Royal Rumble: World Heavyweight Championship

This seems to be another lackluster Main event, between two people that have already went against each other and bored us. The Royal Rumble Main events typically bore me, while the Royal Rumble is usually a great treat for me. I predict that John Cena will retain, and will not face the winner of the Royal Rumble. That means that John Cena will be free to wrestle someone like Randy Orton perhaps at Wrestlemania. The only way I can see this match going any other way is if Michaels interferes and takes out Cena, setting up a Cena vs Michaels match at No Way Out, and JBL losing the title to Orton at NWO.
Cena will win at Royal Rumble because of short title reigns on Raw and Rey will interfere in the match because JBL denied his match with Shawn and a shot at the title. At No Way Out it will be Cena vs Mysterio because after the Royal Rumble Rey will say that he got screwed out of the fatal four way so he wants a shot at the title at the next pay per view. Then JBL interferes in Rey's title match and Shawn comes out to help Rey and that sets up a match with Shawn and JBL.
Well now that we know JBL is Cena's opponent, we also know the outcome of the match. There is no way in hell that they will give JBL the belt, so Cena's retaining here. And this match will be pretty boring, but we only have this match as WWE are more focused on building up to WWE than the title matches, unless those matches have some sort of relevance to WM. We'll see Shawn in this match in some form, but I see him turning on JBL in the match,which will allow Cena to win the match. Could possibly lead to a Shawn/JBL match at WM too, but I have a feeling they may drop that angle soon.
Cena will win at Royal Rumble because of short title reigns on Raw and Rey will interfere in the match because JBL denied his match with Shawn and a shot at the title. At No Way Out it will be Cena vs Mysterio because after the Royal Rumble Rey will say that he got screwed out of the fatal four way so he wants a shot at the title at the next pay per view. Then JBL interferes in Rey's title match and Shawn comes out to help Rey and that sets up a match with Shawn and JBL.

Rey's not gonna be involved. That ship has sailed already with the opening of that episode of Raw.

Two outcomes to this match:

1) HBK screws JBL and Cena gets the pin
2) HBK screws JBL and Cena loses via DQ but still retains nonetheless.

Either way, HBK is going to turn on JBL during this match and then later on in the night, when HBK is in the Royal Rumble (cause c'mon, they're not going to keep him out of it, especially due to the lack of faces that are gonna be in the RR. They need HBK in there, unless HHH wants to pull a Superman and beat 28 of the 30 guys himself) JBL will come out and eliminate Michaels. HBK has a tendency to get eliminated in the Royal Rumble by people that are either not involved or already gone, so this follows suit. They have their tag team matches for the next few weeks on Raw, leading to a blowoff match at No Way Out where a lot of money is on the line or something, so HBK wins, he's out of debt, and the story is over. Then we start building up towards HBK/Taker for Mania. I really can't see HBK/JBL being at WrestleMania due to how piss-poor JBL's matches are and how everybody clearly knows that. Shawn's not going to want his spot at the biggest WrestleMania ever to turn into a crapfest because of Bradshaw.
I believe as well that HBK will screw over JBL and cost him the title against Cena. They will have their match at NWO to end the fued, or perhaps have one gimmick match on Raw afterwards. I could actually see HBK being in the MITB ladder match this year as there really isn't a fued building for him (JBL/HBK is not Wrestlemania material for someone of HBK's stature). In order to get out of debt, he wins the MITB and sells it to someone (Orton perhaps? HHH?). No matter what though, Cena is retaining the title here. There is no way that JBL deserves to become champ, especially with Wrestlemania right around the corner.
I have to agree with everything NoFate said; I was going to post something similar but it looks like he beat me to the punch. I also want to add that there's no way that JBL is going to be involved in the main event at wrestlemania. He just doesn't have a big enough draw and he's not going to put people in seats or purchase pay per views. On the flip side, there is no way that Cena is not going to be featured in raw's main event. And I just can't see wrestlemania wanting to promote another Cena vs. JBL match.
I have to agree with everything NoFate said; I was going to post something similar but it looks like he beat me to the punch. I also want to add that there's no way that JBL is going to be involved in the main event at wrestlemania. He just doesn't have a big enough draw and he's not going to put people in seats or purchase pay per views. On the flip side, there is no way that Cena is not going to be featured in raw's main event. And I just can't see wrestlemania wanting to promote another Cena vs. JBL match.

