No Way Out: RAW Elimination Chamber

This match makes me seriously think about ordering the PPV. I didn't order the Rumble (and am I glad I didn't!), but this match may be worth the 40 bucks or whatever. There are so many things that could happen during, or as a result of, this match.
It seems everyone is predicting HHH to win, and it's hard to disagree with that. Just turn him heel already, I'm tired of hearing the fans cheer for a self-righteous, politicking, backstage crybaby asshole. Have him destroy HBK unexpectedly at some point in this match (good environment for anyone to destroy anyone), and bam, he is the bad guy for Cena to face at 'Mania...Imagine the heat there...
HBK and Hardy could have a match at 'Mania after this is over with. That is a dream match which, to my knowledge, has never happened (correct me if I'm wrong). I would pay to see that.
Shouldn't disappoint...
You know, I'm not his biggest fan but everyone needs to get off the "hate Triple H bandwagon". Cena vs HHH is their biggest money match for a Wrestlemania main event and it makes more sense than say, Orton vs Hardy. Putting the belt on Jeff would've been the right decision in the short term, but he doesn't have the drawing power that Cena does.

"The top face who is loved by little kids and hated by everyone else who comes back from a Pec injury that can't wrestle vs. The Boss's son-in-law.

Grow up. Cena isn't hated by everyone else. And Trips hasn't really been in the title scene since WM22. Man, some things never tire.
The big problem will be taking the title of Orton at NWO without starting a riot.I think that HHH will face Cena at mainia.He'll probably eliminated Jeff for the win.Hardy will be put over at MITB
At first, this did not make any sense to me. Why? Because Vince has taken something as revolutionary as having an Elimination Chamber match to determine the #1 Contender for the WWE Belt at Mania and totally besmirched it by putting Jamal in it. Yeah, the guy from 3 Minute Warning. They should go ahead and dust off Rosie and put him in there, too.

But, then I thought about it further. Perhaps this is playing right into what Vince wants us to think. Vince can probably read our minds, and he knows that we are all thinking, "Oh crap. We have to endure a hefty dose of Jamal with his Mike Tyson face paint and inability to ever hit the Samoan Wrecking Ball. I used to be excited when the match was just in concept form, floating around the IWC, but the presence of Jamal in the match has turned me off considerably. However, I am still going to go to the closest Blast Area so I can see the PPV for whatever amount of money I decide to purchase in refreshments because I am a pawn in Vince's money-making scheme."

(If you are still reading I applaud you)

But if we have learned anything from last week's Rumble, it is that Vince has been willing to totally shock us at least one time in his lengthy career as chairman of the WWE. So why not make it twice in consecutive PPVs? I know that is a pretty risky bet, but I think it is very plausible. So I think that Vince is going to pull off a Y2J and "SAVE_US" from Jamal by allowing the following:

1) William Regal will come out to announce the participants, starting first with Jamal. He will, as he always does, put us in the hospital by calling Jamal "YOU-MANE-GUH." This time, however, Jamal will have had enough of Regal's unnecessary addition of mid-alphabet consonants into his name. Thus, Jamal will go 3 Minute Warning all over Regal's grill...causing him to be injured and Jamal to be arrested.

2) Well, with Jamal out of the picture (and hopefully behind bars so that there is NO possible chance of him being in the match), Vince needs a replacement. And the lucky 6th man is....................HARDCORE HOLLY.

*let it sink in.*

Yeah, I said HARDCORE HOLLY. Most of you were probably expecting the replacement to be Mr. Kennedy, Flair, or some other trendy teeny-bopper pick. But no. Vince will decide to not totally jank up this PPV. Thus, he goes with Hardcore.

3) As you can imagine and probably predicted, Hardcore will bring down the scale in honor of Crash. At first glance of this, Trips, HBK, Hardy, Y2J, and good ole' Blackjack will immediately defocate their trunks, making the chamber smell like absolute poo. Like that matters, though, because Hardcore breathes in poop smell and exhales freaking trash can lids. So Hardcore will totally dominate everyone's faces off with this mutant-like ability and win the Chamber match...sending him to Mania.

