R.A.W.'s Main Event at Wrestlemania could very well be...

I really don't want HBK/JBL as RAW's main event at WrestleMania because then where does that leave Cena and Orton? I full expect Orton and Cena as RAW's main event with Orton if a RAW guy does not win the Rumble and Orton takes the EC leaving a singles match, but maybe Orton/Cena/Jericho if RAW ( Jericho or Orton ) was to take the Rumble aswell.

It's WrestleMania 25, it's supposed to be a really big WrestleMania, the silver anniversary and even though HBK/JBL for a world title would be good, I don't think it's just big enough for WrestleMania 25.

If JBL was going to try and get Shawn to help him in a WrestleMania match, I've been thinking and possibly Money In The Bank. JBL could be in the match and Shawn could end up helping him win somehow, but that's for another thread.
Personally, if you gave me the choice to choose between JBL vs HBK for the World title or Cena Vs Orton for the world title at wrestlemania, i rather see JBL vs HBK and here's why. It'S a match that we haven't seen before and if Micheals is able to have a 5 stars match against Vince Mcmahon, he's able to pull a 5 star match with JBL. Compare to Cena vs orton who haven'T had a good in their entire feud in 2007 and if it wasn'T for HHH, there match at last year'S wrestlemania wouldn'T have been as good as it was, point in case, just watch there match at No WAy Out of last year and you'll see what i mean.

Something i would like to see at wrestlemania is Orton continuing is feud with the former members of The legacy, it would be a really good match and would help these young guys make a name for themselves. Has for Cena, if Vince is able to set is ego aside for one night, why not put Cena in a dream match against Hulk Hogan. IT would be a great match, far from it but can you imagine the crowd reaction during that match and that'S what is all about.

HBK vs Jbl could be the RAw main event but instead of having it come at last maybe made in the middle of the card and have the smackdown main event at the end.
As bad as JBL is and has no wrestling skills what so ever I rather see a HBK/JBL main event at Wrestlemania than watch John Cena for the 1,000th time look like superman and overcoming the odds. At least it will be two different people in the spotlight. Every WM we are stuck with either Triple H or John Cena main eventing. We all can predict that some how Triple H is going to be in the Smackdown title match vs Edge or Jeff Hardy or both. At some point I'm sure Triple H is going to have about 20 title reigns before his career is over. Thats not the point, we have seen Orton vs Cena about 100 times already. We have seen Jericho vs. Cena about 300 times. At least JBL/HBK would be something fresh and I'm sure HBK can carry JBL like he does everyone else. Also at least it will give him his last reign as champion because I don't think Shawn has much more time left. I think each week he ages another year.
While I agree Shango-Monkey that the belt would help this feud be more interesting and that they do seem to be investing alot of time in this match(it feels like the biggest storyline right now)and that the economical crisis could make fans care more but I still disagree and say this doesn't seem WM Mainevent worthy.

There is no denying HBK is one of the greatest, and there is no denying he can put on a show and that the fans still care about him but a HBK Vs. JBL WM mainevent would be bad. JBL's only redeeming quality about him is his mic skills and that people really hate him. He cannot deliever a good match and although HBK would do everything in his power to bring out the best in JBL, his match was Flair was pretty bad.

When you think of recent mainevent matches Cena Vs. HBK, Batista Vs. Taker, Edge Vs. Taker, Randy Orton Vs. Cena Vs. HHH they all have huge new stars along with veterns and on paper all seem to be good feuds and probably help draw the numbers they got. JBL probably couldn't draw his way out of a paper bag, and HBK hasn't always been the biggest drawer. Why waste a mainevent at wrestlemania on someone like JBL. There are many newer guys and veterns who deserve and could put on better matches than he could.

But I guess as long as the WWE focus' on this storyline really well and creative is fully behind it and the fans get behind it, this might well be the mainevent but personally it's not something I would want to see, to me it's undercard at best.
Im upset to say it but i think its going that was. Even though i dont want it to happen because i think it will be boring.

I wanna see Orton win the rumble, see cena lose the title to michaels and see a WM25

I dont wanna see a michaels JBL main event i personaly think that it would be boring.

I wanna see orton win the rumble and cena lose the WHC to michaels and the an Orton Michaels main event with Orton the victor yeaaaaaaaa :)
as much as i hate jbl i think he is going to main event wrestlemania. i want cena to retain the championship but with hbk helping jbl there is no way cena can keep the title. omg hbk used to be so awesome until he sold out to jbl, jbl only made him be on his side so that in the future he wouldnt have to worry about getting beat by him cuz jbl knows he cant kick hbk's ass!
I don't see what the big deal about HBK and JBL wrestling in the Raw main event at Wrestlemania. First off if anyone watched raw this week Shawn showed that even he can get a good match out of anyone even John Cena. People on this board aways complain that Cena can't wresle but his match with Shawn this week was pretty entertaining. I think if this match was to happen HBK will get a real good match out of JBL. Shawn is known for getting the best out of anyone. I mean he took a 100 year old Ric Flair and turned their match into the match of the year.

