But I don't want to see it dragged onto Mania if he's not ever going to show up to defend the title. Stephanie McMahon made a big deal a few months ago by stripping Danial Bryan of the belts, using the excuse that he couldn't be an active champion, his injury wouldn't let him defend it. So in turn they give it too Cena who loses to Lesnar in short order. Now we have another guy who isn't around to defend it.
With the way the treat the other titles, this is the one that they have always tried to put some effort into. And like Dagger Dias said, every wrestler strives to be the best by winning the top title. What's the use in having a top title if it isn't around to be achieved? We've only seen Lesnar twice since he actually won the title so where is this guy, why give it too him in the first place?
The WWE has a clause which says the Champion has to defend it once a month. Now they are throwing it out the window for one guy, it makes no sense at all. And those customers that will be buying the tickets for the upcoming PPV's expect to see it defended there. The other titles just don't cut it when someone is paying 100's of dollars a seat. I know I wouldn't pay if all I'm going to see is mid card matches, and maybe one match between Cena and Ambrose. I'll just watch it at home for 9.99 a month.
The WWE at this point in time isn't going broke, but they can't afford to be turning away fans. Yea the scenario I gave isn't great, I'm not a fantasy booker, but it was one way to get it off Lesnar and give it to someone who is around. And what's the point of winning the MITB suitcase if you never have a chance to actually cash it in. Maybe unifying the titles was a bad idea afterall if this is what they had planned, or they might be flying by the seat of their pants with all the injuries. In any case, it's not good for either the WWE or us fans.
EDIT: I thought the reason for bringing in Lesnar was because he raises the buyrates. Not going to be doing that either if he's not there.
Ah, I do get what your concern is with regards to lack of a
'fighting' champion and the fact he won't be there to promote the buy rates.
However, one thing many people are missing is that in light of the 'possible' absence of the current WWE WHC,
what is the WWE doing to build up a Suitable No.1 Contender??
Right, nothing at all.
The main story right now is that the focus is on beating the crap out of
Mr.Money in the Bank, Seth Rollins.
WWE isn't even bothering to build a story about a new contender, instead
John Cena remains the
default UNCHALLENGED No.1 Contender for the title and is instead going after
Seth Rollins(
which does make sense storyline wise, mind you).
I know the Main Event scene is bare because of injuries to
Top Faces like
Roman Reigns and
Daniel Bryan. However, it is inexcusable that there seems to be
NOT ONE Single Superstar who steps and expresses an interest in going after the World title because the guys who are not a part of the Main Event scene are built up so poorly and illogically.
Randy Orton remains the logical guy to challenge provided he gets a face turn. Right now, what exactly is his role anyway?
With the injury-problems, giving him a slight push for a few months could help the programme somewhat wouldn't it, whilst also providing a fresh challenger for
Brock Lesnar whilst
John Cena goes for revenge on
Seth Rollins alongwith
Dean Ambrose(
then we can have Brock vs Cena 3 at the Royal Rumble, because that is definite given the DQ)
So, yes,
Brock Lesnar not showing for so long is a legit concern(to all of us), however, his booking as a
Top Heel is too great for him to just be stripped of his title, when the
Real Problem is the fact that there is
NO indication that there is anyone on the roster to challenge for the title because of lack of credibility of most superstars.
Instead the focus of the show is on going after
TraitorFace and
John Cena remains the default No.1 Contender even after having his rematch(
albeit he won it in a DQ).
WWE Creative remains the problem, not
Brock Lesnar's "lack of dates".