4) Mania....well, I really don't need to elaborate on that. It's Hardcore Holly. No Contest. The Cena Factor can't even hold him down.

And that's the way that the Elimination Chamber will go down at No Way Out. I hope you have been thoroughly enlightened.
At first, this did not make any sense to me. Why? Because Vince has taken something as revolutionary as having an Elimination Chamber match to determine the #1 Contender for the WWE Belt at Mania and totally besmirched it by putting Jamal in it. Yeah, the guy from 3 Minute Warning. They should go ahead and dust off Rosie and put him in there, too.

But, then I thought about it further. Perhaps this is playing right into what Vince wants us to think. Vince can probably read our minds, and he knows that we are all thinking, "Oh crap. We have to endure a hefty dose of Jamal with his Mike Tyson face paint and inability to ever hit the Samoan Wrecking Ball. I used to be excited when the match was just in concept form, floating around the IWC, but the presence of Jamal in the match has turned me off considerably. However, I am still going to go to the closest Blast Area so I can see the PPV for whatever amount of money I decide to purchase in refreshments because I am a pawn in Vince's money-making scheme."

(If you are still reading I applaud you)

But if we have learned anything from last week's Rumble, it is that Vince has been willing to totally shock us at least one time in his lengthy career as chairman of the WWE. So why not make it twice in consecutive PPVs? I know that is a pretty risky bet, but I think it is very plausible. So I think that Vince is going to pull off a Y2J and "SAVE_US" from Jamal by allowing the following:

1) William Regal will come out to announce the participants, starting first with Jamal. He will, as he always does, put us in the hospital by calling Jamal "YOU-MANE-GUH." This time, however, Jamal will have had enough of Regal's unnecessary addition of mid-alphabet consonants into his name. Thus, Jamal will go 3 Minute Warning all over Regal's grill...causing him to be injured and Jamal to be arrested.

2) Well, with Jamal out of the picture (and hopefully behind bars so that there is NO possible chance of him being in the match), Vince needs a replacement. And the lucky 6th man is....................HARDCORE HOLLY.

*let it sink in.*

Yeah, I said HARDCORE HOLLY. Most of you were probably expecting the replacement to be Mr. Kennedy, Flair, or some other trendy teeny-bopper pick. But no. Vince will decide to not totally jank up this PPV. Thus, he goes with Hardcore.

3) As you can imagine and probably predicted, Hardcore will bring down the scale in honor of Crash. At first glance of this, Trips, HBK, Hardy, Y2J, and good ole' Blackjack will immediately defocate their trunks, making the chamber smell like absolute poo. Like that matters, though, because Hardcore breathes in poop smell and exhales freaking trash can lids. So Hardcore will totally dominate everyone's faces off with this mutant-like ability and win the Chamber match...sending him to Mania.

4) Mania....well, I really don't need to elaborate on that. It's Hardcore Holly. No Contest. The Cena Factor can't even hold him down.

And that's the way that the Elimination Chamber will go down at No Way Out. I hope you have been thoroughly enlightened.

Wow. You have too much free time....

Off Topic: I would've ended the post there, but I'll then I would have been 'spamming' and got an 'infraction' **OMG!** lol

EDIT WES: Yes it would have been. Please Read the Rules.

