadcast on here they're still out done by TNA every week 2 TNA shows out do 5 WWE shows broadcast on Australian TV.

How many people does MSG seat? 20,000? 25,000? How many people watch any sports in Australia? Upwards of millions, which means Xplosion was the 4th most watched sport by several million people. The FIFA world cup is currently broadcasting and TNA was only 3 places behind the biggest international sporting even in the year. How fucking dare Dixie Carter be proud of achieveing something that the WWE couldn't do.

TNA's performance in international markets is one of their biggest successes, it's where they have a leg up on just about all their competition. TNA's unfortunately cancelled Australia tour sold out in 2 months. the WWE have been plugging their Smackdown tour due here in August since July last year and they still haven't sold out one venue. This bitching about Dixie Carter is literally hitting a new low, she's made legitimate progress expanding TNA's overrall market share and somehow this is a bad thing? Explain that to me please.
Finally, a completely positive thread. People often spend way too much time pointing out all the shit things about a company, excluding the things that really are good.

I'm a fairly big TNA fan and I don't watch WWE at all, so there's always been a lot I enjoy about TNA. However, I was nervous when Hogan and Eric came in because I didn't think they'd get TNA. Then I was sceptical about them taking away the 6-sided ring. But over the last maybe couple of months, it's all starting to turn around.

I've ended up liking AJ's little Flair turn. I think he's come across as a far more credible heel than I thought he would. I smile every time he says he'll "beat the piss" out of someone. Flair's had a good effect on him. I was sceptical at first, but I was proven wrong.

Anderson has been an absolute revelation since arriving in TNA. I remember being distinctly underwhelmed when he first turned up. But I've actually not only enjoyed him in his "asshole" face period, but I loved him as a heel as well. His match with Angle on PPV is probably the best match since Hogan and Eric arrived. I honestly thought he could have been the first person to wrestle Angle and still not be capable of putting on a good match. Proven wrong again.

I've ended up really getting engrossed in Sting's apparent heel turn. Sting is my favourite wrestler of all time, so seeing him on TV at all is always a joy. But I'm genuinely intrigued to see where it's going. Some would argue that TNA don't even know where it's going, but that's an argument for another thread entirely.

Also as a final point (cos I could sit here all day waxing lyrical about the things I enjoy in TNA) I loved getting one more chance to see Scott Hall have a last crack at the business. I'm a fucking huge Hall mark though so I would. Even though it never paid off in the end and Hall let everyone down again, I think it was worth the risk in taking him on because he's got such a good brain for the business. I met him again during his latest TNA run and it had truly reinvigorated his passion for wrestling. Sadly his passion for the things that are bad for him is far greater! Anyway, I've not enjoyed a moment in TNA more than when Hall said "I'll be the one that looks like Elvis".
Im not going to write it a long essay, so im just going to be brief.

X division is sorta non existant, but the storyline is there. Kenderick will be the Shawn Michaels of TNA in my opinion.

Kaz and Lethal are being pushed to the moon, i like. But lets concentrate more on Kaz as he has a bigger markting potential.

Joe is back to being a badass and is FINALLY over. It's been 2 years in the making.

AJ is still the biggest star of the company even though RVD is champ.

Pope, Anderson, Angle and Hardy are all GOLD.

To be honest, I always thought it was so bad I never wanted to give it a chance. But now that it got an actual four-side ring, I tune in every now and then. I know it sounds stupid but that old ring literally turned me away from the product, it looked so damn stupid and out of place. I seen the Pope once he seems pretty cool. That's all I can say of now though.
For me its got to be MIIIIIIISSSSSSTTTEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRR ANDERSON............AN-DER-SON! This guy is the promo genius that we've been waiting for since the great one.

But overall im just loving the fact that all these young guys who've never been in the lime-light before are given the chance to shine. E.g. Lethal, Rob Terry, Kaz, Brian Kendrick and so on.

TNA is gunna kop a squat on the big E sooner than they think.
What I love about TNA this year compared to this time last year is basically the increased talent and the higher production values. TNA has a four sided ring with a new ramp and new Impact zone. I would have never believed in my wildest dreams that we would see Hogan, Bischoff, Flair, Mr. Anderson, RVD, and Jeff Hardy wrestling in TNA. I'll admit not everything Hogan has done has been for good. I.E Hall, Nasty Boys, Bubba the Love Sponge. There have also been some talent released such as Awesome Kong, Tara, Roxxi, and Daniels.

Overall though the company has been doing better financially and may have tuned out a few viewers but they have also gained some new ones as well. The door is always open for Tara, Awesome Kong or Daniels to come back if they want to.

