New Gimmick matches.

Bandanna Match Similar to the 5 on 5 Survivor Series Matches, but it starts with two random people from each team in the ring. On each side of the ring is a line with bandannas on it. The object is to grab a bandanna at a time from the opponents line. Each bandanna corresponds to a random wrestler from your team. You grab it, they come out, suddenly you have a numbers advantage. This continues till every member of a team has been eliminated by pinfall/submission.

Ex: Matt Hardy and Miz start. Miz makes it across the ring, grabs a purple bandanna, Mike Knox comes out wearing a purple bandanna, two on one beat down. Hardy grabs a green one, Finlay comes out. ect
I'm not sure what I would call this match but, here's a new gimmick match for you.

It is basically a Hell In A Cell Match mixed with a Ladder Match. This would be a one-on-one match for a Title. The ring would be surrounded by the Cell with the title hanging attatched to the top of the inside of the cell. You'd have to climb the ladder and retreave the title to win. The same rules are in effect as in a Hell In A Cell match.

Dream participants in this match: Edge vs Randy Orton; Undertaker vs Mick Foley; CM Punk vs Chris Jericho

There are many more dream participants but, didn't want to go on too long.
This seems like a really obvious topic and i cant seem to find it anywhere on here, but i might just not be very good at looking. delete this if need be, dont worry i wont cry.........................

Anyways this is very straightforward. I think we all as wrestling fans have ideas for new types of matches that wed want to see. So what are some cool gimmick match ideas you might have? It could be a mix between two alreayd existing matches ex. Hell in A cell Last man standing, or it could be something completely new.
My idea is like a battle royal. Except with whoever gets eliminated can return to the match five minutes later, making it harder to achieve a win.

I think I have heard someone say this before. It may not make for a all time classic but a signature moves only match. includes finishers too. It may be a good idea for example with the match batista and JBL had at No Mercy. Short and simple. Also a good match for people with limited move sets and only a power game. Maybe even punches could be an exception for the match.

I used to always think of these but now I can't manage to remember any...
I have a few-

1. A royal rumble structured match with 10 guys. 2 start in the ring, but only after 1 is eliminated does another guy enter. This makes the early numbers really hard to win, and the late numbers have a huge advantage. Elimination over the top rope, of course.

2. Suspend a belt/contract/money in the bank over the ring and also over a Hell in a Cell cage. Leave an opening in the top middle of the cell. The combatants have to climb a ladder and get on top of the cell, then get to the belt/contract/etc. and retrieve it to win. Ok, so it is a bit crazy, but why not?

3. A REAL extreme elimination chamber. Normal setup with the 6 men and the chambers. However, each chamber also has a weapon in it. I'd pick, chair, Barbed Wire baseball bat, table, trash can + lid. The twist I'd put on the match is that you can only eliminate someone by making them submit. Thus, it would be "I Quit" style. Really brutal and no cheap pins.

These are just random ideas but you never know.
1. I think they should take an iron man match, and make it to where every time someone scores a victory, the match type would change. For example, after the first match (which would be a standard rules match), it would go to a No DQ match. After the second victory, it would change into a submission match, etc. The difference between my match and a Three Stages of Hell match is that we wouldn't be restricted to a set number of falls, which would eliminate predictability in which match type you would get.

To make it interesting, as the time runs out, the match types would get more brutal. For example, after the 4th or 5th victory (If it runs that long), it would change into a Cage and HIAC matche. Something like a HIAC would probably have to be saved for near the very end of the match though.

For this match to work, and to eliminate predictability, the crowd must not know which match types are possible ahead of time. Look at the Three Stages of Hell match that Austin and Triple H had. Everyone knew that they would get to see a third match, because the last match was a cage match, and the audience knew they wouldn't hang a giant frigging cage off the ceiling just for the hell of it.

2. If my previous choice is too complicated, a "Best of Seven" match would work just as well. Hell, we could even have a "Best of Five match." The only flaw is that the pinfalls would obviously have to come quickly, or else the match would run too long, which is why I previously chose an Iron Man match. I would make this match so the crowd could see more of a variety than a Three Stages of Hell match.
Lol. If we had access to old school Japanese wrestling this wouldn't sound as ******ed but here we go anyway.