But seriously, I THINK HHH is gonna win this one, but I WANT Chris Jericho to win, so after Cena wins at NWO, they could re-ignite their 2005 fued, maybe in a Submission match for the Title, I think that'll be pretty good.
But if that doesnt happen, then the Big Show could return right after the match ends and Chokeslams the winner, leading to a Triple threat match for the title between him, the winner of the EC, and the WWE champ
If you had asked me last week, I would have said that the Chamber match would have been the same old formuliac match up. But with the ultimate curveball Vince threw all of us ( Hate that it was Cena, but love that they went in a direction none of saw coming.), I just don't know anymore. Let's face it, the creative team does have more than one option in this match.
1. Go with the obvious and have Triple H win and go on to WM 24 to go after the title. It's a good, safe choice. Triple H has been in the main event many times, so he knows how to work a big time match as either a face or a heel. That's the plus. The negative, since returning from his injury, Triple H hasn't been the spectacular Triple H I've enjoyed this decade. Where's the Cerebral Assasain, The GAME! Plus, I think Trips would be better served as the to wrestle Ric Flair in his last match. They bring out the best in each other, and their match on RAW New Years Eve was unsatisfying. But, I'd be a fool not to say that The Game is the frontrunner.
2. HBK could walk out of the Elimination Chamber the # 1 contender. Why not, he's won in the Chamber before. And really, I and many other fans would love to see Shawn have one more run as the WWE Champion. For all that he has given the fans and the business over the years, it would be fitting. But, The Showstopper has up short against both Cena and Orton. As much as I'd love to see it, it just doesn't seem plausible. But hey, The Rumble not to discount anything.
3. Jeff Hardy wins the Chamber. That's right, the so called " spot monkey" goes to WM 24 to challenge for the WWE Title. I think that it's highly disrespectful to Jeff to give him that disparaging moniker. For those who haven't been paying attention, Jeff has really stepped his game up over the past few months.I thought his match vs Randy Orton at the Rumble was a great showing for Jeff ( Other than the ending, which was crap.) Jeff will pull some sick spot in the Chamber, so why not have it come at the conlusion? You can pull the " 2nd Chance" angle, have Hardy verbalize his frustration at not getting the job done the first time. While this would be a nice route to take, I see him going into the Money in the Bank match and winning the title sometime later this year, so I see his chances of winning the EC remote.
4. Umaga,JBL, and Jericho really have a slim chance in the match.
If pressed to pick a winner, I have to pick HHH. They've been building towards this for months, and I don't see Trips going to much longer without the strap around his waist.
You know, I'm not his biggest fan but everyone needs to get off the "hate Triple H bandwagon". Cena vs HHH is their biggest money match for a Wrestlemania main event and it makes more sense than say, Orton vs Hardy. Putting the belt on Jeff would've been the right decision in the short term, but he doesn't have the drawing power that Cena does.

"The top face who is loved by little kids and hated by everyone else who comes back from a Pec injury that can't wrestle vs. The Boss's son-in-law.

Grow up. Cena isn't hated by everyone else. And Trips hasn't really been in the title scene since WM22. Man, some things never tire.

I have to agree, Cena vs. HHH does have more of a big-match feel, the problem is IT'S BEEN DONE ALREADY. It is time for something different.

This is my biggest grievance with this proposed 'Mania match. The past, say, 6 months, they have been developing new main-eventers and storylines to accompany them (Orton, Hardy, Kennedy, etc.)...
Now, Cena, who has been out with an INJURY, and HHH, who has been in the main event enough before and since WM 22, are going to go at it AGAIN on the grandest stage of them all...
I think it is unforgivable that the WWE has no faith in their other performers, that they have to throw this crap at us again at Wrestlemania. They have effectively thrown all the last 6 months out the damn window.
Now, something else entirely could happen at Wrestlemania...but this is the most popular theory at the moment, and hopefully it will not happen...we just have to see the outcome of No Way Out...
The main problem with all the participants in the EC is that whomeber wins will be in a REPEAT FUED!! cena v umaga, cena v hbk, cena v hhh, cena v y2j, cena v jbl... orton v hhh, orton v hbk, orton v y2j!!! THEYVE ALL BEEN DONE AND WE ARE OVER THEM!! the wwe would be stupid NOT to give jeff hardy the win as he has a great fued atm with orton and i hope they lead it up to wrestlemania and even cena v hardy would tear the house down!! i would really like to see wwe do somehthing new instead of being predictible like they seem to be of late
"I have to agree, Cena vs. HHH does have more of a big-match feel, the problem is IT'S BEEN DONE ALREADY. It is time for something different.

