No WWE Championship Matches Until Next Year?

This is exactly why unifying the titles was a huge error. It wouldn't matter if the WWE Champion was a prima donna who only wrestles 5 times a year, because we'd still have the World Heavyweight Champion on the product. Now there's tons of top talent sitting around with nothing to do. WWE NEEDS to bring back the World Heavyweight Championship.

This is the time to bring back the WHC. History serves as precedent. Back in 2002 Brock Lesnar took the Undisputed Championship to Smackdown, leaving Raw without a title. Eric Bischoff awarded Triple H with the iconic WHC.

Fast forward to 2014...

Brock Lesnar is the WWE World Heavyweight Champion and his absence in effect leaves Raw without a title. It would make perfect storyline sense to reinstitute the WHC so WWE has an active champion.

WWE doesn't have to treat the WHC as a lower tier world title. They could treat it as a big deal again. It wouldn't take much effort, it's an established world title.

WWE could keep Lesnar away until the Royal Rumble and still have a world champion on their pay per views. Maybe upon Lesnar's return he would look to tear the WHC apart out of envy.
Why would you mess up the Best booking of a Top Heel in a long time for a cash-in by a guy who isn't yet ready to carry the championship and is actually in a hot feud that is unfinished?

I think the booking of Brock as an "Invincible Top Heel" and Seth Rollins as "Mr.Money in the Bank" can be easily dragged on until Wrestlemania 31, with the ending results of Brock being "conquered" and Seth "cashing in" being much more satisfying than if it was rushed because of "not having an Active Champion".

That said; I think the injuries to both Daniel Bryan and Roman Reigns and subsequently the lack of Top Main Event talent have left the WWE Creative in a sort of confused state as to what direction to take moving forward.

I don't think they want to rush the "defeat" of Brock Lesnar just like that, not when his booking has so much potential if it can be dragged on until Mania 31...

But I don't want to see it dragged onto Mania if he's not ever going to show up to defend the title. Stephanie McMahon made a big deal a few months ago by stripping Danial Bryan of the belts, using the excuse that he couldn't be an active champion, his injury wouldn't let him defend it. So in turn they give it too Cena who loses to Lesnar in short order. Now we have another guy who isn't around to defend it.

With the way the treat the other titles, this is the one that they have always tried to put some effort into. And like Dagger Dias said, every wrestler strives to be the best by winning the top title. What's the use in having a top title if it isn't around to be achieved? We've only seen Lesnar twice since he actually won the title so where is this guy, why give it too him in the first place?

The WWE has a clause which says the Champion has to defend it once a month. Now they are throwing it out the window for one guy, it makes no sense at all. And those customers that will be buying the tickets for the upcoming PPV's expect to see it defended there. The other titles just don't cut it when someone is paying 100's of dollars a seat. I know I wouldn't pay if all I'm going to see is mid card matches, and maybe one match between Cena and Ambrose. I'll just watch it at home for 9.99 a month.

The WWE at this point in time isn't going broke, but they can't afford to be turning away fans. Yea the scenario I gave isn't great, I'm not a fantasy booker, but it was one way to get it off Lesnar and give it to someone who is around. And what's the point of winning the MITB suitcase if you never have a chance to actually cash it in. Maybe unifying the titles was a bad idea afterall if this is what they had planned, or they might be flying by the seat of their pants with all the injuries. In any case, it's not good for either the WWE or us fans.

EDIT: I thought the reason for bringing in Lesnar was because he raises the buyrates. Not going to be doing that either if he's not there.
You guys are overreacting. Having lesnar stay at home and taking the title hostage, refusing title shots in genius. It is the best heel move he can do. Could you imagine the turmoil the WWE universe would be in?

This is HEEL booking 101, yet you guys don't see it. Have paul heyman come out rarely and explain Brock will fight when he chooses too. Bring real life into it. Say Brock has X amount of days he is supposed to appear and he does not have to show if he does not want to.

If they want him at HIAC, they need to pay him extra. This starts a bitter feud with Brock being a worse heel than the authority. Have Paul/Brock on satelite laughing at poor WWE for having "Budget Cuts" and they can't afford him. And if they try to sue him, go right ahead.

You guys never look at the bigger picture.

