No Way Out 2009: All or Nothing Match: J.B.L. v. Shawn Michaels


[This Space for Rent]
Money v. Career: John 'Bradshaw' Layfield v. Shawn Michaels:

After tonight on Raw, it was made official. J.B.L. publicly evaluated Shawn Michaels on his spot in J.B.L. Inc. After the bashing, J.B.L. came to the solution that he'll give Shawn Michaels an All or Nothing chance at No Way Out.

If Shawn Michaels can defeat J.B.L., then Bradshaw will give H.B.K. a huge money value that will ensure he and his Family will be secure. However, if Bradshaw wins, then he gets the copyrights to everything that is Shawn Michaels. His name, his logo, his merch, everything.

I can't say I didn't see this type of ending coming, as it was obvious that they'd end everything at No Way Out. The storyline with J.B.L. now putting a great deal of money on the line, versus H.B.K.'s entire rough legacy is somewhat stupid though. Obviously I doubt there's any real chance in hell Shawn could or would lose this match.

What are your thoughts and opinions on this match-up? Does anyone truly think J.B.L. has a chance to win? If so, how and why? Does anyone truly believe Shawn Michaels can pull out a great match with J.B.L.? If so, how and why? Please explain yourself fully, add detail and all of the opinions you have on this match-up, as well as the overall feud. Thank You.
Well this is yet another thing that makes me shake my head at this feud. We're supposed to believe that Shawn owns all of his rights to everything? A bit odd I must say. Anyway, as for the match it should be ok I guess. Shawn has a tendency to pull out great matches with just about anyone but this may be his greatest test to date. JBL is a nightmare in the ring and I just can't imagine this being much more than a trainwreck. Shawn just needs to bump like a mad man here to make it believable which is what he'll likely be doing. Of course there's no way JBL wins to continue this story and if he does, I'll shake my head so hard I'll hurt my neck. Shawn needs to win this to have major momentum going into Mania. Either way it's Shawn on PPV so it should at least be pretty good.
the part about this I fine weirdest, is it just seems so...sudden. We have been building from Survivor series, and then one night, JBL just walks out and say "your making me mad, now we gonna fight"...with a match that has a RIDICULOUS stipulation, were it leaves zero chance of HBK losing. That, and we arent even getting no DQ out of this, which in my opinion, is the only way to save a JBL match. Im sure Shawn will be able to drag something not vomit inducing out of the lifeless blubbery carcass that used to be JBL, but with no stip to help them out, it wont be much.
At least this garbage angle is coming to an end. I can't take anymore of HBKs awful acting with his serious face where he can't decide if he's going to cry or scream. Painfully obvious that HBK will win. Man what a stinker...
I think that there is a chance JBL might win. They might keep the alliance going to set up for other feuds. They could have JBL in his corner if HBK does face The Undertaker at WM. I mean are they going months or build just to have just for one match on NWO. I could see them having a street fight maybe at WM or Backlash.
As the guy above me said, I am glad this fued is coming to an end. Its pointless. I'm guessing (well more hoping) that it is coming to an end so soon for HBK vs Undertaker at WM.

This match should be ok, nothing special becouse of JBL being in it but, ok. I assume that HBK will come out on top here. as h will benifit most out of it. becouse seriously if JBL wins, it means it will go on for another two months, and WE ALL dont want that happening. If there wasnt so many gimmick matches already on this PPV i would be hoping for a no DQ at least, but hopefully HBK manages something to make it seem worth putting on a PPV.
And here we go for the blow off match in the feud, the stipulation pretty much tells us "Watch No Way Out to see Shawn Michaels win his match against JBL" because there's no way that JBL is going to win here, atleast I think.

The only way I could see this going longer is if JBL wins and offers Shawn an opportunity to buy the rights to Shawn Michaels back, but I don't think the WWE is that stupid.