Second what did everyone plan on seeing another John Cena vs. Chris Jericho match or John Cena vs. Randy Orton match. They all have been in the ring about 100 times each over the past few months. At least JBL vs. HBK is something new and different. We continue to see John Cena and Triple H headlining Wrestlemanias and its getting old and predictable already. I'm sure everyone can see Triple H vs Edge in the making on the Smackdown side and of course Triple H is going to win the title for the 1,000th time. Why on the Raw side do we have to see John Cena retaining against Orton, Jericho or JBL again?

Finally it gives Shawn his last title reign. I'm sure everyone has been noticing that this guy is hurting badly with his knees and back and probably not going to be around much longer. At least he can win this title in his home state of Texas and end this fued with JBL. I'm sure he would have no trouble dropping the title at Backlash too anyone. I'm hoping Randy Orton or Chris Jericho. John Cena would probably be better out of the title picture for a while. Maybe the fans won't boo him as much.
There's just a few issues with this idea.

1) Shawn Michaels has stated several times (although it seems u guys have already forgotten) that he has no desire to become World Champion again. He seems content where his career is at rite now. Granted, this storyline with JBL may very lead to a match between the two at Wrestlemania, I'm just not sure it will be for the World Title. Of course I could be wrong and this could be WWE's way of surprising the hell out of us big time.

2) There is no way in this century or the next that Vincent kennedy Mcmahon will allow his star boy Cena to lose the title to JBL and Cena not main event Mania. Face it folks, Vince is convinced Cena is what we need rite now to main event every wrestlemania just like it used to be Triple H a few years back. Added to the fact that there's no guarantee that even with Shawn Michaels winning MOTY with just about anyone, that he can do the same with JBL, who is known for dropping the ball consistently in big matches. (Anyone remember Wrestlemania 21 against Cena? I do)

It will probably be Cena vs Orton now that Batista is out until God knows when. I don't want it to happen because orton is one of my favorites and I kno Cena will only bury him at Wrestlemania and I would prefer to see Orton take the title from Cena later on down the road when the Legacy is at its peak and Cena has had the title long enough to satisfy Vince.
Well, after what I saw what Randy Orton did to Vince, it's very obvious that Orton vs. Cena at WrestleMania is fallin' apart. Besides, HBK/JBL storyline has been THE main story of any main storylines in Raw, even getting more time than Cena. There is no doubt that JBL vs. HBK at WrestleMania is going to happen.

But still, JBL vs. HBK isn't a big draw match up, no matter how good the storyline is or how good the match will be. And since Cena is having a lot of heat with HBK, My guess is it's going to be a triple threat match, Cena vs. JBL vs. HBK for the World Heavyweight Championship

I have no problem with that. It has every key thing to be a good match up right now. Shawn hasn't had World Title since 2002. It's Texas.

The problem is, Smackdown is also pushing a veteran wrestler right now, Triple H.

If Raw's main storyline goes to JBL/HBK/Cena, and since HBK isn't participating at the rumble match(although we still don't know who the other 9 wrestlers are), then that leaves Triple H winning the rumble again, and this time, as a #1 pick guy at the rumble.

And if HHH and HBK is going to be the main guy, there's a big chance of having a DX celebration at the end of WrestleMania 25 so they could overshadow the Eddie/Benoit celebration, and put DX moment on those kind of moments.

That would be great to watch, except the fact is that this is 2009 and this is WRESTLEMANIA.

they're pushing really hard on the WrestleMania's number this year. They did a 'All-Grown Up' promos 2 years ago. So why the veterans take the lead and be the face on both brands? I'm not mocking HBK or HHH's ablilities, it just doesn't look like a great picture at all. DX ending the WrestleMania 25th Anniversary? come on.

I'm sorry to say this to HBK or any HBK fans (I will tell you right now. I'm a big fan of HBK as well), but HBK vs. JBL vs. Cena shouldn't be the main event this year. The reason? just because the other brand has already started pushing a veteran wrestler to the main event at WrestleMania. If HHH had no chance to go for the title, then it would be perfect for HBK to goto main event and win the World Heavyweight Championship.

But, Orton vs. Cena for the World Title is getting out of picture. Orton is getting into the McMahon storyline, and JBL/HBK is the main focus of Raw right now. Christian vs. Jeff Hardy is happening, and HHH is going to WrestleMania ONCE AGAIN. That's the reality. And the reality I wish it would change the direction right now.
I don't see it happen. Cena will fight against the Royal Rumble winner, I'm almost sure it will be Triple H, they could repeat the main-event of three years ago and let Triple H go back to RAW.

With that, JBL could fight HBK in the mid-card fight, and with the WWE Championship being a triple threat between Christian, Jeff and Edge as I believe it will be if it's not Edge vs. Triple H, and I hope it isn't.

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