Back in my school days my mate and i would always talk about a HIAC match that had C4 explosives in every corner of the Cell and you had to detonate them with your opponents head. First man to do it twice would win. Stupid i know, but then we were 16 year old ECW fans who always talked about Tracy Smothers being a hardcore legend and setting his own hand on fire and delivering a flaming eye rake as his finisher.

Then again i once chokeslammed him through a flaming table, severely burning his back about a week before we went to Ozzfest...... ah hem, kids huh? (That's actually true as well)
I would still like the see a tag team last man standing match Im not sure if that has been done before but if it hasnt I think with two great tag teams the match would work really well. You would have tro knock botrh opponents down for the 10 count at the same time. I would also like to see a match similar to the Feast or Fired match only, mixed with the MITB. So essentially its a MITB match but with four breifcases 3 with title shots and 1 with a firing!
I hav many diffrent ideas
altho many are quite extreme so only 4 tna

1.Pyramid of death:4 wrestlers of diffrent styles(power,x div,hardcore) fight in a pr ing surrounded by a steel pyramid.each side has a diffrent gimmick(normal,weapons,barb wire,electrified).the way 2 win is you climb a rope up to the top and grab a belt

2.devils playground:similar to king of the mountain with six men,ladders,pins to become elligible.Weapons are permitted,wen ur pinned ur brought and tortured for a minute and held for in a rack for two.wen u scor a pin u hav 5 mins to grab the *wait 4 it* key.The key opens 1 of 3 cases.Two contain the belts of champions in the match and 1 contains nuttin.once the key is brought dwn any1 elligible cn take it nd open the case.only 1 case cn b opend.

3.bed of nails:outside floor coverd in tumtacs.simple

4:crucifiction match:u win by putting ur opponent on a ndq i must add

5:suicide chamber;three men locked in a cage with barbed wire ropes,electric sides nd lots of weapons

6.warzone:20 man gauntlet untill last 5, then it becomes an elimination match weapon match:each competitor can bring 1 weapon in to b used by any1
^^^ Oh dear lord.

It's getting like a 1970's Japanese garbage promotion in here. Well shucks, if you can't beat em, join em.

Punishment Sphere

6 sided ring, just for the look of the think.

Strip the turn-buckles of their padding so you've got the exposed rings.
Strip the ring ropes of their coating so you've got the exposed cables.
Pull up the ring mat and replace it with a wire mesh (a la the outside the ring in the elimination chamber)

6 men, king of the mountain style match. In other words, you have to throw all five of your opponents over the top rope and remain alone in the ring for X seconds to be declared victorious.
To paraphrase, it's a battle royal in hell, where all the daemons can get back into the ring.

Oh, and did I mention, all the looses get semerially executed by terrorists and then we blow up the arena with C4. Just for kicks you understand.
I hav many diffrent ideas
altho many are quite extreme so only 4 tna

1.Pyramid of death:4 wrestlers of diffrent styles(power,x div,hardcore) fight in a pr ing surrounded by a steel pyramid.each side has a diffrent gimmick(normal,weapons,barb wire,electrified).the way 2 win is you climb a rope up to the top and grab a belt

2.devils playground:similar to king of the mountain with six men,ladders,pins to become elligible.Weapons are permitted,wen ur pinned ur brought and tortured for a minute and held for in a rack for two.wen u scor a pin u hav 5 mins to grab the *wait 4 it* key.The key opens 1 of 3 cases.Two contain the belts of champions in the match and 1 contains nuttin.once the key is brought dwn any1 elligible cn take it nd open the case.only 1 case cn b opend.

3.bed of nails:outside floor coverd in tumtacs.simple

4:crucifiction match:u win by putting ur opponent on a ndq i must add

5:suicide chamber;three men locked in a cage with barbed wire ropes,electric sides nd lots of weapons

6.warzone:20 man gauntlet untill last 5, then it becomes an elimination match weapon match:each competitor can bring 1 weapon in to b used by any1

I am not 100% sure what I am more disappointed with. Your subhumanly violent and totally unrealistic match development, or the substandard way you communicate it with numbers in place of words and non-sensical abbreviations.