EDIT: Imagine Brock Showing up on Jimmy Kimmel/Conan or some other late night show to promote HIAC? He could do a shoot and it would sell. He could brag how he is WWE champ and how they overpaid him and he does not care. He brings legitimacy back to the title and he can pick and choose who he wants to face. He can brag about this. This would bring massive main stream heat because no was has done this. Let him brag about being the best in MMA and WWE.

Then close the episode off with kimmel advertising RAW and HIAC. WWE are dumb to not understand this.
You guys are overreacting. Having lesnar stay at home and taking the title hostage, refusing title shots in genius. It is the best heel move he can do. Could you imagine the turmoil the WWE universe would be in?

This is HEEL booking 101, yet you guys don't see it. Have paul heyman come out rarely and explain Brock will fight when he chooses too. Bring real life into it. Say Brock has X amount of days he is supposed to appear and he does not have to show if he does not want to.

If they want him at HIAC, they need to pay him extra. This starts a bitter feud with Brock being a worse heel than the authority. Have Paul/Brock on satelite laughing at poor WWE for having "Budget Cuts" and they can't afford him. And if they try to sue him, go right ahead.

You guys never look at the bigger picture.

Does this guy really need anymore heat, seriously. The point of having the title is to see it defended and to give other wrestlers who have worked their butts off a chance to win it. If they had wanted to go this route, they could have saved themselves millions of dollars and just let Bryan keep it until he returned.
Does this guy really need anymore heat, seriously. The point of having the title is to see it defended and to give other wrestlers who have worked their butts off a chance to win it. If they had wanted to go this route, they could have saved themselves millions of dollars and just let Bryan keep it until he returned.

The point is everyone(the smarks) and normal fans are mad at Brock Lesnar. That is legit heat. You guys are so angry at WWE's direction. You guys constantly ask for better wrestling, storylines, real heels etc....but when you get complain!

What is wrong with Brock taking a backseat while Rollins/Ambrose duke it out? They are the hottest feud WWE has had this year. Rollins is getting old school heel heat from kids and adults....which is giving Ambrose massive old school face pops! Isn't that the wrestling you want?

I honestly don't get it?

Why does the title need to be defended every PPV? Do you guys remember when CM Punk was champ for 434 days? He barely main evented. It was always the number one storyline that did and that was Cena.

Same thing is happening here. I WANT to see Ambrose vs Rollins. Sure I want to see Brock Lesnar destory another person....but I can live without it.
The point is everyone(the smarks) and normal fans are mad at Brock Lesnar. That is legit heat. You guys are so angry at WWE's direction. You guys constantly ask for better wrestling, storylines, real heels etc....but when you get complain!

What is wrong with Brock taking a backseat while Rollins/Ambrose duke it out? They are the hottest feud WWE has had this year. Rollins is getting old school heel heat from kids and adults....which is giving Ambrose massive old school face pops! Isn't that the wrestling you want?

I honestly don't get it?

Why does the title need to be defended every PPV? Do you guys remember when CM Punk was champ for 434 days? He barely main evented. It was always the number one storyline that did and that was Cena.

Same thing is happening here. I WANT to see Ambrose vs Rollins. Sure I want to see Brock Lesnar destory another person....but I can live without it.

No I'm not mad at Lesnar because he's being told what to do like you would tell a trained chimpanzee. And if you think that better wrestling is not seeing the top title defended at least once a month then I don't know what to say to you. That's not better wrestling that the cheap way out.

And what do you say to guys like, Rollins, Cena, Reigns, Ambrose and Bryan? We don't think the title belt is important enough to at least have the champion show up to defend it and give you guys an chance to get your hands on it.

These guys take enormous amounts of time away from their wives and families to participate in this sport. Not to mention the physical punishment they put themselves through. For what? Nothing. They might, might get a chance to see the belt every few months, what's the point of even showing up for work then.

Each PPV has more than one match on it, and there is not reason that the Rollins/Ambrose feud, which is separate from the title picture right now, can continue. There happen to be other fans that don't care about those two, I'm not one of them, but they might want to see Lesnar vs Cena.

I've read on a number of sites that the WWE doesn't feel the need to have the title defended, solely because of the low price of the network. If that's the case then what's the point of even having a PPV to begin with. The title should be defended on each and every PPV to give the fans who pay for the network, the PPV's and the ones in the seats the opportunity to see said defense.
The point is everyone(the smarks) and normal fans are mad at Brock Lesnar. That is legit heat. You guys are so angry at WWE's direction. You guys constantly ask for better wrestling, storylines, real heels etc....but when you get complain!

