Nexus vs ...... Nexus at Mania?


Pre-Show Stalwart
This may sound crazy, but bare with me.

Lets say the "New" Nexus (Punk's Nexus) hits Smackdown like then did in 2010. The "Old" Nexus (Barrett's Nexus) (+ Big Zeke) knows about this and starts attacking them.

Could this happen at WrestleMania?
I think this match would be a amazing, and a way to phase out the old Nexus.

Anyone agree?
I do agree. If Taker isn't ready to come back then I could totally see a face Barrett Nexus vs a heel Punk Nexus. I have been partial to Barrett's Nexus so I wouldn't want it to fade out at all, but it still would rock.
good idea but i really want to see punk vs cena and barrett vs taker @ wrestlemania. mayb a 6 man tag will be a better idea witht the winners calling themselves nexus and the losers despanding thier teams
i would love to see old vs new nexus at mania if somehow they get lesnar to return for 1 night to face undertaker. but it would have to be an elimantion match with wade getting another member to even it out. if not like the second guy said punk vs barret vs taker.
If they have Nexus vs Nexus then Punk can't be involved because then Cena would have nothing to do. And do any of you really want to see another Orton vs Cena bore fest?
There would be too many holes to plug up. Punk would have to stop his feud with Cena, and if Taker is ready to come back, who will he face since Kane isn't champ anymore? I'm not saying this won't work, but it will have to wait until after Mania.
This would be a really good match, VKM is saying he wants to make this WM big and this could be one of the big matches... I don't mind seeing this match at all, it would be really good IMO.. The build up has already started, so what's stopping it from happening??
I think this could work if cena ends up facing miz at mania, that and taker not being ready by then it would leave punk and barrett availlable for the two groups to face off in an entertaning match imo.
It's funny you should ask that actually because as soon as Barrett got kicked out I was thinking

Barrett, Daniel, Darren Young, Skip Sheffield and Michael Tarver (bringing them back to Old Nexus as a face Nexus maybe) vs Otunga, Slater, Gabriel, Husky & Michael in a 5 on 5 @ Mania and that Punk would fight Cena

Also calling Punk's Nexus the New Nexus added speculation to N vs N

I think now just Otunga, Michael & Husky vs Ezekiel, Slater, Gabriel in a 6 man will do and Barrett vs Punk in a Singles Match. I see how Barrett vs Taker would happen, but as far as Punk/Orton, Cena/Miz rumors, I dont buy it really because they never get it right with these predictions, I dont care who reports it. I remember so many reports of this or that thought up possible match that wasnt even close to happening

So Punk/Barrett is possible in my mind

We need Nexus vs Nexus and as if they havent been dishing out new merch every other month now, Old N vs New N will add new merchandise to the stands
I could see this happening. However, I'm in favor of an idea posted in another thread, suggesting that Wade was betrayed and exiled to Smackdown as his "initiation" into Punk's nexus and this will expose itself at Royal Rumble with the super Nexus hoping to ensure Punk's Rumble win. Personally I'd like to see Big Show be involved in a championship match at Mania, so maybe Barrett/Show/Taker for the World Heavyweight Championship at Mania and Punk v the WWE champion at Mania?
not a bad idea. i would enjoy the nexus v nexus ending at mania. it most likely wont happen because of punk and Barrett being involved in other matches. but the only problem is who would be the face group? the smackdown nexus makes more sense as faces. jackson was a face for awhile, gabriel and slater walked out on punk (a heel) and both could be believable faces, but what about the leader barrett? and they attacked bigshow. im just not sure if the wwe could turn this entire group face and built the feud correctly.
I thought this as soon as Barret, Gabriel, Slater and Zeke appeared on SD. This would only work with one Nexus turning face and at the moment i can't see any of this happening. I would love to see a Survivor Series style elimination match at Mania involving these 2 Stables, and with the addition of big Zeke bringing the Numbers to 4 v 4 i can easily see it happening, because why else would they randomly add him into this angle? he has no link to any member of Nexus apart from the fact he was on Raw.
I like this concept of both Nexus vs Nexus at Mania but... who would be face? You couldn't turn Barrett's lot face because that defeats the purpose of Ezekiel Jackson being part of the stable. And how could you possibly turn one of the best heels in the WWE right now, CM Punk face? It would have to be a heel vs heel type match and I have another issue.

All last year we saw tag team matches take place. Nexus vs Team WWE at Summerslam. Team RAW vs Team SmackDown at Bragging Rights. And Team Del Rio vs Team Rey at Survivor Series. Now, having another one might result in what were disappointing matches. If this was going to take place I'd book....