At least you made it clear to use in your profile that you are not, in fact, a Leprechaun. I was worried there for a moment.

Your crucifixion match is especially disturbing. I really wonder what your parents did to you at a young age to cause such sacreligious rage in you. Just take a moment from your sugar coma to consider the fact that ANY promotion that is worth it's salt would lose fans, promoters, investors, advertising, etc. the moment such a tasteless match was run. And not to mention, any special interest groups would fight to have the match blocked in the first place, and the promotion's insurance and permits revoked. Censorship, perhaps, but such is the road you started down.

I really wonder what's wrong with you. Maybe we'll all find out.
I hav many diffrent ideas
altho many are quite extreme so only 4 tna

1.Pyramid of death:4 wrestlers of diffrent styles(power,x div,hardcore) fight in a pr ing surrounded by a steel pyramid.each side has a diffrent gimmick(normal,weapons,barb wire,electrified).the way 2 win is you climb a rope up to the top and grab a belt

2.devils playground:similar to king of the mountain with six men,ladders,pins to become elligible.Weapons are permitted,wen ur pinned ur brought and tortured for a minute and held for in a rack for two.wen u scor a pin u hav 5 mins to grab the *wait 4 it* key.The key opens 1 of 3 cases.Two contain the belts of champions in the match and 1 contains nuttin.once the key is brought dwn any1 elligible cn take it nd open the case.only 1 case cn b opend.

3.bed of nails:outside floor coverd in tumtacs.simple

4:crucifiction match:u win by putting ur opponent on a ndq i must add

5:suicide chamber;three men locked in a cage with barbed wire ropes,electric sides nd lots of weapons

6.warzone:20 man gauntlet untill last 5, then it becomes an elimination match weapon match:each competitor can bring 1 weapon in to b used by any1

Why do you hate vowels so much?

1. You have four suggested gimmicks for each side of the pyramid, yet my basic grasp on three dimensional geometry begs to remind you that a pyramid has only 3 sides. In any event, this is basically Ultimate X except we're electrocuting the cage, which is never a good idea.

2. You're suggesting we put people on a torture rack when they get pinned? What madness is this? Christ, not even CZW pulls this kind of crap.

3. Hardly unique, it's been done over and over in Japan, ECW, and CZW and always just winds up with copious bleeding. Yeah, whoo hoo.

4. ?! And a second time, ?! Crucifying people? Crucifying. Listen, buddy...the crucifying. Just, no. Stabbing nails into people's hands and hanging them on crosses tends to kill them. Look what happened to Jesus. Not everyone gets to come back in 3 days, by the way.

5. It's basically the Extreme Elimination Chamber except we're once again using the idiotic idea of electrocution. Did you know electrocution kills people?

6. This is a surprising interesting idea hidden in the field of insanity.

7. Kind of bland. I was hoping you'd throw out a murdering match or something.
sorry guys, no flames, cages, or explosives here.

Ive said it before, but here goes.

Triple threat (or fatal 4 way) Iron Man match. Basic mulit man match rules, 30 minutes time limit, whomever scores the most falls in that amount of time wins the match overall. The booking capabilities with a match such as this are nearly endless. Good Guy comebacks, cheating heel who get WAY ahead on falls by knocking someone out with a chair or something, spots galore. Something like this with a ton of very capable guys would be epic, and memorable. Such a match would also be a fine way to end a title program that involved multiple guys all fighting for the title claiming to be better than one another. You could also use it for cruisers or for amid card title, and just shorten the time limit to 15 or 20 minutes. We could also do this for Tag Team matches, or multiple team matches. Could be interesting matches, espcialliy with teams were one guy is small, and the other is huge.

People seem to be fogetting what wrestling is all about, and its not fucking ridiculous semi torture porn. Its about damn wrestling. And thats what this is all about.
I wanted to share one that I came up with recently...