What is wrong with Brock taking a backseat while Rollins/Ambrose duke it out? They are the hottest feud WWE has had this year. Rollins is getting old school heel heat from kids and adults....which is giving Ambrose massive old school face pops! Isn't that the wrestling you want?

I honestly don't get it?

Why does the title need to be defended every PPV? Do you guys remember when CM Punk was champ for 434 days? He barely main evented. It was always the number one storyline that did and that was Cena.

Same thing is happening here. I WANT to see Ambrose vs Rollins. Sure I want to see Brock Lesnar destory another person....but I can live without it.

Right on the money!!

Brock is a novelty or rather more like a spectacle. The more you see a spectacle the more unspectacular it becomes. I would say with the WWE Champ not being there we can see what the company is really made of. We can hopefully see more passionate breakout stars who wouldn't necessarily have to get buried by Cena ( No PUN intended) at every term Especially with Cena not bein Champ. However I do think him being in Ambrose-Rollins fued is futile and just bringing the whole thing down, I understand why it has to be this way

The Championship never seemed to be the focus of the show when Punk had it so this is almost the same thing. I don't see anything wrong with not having the big Champ around for a while as long as the product is entertaining. I for one LOVE Brock Lesnar but I don't mind not seeing him all the time. People tend to complain anyways about stars coming back and how their faves aren't getting TV time. Well ta da, they've got more time now to showcase "your faves" People will be unhappy either way so people can suck it as far as I'm concerned

I'm fine with this notion and when the Champ returns, he'll be THAT much more important. That's how it used to be. The roster fights over who deserves a shot at the Champ while the Champ kicks back a while until a worthy opponent surfaces
I just don't get why Seth Rollins didn't become World Champ. Lesnar was never going to work every PPV from now till Mania. Seth, had this briefcase that he must cash in before July. It would be ridiculous to think that Reigns could beat Brock and then drop his belt shortly after.

Seth could easily have cashed in this month and kept the belt until, lets say the Rumble, where Brock can win it back. The WWE Championship should be defended at every PPV. It just makes sense especially if the roster has been weakened due to injuries.

I'd be shocked if the WWE title wasn't defended for the rest of the year. Brock should appear at at least one more PPV before the end of the year. If it were up to me, he'd drop the belt to Rollins to give him at least a short run with the belt.
I just don't get why Seth Rollins didn't become World Champ. Lesnar was never going to work every PPV from now till Mania. Seth, had this briefcase that he must cash in before July. It would be ridiculous to think that Reigns could beat Brock and then drop his belt shortly after.

Seth could easily have cashed in this month and kept the belt until, lets say the Rumble, where Brock can win it back. The WWE Championship should be defended at every PPV. It just makes sense especially if the roster has been weakened due to injuries.

I'd be shocked if the WWE title wasn't defended for the rest of the year. Brock should appear at at least one more PPV before the end of the year. If it were up to me, he'd drop the belt to Rollins to give him at least a short run with the belt.

I think this thread has actually confirmed that the IWC should never book events in any wrestling company. So many of you are begging for the title to be defended every month.

I honestly feel like Brock Lesnar right now. Let's pretend I am Brock and you are Cena or whoever face. And I say NO. I will not defend my title. I will do it when I feel like it. You and most of the thread are angry....which is what a heel is supposed to do. You are mad. Brock/WWE has succeeded.

Just go along with it and enjoy the ride. Enjoy the massive push the mid card is getting with Ambrose/rollins, Ziggler/Miz are getting. You guys are nuts! Heck, Even the Divas are getting a push! Tag teams have been getting a steady push all year. Even Shaemus is getting more TV time. Why are you guys so obsessed over the one title? Did WWE train you that way? LOL

Seriously. Calm down.
I think this thread has actually confirmed that the IWC should never book events in any wrestling company. So many of you are begging for the title to be defended every month.

I honestly feel like Brock Lesnar right now. Let's pretend I am Brock and you are Cena or whoever face. And I say NO. I will not defend my title. I will do it when I feel like it. You and most of the thread are angry....which is what a heel is supposed to do. You are mad. Brock/WWE has succeeded.

