NFL Thread - 2010-11


With the news that the Bills are not going to offer T.O. a new contract, with his lowest numbers in like ten years its no surprise. My question is where do you see him ending up?

I thought The Ravens at first, as they have a decent QB and a few of their WRs are free agents this year. They could use him, but probably do not want all the drama that comes along with him.
Then I thought Chicago, they have no real threat at the WR position. A QB witha a great arm(not as good as he thinks),and a million dollar ego to go with it. T.O. and Cutler would be great together, or atleast entertaining. I can imagine the press conferences now. With Lovey Smith being on his last legs in Chi-Town what dose he got to lose bringing T.O. in for one year.

So where should, could T.O. go?
Should ant team bring in The T.O. Circus?
Or should he just hang it up?
Well, T.O ain't going to Baltimore, I can tell you that. Remember the whole fiasco back in 2004 where he went to Philly instead? Yeah. Chances are Brandon Marshall's going to Baltimore or they might draft a WR. Owens is most likely going to find himself in either a Bears, Vikings, Dolphins, Oakland, or maybe even Browns uniform. The numbers can be blamed on the quarterback (what else is new?) and Dick Jauron. He's not going to retire for a little while, so you can rule that out. I see him heading to a team in need of a reciever, but he's not getting a long term deal.
A part of me would love to see T.O. come to the Miami Dolphins because WR is another position on our team that is pretty weak, but this guy has a tendency to bring too much baggage. He's getting up their in age, and he's not the threat he used to be when he played for the Eagles or the 49ers. Plus, the guy has a REAL problem with dropped passes.

The chances of T.O. playing for a contender are probably slim at this point of his career. I don't think teams like the Colts,Patriots Vikings,or Ravens would even think of picking this guy up. I think it's more likely he'll be picked up by teams like the Broncos,Jaguars,or Texans. One team will sign this guy because he might not be what he used to be, but he can still play.
I honestly see TO going to Washington. Chances are the Skins are gonna have a rookie QB in Bradford or Clausen, so getting a "prominent" WR could be key for them, as Santana Moss isn't going to be able to carry the load. Though I would love to see the Skins give Devin Thomas some playing time, as I think he could be a solid WR in the league if given the amount of time. He looked good last year when his role increased and getting someone like TO to take attention away from him could really benefit him.

And it wouldn't surprise me to see him go to Baltimore either. I think they are the top two teams that would consider him. I believe Baltimore tried to trade for Owens last season before the deadline but dropped out of the deal or couldn't get something done. So Washington and Baltimore are the top two teams I think that will get involved in the TO circus. The Bengals could be another option as well, as Ocho was campaigning for the Bengals to sign him, however I think they will be wise and stay far away from Owens.
I could see T.O in Baltimore, its not that far fetched, same thing for Chicago and you're right it would be damn funny to watch Cutler and Owens during a Press Conference after a loss were Cutler throws 3 Picks and only throws to T.O twice, oh the joy we would all have.

My Pick were I would like to see him land is back in San Francisco, it gives Alex Smith another target, he would get to Mentor Michael Crabtree who could become the next Terrell Owens 2.0. It would be a nice place for him to retire, I'm not sure if he left on good/bad terms but I think it would be good for him and the guys ( Receivers, QB's ) around him... Plus imagine him vs Singletary at the Press Conferences?
Instead of wasting a bunch of posts in the bar room I figured I'd make a thread in the actual Sports Section dedicated to the 2010 NFL offseason. So come in here and discuss free agency, trades, training camp, and whatever else you feel necessary.
First, If you want to get news quick and easy (in 140 characters or less), I would suggest following the following people on Twitter:
ESPN NFL Insider Chris Mortensen (@mortreport)
ESPN NFL Insider Adam Shefter (@Adam_Shefter)
FOX Sports NFL Insider Jay Glazer(@Jay_Glazer) said:
The anticipated re-signing of Chad Pennington with the Miami Dolphins has been snagged by the veteran quarterback's desire to have a no-trade clause in his contract, according to team and league sources........

However, because Pennington has a young family he does not want to move this year, he was holding out for assurances he would not be traded. The Dolphins refused to limit their "business options" on a potential trade, sources said.