This is my biggest grievance with this proposed 'Mania match. The past, say, 6 months, they have been developing new main-eventers and storylines to accompany them (Orton, Hardy, Kennedy, etc.)...
Now, Cena, who has been out with an INJURY, and HHH, who has been in the main event enough before and since WM 22, are going to go at it AGAIN on the grandest stage of them all...
I think it is unforgivable that the WWE has no faith in their other performers, that they have to throw this crap at us again at Wrestlemania. They have effectively thrown all the last 6 months out the damn window.
Now, something else entirely could happen at Wrestlemania...but this is the most popular theory at the moment, and hopefully it will not happen...we just have to see the outcome of No Way Out..."

Austin/Rock headlined WM15 and again at WM17. The second time Austin vs Rock took the main event spot it was better and broke all kinds of PPV records at that time. I'm not saying HHH vs Cena will be the same standard to that of Austin vs Rock WM17, but it's stupid to say just because it's been done before it won't work. It's worked a number of times, but Austin/Rock is probably the best case. Different stars I know, but it's the same principal.
It's the biggest match they could have because the younger guys like Kennedy don't have the star quality of Cena and HHH.

"i would really like to see wwe do somehthing new instead of being predictible like they seem to be of late"

They've actually been extremely unpredictable in the last week. What more does everyone want?!
I want Jeff Hardy 2 win the chamber for raw at No Way Out plainly because he is hugely over right now. As well as that my other motivation is that when Cena probably takes the title at No Way Out I would like to see an electic crowd for Cena vs Hardy at Mania with the Cena actually being the one who turns on the fans with his brash attitude which he has now but with more spotlight on it. It would really allow the fans to explore this side of Cena a whole lot more rather than just being a holy mess of a wrestler! Plus I would love 2 c Hardy win the title and have another wrestlemania moment like the first TLC match speakin of which rematch idea for Backlash!!

I would like 2 c Rey win the title from Edge and face a heel Batista who will win the elimination chamber as Batista is another 1 the chic fans hate and has that bully boy mentality about him which will make for another interestin main event!!

It seems as though accordin 2 wot i read about sky sports... Flair will face Taker again.

I would actually like 2 c DX team up for the first time at a wrestlemania since they haven't done that yet and face JBL and Kennedy who would make a decent pair as they are attention grabbing enough on their own and combined would make a rolling diversion to the opponents in DX with their own blending of their characters!

I would have Jericho win MITB and face the champ at summerslam who i foresee being Cena again still as a by then over heel winning the belt back off Hardy after coming back from shooting a film which will make the fans hate him even more!!

Beg to differ? Let me know!
Austin/Rock headlined WM15 and again at WM17. The second time Austin vs Rock took the main event spot it was better and broke all kinds of PPV records at that time. I'm not saying HHH vs Cena will be the same standard to that of Austin vs Rock WM17, but it's stupid to say just because it's been done before it won't work. It's worked a number of times, but Austin/Rock is probably the best case. Different stars I know, but it's the same principal.
It's the biggest match they could have because the younger guys like Kennedy don't have the star quality of Cena and HHH.

"i would really like to see wwe do somehthing new instead of being predictible like they seem to be of late"

They've actually been extremely unpredictable in the last week. What more does everyone want?!

I agree that those matches were awesome, but you said it yourself, Cena and HHH would not be of the same standard. Repeating a match does not always guarantee quality.

