NorCal and Jake present the worst of the forums awards

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^^ I'm not a fish, you won't bait me ;)

There's been some discussion, but nothing nearly as good as the first few days. Either everyone's gotten what they want to say off their chests, or they're too chicken-shit to say it...

Yes, I'm calling everyone out that hasn't posted in here yet...

Let's see what happens...

Ok... So I haven't posted here yet... what the hell are you calling me out on?!
Btw, I nominate myself for "Worst Relationship EVER...OF ALL TIME" award. NorCal can vouch for that...he has seen my pain.

And as far as worst moderator, fuck it, I'm speaking my mind. Even though Sly can be a pain in the ass, he's still a decent guy. NorCal... is cool in my book now. Becca has always been cool to me, but Damn you Kung FLU Naki.... YOU INFRACTED ME ON CHRISTMAS! YOU TRULY SUCK! haha... Just kidding, I don't care. Have a sense of humor and don't kill me. MrIrishCanadian...don't really know you, but we should have coffee sometime... and talk about :boobs:
maybe that thing about that guys birthday yesterday perhaps

or the great bot war.
I had started a thread titled Bartenders, and it was actually about bartenders, and KB said it would be a great name for the mods...
but do the NWS mod the Bar Room, and is the Bar Room not the most used section by around triple or so in the NWS?
[ignore]It requires little to no modding for the most part.[/ignore] Whoops, I shouldn't say that. There are some odd cases like the Sexist thread and stickying, but I wouldn't leap to call them 'bar room mods'.
It's true the bar room requires little. I'm not positive why we have three mods there, but IC felt it was the right move.
Well not three mods covering just the bar, you have three covering all of NWS. It makes sense, because about the same number of mods handle WS, right?
We also do Music, Tv/Movies, gaming, sports, and the prison. Most of those get no action at all, so it's limited at best.
From what I've read, it seems that way. I've only read anything that's bene posted since I've signed up...
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