New Gimmick matches.

I wouldn't create a match but I would back old matches back. For example at Survivor Series I would bring back the war gamez match because it fit the style of the pay per view and I'm tried of see traditional survivor Series elimination matches. Just by incorporating the cage would make the match look better.
I would like to see the tag team division bought back strong. Im going to go out, wayyyy out on a limb here and say a type of ROH tag team scramble match.
i'd love to see some of the really dangerous matches from japan come here like the landmine deathmatch but i highly doubt that john cena could take that kind of match
The WWE has sooooooooooooooo many gimmick matches that theyve used in the bast but they never reuse them most of the time it's use them once and their done like at No Way Out 2005 the barbed wire steel cage match between JBL and Big Show I don't remember seing it once since then.
TNA DangerZone Match

A six-sided steel cage closed on top(like a HIAC of TNA),two doors in right/left,6 wrestlers fighting,in outside of cage ,platforms to climb and put Tables or another weapons,in the top of cage a Big Ladder and two switches,if them be opened,he wrestler fall of cage and the first to climb the Big Ladder and grab the title and fall to the floor Wins The match
What about a four way no-ref match? Four way one fall matchup. The winner is whomever gets the pinfall or submission, no holds barred. The kicker is that one of the competitors has to be the referee. The winner is the champ, the ref number one contender and whoever gets pinned doesn't get a title match for a year. This would be great, because you would get some awesome moments. Someone realizing they would be better off to be the guaranteed number one contender then have a chance at the title.
now that match u said chapmolly is very stupid i mean come on its got 2 be sumthin that the crowd can get into like in WCW when they that triple cage match now that is a good match especially when chris kanyon was throne from the top and landed on the floor
"Highway To Hell" Match. It's pretty simple, take two wrestlers and put them in the ring and they fight in a basic hardcore match, but the only way to win is to throw your opponent in the pit of fire that would be at the top of the stage up the ramp. It would work perferct for Kane in the WWE & Abyss in TNA. That can even build the pit like they do the buried alive matches, with you going to this fire pit and tossing your opponent in, they some pyro goes off when the guy is in the pit and the end of the match and the end of the guys career.
4 to 6 Man Championship Match (Winner get a championship; last person who gets defeated gets an automatic release from their contract, I got this idea from an earlier thread because it makes the person get a chance at the Title, but by staying in it also risks their career)

When a person is eliminated the match is stopped (This can help ruin momentum for a person; ruin a potential elimination that they are about to have) You also keep the rules of the previous match.

Start off with a Hardcore Match to introduce weapons, so that they play a factor in the first match. Simplistic, only make it a First Blood Match.

Then when one person is eliminated change it to a Submission Match, I like the idea of this in a multi person match because a person has to be aware of the other people around him as to whom is being put into a submission.

Next add in a Table Match; object is to put the person through a table.

With 3 people left, Make the match an open cage match where the last person to escape is eliminated; the first who escapes gets to have a nice rest.

Finally the last match should be an I quit Match to help signify The final stipulation of the loser opting out of their contract.
how about a championship mahem match? heres the concept..all of a companies champions compete in a match, 4way 5way whatever. if you get a pin, you gain the title of the man you pinned,only the match doesnt stop, thres a time limit and if you get pinned again you lose that tilte and that will go on for 15 minutes, at the end what ever title(s) you have you keep. it would be great way to mix things up for a change
Everyone has probably heard it by now, but I'll say it again best gimmick match ever would be Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair fighting in a retirement home and call it a retirement home match. Match has same rules as a boiler room match except the loser must stay at the home forever. WOO!
I had a thought of a new match type, not shure if it would work but it sounded interesting when thinking about it. This match would soute the Undertaker:undertaker2:

The First ever Mauseleum Match!

Two Contestents enter a cage like structure only the difference is instead of a caged linked fence it would be a cement like structure with see through walls. Inside would be Two coffins in the wall with some weapons strune around the ring prefrebably an Urn, Grave Shovel, A Tombstone and a Wheel Barrel. The only way to win is to beat your opponent to the point of being able to drag his carcas inside one of the steel box like coffins and shove him into the wall and lock the box. First man to do so wins the match.
Let me know what u guys think, Idk I thought it sounded cool.