And then, you contradicted yourself by saying the WWE has been unpredictable in the last week. True, with the return of Cena at the Rumble..and that's it. Did you expect Flair to lose to MVP? Or Edge to lose to Rey? Many thought Hardy had a chance win the title, but altogether a slim one...maybe in the future.
Overall, though, the most predicted match at the moment would be Cena vs HHH at 'Mania. Which, apparently, will be a classic.
'I want Jeff Hardy 2 win the chamber for raw at No Way Out plainly because he is hugely over right now. As well as that my other motivation is that when Cena probably takes the title at No Way Out I would like to see an electic crowd for Cena vs Hardy at Mania with the Cena actually being the one who turns on the fans with his brash attitude which he has now but with more spotlight on it. It would really allow the fans to explore this side of Cena a whole lot more rather than just being a holy mess of a wrestler! Plus I would love 2 c Hardy win the title and have another wrestlemania moment like the first TLC match speakin of which rematch idea for Backlash'

As awesome as it would be to have Hardy win the chamber, it isn't gonna happen and we can only hope that if HHH wins that Orton also wins to set up a good main event at 'mania. We all know that this would be an awesome match as they both have alot of experience and talent were as Cena only has experience! As I see it (especially after the camera focused on Cena & HHH with the WM24 sign in the background at the rumble) HHH and Cena will win at NWO to bore us at Mania and because its mania people will pay for it anyway (making WWE think we all love Cena!) Hell, you can put anyone in the main event at mania and you'll be able to argue that the ratings prove he's the biggest draw in the company!

As for the TLC rematch you spoke of THIS WOULD SUCK! TLC rocks, but as we saw in Cena's last TLC match HE KILLS THEM! Edge was the defending champ, hometown hero, match specialist and as far as I can remember undefeated in TLC's and they still booked Cena to win! If he faced Hardy in a TLC he would win and they would destroy another piece of what makes Hardy so special.

Anyway HHH has had such a hot streak recently that hes almost assured the win, unless hes the chosen man to end Flairs career at mania if thats when it is gonna end. If this happens I can see HBK or Y2J win as Hardy is almost guaranteed a MITB win this year. However as hes like Vince's best friend and 1 of only 2 heels theres always the chance JBL could win. Out of all the men in the chamber i think the only person who can be counted out of the victory is Umaga though I think he will be the most entertaining (next to Hardy of course)!
It looks to me like they are setting up HHH v Cena for the title and Orton v Flair in a Career Ending match. He is meant to be the legend killer after all and this would give him massive heat for the rest of his career.
I had a poll accompanying this, but the moderators moved it to the Archive and Storage folder for some stupid reason, even though I put it up yesterday and there's no official No Way Out thread that I saw. I swear I have no idea how they run this thing. Anyway, here's a re-post in what I think is the right thread...

I'm curious as to what people (mainly the IWC) should be and\or would be the best WWE title match for Wrestlemania. I think that Edge facing either The Undertaker or C.M. Punk (which is highly unlikely considering Punk may be in the doghouse and Vince not liking his size anyway) for the World Heavyweight Championship would be an excellent title match, but the WWE title match should be the best the WWE has to offer. There are seven possible options for the WWE Championship:

(note: the champ will likely be Cena or Orton, so the wrestler whose name is first is considered the champion)

John Cena vs. HHH:
A re-match of Wrestlemania 22 that is the most likely match, and the most hated by the IWC. The last match they had, Cena was face and HHH was heel, and Cena made HHH tap out to the STFU. To date, I don't believe HHH has ever beaten Cena, and it doesn't look like he will at WM24 should this match occur. HHH winning the Elimination Chamber and Cena winning the belt seems to be the most likely event. It's hard to believe Cena would win the belt at No Way Out then have to retain it at WM24 (ala Eddie Guerrero at WM 20), but no one can deny that because they rarely face each other and the square-off at the Royal Rumble, this match should be a highly anticipated event. Important note: Cena is also undefeated at Wrestlemania, with two title wins (U.S. title from the Big Show and the WWE title from J.B.L.) and two title defenses (against HHH and Shawn Michaels). Cena losing would be a big deal.