Just go along with it and enjoy the ride. Enjoy the massive push the mid card is getting with Ambrose/rollins, Ziggler/Miz are getting. You guys are nuts! Heck, Even the Divas are getting a push! Tag teams have been getting a steady push all year. Even Shaemus is getting more TV time. Why are you guys so obsessed over the one title? Did WWE train you that way? LOL

Seriously. Calm down.

I agree completely with this.

Seriously what would be the point of Lesnar defending when everyone knows he will carry until Rumble/Mania... you don't beat the streak and demolish Cena just to drop the title at a B-PPV. He's there for the long run. I'd get bored of a Lesnar main event every PPV already knowing the outcome.
But I don't want to see it dragged onto Mania if he's not ever going to show up to defend the title. Stephanie McMahon made a big deal a few months ago by stripping Danial Bryan of the belts, using the excuse that he couldn't be an active champion, his injury wouldn't let him defend it. So in turn they give it too Cena who loses to Lesnar in short order. Now we have another guy who isn't around to defend it.

With the way the treat the other titles, this is the one that they have always tried to put some effort into. And like Dagger Dias said, every wrestler strives to be the best by winning the top title. What's the use in having a top title if it isn't around to be achieved? We've only seen Lesnar twice since he actually won the title so where is this guy, why give it too him in the first place?

The WWE has a clause which says the Champion has to defend it once a month. Now they are throwing it out the window for one guy, it makes no sense at all. And those customers that will be buying the tickets for the upcoming PPV's expect to see it defended there. The other titles just don't cut it when someone is paying 100's of dollars a seat. I know I wouldn't pay if all I'm going to see is mid card matches, and maybe one match between Cena and Ambrose. I'll just watch it at home for 9.99 a month.

The WWE at this point in time isn't going broke, but they can't afford to be turning away fans. Yea the scenario I gave isn't great, I'm not a fantasy booker, but it was one way to get it off Lesnar and give it to someone who is around. And what's the point of winning the MITB suitcase if you never have a chance to actually cash it in. Maybe unifying the titles was a bad idea afterall if this is what they had planned, or they might be flying by the seat of their pants with all the injuries. In any case, it's not good for either the WWE or us fans.

EDIT: I thought the reason for bringing in Lesnar was because he raises the buyrates. Not going to be doing that either if he's not there.

Ah, I do get what your concern is with regards to lack of a 'fighting' champion and the fact he won't be there to promote the buy rates.

However, one thing many people are missing is that in light of the 'possible' absence of the current WWE WHC, what is the WWE doing to build up a Suitable No.1 Contender??
Right, nothing at all.

The main story right now is that the focus is on beating the crap out of Mr.Money in the Bank, Seth Rollins.

WWE isn't even bothering to build a story about a new contender, instead John Cena remains the default UNCHALLENGED No.1 Contender for the title and is instead going after Seth Rollins(which does make sense storyline wise, mind you).

I know the Main Event scene is bare because of injuries to Top Faces like Roman Reigns and Daniel Bryan. However, it is inexcusable that there seems to be NOT ONE Single Superstar who steps and expresses an interest in going after the World title because the guys who are not a part of the Main Event scene are built up so poorly and illogically.

Randy Orton remains the logical guy to challenge provided he gets a face turn. Right now, what exactly is his role anyway?
With the injury-problems, giving him a slight push for a few months could help the programme somewhat wouldn't it, whilst also providing a fresh challenger for Brock Lesnar whilst John Cena goes for revenge on Seth Rollins alongwith Dean Ambrose(then we can have Brock vs Cena 3 at the Royal Rumble, because that is definite given the DQ)

So, yes, Brock Lesnar not showing for so long is a legit concern(to all of us), however, his booking as a Top Heel is too great for him to just be stripped of his title, when the Real Problem is the fact that there is NO indication that there is anyone on the roster to challenge for the title because of lack of credibility of most superstars.
Instead the focus of the show is on going after TraitorFace and John Cena remains the default No.1 Contender even after having his rematch(albeit he won it in a DQ).

Again, WWE Creative remains the problem, not Brock Lesnar's "lack of dates".

So, yes, Brock Lesnar not showing for so long is a legit concern(to all of us)

Again, WWE Creative remains the problem, not Brock Lesnar's "lack of dates".

