Punjabi Prison Match: Good Or Bad

Didn't like it. Escape type matches are always boring to me as it's usually just a 10-20 minute session of watching 2 guys try to climb something at an excruciatingly slow speed. I'm sure there are some guys that could come up with some insane spots in that sort of environment. But they'd have to do away with the Punjabi name and maybe just make it 2 regular cages surrounding each other rather than the bamboo shit.

Khali is never going to have a significant enough feud to warrant a gimmick match fo that nature and I doubt Jinder Mahal will be significant enough to warrant having a PPV Gimmick match. Might as well lose the Indian association.
It looks cool as hell but everyone above is right not a great match its compicatd and why is it khali signature match a cage? One you actually have to climb at that hes way to big to win like your auctally supposed too
I think my feelings on the match have been expressed by various other posters in this thread.

I personally enjoyed both matches, and all men involved really sold how terrifying a structure it was. JBL on commentary made it sound like something out of a Saw film and Big Show looked like he was about to have a breakdown. I especially liked the fact that JBL made up some fake heritage about it being feared in India due to it's brutality.

The structure itself is menacing as hell and the door system gave it a tactical edge which is not something you really see in Gimmick matches. Obviously, if they were to do it again, they'd need to work on camera positioning, but it had definite potential.

The one downside is that it's stigmatised with the stench of Khali. It was a match devised for him and would probably only be used in a match involving him, so many people bag it because he's associated with it and don't want to see him ever again. That said, I think it could easily be appropriated for Jinder Mahal. Have him in a match with Kofi or someone of that ilk and you could really elevate the fued, and elevate the match with a great performance.
A gimmick match to this extreme has TNA written all over it. I'm all for gimmick matches but sometimes less is more. This match was way to complicated for most people to stay interested in.
The Prison could have been a great match. The biggest problem is that it's the "signature match" of the Great Khali. A wrestler who is never apart of good matches. This automatically doomed the Prison for failure. There are lots of other superstars that could make it work, and I thought that Big Show and Taker did alright with what they were given. If you got the right workers, this match could be incredibly entertaining. But the first two just weren't that good, and I'm glad we haven't seen one since.
Good. I actually enjoyed the punjabi prison match. It was different which is often good. We should promote the use of different types of matches. The only problem is Khali. Replace him with an able superstar and a very good match is possible.
A gimmick match to this extreme has TNA written all over it. I'm all for gimmick matches but sometimes less is more. This match was way to complicated for most people to stay interested in.

Yeah, over complicated gimmick matches have always been a hallmark of TNA and WCW, while the WWE has generally kept things simple.

I guess the Punjabi Prison setup brought some interest to a Great Khali match, but I really wouldn't want to see another one.
I think the concept wasn't the worst they have ever come up with. I feel that having Khali booked in it made it worse that what it really was. I mean Elimination Chamber could have been awful if they had put the wrong people in it. I feel that this concept should have been used for Umaga at the time, since he was billed as a "savage" and he had way more talent than Khali. Unless they push Jinder Mahal to the moon, this match will stay buried along with any chance of Khali ever having another title run.

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