Randy Orton vs. HHH:
A re-match from No Mercy, or shall we say a rubber match? Their history spans to the Evolution days, and yet the rivalry still seems relatively fresh. HHH lost to Jeff Hardy at Armageddon, blowing his opportunity to get back the belt he lost in Last Man Standing, and should Orton retain his title and HHH wins the Elimination Chamber, they would face each other yet again. They seem to work well against each other, and the build-up from previous matches would make it worthy of the main event. By the way, for a history lesson, Orton has lost both the World Heavyweight Title and the WWE Title to HHH on separate occasions.

John Cena vs. Randy Orton vs. HHH:
Another popular thought: somehow either Cena and Orton beat each other and the title is vacated, or maybe Cena wins and Orton wants his re-match even though HHH wins the Chamber, or maybe Cena loses but still guaranteed a Wrestlemania title match, but no matter what, it could lead to a Triple Threat Match for the WWE title. (It would be ironic to have a Triple Threat Title Match on the Wrestlemania after Benoit's tragedy) Both Orton and HHH have competed in a Triple Threat Match for the belt at Wrestlemania, and both lost, by the way, HHH by submission and Orton by pinfall. Cena beating both men would indeed be an accomplishment, but not the desired match for the IWC.

Randy Orton vs. Jeff Hardy:
A re-match from the Royal Rumble. Hardy came so close to winning it, but Orton hit the RKO out of nowhere to retain the belt. Hardy has not only proven he can go with anyone (including his upset win over HHH), but he is probably one of the more popular superstars with both the live fans and the IWC. Hardy has been recommended as a short-term WWE champ in the past, and this would free up Cena to face HHH again without a title. Does it have the same strength, though, without neither Cena or HHH in the top match?

John Cena vs. Jeff Hardy:
How about this as a darkhorse: Maybe Vince hasn't ignored both the fans and the IWC? Maybe he sees that Hardy could be a legend in the making, and maybe he could allow Hardy to be the feel-good face at Wrestlemania? Imagine if Jeff Hardy upset everyone and won the Elimination Chamber? Cena beats Orton despite getting booed, and Cena has a momentary heel turn by attacking Hardy afterwards to make sure Jeff has all the face heat going in. Plus, to give it more history, it could be title vs. title just like at Wrestlemania 6 with Ultimate Warrior putting up the Intercontinental title vs. Hulk Hogan and the WWF title. (I could see the comparisons in both - Hardy's crazy and direct wresting style vs. Cena's Superman persona) Plus, I think it would sell well to both the fans and the IWC, seeing as these two, to date, have not had a TV match.

John Cena vs. Randy Orton vs. Jeff Hardy:
Same as the previous Triple Threat Match, only add in the upset for Jeff Hardy in the Chamber. It gives Hardy the re-match vs. Orton plus Cena at Wrestlemania trying to get his belt back. Hardy would seemingly be the sacrificial lamb in this case though, but a Triple Threat Match might give him the better and more credible chance to win the title (ala Rey Mysterio at WM 22).

Cena or Orton vs. anyone else in the Chamber:
It looks like Jericho and JBL may face each other again at Wrestlemania, Umaga is not ready to be WWE champ, and Shawn has turned down repeated chances to be WWE champ. Shawn would be the only one who has an outside chance of winning the Elimination Chamber and seeing as how both Cena and Orton have beaten Shawn within the past year, I don't see them putting Shawn in the title match. Still, it's an option...

Your opinions?
"I agree that those matches were awesome, but you said it yourself, Cena and HHH would not be of the same standard. Repeating a match does not always guarantee quality."

Ah, you're mistaken. I didn't say it would be guaranteed to work, I just said you can't decide against it because it's been done before. Of course it's worked and failed before, but the fact is Cena vs HHH has more star power than any other possible WWE Title match.

"And then, you contradicted yourself by saying the WWE has been unpredictable in the last week. True, with the return of Cena at the Rumble..and that's it. Did you expect Flair to lose to MVP? Or Edge to lose to Rey? Many thought Hardy had a chance win the title, but altogether a slim one...maybe in the future.
Overall, though, the most predicted match at the moment would be Cena vs HHH at 'Mania. Which, apparently, will be a classic."

