Who would you like to see as the next permanent GM and WHY?

Jake the Snake Roberts. It'd be great. He'd always be wasted. The wrestlers would be trying to find him backstage and he'd be off chopping up lines with IRS. He'd be sleeping or urinating in his office every time the camera cut back there. You could even hire Scott Hall to come be his co-gm. Think of the comedy gold you'd get out of those two guys together. For all the wrong reasons too.
My first pick would be JBL because he has great mic skills he obviously seems like a person who could run something so JBL would be the perfect person. He could maybe get in the ring every once in a while that would be great for my dad he loves JBL. My second pick is William regal he did an excellent job as Raw GM that was like one of the biggest highlights of his career and if givin the chance. That stuff he did as Raw GM was great and I would love to see it again. He would was a good Raw GM. My last pick is Johnathan Coachman. Now no one has mentioned him yet but I think he would also do great. He had funny segments with people and he has mic skills of course.
Since Regal's not been very busy, I would love to see him back as GM.
I like Matt Stryker too much on commentary to give him up lol
If JBL could be brought back, I'd LOVE it, since I've always hated his ring work, but loved him on the mic.

Hmmm, Carlito maybe. He's good on the mic, and currently against the guest host concept. Actually the more I think about it, the more I like it. He's been jobbing for a while and would be a nice change from the pussy GM, or the overly formal GM.
I there are several nice options here (minus Ric Flair and Velvet freakin' Skye). Regal was great the first time around, and has always been one of my personal favorites. Very funny, and can draw serious heat. Has the pedigree of a prick boss too. JBL is another guy, who much like Regal, can stay relevant while not wrestling. His mic skills and character are strong enough to draw real heat while not being in the ring. Both guys, for my money, are great options.

But the guy I would really like to see get the job is Bret Hart. Is he as good on the mic as Regal or JBL? No. But Bret is my 2nd favorite wrestler of all time, and I would like to see him week in and week out if I can. He has become more comfortable talking in front of a crowd. While he was never Duane Johnson on the mic, he was always better than given credit for. During his heel run with the Hart Foundation in 97, he was top notch on the mic. That guy was creative, and could draw a lot of heat.

My hope is Bret Hart will take on this role. He is one of the most respected guys in the history of professional wrestling, and I think he could not only be entertaining, but he could add some real credibility to the role of GM. With all of this guest host shit, credibility among GM's is needed right now.
I liked jim cornette in TNA. So I would not mind him on Raw as a permanent GM on raw. He was sometimes entertaining and funny and he is perfect for a GM role.
I want to try and keep this at least mildly realistic. Yes, Flair is unlikely now, but I feel he still has a chance if he ever leaves TNA. Vince knows he's a staple in this business and can still draw people. Maybe I'm way off base, but I can still see him as a viable option. But someone like The Rock is never going to come back to wrestling on a permanent basis, though he would be a cool GM.

Shawn won't be back for quite a while I'd say. The Rock may do it for a few months at most if we're lucky, but he has movies to make. The Rock would be an instant ratings boost and more entertaining than anything WWE has done in a long time, unless for some reason he doesn't get back in character and is basically just there as Dwayne Johnson. Flair is unlikely, he is involved in one of TNA's biggest feuds right now with Hogan and their teams. But Flair will probably never leave the business and he has gone from one company to another for years. He is just done in-ring except for special appearances.

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