Pennington was still exploring other possibilities, among them his former team, the Jets, as well as the Rams and the Redskins.

As a die-hard Chad Pennington fan, this is good news, because I think he can still be a starting QB in the NFL (much like he was when he went to Miami before 2008). Obviously if he goes to the Jets he would be nothing more then a backup, mentor, and insurance policy. With either of the other 2 choices (Rams and Redskins), he is better then what they have now, and would be a quality starter for them. Plus, every year he comes back from injury, he has amazing seasons (2 comeback player of the year awards, and I think he was runner up or 3rd for MVP in 2008).
Well the Chargers unloaded Antonio Chromartie by trading him to the Jets for a 2011 3rd round draft pick. The Jets now have Revis and Chromartie in the secondary, making it very difficult to pass on the Jets defence now, but that is pending Chromartie playing to his potential. Also, the Panthers have released Jake Delhomme. I actually didn't see that coming even though he's had a rough couple of years, but I guess it was time to move on if you are Carolina. I believe that are going to go with Matt Moore.

I believe free agency has started or is going to start within the next day so it will be interesting to see who goes where.
Everything in Washington is pointing towards a QB. I would not be surprised at this point for some package deal with Campbell going to the Rams, allowing them to pick up Suh in the draft. They'd kill 2 birds with one stone, as well as a QB who can move and take a hit.

From there, I see the Skins going after Garcia or possibly Pennington to train Bradford (who I'm hoping for) as both would only have to (hopefully) last 8 games at the very most ala Jay Cutler.

At this point though the most surprising thing HAS to be the Skins doing NOTHING in the big name FA market just yet.
At this point though the most surprising thing HAS to be the Skins doing NOTHING in the big name FA market just yet.

They haven't signed anyone, but the big thing is that they are meeting with Green Bay Left Tackle Chad Clifton today. I would not be surprised if Washington throws as much money as it takes to sign him, because the one constant during Mike Shanahan's run in Denver was a solid Offensive Line, which still makes me think they will go offensive line during the Draft.

As a Jets fan, I still like the Cromartie trade, although I would worry about his off-field issues somewhat. The man has at least 7 kids in 5 states from 5+ women, and he has a problem paying child support. Not only that, but he has a traffic violation and can't even pay the $799 fine. not $799,000, $799. As in what he makes on about 1 series on Sundays.
Kyle Vanden Bosch went to the Lions. He's definitely an upgrade for the Lions defensive line, but I'm not sure how effective he is anymore. Still at this point, the Lions just need people with some degree of talent. Speaking of which they also snagged Nate Burleson for $25 mil over 5 years. Why does everyone think he's a good receiver? He had one good year where he barely got over 1,000 yards in Minnesota, signed with Seattle and was constantly getting injured or dropped to the 3rd or 4th wide receiver spot. But again, he potentially could have a good season and for the Lions they definitely need more weapons.

Also for the Lions, it appears they'll be trading a draft pick to the Browns for Corey Williams. Apparently Williams was not the right fit in Cleveland and with the Lions defense should be more situated for their style. So Vanden Bosch and Williams, I guess it's a start for them as they need a good overhaul on defense in general. The Lions could very well improve to 6 wins this next year with a good draft.

Cromartie going to the Jets I'm not 100% sure about. He's had good seasons, but he'll be the primary target for QB's now since no one wants to throw on Revis. I wonder if Cromartie will be able to hold up.

Chad Clifton I don't think has much left in the tank. Last season he was getting beat constantly by DE's and you saw how much Rodgers got crushed in the backfield. Still the Redskins could probably use a serviceable Tackle and if Clifton stays healthy, he could be a decent pick up.

As for my Vikings, first and foremost we need to try our best to resign Chester Taylor. He's such a versatile running back, giving Peterson a rest and a great 3rd down back. However if Taylor decides to go elswhere, I fully expect the Vikings to make a play for Brian Westbrook. Chilly knows Westbrook and Westbrook knows that offense. Brian will take the role Taylor took the last couple years, and I think he'll excel in that position. He won't be the primary back anymore so there will be less risk for injury, not to mention Westbrook is a great dual threat running and catching, perfect for a 3rd down back. And if Peterson goes down with an injury, Westbrook can step in and give the Offense a whole new dynamic.
Holy crap. In a move that could shift then entire first round, Adam Shefter says that the Seattle Seahawks are seriously considering signing Restricted Free Agent Brandon Marshall. If they do that, then they will be forced to give Denver the 6th overall pick (unless some sort of trade can be worked out).