Nope. Most of us normal fans are perfectly fine with Brock not showing up. He is one of the best heels in years where everyone else hates kids, yourself and the rest of the know-it-all IWC. You legit hate him along with the IWC. You guys despise him. He has won. He has made you hate him!

You guys wish for the olden days where heels and faces ruled and everything is great. But when you get an awesome hate him and want change. Boo hoo!

When will anyone of you be satisfied?! You talk about being smart marks and understand the concept of "the payoff" are complaining about the uber heel brock lesnar who will make an uber star face some! Look at the long run bro!...Or go back to playing flappy birds on your iphone. :lmao:
I think this thread has actually confirmed that the IWC should never book events in any wrestling company. So many of you are begging for the title to be defended every month.

I honestly feel like Brock Lesnar right now. Let's pretend I am Brock and you are Cena or whoever face. And I say NO. I will not defend my title. I will do it when I feel like it. You and most of the thread are angry....which is what a heel is supposed to do. You are mad. Brock/WWE has succeeded.

Just go along with it and enjoy the ride. Enjoy the massive push the mid card is getting with Ambrose/rollins, Ziggler/Miz are getting. You guys are nuts! Heck, Even the Divas are getting a push! Tag teams have been getting a steady push all year. Even Shaemus is getting more TV time. Why are you guys so obsessed over the one title? Did WWE train you that way? LOL

If Brock is champ then he is a special case but if Brock is to keep the belt from now till Mania with only one more defence it doesn't sound great. Yeh, he is still a monster but I much prefer the idea of no-one being able to beat him until someone rises to the occasion at Mania. It doesn't have to be every PPV but I'm not a fan of him getting to Mania with only appearing at the Rumble.

They could make the Rumble winner go after Brock as the saviour of the WWE - reclaiming the title back from the mercenary. That could work if Brock literally didn't wrestle from now till Mania but I'm not sure if it would come off as a success.

My other issue is Rollins and his MITB. He has to cash in eventually and it's either going to be before or after Mania. After and it will be cutting someone's title reign short. Before and it should be sooner rather than later. If Brock is going to be Champ before Mania then he should be holding it from January onwards. Where Rollins fits into this confuses me unless he is unsuccessful which would be a true shame.

So why couldn't the WWE have Rollins cash in on Brock; hold the belt for a few months (defending it on PPV's) before dropping it back to Brock who didn't have to work any more dates. That seems far more logical to me.
So why couldn't the WWE have Rollins cash in on Brock; hold the belt for a few months (defending it on PPV's) before dropping it back to Brock who didn't have to work any more dates. That seems far more logical to me.

Yeah right. The last thing we want is a bunch of threads going along the lines of " Can you believe Seth Rollins of all people defeated the one in twenty one and one?"

On a serious note, I still don't understand why Lesnar "has" to defend the WWE title at every show. If people think this is going to affect the ratings and buyrates for the WWE, then I'd like to know their opinions on the Bunny and Hornswoggle. He's a heel, and instead of being the typical chicken-shit heel, he's being an egotistical champion (kayfabe) who feels he's far superior to everyone else on the roster (with valid reasons, of course. He beat the frikkin Undertaker at Wrestlemania. Again kayfabe).

If you guys still don't see the point BuriedByCena is trying to make, then you are just as smart as the casual fans who watch Total Divas and can't figure out that this is a smart heel-move on the part of Lesnar.
So If im understanding this right,the title wont be defended at all this year.. Wow I wouldnt mind the title not being defended at HIAC but what about Survivor Series.. Survivor Series is typically the 4th biggest event of the year,and not having a title match will really hurt the buyrate IMO..

I understand Brocks contract,and he is just doing what he is told and probably has zero interest in storylines.. IF this is in fact the plan,then Brock better pop up from time to time,and remind us who in the hell he is... I think probably around Survivor Series time,they might install a tournament to determine the NO1 contender who will in fact face the beast at Royal Rumble..

John Cena is the obvious choice here,and he will tie and break Ric Flairs Record!! Cena has got to deal with Seth Rollins and so does Dean Ambrose.. I am in the minority of believing you dont need the champion at every PPV but the major ones,he should be there.