CM Punk vs Wade Barrett - Lumberjack match with all of the Nexus members surrounding the ring and the winner becomes the main leader of both stables so you have Nexus on SmackDown and RAW. This could end up epic because imagine if Cena were to return at Mania and suddenly bring out his own group of superstars.... Tarver, Darren Young, Evan Bourne and... Skip Sheffield. Just my own little concept.
I was just looking to make a post about this. I would be really excited to see a Nexus vs. Nexus battle at Wrestlemania. I think it will start at the Royal Rumble, because they'll all be in it. Could you imagine if they could get all 9 men in the Rumble at the same time!?! That would be an epic battle. It could carry on after that with Barrett vs. Punk at No Way Out, and then end with a 5 vs. 5 Nexus battle. And of course Barrett would need a 5th member to compete...who better than Skip Sheffield, who will be returning quite soon I believe. I really like the idea. However, it is Wrestlemania, and I don't know that creative will be able to sacrifice 10 men to a single match, especially since the whole Nexus thing has been brewing since the summer. It's more likely that many of them will end up in the MITB match. But maybe not... I'll guess we'll have to see as it gets closer.
I see so many people think that the two Nexus factions will collide at Mania. I really don't see this happening unless one faction turns face. I don't see that happening in the next couple of months. There is just not enough time to build up a face turn for a whole faction. I really don't think people want to see a bad guys vs bad guys. There is nothing in it for the audience.

I really dont think Nexus vs Nexus is going to happen.

I think what we are going to see is a Nexus take over at Mania. Punk will win the WC and Wade will get the WHC. In the end its going to be revealed that Punk and Wade had this planned the whole time.

Think about it, Punk didn't look pissed when Justin and Heath made the jump to Smackdown. I think its all part of the big plan.

I for one think that this would be different. In all the past years, Mania closed with a happy ending.( that I can remember) It would be awesome this year if it closes with the bad guys standing victories. This would leave the future of the WWE uncertain(Kayfade) going into the new year of the WWE.

Think about it.... Nexus Punk/Wade captures the WHC/WC. Who is going to stop them? How are they going to stop them? I think this has the makings to be a ratings booster.

Is it going to be Nexus vs Nexus at mania? Or is it going to be Nexus united victories at Mania. What one would you rather see?

What one do you think would be better for business?
I see so many people think that the two Nexus factions will collide at Mania. I really don't see this happening unless one faction turns face. I don't see that happening in the next couple of months. There is just not enough time to build up a face turn for a whole faction. I really don't think people want to see a bad guys vs bad guys. There is nothing in it for the audience.

I really dont think Nexus vs Nexus is going to happen.

I think what we are going to see is a Nexus take over at Mania. Punk will win the WC and Wade will get the WHC. In the end its going to be revealed that Punk and Wade had this planned the whole time.

Think about it, Punk didn't look pissed when Justin and Heath made the jump to Smackdown. I think its all part of the big plan.

I for one think that this would be different. In all the past years, Mania closed with a happy ending.( that I can remember) It would be awesome this year if it closes with the bad guys standing victories. This would leave the future of the WWE uncertain(Kayfade) going into the new year of the WWE.

Think about it.... Nexus Punk/Wade captures the WHC/WC. Who is going to stop them? How are they going to stop them? I think this has the makings to be a ratings booster.

Is it going to be Nexus vs Nexus at mania? Or is it going to be Nexus united victories at Mania. What one would you rather see?

What one do you think would be better for business?

I like that idea alot...and I love the idea of a Wrestlemania closing with the bad guys standing strong. It needs to be done. The only Wrestlemania I ever attended was Wreslemania 2000....and for the first time in history we witnessed a heel winning the main event of WM. It's been over 10's DUE.

A super Nexus taking control of the WWE...I LIKE IT.
I depends because where does Vince fit until all of this remember They took him out and you know he'll be on tv before Mania.
I don't believe that we'll see this at Wrestlemania. Going through what previous posts have said, it would be strange to turn one of these groups face. The New Nexus, with it's join of Mason Ryan would never be able to go face, ever. Barrett's Nexus with the join of Big Zeke last week wouldn't be able to turn due to the fact that Zeke went apeshit on Show.
Yet again, I see this being one of the reasons 40 men are now in the Rumble. Let this be the 1st 8 men. All we see for the 1st 8 entries is Nexus/New Nexus, and once all 8 are in, eliminations take place. But what we get here is a great impact on what has the potential to be a good feud eventually.
What I do believe would be VERY interesting is seeing one heel group against another heel group. This way we could get pure brawling between the two forces, leading up to total domination. Could be good.
Nexus vs. Nexus, in some form, isn't only appealing, but likely.

Do I think CM Punk and Wade Barrett will be in the match? Maybe, maybe not. I could see Punk facing either Cena or Orton, and Barrett going up against Taker and his streak. However, I could also see Orton vs. Cena as the main event, with Punk leading his faction of Nexus vs. Barrett and his faction.

Taker could easily find a different opponent (The Miz, Sheamus, etc.). Also, while I think it's probable Taker will be back for Mania, we really do not know that yet. But yeah, I think Nexus vs. New Nexus is likely to take place at Mania, in one form or another.

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