Granted, the only difference for the Draft would be Denver picking Dez Bryant or Golden Tate, instead of the Seahawks picking Dez Bryant. Plus, the Seahawks can afford to give up a 1, since they have 2 this year (both in the top 11 I think).
Cromartie going to the Jets I'm not 100% sure about. He's had good seasons, but he'll be the primary target for QB's now since no one wants to throw on Revis. I wonder if Cromartie will be able to hold up.

The big upside for the Cromartie deal is (from what I heard) a Man coverage guy, as supposed to a Zone coverage guy. In San Diego, he was playing a lot of zone, and the Jets are a Man coverage team. Also, more importantly, he is in a contract year, so you know he will go all out, in effort to get a new contract.

As for my Vikings, first and foremost we need to try our best to resign Chester Taylor. He's such a versatile running back, giving Peterson a rest and a great 3rd down back. However if Taylor decides to go elswhere, I fully expect the Vikings to make a play for Brian Westbrook. Chilly knows Westbrook and Westbrook knows that offense. Brian will take the role Taylor took the last couple years, and I think he'll excel in that position. He won't be the primary back anymore so there will be less risk for injury, not to mention Westbrook is a great dual threat running and catching, perfect for a 3rd down back. And if Peterson goes down with an injury, Westbrook can step in and give the Offense a whole new dynamic.
From what I heard, Chester Taylor is replacing Adrian Peterson. Of course, I mean Adrian Peterson of the Bears....
Adam Shefter's Twitter said:
Filed to ESPN: Chester Taylor reaches agreement with Bears on a four-year, $12.5 million deal that includes $7 million gtd in year one.

To update on the Brandon Marshall story, Adam Shefter says that Marshall is going to Seattle to get an offer sheet done. Looks like Marshall will be a Seahawk.
The big upside for the Cromartie deal is (from what I heard) a Man coverage guy, as supposed to a Zone coverage guy. In San Diego, he was playing a lot of zone, and the Jets are a Man coverage team. Also, more importantly, he is in a contract year, so you know he will go all out, in effort to get a new contract.

Very true, if he's in a system that works better for him, he could live up to the name he earned in San Diego.

From what I heard, Chester Taylor is replacing Adrian Peterson. Of course, I mean Adrian Peterson of the Bears....

Oh the sweet irony. I guess I was psychic when I traded him to the Bears on our Madden franchise. Taylor is a great guy and a veteran leader, but I"m not 100% sure how much he will help. The major thing is Forte will have someone to help carry the load now, but the Bears offensive line had difficulties even blocking for Forte last year. So it doesn't matter who the running back is if your line can't get your any lanes to run through. That's the only negative I can see with the signing. I wish Taylor the best, but believe me when I say that I hope he gets destroyed when we play Chi town twice a year.

To update on the Brandon Marshall story, Adam Shefter says that Marshall is going to Seattle to get an offer sheet done. Looks like Marshall will be a Seahawk.

So Seattle goes out and spends a ton on another No.1 receiver from another team. Difference is, Marshall is actually an outstanding receiver. Deion Branch a couple years ago was a byproduct of Brady's passing, Burleson had one good year and got a nice payday (not to mention Seattle's attempt at getting back at Minnesota for the poison pill contract they got Hutchinson with), etc. etc etc. I hope it pans out for Marshall, but Hasselbeck is not the QB he once was. Then again, Marshall make Kyle Orton look good so he could excel in Seattle.

Also it sounds like Peppers is negotiating a contract with the Bears. Peppers is a good player, but they're gonna end up overpaying him. He has a tendency to take plays off and not give it his all. Definite upgrade on their D Line, but the Bears need a lot more help.
Very true, if he's in a system that works better for him, he could live up to the name he earned in San Diego.
And I don't like to constantly talk about the greatness of Rex Ryan (actually, I do), but Rex Ryan WILL get this guy to play hard. Defensive players WANT to play for him, and Cromartie will have a good year, and probably escalate that pick to a 2nd rounder, which I would love.