I wouldn't be so saw. JBL in his home town against HBK would bring some big numbers from texas alone. It may not be the main event but it would bring i reckon. Anyways about the actual match Cena will retain easy. I hope HBK actually helps Cena so the JBL/HBK thing can end at NWO and HBK can face Taker at the big one. Or it could be a triple threat gimmick match with Taker/HBK/JBL.

Anyways onto the match. Cena will retain after JBL getting a good 5-10 minutes of offence. It will look like he has got Cena beat but Cena do's what he does best and come out of nowhere and hit a FU or STFU.
This has actually gotten pretty damn interesting. Cena is vulnerable after losing two weeks ago, and this whole JBL/HBK thing is growing ever stronger. Will Shawn help JBL?? Will Cena be able to overcome two on one stacked odds?? I personally have a ton of coubt on this whole thing, and think it may go either way, especially with the WWE seeming to be pretty free with the title changes over the last calendar year. Shit, JBL may win this, and loose it BACK to Czena at NWO, to save the Orton-Cena match. I think that will be the course of action, as a HBK-JBL showdown at WM will sell without the title being involved, and should be, I belive. So I go with Czena, but with much doubt.
I'm highly interested in this match for many reasons. Reason number one is because the Royal Rumble is the only pay per view that I order every year. Reason number two is because this match is very unpredictable. When it was first announced, I sighed. I didn't want these two to face each other once again, but I really want to see this match. This match is all about Shawn Michaels. The match result is basically in his hands. For many reasons, John Cena must retain here at the Royal Rumble. First off, the World Heavyweight Championship is passed around like hookers, and it's bad for the title's credibility. We need a guy who can hold the title for a few months, and John Cena is perfect for that.

As NorCal mentioned that at Wrestlemania 25, the HBK vs JBL match doesn't need the title on the line to be a success and a main focus point of Raw. Also, if Randy Orton wins the Royal Rumble, then it makes a lot more sense to have Cena retain here. But if JBL wins the title, then I'm assuming a Smackdown superstar will win the Rumble. The match could actually be decent, I'm not expecting a classic match-up here, but I hope it's decent. HBK is guaranteed to have some involvement here.

I actually think Shawn will attempt help JBL in this match, but it will backfire and lead to Cena accidently winning somehow. Then, JBL and HBK will have a disagreement which will lead to a match at Wrestlemania. I'm almost certain that Michaels and JBL will both be in the Elimination Chamber match at No Way Out. So, for many reasons as stated above, I hope John Cena retains the World Heavyweight Championship so he can go on to face Randy Orton for the title at the big stage.
I'm almost certain that Michaels and JBL will both be in the Elimination Chamber match at No Way Out. So, for many reasons as stated above, I hope John Cena retains the World Heavyweight Championship so he can go on to face Randy Orton for the title at the big stage.

Except, HBK and JBL can't be in the Elimination Chamber at No Way Out if Orton wins the Royal Rumble, because then Raw wouldn't have the EC match. It would become a Smackdown Elimination Chamber.

I think too many people are overlooking that detail when they talk about JBL/HBK. WrestleMania is many months away and storylines with JBL can't really be drawn out that long without him wrestling (which usually ruins the feud almost immediately), so could you really see the WWE having JBL/HBK for another 4 months building up to a shitty WrestleMania match? I just don't see it.

But what I could easily, easily see, and what I'm predicting, is that HBK will turn on JBL during the championship match, JBL will interfere in the Royal Rumble and eliminate HBK, and then the two will have a match at No Way Out in the undercard. HBK and Taker doesn't need much of a build at all, and there's all that time between No Way Out and WrestleMania to set that up as it is.

No Way Out could very easily shape up to be something along the lines of HBK versus JBL, a Smackdown Elimination Chamber, Randy Orton & Legacy versus John Cena and some people (since they can't have Orton vs Cena in a title defense), a Diva's title defense, an ECW title defense, and one or two more matches. Assuming Orton wins the Royal Rumble, of course.
I for one am hoping to god that the idiot meter hasn't gone on in WWE Creative and the realm of possibility of JBL vs. HBK for the title at Wrestlemania hasn't even been floated. The Silver Anniversary of Wrestlemania, and some people honestly think that JBL could be involved in a title match is just beyond ridiculous. The guy always has been,a nd always will be terrible, and even Shawn Michaels himself won't get a great match out of him, even at Wrestlemania. He couldn't with Flair, and Flair in his fifties is better then JBL ever.

John Cena should win this match, and face off with Orton at Wrestlemania 25. This is the future of the company, this is the Rock and Austin of this era. This simply has to happen. JBL being anywhere near a world title is just plain a bad idea.

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