I could see The Undertaker vs. Kane or Taker vs. Triple H to bring this match to life. would def. be interesting to see.
The WWE has sooooooooooooooo many gimmick matches that theyve used in the bast but they never reuse them most of the time it's use them once and their done like at No Way Out 2005 the barbed wire steel cage match between JBL and Big Show I don't remember seing it once since then.

The first barbed wire match I saw was in 1987 with Tully Blanchard vs Dusty Rhodes (a barbed wire ladder match no Less) which shows how long I've been watching this stuff.

I think WWE hit the nail on the head at Armageddon 2002 when HHH and HBK had a two out if three falls match but each fall had a different gimmick. Maybe go with a TLC match in the first fall, followed by a Last Man Standing Anything Goes Steel Cage Match, ending with a hardcore I Quit Match - Now that would be awesome with the right competitors.

The only way to make it tougher would be to make it 3 out of 5 fallls and add
a chain match and a 30 minute Iron Man Match - make these guys fight for an hour and half, that would be great!!!
New gimmicks have either got to be a simple idea or one that encourages technical wrestling.

Names Ironman - Standard ironman match with time limit etc, but you can only get one type of fall, which changes when you achieve it. Say HBK vs HHH, first fall is pinfall, HBK hits sweet chin music, gets the pin, then the titantron displays the next one like, say countout. Doesn't need to be traditional, could go to other things like last man standing for one fall. Then throw things in like DQ, how do you force you're opponent to get DQed? Throws up an intentional DQ by whoever is losing, simply to get to the next stipulation since forcing a DQ is difficult
Well I tossed out my idea for a 'WMD on a pole' match.

I toyed for a while with the idea of a 'vaccine on a pole' match. Basicly you mildly poison both guys prior to the match, then put the antidote on a pole and make them fight for it.

I'm sure with a little bit of effort we could all come up with some other exciting twists on the classic 'object on a pole' match.

On a serious note, I've allways liked the idea of stable matched. Basicly an X on X match taking the form of a sequence of 1 on 1s, with each man pinned being imediatly replaced by another member of his team. It's proberbly been done, but if it has then I didn't see it.
Okay here's one.

This is a version of the Triple cage match but basically the bottom layer has four Cages set-up where 4 superstars will wait and 2 will start, the smaller containment cages are also practically platforms. sporadically a cage will open anywhere between every 30 seconds to every 5 minutes. the second cage above cannot be entered until it is down to 4 people and two are eliminated, the 2nd cage is surrounded by barbwire with weaponry slid in behind the barbwire, and elimination is made once an opponent is forced to sumbit or surrender via the use of a weapon from the barbwire or the barbwire itself, then when down to 2 comeptitors the top cage....really just a flat part with extensions like the CZW cage of dead:suspended and the loser is the person to be thrown off the extensions through tables that surround the ring.

The trick on the whole match is the first two people eliminated in the first cage can no longer challenge for the title again until they defeat a contender in a cage match.
And the two eliminated in the second cage can only win any future matches under the rule of 'submit or surrender' and the first to make 5 submits or surrenders happen will be free from the obligation and allowed to challenge for a title.

Would work pretty good in a bigger company but it'd have to be some newer faces in my opinion and it'd feed off into more angles anyway making for less repetetive TV.

also another one is Submit Or Surrender rules but thats pretty much already in existence but i like it in the idea of a tournament with each match having its own legal weapons and stuff that can be used to make a person submit or surrender.

I thought of a 10 man match for a title, or like something like MITB or something with a cool prize. You start with 10, over the top rope rules, and two are eliminated. Than the 8 left try to pin or make someone submit, until 6 are left. Than their is a cage match, and the first 4 to escape make it to the final round, a ladder match for the grand prize. This would last more than one hour, and would be a match to try and qualify for, like Rumble or MITB.
Here is my idea:

Extreme Royal Rumble.

Basically it is set under normal royal rumble rules. You get eliminated if both feet touch the ground, except you don't HAVE to go over the top rope. (Opitional to go over the top rope I suppose.) 2 start and the rest enter whenever (1min and 30sec if you wanna go totally by normal rules.