This match needs to have some kind of No Disqualifications or Falls Count Anywhere rule because a single one on one match with JBL isn't going to be the best match, but hey, I'm not ordering No Way Out. I'm just happy that this feud will probably be ending here and Shawn Michaels can (hopefully) challenge The Undertaker.
I guess they didn't trust JBL to be in a big WrestleMania spot, even though he was several years ago. HBK mid card matches are usually bigger and better than Undertaker big card matches, but I guess they didn't think a JBL/HBK match would be as good as this year's Undertaker one.

Unless the plan was for this match to always happen at No Way Out. It's good to know that WWE is preparing well in advance for their ''B'' shows.
Well, there are two things that could happen here.

JBL wins, and continues to punish Michaels by making Michaels face Undertaker who is undefeated at Wrestlemania. Could be potentially quite interesting, then Michaels will beat JBL at Backlash and be released from the contract.

HBK wins, says he has wasted time and goes straight for The Undertaker, hoping to pay back the fans by ending the Undertakers undefeated streak and give them a match they wanted to see for ages.

Draw, somehow, the two will continue feuding, Michaels will still be under contract and they will fight again at Wrestlemania, the story will become more emotional, perhaps involving Michaels family.

The thing is, the only way that happens is that Undertaker faces Kozlov and Michaels faces JBL again. I almost think that it would be better for Taker to face HBK and then perhaps, somehow build up Kozlov over another year and then doing Taker/Kozlov next year. I don't know how realistic it would be in WWE for someone to remain undefeated for that long. Perhaps Kozlov could have a run as ECW Champion or be moved to RAW part way through next year. But how likely is it? Not very.
JBL should win but surely wont. This angle is genious and vintage WWE. Going back to the old days of a long drawn out angle. This angle has been going on for sometime and thats what WWE needs. Long drawn out angles just like smackdowns jeff and matt hardy christian angle. Let the story line play out... Get us interested and let our jaws drop with a shocker at the end. The shocker here..JBL wins!
JBL should win but surely wont. This angle is genious and vintage WWE. Going back to the old days of a long drawn out angle. This angle has been going on for sometime and thats what WWE needs. Long drawn out angles just like smackdowns jeff and matt hardy christian angle. Let the story line play out... Get us interested and let our jaws drop with a shocker at the end. The shocker here..JBL wins!

Id have to agree with this post over the majority as WWE has always had a way about going against what the majority of the vans predict.Look at Jericho winning the first undisputed championship from rock and austin.I bet back then the majority of the people never gave any former WCW a chance at coming out on top of two top spot performers from WWE.Vince until that point with storylines and what not always had a thing for letting his guys always come out on top and i think it was awesome as jericho was as talented in the ring as he is on the mic and deserved to be noticed and placed above the IC,Tag team title picture despite not being as big and buffed up like alot of former champs was and still are to this day.Giving a guy like Jericho or Mysterio a title opened to door for alot more smaller but equally gifted wrestlers you see winning the title now days(Cm Punk,Jeff Hardy,Matt)Back to the Michaels J.B.L match.The outcome i might see is perhaps JBL paying someone else to get involved then having the feud continue til WM perhaps with michaels most likely winning a follow up match(due to the outside interference)then continuing on to either feud with whom ever JBL hired to do his dirty work at No way Out,starting a whole new feud with someone else,or maybe even getting back into one more main event title run push somewhere down the road.The only thing we can probably all agree on is you neverk now where the WWE will go with it storylines as the past has proven before.Later all

Oops i quoted the wrong post lol ><
There was an HBK vs JBL match at a house show here in Scotland last November.

It was pretty decent, JBL got most of the offense in and Shawn took to them like he was being shot out a cannon.

That being said though, JBL did mess up Sweet Chin Music at the end of it as he walked in too close and Shawn ended up kicking his gut, he pushed him out and hit him with it again properly.

On another note...