Controlled Chaos Match - This would be a Four Way Elimination match, with the twist that when you eliminate an opponent, anyone he eliminated is allowed to re-enter the match. The effect of this being that to win the match you have to have pinned all the other opponents; possibly even multiple times for each person. After the first elimination you would never have 3 people in the actual match, though the eliminated people would be at ringside and could still play a role in the match (getting the person who beat them eliminated to get back in the match, etc.)
They have enough. I think the WWE has enough gimmick matches for a life time. I'm talking ridiculous ideas like Buried Alive, Inferno Match, Punjabi Prison, etc. The thing is though, those matches only work for one specific wrestler. Buried Alive is Undertaker, Inferno is Kane(who isn't important enough to even warrant a big match anymore), Punjabi Prison is Khali(Even though he has been in 1, and lost) and a match like Hell in a Cell is almost always Taker. As well, they have stupid matches like Street Fight, No DQ, Belfast Brawl, Falls Count Anywhere... they are all the same anyway. The scramble was good and I want to see that back. Elimination Chamber is my favourite. Royal Rumble is obviously a big gimmick match. I just think they have enough and that a few more would be overkill.
The Hardcore House Championship Scavenger Hunt

I know it sounds a little crazy, thats cause it is. You have about 6 to 8 wrestlers waiting on the outside of a huge mansion like house. When the bell rings the wrestlers enter the house to search for the championship they are fighting for. The title will be hidden somewhere in the house and the first one to find the title and escape from the house with the title in hand will be declared the winner.

Imagine the chaos! Wrestlers could be slammed through dinning room and kitchen tables, thrown through doors, windows, or walls, smashed over the head with tv's, lamps, or computers, thrown down the stairs, it would be awesome.

Of course you wouldn't be able to do it in front of a live audience, you'd probably have to have lots of cameras set up in the house on the ceilings and maybe a couple of camera men to get other shots.
Satan's Home

Its the hell in the cell cage but all around the bottom is fire which at diffrent times covers one whole side of the cell, hanging it off the top of the cell are curls of barbed wire the walls of the cage are coverd in barbed wire and the turn buckel covers are barbed wire.
to me that sound 2 un real n brutal but tell us wat u think
This isn't so much a new idea as a hybrid between the way some wrestling matches are done in England and boxing matches. Instead of doing an outright Iron Man match, I would love to see American wrestling organizations do matches with rounds where pins and submissions count as one point. Furthermore, it would be awesome if there was a panel of judges (much like in boxing) who could decide the outcome of the match should the participants be tied in points.

So, for example, for WWE's WHC, you could have John Cena and Randy Orton wrestler each other in a match with three fifteen-minute rounds. And, if they were tied at the end of the third round at, let's say, 2-2, you could go to a panel of judges to decide the match, be it a draw, unanimous decision, or split decision.

I think such a format could add much more suspense to a match and would also allow the commentators to delve more into the strategies of each participant.
I have many idea's for diffrent new matches (I run an e-fed, I have to try and stand out somehow), but one of my favorites was the crucifixion match. I'm pretty sure that this may have already been posted, but the point of the match it to tie your opponent to a cross (this is an undertaker specialty in my fed, with the cross resembling the one he used in the ministry of darkness) and put a crown of barbed wire on your opponents head to win. Very contravercial, so very unlikely.
Here's my idea for a match: I call it the Jail Cell Match.

It's a bunch of big steel bars for a cage. I'm not talking about chain-link fencing; I'm talking about those big steel bars that hold the chain-link fencing in place. these bars criss-cross forming foot-by-foot square holes to stick cameras and whatnot. It also has a roof twenty feet above the ring mat, and the door is chained and padlocked shut. The only way to win is by pinfall (no submissions allowed), and each wrestler is allowed to bring one weapon into the ring. The match can only be disqualified if a wrestler uses a weapon that was not supposed to be in there (like, if they hid some brass knucks in their pocket) because the one weapon per wrestler limit is designed to make the wrestlers think strategically about what they choose to bring to the ring.

Whaddaya think?

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