Not quite sure what the management is thinking and they can always switch ideas before i get done typing this thought out. Brock is a Killer PPV Draw and im sure he has helped network subscribers grow.
Nope. Most of us normal fans are perfectly fine with Brock not showing up. He is one of the best heels in years where everyone else hates kids, yourself and the rest of the know-it-all IWC. You legit hate him along with the IWC. You guys despise him. He has won. He has made you hate him!

You guys wish for the olden days where heels and faces ruled and everything is great. But when you get an awesome hate him and want change. Boo hoo!

When will anyone of you be satisfied?! You talk about being smart marks and understand the concept of "the payoff" are complaining about the uber heel brock lesnar who will make an uber star face some! Look at the long run bro!...Or go back to playing flappy birds on your iphone. :lmao:


And here, I thought I was defending Brock Lesnar being the Champ and pointing why, with the 'invincible' booking he has had, he should remain the WWE WH Champion until Wrestlemania 31.

Guess all that went over your head, and your last couple of sentences show it.
I think you should brush up on your comprehension skills and then attempt to comment on other posters' selective quotes.

Cheers. :rolleyes:
Yeah right. The last thing we want is a bunch of threads going along the lines of " Can you believe Seth Rollins of all people defeated the one in twenty one and one?"

On a serious note, I still don't understand why Lesnar "has" to defend the WWE title at every show. If people think this is going to affect the ratings and buyrates for the WWE, then I'd like to know their opinions on the Bunny and Hornswoggle. He's a heel, and instead of being the typical chicken-shit heel, he's being an egotistical champion (kayfabe) who feels he's far superior to everyone else on the roster (with valid reasons, of course. He beat the frikkin Undertaker at Wrestlemania. Again kayfabe).

If you guys still don't see the point BuriedByCena is trying to make, then you are just as smart as the casual fans who watch Total Divas and can't figure out that this is a smart heel-move on the part of Lesnar.

I think many do understand what poster, BuriedByCena is getting at.

However, as I said in my earlier post, the real problem right now, is that WWE isn't even attempting to push forward another legit challenger for the WWE WHC, rather, John Cena remains the 'default' No.1 contender and even he is now going after Seth Rollins(who is already in a hot revenge-driven feud with Dean Ambrose).

Are the concerns of many others with regards to Brock NOT having a title defense until next year(Royal Rumble,possibly) understable?
Indeed they are.
However, with the way the current Main Event scene is, only John Cena seems a suitable candidate as a challenger, but having a 3rd match so soon would cause disinterest and burnout,lMO.

The Main Problem is the lack of legitimate challengers for the title(unless you push forward Show and Henry for repeat squash bouts).

I say have Brock vs Orton at Survivor Series, whilst Cena/Ambrose/Rollins continue their feud. Then build towards Cena-Lesnar 3 for the Royal Rumble, then onto Mania, where hopefully there will be the likes of Reigns and Bryan added to the mix of possible challengers.
Nope. Most of us normal fans are perfectly fine with Brock not showing up. He is one of the best heels in years where everyone else hates kids, yourself and the rest of the know-it-all IWC. You legit hate him along with the IWC. You guys despise him. He has won. He has made you hate him!

You guys wish for the olden days where heels and faces ruled and everything is great. But when you get an awesome hate him and want change. Boo hoo!

When will anyone of you be satisfied?! You talk about being smart marks and understand the concept of "the payoff" are complaining about the uber heel brock lesnar who will make an uber star face some! Look at the long run bro!...Or go back to playing flappy birds on your iphone. :lmao:

We get it. You are a member of the IWC yet above the fray. It's a tired old gimmick. You are not original.

We also understand what a payoff is. But the payoff will be less effective if Lesnar is known as an absent champion. Anybody can win a belt and go away for several months. That doesn't make his reign anything special. It doesn't add much to the title change either.
I still think they add one more title defense at Survivor Series. They may not treat the fall classic like one of the Big Four these days - and I'll happily accept Money in the Bank as a new "major event" - but it still does above average PPV buys, and should be looked at as a way to bring in some extra WWE Network subscriptions.

Hell in a Cell will not have a world title match. Sorry Dagger. They generally start booking, at least in a minor way, the night after a PPV. If two episodes of RAW have passed and no mention of a title match has been made, it probably isn't happening. WWE isn't good at being subtle, and I doubt they'd start trying it now. Instead (although this is FAR from confirmed) it looks like some sort of combination with John Cena, Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins and Randy Orton will take place. The current rumor is Cena vs. Ambrose, with the winner getting Rollins and loser getting Orton, both in a Cell. I'm almost willing to bet that won't happen. That's literally and intentionally booking Orton as "second rate".