Oh the sweet irony. I guess I was psychic when I traded him to the Bears on our Madden franchise. Taylor is a great guy and a veteran leader, but I"m not 100% sure how much he will help. The major thing is Forte will have someone to help carry the load now, but the Bears offensive line had difficulties even blocking for Forte last year. So it doesn't matter who the running back is if your line can't get your any lanes to run through. That's the only negative I can see with the signing. I wish Taylor the best, but believe me when I say that I hope he gets destroyed when we play Chi town twice a year.
The irony is fantastic. I almost forgot about you trading him in the franchise (by trade I mean steal someone and give them him). You hit the nail on the head though, but I think the fact that Forte will be not on the field all the time gives them a huge upgrade. No team still uses the 1 running back system effectively anymore, and Chicago didn't have anybody other then Forte, who could be good when he's not being the only guy.

So Seattle goes out and spends a ton on another No.1 receiver from another team. Difference is, Marshall is actually an outstanding receiver. Deion Branch a couple years ago was a byproduct of Brady's passing, Burleson had one good year and got a nice payday (not to mention Seattle's attempt at getting back at Minnesota for the poison pill contract they got Hutchinson with), etc. etc etc. I hope it pans out for Marshall, but Hasselbeck is not the QB he once was. Then again, Marshall make Kyle Orton look good so he could excel in Seattle.
Hasselbeck>>>Orton. Plus, he will have a new QB soon, since Seattle needs to get a replacement for him (Jimmy Clausen?). And Clausen>>>>>Orton. Brandon Marshall will be immediately the best receiver they have had since Steve Largent.

Also it sounds like Peppers is negotiating a contract with the Bears. Peppers is a good player, but they're gonna end up overpaying him. He has a tendency to take plays off and not give it his all. Definite upgrade on their D Line, but the Bears need a lot more help.
Apparently, the deal is done, just need to work out language of the contract and a physical. The Bears needed a D-Lineman, and got the best one available. And overpaying is a big deal, but it is less of a big deal in an uncapped year, so it's still a good move.
And I don't like to constantly talk about the greatness of Rex Ryan (actually, I do), but Rex Ryan WILL get this guy to play hard. Defensive players WANT to play for him, and Cromartie will have a good year, and probably escalate that pick to a 2nd rounder, which I would love.

That's true, the Jets D regardless is going to be scary good again next year.

The irony is fantastic. I almost forgot about you trading him in the franchise (by trade I mean steal someone and give them him). You hit the nail on the head though, but I think the fact that Forte will be not on the field all the time gives them a huge upgrade. No team still uses the 1 running back system effectively anymore, and Chicago didn't have anybody other then Forte, who could be good when he's not being the only guy.

Yeah and we see how well my running game was after I traded Taylor and lost AD to injury. Hell the QB I got for him didn't even put up that great of numbers so I probably ended up hurting myself in the end. Still what was the point of Chicago having Cutler and drafting a top QB like that? I gave them an experimental QB that could develop for them in Tribow and a starting RB since Arizona snagged Forte. Anyways, back to the real world, again Forte getting some time to breath and not having to carry the running game on his back alone will be huge for him.

Hasselbeck>>>Orton. Plus, he will have a new QB soon, since Seattle needs to get a replacement for him (Jimmy Clausen?). And Clausen>>>>>Orton. Brandon Marshall will be immediately the best receiver they have had since Steve Largent.

Hasselbeck is better than Orton, but he's also very injury prone and he's getting up there in age. Either way they need to look for the QB of the future because I"m pretty sure Seneca Wallace isn't it.

Apparently, the deal is done, just need to work out language of the contract and a physical. The Bears needed a D-Lineman, and got the best one available. And overpaying is a big deal, but it is less of a big deal in an uncapped year, so it's still a good move.