I'm not contradicting myself. They were very unpredictable in the last week. Everyone thought (myself included) they had the Rumble winner predicted. WWE fooled us big time, and then deciding to go with Orton vs Cena at No Way Out surprised us a little more. WWE have always been predictable in most cases. It's like practially any show on TV today. You know what the outcome will be of any major storyline in dramas, soap operas; the lot. Sometimes in TV shows, writers will shock the audience, just like WWE did at the Rumble. Consistent unpredictability just doesn't happen.

And no, Cena vs HHH won't be a classic but it's the course they should take. It will be good, though. I still think the predictable route is to throw Orton into the mix to make it a three way.
Am I mistaken to say that Hardy has never been in the Elimination Chamber? I'm just thinking about the possibilities of a Swanton from the top of the holding pod (or whatever that thing is called) to the ring...maybe onto Umaga? This match is going to be phenomenal.
the smackdown chamber match will be shit compared to raws and i dont c the point in 2 chamber matches that will take the excitment out of the 2nd one. big daddy v!!!? (hes ecw for a start and so whr does that leave henry :S) kahli!!!!!!!!??????? dont get me started.

why not just hav taker vs batista in a match that would be more intresting/believeable/better.

if triple h wins i will lose all respect for him no matter how funny he is on screen i want 2 c him let someone else get the main event spotlight at wm. as much a jeff hardy fan i am (if that made sense lol) i dnt think hes ready to headline wm yet but certainly win mitb. jbls pritty crap now. umaga will never headline wm and michaels yes mabey but i cant see it coming. jericho vs orton we hav seen it but cena jericho would be gd. dnt bet on y2j getting the win tho.
so it looks as if trips will go 2 the main event at wm again and face eithr cena (wm 22) or orton (No mercy).

hopefully we will c the return of hardy screwing mvp out of his wm shot in the chamber setting up the wm match which i am desperate to see matt finally winning it!

looks to be an excelent no way out for a change altho the sd! chamber will slightly spoil a ppv of the year card imo.
The match will be good , im expecting a whisper in the wind/swanton off the the pod, an umaga ass smash that misses/connects and break the glass of the pod etc. though really this match is just a cover for letting hunter get his "deserved" WM spot. Also two EC matches is gonna be kinda stupid, too much of a good thing perhaps? exactly how are they gonna play them out? one after the other? one at the beginning one at the end? really having two of the matches is gonna make the rest of the ppv look incredibly boring , especially cenas title win. God i hate WWE somtimes.
If you think, there is a possibility that WWE wouldn't want to give any of this guys a main-event spot at Wrestlemania, just think about it, if they somehow manage to make this match end with controversy, a double pin or a pin/submission situation they could make the winners go to Wrestlemania and face each other, that could be a very strong possibility.

Even if Randy Orton retains, we could see a rematch at Mania, and then, maybe Triple H vs. Michaels also, with a #1 contendership spot in the line at Mania 24, that would make the feud between Orton and Cena even better, and could go well against the fact that they have 2 Chambers at the same PPV.

The another one I believe will go to Taker, no doubts about that, this one, Triple H can win but also there is the possibility that I refered to, no one win and then a rematch at Mania for the #1 contender spot at Backlash or Vengeance, it depends on Cena vs. Orton feud.
I don't understand why WWE would make Orton drop the title a month out from mania! it's so disrespectful to him as an athlete, almost saying he's not good enough to be the main man and he was keeping the title warm until cena got back, im really hoping he does retain.... maybe then at mania a cena v flair retirement match? this would start a good heel run for cena but on the contrary he stealing a much deserved main event spot from someone like kennedy who keeps getting robbed.
I personsally think that not having Kennedy in this match is another step back for his career. He put on some really good spots in the MITB last year and i think in this type of match he could shine. I know someone had to face Flair but waste this opportunity for one of your rising stars to shine? Not to mention he had been in a non stop feud with Michaels who is in the match. You have JBL/Y2J a rivalry, HHH/Hardy (Hardy beat him at the ppv 2 months ago), Michaels/Kennedy, this would just have made sense. Being that he wont beat Flair its simply a waste of adding more spice to what otherwise is a very good in depth match
While it seems aparrent HHH will win, there is a lot that can still come out of this match.