My idea for Hell in a Cell was to brush off the old "Armageddon" match that, I believe, has been used all of one time. Announce that the next title match will be at Survivor Series, and whoever wins the 6-man Hell in a Cell match will earn a shot at the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. Orton, Cena, Ambrose, Rollins, and then insert Corporate Kane and somebody like Mark Henry for good measure. It won't happen, but it's as good an idea as I've heard so far.

In that way, we get a contenders match to care about at HIAC, then the title match at Survivor Series. Then we get another crazy contenders match at TLC, and the title match at Royal Rumble.
I don't care to see a title defense at Survivor Series but I think team Lesnar vs team Cena would be pretty cool. I would hope that under the subscription format the WWE would go back to more of a traditional style survivor series ppv and that would be an interesting enough main event that gets the champion on tv and places him in the ring with guys who may not be believable contenders, but may get some rub from being in the match. As for title defenses... some of the responses on here sound like junkies talking about crack. They should go a long time without title defenses just to help you poor guys break your addiction.
Only shame in it is it feels like a missed oppurtunity to have Lesnar kill someone in the cell. It pains me to imagine the last time we will see him until next year is looking vulnerable to John Cena. He 100% should rampage on someone in that cage, to leave us with that image.

As far as the belt in general not being on there, it shouldnt matter. Build some hot feuds, feature the mid card titles. If anything it builds prestige and mystique to the belt and the champ. If it were me, I wouldnt have Lesnar on any tv, ever, besides taped segments. PPV only. Not being on one for three months is not what I feel is the best use of him, but its not a huge problem.
It just baffles me why they wouldn't do John Cena vs. Brock Lesnar in Hell in a Cell. I thought that was the reason for not having a clean finish at NOC, so they can finish their feud in the Cell. It just makes no sense to me. I understand that people may not care for having Cena vs. Lesnar for a third time, but it makes sense to finish a major feud in Cell. Especially considering how their last match ended. WWE sometimes, man.
It's pretty disturbing how much people are embracing less is more. WWE was creative enough to have the title frequently defended and keep it interesting in the past, so why can't they do it anymore? We had Rock, Undertaker, Mick Foley, Triple H, Stone Cold on TV every week at the same time at one point. Brock Lesnar is nowhere near as big a star as any of those guys were, but now I'm supposed to believe he's a special attraction that I should be grateful to see on my screen a few times a year? That's a pretty big drop-off. Why do we have to see less title matches and less stars on TV because they are out of ideas?
The other thing is, this isn't old school wrestling where the World title rarely gets defended or the World Champion is rarely seen. Up until John Cena, none of that was the case. Brock Lesnar has brought legitimacy to the title by being presented as a legitimate threat since breaking the Undertaker's streak, but the argument about his absence making his matches more special doesn't really apply. It might have if Lesnar retained the Championship cleanly against Cena, but the fact remains and because of that, I don't have much anticipation for his next title match (in the possibly distant future) knowing the possibility of another similar finish unless they decided to go with a no DQ match. That really was the first mistake. They could have corrected that mistake by having Lesnar defend the title again sometime later this year, but that's something we have to wait on to find out. If it's true that there's no more Lesnar for the next three months and right now they're trying to build up a proper contender for the title, would that be to dethrone Lesnar? If it is, then wow, Brock Lesnar's title reign wasn't special at all and the only spectacle we got to see out of him was the beating he gave John Cena in order to win the title. That's it. Having one or two top guys try to take the title off Brock Lesnar on respective PPV's before that one legit contender would continue to help Lesnar's momentum instead of emitting a 'time-to-build-the-next-star' aura. If 2014 is Brock Lesnar's year, then make it be. There's still plenty of time before the year is over for at least ONE proper title defence.
Anything is fine to me here. Just DON'T do the interim champion BS. They should loosely mention his contract on TV saying he can only defend at the bigger events, meaning the 30 day thing doesn't apply to him. So we'll see Lesnar at the Rumble.

Again, no interim champion, and do not bring back the WHC. Let it ride the way they have it. It could be pretty entertaining without the WWEWHC in play.

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