There is a steel cage set around the ring like the ones in steel cage matches. There are four doors on each side of the cage, and you can remove and opponent by throwing your opponent and and both their feet touch the floor. OR, if you could, remove them from the top of the cage. The cage can be used as a weapon etc.
[QUOTE="RAVEN";379442]I call it a Death Row match. Basically it's a steel cage, but without a door to go through. There are no pinfalls or submissions, and the only way to win is to climb over the cage. The catch is that the top of the cage is barb-wired. I assume that this match would be deemed too "extreme" to happen[/QUOTE]

Didn't wwe did a Barbed Wire Steel Cage Match between JBL and Big Show at No Way Out 2005?? where big show performed a chokeslam from the top rope, sending JBL through the mat. And the Jbl craweld underneath the ring.?

One of the gimmick type matches im still waiting to see in TNA or WWE, is a tag team last man standing match! I dont think its been done before if it has then fair enough. But I think would be great idea to top a huge tag team feud, dont only have to make one opponent stay down but both of them for a 10 second count. I guess the only risk of this would be it could on for ever!
I have a couple of ideas:

RoundUp Match: Takes place inside a cage simialr looking to the elimination chamber with 4 pods, all 6 competitors start out, to eliminate an opponent you have to throw him into a pod and lock it, when its down to 2 its your standard pinfall/submission, or, there could be no cage and instead there's a small plexiglass cage up near the ramp, to eliminate an opponent your put him in the cage and lock it, but to eliminate mor eopponents you have to unlock the cage, and throw them in aswell, so you risk getting a beatdown by a fresher opponent. The match ends when 5 opponents are in the cage.

Bell Tower match, triple cage with the top cage having a bell in it and no doo, just an opening. to win ring the bell. any number of wrestlers can compete in this.

Get out of Dodge match: think of this as the old hardcore title 24/7 rule, basically, to have control of the tile you have to literally leave town with it, and to add to the gimmick they could keep checking back on things in between matches during a PPV, going as far as car chases etc.

Damsel in Distress match: triple cage match between 2 tag teams, one of the teams has put up their female valet vs. the tiles, the valet stands in the top cage. to win you have to climb to the top cage and release her, if the challengers win they are the new champs and keep their valet, if the champs win, they keep the titles and now have the valet for X number of days.
I love the new TNA cage, with the hole in the top only. The people who have been writing in this thread would only like it if it had barbed wire over the opening.

I would love to see this one match where two men face off one on one and there is a clean win with no debauchery, fake injuries, titles or careers on the line, announcers involved, run ins, weapons or interference. Win is by pin-fall or submission. That would be sweet. It would be great to end a feud. We could call it, a clean win.

Seriously though, TNA should do a Karen on a pole match. Ok, that sounds dirty (I like it) but bear with me. AJ vs. Kurt for Karen. Put a cage on top of a pole (like a go-go dancer's cage), in the middle of the ring and have them fight to open the cage. Winner has to carry Karen out of the ring over the threshhold. Imagine if AJ was going to win, and she squirmed away and ran to Kurt only to get rejected. AJ, hurt by her dismissal walks away, and Karen is left alone, until someone else comes out and takes her away, maybe Abyss. It could start a non-title feud for Kurt for a while, so Joe can fight someone besides Kurt Angle for a few months.
All right ... the best match I ever heard of was a Mexican Death Match.
You have two wrestlers who come to the ring ... they each have a Mexican handcuffed in their corner. Whoever kills the other guys' Mexican first wins the match :)
I know ... that is offensive and whatever ... but it is just a JOKE folks. I remember hearing of a Mexican Death match and all I could think is this is what it should be!
Personally ... of the ones listed so far ... I kind of like the Elimination Chamber/Ladder match because there could be quite a number of endings that come from it.
A match I came up with for my specialty match on an Efed I'm in, I call it a trail of tears match since my character is a full blooded Cherokee. It's essentially a cage match. The difference being the cage is wrapped completely in barbed wire and broken glass with weapons hanging from the inside of the cage. three sides are electrified leaving one to be climbed over. Yet if someone does climb over the top then the match is not over their opponent is forced to climb over as well it then turns into a falls count anywhere match.
What i thought of was a Boarder Cage Match its going to be a steel cage but Taller and has no door and at the top of the cage it well have Baired wire around the cage it the rules is that the two wreaslers well be allowed to have weapons the only way out is to find way out the baired wire

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