Who Would Be The Best Fit For Permanent GM?

JBL for the fucking win! That man is a absolute god on the mic. He can draw more heel heat than almost anyone in the WWE. He could definitely fit the role perfectly. Of course my dream pick would be Heyman, but that's not happening. I wouldn't mind seeing Steph as GM again, but Triple H just haddd to go and get her knocked up. Bastard. I say JBL or any of the McMahons..
I am going to go with the concensus and say JBL. The man plays an excellent heel. He would do wonders as GM. He can garner heel heat by favoring the heels but at the same time he knows a good wrestler when he sees one and would respect those worthy of it. He would do the role justice and I believe it would be great to see him every Monday.
"Hacksaw" Jim Duggan. Why? His tenure would be an easy way to mock Mick Foley's work on TNA. Have old Hacksaw book himself into matches and look old and terrible, then go on to talk about how proud he was of himself in matches, etc.
"Hacksaw" Jim Duggan. Why? His tenure would be an easy way to mock Mick Foley's work on TNA. Have old Hacksaw book himself into matches and look old and terrible, then go on to talk about how proud he was of himself in matches, etc.

YES. Jesus, I'm so sick of Mick Foley at TNA. This would be an excellent jab at TNA if WWE were to do it.

I thought of The Rock because of his comments during the tenth anniversary of SmackDown, but I don't see him coming back permanently. I'd prefer a heel GM to counter-act all the DX/John Cena syrupy face crap we see week in and week out, if we had to have a GM at all. I agree that the GM angle is dead, especially with them swapping out every week. I preferred when there was no GM, and Vince was popping in every once and a while. They should continue this, except maybe one of the McMahon children can do it instead.
I'm agreeing with what Ricky said in the beginning. They need to avoid the role of a GM. They can have a figurehead at the top, but don't have them work the same role that's been killed since Slaughter was "running" the show. They need to go back to Jack Tunney's time, and have a commissioner who oversees everything, but is laissez-faire. The more their hands are in the cookie jar, the more issues we have with the product. let the characters do what they're paid to do, and tell the story in the ring.
IF Cena goes to SD I can honestly see HBK becoming RAW's permanent GM sometime after WM (RAW the next night/couple weeks after Mania = the night of the draft or shortly after that).

The WWE can put him up vs Orton at WM26 in the other ME (the ME would then be Cena vs Taker). Orton wins and retires HBK so a pissed off McMahon family who keeps getting screwed by Orton hires Shawn as the permanent fixture.

I think Shawn could do well in this role given he has mic skills and the ability to play both the heel and face roles. It also keeps him on TV which could help the ratings as fans love HBK.
To be honest, the guest host thing is a welcome break from the GMs. That's not to say that they are bad, but we've seen all of the possibilities, faces, heels, inadequates and wrestlers booking themselves. When the guest host thing ends, it may be worth going back to that idea, but I actually think that it may be interesting to have a faceless board of directors in charge. There's no point in having an on screen GM if there's no conflict with them, and that really isn't happening. Orton and Jericho are the only ones that interact with the guest hosts and it's fine, but I don't think Orton can maintain a long term feud with an authority figure, which is why about 500 people were brought into the McMahon v Orton feud. There's no need for a regular GM unless they are involved deeply in angles, and that hasn't been the case for quite some time, to be honest with you.

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