If they end up going with HBK vs Undertaker at Wrestlemania, I guess they can start "planting the seeds" if you will next week on Raw...mind you they might've technically already done that at the Royal Rumble.
It's actually not a bad idea. It shows that JBL is actually the "evil" busines sman he is made out to be. Even with losing Michaels, he gains in the long run. Now let's not let our smarkness blind ourselves with the "Shawn Michaels doesn't own his rights" stuff. Don't go down that path. Enjoy it for face value, or hell, I'm here to tell you that let's say that JBL wins, he'll own the residual rights to Shawn Michaels and His wwe owned likeness, there ya go, now settle down.

Thankfully this match is happening at No Way Out, and we are indeed, by the looks of it, getting Taker vs. Michaels. I wouldnn't be so certain on JBL not winning this match. There were several times last years where gimmicks added to matches made it obvious that someone was winning, and then Edge retired the Undertaker.
Someone brought up a great point. Bradshaw could easily come out of this as the winner, and still "force" Shawn Michaels to compete against the Undertaker. Then, following that another J.B.L./Shawn Michaels match would be had at Backlash via someone like one of the McMahon's forcing J.B.L. to do it.

Albeit I think this storyline has just pretty much ran it's course. It served its overall purpose and that was to get Bradshaw a Championship match against Cena at the Rumble, and give proper build to it for being nothing more than what it was. A filler.

This storyline as a whole has been going on since at least the night after Survivor Series, which was in November. So three monthes later is pretty long for a storyline in today's industry if you ask me. And it's not like they'd even have to build for an H.B.K./Taker Mania match. Some matches people just generally want to see.

In the end, it's never a solid guarantee that someone would win or lose. (as Shocky pointed out with Taker 'retiring') But for the most part, I would firmly believe this will end at No Way Out, and J.B.L. will attempt entering the M.I.T.B. match. (why? Because during Raw they showed a clip of the ladder match becoming the M.I.T.B. match, then showed J.B.L. glaring a hole through the television)
I believe that HBK is going to win at NWO, but I think something is going to stop JBL from keeping his side of the arrangement. JBL will probably think HBK cheated and go back on his end of the deal. I don't know, something along those lines. It could also go the other way around and have HBK think JBL did something during the match. Either way, I think this match is going to build to something else down the road.
Personally I am excited about this match for one finally ends this feud.
For God's sake, JBL needs to walk away. He is out of shape and awful in the ring. Jericho couldn't pull a good match out of him, and I am skeptical as to if Michaels will. If he doesn't, then JBL will be that much worse in my mind...but I digress.
The storyline itself has been rather strange and poorly done alot of the time, but it's alright I guess. The best part about it (hopefully) ending at NWO is that it frees Shawn up for Mania.
I can only hope that maybe we see some kind of seed planted at next week's Raw between Michaels and Taker moreso than the one there was at RR. I think these two could put on an epic match at Mania..getting towards both the ends of there careers, and even better it's in Texas. Hell, they might even insert Austin as Special Referee or something. Think of it now..the streak vs Mr. Wrestlemania..legendary.
And this match makes the possibility of that happening much higher
I honestly could see wwe sending this either way. I would like to believe that michaels would win this and go on to taker at WM. A michaels/taker match with JBL in HBK's corner pretty much means Taker stays undefeated at mania. This needs to be a clean mania matchup, not marred by JBL. The reason that so many people boo him isn't that he's a great heel, it's that he just can't go at the level he's trying to. He does better in the manager role now, and I'd like to see michaels have to face down someone else that JBL hired, before letting JBL mire this match. Michaels is the only man on any of the three rosters who could legitimately challenges taker's WM legacy. I hope to god wwe let's Michaels win and send him on without this storyline. It was a good fit to the current real-world troubles, but enough is enough.
I'm actually looking forward to this match. While I think JBL is awful in the ring, they were able to build this up pretty well. When the storyline first started I could see no entertainment value coming out of this, but it has been getting pretty decent reaction from the crowds and getting JBL more heat.