It's not as big of an issue with the uncapped year yes, but the biggest problem with Peppers is his inconsistency. One year he can be oustanding, the next year he'll get 5 sacks total. I think that's why Carolina used it's franchise tag on him last year, so they don't have to give him the big day that will let him get lazy. I'm a little leery about Peppers because of that.
That's true, the Jets D regardless is going to be scary good again next year.
as long as they can get a guy to rush the passer, they should be even better then last year.

Yeah and we see how well my running game was after I traded Taylor and lost AD to injury. Hell the QB I got for him didn't even put up that great of numbers so I probably ended up hurting myself in the end. Still what was the point of Chicago having Cutler and drafting a top QB like that? I gave them an experimental QB that could develop for them in Tribow and a starting RB since Arizona snagged Forte. Anyways, back to the real world, again Forte getting some time to breath and not having to carry the running game on his back alone will be huge for him.
Maybe it did hurt you in the end, but you can't complain, because I think the QB you got is an A potential guy, who will only get better. And yes, forte was stolen from the Bears in the franchise, no ifs ands or buts about it.

Hasselbeck is better than Orton, but he's also very injury prone and he's getting up there in age. Either way they need to look for the QB of the future because I"m pretty sure Seneca Wallace isn't it.
That's why I think they will go and get a QB in the draft (especially if Claussen falls to 11, where I think their 2nd 1st rounder is).

It's not as big of an issue with the uncapped year yes, but the biggest problem with Peppers is his inconsistency. One year he can be oustanding, the next year he'll get 5 sacks total. I think that's why Carolina used it's franchise tag on him last year, so they don't have to give him the big day that will let him get lazy. I'm a little leery about Peppers because of that.
He is still a dominant pass rusher, even if it is only when he wants to be. Something makes me think he will want to be good more in Chicago then he will in Carolina, since Chicago's fanbase is a lot more rabid then Carolina.
The Falcons have signed Dunta Robinson to a six year contract. They wanted him last year and tried to trade for him and now they get him without giving up anything.

The Cardinals have also traded Boldin to the Ravens along with a 5th round pick in 2010 for a third and fourth round pick in 2010. Then the Ravens signed Boldin to a 4 year, 28 million dollar contract. The Ravens get a great WR for Flacco and it seems like they finally could have a balanced offensive attack.
The Falcons have signed Dunta Robinson to a six year contract. They wanted him last year and tried to trade for him and now they get him without giving up anything.

I'm not sure how I feel about Dunta Robinson, He may possibly be slightly overrated, but that being said if the Falcons wanted him, this is great for them so they don't have to trade anything for him. As for the Texans, I think they didn't want to pay him big money because he's not a top caliber cornerback, but he's a good cornerback asking for top caliber money.

Cardinals have also traded Boldin to the Ravens along with a 5th round pick in 2010 for a third and fourth round pick in 2010. Then the Ravens signed Boldin to a 4 year, 28 million dollar contract. The Ravens get a great WR for Flacco and it seems like they finally could have a balanced offensive attack.

Definitely worth the draft picks for Boldin. They also got a 5th round back so they can still use that to maybe trade up into the 4th round if need be. Boldin I think is getting out of Arizona before the boat sinks. With Leinart at QB, there will be a drop off on the offensive side of things and with the 49ers possibly improving next year and Seattle getting some free agents, Arizona's recent NFC West dominance may be over. Now he gets to go to the Ravens in that tough AFC North division, but now Flacco get's a great target to throw to and could help their passing attack nicely. Now there was talk about Baltimore going for TO, probably for another 1 year mercenary style contract. It's possible this trade for Boldin may end up nixing that idea.

One question I have, wasn't Arizona asking for a first round pick a year ago or so for Boldin? I'm a little surprised they gave him away and a 5th round pick for a 3rd and 4th.
The Dunta Deal hasn't been confirmed yet, but I'm happy about the talks. As a Falcons fan, I can say he's better than what we have now. Well, Grimes is VERY underrated, but at least Dunta can cover and won't get beat all the time by the big guys. As for the Boldin move, I am a little shocked because I saw him going to Miami, and Brandon Marshall to Baltimore. Guess I was wrong.
Well some new news here, Schefter said that it's pretty much a given that Karlos Dansby will be signing with Miami tomorrow, and that should really boost Miami's defense. As for the Cardinals, maybe they realize their window of opportunity has faded and has decided to blow the team up. It's about the only thing I can come up with for losing or trading their star players.

