NorCal and Jake present the worst of the forums awards

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Worst Poster: Anyone thats posted, been temp banned for spamming, and never retuned.

Worst mod: There are many mods, and I don't want to say any one is bad, but when you have more then one of anything, somthing is always the worst, and assuming we're going back the entire year of 08, I will say I was't the bst mod, even though I stepped down a few weeks later. But as far as current mods go,I'm gonna have to lean towards CM, simply because I never see the guy post anymore.

Worst thread: Any thread made just to insult another poster, but not like this one. I mean a thread deticated to an individual. People that start those threads need better things to do.

Worst section: V Bookie, I guess. Everyone else says it, and even though I like the idea, I've even went in a handful of times, it's not used enough.

Biggest kiss ass: Becca/NorCal kiss ass's. They've both got plenty, and those people need to detatch their lips and make names for themselves.

Most pathetic cry out for attention/love: CCS at the moment, the dudes actually trying to get noticed for all the wrong reasons. People like DIAR and Wes weren't just trying to get attention, this guy is.

Person who has been around forever but still acts like a newb: Becker and JP Fizzle. They've been around as long as I remember, and havn't evolved a bit since then.

Most worthless forum member: See "worst postr"
Worst Poster: At the moment, CCS

Worst mod: I'm canny crap

Worst thread: SFAC

Worst section: Apparently there's an arcade section :s

Biggest kiss ass: the majority of males/Becca or CCS/JPFizzle & Luther

Most pathetic cry out for attention/love: Girls who post pics just to get 'over'

Person who has been around forever but still acts like a newb: JP Fizzle

Most worthless forum member: Chris Cash
I wonder when being cordial with one another of having admiration for another person suddenly turned into kissing ass. You cant be nice to anyone anymore, or your just a huge kiss ass!!! Sounds like some people have a chip on their shoulder. Or extremely small penises. or both. both most likely.
I wonder when being cordial with one another of having admiration for another person suddenly turned into kissing ass. You cant be nice to anyone anymore, or your just a huge kiss ass!!! Sounds like some people have a chip on their shoulder. Or extremely small penises. or both. both most likely.

It's a lose-lose situation though, if you're honest you're either flaming or being a bitch.
Not necessarily. There are plenty of people on here who i feel are the scourge of the earth. and I let them know that. On the other hand, there are plenty of people on here I genuinely like. and I am chummy with them. I guess im an ass kiss for that though??
I wonder when being cordial with one another of having admiration for another person suddenly turned into kissing ass. You cant be nice to anyone anymore, or your just a huge kiss ass!!! Sounds like some people have a chip on their shoulder. Or extremely small penises. or both. both most likely.

Didn't you get the memo? Being nice means you're a coward that just wants attention. Being an ass to anyone is the in thing now.
Hells yea. only people who are totally dakr and way cooler than everyone else are mean. being nice and friendly with people on THE INTERNET FOR FUCKS SAKE is just SO unkewl. you ass kiss.
I wonder when being cordial with one another of having admiration for another person suddenly turned into kissing ass. You cant be nice to anyone anymore, or your just a huge kiss ass!!! Sounds like some people have a chip on their shoulder. Or extremely small penises. or both. both most likely.

I totally agree with this. I blame all those posters that live miserable lives and think being nice is lame.

Opps, I just agreed with your post. I'm a kiss ass then.
I don't think anyone's ever said that being an 'ass' to people is cooler. I think the idea is that it's much more fun for those that do it. I'd know.
Hells yea. only people who are totally dakr and way cooler than everyone else are mean. being nice and friendly with people on THE INTERNET FOR FUCKS SAKE is just SO unkewl. you ass kiss.

Indeed. Next time NorCal and I link up for a how, we'll take turns telling each other how useless the other is, so as not to be perceived as a kiss ass.
Indeed. Next time NorCal and I link up for a how, we'll take turns telling each other how useless the other is, so as not to be perceived as a kiss ass.

Sharing a sarcastic joke with someone else? Kiss ass.

To me, the only people that brown nose, are the people who feel like constantly going around complimenting the moderators. It's not the fact that they're complimenting, because you people like being nice and all that, but these people feel like doing it all the time. There's a point where it goes from being 'cordial' with one another, to straight-up kiss-assery.
who are you to discern when that line has been crossed though?? I big up my friends all the time, always have, always will, mod, admin, regular, bar room lurker, whatever. Maybe they just like, and have admiration for that person. so what.
I tell you what gets on my nerves, when someone has an opinion, a mod disagrees, and suddenly the opinion changes. That annoys me more than cheese.
who are you to discern when that line has been crossed though??

I'm entitled to my interpretations. And once I think it's been crossed, I'll label them a kiss ass. I don't care what other people think, because my opinion is what I stand by.

Maybe they just like, and have admiration for that person. so what.

And do they need to be going around in every thread saying how great that person is? Really?

Maybe I just have a dislike for the things some people say on this site. So what?
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