The first thing I would like to see is a strong showing from Umaga. The guy has paid his dues by being one of the best monster heels in a long time and using that status to make Triple H look like a god. He needs to be the one to eliminate Michaels and should be the second to last man eliminated.

Second, I think JBL/Jericho to be the first two out in any order. Their fued hasn't really taken off, so they need to focus on each other. Neither one has anything else to gain from their showing.

Third, Michaels shouldn't win but has just as much right as Triple H to take it. HBK or HHH are not the future of the company, so I think the WWE should see what happens when Jeff Hardy is put in the Wrestlemania Main Event. Some may say he doesn't deserve it, but seriously, the WWE is not making new stars and HHH or HBK can't be hogging the spotlight forever. At least Hardy and Cena are 30 years old, so something amazing could come out of a Main Event between them. Back to HBK, he is older than HHH, but its not like HHH is young, so why not give Michaels one more try if your not gonna put someone new in there.

Fourth, here is the bold statement of my post- Jeff Hardy should win this match. I'm not big on him, but the crowd sure is. You can't here yourself think when he makes his entrance. He has been doing the same thing for years and its not getting stale to most. Take him while he's getting these huge pops and put him on the grandest stage of them all.

Lastly, if HHH must win and if he is smart, he'll turn heel. If Triple H turns heel he can effectively turn the crowd against Cena at Mania. Triple H is one of the most popular heels, but as a face, he is nothing short of awful. People complain that Cena has gotten incredibly stale as a face, but Triple H was a boring face to begin with. If Trips is as big as an egotist as he's made out to be, this would be the best strategy for him.
just leave trips alone for christ sake. He has been staying out of the title picture since WM 22. 2 years man. And in these two years he has been doing nothing but putting guys over him. He put Jeff over when it was needed. Beating trips is a dream of every wrestler. And he did just that for hardy, making him in the title picture as a result. i seriously believe when that superman cena guy came as the last entry in the RR 08. Everyone in the ring looked at trips with respect. cuz they all knew that he would not be the one to win this year. they were certain that trips would win and quite frankly deserved to win, but it didnt happen. So give him a break.
Trips fr WWE champion at WM 24 for sure
i really belive that tripple h will win the chamber but if he faces cena at mania that will be wm 22 and him vs orton was at no mercy
so im thinking a tripple threat that way the match hasnt happend oh well im going to mania im looking foward to see the no way out winners
just leave trips alone for christ sake. He has been staying out of the title picture since WM 22. 2 years man. And in these two years he has been doing nothing but putting guys over him. He put Jeff over when it was needed. Beating trips is a dream of every wrestler. And he did just that for hardy, making him in the title picture as a result. i seriously believe when that superman cena guy came as the last entry in the RR 08. Everyone in the ring looked at trips with respect. cuz they all knew that he would not be the one to win this year. they were certain that trips would win and quite frankly deserved to win, but it didnt happen. So give him a break.
Trips fr WWE champion at WM 24 for sure

Tell that to Booker T, Paul London, Brian Kendrick, Lance Cade, Trevor Murdoch, and especially Umaga. Triple H put over Hardy, and he barely did that.

Staying on topic, I still think that Hardy has a lot more to gain out of this match than Triple H. Plus, if you want to give a verteran who has done a lot for the business one more shot at the main event, why not HBK instead? Why does it have to be HHH? The fact is Hardy is the best option because he is younger, he's over, and my god it would be something different.

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