Also it is reported that Chad Clifton resigned with Green Bay, so Washington will still need a new LT because of Samuels retiring. I guess this will make Rodgers happy, but I'm ecstatic as he's been injury prone and he's gotten killed by Jared Allen every time he faces him. I suspect Green Bay will look for a tackle in the draft to be mentored by Clifton.

Finally, Kevin Walters will resign with Houston. He had a deal with a team I cannot recall right now but it looks like that fell apart. So Walters gets to stay with Houston and Matt Schaub who really came into his own last year. Great news for Texans fans as Walters is a pretty dependable receiver.
The Giants have signed Antrel Rolle to a 5 year/37 million dollar contract, making him the highest paid safety in NFL History. The Giants needed help in the secondary and it looks like they believe Rolle is the answer for them. As a Cowboys fan, I sure hope he is a bust. Also, personal opinion, but I don't think Rolle deserves to be the highest paid safety.
The Dolphins picked up Karlos Dansby today. He signed a 5 year contract for $43 million. This should help our defense out in a big way because with Joey Porter gone, we have become weak at the linebacker position once again. I never really liked Joey Porter, and I always felt like the Dolphins payed WAY too much money for him, but he did have some good/great games here and there.

Kind of surprised the Panthers let go of Jake Delhomme. I know the guy has been declining over the past couple of years, but who else do they really have to fill the starting QB position? Maybe they pick up a veteran or someone in the draft. Anyway, Delhomme seemed like a nice guy, and he did go to a Super Bowl. Unfortunately for him, it was against the Patriots.
Damn the Cardinals are going to suck next year. The AFC West may now officially be the worst division in football. The Rams suck, the Seahawks improved but still aren't that great, and the Cardinals are going downhill. The 49ers will probably win the division with a 9-7 record.

Back to the Cardinals now. Warner retires and they trade away Boldin. Now they have an unproven Matt Leinart at qb, a slot receiver in Steve Breaston as their number two wideout, and above average running backs at best. Larry Fitzgerald is there only legitimate weapon. Then on defense they just let their heart and soul in the middle, Karlos Dansby, walk away. They also lose a very good safety in Antrel Rolle. So their defense will now be without probably its two best players from last year.
Back to the Cardinals now. Warner retires and they trade away Boldin. Now they have an unproven Matt Leinart at qb, a slot receiver in Steve Breaston as their number two wideout, and above average running backs at best. Larry Fitzgerald is there only legitimate weapon. Then on defense they just let their heart and soul in the middle, Karlos Dansby, walk away. They also lose a very good safety in Antrel Rolle. So their defense will now be without probably its two best players from last year.

The cards did take a few steps back, but unfortunately that was the only thing they could do. They were not re-signing Anquan Boldin, so they had to get at least something for him. And Warner was bound to retire someday. Breaston is a pretty good receiver though, he may be able to replace Boldin pretty well. Dansby did leave, and that's a huge hole to fill.

The news however is that they replaced Antrel Rolle already. Today, it was announced that Arizona traded a 4th round 2010 pick and a 7th round 2011 pick to the New York Jets for Free Safety Kerry Rhodes. The Jets were down on Rhodes, after he didn't mesh well with Rex Ryans defensive scheme. However, Kerry is a former 2nd team All Pro, and he should easily replace Rolle in the Arizona Secondary.

As a Jets fan, it I am not sad to see him go. He was benched earlier this year because he wasn't playing well in Rex Ryan's defense. He did play better after the benching, but he wasn't going to regain his "past glory" with the Jets. Eric Smith played well as the 3rd safety for the Jets, and could see more playing time, or the Jets could get a safety in the draft.

I am actually really glad we got a 4th round pick, because the Jets have done very well for themselves in the 4th round (Jerricho Cotchery, Brad Smith, Leon Washington, the aforementioned Kerry Rhodes, and Dwight Lowery were the Jets 4th round picks since 2004).

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