Another reason why I'm looking forward to this, is simply because it is not at Wrestlemania. I really hope JBL & HBK don't meet up at Wrestlemania just because it's # 25 and HBK deserves something better(like a Undertaker match). This match has been hyped and although I doubt it will be a 5-star match, but you can be sure that HBK will give it his all to make it decent and the fans should be involved. I'm predicting an HBK win, but if JBL somehow wins it will be a nice twist in the storyline.
The idea of JBL winning here scares me to no end. It just wouldn't fit in my mind. At that point the only thing that could save it would be a McMahon intervention but they're all preoccupied. The match is really an abrupt way to end the feud but that's what needs to happen. It didn't really elevate either guy any higher and made Shawn look pathetic. This is pretty much the best way to end it I think. It ends things effeciently and abruptly with all ends tied up. They can still feud shortly I suppose but Shawn can be his old self. Not really a bad feud, but not good either.
I hope JBL does win. I want to see him open a restaurant called Shawn Michaels and have him dressed as a monkey dancing in front of it. Seriously though, that comment alone had me rolling. I hadn't laughed so hard since Santino split his scrotus region on the apron trying to do Melina's entrance.

Err, back on topic. Yeah, I expected this to stretch out to Wrestlemania with a final showdown in Texas but I guess the plan really is for Shawn Michaels to wrestle the Undertaker there. Pity, I wanted Jericho to wrestle Undertaker, especially after he eliminated him but it looks like he'll be jobbing to Flair's saggy tits.
It looks like they're bulding up an Undertaker-HBK mega match at Mania this year, a good way to bulid it up would be this:

JBL comes to ring with Shawn Michaels this week on Raw and Layfield starts beating HBK down knowing that he can't fight back. The Undertaker makes the save and gives Shawn one of those cryptic messages like at the Rumble. Then in the main event of Raw Undertaker has Orton beat put then Shawn is sent to the ring to give the Undertaker sweet chin music.
Or: WWE can blow off the JBL Michaels ******ed fued that makes no sense and is unbearable to watch by having Shawn cleanly beat JBL. Then JBL can move on to a feud with Austin and Michaels will still have 6 plus weeks to build to a match with Taker at Mania. Those two don't need a major storyline as I think most fans would simply love to see that match regardless of storyline. No ONE wants to see JBL in taker's spot, which is why I think WWE is listening to Shawn's request and having the two Texans go at it in what will likely be the only Mania special match on this years card.
I believe that HBK without a doubt will beat JBL at No Way Out to end that pointless, boring feud & move into a feud with The Undertaker so they can have a match at wrestlemania 25 where HBK will lose to The Undertaker of course & Undertaker extends his streak to 17-0.
Well, it looks like we're going to see Michaels vs Undertaker at WM25 :)sweat:), but I don't see how WWE can build up such a match if HBK wins at NWO. He really doesn't have a reason to challenge Undertaker. If he does have a reason, it's not obvious at this point.

Well, come to think of it, Taker vs HBK has been highly anticipated for a while now. People will be interested in the match regardless of what the feud is based on. It could be over a piece of cake and I'm sure it'll still draw. :icon_razz:

However, if JBL wins, we could see JBL force HBK to face Undertaker at WM and then HBK beats JBL at Backlash to be released from the contract. The huge con to this idea is that JBL will be stinking up the most anticipated WM match with his presence. I think we all want Taker vs HBK to be a clean match and having JBL involved would annoy me to no end.

I hope this is the end of the JBL/HBK feud. It has been just painful to watch and it made Michaels look really pathetic at times.
That's very true abotu why should he fight Taker. However, there's the possibility that Shawn could do the same thing he did for his Hogan match: "I just had to know."

However, it's looking more and more possible to me that JBL could somehow win this and therefore put Shawn into a deeper depression than he's already in. This is a different side of Shawn that we haven't seen before and it's taking some getting used to. He's doing ok at it but by him not full on rebelling, it's making the eventual full face turn all the more special. the match should be passable, but not much moreso.

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