New stars are being pushed with Jay Lethal, Morgan, Hernandez, Pope, Anderson, Williams, Kendrick, Beer Money, Kaz, and even Abyss. The main event scene is extremely hot now with RVD as champion and I think even the X Division is being showcased more now then it has a year ago. The Knockouts division is really the only one that has taken a major blow.

Honestly though at the end of the day do the Knockouts really matter as much when you are looking at TNA overall? TNA just had the largest crowd in the United States in Brooklyn last Friday with up to 6,000 fans. Xplosion is the highest rated show in Australia beating all other sports shows except the World Cup. Some may not like Hogan and Bischoff and scream that TNA is a failure because they went to Monday nights for a few weeks.

I don't see any other wrestling company competing with WWE do you? It was probably a failed experiment to go live on Mondays but at least they had the balls and the faith of the network to do it. No other company can claim that.

I really feel TNA has made much more of an impact then people give it credit for. Not everything is about beating WWE in the ratings.
Even though the Knockouts division has seen comings and goings, I love me some Beautiful People.

I just can turn my eyes off them.....

I second the motion of Thank God for TNA!!!!
I have been a fan of tna for a while now it was on and off since about 2005 it had its ups and downs but I do enjoy what is happening wrute now I'm glad to see kaz and leathal get more of a legit push and aj be a beleivable heel only thing I'm waiting for is the guns to get the tag titles and it would be a complete success
What do I like about TNA? The stronger in-ring work, the Attitude Era type feel, the larger than life characters in guys like Anderson and Pope, the drama, and it doesn't insult my intelligence. I like how TNA knows the people who watch the show want to see top notch wrestling, and they do their best to provide that.

I've been watching WWE as long as I can remember, and up until Jan 4th of this year, it's all I watched. But with 2009 being pretty mediocre and this year not doing much better, I decided to watch TNA week in and week out. I've been an off and on TNA fan since their beginnings in 2002 and I've always enjoyed the product. I don't know why I didn't decide to watch religiously up until several months ago. But im glad I switched over, because I was beginning to ask myself why I watch wrestling with some of the embarassing stuff WWE was doing.

When I watch TNA, I know Im gonna see some awesome wrestling, and I don't have to worry about some bullshit with The Great Khali or Hornswoggle.

TNA really has something special going, and I can't wait to see where it goes.
Before I say "Seattle's Finest" Madison Rayne winning the Knockouts Championship, I'm gonna mention that Jay Lethal's promos with Ric Flair have been absolute money and are the best promos I've seen this year so far. I'm also really glad that Samoa Joe is back to his unstoppable badass ways. He looked incredibly stupid with his boxing type shorts on and kinda seemed like he lost a step until he was kidnapped. But now, he's the strong, silent, Submission Machine we've grown to love once again!

And finally..."Seattle's Finest" Madison Rayne winning the Knockouts Championship. With Velvet Sky being the face of the Beautiful People and Lacey Von Erich just being stupid hot every week, Maddy wasn't really having an identity within the group and just seemed like the third wheel despite how horrible LVE's ring skills have been. Now that Maddy has the strap, she's really developed herself into a force to be reckoned with. People have said that Maddy is pretty good in the ring and now I can actually see it. She retired Tara and Roxxi and is about to go into battle with Angelina Love, something I can't wait to see now.
I have enjoyed the TNa product and I think Flair is a crucial part to their success. His mic work has been and always will be great.

Flair on TV
AJ a heel
Pushing young talent: Lethal, pope, morgan, etc

Needs improvement:
Impact zone: the thing holds 1200 people not ideal for pops and heat for TV tapings. Maybe tape the house shows unless they are held in some podunk barn
Production: stop trying to squeeze so much into your time slot. I dont want pop ups or Mike Tenay telling me something when there is a match going on and even more so in a pinfall spot.

TNA improving though
TNA has improved a lot.lots off good changes some bad.
recently a deal with paul heyman failed just because Dixie was asking too much from him he should have asked PAUL to be just the leader of the Group and to manage the whole angle,him being on TNA TV would certainly raise viewers.then later on she could have asked him to be involved fully in management but that can only happen after when TNA has second show and PAUL has total control of it and Bischeoff having control over the other show.i believe DIXIE should be off screen Hogan should be made the president of TNA.with that we see him rarely appearing plus hogan ,flair,sting,nash,Foley etc should have more role in managing and helping superstar to elevate and understand the business.They can do more or so managing role commisioner role etc.

In the end i would just say Dixie should be very careful with his decissions.Managing the roster is the biggest problem in TNA right now.TNA needs to set a pace of things because they cant just throw every thing in short time.They should reset their focus leve.l

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